Open CASCADE Technology  7.7.0
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions
OpenGl_Context Class Reference

This class generalize access to the GL context and available extensions. More...

#include <OpenGl_Context.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for OpenGl_Context:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef NCollection_Shared< NCollection_DataMap< TCollection_AsciiString, Handle< OpenGl_Resource > > > OpenGl_ResourcesMap
- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...

Public Member Functions

 OpenGl_Context (const Handle< OpenGl_Caps > &theCaps=NULL)
 Empty constructor. You should call Init() to perform initialization with bound GL context. More...
virtual ~OpenGl_Context ()
 Destructor. More...
void forcedRelease ()
 Release all resources, including shared ones. More...
void Share (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theShareCtx)
 Share GL context resources. theShareCtx - handle to context to retrieve handles to shared resources. More...
Standard_Boolean Init (const Standard_Boolean theIsCoreProfile=Standard_False)
 Initialize class from currently bound OpenGL context. Method should be called only once. More...
Standard_Boolean IsValid () const
Standard_Boolean Init (const Aspect_Drawable theSurface, const Aspect_Display theDisplay, const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext, const Standard_Boolean theIsCoreProfile=Standard_False)
 Initialize class from specified surface and rendering context. Method should be called only once. The meaning of parameters is platform-specific. More...
Aspect_Drawable Window () const
 Return window handle currently bound to this OpenGL context (EGLSurface | HWND | GLXDrawable). More...
Aspect_Display GetDisplay () const
 Return display / window device context (EGLDisplay | HDC | Display*). More...
Aspect_RenderingContext RenderingContext () const
 Return rendering context (EGLContext | HGLRC | GLXContext | EAGLContext* | NSOpenGLContext*). More...
Standard_Boolean CheckExtension (const char *theExtName) const
 Check if theExtName extension is supported by active GL context. More...
template<typename FuncType_t >
Standard_Boolean FindProcVerbose (const char *&theLastFailFuncName, const char *theFuncName, FuncType_t &theFuncPtr)
 Auxiliary template to retrieve GL function pointer. Pointer to function retrieved from library is statically casted to requested type - there no way to check real signature of exported function. The context should be bound before call. More...
template<typename FuncType_t >
Standard_Boolean FindProc (const char *theFuncName, FuncType_t &theFuncPtr)
 Auxiliary template to retrieve GL function pointer. Same as FindProcVerbose() but without auxiliary last function name argument. More...
Aspect_GraphicsLibrary GraphicsLibrary () const
 Return active graphics library. More...
Standard_Boolean IsGlGreaterEqual (const Standard_Integer theVerMajor, const Standard_Integer theVerMinor) const
Standard_Integer VersionMajor () const
 Return cached GL version major number. More...
Standard_Integer VersionMinor () const
 Return cached GL version minor number. More...
const OpenGl_GlFunctionsFunctions () const
 Access entire map of loaded OpenGL functions. More...
bool ResetErrors (const bool theToPrintErrors=false)
 Clean up errors stack for this GL context (glGetError() in loop). More...
Standard_Boolean IsCurrent () const
 This method uses system-dependent API to retrieve information about GL context bound to the current thread. More...
Standard_Boolean MakeCurrent ()
 Activates current context. Class should be initialized with appropriate info. More...
void SwapBuffers ()
 Swap front/back buffers for this GL context (should be activated before!). More...
Standard_Boolean SetSwapInterval (const Standard_Integer theInterval)
 Setup swap interval (VSync). More...
Standard_Boolean IsRender () const
 Return true if active mode is GL_RENDER (cached state) More...
Standard_Boolean IsFeedback () const
 Return true if active mode is GL_FEEDBACK (cached state) More...
Standard_Size AvailableMemory () const
 This function retrieves information from GL about free GPU memory that is: More...
TCollection_AsciiString MemoryInfo () const
 This function retrieves information from GL about GPU memory and contains more vendor-specific values than AvailableMemory(). More...
void MemoryInfo (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString &theDict) const
 This function retrieves information from GL about GPU memory. More...
void DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString &theDict, Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const
 Fill in the dictionary with OpenGL info. Should be called with bound context. More...
void WindowBufferBits (Graphic3d_Vec4i &theColorBits, Graphic3d_Vec2i &theDepthStencilBits) const
 Fetches information about window buffer pixel format. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_Resource > & GetResource (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) const
 Access shared resource by its name. More...
template<typename TheHandleType >
Standard_Boolean GetResource (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, TheHandleType &theValue) const
 Access shared resource by its name. More...
Standard_Boolean ShareResource (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, const Handle< OpenGl_Resource > &theResource)
 Register shared resource. Notice that after registration caller shouldn't release it by himself - it will be automatically released on context destruction. More...
void ReleaseResource (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, const Standard_Boolean theToDelay=Standard_False)
 Release shared resource. If there are more than one reference to this resource (also used by some other existing object) then call will be ignored. This means that current object itself should nullify handle before this call. Notice that this is unrecommended operation at all and should be used only in case of fat resources to release memory for other needs. More...
template<class T >
void DelayedRelease (Handle< T > &theResource)
 Append resource to queue for delayed clean up. Resources in this queue will be released at next redraw call. More...
void ReleaseDelayed ()
 Clean up the delayed release queue. More...
const OpenGl_ResourcesMapSharedResources () const
 Return map of shared resources. More...
OpenGl_ClippingChangeClipping ()
const OpenGl_ClippingClipping () const
const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderManager > & ShaderManager () const
Standard_Integer TextureWrapClamp () const
 Either GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (1.2+) or GL_CLAMP (1.1). More...
Standard_Boolean HasTextureBaseLevel () const
const Handle< Image_SupportedFormats > & SupportedTextureFormats () const
 Return map of supported texture formats. More...
Standard_Integer MaxDegreeOfAnisotropy () const
Standard_Integer MaxTextureSize () const
Standard_Integer MaxCombinedTextureUnits () const
Standard_Integer MaxTextureUnitsFFP () const
 This method returns the multi-texture limit for obsolete fixed-function pipeline. Use MaxCombinedTextureUnits() instead for limits for using programmable pipeline. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit SpriteTextureUnit () const
 Return texture unit to be used for sprites (Graphic3d_TextureUnit_PointSprite by default). More...
Standard_Boolean HasTextureMultisampling () const
Standard_Integer MaxMsaaSamples () const
Standard_Integer MaxDumpSizeX () const
Standard_Integer MaxDumpSizeY () const
Standard_Integer MaxDrawBuffers () const
Standard_Integer MaxColorAttachments () const
Standard_Integer MaxClipPlanes () const
 Get maximum number of clip planes supported by OpenGl. This value is implementation dependent. At least 6 planes should be supported by OpenGl (see specs). More...
Standard_Boolean HasRayTracing () const
Standard_Boolean HasRayTracingTextures () const
Standard_Boolean HasRayTracingAdaptiveSampling () const
Standard_Boolean HasRayTracingAdaptiveSamplingAtomic () const
bool HasSRGB () const
 Returns TRUE if sRGB rendering is supported. More...
bool ToRenderSRGB () const
 Returns TRUE if sRGB rendering is supported and permitted. More...
bool IsWindowSRGB () const
 Returns TRUE if window/surface buffer is sRGB-ready. More...
void SetWindowSRGB (bool theIsSRgb)
 Overrides if window/surface buffer is sRGB-ready or not (initialized with the context). More...
bool IsWindowDeepColor () const
 Returns TRUE if window/surface buffer has deep color (10bit per component / 30bit RGB) or better precision. More...
OpenGl_Vec4 Vec4FromQuantityColor (const OpenGl_Vec4 &theColor) const
 Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA into vec4 with conversion or no conversion into non-linear sRGB basing on ToRenderSRGB() flag. More...
const OpenGl_Vec4Vec4LinearFromQuantityColor (const OpenGl_Vec4 &theColor) const
 Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA into vec4. Quantity_Color is expected to be linear RGB, hence conversion is NOT required. More...
OpenGl_Vec4 Vec4sRGBFromQuantityColor (const OpenGl_Vec4 &theColor) const
 Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA (linear RGB) into non-linear sRGB vec4. More...
Standard_Boolean HasPBR () const
 Returns TRUE if PBR shading model is supported. Basically, feature requires OpenGL 3.0+ / OpenGL ES 3.0+ hardware; more precisely: More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit PBREnvLUTTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit where Environment Lookup Table is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit PBRDiffIBLMapSHTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit where Diffuse (irradiance) IBL map's spherical harmonics coefficients is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit PBRSpecIBLMapTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit where Specular IBL map is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit ShadowMapTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit where shadow map is expected to be bound, or 0 if unavailable. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit DepthPeelingDepthTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit for occDepthPeelingDepth within enabled Depth Peeling. More...
Graphic3d_TextureUnit DepthPeelingFrontColorTexUnit () const
 Returns texture unit for occDepthPeelingFrontColor within enabled Depth Peeling. More...
bool ToUseVbo () const
 Returns true if VBO is supported and permitted. More...
Standard_Boolean IsGlNormalizeEnabled () const
Standard_Boolean SetGlNormalizeEnabled (Standard_Boolean isEnabled)
 Sets GL_NORMALIZE enabled or disabled. More...
Standard_Integer PolygonMode () const
Standard_Integer SetPolygonMode (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Sets polygon rasterization mode (glPolygonMode() function). More...
bool IsPolygonHatchEnabled () const
bool SetPolygonHatchEnabled (const bool theIsEnabled)
 Sets enabled state of polygon hatching rasterization without affecting currently selected hatching pattern. More...
Standard_Integer PolygonHatchStyle () const
Standard_Integer SetPolygonHatchStyle (const Handle< Graphic3d_HatchStyle > &theStyle)
 Sets polygon hatch pattern. Zero-index value is a default alias for solid filling. More...
void SetPolygonOffset (const Graphic3d_PolygonOffset &theOffset)
 Sets and applies current polygon offset. More...
const Graphic3d_PolygonOffsetPolygonOffset () const
 Returns currently applied polygon offset parameters. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > & Camera () const
 Returns camera object. More...
void SetCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera)
 Sets camera object to the context and update matrices. More...
void ApplyModelWorldMatrix ()
 Applies matrix into shader manager stored in ModelWorldState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world. More...
void ApplyWorldViewMatrix ()
 Applies matrix stored in WorldViewState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world -> view, where model -> world is identical matrix. More...
void ApplyModelViewMatrix ()
 Applies combination of matrices stored in ModelWorldState and WorldViewState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world -> view. More...
void ApplyProjectionMatrix ()
 Applies matrix stored in ProjectionState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: view -> projection. More...
const Handle< Message_Messenger > & Messenger () const
void PushMessage (const unsigned int theSource, const unsigned int theType, const unsigned int theId, const unsigned int theSeverity, const TCollection_ExtendedString &theMessage)
 Callback for GL_ARB_debug_output extension. More...
Standard_Boolean ExcludeMessage (const unsigned int theSource, const unsigned int theId)
 Adds a filter for messages with theId and theSource (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_) More...
Standard_Boolean IncludeMessage (const unsigned int theSource, const unsigned int theId)
 Removes a filter for messages with theId and theSource (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_) More...
Standard_Boolean HasStereoBuffers () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Integer GetPowerOfTwo (const Standard_Integer theNumber, const Standard_Integer theThreshold)
 Function for getting power of to number larger or equal to input number. More...
static TCollection_AsciiString FormatGlEnumHex (int theGlEnum)
 Format GL constant as hex value 0xABCD. More...
static TCollection_AsciiString FormatPointer (const void *thePtr)
 Format pointer as hex value 0xABCD. More...
static TCollection_AsciiString FormatSize (Standard_Size theSize)
 Format size value. More...
static TCollection_AsciiString FormatGlError (int theGlError)
 Return text description of GL error. More...
static void ReadGlVersion (Standard_Integer &theGlVerMajor, Standard_Integer &theGlVerMinor)
 Read OpenGL version information from active context. More...
static Standard_Boolean CheckExtension (const char *theExtString, const char *theExtName)
 Check if theExtName extension is in extensions string. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...

Data Fields

core profiles
 OpenGL 1.1 core functionality. More...
 OpenGL 1.1 without deprecated entry points. More...
 OpenGL 1.5 without deprecated entry points. More...
 OpenGL 2.0 without deprecated entry points. More...
 OpenGL 3.0 without deprecated entry points. More...
 OpenGL 3.2 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 3.3 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.1 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.2 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.3 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.4 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.5 core profile. More...
 OpenGL 4.6 core profile. More...
 obsolete entry left for code portability; core15 should be used instead More...
 obsolete entry left for code portability; core20 should be used instead More...
Handle< OpenGl_Capscaps
 context options More...
Standard_Boolean hasGetBufferData
 flag indicating if GetBufferSubData() is supported More...
Standard_Boolean hasPackRowLength
 supporting of GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH parameters (any desktop OpenGL; OpenGL ES 3.0) More...
Standard_Boolean hasUnpackRowLength
 supporting of GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH parameters (any desktop OpenGL; OpenGL ES 3.0) More...
Standard_Boolean hasHighp
 highp in GLSL ES fragment shader is supported More...
Standard_Boolean hasUintIndex
 GLuint for index buffer is supported (always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_element_index_uint) More...
Standard_Boolean hasTexRGBA8
 always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 More...
Standard_Boolean hasTexFloatLinear
 texture-filterable state for 32-bit floating texture formats (always on desktop, GL_OES_texture_float_linear within OpenGL ES) More...
Standard_Boolean hasTexSRGB
 sRGB texture formats (desktop OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 + GL_EXT_sRGB) More...
Standard_Boolean hasFboSRGB
 sRGB FBO render targets (desktop OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL ES 3.0) More...
Standard_Boolean hasSRGBControl
 sRGB write control (any desktop OpenGL, OpenGL ES + GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control extension) More...
Standard_Boolean hasFboRenderMipmap
 FBO render target could be non-zero mipmap level of texture. More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasFlatShading
 Complex flag indicating support of Flat shading (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Phong) (always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives) More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasGlslBitwiseOps
 GLSL supports bitwise operations; OpenGL 3.0 / OpenGL ES 3.0 (GLSL 130 / GLSL ES 300) or OpenGL 2.1 + GL_EXT_gpu_shader4. More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasDrawBuffers
 Complex flag indicating support of multiple draw buffers (desktop OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_EXT_draw_buffers) More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasFloatBuffer
 Complex flag indicating support of float color buffer format (desktop OpenGL 3.0, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_color_buffer_float) More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasHalfFloatBuffer
 Complex flag indicating support of half-float color buffer format (desktop OpenGL 3.0, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float) More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasSampleVariables
 Complex flag indicating support of MSAA variables in GLSL shader (desktop OpenGL 4.0, GL_ARB_sample_shading) More...
OpenGl_FeatureFlag hasGeometryStage
 Complex flag indicating support of Geometry shader (desktop OpenGL 3.2, OpenGL ES 3.2, GL_EXT_geometry_shader) More...
Standard_Boolean arbDrawBuffers
 GL_ARB_draw_buffers. More...
Standard_Boolean arbNPTW
 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two. More...
Standard_Boolean arbTexRG
 GL_ARB_texture_rg. More...
Standard_Boolean arbTexFloat
 GL_ARB_texture_float (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.0 or as extension GL_ARB_texture_float; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0);. More...
 GL_ARB_sampler_objects (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.3 or as extension GL_ARB_sampler_objects; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0) More...
 GL_ARB_bindless_texture. More...
 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.1 or as extension GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object; on OpenGL ES - since 3.2) More...
Standard_Boolean arbTboRGB32
 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 (3-component TBO), in core since 4.0 (on OpenGL ES - since 3.2) More...
Standard_Boolean arbClipControl
 GL_ARB_clip_control, in core since 4.5. More...
 GL_ARB_draw_instanced (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.1 or as extension GL_ARB_draw_instanced; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays to WebGL 1.0) More...
 GL_ARB_debug_output (on desktop OpenGL - since 4.3 or as extension GL_ARB_debug_output; on OpenGL ES - since 3.2 or as extension GL_KHR_debug) More...
 GL_ARB_framebuffer_object. More...
 glBlitFramebuffer function, moved out from OpenGl_ArbFBO structure for compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0 More...
Standard_Boolean arbSampleShading
 GL_ARB_sample_shading. More...
Standard_Boolean arbDepthClamp
 GL_ARB_depth_clamp (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.2 or as extensions GL_ARB_depth_clamp,NV_depth_clamp; unavailable on OpenGL ES) More...
Standard_Boolean extFragDepth
 GL_EXT_frag_depth on OpenGL ES 2.0 (gl_FragDepthEXT built-in variable, before OpenGL ES 3.0) More...
Standard_Boolean extDrawBuffers
 GL_EXT_draw_buffers. More...
 GL_EXT_geometry_shader4. More...
Standard_Boolean extBgra
 GL_EXT_bgra or GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 on OpenGL ES. More...
Standard_Boolean extTexR16
 GL_EXT_texture_norm16 on OpenGL ES; always available on desktop. More...
Standard_Boolean extAnis
 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic. More...
Standard_Boolean extPDS
 GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil. More...
Standard_Boolean atiMem
 GL_ATI_meminfo. More...
Standard_Boolean nvxMem
 GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info. More...
Standard_Boolean oesSampleVariables
 GL_OES_sample_variables. More...
Standard_Boolean oesStdDerivatives
 GL_OES_standard_derivatives. More...

methods to alter or retrieve current state

static Standard_Boolean CheckIsTransparent (const OpenGl_Aspects *theAspect, const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &theHighlight, Standard_ShortReal &theAlphaFront, Standard_ShortReal &theAlphaBack)
 Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style. More...
static Standard_Boolean CheckIsTransparent (const OpenGl_Aspects *theAspect, const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &theHighlight)
 Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_FrameStats > & FrameStats () const
 Return structure holding frame statistics. More...
void SetFrameStats (const Handle< OpenGl_FrameStats > &theStats)
 Set structure holding frame statistics. This call makes sense only if application defines OpenGl_FrameStats sub-class. More...
const Standard_IntegerViewport () const
 Return cached viewport definition (x, y, width, height). More...
void ResizeViewport (const Standard_Integer theRect[4])
 Resize the viewport (alias for glViewport). More...
const Standard_IntegerVirtualViewport () const
 Return virtual viewport definition (x, y, width, height). More...
Standard_Integer ReadBuffer ()
 Return active read buffer. More...
void SetReadBuffer (const Standard_Integer theReadBuffer)
 Switch read buffer, wrapper for ::glReadBuffer(). More...
Standard_Integer DrawBuffer (Standard_Integer theIndex=0) const
 Return active draw buffer attached to a render target referred by index (layout location). More...
void SetDrawBuffer (const Standard_Integer theDrawBuffer)
 Switch draw buffer, wrapper for ::glDrawBuffer(). More...
void SetDrawBuffers (const Standard_Integer theNb, const Standard_Integer *theDrawBuffers)
 Switch draw buffer, wrapper for ::glDrawBuffers (GLsizei, const GLenum*). More...
void SetReadDrawBuffer (const Standard_Integer theBuffer)
 Switch read/draw buffers. More...
bool IsFrameBufferSRGB () const
 Returns cached GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB state. If TRUE, GLSL program is expected to write linear RGB color. Otherwise, GLSL program might need manually converting result color into sRGB color space. More...
void SetFrameBufferSRGB (bool theIsFbo, bool theIsFboSRgb=true)
 Enables/disables GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB flag. This flag can be set to: More...
const NCollection_Vec4< bool > & ColorMaskRGBA () const
 Return cached flag indicating writing into color buffer is enabled or disabled (glColorMask). More...
void SetColorMaskRGBA (const NCollection_Vec4< bool > &theToWriteColor)
 Enable/disable writing into color buffer (wrapper for glColorMask). More...
bool ColorMask () const
 Return cached flag indicating writing into color buffer is enabled or disabled (glColorMask). More...
bool SetColorMask (bool theToWriteColor)
 Enable/disable writing into color buffer (wrapper for glColorMask). Alpha component writes will be disabled unconditionally in case of caps->buffersOpaqueAlpha. More...
bool AllowSampleAlphaToCoverage () const
 Return TRUE if GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE usage is allowed. More...
void SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage (bool theToEnable)
bool SampleAlphaToCoverage () const
 Return GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE state. More...
bool SetSampleAlphaToCoverage (bool theToEnable)
 Enable/disable GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel FaceCulling () const
 Return back face culling state. More...
void SetFaceCulling (Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel theMode)
 Enable or disable back face culling (glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE)). More...
bool ToCullBackFaces () const
 Return back face culling state. More...
void SetCullBackFaces (bool theToEnable)
 Enable or disable back face culling (glCullFace() + glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)). More...
void FetchState ()
 Fetch OpenGl context state. This class tracks value of several OpenGl state variables. Consulting the cached values is quicker than doing the same via OpenGl API. Call this method if any of the controlled OpenGl state variables has a possibility of being out-of-date. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > & ActiveTextures () const
Handle< OpenGl_TextureSetBindTextures (const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > &theTextures)
 Bind specified texture set to current context taking into account active GLSL program. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureSetBindTextures (const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > &theTextures, const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > &theProgram)
 Bind specified texture set to current context, or unbind previous one when NULL specified. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > & ActiveProgram () const
Standard_Boolean BindProgram (const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > &theProgram)
 Bind specified program to current context, or unbind previous one when NULL specified. More...
void SetShadingMaterial (const OpenGl_Aspects *theAspect, const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &theHighlight)
 Setup current shading material. More...
void SetColor4fv (const OpenGl_Vec4 &theColor)
 Setup current color. More...
void SetTypeOfLine (const Aspect_TypeOfLine theType, const Standard_ShortReal theFactor=1.0f)
 Setup type of line. More...
void SetLineStipple (const uint16_t thePattern)
 Setup stipple line pattern with 1.0f factor; wrapper for glLineStipple(). More...
void SetLineStipple (const Standard_ShortReal theFactor, const uint16_t thePattern)
 Setup type of line; wrapper for glLineStipple(). More...
void SetLineWidth (const Standard_ShortReal theWidth)
 Setup width of line. More...
void SetPointSize (const Standard_ShortReal theSize)
 Setup point size. More...
void SetPointSpriteOrigin ()
 Setup point sprite origin using GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN state: More...
void SetTextureMatrix (const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureParams > &theParams, const Standard_Boolean theIsTopDown)
 Setup texture matrix to active GLSL program or to FFP global state using glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE). More...
void BindDefaultVao ()
 Bind default Vertex Array Object. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > & DefaultFrameBuffer () const
 Default Frame Buffer Object. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBufferSetDefaultFrameBuffer (const Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > &theFbo)
 Setup new Default Frame Buffer Object and return previously set. This call doesn't change Active FBO! More...
Standard_Boolean IsDebugContext () const
 Return debug context initialization state. More...
void EnableFeatures () const
 Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style. More...
void DisableFeatures () const
 Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style. More...
unsigned int Resolution () const
 Return resolution for rendering text. More...
Standard_ShortReal ResolutionRatio () const
 Resolution scale factor (rendered resolution to standard resolution). This scaling factor for parameters like text size to be properly displayed on device (screen / printer). More...
Standard_ShortReal RenderScale () const
 Rendering scale factor (rendering viewport height to real window buffer height). More...
Standard_Boolean HasRenderScale () const
 Return TRUE if rendering scale factor is not 1. More...
Standard_ShortReal RenderScaleInv () const
 Rendering scale factor (inverted value). More...
Standard_ShortReal LineWidthScale () const
 Return scale factor for line width. More...
void SetResolution (unsigned int theResolution, Standard_ShortReal theRatio, Standard_ShortReal theScale)
 Set resolution ratio. Note that this method rounds to nearest integer. More...
void SetResolutionRatio (const Standard_ShortReal theRatio)
 Set resolution ratio. Note that this method rounds to nearest integer. More...
Standard_ShortReal LineFeather () const
 Return line feater width in pixels. More...
void SetLineFeather (Standard_ShortReal theValue)
 Set line feater width. More...
bool GetBufferSubData (unsigned int theTarget, intptr_t theOffset, intptr_t theSize, void *theData)
 Wrapper over glGetBufferSubData(), implemented as: More...
const TCollection_AsciiStringVendor () const
 Return Graphics Driver's vendor. More...
void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const
 Dumps the content of me into the stream. More...
void DumpJsonOpenGlState (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1)
 Dumps the content of openGL state into the stream. More...
void SetShadeModel (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel theModel)
 Set GL_SHADE_MODEL value. More...

public properties tracking current state

OpenGl_MatrixState< Standard_ShortRealModelWorldState
 state of orientation matrix More...
OpenGl_MatrixState< Standard_ShortRealWorldViewState
 state of orientation matrix More...
OpenGl_MatrixState< Standard_ShortRealProjectionState
 state of projection matrix More...

Detailed Description

This class generalize access to the GL context and available extensions.

Functions related to specific OpenGL version or extension are grouped into structures which can be accessed as fields of this class. The most simple way to check that required functionality is available - is NULL check for the group:

if (myContext->core20 != NULL)
myGlProgram = myContext->core20->glCreateProgram();
.. do more stuff ..
.. compatibility with outdated configurations ..

Current implementation provide access to OpenGL core functionality up to 4.6 version (core12, core13, core14, etc.) as well as several extensions (arbTBO, arbFBO, etc.).

OpenGL context might be initialized in Core Profile. In this case deprecated functionality become unavailable. To select which core** function set should be used in specific case:

Simplified extensions classification:

Notice that some systems provide mechanisms to simultaneously incorporate with GL contexts with different capabilities. For this reason OpenGl_Context should be initialized and used for each GL context independently.

Matrices of OpenGl transformations: model -> world -> view -> projection These matrices might be changed for local transformation, transform persistent using direct access to current matrix of ModelWorldState, WorldViewState and ProjectionState After, these matrices should be applied using ApplyModelWorldMatrix, ApplyWorldViewMatrix, ApplyModelViewMatrix or ApplyProjectionMatrix.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ OpenGl_ResourcesMap

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenGl_Context()

OpenGl_Context::OpenGl_Context ( const Handle< OpenGl_Caps > &  theCaps = NULL)

Empty constructor. You should call Init() to perform initialization with bound GL context.

◆ ~OpenGl_Context()

virtual OpenGl_Context::~OpenGl_Context ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ ActiveProgram()

const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram >& OpenGl_Context::ActiveProgram ( ) const
active GLSL program

◆ ActiveTextures()

const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet >& OpenGl_Context::ActiveTextures ( ) const
active textures

◆ AllowSampleAlphaToCoverage()

bool OpenGl_Context::AllowSampleAlphaToCoverage ( ) const

Return TRUE if GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE usage is allowed.

◆ ApplyModelViewMatrix()

void OpenGl_Context::ApplyModelViewMatrix ( )

Applies combination of matrices stored in ModelWorldState and WorldViewState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world -> view.

◆ ApplyModelWorldMatrix()

void OpenGl_Context::ApplyModelWorldMatrix ( )

Applies matrix into shader manager stored in ModelWorldState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world.

◆ ApplyProjectionMatrix()

void OpenGl_Context::ApplyProjectionMatrix ( )

Applies matrix stored in ProjectionState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: view -> projection.

◆ ApplyWorldViewMatrix()

void OpenGl_Context::ApplyWorldViewMatrix ( )

Applies matrix stored in WorldViewState to OpenGl. In "model -> world -> view -> projection" it performs: model -> world -> view, where model -> world is identical matrix.

◆ AvailableMemory()

Standard_Size OpenGl_Context::AvailableMemory ( ) const

This function retrieves information from GL about free GPU memory that is:

  • OS-dependent. On some OS it is per-process and on others - for entire system.
  • Vendor-dependent. Currently available only on NVIDIA and AMD/ATi drivers only.
  • Numbers meaning may vary. You should use this info only for diagnostics purposes.
    free GPU dedicated memory in bytes.

◆ BindDefaultVao()

void OpenGl_Context::BindDefaultVao ( )

Bind default Vertex Array Object.

◆ BindProgram()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::BindProgram ( const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > &  theProgram)

Bind specified program to current context, or unbind previous one when NULL specified.

true if some program is bound to context

◆ BindTextures() [1/2]

Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > OpenGl_Context::BindTextures ( const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > &  theTextures)

Bind specified texture set to current context taking into account active GLSL program.

("BindTextures() with explicit GLSL program should be used instead")

◆ BindTextures() [2/2]

Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > OpenGl_Context::BindTextures ( const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > &  theTextures,
const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > &  theProgram 

Bind specified texture set to current context, or unbind previous one when NULL specified.

theTextures[in] texture set to bind
theProgram[in] program attributes; when not NULL, mock textures will be bound to texture units expected by GLSL program, but undefined by texture set
previous texture set

◆ Camera()

const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera >& OpenGl_Context::Camera ( ) const

Returns camera object.

◆ ChangeClipping()

OpenGl_Clipping& OpenGl_Context::ChangeClipping ( )
tool for management of clippings within this context.

◆ CheckExtension() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::CheckExtension ( const char *  theExtName) const

Check if theExtName extension is supported by active GL context.

◆ CheckExtension() [2/2]

static Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::CheckExtension ( const char *  theExtString,
const char *  theExtName 

Check if theExtName extension is in extensions string.

◆ CheckIsTransparent() [1/2]

static Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::CheckIsTransparent ( const OpenGl_Aspects theAspect,
const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &  theHighlight,
Standard_ShortReal theAlphaFront,
Standard_ShortReal theAlphaBack 

Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style.

◆ CheckIsTransparent() [2/2]

static Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::CheckIsTransparent ( const OpenGl_Aspects theAspect,
const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &  theHighlight 

Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style.

◆ Clipping()

const OpenGl_Clipping& OpenGl_Context::Clipping ( ) const
tool for management of clippings within this context.

◆ ColorMask()

bool OpenGl_Context::ColorMask ( ) const

Return cached flag indicating writing into color buffer is enabled or disabled (glColorMask).

◆ ColorMaskRGBA()

const NCollection_Vec4<bool>& OpenGl_Context::ColorMaskRGBA ( ) const

Return cached flag indicating writing into color buffer is enabled or disabled (glColorMask).

◆ DefaultFrameBuffer()

const Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer >& OpenGl_Context::DefaultFrameBuffer ( ) const

Default Frame Buffer Object.

◆ DelayedRelease()

template<class T >
void OpenGl_Context::DelayedRelease ( Handle< T > &  theResource)

Append resource to queue for delayed clean up. Resources in this queue will be released at next redraw call.

◆ DepthPeelingDepthTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::DepthPeelingDepthTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit for occDepthPeelingDepth within enabled Depth Peeling.

◆ DepthPeelingFrontColorTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::DepthPeelingFrontColorTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit for occDepthPeelingFrontColor within enabled Depth Peeling.

◆ DiagnosticInformation()

void OpenGl_Context::DiagnosticInformation ( TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString theDict,
Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo  theFlags 
) const

Fill in the dictionary with OpenGL info. Should be called with bound context.

◆ DisableFeatures()

void OpenGl_Context::DisableFeatures ( ) const

Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style.

◆ DrawBuffer()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::DrawBuffer ( Standard_Integer  theIndex = 0) const

Return active draw buffer attached to a render target referred by index (layout location).

◆ DumpJson()

void OpenGl_Context::DumpJson ( Standard_OStream theOStream,
Standard_Integer  theDepth = -1 
) const

Dumps the content of me into the stream.

◆ DumpJsonOpenGlState()

void OpenGl_Context::DumpJsonOpenGlState ( Standard_OStream theOStream,
Standard_Integer  theDepth = -1 

Dumps the content of openGL state into the stream.

◆ EnableFeatures()

void OpenGl_Context::EnableFeatures ( ) const

Checks if transparency is required for the given aspect and highlight style.

◆ ExcludeMessage()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::ExcludeMessage ( const unsigned int  theSource,
const unsigned int  theId 

Adds a filter for messages with theId and theSource (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_)

◆ FaceCulling()

Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel OpenGl_Context::FaceCulling ( ) const

Return back face culling state.

◆ FetchState()

void OpenGl_Context::FetchState ( )

Fetch OpenGl context state. This class tracks value of several OpenGl state variables. Consulting the cached values is quicker than doing the same via OpenGl API. Call this method if any of the controlled OpenGl state variables has a possibility of being out-of-date.

◆ FindProc()

template<typename FuncType_t >
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::FindProc ( const char *  theFuncName,
FuncType_t &  theFuncPtr 

Auxiliary template to retrieve GL function pointer. Same as FindProcVerbose() but without auxiliary last function name argument.

◆ FindProcVerbose()

template<typename FuncType_t >
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::FindProcVerbose ( const char *&  theLastFailFuncName,
const char *  theFuncName,
FuncType_t &  theFuncPtr 

Auxiliary template to retrieve GL function pointer. Pointer to function retrieved from library is statically casted to requested type - there no way to check real signature of exported function. The context should be bound before call.

theLastFailFuncName[out] set to theFuncName in case of failure, unmodified on success
theFuncName[in] function name to find
theFuncPtr[out] retrieved function pointer
TRUE on success

◆ forcedRelease()

void OpenGl_Context::forcedRelease ( )

Release all resources, including shared ones.

◆ FormatGlEnumHex()

static TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Context::FormatGlEnumHex ( int  theGlEnum)

Format GL constant as hex value 0xABCD.

◆ FormatGlError()

static TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Context::FormatGlError ( int  theGlError)

Return text description of GL error.

◆ FormatPointer()

static TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Context::FormatPointer ( const void *  thePtr)

Format pointer as hex value 0xABCD.

◆ FormatSize()

static TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Context::FormatSize ( Standard_Size  theSize)

Format size value.

◆ FrameStats()

const Handle< OpenGl_FrameStats >& OpenGl_Context::FrameStats ( ) const

Return structure holding frame statistics.

◆ Functions()

const OpenGl_GlFunctions* OpenGl_Context::Functions ( ) const

Access entire map of loaded OpenGL functions.

◆ GetBufferSubData()

bool OpenGl_Context::GetBufferSubData ( unsigned int  theTarget,
intptr_t  theOffset,
intptr_t  theSize,
void *  theData 

Wrapper over glGetBufferSubData(), implemented as:

  • OpenGL 1.5+ (desktop) via glGetBufferSubData();
  • OpenGL ES 3.0+ via glMapBufferRange();
  • WebGL 2.0+ via gl.getBufferSubData().
    [in]theTargettarget buffer to map {GLenum}
    [in]theOffsetoffset to the beginning of sub-data {GLintptr}
    [in]theSizenumber of bytes to read {GLsizeiptr}
    [out]theDatadestination pointer to fill
    FALSE if functionality is unavailable

◆ GetDisplay()

Aspect_Display OpenGl_Context::GetDisplay ( ) const

Return display / window device context (EGLDisplay | HDC | Display*).

◆ GetPowerOfTwo()

static Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::GetPowerOfTwo ( const Standard_Integer  theNumber,
const Standard_Integer  theThreshold 

Function for getting power of to number larger or equal to input number.

theNumbernumber to 'power of two'
theThresholdupper threshold
power of two number

◆ GetResource() [1/2]

const Handle< OpenGl_Resource >& OpenGl_Context::GetResource ( const TCollection_AsciiString theKey) const

Access shared resource by its name.

theKey- unique identifier;
handle to shared resource or NULL.

◆ GetResource() [2/2]

template<typename TheHandleType >
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::GetResource ( const TCollection_AsciiString theKey,
TheHandleType &  theValue 
) const

Access shared resource by its name.

theKey- unique identifier;
theValue- handle to fill;
true if resource was shared.

◆ GraphicsLibrary()

Aspect_GraphicsLibrary OpenGl_Context::GraphicsLibrary ( ) const

Return active graphics library.

◆ HasPBR()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasPBR ( ) const

Returns TRUE if PBR shading model is supported. Basically, feature requires OpenGL 3.0+ / OpenGL ES 3.0+ hardware; more precisely:

  • Graphics hardware with moderate capabilities for compiling long enough GLSL program.
  • FBO (e.g. for baking environment).
  • Multi-texturing with >= 4 units (LUT and IBL textures).
  • GL_RG32F texture format (arbTexRG + arbTexFloat)
  • Cubemap texture lookup textureCubeLod()/textureLod() with LOD index within Fragment Shader, which requires GLSL OpenGL 3.0+ / OpenGL ES 3.0+ or OpenGL 2.1 + GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 extension.

◆ HasRayTracing()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasRayTracing ( ) const
TRUE if ray tracing mode is supported

◆ HasRayTracingAdaptiveSampling()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasRayTracingAdaptiveSampling ( ) const
TRUE if adaptive screen sampling in ray tracing mode is supported

◆ HasRayTracingAdaptiveSamplingAtomic()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasRayTracingAdaptiveSamplingAtomic ( ) const
TRUE if atomic adaptive screen sampling in ray tracing mode is supported

◆ HasRayTracingTextures()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasRayTracingTextures ( ) const
TRUE if textures in ray tracing mode are supported

◆ HasRenderScale()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasRenderScale ( ) const

Return TRUE if rendering scale factor is not 1.

◆ HasSRGB()

bool OpenGl_Context::HasSRGB ( ) const

Returns TRUE if sRGB rendering is supported.

◆ HasStereoBuffers()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasStereoBuffers ( ) const
true if OpenGl context supports left and right rendering buffers.

◆ HasTextureBaseLevel()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasTextureBaseLevel ( ) const
true if texture parameters GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL/GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL are supported.

◆ HasTextureMultisampling()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::HasTextureMultisampling ( ) const
true if MSAA textures are supported.

◆ IncludeMessage()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IncludeMessage ( const unsigned int  theSource,
const unsigned int  theId 

Removes a filter for messages with theId and theSource (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_)

◆ Init() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::Init ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsCoreProfile = Standard_False)

Initialize class from currently bound OpenGL context. Method should be called only once.

false if no GL context is bound to the current thread

◆ Init() [2/2]

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::Init ( const Aspect_Drawable  theSurface,
const Aspect_Display  theDisplay,
const Aspect_RenderingContext  theContext,
const Standard_Boolean  theIsCoreProfile = Standard_False 

Initialize class from specified surface and rendering context. Method should be called only once. The meaning of parameters is platform-specific.


Handle(Aspect_Window) theAspWin;
EGLSurface theEglSurf = eglCreateWindowSurface (theEglDisp, anEglConfig, (EGLNativeWindowType )theAspWin->NativeHandle(), NULL);
EGLDisplay theEglDisp = eglGetDisplay (EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
EGLContext theEglCtx = eglCreateContext ((EGLDisplay )theEglDisp, anEglConfig, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, anEglCtxAttribs);
aGlCtx->Init ((Aspect_Drawable )theEglSurf, (Aspect_Display )theEglDisp, (Aspect_RenderingContext )theEglCtx);

Windows (Win32):

Handle(WNT_Window) theAspWin;
HWND theWindow = (HWND )theAspWin->NativeHandle();
HDC theDevCtx = GetDC(theWindow);
HGLRC theGContext = wglCreateContext (theDevCtx);
aGlCtx->Init ((Aspect_Drawable )theWindow, (Aspect_Display )theDevCtx, (Aspect_RenderingContext )theGContext);

Linux (Xlib):

Handle(Xw_Window) theAspWin;
Window theXWindow = (Window )theAspWin->NativeHandle();
Display* theXDisp = (Display* )theAspWin->DisplayConnection()->GetDisplayAspect();
GLXContext theGlxCtx = glXCreateContext (theXDisp, aVis.get(), NULL, GL_TRUE);
aGlCtx->Init ((Aspect_Drawable )theXWindow, (Aspect_Display )theXDisp, (Aspect_RenderingContext )theGlxCtx);
theSurface[in] surface / window (EGLSurface | HWND | GLXDrawable/Window)
theDisplay[in] display or device context (EGLDisplay | HDC | Display*)
theContext[in] rendering context (EGLContext | HGLRC | GLXContext | EAGLContext* | NSOpenGLContext*)
theIsCoreProfile[in] flag indicating that passed GL rendering context has been created with Core Profile
false if OpenGL context can not be bound to specified surface

◆ IsCurrent()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsCurrent ( ) const

This method uses system-dependent API to retrieve information about GL context bound to the current thread.

true if current thread is bound to this GL context

◆ IsDebugContext()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsDebugContext ( ) const

Return debug context initialization state.

◆ IsFeedback()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsFeedback ( ) const

Return true if active mode is GL_FEEDBACK (cached state)

◆ IsFrameBufferSRGB()

bool OpenGl_Context::IsFrameBufferSRGB ( ) const

Returns cached GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB state. If TRUE, GLSL program is expected to write linear RGB color. Otherwise, GLSL program might need manually converting result color into sRGB color space.

◆ IsGlGreaterEqual()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsGlGreaterEqual ( const Standard_Integer  theVerMajor,
const Standard_Integer  theVerMinor 
) const
true if detected GL version is greater or equal to requested one.

◆ IsGlNormalizeEnabled()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsGlNormalizeEnabled ( ) const
cached state of GL_NORMALIZE.

◆ IsPolygonHatchEnabled()

bool OpenGl_Context::IsPolygonHatchEnabled ( ) const
cached enabled state of polygon hatching rasterization.

◆ IsRender()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsRender ( ) const

Return true if active mode is GL_RENDER (cached state)

◆ IsValid()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::IsValid ( ) const
true if this context is valid (has been initialized)

◆ IsWindowDeepColor()

bool OpenGl_Context::IsWindowDeepColor ( ) const

Returns TRUE if window/surface buffer has deep color (10bit per component / 30bit RGB) or better precision.

◆ IsWindowSRGB()

bool OpenGl_Context::IsWindowSRGB ( ) const

Returns TRUE if window/surface buffer is sRGB-ready.

When offscreen FBOs are created in sRGB, but window is not sRGB-ready, blitting into window should be done with manual gamma correction.

In desktop OpenGL, window buffer can be considered as sRGB-ready by default, even when application has NOT requested sRGB-ready pixel format, and rendering is managed via GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB state.

In OpenGL ES, sRGB-ready window surface should be explicitly requested on construction, and cannot be disabled/enabled without GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control extension afterwards (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB can be considered as always tuned ON).

◆ LineFeather()

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_Context::LineFeather ( ) const

Return line feater width in pixels.

◆ LineWidthScale()

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_Context::LineWidthScale ( ) const

Return scale factor for line width.

◆ MakeCurrent()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::MakeCurrent ( )

Activates current context. Class should be initialized with appropriate info.

◆ MaxClipPlanes()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxClipPlanes ( ) const

Get maximum number of clip planes supported by OpenGl. This value is implementation dependent. At least 6 planes should be supported by OpenGl (see specs).


◆ MaxColorAttachments()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxColorAttachments ( ) const

◆ MaxCombinedTextureUnits()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxCombinedTextureUnits ( ) const

◆ MaxDegreeOfAnisotropy()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxDegreeOfAnisotropy ( ) const
maximum degree of anisotropy texture filter

◆ MaxDrawBuffers()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxDrawBuffers ( ) const

◆ MaxDumpSizeX()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxDumpSizeX ( ) const
maximum FBO width for image dump

◆ MaxDumpSizeY()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxDumpSizeY ( ) const
maximum FBO height for image dump

◆ MaxMsaaSamples()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxMsaaSamples ( ) const
value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES

◆ MaxTextureSize()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxTextureSize ( ) const

◆ MaxTextureUnitsFFP()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::MaxTextureUnitsFFP ( ) const

This method returns the multi-texture limit for obsolete fixed-function pipeline. Use MaxCombinedTextureUnits() instead for limits for using programmable pipeline.


◆ MemoryInfo() [1/2]

TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Context::MemoryInfo ( ) const

This function retrieves information from GL about GPU memory and contains more vendor-specific values than AvailableMemory().

◆ MemoryInfo() [2/2]

void OpenGl_Context::MemoryInfo ( TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString theDict) const

This function retrieves information from GL about GPU memory.

◆ Messenger()

const Handle< Message_Messenger >& OpenGl_Context::Messenger ( ) const
messenger instance

◆ PBRDiffIBLMapSHTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::PBRDiffIBLMapSHTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit where Diffuse (irradiance) IBL map's spherical harmonics coefficients is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable.

◆ PBREnvLUTTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::PBREnvLUTTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit where Environment Lookup Table is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable.

◆ PBRSpecIBLMapTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::PBRSpecIBLMapTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit where Specular IBL map is expected to be bound, or 0 if PBR is unavailable.

◆ PolygonHatchStyle()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::PolygonHatchStyle ( ) const
cached state of polygon hatch type.

◆ PolygonMode()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::PolygonMode ( ) const
cached state of polygon rasterization mode (glPolygonMode()).

◆ PolygonOffset()

const Graphic3d_PolygonOffset& OpenGl_Context::PolygonOffset ( ) const

Returns currently applied polygon offset parameters.

◆ PushMessage()

void OpenGl_Context::PushMessage ( const unsigned int  theSource,
const unsigned int  theType,
const unsigned int  theId,
const unsigned int  theSeverity,
const TCollection_ExtendedString theMessage 

Callback for GL_ARB_debug_output extension.

theSourcemessage source within GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_ enumeration
theTypemessage type within GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ enumeration
theIdmessage ID within source
theSeveritymessage severity within GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_ enumeration
theMessagethe message itself

◆ ReadBuffer()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::ReadBuffer ( )

Return active read buffer.

◆ ReadGlVersion()

static void OpenGl_Context::ReadGlVersion ( Standard_Integer theGlVerMajor,
Standard_Integer theGlVerMinor 

Read OpenGL version information from active context.

◆ ReleaseDelayed()

void OpenGl_Context::ReleaseDelayed ( )

Clean up the delayed release queue.

◆ ReleaseResource()

void OpenGl_Context::ReleaseResource ( const TCollection_AsciiString theKey,
const Standard_Boolean  theToDelay = Standard_False 

Release shared resource. If there are more than one reference to this resource (also used by some other existing object) then call will be ignored. This means that current object itself should nullify handle before this call. Notice that this is unrecommended operation at all and should be used only in case of fat resources to release memory for other needs.

theKeyunique identifier
theToDelaypostpone release until next redraw call

◆ RenderingContext()

Aspect_RenderingContext OpenGl_Context::RenderingContext ( ) const

Return rendering context (EGLContext | HGLRC | GLXContext | EAGLContext* | NSOpenGLContext*).

◆ RenderScale()

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_Context::RenderScale ( ) const

Rendering scale factor (rendering viewport height to real window buffer height).

◆ RenderScaleInv()

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_Context::RenderScaleInv ( ) const

Rendering scale factor (inverted value).

◆ ResetErrors()

bool OpenGl_Context::ResetErrors ( const bool  theToPrintErrors = false)

Clean up errors stack for this GL context (glGetError() in loop).

true if some error has been cleared

◆ ResizeViewport()

void OpenGl_Context::ResizeViewport ( const Standard_Integer  theRect[4])

Resize the viewport (alias for glViewport).

theRectviewport definition (x, y, width, height)

◆ Resolution()

unsigned int OpenGl_Context::Resolution ( ) const

Return resolution for rendering text.

◆ ResolutionRatio()

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_Context::ResolutionRatio ( ) const

Resolution scale factor (rendered resolution to standard resolution). This scaling factor for parameters like text size to be properly displayed on device (screen / printer).

◆ SampleAlphaToCoverage()

bool OpenGl_Context::SampleAlphaToCoverage ( ) const


◆ SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage()

void OpenGl_Context::SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage ( bool  theToEnable)


◆ SetCamera()

void OpenGl_Context::SetCamera ( const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &  theCamera)

Sets camera object to the context and update matrices.

◆ SetColor4fv()

void OpenGl_Context::SetColor4fv ( const OpenGl_Vec4 theColor)

Setup current color.

◆ SetColorMask()

bool OpenGl_Context::SetColorMask ( bool  theToWriteColor)

Enable/disable writing into color buffer (wrapper for glColorMask). Alpha component writes will be disabled unconditionally in case of caps->buffersOpaqueAlpha.

◆ SetColorMaskRGBA()

void OpenGl_Context::SetColorMaskRGBA ( const NCollection_Vec4< bool > &  theToWriteColor)

Enable/disable writing into color buffer (wrapper for glColorMask).

◆ SetCullBackFaces()

void OpenGl_Context::SetCullBackFaces ( bool  theToEnable)

Enable or disable back face culling (glCullFace() + glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)).

◆ SetDefaultFrameBuffer()

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_Context::SetDefaultFrameBuffer ( const Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > &  theFbo)

Setup new Default Frame Buffer Object and return previously set. This call doesn't change Active FBO!

◆ SetDrawBuffer()

void OpenGl_Context::SetDrawBuffer ( const Standard_Integer  theDrawBuffer)

Switch draw buffer, wrapper for ::glDrawBuffer().

◆ SetDrawBuffers()

void OpenGl_Context::SetDrawBuffers ( const Standard_Integer  theNb,
const Standard_Integer theDrawBuffers 

Switch draw buffer, wrapper for ::glDrawBuffers (GLsizei, const GLenum*).

◆ SetFaceCulling()

void OpenGl_Context::SetFaceCulling ( Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel  theMode)

Enable or disable back face culling (glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE)).

◆ SetFrameBufferSRGB()

void OpenGl_Context::SetFrameBufferSRGB ( bool  theIsFbo,
bool  theIsFboSRgb = true 

Enables/disables GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB flag. This flag can be set to:

  • TRUE when writing into offscreen FBO (always expected to be in sRGB or RGBF formats).
  • TRUE when writing into sRGB-ready window buffer (might require choosing proper pixel format on window creation).
  • FALSE if sRGB rendering is not supported or sRGB-not-ready window buffer is used for drawing.
    [in]theIsFboflag indicating writing into offscreen FBO (always expected sRGB-ready when sRGB FBO is supported) or into window buffer (FALSE, sRGB-readiness might vary).
    [in]theIsFboSRgbflag indicating off-screen FBO is sRGB-ready

◆ SetFrameStats()

void OpenGl_Context::SetFrameStats ( const Handle< OpenGl_FrameStats > &  theStats)

Set structure holding frame statistics. This call makes sense only if application defines OpenGl_FrameStats sub-class.

◆ SetGlNormalizeEnabled()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::SetGlNormalizeEnabled ( Standard_Boolean  isEnabled)

Sets GL_NORMALIZE enabled or disabled.

old value of the flag

◆ SetLineFeather()

void OpenGl_Context::SetLineFeather ( Standard_ShortReal  theValue)

Set line feater width.

◆ SetLineStipple() [1/2]

void OpenGl_Context::SetLineStipple ( const uint16_t  thePattern)

Setup stipple line pattern with 1.0f factor; wrapper for glLineStipple().

◆ SetLineStipple() [2/2]

void OpenGl_Context::SetLineStipple ( const Standard_ShortReal  theFactor,
const uint16_t  thePattern 

Setup type of line; wrapper for glLineStipple().

◆ SetLineWidth()

void OpenGl_Context::SetLineWidth ( const Standard_ShortReal  theWidth)

Setup width of line.

◆ SetPointSize()

void OpenGl_Context::SetPointSize ( const Standard_ShortReal  theSize)

Setup point size.

◆ SetPointSpriteOrigin()

void OpenGl_Context::SetPointSpriteOrigin ( )

Setup point sprite origin using GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN state:

  • GL_UPPER_LEFT when GLSL program is active; flipping should be handled in GLSL program for compatibility with OpenGL ES

◆ SetPolygonHatchEnabled()

bool OpenGl_Context::SetPolygonHatchEnabled ( const bool  theIsEnabled)

Sets enabled state of polygon hatching rasterization without affecting currently selected hatching pattern.

previous state of polygon hatching mode.

◆ SetPolygonHatchStyle()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::SetPolygonHatchStyle ( const Handle< Graphic3d_HatchStyle > &  theStyle)

Sets polygon hatch pattern. Zero-index value is a default alias for solid filling.

theStyletype of hatch supported by base implementation of OpenGl_LineAttributes (Aspect_HatchStyle) or the type supported by custom implementation derived from OpenGl_LineAttributes class.
old type of hatch.

◆ SetPolygonMode()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::SetPolygonMode ( const Standard_Integer  theMode)

Sets polygon rasterization mode (glPolygonMode() function).

old value of the rasterization mode.

◆ SetPolygonOffset()

void OpenGl_Context::SetPolygonOffset ( const Graphic3d_PolygonOffset theOffset)

Sets and applies current polygon offset.

◆ SetReadBuffer()

void OpenGl_Context::SetReadBuffer ( const Standard_Integer  theReadBuffer)

Switch read buffer, wrapper for ::glReadBuffer().

◆ SetReadDrawBuffer()

void OpenGl_Context::SetReadDrawBuffer ( const Standard_Integer  theBuffer)

Switch read/draw buffers.

◆ SetResolution()

void OpenGl_Context::SetResolution ( unsigned int  theResolution,
Standard_ShortReal  theRatio,
Standard_ShortReal  theScale 

Set resolution ratio. Note that this method rounds to nearest integer.

◆ SetResolutionRatio()

void OpenGl_Context::SetResolutionRatio ( const Standard_ShortReal  theRatio)

Set resolution ratio. Note that this method rounds to nearest integer.

◆ SetSampleAlphaToCoverage()

bool OpenGl_Context::SetSampleAlphaToCoverage ( bool  theToEnable)


◆ SetShadeModel()

void OpenGl_Context::SetShadeModel ( Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel  theModel)


◆ SetShadingMaterial()

void OpenGl_Context::SetShadingMaterial ( const OpenGl_Aspects theAspect,
const Handle< Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes > &  theHighlight 

Setup current shading material.

◆ SetSwapInterval()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::SetSwapInterval ( const Standard_Integer  theInterval)

Setup swap interval (VSync).

◆ SetTextureMatrix()

void OpenGl_Context::SetTextureMatrix ( const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureParams > &  theParams,
const Standard_Boolean  theIsTopDown 

Setup texture matrix to active GLSL program or to FFP global state using glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE).

theParams[in] texture parameters
theIsTopDown[in] texture top-down flag

◆ SetTypeOfLine()

void OpenGl_Context::SetTypeOfLine ( const Aspect_TypeOfLine  theType,
const Standard_ShortReal  theFactor = 1.0f 

Setup type of line.

◆ SetWindowSRGB()

void OpenGl_Context::SetWindowSRGB ( bool  theIsSRgb)

Overrides if window/surface buffer is sRGB-ready or not (initialized with the context).

◆ ShaderManager()

const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderManager >& OpenGl_Context::ShaderManager ( ) const
tool for management of shader programs within this context.

◆ ShadowMapTexUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::ShadowMapTexUnit ( ) const

Returns texture unit where shadow map is expected to be bound, or 0 if unavailable.

◆ Share()

void OpenGl_Context::Share ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theShareCtx)

Share GL context resources. theShareCtx - handle to context to retrieve handles to shared resources.

◆ SharedResources()

const OpenGl_ResourcesMap& OpenGl_Context::SharedResources ( ) const

Return map of shared resources.

◆ ShareResource()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::ShareResource ( const TCollection_AsciiString theKey,
const Handle< OpenGl_Resource > &  theResource 

Register shared resource. Notice that after registration caller shouldn't release it by himself - it will be automatically released on context destruction.

theKey- unique identifier, shouldn't be empty;
theResource- new resource to register, shouldn't be NULL.

◆ SpriteTextureUnit()

Graphic3d_TextureUnit OpenGl_Context::SpriteTextureUnit ( ) const

Return texture unit to be used for sprites (Graphic3d_TextureUnit_PointSprite by default).

◆ SupportedTextureFormats()

const Handle< Image_SupportedFormats >& OpenGl_Context::SupportedTextureFormats ( ) const

Return map of supported texture formats.

◆ SwapBuffers()

void OpenGl_Context::SwapBuffers ( )

Swap front/back buffers for this GL context (should be activated before!).

◆ TextureWrapClamp()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::TextureWrapClamp ( ) const

Either GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE (1.2+) or GL_CLAMP (1.1).

◆ ToCullBackFaces()

bool OpenGl_Context::ToCullBackFaces ( ) const

Return back face culling state.

◆ ToRenderSRGB()

bool OpenGl_Context::ToRenderSRGB ( ) const

Returns TRUE if sRGB rendering is supported and permitted.

◆ ToUseVbo()

bool OpenGl_Context::ToUseVbo ( ) const

Returns true if VBO is supported and permitted.

◆ Vec4FromQuantityColor()

OpenGl_Vec4 OpenGl_Context::Vec4FromQuantityColor ( const OpenGl_Vec4 theColor) const

Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA into vec4 with conversion or no conversion into non-linear sRGB basing on ToRenderSRGB() flag.

◆ Vec4LinearFromQuantityColor()

const OpenGl_Vec4& OpenGl_Context::Vec4LinearFromQuantityColor ( const OpenGl_Vec4 theColor) const

Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA into vec4. Quantity_Color is expected to be linear RGB, hence conversion is NOT required.

◆ Vec4sRGBFromQuantityColor()

OpenGl_Vec4 OpenGl_Context::Vec4sRGBFromQuantityColor ( const OpenGl_Vec4 theColor) const

Convert Quantity_ColorRGBA (linear RGB) into non-linear sRGB vec4.

◆ Vendor()

const TCollection_AsciiString& OpenGl_Context::Vendor ( ) const

Return Graphics Driver's vendor.

◆ VersionMajor()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::VersionMajor ( ) const

Return cached GL version major number.

◆ VersionMinor()

Standard_Integer OpenGl_Context::VersionMinor ( ) const

Return cached GL version minor number.

◆ Viewport()

const Standard_Integer* OpenGl_Context::Viewport ( ) const

Return cached viewport definition (x, y, width, height).

◆ VirtualViewport()

const Standard_Integer* OpenGl_Context::VirtualViewport ( ) const

Return virtual viewport definition (x, y, width, height).

◆ Window()

Aspect_Drawable OpenGl_Context::Window ( ) const

Return window handle currently bound to this OpenGL context (EGLSurface | HWND | GLXDrawable).

◆ WindowBufferBits()

void OpenGl_Context::WindowBufferBits ( Graphic3d_Vec4i theColorBits,
Graphic3d_Vec2i theDepthStencilBits 
) const

Fetches information about window buffer pixel format.

Field Documentation

◆ arbClipControl

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbClipControl

GL_ARB_clip_control, in core since 4.5.

◆ arbDbg

OpenGl_ArbDbg* OpenGl_Context::arbDbg

GL_ARB_debug_output (on desktop OpenGL - since 4.3 or as extension GL_ARB_debug_output; on OpenGL ES - since 3.2 or as extension GL_KHR_debug)

◆ arbDepthClamp

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbDepthClamp

GL_ARB_depth_clamp (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.2 or as extensions GL_ARB_depth_clamp,NV_depth_clamp; unavailable on OpenGL ES)

◆ arbDrawBuffers

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbDrawBuffers


◆ arbFBO

OpenGl_ArbFBO* OpenGl_Context::arbFBO


◆ arbFBOBlit

OpenGl_ArbFBOBlit* OpenGl_Context::arbFBOBlit

glBlitFramebuffer function, moved out from OpenGl_ArbFBO structure for compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0

◆ arbIns

OpenGl_ArbIns* OpenGl_Context::arbIns

GL_ARB_draw_instanced (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.1 or as extension GL_ARB_draw_instanced; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays to WebGL 1.0)

◆ arbNPTW

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbNPTW


◆ arbSamplerObject

OpenGl_ArbSamplerObject* OpenGl_Context::arbSamplerObject

GL_ARB_sampler_objects (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.3 or as extension GL_ARB_sampler_objects; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0)

◆ arbSampleShading

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbSampleShading


◆ arbTBO

OpenGl_ArbTBO* OpenGl_Context::arbTBO

GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.1 or as extension GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object; on OpenGL ES - since 3.2)

◆ arbTboRGB32

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbTboRGB32

GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 (3-component TBO), in core since 4.0 (on OpenGL ES - since 3.2)

◆ arbTexBindless

OpenGl_ArbTexBindless* OpenGl_Context::arbTexBindless


◆ arbTexFloat

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbTexFloat

GL_ARB_texture_float (on desktop OpenGL - since 3.0 or as extension GL_ARB_texture_float; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0);.

See also
hasTexFloatLinear for linear filtering support

◆ arbTexRG

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::arbTexRG


◆ atiMem

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::atiMem


◆ caps

Handle< OpenGl_Caps > OpenGl_Context::caps

context options

◆ core11ffp

OpenGl_GlCore11* OpenGl_Context::core11ffp

OpenGL 1.1 core functionality.

◆ core11fwd

OpenGl_GlCore11Fwd* OpenGl_Context::core11fwd

OpenGL 1.1 without deprecated entry points.

◆ core15

OpenGl_GlCore15* OpenGl_Context::core15

OpenGL 1.5 without deprecated entry points.

◆ core15fwd

OpenGl_GlCore15* OpenGl_Context::core15fwd

obsolete entry left for code portability; core15 should be used instead

◆ core20

OpenGl_GlCore20* OpenGl_Context::core20

OpenGL 2.0 without deprecated entry points.

◆ core20fwd

OpenGl_GlCore20* OpenGl_Context::core20fwd

obsolete entry left for code portability; core20 should be used instead

◆ core30

OpenGl_GlCore30* OpenGl_Context::core30

OpenGL 3.0 without deprecated entry points.

◆ core32

OpenGl_GlCore32* OpenGl_Context::core32

OpenGL 3.2 core profile.

◆ core33

OpenGl_GlCore33* OpenGl_Context::core33

OpenGL 3.3 core profile.

◆ core41

OpenGl_GlCore41* OpenGl_Context::core41

OpenGL 4.1 core profile.

◆ core42

OpenGl_GlCore42* OpenGl_Context::core42

OpenGL 4.2 core profile.

◆ core43

OpenGl_GlCore43* OpenGl_Context::core43

OpenGL 4.3 core profile.

◆ core44

OpenGl_GlCore44* OpenGl_Context::core44

OpenGL 4.4 core profile.

◆ core45

OpenGl_GlCore45* OpenGl_Context::core45

OpenGL 4.5 core profile.

◆ core46

OpenGl_GlCore46* OpenGl_Context::core46

OpenGL 4.6 core profile.

◆ extAnis

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extAnis


◆ extBgra

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extBgra

GL_EXT_bgra or GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 on OpenGL ES.

◆ extDrawBuffers

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extDrawBuffers


◆ extFragDepth

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extFragDepth

GL_EXT_frag_depth on OpenGL ES 2.0 (gl_FragDepthEXT built-in variable, before OpenGL ES 3.0)

◆ extGS

OpenGl_ExtGS* OpenGl_Context::extGS


◆ extPDS

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extPDS


◆ extTexR16

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::extTexR16

GL_EXT_texture_norm16 on OpenGL ES; always available on desktop.

◆ hasDrawBuffers

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasDrawBuffers

Complex flag indicating support of multiple draw buffers (desktop OpenGL 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_EXT_draw_buffers)

◆ hasFboRenderMipmap

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasFboRenderMipmap

FBO render target could be non-zero mipmap level of texture.

◆ hasFboSRGB

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasFboSRGB

sRGB FBO render targets (desktop OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL ES 3.0)

◆ hasFlatShading

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasFlatShading

Complex flag indicating support of Flat shading (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Phong) (always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives)

◆ hasFloatBuffer

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasFloatBuffer

Complex flag indicating support of float color buffer format (desktop OpenGL 3.0, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_color_buffer_float)

◆ hasGeometryStage

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasGeometryStage

Complex flag indicating support of Geometry shader (desktop OpenGL 3.2, OpenGL ES 3.2, GL_EXT_geometry_shader)

◆ hasGetBufferData

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasGetBufferData

flag indicating if GetBufferSubData() is supported

◆ hasGlslBitwiseOps

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasGlslBitwiseOps

GLSL supports bitwise operations; OpenGL 3.0 / OpenGL ES 3.0 (GLSL 130 / GLSL ES 300) or OpenGL 2.1 + GL_EXT_gpu_shader4.

◆ hasHalfFloatBuffer

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasHalfFloatBuffer

Complex flag indicating support of half-float color buffer format (desktop OpenGL 3.0, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float)

◆ hasHighp

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasHighp

highp in GLSL ES fragment shader is supported

◆ hasPackRowLength

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasPackRowLength

supporting of GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH parameters (any desktop OpenGL; OpenGL ES 3.0)

◆ hasSampleVariables

OpenGl_FeatureFlag OpenGl_Context::hasSampleVariables

Complex flag indicating support of MSAA variables in GLSL shader (desktop OpenGL 4.0, GL_ARB_sample_shading)

◆ hasSRGBControl

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasSRGBControl

sRGB write control (any desktop OpenGL, OpenGL ES + GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control extension)

◆ hasTexFloatLinear

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasTexFloatLinear

texture-filterable state for 32-bit floating texture formats (always on desktop, GL_OES_texture_float_linear within OpenGL ES)

◆ hasTexRGBA8

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasTexRGBA8

always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8

◆ hasTexSRGB

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasTexSRGB

sRGB texture formats (desktop OpenGL 2.1, OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 + GL_EXT_sRGB)

◆ hasUintIndex

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasUintIndex

GLuint for index buffer is supported (always available on desktop; on OpenGL ES - since 3.0 or as extension GL_OES_element_index_uint)

◆ hasUnpackRowLength

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::hasUnpackRowLength

supporting of GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH parameters (any desktop OpenGL; OpenGL ES 3.0)

◆ ModelWorldState

OpenGl_MatrixState<Standard_ShortReal> OpenGl_Context::ModelWorldState

state of orientation matrix

◆ nvxMem

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::nvxMem


◆ oesSampleVariables

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::oesSampleVariables


◆ oesStdDerivatives

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Context::oesStdDerivatives


◆ ProjectionState

OpenGl_MatrixState<Standard_ShortReal> OpenGl_Context::ProjectionState

state of projection matrix

◆ WorldViewState

OpenGl_MatrixState<Standard_ShortReal> OpenGl_Context::WorldViewState

state of orientation matrix

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: