Open CASCADE Technology  7.0.0
Data Structures | Namespaces | Functions

OpenGl_SceneGeometry.hxx File Reference

#include <BVH_Geometry.hxx>
#include <BVH_Triangulation.hxx>
#include <BVH_BinnedBuilder.hxx>
#include <NCollection_StdAllocator.hxx>
#include <OpenGl_TextureBufferArb.hxx>
#include <OpenGl_Texture.hxx>
#include <OpenGl_Sampler.hxx>

Data Structures

class  OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial
 Stores properties of surface material. More...
struct  OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial::Physical
 Physically-based material properties (used in path tracing engine). More...
class  OpenGl_RaytraceLight
 Stores properties of OpenGL light source. More...
class  OpenGl_TriangleSet
 Triangulation of single OpenGL primitive array. More...
class  OpenGl_RaytraceGeometry
 Stores geometry of ray-tracing scene. More...




Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Raytrace::IsRaytracedGroup (const OpenGl_Group *theGroup)
 Checks to see if the group contains ray-trace geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Raytrace::IsRaytracedElement (const OpenGl_ElementNode *theNode)
 Checks to see if the element contains ray-trace geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Raytrace::IsRaytracedElement (const OpenGl_Element *theElement)
 Checks to see if the element contains ray-trace geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Raytrace::IsRaytracedStructure (const OpenGl_Structure *theStructure)
 Checks to see if the structure contains ray-trace geometry. More...