| StepData_PDescr () |
void | SetName (const Standard_CString name) |
Standard_CString | Name () const |
void | SetSelect () |
| Declares this PDescr to be a Select, hence to have members <me> itself can be the first member. More...
void | AddMember (const Handle< StepData_PDescr > &member) |
| Adds a member to a SELECT description. More...
void | SetMemberName (const Standard_CString memname) |
| Sets a name for SELECT member. To be used if a member is for an immediate type. More...
void | SetInteger () |
| Sets <me> for an Integer value. More...
void | SetReal () |
| Sets <me> for a Real value. More...
void | SetString () |
| Sets <me> for a String value. More...
void | SetBoolean () |
| Sets <me> for a Boolean value (false,true) More...
void | SetLogical () |
| Sets <me> for a Logical value (false,true,unknown) More...
void | SetEnum () |
| Sets <me> for an Enum value Then, call AddEnumDef ordered from the first one (value 0) More...
void | AddEnumDef (const Standard_CString enumdef) |
| Adds an enum value as a string. More...
void | SetType (const Handle< Standard_Type > &atype) |
| Sets <me> for an Entity which must match a Type (early-bound) More...
void | SetDescr (const Standard_CString dscnam) |
| Sets <me> for a Described Entity, whose Description must match the type name <dscnam> More...
void | AddArity (const Standard_Integer arity=1) |
| Adds an arity count to <me>, by default 1 1 : a simple field passes to a LIST/ARRAY etc or a LIST to a LIST OF LIST 2 : a simple field passes to a LIST OF LIST. More...
void | SetArity (const Standard_Integer arity=1) |
| Directly sets the arity count 0 : simple field 1 : LIST or ARRAY etc 2 : LIST OF LIST. More...
void | SetFrom (const Handle< StepData_PDescr > &other) |
| Sets <me> as <other> but duplicated Hence, some definition may be changed. More...
void | SetOptional (const Standard_Boolean opt=Standard_True) |
| Sets/Unsets <me> to accept undefined values. More...
void | SetDerived (const Standard_Boolean der=Standard_True) |
| Sets/Unsets <me> to be for a derived field. More...
void | SetField (const Standard_CString name, const Standard_Integer rank) |
| Sets <me> to describe a field of an entity With a name and a rank. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsSelect () const |
| Tells if <me> is for a SELECT. More...
Handle< StepData_PDescr > | Member (const Standard_CString name) const |
| For a SELECT, returns the member whose name matches <name> To this member, the following question can then be asked Null Handle if <name> not matched or <me> not a SELECT. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsInteger () const |
| Tells if <me> is for an Integer. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsReal () const |
| Tells if <me> is for a Real value. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsString () const |
| Tells if <me> is for a String value. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsBoolean () const |
| Tells if <me> is for a Boolean value (false,true) More...
Standard_Boolean | IsLogical () const |
| Tells if <me> is for a Logical value (false,true,unknown) More...
Standard_Boolean | IsEnum () const |
| Tells if <me> is for an Enum value Then, call AddEnumDef ordered from the first one (value 0) Managed by an EnumTool. More...
Standard_Integer | EnumMax () const |
| Returns the maximum integer for a suitable value (count - 1) More...
Standard_Integer | EnumValue (const Standard_CString name) const |
| Returns the numeric value found for an enum text The text must be in capitals and limited by dots A non-suitable text gives a negative value to be returned. More...
Standard_CString | EnumText (const Standard_Integer val) const |
| Returns the text which corresponds to a numeric value, between 0 and EnumMax. It is limited by dots. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsEntity () const |
| Tells if <me> is for an Entity, either Described or CDL Type. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsType (const Handle< Standard_Type > &atype) const |
| Tells if <me> is for an entity of a given CDL type (early-bnd) (works for <me> + nexts if <me> is a Select) More...
Handle< Standard_Type > | Type () const |
| Returns the type to match (IsKind), for a CDL Entity (else, null handle) More...
Standard_Boolean | IsDescr (const Handle< StepData_EDescr > &descr) const |
| Tells if <me> is for a Described entity of a given EDescr (does this EDescr match description name ?). For late-bnd (works for <me> + nexts if <me> is a Select) More...
Standard_CString | DescrName () const |
| Returns the description (type name) to match, for a Described (else, empty string) More...
Standard_Integer | Arity () const |
| Returns the arity of <me> More...
Handle< StepData_PDescr > | Simple () const |
| For a LIST or LIST OF LIST, Returns the PDescr for the simpler PDescr. Else, returns <me> This allows to have different attributes for Optional for instance, on a field, and on the parameter of a LIST : [OPTIONAL] LIST OF [OPTIONAL] ... More...
Standard_Boolean | IsOptional () const |
| Tells if <me> is Optional. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsDerived () const |
| Tells if <me> is Derived. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsField () const |
| Tells if <me> is a Field. Else it is a Type. More...
Standard_CString | FieldName () const |
Standard_Integer | FieldRank () const |
virtual void | Check (const StepData_Field &afild, Handle< Interface_Check > &ach) const |
| Semantic Check of a Field : does it complies with the given description ? More...
Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient |
| Standard_Transient () |
| Empty constructor. More...
| Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) |
| Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
| Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
| Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual void | Delete () const |
| Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
| Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
| Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
| Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
| Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
| Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
| Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
| Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
| Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
| Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...