| TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet () |
| Creates a ShellFaceSet to build blocks of faces connected by edges. More...
| TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Address Addr=NULL) |
| Creates a ShellFaceSet to build blocks of faces connected by edges. More...
const TopoDS_Solid & | Solid () const |
virtual void | AddShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| Adds to the list of shapes. (wires or shells). More...
virtual void | AddStartElement (const TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| (S is a face or edge) Add S to the list of starting shapes used for reconstructions. apply AddElement(S). More...
virtual void | AddElement (const TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| for each subshape SE of S of type mySubShapeType More...
virtual void | DumpSS () override |
virtual TCollection_AsciiString | SName (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TCollection_AsciiString &sb="", const TCollection_AsciiString &sa="") const override |
virtual TCollection_AsciiString | SName (const TopTools_ListOfShape &S, const TCollection_AsciiString &sb="", const TCollection_AsciiString &sa="") const override |
virtual TCollection_AsciiString | SNameori (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TCollection_AsciiString &sb="", const TCollection_AsciiString &sa="") const override |
virtual TCollection_AsciiString | SNameori (const TopTools_ListOfShape &S, const TCollection_AsciiString &sb="", const TCollection_AsciiString &sa="") const override |
| TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum SubShapeType, const Standard_Boolean checkshape=Standard_True) |
| Creates a ShapeSet in order to build shapes connected by <SubShapeType> shapes. <checkshape>:check (or not) the shapes, startelements, elements added. More...
virtual | ~TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet () |
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | StartElements () const |
| return a reference on myStartShapes More...
void | InitShapes () |
Standard_Boolean | MoreShapes () const |
void | NextShape () |
const TopoDS_Shape & | Shape () const |
void | InitStartElements () |
Standard_Boolean | MoreStartElements () const |
void | NextStartElement () |
const TopoDS_Shape & | StartElement () const |
virtual void | InitNeighbours (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
Standard_Boolean | MoreNeighbours () |
void | NextNeighbour () |
const TopoDS_Shape & | Neighbour () const |
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeStartShapes () |
virtual void | FindNeighbours () |
| Build the list of neighbour shapes of myCurrentShape (neighbour shapes and myCurrentShapes are of type t) Initialize myIncidentShapesIter on neighbour shapes. More...
virtual const TopTools_ListOfShape & | MakeNeighboursList (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopoDS_Shape &V) |
Standard_Integer | MaxNumberSubShape (const TopoDS_Shape &Shape) |
void | CheckShape (const Standard_Boolean checkshape) |
Standard_Boolean | CheckShape () const |
Standard_Boolean | CheckShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean checkgeom=Standard_False) |
void | DumpName (Standard_OStream &OS, const TCollection_AsciiString &str) const |
void | DumpCheck (Standard_OStream &OS, const TCollection_AsciiString &str, const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Boolean chk) const |
virtual void | DumpBB () |
void | DEBName (const TCollection_AsciiString &N) |
const TCollection_AsciiString & | DEBName () const |
void | DEBNumber (const Standard_Integer I) |
Standard_Integer | DEBNumber () const |
a bound is a shell, a boundelement is a face. The ShapeSet stores :
- a list of shell (bounds),
- a list of face (boundelements) to start reconstructions,
- a map of edge giving the list of face incident to an edge.