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Public Member Functions

IGESData_ParamReader Class Reference

access to a list of parameters, with management of read stage (owned parameters, properties, associativities) and current parameter number, read errors (which feed a Check), plus convenient facilities to read parameters, in particular : More...

#include <IGESData_ParamReader.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 IGESData_ParamReader (const Handle< Interface_ParamList > &list, const Handle< Interface_Check > &ach, const Standard_Integer base=1, const Standard_Integer nbpar=0, const Standard_Integer num=0)
 Prepares a ParamReader, stage "Own", current param = 1 It considers a part of the list, from <base> (excluded) for <nbpar> parameters; <nbpar> = 0 commands to take list length. Default is (1 to skip type) More...
Standard_Integer EntityNumber () const
 Returns the entity number in the file. More...
void Clear ()
 resets state (stage, current param number, check with no fail) More...
Standard_Integer CurrentNumber () const
 returns the current parameter number This notion is involved by the organisation of an IGES list of parameter : it can be ended by two lists (Associativities and Properties), which can be empty, or even absent. Hence, it is necessary to know, at the end of specific reading, how many parameters have been read : the optionnal lists follow More...
void SetCurrentNumber (const Standard_Integer num)
 sets current parameter number to a new value must be done at end of each step : set on first parameter following last read one; is done by some Read... methods (must be done directly if these method are not used) num greater than NbParams means that following lists are empty If current num is not managed, it remains at 1, which probably will cause error when successive steps of reading are made More...
IGESData_ReadStage Stage () const
 gives current stage (Own-Props-Assocs-End, begins at Own) More...
void NextStage ()
 passes to next stage (must be linked with setting Current) More...
void EndAll ()
 passes directly to the end of reading process More...
Standard_Integer NbParams () const
 returns number of parameters (minus the first one) following method skip the first parameter (1 gives the 2nd) More...
Interface_ParamType ParamType (const Standard_Integer num) const
 returns type of parameter; note that "Ident" or "Sub" cannot be encountered, they correspond to "Integer", see also below More...
Standard_CString ParamValue (const Standard_Integer num) const
 returns litteral value of a parameter, as it was in file More...
Standard_Boolean IsParamDefined (const Standard_Integer num) const
 says if a parameter is defined (not void) See also DefinedElseSkip More...
Standard_Boolean IsParamEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const
 says if a parameter can be regarded as an entity reference (see Prepare from IGESReaderData for more explanation) Note that such a parameter can seen as be a plain Integer too More...
Standard_Integer ParamNumber (const Standard_Integer num) const
 returns entity number corresponding to a parameter if there is otherwise zero (according criterium IsParamEntity) More...
Handle< IGESData_IGESEntityParamEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const Standard_Integer num)
 directly returns entity referenced by a parameter More...
IGESData_ParamCursor Current () const
 Creates a ParamCursor from the Current Number, to read one parameter, and to advance Current Number after reading. More...
IGESData_ParamCursor CurrentList (const Standard_Integer nb, const Standard_Integer size=1) const
 Creates a ParamCursor from the Current Number, to read a list of "nb" items, and to advance Current Number after reading By default, each item is made of one parameter If size is given, it precises the number of params per item. More...
Standard_Boolean DefinedElseSkip ()
 Allows to simply process a parameter which can be defaulted. Waits on the Current Number a defined parameter or skips it : If the parameter <num> is defined, changes nothing and returns True Hence, the next reading with current cursor will concern <num> If it is void, advances Current Position by one, and returns False The next reading will concern <num+1> (except if <num> = NbParams) More...
Standard_Boolean ReadInteger (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Standard_Integer &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadInteger (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Standard_Integer &val)
 Reads an Integer value designated by PC The method Current designates the current parameter and advances the Current Number by one after reading Note that if a count (not 1) is given, it is ignored If it is not an Integer, fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadBoolean (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Message_Msg &amsg, Standard_Boolean &val, const Standard_Boolean exact=Standard_True)
Standard_Boolean ReadBoolean (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Standard_Boolean &val, const Standard_Boolean exact=Standard_True)
 Reads a Boolean value from parameter "num" A Boolean is given as an Integer value 0 (False) or 1 (True) Anyway, an Integer is demanded (else, Check is filled) If exact is given True, those precise values are demanded Else, Correction is done, as False for 0 or <0, True for >0 (with a Warning error message, and return is True) In case of error (not an Integer, or not 0/1 and exact True), Check is filled with a Fail (using mess) and return is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadReal (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Standard_Real &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadReal (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Standard_Real &val)
 Reads a Real value from parameter "num" An Integer is accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and causes return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadXY (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Message_Msg &amsg, gp_XY &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadXY (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, gp_XY &val)
 Reads a couple of Real values (X,Y) from parameter "num" Integers are accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and cause return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadXYZ (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Message_Msg &amsg, gp_XYZ &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadXYZ (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, gp_XYZ &val)
 Reads a triplet of Real values (X,Y,Z) from parameter "num" Integers are accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and cause return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False For Message. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadText (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Message_Msg &amsg, Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadText (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &val)
 Reads a Text value from parameter "num", as a String from Collection, that is, Hollerith text without leading "nnnH" If it is not a String, fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, IGESData_Status &aStatus, Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
 Reads an IGES entity from parameter "num" An Entity is known by its reference, which has the form of an odd Integer Value (a number in the Directory) If <canbenul> is given True, a Reference can also be Null : in this case, the result is a Null Handle with no Error If <canbenul> is False, a Null Reference causes an Error If the parameter cannot refer to an entity (or null), fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, IGESData_Status &aStatus, const Handle< Standard_Type > &type, Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
template<class T >
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, IGESData_Status &aStatus, const Handle< Standard_Type > &type, Handle< T > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
 Safe variant for arbitrary type of argument. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, const Handle< Standard_Type > &type, Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
 Works as ReadEntity without Type, but in addition checks the Type of the Entity, which must be "kind of" a given <type> Then, gives the same fail cases as ReadEntity without Type, plus the case "Incorrect Type" (in such a case, returns False and givel <val> = Null) More...
template<class T >
Standard_Boolean ReadEntity (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, const Handle< Standard_Type > &type, Handle< T > &val, const Standard_Boolean canbenul=Standard_False)
 Safe variant for arbitrary type of argument. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadInts (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Message_Msg &amsg, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
Standard_Boolean ReadInts (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
 Reads a list of Integer values, defined by PC (with a count of parameters). PC can start from Current Number and command it to advance after reading (use method CurrentList to do this) The list is given as a HArray1, numered from "index" If all params are not Integer, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadReals (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Message_Msg &amsg, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
Standard_Boolean ReadReals (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
 Reads a list of Real values defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index An Integer parameter is accepted, if at least one parameter is Integer, Check is filled with a "Warning" message If all params are neither Real nor Integer, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadTexts (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Message_Msg &amsg, Handle< Interface_HArray1OfHAsciiString > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
Standard_Boolean ReadTexts (const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< Interface_HArray1OfHAsciiString > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
 Reads a list of Hollerith Texts, defined by PC Texts are read as Hollerith texts without leading "nnnH" Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index If all params are not Text, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadEnts (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Message_Msg &amsg, Handle< IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
Standard_Boolean ReadEnts (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Handle< IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity > &val, const Standard_Integer index=1)
 Reads a list of Entities defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index The list is given as a HArray1, numered from "index" If all params cannot be read as Entities, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False Remark : Null references are accepted, they are ignored (negative pointers too : they provoke a Warning message) If the caller wants to check them, a loop on ReadEntity should be used. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadEntList (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, Message_Msg &amsg, Interface_EntityList &val, const Standard_Boolean ord=Standard_True)
Standard_Boolean ReadEntList (const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &IR, const IGESData_ParamCursor &PC, const Standard_CString mess, Interface_EntityList &val, const Standard_Boolean ord=Standard_True)
 Reads a list of Entities defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadEnts, for PC The list is given as an EntityList (index has no meaning; the EntityList starts from clear) If "ord" is given True (default), entities will be added to the list in their original order Remark : Negative or Null Pointers are ignored Else ("ord" False), order is not garanteed (faster mode) If all params cannot be read as Entities, same as above Warning Give "ord" to False ONLY if order is not significant. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadingReal (const Standard_Integer num, Standard_Real &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadingReal (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_CString mess, Standard_Real &val)
 Routine which reads a Real parameter, given its number Same conditions as ReadReal for mess, val, and return value. More...
Standard_Boolean ReadingEntityNumber (const Standard_Integer num, Standard_Integer &val)
Standard_Boolean ReadingEntityNumber (const Standard_Integer num, const Standard_CString mess, Standard_Integer &val)
 Routine which reads an Entity Number (which allows to read the Entity in the IGESReaderData by BoundEntity), given its number in the list of Parameters Same conditions as ReadEntity for mess, val, and return value In particular, returns True and val to zero means Null Entity, and val not zero means Entity read by BoundEntity. More...
void SendFail (const Message_Msg &amsg)
void SendWarning (const Message_Msg &amsg)
void AddFail (const Standard_CString afail, const Standard_CString bfail="")
void AddFail (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &af, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &bf)
 feeds the Check with a new fail (as a String or as a CString) More...
void AddWarning (const Standard_CString awarn, const Standard_CString bwarn="")
void AddWarning (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &aw, const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &bw)
 feeds the Check with a new Warning message More...
void Mend (const Standard_CString pref="")
Standard_Boolean HasFailed () const
 says if fails have been recorded into the Check More...
const Handle< Interface_Check > & Check () const
 returns the Check Note that any error signaled above is also recorded into it More...
Handle< Interface_Check > & CCheck ()
 returns the check in a way which allows to work on it directly (i.e. messages added to the Check are added to ParamReader too) More...
Standard_Boolean IsCheckEmpty () const
 Returns True if the Check is Empty Else, it has to be recorded with the Read Entity. More...

Detailed Description

access to a list of parameters, with management of read stage (owned parameters, properties, associativities) and current parameter number, read errors (which feed a Check), plus convenient facilities to read parameters, in particular :

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IGESData_ParamReader()

IGESData_ParamReader::IGESData_ParamReader ( const Handle< Interface_ParamList > &  list,
const Handle< Interface_Check > &  ach,
const Standard_Integer  base = 1,
const Standard_Integer  nbpar = 0,
const Standard_Integer  num = 0 

Prepares a ParamReader, stage "Own", current param = 1 It considers a part of the list, from <base> (excluded) for <nbpar> parameters; <nbpar> = 0 commands to take list length. Default is (1 to skip type)

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddFail() [1/2]

void IGESData_ParamReader::AddFail ( const Standard_CString  afail,
const Standard_CString  bfail = "" 

◆ AddFail() [2/2]

void IGESData_ParamReader::AddFail ( const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  af,
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  bf 

feeds the Check with a new fail (as a String or as a CString)

◆ AddWarning() [1/2]

void IGESData_ParamReader::AddWarning ( const Standard_CString  awarn,
const Standard_CString  bwarn = "" 

◆ AddWarning() [2/2]

void IGESData_ParamReader::AddWarning ( const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  aw,
const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  bw 

feeds the Check with a new Warning message

◆ CCheck()

Handle< Interface_Check >& IGESData_ParamReader::CCheck ( )

returns the check in a way which allows to work on it directly (i.e. messages added to the Check are added to ParamReader too)

◆ Check()

const Handle< Interface_Check >& IGESData_ParamReader::Check ( ) const

returns the Check Note that any error signaled above is also recorded into it

◆ Clear()

void IGESData_ParamReader::Clear ( )

resets state (stage, current param number, check with no fail)

◆ Current()

IGESData_ParamCursor IGESData_ParamReader::Current ( ) const

Creates a ParamCursor from the Current Number, to read one parameter, and to advance Current Number after reading.

◆ CurrentList()

IGESData_ParamCursor IGESData_ParamReader::CurrentList ( const Standard_Integer  nb,
const Standard_Integer  size = 1 
) const

Creates a ParamCursor from the Current Number, to read a list of "nb" items, and to advance Current Number after reading By default, each item is made of one parameter If size is given, it precises the number of params per item.

◆ CurrentNumber()

Standard_Integer IGESData_ParamReader::CurrentNumber ( ) const

returns the current parameter number This notion is involved by the organisation of an IGES list of parameter : it can be ended by two lists (Associativities and Properties), which can be empty, or even absent. Hence, it is necessary to know, at the end of specific reading, how many parameters have been read : the optionnal lists follow

◆ DefinedElseSkip()

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::DefinedElseSkip ( )

Allows to simply process a parameter which can be defaulted. Waits on the Current Number a defined parameter or skips it : If the parameter <num> is defined, changes nothing and returns True Hence, the next reading with current cursor will concern <num> If it is void, advances Current Position by one, and returns False The next reading will concern <num+1> (except if <num> = NbParams)

This allows to process Default values as follows (C++) : if (PR.DefinedElseSkip()) { .. PR.Read... (current parameter); } else { <current parameter>=""> = default value .. nothing else to do with ParamReader } For Message

◆ EndAll()

void IGESData_ParamReader::EndAll ( )

passes directly to the end of reading process

◆ EntityNumber()

Standard_Integer IGESData_ParamReader::EntityNumber ( ) const

Returns the entity number in the file.

◆ HasFailed()

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::HasFailed ( ) const

says if fails have been recorded into the Check

◆ IsCheckEmpty()

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::IsCheckEmpty ( ) const

Returns True if the Check is Empty Else, it has to be recorded with the Read Entity.

◆ IsParamDefined()

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::IsParamDefined ( const Standard_Integer  num) const

says if a parameter is defined (not void) See also DefinedElseSkip

◆ IsParamEntity()

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::IsParamEntity ( const Standard_Integer  num) const

says if a parameter can be regarded as an entity reference (see Prepare from IGESReaderData for more explanation) Note that such a parameter can seen as be a plain Integer too

◆ Mend()

void IGESData_ParamReader::Mend ( const Standard_CString  pref = "")

◆ NbParams()

Standard_Integer IGESData_ParamReader::NbParams ( ) const

returns number of parameters (minus the first one) following method skip the first parameter (1 gives the 2nd)

◆ NextStage()

void IGESData_ParamReader::NextStage ( )

passes to next stage (must be linked with setting Current)

◆ ParamEntity()

Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > IGESData_ParamReader::ParamEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const Standard_Integer  num 

directly returns entity referenced by a parameter

◆ ParamNumber()

Standard_Integer IGESData_ParamReader::ParamNumber ( const Standard_Integer  num) const

returns entity number corresponding to a parameter if there is otherwise zero (according criterium IsParamEntity)

◆ ParamType()

Interface_ParamType IGESData_ParamReader::ParamType ( const Standard_Integer  num) const

returns type of parameter; note that "Ident" or "Sub" cannot be encountered, they correspond to "Integer", see also below

◆ ParamValue()

Standard_CString IGESData_ParamReader::ParamValue ( const Standard_Integer  num) const

returns litteral value of a parameter, as it was in file

◆ ReadBoolean() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadBoolean ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Message_Msg amsg,
Standard_Boolean val,
const Standard_Boolean  exact = Standard_True 

◆ ReadBoolean() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadBoolean ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Standard_Boolean val,
const Standard_Boolean  exact = Standard_True 

Reads a Boolean value from parameter "num" A Boolean is given as an Integer value 0 (False) or 1 (True) Anyway, an Integer is demanded (else, Check is filled) If exact is given True, those precise values are demanded Else, Correction is done, as False for 0 or <0, True for >0 (with a Warning error message, and return is True) In case of error (not an Integer, or not 0/1 and exact True), Check is filled with a Fail (using mess) and return is False.

◆ ReadEntity() [1/6]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
IGESData_Status aStatus,
Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

◆ ReadEntity() [2/6]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

Reads an IGES entity from parameter "num" An Entity is known by its reference, which has the form of an odd Integer Value (a number in the Directory) If <canbenul> is given True, a Reference can also be Null : in this case, the result is a Null Handle with no Error If <canbenul> is False, a Null Reference causes an Error If the parameter cannot refer to an entity (or null), fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False.

◆ ReadEntity() [3/6]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
IGESData_Status aStatus,
const Handle< Standard_Type > &  type,
Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

◆ ReadEntity() [4/6]

template<class T >
Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
IGESData_Status aStatus,
const Handle< Standard_Type > &  type,
Handle< T > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

Safe variant for arbitrary type of argument.

◆ ReadEntity() [5/6]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
const Handle< Standard_Type > &  type,
Handle< IGESData_IGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

Works as ReadEntity without Type, but in addition checks the Type of the Entity, which must be "kind of" a given <type> Then, gives the same fail cases as ReadEntity without Type, plus the case "Incorrect Type" (in such a case, returns False and givel <val> = Null)

◆ ReadEntity() [6/6]

template<class T >
Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntity ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
const Handle< Standard_Type > &  type,
Handle< T > &  val,
const Standard_Boolean  canbenul = Standard_False 

Safe variant for arbitrary type of argument.

◆ ReadEntList() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntList ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Message_Msg amsg,
Interface_EntityList val,
const Standard_Boolean  ord = Standard_True 

◆ ReadEntList() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEntList ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Interface_EntityList val,
const Standard_Boolean  ord = Standard_True 

Reads a list of Entities defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadEnts, for PC The list is given as an EntityList (index has no meaning; the EntityList starts from clear) If "ord" is given True (default), entities will be added to the list in their original order Remark : Negative or Null Pointers are ignored Else ("ord" False), order is not garanteed (faster mode) If all params cannot be read as Entities, same as above Warning Give "ord" to False ONLY if order is not significant.

◆ ReadEnts() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEnts ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Message_Msg amsg,
Handle< IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

◆ ReadEnts() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadEnts ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESReaderData > &  IR,
const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< IGESData_HArray1OfIGESEntity > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

Reads a list of Entities defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index The list is given as a HArray1, numered from "index" If all params cannot be read as Entities, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False Remark : Null references are accepted, they are ignored (negative pointers too : they provoke a Warning message) If the caller wants to check them, a loop on ReadEntity should be used.

◆ ReadingEntityNumber() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadingEntityNumber ( const Standard_Integer  num,
Standard_Integer val 

◆ ReadingEntityNumber() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadingEntityNumber ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Standard_Integer val 

Routine which reads an Entity Number (which allows to read the Entity in the IGESReaderData by BoundEntity), given its number in the list of Parameters Same conditions as ReadEntity for mess, val, and return value In particular, returns True and val to zero means Null Entity, and val not zero means Entity read by BoundEntity.

◆ ReadingReal() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadingReal ( const Standard_Integer  num,
Standard_Real val 

◆ ReadingReal() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadingReal ( const Standard_Integer  num,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Standard_Real val 

Routine which reads a Real parameter, given its number Same conditions as ReadReal for mess, val, and return value.

◆ ReadInteger() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadInteger ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Standard_Integer val 

◆ ReadInteger() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadInteger ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Standard_Integer val 

Reads an Integer value designated by PC The method Current designates the current parameter and advances the Current Number by one after reading Note that if a count (not 1) is given, it is ignored If it is not an Integer, fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False.

◆ ReadInts() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadInts ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Message_Msg amsg,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

◆ ReadInts() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadInts ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

Reads a list of Integer values, defined by PC (with a count of parameters). PC can start from Current Number and command it to advance after reading (use method CurrentList to do this) The list is given as a HArray1, numered from "index" If all params are not Integer, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False.

◆ ReadReal() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadReal ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Standard_Real val 

◆ ReadReal() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadReal ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Standard_Real val 

Reads a Real value from parameter "num" An Integer is accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and causes return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False.

◆ ReadReals() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadReals ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Message_Msg amsg,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

◆ ReadReals() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadReals ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

Reads a list of Real values defined by PC Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index An Integer parameter is accepted, if at least one parameter is Integer, Check is filled with a "Warning" message If all params are neither Real nor Integer, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False.

◆ ReadText() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadText ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Message_Msg amsg,
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  val 

◆ ReadText() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadText ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &  val 

Reads a Text value from parameter "num", as a String from Collection, that is, Hollerith text without leading "nnnH" If it is not a String, fills Check with a Fail (using mess) and returns False.

◆ ReadTexts() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadTexts ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Message_Msg amsg,
Handle< Interface_HArray1OfHAsciiString > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

◆ ReadTexts() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadTexts ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
Handle< Interface_HArray1OfHAsciiString > &  val,
const Standard_Integer  index = 1 

Reads a list of Hollerith Texts, defined by PC Texts are read as Hollerith texts without leading "nnnH" Same conditions as for ReadInts, for PC and index If all params are not Text, Check is filled (using mess) and return value is False.

◆ ReadXY() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadXY ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Message_Msg amsg,
gp_XY val 

◆ ReadXY() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadXY ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
gp_XY val 

Reads a couple of Real values (X,Y) from parameter "num" Integers are accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and cause return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False.

◆ ReadXYZ() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadXYZ ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
Message_Msg amsg,
gp_XYZ val 

◆ ReadXYZ() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean IGESData_ParamReader::ReadXYZ ( const IGESData_ParamCursor PC,
const Standard_CString  mess,
gp_XYZ val 

Reads a triplet of Real values (X,Y,Z) from parameter "num" Integers are accepted (Check is filled with a Warning message) and cause return to be True (as normal case) In other cases, Check is filled with a Fail and return is False For Message.

◆ SendFail()

void IGESData_ParamReader::SendFail ( const Message_Msg amsg)

◆ SendWarning()

void IGESData_ParamReader::SendWarning ( const Message_Msg amsg)

◆ SetCurrentNumber()

void IGESData_ParamReader::SetCurrentNumber ( const Standard_Integer  num)

sets current parameter number to a new value must be done at end of each step : set on first parameter following last read one; is done by some Read... methods (must be done directly if these method are not used) num greater than NbParams means that following lists are empty If current num is not managed, it remains at 1, which probably will cause error when successive steps of reading are made

◆ Stage()

IGESData_ReadStage IGESData_ParamReader::Stage ( ) const

gives current stage (Own-Props-Assocs-End, begins at Own)

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