Open CASCADE Technology  7.6.0
Public Member Functions

Prs3d_Drawer Class Reference

A graphic attribute manager which governs how objects such as color, width, line thickness and deflection are displayed. A drawer includes an instance of the Aspect classes with particular default values. More...

#include <Prs3d_Drawer.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for Prs3d_Drawer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Prs3d_Drawer ()
 Default constructor. More...
void SetTypeOfDeflection (const Aspect_TypeOfDeflection theTypeOfDeflection)
 Sets the type of chordal deflection. This indicates whether the deflection value is absolute or relative to the size of the object. More...
Aspect_TypeOfDeflection TypeOfDeflection () const
 Returns the type of chordal deflection. This indicates whether the deflection value is absolute or relative to the size of the object. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnTypeOfDeflection () const
 Returns true if the drawer has a type of deflection setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnTypeOfDeflection ()
 Resets HasOwnTypeOfDeflection() flag, e.g. undoes SetTypeOfDeflection(). More...
void SetMaximalChordialDeviation (const Standard_Real theChordialDeviation)
 Defines the maximal chordial deviation when drawing any curve. Even if the type of deviation is set to TOD_Relative, this value is used by: Prs3d_DeflectionCurve Prs3d_WFDeflectionSurface Prs3d_WFDeflectionRestrictedFace. More...
Standard_Real MaximalChordialDeviation () const
 Returns the maximal chordal deviation. The default value is 0.1. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to an absolute maximal chordal deviation. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnMaximalChordialDeviation () const
 Returns true if the drawer has a maximal chordial deviation setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnMaximalChordialDeviation ()
 Resets HasOwnMaximalChordialDeviation() flag, e.g. undoes SetMaximalChordialDeviation(). More...
void SetTypeOfHLR (const Prs3d_TypeOfHLR theTypeOfHLR)
 Sets the type of HLR algorithm used by drawer's interactive objects. More...
Prs3d_TypeOfHLR TypeOfHLR ()
 Returns the type of HLR algorithm currently in use. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnTypeOfHLR () const
 Returns true if the type of HLR is not equal to Prs3d_TOH_NotSet. More...
void SetMaximalParameterValue (const Standard_Real theValue)
 Defines the maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve. More...
Standard_Real MaximalParameterValue () const
 Sets the maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve. By default, this value is 500000. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnMaximalParameterValue () const
 Returns true if the drawer has a maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnMaximalParameterValue ()
 Resets HasOwnMaximalParameterValue() flag, e.g. undoes SetMaximalParameterValue(). More...
void SetIsoOnPlane (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Sets IsoOnPlane on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false. More...
Standard_Boolean IsoOnPlane () const
 Returns True if the drawing of isos on planes is enabled. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnIsoOnPlane () const
 Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnPlane setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnIsoOnPlane ()
 Resets HasOwnIsoOnPlane() flag, e.g. undoes SetIsoOnPlane(). More...
Standard_Boolean IsoOnTriangulation () const
 Returns True if the drawing of isos on triangulation is enabled. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnIsoOnTriangulation () const
 Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnTriangulation setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnIsoOnTriangulation ()
 Resets HasOwnIsoOnTriangulation() flag, e.g. undoes SetIsoOnTriangulation(). More...
void SetIsoOnTriangulation (const Standard_Boolean theToEnable)
 Enables or disables isolines on triangulation by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false. More...
void SetDiscretisation (const Standard_Integer theValue)
 Sets the discretisation parameter theValue. More...
Standard_Integer Discretisation () const
 Returns the discretisation setting. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDiscretisation () const
 Returns true if the drawer has discretisation setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnDiscretisation ()
 Resets HasOwnDiscretisation() flag, e.g. undoes SetDiscretisation(). More...
void SetDeviationCoefficient (const Standard_Real theCoefficient)
 Sets the deviation coefficient theCoefficient. Also sets the hasOwnDeviationCoefficient flag to Standard_True and myPreviousDeviationCoefficient. More...
Standard_Real DeviationCoefficient () const
 Returns the deviation coefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. More...
void SetDeviationCoefficient ()
 Resets HasOwnDeviationCoefficient() flag, e.g. undoes previous SetDeviationCoefficient(). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDeviationCoefficient () const
 Returns true if there is a local setting for deviation coefficient in this framework for a specific interactive object. More...
Standard_Real PreviousDeviationCoefficient () const
 Saves the previous value used for the chordal deviation coefficient. More...
void UpdatePreviousDeviationCoefficient ()
 Updates the previous value used for the chordal deviation coefficient to the current state. More...
void SetDeviationAngle (const Standard_Real theAngle)
 Sets the deviation angle theAngle. Also sets the hasOwnDeviationAngle flag to Standard_True, and myPreviousDeviationAngle. More...
Standard_Real DeviationAngle () const
 Returns the value for deviation angle in radians, 20 * M_PI / 180 by default. More...
void SetDeviationAngle ()
 Resets HasOwnDeviationAngle() flag, e.g. undoes previous SetDeviationAngle(). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDeviationAngle () const
 Returns true if there is a local setting for deviation angle in this framework for a specific interactive object. More...
Standard_Real PreviousDeviationAngle () const
 Returns the previous deviation angle. More...
void UpdatePreviousDeviationAngle ()
 Updates the previous deviation angle to the current value. More...
void SetAutoTriangulation (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Sets IsAutoTriangulated on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false. If this flag is True automatic re-triangulation with deflection-check logic will be applied. Else this feature will be disable and triangulation is expected to be computed by application itself and no shading presentation at all if unavailable. More...
Standard_Boolean IsAutoTriangulation () const
 Returns True if automatic triangulation is enabled. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnIsAutoTriangulation () const
 Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnPlane setting active. More...
void UnsetOwnIsAutoTriangulation ()
 Resets HasOwnIsAutoTriangulation() flag, e.g. undoes SetAutoTriangulation(). More...
const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > & UIsoAspect ()
 Defines the attributes which are used when drawing an U isoparametric curve of a face. Defines the number of U isoparametric curves to be drawn for a single face. The LineAspect for U isoparametric lines can be edited (methods SetColor, SetTypeOfLine, SetWidth, SetNumber) The default values are: COLOR : Quantity_NOC_GRAY75 TYPE OF LINE: Aspect_TOL_SOLID WIDTH : 0.5. More...
void SetUIsoAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > &theAspect)
Standard_Boolean HasOwnUIsoAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for UIso aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > & VIsoAspect ()
 Defines the attributes which are used when drawing an V isoparametric curve of a face. Defines the number of V isoparametric curves to be drawn for a single face. The LineAspect for V isoparametric lines can be edited (methods SetColor, SetTypeOfLine, SetWidth, SetNumber) The default values are: COLOR : Quantity_NOC_GRAY82 TYPE OF LINE: Aspect_TOL_SOLID WIDTH : 0.5. More...
void SetVIsoAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the appearance of V isoparameters - theAspect. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnVIsoAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for VIso aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & WireAspect ()
 Returns wire aspect settings. The LineAspect for the free boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_GREEN Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape. More...
void SetWireAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display of wires. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnWireAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for wire aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetWireDraw (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Sets WireDraw on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false. More...
Standard_Boolean WireDraw () const
 Returns True if the drawing of the wire is enabled. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnWireDraw () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw wires" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnWireDraw ()
 Resets HasOwnWireDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetWireDraw(). More...
const Handle< Prs3d_PointAspect > & PointAspect ()
 Returns the point aspect setting. The default values are Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of marker: Aspect_TOM_PLUS Scale: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithms Prs3d_Point. More...
void SetPointAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_PointAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of points. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnPointAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for point aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
Standard_Boolean SetupOwnPointAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDefaults=Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >())
 Sets own point aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for point aspect. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & LineAspect ()
 Returns settings for line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the following algorithms: Prs3d_Curve Prs3d_Line Prs3d_HLRShape. More...
void SetLineAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of lines. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnLineAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for line aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
Standard_Boolean SetOwnLineAspects (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDefaults=Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >())
 Sets own line aspects. Returns FALSE if own line aspect are already set. More...
Standard_Boolean SetOwnDatumAspects (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDefaults=Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >())
 Sets own line aspects for datums. Returns FALSE if own line for datums are already set. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_TextAspect > & TextAspect ()
 Returns settings for text aspect. These settings can be edited. The default value is: More...
void SetTextAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_TextAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of text. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnTextAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for text aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspect > & ShadingAspect ()
 Returns settings for shading aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: More...
void SetShadingAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of shading. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnShadingAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for shading aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
Standard_Boolean SetupOwnShadingAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDefaults=Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >())
 Sets own shading aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for shading aspect. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & SeenLineAspect ()
 Returns settings for seen line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0. More...
void SetSeenLineAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of seen lines in hidden line removal mode. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnSeenLineAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for seen line aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspect > & PlaneAspect ()
 Returns settings for the appearance of planes. More...
void SetPlaneAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of planes. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnPlaneAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for plane aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspect > & ArrowAspect ()
 Returns the attributes for display of arrows. More...
void SetArrowAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of arrows. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnArrowAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for arrow aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetLineArrowDraw (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Enables the drawing of an arrow at the end of each line. By default the arrows are not drawn. More...
Standard_Boolean LineArrowDraw () const
 Returns True if drawing an arrow at the end of each edge is enabled and False otherwise (the default). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnLineArrowDraw () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw arrow" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnLineArrowDraw ()
 Reset HasOwnLineArrowDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetLineArrowDraw(). More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & HiddenLineAspect ()
 Returns settings for hidden line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_DASH Width: 1.0. More...
void SetHiddenLineAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of hidden lines in hidden line removal mode. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnHiddenLineAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for hidden lines aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
Standard_Boolean DrawHiddenLine () const
 Returns Standard_True if the hidden lines are to be drawn. By default the hidden lines are not drawn. More...
void EnableDrawHiddenLine ()
 Enables the DrawHiddenLine function. More...
void DisableDrawHiddenLine ()
 Disables the DrawHiddenLine function. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDrawHiddenLine () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw hidden lines" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnDrawHiddenLine ()
 Resets HasOwnDrawHiddenLine() flag, e.g. unsets EnableDrawHiddenLine()/DisableDrawHiddenLine(). More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & VectorAspect ()
 Returns settings for the appearance of vectors. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_SKYBLUE Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0. More...
void SetVectorAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the modality theAspect for the display of vectors. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnVectorAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for vector aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetVertexDrawMode (const Prs3d_VertexDrawMode theMode)
 Sets the mode of visualization of vertices of a TopoDS_Shape instance. By default, only stand-alone vertices (not belonging topologically to an edge) are drawn, that corresponds to Prs3d_VDM_Standalone mode. Switching to Prs3d_VDM_Standalone mode makes all shape's vertices visible. To inherit this parameter from the global drawer instance ("the link") when it is present, Prs3d_VDM_Inherited value should be used. More...
Prs3d_VertexDrawMode VertexDrawMode ()
 Returns the current mode of visualization of vertices of a TopoDS_Shape instance. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnVertexDrawMode () const
 Returns true if the vertex draw mode is not equal to Prs3d_VDM_Inherited. This means that individual vertex draw mode value (i.e. not inherited from the global drawer) is used for a specific interactive object. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspect > & DatumAspect ()
 Returns settings for the appearance of datums. These settings can be edited. The default values for the three axes are: Color: Quantity_NOC_PEACHPUFF Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0. More...
void SetDatumAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the modality theAspect for the display of datums. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDatumAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for datum aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & SectionAspect ()
 The LineAspect for the wire can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_ORANGE Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape. More...
void SetSectionAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of sections. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnSectionAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for section aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetFreeBoundaryAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of free boundaries. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & FreeBoundaryAspect ()
 Returns the values for presentation of free boundaries, in other words, boundaries which are not shared. The LineAspect for the free boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_GREEN Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for free boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetFreeBoundaryDraw (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Enables or disables drawing of free boundaries for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the free boundaries should be drawn or not. More...
Standard_Boolean FreeBoundaryDraw () const
 Returns True if the drawing of the free boundaries is enabled True is the default setting. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw free boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnFreeBoundaryDraw ()
 Resets HasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetFreeBoundaryDraw(). More...
void SetUnFreeBoundaryAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of shared boundaries. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & UnFreeBoundaryAspect ()
 Returns settings for shared boundary line aspects. The LineAspect for the unfree boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1. These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for unfree boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetUnFreeBoundaryDraw (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Enables or disables drawing of shared boundaries for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the shared boundaries should be drawn or not. More...
Standard_Boolean UnFreeBoundaryDraw () const
 Returns True if the drawing of the shared boundaries is enabled. True is the default setting. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw shared boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw ()
 Resets HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetUnFreeBoundaryDraw(). More...
void SetFaceBoundaryAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets line aspect for face boundaries. The method sets line aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theAspect is the line aspect that determines the look of the face boundaries. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & FaceBoundaryAspect ()
 Returns line aspect of face boundaries. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for face boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link. More...
Standard_Boolean SetupOwnFaceBoundaryAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDefaults=Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >())
 Sets own face boundary aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for face boundary aspect. More...
void SetFaceBoundaryDraw (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Enables or disables face boundary drawing for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the face boundaries should be drawn or not. More...
Standard_Boolean FaceBoundaryDraw () const
 Checks whether the face boundary drawing is enabled or not. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw face boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnFaceBoundaryDraw ()
 Resets HasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetFaceBoundaryDraw(). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for face boundaries upper edge continuity class that overrides the one in the link. More...
GeomAbs_Shape FaceBoundaryUpperContinuity () const
 Get the most edge continuity class; GeomAbs_CN by default (all edges). More...
void SetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity (GeomAbs_Shape theMostAllowedEdgeClass)
 Set the most edge continuity class for face boundaries. More...
void UnsetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity ()
 Unset the most edge continuity class for face boundaries. More...
const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > & DimensionAspect ()
 Returns settings for the appearance of dimensions. More...
void SetDimensionAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > &theAspect)
 Sets the settings for the appearance of dimensions. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDimensionAspect () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for the appearance of dimensions that overrides the one in the link. More...
void SetDimLengthModelUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &theUnits)
 Sets dimension length model units for computing of dimension presentation. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
void SetDimAngleModelUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &theUnits)
 Sets dimension angle model units for computing of dimension presentation. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
const TCollection_AsciiStringDimLengthModelUnits () const
 Returns length model units for the dimension presentation. More...
const TCollection_AsciiStringDimAngleModelUnits () const
 Returns angle model units for the dimension presentation. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDimLengthModelUnits () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for dimension length model units that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnDimLengthModelUnits ()
 Resets HasOwnDimLengthModelUnits() flag, e.g. undoes SetDimLengthModelUnits(). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDimAngleModelUnits () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for dimension angle model units that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnDimAngleModelUnits ()
 Resets HasOwnDimAngleModelUnits() flag, e.g. undoes SetDimAngleModelUnits(). More...
void SetDimLengthDisplayUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &theUnits)
 Sets length units in which value for dimension presentation is displayed. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
void SetDimAngleDisplayUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &theUnits)
 Sets angle units in which value for dimension presentation is displayed. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. More...
const TCollection_AsciiStringDimLengthDisplayUnits () const
 Returns length units in which dimension presentation is displayed. More...
const TCollection_AsciiStringDimAngleDisplayUnits () const
 Returns angle units in which dimension presentation is displayed. More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for length units in which dimension presentation is displayed that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits ()
 Resets HasOwnDimLengthModelUnits() flag, e.g. undoes SetDimLengthDisplayUnits(). More...
Standard_Boolean HasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits () const
 Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for angle units in which dimension presentation is displayed that overrides the one in the link. More...
void UnsetOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits ()
 Resets HasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits() flag, e.g. undoes SetDimLengthDisplayUnits(). More...
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & Link ()
 Returns the drawer to which the current object references. More...
Standard_Boolean HasLink () const
 Returns true if the current object has a link on the other drawer. More...
void Link (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Sets theDrawer as a link to which the current object references. More...
void SetLink (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Sets theDrawer as a link to which the current object references. More...
void ClearLocalAttributes ()
 Removes local attributes. More...
bool SetShaderProgram (const Handle< Graphic3d_ShaderProgram > &theProgram, const Graphic3d_GroupAspect theAspect, const bool theToOverrideDefaults=false)
 Assign shader program for specified type of primitives. More...
bool SetShadingModel (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel theModel, bool theToOverrideDefaults=false)
 Sets Shading Model type for the shading aspect. More...
virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const override
 Dumps the content of me into the stream. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes
 Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes ()
 Empty constructor. More...
virtual ~Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes ()
 Destructor. More...
Aspect_TypeOfHighlightMethod Method () const
 Returns highlight method, Aspect_TOHM_COLOR by default. More...
virtual void SetMethod (const Aspect_TypeOfHighlightMethod theMethod)
 Changes highlight method to the given one. More...
const Quantity_ColorRGBAColorRGBA () const
 Returns basic presentation color (including alpha channel). More...
const Quantity_ColorColor () const
 Returns basic presentation color, Quantity_NOC_WHITE by default. More...
virtual void SetColor (const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Sets basic presentation color (RGB components, does not modifies transparency). More...
Standard_ShortReal Transparency () const
 Returns basic presentation transparency (0 - opaque, 1 - fully transparent), 0 by default (opaque). More...
virtual void SetTransparency (const Standard_ShortReal theTranspCoef)
 Sets basic presentation transparency (0 - opaque, 1 - fully transparent). More...
Graphic3d_ZLayerId ZLayer () const
 Returns presentation Zlayer, Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default by default. Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN means undefined (a layer of main presentation to be used). More...
virtual void SetZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayer)
 Sets presentation Zlayer. More...
Standard_Integer DisplayMode () const
 Returns display mode, 0 by default. -1 means undefined (main display mode of presentation to be used). More...
virtual void SetDisplayMode (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Sets display mode. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d > & BasicFillAreaAspect () const
 Return basic presentation fill area aspect, NULL by default. When set, might be used instead of Color() property. More...
virtual void SetBasicFillAreaAspect (const Handle< Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d > &theAspect)
 Sets basic presentation fill area aspect. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

deprecated methods

Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyLink
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Integer myNbPoints
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnNbPoints
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myMaximalParameterValue
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnMaximalParameterValue
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myChordialDeviation
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnChordialDeviation
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Aspect_TypeOfDeflection myTypeOfDeflection
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnTypeOfDeflection
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Prs3d_TypeOfHLR myTypeOfHLR
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myDeviationCoefficient
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myPreviousDeviationCoefficient
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDeviationCoefficient
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myDeviationAngle
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDeviationAngle
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Real myPreviousDeviationAngle
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myIsoOnPlane
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnIsoOnPlane
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myIsoOnTriangulation
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnIsoOnTriangulation
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myIsAutoTriangulated
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnIsAutoTriangulated
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspectmyUIsoAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnUIsoAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspectmyVIsoAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnVIsoAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyWireAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnWireAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myWireDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnWireDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_PointAspectmyPointAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnPointAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_TextAspectmyTextAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnTextAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspectmyShadingAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnShadingAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspectmyPlaneAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnPlaneAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmySeenLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnSeenLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspectmyArrowAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnArrowAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myLineArrowDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnLineArrowDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyHiddenLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnHiddenLineAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myDrawHiddenLine
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDrawHiddenLine
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyVectorAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnVectorAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Prs3d_VertexDrawMode myVertexDrawMode
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspectmyDatumAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDatumAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmySectionAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnSectionAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyFreeBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myFreeBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyUnFreeBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myUnFreeBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspectmyFaceBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Integer myFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myFaceBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspectmyDimensionAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDimensionAspect
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Prs3d_DimensionUnits myDimensionModelUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDimLengthModelUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDimAngleModelUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Prs3d_DimensionUnits myDimensionDisplayUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits
 the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined More...
void SetHLRAngle (const Standard_Real theAngle)
Standard_Real HLRAngle () const
void SetHLRAngle ()
Standard_Boolean HasOwnHLRDeviationAngle () const
Standard_Real PreviousHLRDeviationAngle () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes
Handle< Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3dmyBasicFillAreaAspect
 presentation fill area aspect More...
Quantity_ColorRGBA myBasicColor
 presentation color More...
Aspect_TypeOfHighlightMethod myHiMethod
 box or color highlighting More...
Graphic3d_ZLayerId myZLayer
 Z-layer. More...
Standard_Integer myDispMode
 display mode More...

Detailed Description

A graphic attribute manager which governs how objects such as color, width, line thickness and deflection are displayed. A drawer includes an instance of the Aspect classes with particular default values.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Prs3d_Drawer()

Prs3d_Drawer::Prs3d_Drawer ( )

Default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ArrowAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::ArrowAspect ( )

Returns the attributes for display of arrows.

◆ ClearLocalAttributes()

void Prs3d_Drawer::ClearLocalAttributes ( )

Removes local attributes.

◆ DatumAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::DatumAspect ( )

Returns settings for the appearance of datums. These settings can be edited. The default values for the three axes are: Color: Quantity_NOC_PEACHPUFF Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0.

◆ DeviationAngle()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::DeviationAngle ( ) const

Returns the value for deviation angle in radians, 20 * M_PI / 180 by default.

◆ DeviationCoefficient()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::DeviationCoefficient ( ) const

Returns the deviation coefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient.

◆ DimAngleDisplayUnits()

const TCollection_AsciiString& Prs3d_Drawer::DimAngleDisplayUnits ( ) const

Returns angle units in which dimension presentation is displayed.

◆ DimAngleModelUnits()

const TCollection_AsciiString& Prs3d_Drawer::DimAngleModelUnits ( ) const

Returns angle model units for the dimension presentation.

◆ DimensionAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::DimensionAspect ( )

Returns settings for the appearance of dimensions.

◆ DimLengthDisplayUnits()

const TCollection_AsciiString& Prs3d_Drawer::DimLengthDisplayUnits ( ) const

Returns length units in which dimension presentation is displayed.

◆ DimLengthModelUnits()

const TCollection_AsciiString& Prs3d_Drawer::DimLengthModelUnits ( ) const

Returns length model units for the dimension presentation.

◆ DisableDrawHiddenLine()

void Prs3d_Drawer::DisableDrawHiddenLine ( )

Disables the DrawHiddenLine function.

◆ Discretisation()

Standard_Integer Prs3d_Drawer::Discretisation ( ) const

Returns the discretisation setting.

◆ DrawHiddenLine()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::DrawHiddenLine ( ) const

Returns Standard_True if the hidden lines are to be drawn. By default the hidden lines are not drawn.

◆ DumpJson()

virtual void Prs3d_Drawer::DumpJson ( Standard_OStream theOStream,
Standard_Integer  theDepth = -1 
) const

Dumps the content of me into the stream.

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes.

◆ EnableDrawHiddenLine()

void Prs3d_Drawer::EnableDrawHiddenLine ( )

Enables the DrawHiddenLine function.

◆ FaceBoundaryAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::FaceBoundaryAspect ( )

Returns line aspect of face boundaries.

◆ FaceBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::FaceBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Checks whether the face boundary drawing is enabled or not.

◆ FaceBoundaryUpperContinuity()

GeomAbs_Shape Prs3d_Drawer::FaceBoundaryUpperContinuity ( ) const

Get the most edge continuity class; GeomAbs_CN by default (all edges).

◆ FreeBoundaryAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::FreeBoundaryAspect ( )

Returns the values for presentation of free boundaries, in other words, boundaries which are not shared. The LineAspect for the free boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_GREEN Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape.

◆ FreeBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::FreeBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Returns True if the drawing of the free boundaries is enabled True is the default setting.

◆ HasLink()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasLink ( ) const

Returns true if the current object has a link on the other drawer.

◆ HasOwnArrowAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnArrowAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for arrow aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDatumAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDatumAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for datum aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDeviationAngle()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDeviationAngle ( ) const

Returns true if there is a local setting for deviation angle in this framework for a specific interactive object.

◆ HasOwnDeviationCoefficient()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDeviationCoefficient ( ) const

Returns true if there is a local setting for deviation coefficient in this framework for a specific interactive object.

◆ HasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for angle units in which dimension presentation is displayed that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDimAngleModelUnits()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDimAngleModelUnits ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for dimension angle model units that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDimensionAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDimensionAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for the appearance of dimensions that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for length units in which dimension presentation is displayed that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDimLengthModelUnits()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDimLengthModelUnits ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for dimension length model units that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnDiscretisation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDiscretisation ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has discretisation setting active.

◆ HasOwnDrawHiddenLine()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnDrawHiddenLine ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw hidden lines" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for face boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw face boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for face boundaries upper edge continuity class that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for free boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw free boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnHiddenLineAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnHiddenLineAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for hidden lines aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnHLRDeviationAngle()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnHLRDeviationAngle ( ) const
("HasOwnDeviationAngle() should be used instead")

◆ HasOwnIsAutoTriangulation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnIsAutoTriangulation ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnPlane setting active.

◆ HasOwnIsoOnPlane()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnIsoOnPlane ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnPlane setting active.

◆ HasOwnIsoOnTriangulation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnIsoOnTriangulation ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has IsoOnTriangulation setting active.

◆ HasOwnLineArrowDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnLineArrowDraw ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw arrow" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnLineAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnLineAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for line aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnMaximalChordialDeviation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnMaximalChordialDeviation ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has a maximal chordial deviation setting active.

◆ HasOwnMaximalParameterValue()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnMaximalParameterValue ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has a maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve setting active.

◆ HasOwnPlaneAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnPlaneAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for plane aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnPointAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnPointAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for point aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnSectionAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnSectionAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for section aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnSeenLineAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnSeenLineAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for seen line aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnShadingAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnShadingAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for shading aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnTextAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnTextAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for text aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnTypeOfDeflection()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnTypeOfDeflection ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has a type of deflection setting active.

◆ HasOwnTypeOfHLR()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnTypeOfHLR ( ) const

Returns true if the type of HLR is not equal to Prs3d_TOH_NotSet.

◆ HasOwnUIsoAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnUIsoAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for UIso aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for unfree boundaries aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw shared boundaries" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnVectorAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnVectorAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for vector aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnVertexDrawMode()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnVertexDrawMode ( ) const

Returns true if the vertex draw mode is not equal to Prs3d_VDM_Inherited. This means that individual vertex draw mode value (i.e. not inherited from the global drawer) is used for a specific interactive object.

◆ HasOwnVIsoAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnVIsoAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for VIso aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnWireAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnWireAspect ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for wire aspect that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HasOwnWireDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnWireDraw ( ) const

Returns true if the drawer has its own attribute for "draw wires" flag that overrides the one in the link.

◆ HiddenLineAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::HiddenLineAspect ( )

Returns settings for hidden line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_DASH Width: 1.0.

◆ HLRAngle()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::HLRAngle ( ) const
("DeviationAngle() should be used instead")

◆ IsAutoTriangulation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::IsAutoTriangulation ( ) const

Returns True if automatic triangulation is enabled.

◆ IsoOnPlane()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::IsoOnPlane ( ) const

Returns True if the drawing of isos on planes is enabled.

◆ IsoOnTriangulation()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::IsoOnTriangulation ( ) const

Returns True if the drawing of isos on triangulation is enabled.

◆ LineArrowDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::LineArrowDraw ( ) const

Returns True if drawing an arrow at the end of each edge is enabled and False otherwise (the default).

◆ LineAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::LineAspect ( )

Returns settings for line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the following algorithms: Prs3d_Curve Prs3d_Line Prs3d_HLRShape.

◆ Link() [1/2]

const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >& Prs3d_Drawer::Link ( )

Returns the drawer to which the current object references.

◆ Link() [2/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::Link ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDrawer)

Sets theDrawer as a link to which the current object references.

◆ MaximalChordialDeviation()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::MaximalChordialDeviation ( ) const

Returns the maximal chordal deviation. The default value is 0.1. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to an absolute maximal chordal deviation.

◆ MaximalParameterValue()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::MaximalParameterValue ( ) const

Sets the maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve. By default, this value is 500000.

◆ PlaneAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::PlaneAspect ( )

Returns settings for the appearance of planes.

◆ PointAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_PointAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::PointAspect ( )

Returns the point aspect setting. The default values are Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of marker: Aspect_TOM_PLUS Scale: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithms Prs3d_Point.

◆ PreviousDeviationAngle()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::PreviousDeviationAngle ( ) const

Returns the previous deviation angle.

◆ PreviousDeviationCoefficient()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::PreviousDeviationCoefficient ( ) const

Saves the previous value used for the chordal deviation coefficient.

◆ PreviousHLRDeviationAngle()

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::PreviousHLRDeviationAngle ( ) const
("PreviousDeviationAngle() should be used instead")

◆ SectionAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::SectionAspect ( )

The LineAspect for the wire can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_ORANGE Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape.

◆ SeenLineAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::SeenLineAspect ( )

Returns settings for seen line aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0.

◆ SetArrowAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetArrowAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of arrows.

◆ SetAutoTriangulation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetAutoTriangulation ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Sets IsAutoTriangulated on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false. If this flag is True automatic re-triangulation with deflection-check logic will be applied. Else this feature will be disable and triangulation is expected to be computed by application itself and no shading presentation at all if unavailable.

◆ SetDatumAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDatumAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the modality theAspect for the display of datums.

◆ SetDeviationAngle() [1/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDeviationAngle ( )

Resets HasOwnDeviationAngle() flag, e.g. undoes previous SetDeviationAngle().

◆ SetDeviationAngle() [2/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDeviationAngle ( const Standard_Real  theAngle)

Sets the deviation angle theAngle. Also sets the hasOwnDeviationAngle flag to Standard_True, and myPreviousDeviationAngle.

◆ SetDeviationCoefficient() [1/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDeviationCoefficient ( )

Resets HasOwnDeviationCoefficient() flag, e.g. undoes previous SetDeviationCoefficient().

◆ SetDeviationCoefficient() [2/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDeviationCoefficient ( const Standard_Real  theCoefficient)

Sets the deviation coefficient theCoefficient. Also sets the hasOwnDeviationCoefficient flag to Standard_True and myPreviousDeviationCoefficient.

◆ SetDimAngleDisplayUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDimAngleDisplayUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString theUnits)

Sets angle units in which value for dimension presentation is displayed. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetDimAngleModelUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDimAngleModelUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString theUnits)

Sets dimension angle model units for computing of dimension presentation. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetDimensionAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDimensionAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the settings for the appearance of dimensions. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetDimLengthDisplayUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDimLengthDisplayUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString theUnits)

Sets length units in which value for dimension presentation is displayed. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetDimLengthModelUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDimLengthModelUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString theUnits)

Sets dimension length model units for computing of dimension presentation. The method sets value owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetDiscretisation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetDiscretisation ( const Standard_Integer  theValue)

Sets the discretisation parameter theValue.

◆ SetFaceBoundaryAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetFaceBoundaryAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets line aspect for face boundaries. The method sets line aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theAspect is the line aspect that determines the look of the face boundaries.

◆ SetFaceBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetFaceBoundaryDraw ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Enables or disables face boundary drawing for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the face boundaries should be drawn or not.

◆ SetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity ( GeomAbs_Shape  theMostAllowedEdgeClass)

Set the most edge continuity class for face boundaries.

◆ SetFreeBoundaryAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetFreeBoundaryAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of free boundaries. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetFreeBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetFreeBoundaryDraw ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Enables or disables drawing of free boundaries for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the free boundaries should be drawn or not.

◆ SetHiddenLineAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetHiddenLineAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of hidden lines in hidden line removal mode.

◆ SetHLRAngle() [1/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetHLRAngle ( )
("SetDeviationAngle() should be used instead")

◆ SetHLRAngle() [2/2]

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetHLRAngle ( const Standard_Real  theAngle)
("SetDeviationAngle() should be used instead")

◆ SetIsoOnPlane()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetIsoOnPlane ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Sets IsoOnPlane on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false.

◆ SetIsoOnTriangulation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetIsoOnTriangulation ( const Standard_Boolean  theToEnable)

Enables or disables isolines on triangulation by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false.

◆ SetLineArrowDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetLineArrowDraw ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Enables the drawing of an arrow at the end of each line. By default the arrows are not drawn.

◆ SetLineAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetLineAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of lines.

◆ SetLink()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetLink ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDrawer)

Sets theDrawer as a link to which the current object references.

◆ SetMaximalChordialDeviation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetMaximalChordialDeviation ( const Standard_Real  theChordialDeviation)

Defines the maximal chordial deviation when drawing any curve. Even if the type of deviation is set to TOD_Relative, this value is used by: Prs3d_DeflectionCurve Prs3d_WFDeflectionSurface Prs3d_WFDeflectionRestrictedFace.

◆ SetMaximalParameterValue()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetMaximalParameterValue ( const Standard_Real  theValue)

Defines the maximum value allowed for the first and last parameters of an infinite curve.

◆ SetOwnDatumAspects()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::SetOwnDatumAspects ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDefaults = HandlePrs3d_Drawer >())

Sets own line aspects for datums. Returns FALSE if own line for datums are already set.

◆ SetOwnLineAspects()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::SetOwnLineAspects ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDefaults = HandlePrs3d_Drawer >())

Sets own line aspects. Returns FALSE if own line aspect are already set.

◆ SetPlaneAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetPlaneAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of planes.

◆ SetPointAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetPointAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_PointAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of points.

◆ SetSectionAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetSectionAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of sections.

◆ SetSeenLineAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetSeenLineAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of seen lines in hidden line removal mode.

◆ SetShaderProgram()

bool Prs3d_Drawer::SetShaderProgram ( const Handle< Graphic3d_ShaderProgram > &  theProgram,
const Graphic3d_GroupAspect  theAspect,
const bool  theToOverrideDefaults = false 

Assign shader program for specified type of primitives.

theProgramnew program to set (might be NULL)
theAspectthe type of primitives
theToOverrideDefaultsif true then non-overridden attributes using defaults will be allocated and copied from the Link; otherwise, only already customized attributes will be changed
TRUE if presentation should be recomputed after creating aspects not previously customized (if theToOverrideDefaults is also TRUE)

◆ SetShadingAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetShadingAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of shading.

◆ SetShadingModel()

bool Prs3d_Drawer::SetShadingModel ( Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel  theModel,
bool  theToOverrideDefaults = false 

Sets Shading Model type for the shading aspect.

◆ SetTextAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetTextAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_TextAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display attributes of text.

◆ SetTypeOfDeflection()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetTypeOfDeflection ( const Aspect_TypeOfDeflection  theTypeOfDeflection)

Sets the type of chordal deflection. This indicates whether the deflection value is absolute or relative to the size of the object.

◆ SetTypeOfHLR()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetTypeOfHLR ( const Prs3d_TypeOfHLR  theTypeOfHLR)

Sets the type of HLR algorithm used by drawer's interactive objects.

◆ SetUIsoAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetUIsoAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > &  theAspect)

◆ SetUnFreeBoundaryAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetUnFreeBoundaryAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for the display of shared boundaries. The method sets aspect owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link.

◆ SetUnFreeBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetUnFreeBoundaryDraw ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Enables or disables drawing of shared boundaries for shading presentations. The method sets drawing flag owned by the drawer that will be used during visualization instead of the one set in link. theIsEnabled is a boolean flag indicating whether the shared boundaries should be drawn or not.

◆ SetupOwnFaceBoundaryAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::SetupOwnFaceBoundaryAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDefaults = HandlePrs3d_Drawer >())

Sets own face boundary aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for face boundary aspect.

◆ SetupOwnPointAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::SetupOwnPointAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDefaults = HandlePrs3d_Drawer >())

Sets own point aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for point aspect.

◆ SetupOwnShadingAspect()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::SetupOwnShadingAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &  theDefaults = HandlePrs3d_Drawer >())

Sets own shading aspect. Returns FALSE if the drawer already has its own attribute for shading aspect.

◆ SetVectorAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetVectorAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the modality theAspect for the display of vectors.

◆ SetVertexDrawMode()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetVertexDrawMode ( const Prs3d_VertexDrawMode  theMode)

Sets the mode of visualization of vertices of a TopoDS_Shape instance. By default, only stand-alone vertices (not belonging topologically to an edge) are drawn, that corresponds to Prs3d_VDM_Standalone mode. Switching to Prs3d_VDM_Standalone mode makes all shape's vertices visible. To inherit this parameter from the global drawer instance ("the link") when it is present, Prs3d_VDM_Inherited value should be used.

◆ SetVIsoAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetVIsoAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the appearance of V isoparameters - theAspect.

◆ SetWireAspect()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetWireAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &  theAspect)

Sets the parameter theAspect for display of wires.

◆ SetWireDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::SetWireDraw ( const Standard_Boolean  theIsEnabled)

Sets WireDraw on or off by setting the parameter theIsEnabled to true or false.

◆ ShadingAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::ShadingAspect ( )

Returns settings for shading aspects. These settings can be edited. The default values are:

  • Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW
  • Material: Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial_Brass Shading aspect is obtained through decomposition of 3d faces into triangles, each side of each triangle being a chord of the corresponding curved edge in the face. Reflection of light in each projector perspective is then calculated for each of the resultant triangular planes.

◆ TextAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_TextAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::TextAspect ( )

Returns settings for text aspect. These settings can be edited. The default value is:

  • Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW

◆ TypeOfDeflection()

Aspect_TypeOfDeflection Prs3d_Drawer::TypeOfDeflection ( ) const

Returns the type of chordal deflection. This indicates whether the deflection value is absolute or relative to the size of the object.

◆ TypeOfHLR()

Prs3d_TypeOfHLR Prs3d_Drawer::TypeOfHLR ( )

Returns the type of HLR algorithm currently in use.

◆ UIsoAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::UIsoAspect ( )

Defines the attributes which are used when drawing an U isoparametric curve of a face. Defines the number of U isoparametric curves to be drawn for a single face. The LineAspect for U isoparametric lines can be edited (methods SetColor, SetTypeOfLine, SetWidth, SetNumber) The default values are: COLOR : Quantity_NOC_GRAY75 TYPE OF LINE: Aspect_TOL_SOLID WIDTH : 0.5.

These attributes are used by the following algorithms: Prs3d_WFDeflectionSurface Prs3d_WFDeflectionRestrictedFace

◆ UnFreeBoundaryAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::UnFreeBoundaryAspect ( )

Returns settings for shared boundary line aspects. The LineAspect for the unfree boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1. These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape.

◆ UnFreeBoundaryDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::UnFreeBoundaryDraw ( ) const

Returns True if the drawing of the shared boundaries is enabled. True is the default setting.

◆ UnsetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity ( )

Unset the most edge continuity class for face boundaries.

◆ UnsetOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits ( )

◆ UnsetOwnDimAngleModelUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDimAngleModelUnits ( )

◆ UnsetOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits ( )

◆ UnsetOwnDimLengthModelUnits()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDimLengthModelUnits ( )

◆ UnsetOwnDiscretisation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDiscretisation ( )

Resets HasOwnDiscretisation() flag, e.g. undoes SetDiscretisation().

◆ UnsetOwnDrawHiddenLine()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnDrawHiddenLine ( )

Resets HasOwnDrawHiddenLine() flag, e.g. unsets EnableDrawHiddenLine()/DisableDrawHiddenLine().

◆ UnsetOwnFaceBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnFaceBoundaryDraw ( )

◆ UnsetOwnFreeBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnFreeBoundaryDraw ( )

◆ UnsetOwnIsAutoTriangulation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnIsAutoTriangulation ( )

◆ UnsetOwnIsoOnPlane()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnIsoOnPlane ( )

Resets HasOwnIsoOnPlane() flag, e.g. undoes SetIsoOnPlane().

◆ UnsetOwnIsoOnTriangulation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnIsoOnTriangulation ( )

◆ UnsetOwnLineArrowDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnLineArrowDraw ( )

Reset HasOwnLineArrowDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetLineArrowDraw().

◆ UnsetOwnMaximalChordialDeviation()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnMaximalChordialDeviation ( )

◆ UnsetOwnMaximalParameterValue()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnMaximalParameterValue ( )

◆ UnsetOwnTypeOfDeflection()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnTypeOfDeflection ( )

◆ UnsetOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw ( )

◆ UnsetOwnWireDraw()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UnsetOwnWireDraw ( )

Resets HasOwnWireDraw() flag, e.g. undoes SetWireDraw().

◆ UpdatePreviousDeviationAngle()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UpdatePreviousDeviationAngle ( )

Updates the previous deviation angle to the current value.

◆ UpdatePreviousDeviationCoefficient()

void Prs3d_Drawer::UpdatePreviousDeviationCoefficient ( )

Updates the previous value used for the chordal deviation coefficient to the current state.

◆ VectorAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::VectorAspect ( )

Returns settings for the appearance of vectors. These settings can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_SKYBLUE Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0.

◆ VertexDrawMode()

Prs3d_VertexDrawMode Prs3d_Drawer::VertexDrawMode ( )

Returns the current mode of visualization of vertices of a TopoDS_Shape instance.

◆ VIsoAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::VIsoAspect ( )

Defines the attributes which are used when drawing an V isoparametric curve of a face. Defines the number of V isoparametric curves to be drawn for a single face. The LineAspect for V isoparametric lines can be edited (methods SetColor, SetTypeOfLine, SetWidth, SetNumber) The default values are: COLOR : Quantity_NOC_GRAY82 TYPE OF LINE: Aspect_TOL_SOLID WIDTH : 0.5.

These attributes are used by the following algorithms: Prs3d_WFDeflectionSurface Prs3d_WFDeflectionRestrictedFace

◆ WireAspect()

const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect >& Prs3d_Drawer::WireAspect ( )

Returns wire aspect settings. The LineAspect for the free boundaries can be edited. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_GREEN Type of line: Aspect_TOL_SOLID Width: 1.0 These attributes are used by the algorithm Prs3d_WFShape.

◆ WireDraw()

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::WireDraw ( ) const

Returns True if the drawing of the wire is enabled.

Field Documentation

◆ myArrowAspect

Handle< Prs3d_ArrowAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myArrowAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myChordialDeviation

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myChordialDeviation

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDatumAspect

Handle< Prs3d_DatumAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myDatumAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDeviationAngle

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myDeviationAngle

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDeviationCoefficient

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myDeviationCoefficient

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDimensionAspect

Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myDimensionAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDimensionDisplayUnits

Prs3d_DimensionUnits Prs3d_Drawer::myDimensionDisplayUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDimensionModelUnits

Prs3d_DimensionUnits Prs3d_Drawer::myDimensionModelUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myDrawHiddenLine

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myDrawHiddenLine

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myFaceBoundaryAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myFaceBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myFaceBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myFaceBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity

Standard_Integer Prs3d_Drawer::myFaceBoundaryUpperContinuity

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myFreeBoundaryAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myFreeBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myFreeBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myFreeBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnArrowAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnArrowAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnChordialDeviation

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnChordialDeviation

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDatumAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDatumAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDeviationAngle

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDeviationAngle

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDeviationCoefficient

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDeviationCoefficient

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDimAngleDisplayUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDimAngleModelUnits

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDimAngleModelUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDimensionAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDimensionAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDimLengthDisplayUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDimLengthModelUnits

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDimLengthModelUnits

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnDrawHiddenLine

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnDrawHiddenLine

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnFaceBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnFaceBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnFreeBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnFreeBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnHiddenLineAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnHiddenLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnIsAutoTriangulated

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnIsAutoTriangulated

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnIsoOnPlane

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnIsoOnPlane

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnIsoOnTriangulation

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnIsoOnTriangulation

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnLineArrowDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnLineArrowDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnLineAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnMaximalParameterValue

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnMaximalParameterValue

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnNbPoints

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnNbPoints

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnPlaneAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnPlaneAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnPointAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnPointAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnSectionAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnSectionAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnSeenLineAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnSeenLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnShadingAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnShadingAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnTextAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnTextAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnTypeOfDeflection

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnTypeOfDeflection

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnUIsoAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnUIsoAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnUnFreeBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnVectorAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnVectorAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnVIsoAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnVIsoAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnWireAspect

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnWireAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHasOwnWireDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myHasOwnWireDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myHiddenLineAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myHiddenLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myIsAutoTriangulated

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myIsAutoTriangulated

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myIsoOnPlane

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myIsoOnPlane

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myIsoOnTriangulation

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myIsoOnTriangulation

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myLineArrowDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myLineArrowDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myLineAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myLink

Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > Prs3d_Drawer::myLink

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myMaximalParameterValue

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myMaximalParameterValue

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myNbPoints

Standard_Integer Prs3d_Drawer::myNbPoints

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myPlaneAspect

Handle< Prs3d_PlaneAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myPlaneAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myPointAspect

Handle< Prs3d_PointAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myPointAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myPreviousDeviationAngle

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myPreviousDeviationAngle

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myPreviousDeviationCoefficient

Standard_Real Prs3d_Drawer::myPreviousDeviationCoefficient

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ mySectionAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::mySectionAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ mySeenLineAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::mySeenLineAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myShadingAspect

Handle< Prs3d_ShadingAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myShadingAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myTextAspect

Handle< Prs3d_TextAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myTextAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myTypeOfDeflection

Aspect_TypeOfDeflection Prs3d_Drawer::myTypeOfDeflection

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myTypeOfHLR

Prs3d_TypeOfHLR Prs3d_Drawer::myTypeOfHLR

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myUIsoAspect

Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myUIsoAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myUnFreeBoundaryAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myUnFreeBoundaryAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myUnFreeBoundaryDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myUnFreeBoundaryDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myVectorAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myVectorAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myVertexDrawMode

Prs3d_VertexDrawMode Prs3d_Drawer::myVertexDrawMode

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myVIsoAspect

Handle< Prs3d_IsoAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myVIsoAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myWireAspect

Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > Prs3d_Drawer::myWireAspect

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

◆ myWireDraw

Standard_Boolean Prs3d_Drawer::myWireDraw

the most edge continuity class (GeomAbs_Shape) to be included to face boundaries presentation, or -1 if undefined

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: