This class provides an interface for selecting volume manager, which is responsible for all overlap detection methods and calculation of minimum depth, distance to center of geometry and detected closest point on entity.
| SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager () |
virtual | ~SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager () |
virtual Standard_Integer | GetActiveSelectionType () const =0 |
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const BVH_Box< Standard_Real, 3 > &theBox, Standard_Real &theDepth)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by box theBox. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMin, const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMax, Standard_Boolean *theInside=NULL)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by axis-aligned bounding box with minimum corner at point theMinPt and maximum at point theMaxPt. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePt, Standard_Real &theDepth)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by point thePt. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const Handle< TColgp_HArray1OfPnt > &theArrayOfPts, Standard_Integer theSensType, Standard_Real &theDepth)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by planar convex polygon, which points are stored in theArrayOfPts, taking into account sensitivity type theSensType. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePt1, const gp_Pnt &thePt2, Standard_Real &theDepth)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by line segment with start point at thePt1 and end point at thePt2. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean | Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePt1, const gp_Pnt &thePt2, const gp_Pnt &thePt3, Standard_Integer theSensType, Standard_Real &theDepth)=0 |
| Returns true if selecting volume is overlapped by triangle with vertices thePt1, thePt2 and thePt3, taking into account sensitivity type theSensType. More...
virtual Standard_Real | DistToGeometryCenter (const gp_Pnt &theCOG)=0 |
| Calculates distance from 3d projection of user-defined selection point to the given point theCOG. More...
virtual NCollection_Vec3
< Standard_Real > | DetectedPoint (const Standard_Real theDepth) const =0 |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsOverlapAllowed () const =0 |
This class provides an interface for selecting volume manager, which is responsible for all overlap detection methods and calculation of minimum depth, distance to center of geometry and detected closest point on entity.