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Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

Interface_Static Class Reference

This class gives a way to manage meaningfull static variables, used as "global" parameters in various procedures. More...

#include <Interface_Static.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for Interface_Static:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Interface_Static (const Standard_CString family, const Standard_CString name, const Interface_ParamType type=Interface_ParamText, const Standard_CString init="")
 Creates and records a Static, with a family and a name family can report to a name of ressource or to a system or internal definition. The name must be unique. More...
 Interface_Static (const Standard_CString family, const Standard_CString name, const Handle< Interface_Static > &other)
 Creates a new Static with same definition as another one (value is copied, except for Entity : it remains null) More...
void PrintStatic (Standard_OStream &S) const
 Writes the properties of a parameter in the diagnostic file. These include: More...
Standard_CString Family () const
 Returns the family. It can be : a resource name for applis, an internal name between : $e (environment variables), $l (other, purely local) More...
void SetWild (const Handle< Interface_Static > &wildcard)
 Sets a "wild-card" static : its value will be considered if <me> is not properly set. (reset by set a null one) More...
Handle< Interface_StaticWild () const
 Returns the wildcard static, which can be (is most often) null. More...
void SetUptodate ()
 Records a Static has "uptodate", i.e. its value has been taken into account by a reinitialisation procedure This flag is reset at each successful SetValue. More...
Standard_Boolean UpdatedStatus () const
 Returns the status "uptodate". More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Interface_TypedValue
 Interface_TypedValue (const Standard_CString name, const Interface_ParamType type=Interface_ParamText, const Standard_CString init="")
 Creates a TypedValue, with a name. More...
Interface_ParamType Type () const
 Returns the type I.E. calls ValueType then makes correspondance between ParamType from Interface (which remains for compatibility reasons) and ValueType from MoniTool. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MoniTool_TypedValue
 MoniTool_TypedValue (const Standard_CString name, const MoniTool_ValueType type=MoniTool_ValueText, const Standard_CString init="")
 Creates a TypedValue, with a name. More...
 MoniTool_TypedValue (const Handle< MoniTool_TypedValue > &other)
 Creates a TypedValue from another one, by duplication. More...
void Internals (MoniTool_ValueInterpret &interp, MoniTool_ValueSatisfies &satisf, Standard_CString &satisname, NCollection_DataMap< TCollection_AsciiString, Standard_Integer > &enums) const
 Access to internal data which have no other access. More...
Standard_CString Name () const
 Returns the name. More...
MoniTool_ValueType ValueType () const
 Returns the type of the value. More...
TCollection_AsciiString Definition () const
 Returns the Definition By priority, the enforced one, else an automatic one, computed from the specification. More...
void SetDefinition (const Standard_CString deftext)
 Enforces a Definition. More...
virtual void Print (Standard_OStream &S) const
 Prints definition, specification, and actual status and value. More...
void PrintValue (Standard_OStream &S) const
 Prints only the Value. More...
Standard_Boolean AddDef (const Standard_CString initext)
 Completes the definition of a TypedValue by command <initext>, once created with its type Returns True if done, False if could not be interpreted <initext> may be : imin ival : minimum value for an integer imax ival : maximum value for an integer rmin rval : minimum value for a real rmax rval : maximum value for a real unit name : name of unit ematch i : enum from integer value i, match required enum i : enum from integer value i, match not required eval text : add an enumerative value (increments max by 1) eval ?? : add a non-authorised enum value (to be skipped) tmax l : maximum length for a text. More...
void SetLabel (const Standard_CString label)
 Sets a label, which can then be displayed. More...
Standard_CString Label () const
 Returns the label, if set; else returns an empty string. More...
void SetMaxLength (const Standard_Integer max)
 Sets a maximum length for a text (active only for a free text) More...
Standard_Integer MaxLength () const
 Returns the maximum length, 0 if not set. More...
void SetIntegerLimit (const Standard_Boolean max, const Standard_Integer val)
 Sets an Integer limit (included) to <val>, the upper limit if <max> is True, the lower limit if <max> is False. More...
Standard_Boolean IntegerLimit (const Standard_Boolean max, Standard_Integer &val) const
 Gives an Integer Limit (upper if <max> True, lower if <max> False). Returns True if this limit is defined, False else (in that case, gives the natural limit for Integer) More...
void SetRealLimit (const Standard_Boolean max, const Standard_Real val)
 Sets a Real limit (included) to <val>, the upper limit if <max> is True, the lower limit if <max> is False. More...
Standard_Boolean RealLimit (const Standard_Boolean max, Standard_Real &val) const
 Gives an Real Limit (upper if <max> True, lower if <max> False). Returns True if this limit is defined, False else (in that case, gives the natural limit for Real) More...
void SetUnitDef (const Standard_CString def)
 Sets (Clears if <def> empty) a unit definition, as an equation of dimensions. TypedValue just records this definition, does not exploit it, to be done as required by user applications. More...
Standard_CString UnitDef () const
 Returns the recorded unit definition, empty if not set. More...
void StartEnum (const Standard_Integer start=0, const Standard_Boolean match=Standard_True)
 For an enumeration, precises the starting value (default 0) and the match condition : if True (D), the string value must match the definition, else it may take another value : in that case, the Integer Value will be Start - 1. (empty value remains allowed) More...
void AddEnum (const Standard_CString v1="", const Standard_CString v2="", const Standard_CString v3="", const Standard_CString v4="", const Standard_CString v5="", const Standard_CString v6="", const Standard_CString v7="", const Standard_CString v8="", const Standard_CString v9="", const Standard_CString v10="")
 Adds enumerative definitions. For more than 10, several calls. More...
void AddEnumValue (const Standard_CString val, const Standard_Integer num)
 Adds an enumeration definition, by its string and numeric values. If it is the first setting for this value, it is recorded as main value. Else, it is recognized as alternate string for this numeric value. More...
Standard_Boolean EnumDef (Standard_Integer &startcase, Standard_Integer &endcase, Standard_Boolean &match) const
 Gives the Enum definitions : start value, end value, match status. Returns True for an Enum, False else. More...
Standard_CString EnumVal (const Standard_Integer num) const
 Returns the value of an enumerative definition, from its rank Empty string if out of range or not an Enum. More...
Standard_Integer EnumCase (const Standard_CString val) const
 Returns the case number which cooresponds to a string value Works with main and additionnal values Returns (StartEnum - 1) if not OK, -1 if not an Enum. More...
void SetObjectType (const Handle< Standard_Type > &typ)
 Sets type of which an Object TypedValue must be kind of Error for a TypedValue not an Object (Entity) More...
Handle< Standard_TypeObjectType () const
 Returns the type of which an Object TypedValue must be kind of Default is Standard_Transient Null for a TypedValue not an Object. More...
void SetInterpret (const MoniTool_ValueInterpret func)
 Sets a specific Interpret function. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean HasInterpret () const
 Tells if a TypedValue has an Interpret. More...
void SetSatisfies (const MoniTool_ValueSatisfies func, const Standard_CString name)
 Sets a specific Satisfies function : it is added to the already defined criteria It must match the form : statisfies (val : HAsciiString) returns Boolean. More...
Standard_CString SatisfiesName () const
 Returns name of specific satisfy, empty string if none. More...
Standard_Boolean IsSetValue () const
 Returns True if the value is set (not empty/not null object) More...
Standard_CString CStringValue () const
 Returns the value, as a cstring. Empty if not set. More...
Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringHStringValue () const
 Returns the value, as a Handle (can then be shared) Null if not defined. More...
virtual Handle< TCollection_HAsciiStringInterpret (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &hval, const Standard_Boolean native) const
 Interprets a value. <native> True : returns a native value <native> False : returns a coded value If the Interpret function is set, calls it Else, for an Enum, Native returns the Text, Coded returns the number STANDARD RETURNS : = hval means no specific interpretation Null means senseless Can also be redefined. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean Satisfies (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &hval) const
 Returns True if a value statifies the specification (remark : does not apply to Entity : see ObjectType, for this type, the string is just a comment) More...
void ClearValue ()
 Clears the recorded Value : it is now unset. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetCStringValue (const Standard_CString val)
 Changes the value. The new one must satisfy the specification Returns False (and did not set) if the new value does not satisfy the specification Can be redefined to be managed (in a subclass) More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetHStringValue (const Handle< TCollection_HAsciiString > &hval)
 Forces a new Handle for the Value It can be empty, else (if Type is not free Text), it must satisfy the specification. Not only the value is changed, but also the way it is shared Remark : for Type=Object, this value is not controlled, it can be set as a comment Returns False (and did not set) if the new value does not satisfy the specification Can be redefined to be managed (in a subclass) More...
Standard_Integer IntegerValue () const
 Returns the value as integer, i.e. : For type = Integer, the integer itself; 0 if not set For type = Enum, the designated rank (see Enum definition) StartEnum - 1 if not set or not in the definition Else, returns 0. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetIntegerValue (const Standard_Integer ival)
 Changes the value as an integer, only for Integer or Enum. More...
Standard_Real RealValue () const
 Returns the value as real, for a Real type TypedValue Else, returns 0. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetRealValue (const Standard_Real rval)
 Changes the value as a real, only for Real. More...
Handle< Standard_TransientObjectValue () const
 Returns the value as Transient Object, only for Object/Entity Remark that the "HString value" is IGNORED here Null if not set; remains to be casted. More...
void GetObjectValue (Handle< Standard_Transient > &val) const
 Same as ObjectValue, but avoids DownCast : the receiving variable is directly loaded. It is assumed that it complies with the definition of ObjectType ! Otherwise, big trouble. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean SetObjectValue (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &obj)
 Changes the value as Transient Object, only for Object/Entity Returns False if DynamicType does not satisfy ObjectType Can be redefined to be managed (in a subclass) More...
Standard_CString ObjectTypeName () const
 Returns the type name of the ObjectValue, or an empty string if not set. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Boolean Init (const Standard_CString family, const Standard_CString name, const Interface_ParamType type, const Standard_CString init="")
 Declares a new Static (by calling its constructor) If this name is already taken, does nothing and returns False Else, creates it and returns True For additional definitions, get the Static then edit it. More...
static Standard_Boolean Init (const Standard_CString family, const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Character type, const Standard_CString init="")
 As Init with ParamType, but type is given as a character This allows a simpler call Types : 'i' Integer, 'r' Real, 't' Text, 'e' Enum, 'o' Object '=' for same definition as, <init> gives the initial Static Returns False if <type> does not match this list. More...
static Handle< Interface_StaticStatic (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns a Static from its name. Null Handle if not present. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsPresent (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns True if a Static named <name> is present, False else. More...
static Standard_CString CDef (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_CString part)
 Returns a part of the definition of a Static, as a CString The part is designated by its name, as a CString If the required value is not a string, it is converted to a CString then returned If <name> is not present, or <part> not defined for <name>, this function returns an empty string. More...
static Standard_Integer IDef (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_CString part)
 Returns a part of the definition of a Static, as an Integer The part is designated by its name, as a CString If the required value is not a string, returns zero For a Boolean, 0 for false, 1 for true If <name> is not present, or <part> not defined for <name>, this function returns zero. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsSet (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Boolean proper=Standard_True)
 Returns True if <name> is present AND set <proper> True (D) : considers this item only <proper> False : if not set and attached to a wild-card, considers this wild-card. More...
static Standard_CString CVal (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns the value of the parameter identified by the string name. If the specified parameter does not exist, an empty string is returned. Example Interface_Static::CVal("write.step.schema"); which could return: "AP214". More...
static Standard_Integer IVal (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns the integer value of the translation parameter identified by the string name. Returns the value 0 if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::IVal("write.step.schema"); which could return: 3. More...
static Standard_Real RVal (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns the value of a static translation parameter identified by the string name. Returns the value 0.0 if the parameter does not exist. More...
static Standard_Boolean SetCVal (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_CString val)
 Modifies the value of the parameter identified by name. The modification is specified by the string val. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::SetCVal ("write.step.schema","AP203") This syntax specifies a switch from the default STEP 214 mode to STEP 203 mode. More...
static Standard_Boolean SetIVal (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Integer val)
 Modifies the value of the parameter identified by name. The modification is specified by the integer value val. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::SetIVal ("write.step.schema", 3) This syntax specifies a switch from the default STEP 214 mode to STEP 203 mode.S. More...
static Standard_Boolean SetRVal (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Real val)
 Modifies the value of a translation parameter. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. The modification is specified by the real number value val. More...
static Standard_Boolean Update (const Standard_CString name)
 Sets a Static to be "uptodate" Returns False if <name> is not present This status can be used by a reinitialisation procedure to rerun if a value has been changed. More...
static Standard_Boolean IsUpdated (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns the status "uptodate" from a Static Returns False if <name> is not present. More...
static Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString > Items (const Standard_Integer mode=0, const Standard_CString criter="")
 Returns a list of names of statics : <mode> = 0 (D) : criter is for family <mode> = 1 : criter is regexp on names, takes final items (ignore wild cards) <mode> = 2 : idem but take only wilded, not final items <mode> = 3 : idem, take all items matching criter idem + 100 : takes only non-updated items idem + 200 : takes only updated items criter empty (D) : returns all names else returns names which match the given criter Remark : families beginning by '$' are not listed by criter "" they are listed only by criter "$". More...
static void Standards ()
 Initializes all standard static parameters, which can be used by every function. statics specific of a norm or a function must be defined around it. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Interface_TypedValue
static MoniTool_ValueType ParamTypeToValueType (const Interface_ParamType typ)
 Correspondance ParamType from Interface to ValueType from MoniTool. More...
static Interface_ParamType ValueTypeToParamType (const MoniTool_ValueType typ)
 Correspondance ParamType from Interface to ValueType from MoniTool. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MoniTool_TypedValue
static Standard_Boolean AddLib (const Handle< MoniTool_TypedValue > &tv, const Standard_CString def="")
 Adds a TypedValue in the library. It is recorded then will be accessed by its Name Its Definition may be imposed, else it is computed as usual By default it will be accessed by its Definition (string) Returns True if done, False if tv is Null or brings no Definition or <def> not defined. More...
static Handle< MoniTool_TypedValueLib (const Standard_CString def)
 Returns the TypedValue bound with a given Name Null Handle if none recorded Warning : it is the original, not duplicated. More...
static Handle< MoniTool_TypedValueFromLib (const Standard_CString def)
 Returns a COPY of the TypedValue bound with a given Name Null Handle if none recorded. More...
static Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfAsciiString > LibList ()
 Returns the list of names of items of the Library of Types – Library of TypedValue as Valued Parameters, – – accessed by parameter name for use by management of Static Parameters. More...
static Handle< MoniTool_TypedValueStaticValue (const Standard_CString name)
 Returns a static value from its name, null if unknown. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MoniTool_TypedValue
static NCollection_DataMap< TCollection_AsciiString, Handle< Standard_Transient > > & Stats ()
 Gives the internal library of static values. More...

Detailed Description

This class gives a way to manage meaningfull static variables, used as "global" parameters in various procedures.

A Static brings a specification (its type, constraints if any) and a value. Its basic form is a string, it can be specified as integer or real or enumerative string, and queried as such. Its string content, which is a Handle(HAsciiString) can be shared by other data structures, hence gives a direct on line access to its value.

All this description is inherited from TypedValue

A Static can be given an initial value, it can be filled from, either a set of Resources (an applicative feature which accesses and manages parameter files), or environment or internal definition : these define families of Static. In addition, it supports a status for reinitialisation : an initialisation procedure can ask if the value of the Static has changed from its last call, in this case does something then marks the Status "uptodate", else it does nothing.

Statics are named and recorded then accessed in an alphabetic dictionary

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Interface_Static() [1/2]

Interface_Static::Interface_Static ( const Standard_CString  family,
const Standard_CString  name,
const Interface_ParamType  type = Interface_ParamText,
const Standard_CString  init = "" 

Creates and records a Static, with a family and a name family can report to a name of ressource or to a system or internal definition. The name must be unique.

type gives the type of the parameter, default is free text Also available : Integer, Real, Enum, Entity (i.e. Object) More precise specifications, titles, can be given to the Static once created

init gives an initial value. If it is not given, the Static begin as "not set", its value is empty

◆ Interface_Static() [2/2]

Interface_Static::Interface_Static ( const Standard_CString  family,
const Standard_CString  name,
const Handle< Interface_Static > &  other 

Creates a new Static with same definition as another one (value is copied, except for Entity : it remains null)

Member Function Documentation

◆ CDef()

static Standard_CString Interface_Static::CDef ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_CString  part 

Returns a part of the definition of a Static, as a CString The part is designated by its name, as a CString If the required value is not a string, it is converted to a CString then returned If <name> is not present, or <part> not defined for <name>, this function returns an empty string.

Allowed parts for CDef : family : the family type : the type ("integer","real","text","enum") label : the label satis : satisfy function name if any rmin : minimum real value rmax : maximum real value imin : minimum integer value imax : maximum integer value enum nn (nn : value of an integer) : enum value for nn unit : unit definition for a real

◆ CVal()

static Standard_CString Interface_Static::CVal ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns the value of the parameter identified by the string name. If the specified parameter does not exist, an empty string is returned. Example Interface_Static::CVal("write.step.schema"); which could return: "AP214".

◆ Family()

Standard_CString Interface_Static::Family ( ) const

Returns the family. It can be : a resource name for applis, an internal name between : $e (environment variables), $l (other, purely local)

◆ IDef()

static Standard_Integer Interface_Static::IDef ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_CString  part 

Returns a part of the definition of a Static, as an Integer The part is designated by its name, as a CString If the required value is not a string, returns zero For a Boolean, 0 for false, 1 for true If <name> is not present, or <part> not defined for <name>, this function returns zero.

Allowed parts for IDef : imin, imax : minimum or maximum integer value estart : starting number for enum ecount : count of enum values (starting from estart) ematch : exact match status eval val : case determined from a string

◆ Init() [1/2]

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::Init ( const Standard_CString  family,
const Standard_CString  name,
const Interface_ParamType  type,
const Standard_CString  init = "" 

Declares a new Static (by calling its constructor) If this name is already taken, does nothing and returns False Else, creates it and returns True For additional definitions, get the Static then edit it.

◆ Init() [2/2]

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::Init ( const Standard_CString  family,
const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_Character  type,
const Standard_CString  init = "" 

As Init with ParamType, but type is given as a character This allows a simpler call Types : 'i' Integer, 'r' Real, 't' Text, 'e' Enum, 'o' Object '=' for same definition as, <init> gives the initial Static Returns False if <type> does not match this list.

◆ IsPresent()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::IsPresent ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns True if a Static named <name> is present, False else.

◆ IsSet()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::IsSet ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_Boolean  proper = Standard_True 

Returns True if <name> is present AND set <proper> True (D) : considers this item only <proper> False : if not set and attached to a wild-card, considers this wild-card.

◆ IsUpdated()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::IsUpdated ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns the status "uptodate" from a Static Returns False if <name> is not present.

◆ Items()

static Handle< TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString > Interface_Static::Items ( const Standard_Integer  mode = 0,
const Standard_CString  criter = "" 

Returns a list of names of statics : <mode> = 0 (D) : criter is for family <mode> = 1 : criter is regexp on names, takes final items (ignore wild cards) <mode> = 2 : idem but take only wilded, not final items <mode> = 3 : idem, take all items matching criter idem + 100 : takes only non-updated items idem + 200 : takes only updated items criter empty (D) : returns all names else returns names which match the given criter Remark : families beginning by '$' are not listed by criter "" they are listed only by criter "$".

This allows for instance to set new values after having loaded or reloaded a resource, then to update them as required

◆ IVal()

static Standard_Integer Interface_Static::IVal ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns the integer value of the translation parameter identified by the string name. Returns the value 0 if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::IVal("write.step.schema"); which could return: 3.

◆ PrintStatic()

void Interface_Static::PrintStatic ( Standard_OStream S) const

Writes the properties of a parameter in the diagnostic file. These include:

  • Name
  • Family,
  • Wildcard (if it has one)
  • Current status (empty string if it was updated or if it is the original one)
  • Value

◆ RVal()

static Standard_Real Interface_Static::RVal ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns the value of a static translation parameter identified by the string name. Returns the value 0.0 if the parameter does not exist.

◆ SetCVal()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::SetCVal ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_CString  val 

Modifies the value of the parameter identified by name. The modification is specified by the string val. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::SetCVal ("write.step.schema","AP203") This syntax specifies a switch from the default STEP 214 mode to STEP 203 mode.

◆ SetIVal()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::SetIVal ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_Integer  val 

Modifies the value of the parameter identified by name. The modification is specified by the integer value val. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. Example Interface_Static::SetIVal ("write.step.schema", 3) This syntax specifies a switch from the default STEP 214 mode to STEP 203 mode.S.

◆ SetRVal()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::SetRVal ( const Standard_CString  name,
const Standard_Real  val 

Modifies the value of a translation parameter. false is returned if the parameter does not exist. The modification is specified by the real number value val.

◆ SetUptodate()

void Interface_Static::SetUptodate ( )

Records a Static has "uptodate", i.e. its value has been taken into account by a reinitialisation procedure This flag is reset at each successful SetValue.

◆ SetWild()

void Interface_Static::SetWild ( const Handle< Interface_Static > &  wildcard)

Sets a "wild-card" static : its value will be considered if <me> is not properly set. (reset by set a null one)

◆ Standards()

static void Interface_Static::Standards ( )

Initializes all standard static parameters, which can be used by every function. statics specific of a norm or a function must be defined around it.

◆ Static()

static Handle< Interface_Static > Interface_Static::Static ( const Standard_CString  name)

Returns a Static from its name. Null Handle if not present.

◆ Update()

static Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::Update ( const Standard_CString  name)

Sets a Static to be "uptodate" Returns False if <name> is not present This status can be used by a reinitialisation procedure to rerun if a value has been changed.

◆ UpdatedStatus()

Standard_Boolean Interface_Static::UpdatedStatus ( ) const

Returns the status "uptodate".

◆ Wild()

Handle< Interface_Static > Interface_Static::Wild ( ) const

Returns the wildcard static, which can be (is most often) null.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: