static void | Factory (Draw_Interpretor &theDI) |
| Loads all Draw commands of V2d & V3d. Used for plugin. More...
static TCollection_AsciiString | ViewerInit (const Standard_Integer thePxLeft=0, const Standard_Integer thePxTop=0, const Standard_Integer thePxWidth=0, const Standard_Integer thePxHeight=0, const TCollection_AsciiString &theViewName="", const TCollection_AsciiString &theDisplayName="", const Handle< V3d_View > &theViewToClone=Handle< V3d_View >(), const Standard_Boolean theIsVirtual=false) |
| Creates view with default or custom name and adds this name in map to manage multiple views. Implemented in ViewerTest_ViewerCommands.cxx. More...
static void | RemoveViewName (const TCollection_AsciiString &theName) |
static void | InitViewName (const TCollection_AsciiString &theName, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
static TCollection_AsciiString | GetCurrentViewName () |
static void | RemoveView (const TCollection_AsciiString &theViewName, const Standard_Boolean theToRemoveContext=Standard_True) |
| Removes view and clear all maps with information about its resources if necessary. More...
static void | RemoveView (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToRemoveContext=Standard_True) |
| Removes view and clear all maps with information about its resources if necessary. More...
static Standard_Boolean | Display (const TCollection_AsciiString &theName, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theReplaceIfExists=Standard_True) |
| Display AIS object in active Viewer and register it in the map of Interactive Objects with specified name. More...
static TopoDS_Shape | PickShape (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType, const Standard_Integer MaxPick=5) |
| waits until a shape of type <aType> is picked in the AIS Viewer and returns it. if <aType> == TopAbs_Shape, any shape can be picked... MaxPick is the Max number before exiting, if no pick is successful More...
static Standard_Boolean | PickShapes (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aType, Handle< TopTools_HArray1OfShape > &thepicked, const Standard_Integer MaxPick=5) |
| wait until the array is filled with picked shapes. returns True if the array is filled. exit if number of unsuccessful picks = <MaxPick> More...
static void | Commands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | ViewerCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | MyCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | RelationCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | ObjectCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | FilletCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | OpenGlCommands (Draw_Interpretor &theCommands) |
static void | GetMousePosition (Standard_Integer &xpix, Standard_Integer &ypix) |
static Handle< V3d_Viewer > | GetViewerFromContext () |
static Handle< V3d_Viewer > | GetCollectorFromContext () |
static const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > & | GetAISContext () |
static void | SetAISContext (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &aContext) |
static const Handle< V3d_View > & | CurrentView () |
static void | CurrentView (const Handle< V3d_View > &aViou) |
static void | Clear () |
static void | SetEventManager (const Handle< ViewerTest_EventManager > &theMgr) |
| puts theMgr as current eventmanager (the move,select,...will be applied to theMgr) More...
static void | UnsetEventManager () |
| removes the last EventManager from the list. More...
static void | ResetEventManager () |
| clear the list of EventManagers and sets the default EventManager as current More...
static Handle< ViewerTest_EventManager > | CurrentEventManager () |
static void | RemoveSelected () |
static void | RedrawAllViews () |
| redraws all defined views. More...
static Standard_Boolean | SplitParameter (const TCollection_AsciiString &theString, TCollection_AsciiString &theName, TCollection_AsciiString &theValue) |
| Splits "parameter=value" string into separate parameter and value strings. More...
static void | GetSelectedShapes (TopTools_ListOfShape &theShapes) |
| Returns list of selected shapes. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseLineType (Standard_CString theArg, Aspect_TypeOfLine &theType, uint16_t &thePattern) |
| Parses line type argument. Handles either enumeration (integer) value or string constant. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseLineType (Standard_CString theArg, Aspect_TypeOfLine &theType) |
| Parses line type argument. Handles either enumeration (integer) value or string constant. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseMarkerType (Standard_CString theArg, Aspect_TypeOfMarker &theType, Handle< Image_PixMap > &theImage) |
| Parses marker type argument. Handles either enumeration (integer) value or string constant. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseShadingModel (Standard_CString theArg, Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel &theModel) |
| Parses shading model argument. Handles either enumeration (integer) value or string constant. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseZLayerName (Standard_CString theArg, Graphic3d_ZLayerId &theLayer) |
| Parses ZLayer name. More...
static Standard_Boolean | ParseZLayer (Standard_CString theArg, Graphic3d_ZLayerId &theLayer) |
| Parses ZLayer name. More...