Open CASCADE Technology  7.7.0
Data Structures | Public Member Functions
OpenGl_View Class Reference

Implementation of OpenGl view. More...

#include <OpenGl_View.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for OpenGl_View:
Inheritance graph

Data Structures

struct  RaytracingParams
 Compile-time ray-tracing parameters. More...
class  ShaderSource
 Tool class for management of shader sources. More...
struct  StructState
 Describes state of OpenGL structure. More...

Public Member Functions

 OpenGl_View (const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > &theMgr, const Handle< OpenGl_GraphicDriver > &theDriver, const Handle< OpenGl_Caps > &theCaps, OpenGl_StateCounter *theCounter)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~OpenGl_View ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual void ReleaseGlResources (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx)
 Release OpenGL resources. More...
virtual void Remove () override
 Deletes and erases the view. More...
Standard_Boolean SetImmediateModeDrawToFront (const Standard_Boolean theDrawToFrontBuffer) override
virtual void SetWindow (const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &theParentVIew, const Handle< Aspect_Window > &theWindow, const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext) override
 Creates and maps rendering window to the view. More...
virtual Handle< Aspect_WindowWindow () const override
 Returns window associated with the view. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsDefined () const override
 Returns True if the window associated to the view is defined. More...
virtual void Resized () override
 Handle changing size of the rendering window. More...
virtual void Redraw () override
 Redraw content of the view. More...
virtual void RedrawImmediate () override
 Redraw immediate content of the view. More...
virtual void Invalidate () override
 Marks BVH tree for given priority list as dirty and marks primitive set for rebuild. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean IsInvalidated () override
 Return true if view content cache has been invalidated. More...
virtual Standard_Boolean BufferDump (Image_PixMap &theImage, const Graphic3d_BufferType &theBufferType) override
 Dump active rendering buffer into specified memory buffer. In Ray-Tracing allow to get a raw HDR buffer using Graphic3d_BT_RGB_RayTraceHdrLeft buffer type, only Left view will be dumped ignoring stereoscopic parameter. More...
virtual void InvalidateBVHData (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) override
 Marks BVH tree and the set of BVH primitives of correspondent priority list with id theLayerId as outdated. More...
virtual void InsertLayerBefore (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId, const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings &theSettings, const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerAfter) override
 Add a layer to the view. More...
virtual void InsertLayerAfter (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theNewLayerId, const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings &theSettings, const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerBefore) override
 Add a layer to the view. More...
virtual void RemoveZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) override
 Remove a z layer with the given ID. More...
virtual void SetZLayerSettings (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId, const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings &theSettings) override
 Sets the settings for a single Z layer of specified view. More...
virtual Standard_Integer ZLayerMax () const override
 Returns the maximum Z layer ID. First layer ID is Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default, last ID is ZLayerMax(). More...
virtual const NCollection_List< Handle< Graphic3d_Layer > > & Layers () const override
 Returns the list of layers. More...
virtual Handle< Graphic3d_LayerLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) const override
 Returns layer with given ID or NULL if undefined. More...
virtual Bnd_Box MinMaxValues (const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary) const override
 Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the view. If theToIncludeAuxiliary is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite and other auxiliary structures. More...
virtual Handle< Standard_TransientFBO () const override
 Returns pointer to an assigned framebuffer object. More...
virtual void SetFBO (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo) override
 Sets framebuffer object for offscreen rendering. More...
virtual Handle< Standard_TransientFBOCreate (const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight) override
 Generate offscreen FBO in the graphic library. If not supported on hardware returns NULL. More...
virtual void FBORelease (Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo) override
 Remove offscreen FBO from the graphic library. More...
virtual void FBOGetDimensions (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo, Standard_Integer &theWidth, Standard_Integer &theHeight, Standard_Integer &theWidthMax, Standard_Integer &theHeightMax) override
 Read offscreen FBO configuration. More...
virtual void FBOChangeViewport (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theFbo, const Standard_Integer theWidth, const Standard_Integer theHeight) override
 Change offscreen FBO viewport. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_DepthPeeling > & DepthPeelingFbos () const
 Returns additional buffers for depth peeling OIT. More...
virtual Aspect_GradientBackground GradientBackground () const override
 Returns gradient background fill colors. More...
virtual void SetGradientBackground (const Aspect_GradientBackground &theBackground) override
 Sets gradient background fill colors. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundImage (const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureMap > &theTextureMap, Standard_Boolean theToUpdatePBREnv=Standard_True) override
 Sets image texture or environment cubemap as background. More...
virtual void SetTextureEnv (const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &theTextureEnv) override
 Sets environment texture for the view. More...
virtual Aspect_FillMethod BackgroundImageStyle () const override
 Returns background image fill style. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundImageStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle) override
 Sets background image fill style. More...
virtual void SetImageBasedLighting (Standard_Boolean theToEnableIBL) override
 Enables or disables IBL (Image Based Lighting) from background cubemap. Has no effect if PBR is not used. More...
unsigned int SpecIBLMapLevels () const
 Returns number of mipmap levels used in specular IBL map. 0 if PBR environment is not created. More...
const gp_XYZLocalOrigin () const
 Returns local camera origin currently set for rendering, might be modified during rendering. More...
void SetLocalOrigin (const gp_XYZ &theOrigin)
 Setup local camera origin currently set for rendering. More...
virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet > & Lights () const override
 Returns list of lights of the view. More...
virtual void SetLights (const Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet > &theLights) override
 Sets list of lights for the view. More...
virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > & ClipPlanes () const override
 Returns list of clip planes set for the view. More...
virtual void SetClipPlanes (const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > &thePlanes) override
 Sets list of clip planes for the view. More...
virtual void DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString &theDict, Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const override
 Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info. Should be called within rendering thread. More...
virtual TCollection_AsciiString StatisticInformation () const override
 Returns string with statistic performance info. More...
virtual void StatisticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString &theDict) const override
 Fills in the dictionary with statistic performance info. More...
const Quantity_ColorRGBABackgroundColor () const
 Returns background color. More...
OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedronChangeGraduatedTrihedron ()
 Change graduated trihedron. More...
void SetTextureEnv (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &theTexture)
void SetBackgroundTextureStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod FillStyle)
void SetBackgroundGradient (const Quantity_Color &AColor1, const Quantity_Color &AColor2, const Aspect_GradientFillMethod AType)
void SetBackgroundGradientType (const Aspect_GradientFillMethod AType)
const OpenGl_LayerListLayerList () const
 Returns list of OpenGL Z-layers. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_Window > & GlWindow () const
 Returns OpenGL window implementation. More...
const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > & GlTextureEnv () const
 Returns OpenGL environment map. More...
const Graphic3d_CullingToolBVHTreeSelector () const
 Returns selector for BVH tree, providing a possibility to store information about current view volume and to detect which objects are overlapping it. More...
bool HasImmediateStructures () const
 Returns true if there are immediate structures to display. More...
obsolete Graduated Trihedron functionality
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronDisplay (const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron &theTrihedronData) override
 Displays Graduated Trihedron. More...
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronErase () override
 Erases Graduated Trihedron. More...
virtual void GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMax) override
 Sets minimum and maximum points of scene bounding box for Graduated Trihedron stored in graphic view object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Graphic3d_CView
 Graphic3d_CView (const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > &theMgr)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~Graphic3d_CView ()
 Destructor. More...
Standard_Integer Identification () const
 Returns the identification number of the view. More...
virtual void Activate ()
 Activates the view. Maps presentations defined within structure manager onto this view. More...
virtual void Deactivate ()
 Deactivates the view. Unmaps presentations defined within structure manager. The view in deactivated state will ignore actions on structures such as Display(). More...
Standard_Boolean IsActive () const
 Returns the activity flag of the view. More...
Standard_Boolean IsRemoved () const
 Returns true if the view was removed. More...
virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > & Camera () const override
 Returns camera object of the view. More...
virtual void SetCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera)
 Sets camera used by the view. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel ShadingModel () const
 Returns default Shading Model of the view; Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Phong by default. More...
void SetShadingModel (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel theModel)
 Sets default Shading Model of the view. Will throw an exception on attempt to set Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_DEFAULT. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel BackfacingModel () const
 Return backfacing model used for the view; Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel_Auto by default, which means that backface culling is defined by each presentation. More...
void SetBackfacingModel (const Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel theModel)
 Sets backfacing model for the view. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization VisualizationType () const
 Returns visualization type of the view. More...
void SetVisualizationType (const Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization theType)
 Sets visualization type of the view. More...
void SetComputedMode (const Standard_Boolean theMode)
 Switches computed HLR mode in the view. More...
Standard_Boolean ComputedMode () const
 Returns the computed HLR mode state. More...
void ReCompute (const Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &theStructure)
 Computes the new presentation of the structure displayed in this view with the type Graphic3d_TOS_COMPUTED. More...
void Update (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId=Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN)
 Invalidates bounding box of specified ZLayerId. More...
void Compute ()
 Computes the new presentation of the structures displayed in this view with the type Graphic3d_TOS_COMPUTED. More...
void DisplayedStructures (Graphic3d_MapOfStructure &theStructures) const
 Returns the set of structures displayed in this view. More...
virtual Standard_Integer NumberOfDisplayedStructures () const
 Returns number of displayed structures in the view. More...
Standard_Boolean IsComputed (const Standard_Integer theStructId, Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &theComputedStruct) const
 Returns Standard_True in case if the structure with the given <theStructId> is in list of structures to be computed and stores computed struct to <theComputedStruct>. More...
Bnd_Box MinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_MapOfStructure &theSet, const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary=Standard_False) const
 Returns the coordinates of the boundary box of all structures in the set <theSet>. If <theToIgnoreInfiniteFlag> is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite structures. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > & StructureManager () const
 Returns the structure manager handle which manage structures associated with this view. More...
virtual void InvalidateZLayerBoundingBox (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)
 Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the Z layer. More...
Standard_Real ConsiderZoomPersistenceObjects ()
 Returns zoom-scale factor. More...
virtual void CopySettings (const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &theOther)
 Copy visualization settings from another view. Method is used for cloning views in viewer when its required to create view with same view properties. More...
const Graphic3d_RenderingParamsRenderingParams () const
 Returns current rendering parameters and effect settings. More...
Graphic3d_RenderingParamsChangeRenderingParams ()
 Returns reference to current rendering parameters and effect settings. More...
virtual Aspect_Background Background () const
 Returns background fill color. More...
virtual void SetBackground (const Aspect_Background &theBackground)
 Sets background fill color. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureMap > & BackgroundImage ()
 Returns background image texture map. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_CubeMap > & BackgroundCubeMap () const
 Returns cubemap being set last time on background. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_CubeMap > & IBLCubeMap () const
 Returns cubemap being set last time on background. More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground BackgroundType () const
 Returns background type. More...
void SetBackgroundType (Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground theType)
 Sets background type. More...
const Aspect_SkydomeBackgroundBackgroundSkydome () const
 Returns skydome aspect;. More...
void SetBackgroundSkydome (const Aspect_SkydomeBackground &theAspect, Standard_Boolean theToUpdatePBREnv=Standard_True)
 Sets skydome aspect. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > & TextureEnv () const
 Returns environment texture set for the view. More...
Standard_Real UnitFactor () const
 Return unit scale factor defined as scale factor for m (meters); 1.0 by default. Normally, view definition is unitless, however some operations like VR input requires proper units mapping. More...
void SetUnitFactor (Standard_Real theFactor)
 Set unit scale factor. More...
const Handle< Aspect_XRSession > & XRSession () const
 Return XR session. More...
void SetXRSession (const Handle< Aspect_XRSession > &theSession)
 Set XR session. More...
bool IsActiveXR () const
 Return TRUE if there is active XR session. More...
virtual bool InitXR ()
 Initialize XR session. More...
virtual void ReleaseXR ()
 Release XR session. More...
virtual void ProcessXRInput ()
 Process input. More...
void SetupXRPosedCamera ()
 Compute PosedXRCamera() based on current XR head pose and make it active. More...
void UnsetXRPosedCamera ()
 Set current camera back to BaseXRCamera() and copy temporary modifications of PosedXRCamera(). Calls SynchronizeXRPosedToBaseCamera() beforehand. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > & PosedXRCamera () const
 Returns transient XR camera position with tracked head orientation applied. More...
void SetPosedXRCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera)
 Sets transient XR camera position with tracked head orientation applied. More...
const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > & BaseXRCamera () const
 Returns anchor camera definition (without tracked head orientation). More...
void SetBaseXRCamera (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theCamera)
 Sets anchor camera definition. More...
gp_Trsf PoseXRToWorld (const gp_Trsf &thePoseXR) const
 Convert XR pose to world space. More...
gp_Ax1 ViewAxisInWorld (const gp_Trsf &thePoseXR) const
 Returns view direction in the world space based on XR pose. More...
void SynchronizeXRBaseToPosedCamera ()
 Recomputes PosedXRCamera() based on BaseXRCamera() and head orientation. More...
void SynchronizeXRPosedToBaseCamera ()
 Checks if PosedXRCamera() has been modified since SetupXRPosedCamera() and copies these modifications to BaseXRCamera(). More...
void ComputeXRPosedCameraFromBase (Graphic3d_Camera &theCam, const gp_Trsf &theXRTrsf) const
 Compute camera position based on XR pose. More...
void ComputeXRBaseCameraFromPosed (const Graphic3d_Camera &theCamPosed, const gp_Trsf &thePoseTrsf)
 Update based camera from posed camera by applying reversed transformation. More...
void TurnViewXRCamera (const gp_Trsf &theTrsfTurn)
 Turn XR camera direction using current (head) eye position as anchor. More...
virtual const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedronGetGraduatedTrihedron ()
 Returns data of a graduated trihedron. More...
virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const override
 Dumps the content of me into the stream. More...
bool IsSubview () const
 Return TRUE if this is a subview of another view. More...
Graphic3d_CViewParentView ()
 Return parent View or NULL if this is not a subview. More...
bool IsSubviewComposer () const
 Return TRUE if this is view performs rendering of subviews and nothing else; FALSE by default. By default, view with subviews will render main scene and blit subviews on top of it. Rendering of main scene might become redundant in case if subviews cover entire window of parent view. This flag allows to disable rendering of the main scene in such scenarios without creation of a dedicated V3d_Viewer instance just for composing subviews. More...
void SetSubviewComposer (bool theIsComposer)
 Set if this view should perform composing of subviews and nothing else. More...
const NCollection_Sequence< Handle< Graphic3d_CView > > & Subviews () const
 Return subview list. More...
void AddSubview (const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &theView)
 Add subview to the list. More...
bool RemoveSubview (const Graphic3d_CView *theView)
 Remove subview from the list. More...
Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition SubviewCorner () const
 Return subview position within parent view; Aspect_TOTP_LEFT_UPPER by default. More...
void SetSubviewCorner (Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition thePos)
 Set subview position within parent view. More...
const Graphic3d_Vec2iSubviewTopLeft () const
 Return subview top-left position relative to parent view in pixels. More...
bool IsSubViewRelativeSize () const
 Return TRUE if subview size is set as proportions relative to parent view. More...
const Graphic3d_Vec2dSubviewSize () const
 Return subview dimensions; (1.0, 1.0) by default. Values >= 2 define size in pixels; Values <= 1.0 define size as fraction of parent view. More...
void SetSubviewSize (const Graphic3d_Vec2d &theSize)
 Set subview size relative to parent view. More...
const Graphic3d_Vec2dSubviewOffset () const
 Return corner offset within parent view; (0.0,0.0) by default. Values >= 2 define offset in pixels; Values <= 1.0 define offset as fraction of parent view dimensions. More...
void SetSubviewOffset (const Graphic3d_Vec2d &theOffset)
 Set corner offset within parent view. More...
const Graphic3d_Vec2iSubviewMargins () const
 Return subview margins in pixels; (0,0) by default. More...
void SetSubviewMargins (const Graphic3d_Vec2i &theMargins)
 Set subview margins in pixels. More...
void SubviewResized (const Handle< Aspect_NeutralWindow > &theWindow)
 Update subview position and dimensions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor. More...
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing. More...
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More...
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual. More...
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes. More...
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More...
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More...
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More...
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const
 Get the reference counter of this object. More...
void IncrementRefCounter () const
 Increments the reference counter of this object. More...
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () const
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More...

Protected Member Functions

Internal methods for managing GL resources
void initTextureEnv (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theContext)
 Initializes OpenGl resource for environment texture. More...
low-level redrawing sub-routines
virtual bool prepareFrameBuffers (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection &theProj)
 Prepare frame buffers for rendering. More...
virtual void redraw (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theOitAccumFbo)
 Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye. More...
virtual bool redrawImmediate (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theDrawFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theOitAccumFbo, const Standard_Boolean theIsPartialUpdate=Standard_False)
 Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye. More...
bool blitSubviews (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theDrawFbo)
 Blit subviews into this view. More...
bool blitBuffers (OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theDrawFbo, const Standard_Boolean theToFlip=Standard_False)
 Blit image from/to specified buffers. More...
void bindDefaultFbo (OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theCustomFbo=NULL)
 Setup default FBO. More...
methods related to skydome background
void updateSkydomeBg (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx)
 Generates skydome cubemap. More...
methods related to PBR
Standard_Boolean checkPBRAvailability () const
 Checks whether PBR is available. More...
void updatePBREnvironment (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx)
 Generates IBL maps used in PBR pipeline. If background cubemap is not set clears all IBL maps. More...
methods related to ray-tracing
Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceGeometry (const RaytraceUpdateMode theMode, const Standard_Integer theViewId, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Updates 3D scene geometry for ray-tracing. More...
Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceLightSources (const OpenGl_Mat4 &theInvModelView, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Updates 3D scene light sources for ray-tracing. More...
Standard_Boolean toUpdateStructure (const OpenGl_Structure *theStructure)
 Checks to see if the OpenGL structure is modified. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceStructure (const OpenGl_Structure *theStructure, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Adds OpenGL structure to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceGroups (const OpenGl_Structure *theStructure, const OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial &theStructMat, const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &theTrsf, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Adds OpenGL groups to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial convertMaterial (const OpenGl_Aspects *theAspect, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Creates ray-tracing material properties. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TriangleSetaddRaytracePrimitiveArray (const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray *theArray, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const OpenGl_Mat4 *theTrans)
 Adds OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceVertexIndices (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray &theArray)
 Adds vertex indices from OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL triangle array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleFanArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL triangle fan array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceTriangleStripArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL triangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceQuadrangleArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL quadrangle array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytraceQuadrangleStripArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL quadrangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean addRaytracePolygonArray (OpenGl_TriangleSet &theSet, const Standard_Integer theMatID, const Standard_Integer theCount, const Standard_Integer theOffset, const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &theIndices)
 Adds OpenGL polygon array to ray-traced scene geometry. More...
Standard_Boolean uploadRaytraceData (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Uploads ray-trace data to the GPU. More...
TCollection_AsciiString generateShaderPrefix (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext) const
 Generates shader prefix based on current ray-tracing options. More...
Standard_Boolean safeFailBack (const TCollection_ExtendedString &theMessage, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Performs safe exit when shaders initialization fails. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObjectinitShader (const GLenum theType, const ShaderSource &theSource, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Loads and compiles shader object from specified source. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderPrograminitProgram (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext, const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > &theVertShader, const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > &theFragShader, const TCollection_AsciiString &theName)
 Creates shader program from the given vertex and fragment shaders. More...
Standard_Boolean initRaytraceResources (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Initializes OpenGL/GLSL shader programs. More...
void releaseRaytraceResources (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext, const Standard_Boolean theToRebuild=Standard_False)
 Releases OpenGL/GLSL shader programs. More...
Standard_Boolean updateRaytraceBuffers (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Updates auxiliary OpenGL frame buffers. More...
void updateCamera (const OpenGl_Mat4 &theOrientation, const OpenGl_Mat4 &theViewMapping, OpenGl_Vec3 *theOrigins, OpenGl_Vec3 *theDirects, OpenGl_Mat4 &theView, OpenGl_Mat4 &theUnView)
 Generates viewing rays for corners of screen quad. (ray tracing; path tracing for orthographic camera) More...
void updatePerspCameraPT (const OpenGl_Mat4 &theOrientation, const OpenGl_Mat4 &theViewMapping, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_Mat4 &theViewPr, OpenGl_Mat4 &theUnview, const int theWinSizeX, const int theWinSizeY)
 Generate viewing rays (path tracing, perspective camera). More...
void bindRaytraceTextures (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext, int theStereoView)
 Binds ray-trace textures to corresponding texture units. More...
void unbindRaytraceTextures (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Unbinds ray-trace textures from corresponding texture unit. More...
Standard_Boolean setUniformState (const Standard_Integer theProgramId, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Sets uniform state for the given ray-tracing shader program. More...
Standard_Boolean runRaytraceShaders (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Runs ray-tracing shader programs. More...
Standard_Boolean runRaytrace (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Runs classical (Whitted-style) ray-tracing kernel. More...
Standard_Boolean runPathtrace (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel. More...
Standard_Boolean runPathtraceOut (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel. More...
Standard_Boolean raytrace (const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlContext)
 Redraws the window using OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing or path tracing. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Graphic3d_DataStructureManager
 Graphic3d_DataStructureManager ()
 Initializes the manager <me>. More...

Protected Attributes

Rendering properties
Standard_Integer mySRgbState
 Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers). More...
GLint myFboColorFormat
 sized format for color attachments More...
GLint myFboDepthFormat
 sized format for depth-stencil attachments More...
OpenGl_ColorFormats myFboOitColorConfig
 selected color format configuration for OIT color attachments More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyMainSceneFbos [2]
 Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers). More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyMainSceneFbosOit [2]
 Additional buffers for transparent draw of main layer. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyImmediateSceneFbos [2]
 Additional buffers for immediate layer in stereo mode. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyImmediateSceneFbosOit [2]
 Additional buffers for transparency draw of immediate layer. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyXrSceneFbo
 additional FBO (without MSAA) for submitting to XR More...
Handle< OpenGl_DepthPeelingmyDepthPeelingFbos
 additional buffers for depth peeling More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShadowMapArraymyShadowMaps
 additional FBOs for shadow map rendering More...
OpenGl_VertexBuffer myFullScreenQuad
 Vertices for full-screen quad rendering. More...
OpenGl_VertexBuffer myFullScreenQuadFlip
 Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers). More...
Standard_Boolean myToFlipOutput
 Flag to draw result image upside-down. More...
unsigned int myFrameCounter
 redraw counter, for debugging More...
Standard_Boolean myHasFboBlit
 disable FBOs on failure More...
Standard_Boolean myToDisableOIT
 disable OIT on failure More...
Standard_Boolean myToDisableOITMSAA
 disable OIT with MSAA on failure More...
Standard_Boolean myToDisableMSAA
 disable MSAA after failure More...
Standard_Boolean myTransientDrawToFront
 optimization flag for immediate mode (to render directly to the front buffer) More...
Standard_Boolean myBackBufferRestored
 Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers). More...
Standard_Boolean myIsImmediateDrawn
 flag indicates that immediate mode buffer contains some data More...
Background parameters
 Stores texture and its parameters for textured background. More...
 Stores cubemap and its parameters for cubemap background. More...
 Stores parameters for gradient (corner mode) background. More...
OpenGl_BackgroundArraymyBackgrounds [Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB]
 Array of primitive arrays of different background types. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureSetmyTextureEnv
 Stores texture and its parameters for textured background. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TexturemySkydomeTexture
 Stores texture and its parameters for textured background. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Graphic3d_CView
Standard_Integer myId
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_RenderingParams myRenderParams
 list of child views More...
NCollection_Sequence< Handle< Graphic3d_CView > > mySubviews
 list of child views More...
 back-pointer to the parent view More...
Standard_Boolean myIsSubviewComposer
 flag to skip rendering of viewer contents More...
Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition mySubviewCorner
 position within parent view More...
Graphic3d_Vec2i mySubviewTopLeft
 subview top-left position relative to parent view More...
Graphic3d_Vec2i mySubviewMargins
 subview margins in pixels More...
Graphic3d_Vec2d mySubviewSize
 subview size More...
Graphic3d_Vec2d mySubviewOffset
 subview corner offset within parent view More...
Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManagermyStructureManager
 list of child views More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CameramyCamera
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure myStructsToCompute
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_SequenceOfStructure myStructsComputed
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_MapOfStructure myStructsDisplayed
 list of child views More...
Standard_Boolean myIsInComputedMode
 list of child views More...
Standard_Boolean myIsActive
 list of child views More...
Standard_Boolean myIsRemoved
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel myBackfacing
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfVisualization myVisualization
 list of child views More...
Quantity_ColorRGBA myBgColor
 list of child views More...
Handle< Graphic3d_TextureMapmyBackgroundImage
 list of child views More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CubeMapmyCubeMapBackground
 Cubemap displayed at background. More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CubeMapmyCubeMapIBL
 Cubemap used for environment lighting. More...
Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnvmyTextureEnvData
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron myGTrihedronData
 list of child views More...
Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground myBackgroundType
 Current type of background. More...
Aspect_SkydomeBackground mySkydomeAspect
 list of child views More...
Standard_Boolean myToUpdateSkydome
 list of child views More...
Handle< Aspect_XRSessionmyXRSession
 list of child views More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CameramyBackXRCamera
 camera projection parameters to restore after closing XR session (FOV, aspect and similar) More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CameramyBaseXRCamera
 neutral camera orientation defining coordinate system in which head tracking is defined More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CameramyPosedXRCamera
 transient XR camera orientation with tracked head orientation applied (based on myBaseXRCamera) More...
Handle< Graphic3d_CameramyPosedXRCameraCopy
 neutral camera orientation copy at the beginning of processing input More...
Standard_Real myUnitFactor
 unit scale factor defined as scale factor for m (meters) More...

Rendering of GL graphics (with prepared drawing buffer).

typedef std::pair< Standard_Size, Standard_SizeStateInfo
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< OpenGl_WindowmyWindow
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< OpenGl_WorkspacemyWorkspace
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< OpenGl_CapsmyCaps
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Standard_Boolean myWasRedrawnGL
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlanemyClipPlanes
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
gp_XYZ myLocalOrigin
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyFBO
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Standard_Boolean myToShowGradTrihedron
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron myGTrihedronData
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< Graphic3d_LightSetmyNoShadingLight
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< Graphic3d_LightSetmyLights
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
OpenGl_LayerList myZLayers
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState myWorldViewProjState
 camera modification state More...
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Standard_Size myCurrLightSourceState
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Standard_Size myLightsRevision
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
StateInfo myLastOrientationState
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
StateInfo myLastViewMappingState
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
StateInfo myLastLightSourceState
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Graphic3d_CullingTool myBVHSelector
 Is needed for selection of overlapping objects and storage of the current view volume. More...
OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron myGraduatedTrihedron
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
OpenGl_FrameStatsPrs myFrameStatsPrs
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyOpenGlFBO
 Framebuffers for OpenGL output. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyOpenGlFBO2
 main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers More...
virtual void renderShadowMap (const Handle< OpenGl_ShadowMap > &theShadowMap)
 Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared shadowmap framebuffer. More...
virtual void render (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theOitAccumFbo, const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)
 Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared window or framebuffer. More...
virtual void renderScene (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theOitAccumFbo, const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)
 Renders the graphical scene. More...
virtual void drawBackground (const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > &theWorkspace, Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection)
 Draw background (gradient / image / cubemap) More...
virtual void renderStructs (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theReadDrawFbo, OpenGl_FrameBuffer *theOitAccumFbo, const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)
 Render set of structures presented in the view. More...
void renderTrihedron (const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > &theWorkspace)
 Renders trihedron. More...
void renderFrameStats ()
 Renders frame statistics. More...

fields and types related to PBR

enum  PBREnvironmentState { OpenGl_PBREnvState_NONEXISTENT, OpenGl_PBREnvState_UNAVAILABLE, OpenGl_PBREnvState_CREATED }
 State of PBR environment. More...
Handle< OpenGl_PBREnvironmentmyPBREnvironment
 manager of IBL maps used in PBR pipeline More...
PBREnvironmentState myPBREnvState
 state of PBR environment More...
Standard_Boolean myPBREnvRequest
 update PBR environment More...

data types related to ray-tracing

enum  RaytraceInitStatus { OpenGl_RT_NONE, OpenGl_RT_INIT, OpenGl_RT_FAIL }
 Result of OpenGL shaders initialization. More...
enum  RaytraceUpdateMode { OpenGl_GUM_CHECK, OpenGl_GUM_PREPARE, OpenGl_GUM_REBUILD }
 Describes update mode (state). More...
enum  ShaderVariableIndex {
  OpenGl_RT_aPosition, OpenGl_RT_uOriginLT, OpenGl_RT_uOriginLB, OpenGl_RT_uOriginRT,
  OpenGl_RT_uOriginRB, OpenGl_RT_uDirectLT, OpenGl_RT_uDirectLB, OpenGl_RT_uDirectRT,
  OpenGl_RT_uDirectRB, OpenGl_RT_uViewPrMat, OpenGl_RT_uUnviewMat, OpenGl_RT_uSceneRad,
  OpenGl_RT_uSceneEps, OpenGl_RT_uLightAmbnt, OpenGl_RT_uLightCount, OpenGl_RT_uBackColorTop,
  OpenGl_RT_uBackColorBot, OpenGl_RT_uShadowsEnabled, OpenGl_RT_uReflectEnabled, OpenGl_RT_uEnvMapEnabled,
  OpenGl_RT_uEnvMapForBack, OpenGl_RT_uTexSamplersArray, OpenGl_RT_uBlockedRngEnabled, OpenGl_RT_uWinSizeX,
  OpenGl_RT_uWinSizeY, OpenGl_RT_uAccumSamples, OpenGl_RT_uFrameRndSeed, OpenGl_RT_uFsaaOffset,
  OpenGl_RT_uSamples, OpenGl_RT_uRenderImage, OpenGl_RT_uTilesImage, OpenGl_RT_uOffsetImage,
  OpenGl_RT_uTileSize, OpenGl_RT_uVarianceScaleFactor, OpenGl_RT_uMaxRadiance, OpenGl_RT_NbVariables
 Defines frequently used shader variables. More...
enum  ShaderImageNames { OpenGl_RT_OutputImage = 0, OpenGl_RT_VisualErrorImage = 1, OpenGl_RT_TileOffsetsImage = 2, OpenGl_RT_TileSamplesImage = 3 }
 Defines OpenGL image samplers. More...
static const Standard_Integer THE_DEFAULT_NB_BOUNCES = 3
 Default ray-tracing depth. More...
static const Standard_Integer THE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE = 10
 Default size of traversal stack. More...

fields related to ray-tracing

RaytraceInitStatus myRaytraceInitStatus
 Result of RT/PT shaders initialization. More...
Standard_Boolean myIsRaytraceDataValid
 Is ray-tracing geometry data valid? More...
Standard_Boolean myIsRaytraceWarnTextures
 True if warning about missing extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture has been displayed. More...
OpenGl_RaytraceGeometry myRaytraceGeometry
 3D scene geometry data for ray-tracing. More...
opencascade::handle< BVH_Builder< Standard_ShortReal, 3 > > myRaytraceBVHBuilder
 Builder for triangle set. More...
RaytracingParams myRaytraceParameters
 Compile-time ray-tracing parameters. More...
Standard_ShortReal myRaytraceSceneRadius
 Radius of bounding sphere of the scene. More...
Standard_ShortReal myRaytraceSceneEpsilon
 Scene epsilon to prevent self-intersections. More...
ShaderSource myRaytraceShaderSource
 OpenGL/GLSL source of ray-tracing fragment shader. More...
ShaderSource myPostFSAAShaderSource
 OpenGL/GLSL source of adaptive-AA fragment shader. More...
ShaderSource myOutImageShaderSource
 OpenGL/GLSL source of RT/PT display fragment shader. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObjectmyRaytraceShader
 OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing fragment shader. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObjectmyPostFSAAShader
 OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA fragment shader. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObjectmyOutImageShader
 OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing display fragment shader. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgrammyRaytraceProgram
 OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing shader program. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgrammyPostFSAAProgram
 OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA shader program. More...
Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgrammyOutImageProgram
 OpenGL/GLSL program for displaying texture. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermySceneNodeInfoTexture
 Texture buffer of data records of bottom-level BVH nodes. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermySceneMinPointTexture
 Texture buffer of minimum points of bottom-level BVH nodes. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermySceneMaxPointTexture
 Texture buffer of maximum points of bottom-level BVH nodes. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermySceneTransformTexture
 Texture buffer of transformations of high-level BVH nodes. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyGeometryVertexTexture
 Texture buffer of vertex coords. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyGeometryNormalTexture
 Texture buffer of vertex normals. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyGeometryTexCrdTexture
 Texture buffer of vertex UV coords. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyGeometryTriangTexture
 Texture buffer of triangle indices. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyRaytraceMaterialTexture
 Texture buffer of material properties. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffermyRaytraceLightSrcTexture
 Texture buffer of light source properties. More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyRaytraceFBO1 [2]
 1st framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA. Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling). More...
Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffermyRaytraceFBO2 [2]
 2nd framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA. Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling). More...
Handle< OpenGl_TexturemyRaytraceOutputTexture [2]
 Output textures (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TexturemyRaytraceVisualErrorTexture [2]
 Texture containing per-tile visual error estimation (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TexturemyRaytraceTileOffsetsTexture [2]
 Texture containing offsets of sampled screen tiles (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated. More...
Handle< OpenGl_TexturemyRaytraceTileSamplesTexture [2]
 Texture containing amount of extra per-tile samples (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated. More...
OpenGl_VertexBuffer myRaytraceScreenQuad
 Vertex buffer (VBO) for drawing dummy quad. More...
Standard_Integer myUniformLocations [2][OpenGl_RT_NbVariables]
 Cached locations of frequently used uniform variables. More...
std::map< const OpenGl_Structure *, StructStatemyStructureStates
 State of OpenGL structures reflected to ray-tracing. More...
std::map< Standard_Size, OpenGl_TriangleSet * > myArrayToTrianglesMap
 PrimitiveArray to TriangleSet map for scene partial update. More...
std::set< Standard_IntegermyNonRaytraceStructureIDs
 Set of IDs of non-raytracable elements (to detect updates). More...
Standard_Boolean myToUpdateEnvironmentMap
 Marks if environment map should be updated. More...
Standard_Size myRaytraceLayerListState
 State of OpenGL layer list. More...
Standard_Integer myAccumFrames
 Number of accumulated frames (for progressive rendering). More...
OpenGl_Vec3 myPreviousOrigins [3]
 Stored ray origins used for detection of camera movements. More...
math_BullardGenerator myRNG
 Bullard RNG to produce random sequence. More...
OpenGl_TileSampler myTileSampler
 Tool object for sampling screen tiles in PT mode. More...
OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeOrig
 Camera position used for projective mode. More...
OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeView
 Camera view direction used for projective mode. More...
OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeVert
 Camera's screen vertical direction used for projective mode. More...
OpenGl_Vec3 myEyeSide
 Camera's screen horizontal direction used for projective mode. More...
OpenGl_Vec2 myEyeSize
 Camera's screen size used for projective mode. More...
float myPrevCameraApertureRadius
 Aperture radius of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing) More...
float myPrevCameraFocalPlaneDist
 Focal distance of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing) More...
 DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (OpenGl_View, Graphic3d_CView) friend class OpenGl_GraphicDriver
 Result of RT/PT shaders initialization. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object. More...
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of OpenGl view.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ StateInfo

typedef std::pair<Standard_Size, Standard_Size> OpenGl_View::StateInfo

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PBREnvironmentState

State of PBR environment.


◆ RaytraceInitStatus

Result of OpenGL shaders initialization.


◆ RaytraceUpdateMode

Describes update mode (state).


check geometry state


collect unchanged objects


rebuild changed and new objects

◆ ShaderImageNames

Defines OpenGL image samplers.


◆ ShaderVariableIndex

Defines frequently used shader variables.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenGl_View()

OpenGl_View::OpenGl_View ( const Handle< Graphic3d_StructureManager > &  theMgr,
const Handle< OpenGl_GraphicDriver > &  theDriver,
const Handle< OpenGl_Caps > &  theCaps,
OpenGl_StateCounter theCounter 


◆ ~OpenGl_View()

virtual OpenGl_View::~OpenGl_View ( )

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRaytraceGroups()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceGroups ( const OpenGl_Structure theStructure,
const OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial theStructMat,
const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &  theTrsf,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Adds OpenGL groups to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytracePolygonArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytracePolygonArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL polygon array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytracePrimitiveArray()

Handle< OpenGl_TriangleSet > OpenGl_View::addRaytracePrimitiveArray ( const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray theArray,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const OpenGl_Mat4 theTrans 

Adds OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceQuadrangleArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceQuadrangleArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL quadrangle array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceQuadrangleStripArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceQuadrangleStripArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL quadrangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceStructure()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceStructure ( const OpenGl_Structure theStructure,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Adds OpenGL structure to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceTriangleArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceTriangleArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL triangle array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceTriangleFanArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceTriangleFanArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL triangle fan array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceTriangleStripArray()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceTriangleStripArray ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > &  theIndices 

Adds OpenGL triangle strip array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ addRaytraceVertexIndices()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::addRaytraceVertexIndices ( OpenGl_TriangleSet theSet,
const Standard_Integer  theMatID,
const Standard_Integer  theCount,
const Standard_Integer  theOffset,
const OpenGl_PrimitiveArray theArray 

Adds vertex indices from OpenGL primitive array to ray-traced scene geometry.

◆ BackgroundColor()

const Quantity_ColorRGBA& OpenGl_View::BackgroundColor ( ) const

Returns background color.

◆ BackgroundImageStyle()

virtual Aspect_FillMethod OpenGl_View::BackgroundImageStyle ( ) const

Returns background image fill style.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ bindDefaultFbo()

void OpenGl_View::bindDefaultFbo ( OpenGl_FrameBuffer theCustomFbo = NULL)

Setup default FBO.

◆ bindRaytraceTextures()

void OpenGl_View::bindRaytraceTextures ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext,
int  theStereoView 

Binds ray-trace textures to corresponding texture units.

◆ blitBuffers()

bool OpenGl_View::blitBuffers ( OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theDrawFbo,
const Standard_Boolean  theToFlip = Standard_False 

Blit image from/to specified buffers.

◆ blitSubviews()

bool OpenGl_View::blitSubviews ( const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theDrawFbo 

Blit subviews into this view.

◆ BufferDump()

virtual Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::BufferDump ( Image_PixMap theImage,
const Graphic3d_BufferType theBufferType 

Dump active rendering buffer into specified memory buffer. In Ray-Tracing allow to get a raw HDR buffer using Graphic3d_BT_RGB_RayTraceHdrLeft buffer type, only Left view will be dumped ignoring stereoscopic parameter.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ BVHTreeSelector()

const Graphic3d_CullingTool& OpenGl_View::BVHTreeSelector ( ) const

Returns selector for BVH tree, providing a possibility to store information about current view volume and to detect which objects are overlapping it.

◆ ChangeGraduatedTrihedron()

OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron& OpenGl_View::ChangeGraduatedTrihedron ( )

Change graduated trihedron.

◆ checkPBRAvailability()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::checkPBRAvailability ( ) const

Checks whether PBR is available.

◆ ClipPlanes()

virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane >& OpenGl_View::ClipPlanes ( ) const

Returns list of clip planes set for the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ convertMaterial()

OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial OpenGl_View::convertMaterial ( const OpenGl_Aspects theAspect,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Creates ray-tracing material properties.



Result of RT/PT shaders initialization.

◆ DepthPeelingFbos()

const Handle< OpenGl_DepthPeeling >& OpenGl_View::DepthPeelingFbos ( ) const

Returns additional buffers for depth peeling OIT.

◆ DiagnosticInformation()

virtual void OpenGl_View::DiagnosticInformation ( TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString theDict,
Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo  theFlags 
) const

Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info. Should be called within rendering thread.

This API should be used only for user output or for creating automated reports. The format of returned information (e.g. key-value layout) is NOT part of this API and can be changed at any time. Thus application should not parse returned information to weed out specific parameters.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ drawBackground()

virtual void OpenGl_View::drawBackground ( const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > &  theWorkspace,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection 

Draw background (gradient / image / cubemap)

◆ FBO()

virtual Handle< Standard_Transient > OpenGl_View::FBO ( ) const

Returns pointer to an assigned framebuffer object.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ FBOChangeViewport()

virtual void OpenGl_View::FBOChangeViewport ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo,
const Standard_Integer  theWidth,
const Standard_Integer  theHeight 

Change offscreen FBO viewport.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ FBOCreate()

virtual Handle< Standard_Transient > OpenGl_View::FBOCreate ( const Standard_Integer  theWidth,
const Standard_Integer  theHeight 

Generate offscreen FBO in the graphic library. If not supported on hardware returns NULL.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ FBOGetDimensions()

virtual void OpenGl_View::FBOGetDimensions ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo,
Standard_Integer theWidth,
Standard_Integer theHeight,
Standard_Integer theWidthMax,
Standard_Integer theHeightMax 

Read offscreen FBO configuration.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ FBORelease()

virtual void OpenGl_View::FBORelease ( Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo)

Remove offscreen FBO from the graphic library.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ generateShaderPrefix()

TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_View::generateShaderPrefix ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext) const

Generates shader prefix based on current ray-tracing options.

◆ GlTextureEnv()

const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet >& OpenGl_View::GlTextureEnv ( ) const

Returns OpenGL environment map.

◆ GlWindow()

const Handle< OpenGl_Window >& OpenGl_View::GlWindow ( ) const

Returns OpenGL window implementation.

◆ GradientBackground()

virtual Aspect_GradientBackground OpenGl_View::GradientBackground ( ) const

Returns gradient background fill colors.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ GraduatedTrihedronDisplay()

virtual void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronDisplay ( const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron theTrihedronData)

Displays Graduated Trihedron.

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_CView.

◆ GraduatedTrihedronErase()

virtual void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronErase ( )

Erases Graduated Trihedron.

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_CView.

◆ GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues()

virtual void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues ( const Graphic3d_Vec3  theMin,
const Graphic3d_Vec3  theMax 

Sets minimum and maximum points of scene bounding box for Graduated Trihedron stored in graphic view object.

theMin[in] the minimum point of scene.
theMax[in] the maximum point of scene.

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_CView.

◆ HasImmediateStructures()

bool OpenGl_View::HasImmediateStructures ( ) const

Returns true if there are immediate structures to display.

◆ initProgram()

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > OpenGl_View::initProgram ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext,
const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > &  theVertShader,
const Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > &  theFragShader,
const TCollection_AsciiString theName 

Creates shader program from the given vertex and fragment shaders.

◆ initRaytraceResources()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::initRaytraceResources ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Initializes OpenGL/GLSL shader programs.

◆ initShader()

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > OpenGl_View::initShader ( const GLenum  theType,
const ShaderSource theSource,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Loads and compiles shader object from specified source.

◆ initTextureEnv()

void OpenGl_View::initTextureEnv ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theContext)

Initializes OpenGl resource for environment texture.

◆ InsertLayerAfter()

virtual void OpenGl_View::InsertLayerAfter ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theNewLayerId,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings theSettings,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerBefore 

Add a layer to the view.

theNewLayerId[in] id of new layer, should be > 0 (negative values are reserved for default layers).
theSettings[in] new layer settings
theLayerBefore[in] id of layer to append new layer after

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ InsertLayerBefore()

virtual void OpenGl_View::InsertLayerBefore ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings theSettings,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerAfter 

Add a layer to the view.

theNewLayerId[in] id of new layer, should be > 0 (negative values are reserved for default layers).
theSettings[in] new layer settings
theLayerAfter[in] id of layer to append new layer before

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ Invalidate()

virtual void OpenGl_View::Invalidate ( )

Marks BVH tree for given priority list as dirty and marks primitive set for rebuild.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ InvalidateBVHData()

virtual void OpenGl_View::InvalidateBVHData ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId)

Marks BVH tree and the set of BVH primitives of correspondent priority list with id theLayerId as outdated.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ IsDefined()

virtual Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::IsDefined ( ) const

Returns True if the window associated to the view is defined.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ IsInvalidated()

virtual Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::IsInvalidated ( )

Return true if view content cache has been invalidated.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ Layer()

virtual Handle< Graphic3d_Layer > OpenGl_View::Layer ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId) const

Returns layer with given ID or NULL if undefined.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ LayerList()

const OpenGl_LayerList& OpenGl_View::LayerList ( ) const

Returns list of OpenGL Z-layers.

◆ Layers()

virtual const NCollection_List<Handle< Graphic3d_Layer > >& OpenGl_View::Layers ( ) const

Returns the list of layers.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ Lights()

virtual const Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet >& OpenGl_View::Lights ( ) const

Returns list of lights of the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ LocalOrigin()

const gp_XYZ& OpenGl_View::LocalOrigin ( ) const

Returns local camera origin currently set for rendering, might be modified during rendering.

◆ MinMaxValues()

virtual Bnd_Box OpenGl_View::MinMaxValues ( const Standard_Boolean  theToIncludeAuxiliary) const

Returns the bounding box of all structures displayed in the view. If theToIncludeAuxiliary is TRUE, then the boundary box also includes minimum and maximum limits of graphical elements forming parts of infinite and other auxiliary structures.

theToIncludeAuxiliaryconsider also auxiliary presentations (with infinite flag or with trihedron transformation persistence)
computed bounding box

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_CView.

◆ prepareFrameBuffers()

virtual bool OpenGl_View::prepareFrameBuffers ( Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProj)

Prepare frame buffers for rendering.

◆ raytrace()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::raytrace ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Redraws the window using OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing or path tracing.

◆ Redraw()

virtual void OpenGl_View::Redraw ( )

Redraw content of the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ redraw()

virtual void OpenGl_View::redraw ( const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theOitAccumFbo 

Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye.

◆ RedrawImmediate()

virtual void OpenGl_View::RedrawImmediate ( )

Redraw immediate content of the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ redrawImmediate()

virtual bool OpenGl_View::redrawImmediate ( const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theDrawFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theOitAccumFbo,
const Standard_Boolean  theIsPartialUpdate = Standard_False 

Redraws view for the given monographic camera projection, or left/right eye.

Method will blit snapshot containing main scene (myMainSceneFbos or BackBuffer) into presentation buffer (myMainSceneFbos -> offscreen FBO or myMainSceneFbos -> BackBuffer or BackBuffer -> FrontBuffer), and redraw immediate structures on top.

When scene caching is disabled (myTransientDrawToFront, no double buffer in window, etc.), the first step (blitting) will be skipped.

false if immediate structures has been rendered directly into FrontBuffer and Buffer Swap should not be called.

◆ ReleaseGlResources()

virtual void OpenGl_View::ReleaseGlResources ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theCtx)

Release OpenGL resources.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ releaseRaytraceResources()

void OpenGl_View::releaseRaytraceResources ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext,
const Standard_Boolean  theToRebuild = Standard_False 

Releases OpenGL/GLSL shader programs.

◆ Remove()

virtual void OpenGl_View::Remove ( )

Deletes and erases the view.

Reimplemented from Graphic3d_CView.

◆ RemoveZLayer()

virtual void OpenGl_View::RemoveZLayer ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId)

Remove a z layer with the given ID.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ render()

virtual void OpenGl_View::render ( Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theOitAccumFbo,
const Standard_Boolean  theToDrawImmediate 

Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared window or framebuffer.

theProjection[in] the projection that should be used for rendering.
theReadDrawFbo[in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
theOitAccumFbo[in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
theToDrawImmediate[in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.

◆ renderFrameStats()

void OpenGl_View::renderFrameStats ( )

Renders frame statistics.

◆ renderScene()

virtual void OpenGl_View::renderScene ( Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theOitAccumFbo,
const Standard_Boolean  theToDrawImmediate 

Renders the graphical scene.

theProjection[in] the projection that is used for rendering.
theReadDrawFbo[in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
theOitAccumFbo[in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
theToDrawImmediate[in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.

◆ renderShadowMap()

virtual void OpenGl_View::renderShadowMap ( const Handle< OpenGl_ShadowMap > &  theShadowMap)

Renders the graphical contents of the view into the preprepared shadowmap framebuffer.

theShadowMap[in] the framebuffer for rendering shadowmap.

◆ renderStructs()

virtual void OpenGl_View::renderStructs ( Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theOitAccumFbo,
const Standard_Boolean  theToDrawImmediate 

Render set of structures presented in the view.

theProjection[in] the projection that is used for rendering.
theReadDrawFbo[in] the framebuffer for rendering graphics.
theOitAccumFbo[in] the framebuffer for accumulating color and coverage for OIT process.
theToDrawImmediate[in] the flag indicates whether the rendering performs in immediate mode.

◆ renderTrihedron()

void OpenGl_View::renderTrihedron ( const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > &  theWorkspace)

Renders trihedron.

◆ Resized()

virtual void OpenGl_View::Resized ( )

Handle changing size of the rendering window.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ runPathtrace()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::runPathtrace ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel.

◆ runPathtraceOut()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::runPathtraceOut ( Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Runs path tracing (global illumination) kernel.

◆ runRaytrace()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::runRaytrace ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Runs classical (Whitted-style) ray-tracing kernel.

◆ runRaytraceShaders()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::runRaytraceShaders ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_FrameBuffer theReadDrawFbo,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Runs ray-tracing shader programs.

◆ safeFailBack()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::safeFailBack ( const TCollection_ExtendedString theMessage,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Performs safe exit when shaders initialization fails.

◆ SetBackgroundGradient()

void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundGradient ( const Quantity_Color AColor1,
const Quantity_Color AColor2,
const Aspect_GradientFillMethod  AType 

◆ SetBackgroundGradientType()

void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundGradientType ( const Aspect_GradientFillMethod  AType)

◆ SetBackgroundImage()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundImage ( const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureMap > &  theTextureMap,
Standard_Boolean  theToUpdatePBREnv = Standard_True 

Sets image texture or environment cubemap as background.

theTextureMap[in] source to set a background; should be either Graphic3d_Texture2D or Graphic3d_CubeMap
theToUpdatePBREnv[in] defines whether IBL maps will be generated or not (see GeneratePBREnvironment())

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetBackgroundImageStyle()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundImageStyle ( const Aspect_FillMethod  theFillStyle)

Sets background image fill style.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetBackgroundTextureStyle()

void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundTextureStyle ( const Aspect_FillMethod  FillStyle)

◆ SetClipPlanes()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetClipPlanes ( const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > &  thePlanes)

Sets list of clip planes for the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetFBO()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetFBO ( const Handle< Standard_Transient > &  theFbo)

Sets framebuffer object for offscreen rendering.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetGradientBackground()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetGradientBackground ( const Aspect_GradientBackground theBackground)

Sets gradient background fill colors.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetImageBasedLighting()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetImageBasedLighting ( Standard_Boolean  theToEnableIBL)

Enables or disables IBL (Image Based Lighting) from background cubemap. Has no effect if PBR is not used.

[in]theToEnableIBLenable or disable IBL from background cubemap
[in]theToUpdateredraw the view

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetImmediateModeDrawToFront()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::SetImmediateModeDrawToFront ( const Standard_Boolean  theDrawToFrontBuffer)
theDrawToFrontBufferAdvanced option to modify rendering mode:
  1. TRUE. Drawing immediate mode structures directly to the front buffer over the scene image. Fast, so preferred for interactive work (used by default). However these extra drawings will be missed in image dump since it is performed from back buffer. Notice that since no pre-buffering used the V-Sync will be ignored and rendering could be seen in run-time (in case of slow hardware) and/or tearing may appear. So this is strongly recommended to draw only simple (fast) structures.
  2. FALSE. Drawing immediate mode structures to the back buffer. The complete scene is redrawn first, so this mode is slower if scene contains complex data and/or V-Sync is turned on. But it works in any case and is especially useful for view dump because the dump image is read from the back buffer.
previous mode.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetLights()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetLights ( const Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet > &  theLights)

Sets list of lights for the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetLocalOrigin()

void OpenGl_View::SetLocalOrigin ( const gp_XYZ theOrigin)

Setup local camera origin currently set for rendering.

◆ SetTextureEnv() [1/2]

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetTextureEnv ( const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &  theTextureEnv)

Sets environment texture for the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SetTextureEnv() [2/2]

void OpenGl_View::SetTextureEnv ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theCtx,
const Handle< Graphic3d_TextureEnv > &  theTexture 

◆ setUniformState()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::setUniformState ( const Standard_Integer  theProgramId,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Sets uniform state for the given ray-tracing shader program.

◆ SetWindow()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetWindow ( const Handle< Graphic3d_CView > &  theParentVIew,
const Handle< Aspect_Window > &  theWindow,
const Aspect_RenderingContext  theContext 

Creates and maps rendering window to the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Reimplemented in D3DHost_View.

◆ SetZLayerSettings()

virtual void OpenGl_View::SetZLayerSettings ( const Graphic3d_ZLayerId  theLayerId,
const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings theSettings 

Sets the settings for a single Z layer of specified view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ SpecIBLMapLevels()

unsigned int OpenGl_View::SpecIBLMapLevels ( ) const

Returns number of mipmap levels used in specular IBL map. 0 if PBR environment is not created.

◆ StatisticInformation() [1/2]

virtual TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_View::StatisticInformation ( ) const

Returns string with statistic performance info.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ StatisticInformation() [2/2]

virtual void OpenGl_View::StatisticInformation ( TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString theDict) const

Fills in the dictionary with statistic performance info.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ toUpdateStructure()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::toUpdateStructure ( const OpenGl_Structure theStructure)

Checks to see if the OpenGL structure is modified.

◆ unbindRaytraceTextures()

void OpenGl_View::unbindRaytraceTextures ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext)

Unbinds ray-trace textures from corresponding texture unit.

◆ updateCamera()

void OpenGl_View::updateCamera ( const OpenGl_Mat4 theOrientation,
const OpenGl_Mat4 theViewMapping,
OpenGl_Vec3 theOrigins,
OpenGl_Vec3 theDirects,
OpenGl_Mat4 theView,
OpenGl_Mat4 theUnView 

Generates viewing rays for corners of screen quad. (ray tracing; path tracing for orthographic camera)

◆ updatePBREnvironment()

void OpenGl_View::updatePBREnvironment ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theCtx)

Generates IBL maps used in PBR pipeline. If background cubemap is not set clears all IBL maps.

◆ updatePerspCameraPT()

void OpenGl_View::updatePerspCameraPT ( const OpenGl_Mat4 theOrientation,
const OpenGl_Mat4 theViewMapping,
Graphic3d_Camera::Projection  theProjection,
OpenGl_Mat4 theViewPr,
OpenGl_Mat4 theUnview,
const int  theWinSizeX,
const int  theWinSizeY 

Generate viewing rays (path tracing, perspective camera).

◆ updateRaytraceBuffers()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::updateRaytraceBuffers ( const Standard_Integer  theSizeX,
const Standard_Integer  theSizeY,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Updates auxiliary OpenGL frame buffers.

◆ updateRaytraceGeometry()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::updateRaytraceGeometry ( const RaytraceUpdateMode  theMode,
const Standard_Integer  theViewId,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Updates 3D scene geometry for ray-tracing.

◆ updateRaytraceLightSources()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::updateRaytraceLightSources ( const OpenGl_Mat4 theInvModelView,
const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext 

Updates 3D scene light sources for ray-tracing.

◆ updateSkydomeBg()

void OpenGl_View::updateSkydomeBg ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theCtx)

Generates skydome cubemap.

◆ uploadRaytraceData()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::uploadRaytraceData ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &  theGlContext)

Uploads ray-trace data to the GPU.

◆ Window()

virtual Handle< Aspect_Window > OpenGl_View::Window ( ) const

Returns window associated with the view.

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

◆ ZLayerMax()

virtual Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::ZLayerMax ( ) const

Returns the maximum Z layer ID. First layer ID is Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default, last ID is ZLayerMax().

Implements Graphic3d_CView.

Field Documentation

◆ myAccumFrames

Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::myAccumFrames

Number of accumulated frames (for progressive rendering).

◆ myArrayToTrianglesMap

std::map<Standard_Size, OpenGl_TriangleSet*> OpenGl_View::myArrayToTrianglesMap

PrimitiveArray to TriangleSet map for scene partial update.

◆ myBackBufferRestored

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myBackBufferRestored

Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers).

track sRGB state

◆ myBackgrounds

OpenGl_BackgroundArray* OpenGl_View::myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB]

Array of primitive arrays of different background types.

◆ myBVHSelector

Graphic3d_CullingTool OpenGl_View::myBVHSelector

Is needed for selection of overlapping objects and storage of the current view volume.

◆ myCaps

Handle< OpenGl_Caps > OpenGl_View::myCaps

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myClipPlanes

Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > OpenGl_View::myClipPlanes

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myColoredQuadParams

OpenGl_Aspects* OpenGl_View::myColoredQuadParams

Stores parameters for gradient (corner mode) background.

◆ myCubeMapParams

OpenGl_Aspects* OpenGl_View::myCubeMapParams

Stores cubemap and its parameters for cubemap background.

◆ myCurrLightSourceState

Standard_Size OpenGl_View::myCurrLightSourceState

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myDepthPeelingFbos

Handle< OpenGl_DepthPeeling > OpenGl_View::myDepthPeelingFbos

additional buffers for depth peeling

◆ myDriver

OpenGl_GraphicDriver* OpenGl_View::myDriver

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myEyeOrig

OpenGl_Vec3 OpenGl_View::myEyeOrig

Camera position used for projective mode.

◆ myEyeSide

OpenGl_Vec3 OpenGl_View::myEyeSide

Camera's screen horizontal direction used for projective mode.

◆ myEyeSize

OpenGl_Vec2 OpenGl_View::myEyeSize

Camera's screen size used for projective mode.

◆ myEyeVert

OpenGl_Vec3 OpenGl_View::myEyeVert

Camera's screen vertical direction used for projective mode.

◆ myEyeView

OpenGl_Vec3 OpenGl_View::myEyeView

Camera view direction used for projective mode.

◆ myFBO

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myFBO

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myFboColorFormat

GLint OpenGl_View::myFboColorFormat

sized format for color attachments

◆ myFboDepthFormat

GLint OpenGl_View::myFboDepthFormat

sized format for depth-stencil attachments

◆ myFboOitColorConfig

OpenGl_ColorFormats OpenGl_View::myFboOitColorConfig

selected color format configuration for OIT color attachments

◆ myFrameCounter

unsigned int OpenGl_View::myFrameCounter

redraw counter, for debugging

◆ myFrameStatsPrs

OpenGl_FrameStatsPrs OpenGl_View::myFrameStatsPrs

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myFullScreenQuad

OpenGl_VertexBuffer OpenGl_View::myFullScreenQuad

Vertices for full-screen quad rendering.

◆ myFullScreenQuadFlip

OpenGl_VertexBuffer OpenGl_View::myFullScreenQuadFlip

Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers).

track sRGB state

◆ myGeometryNormalTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myGeometryNormalTexture

Texture buffer of vertex normals.

◆ myGeometryTexCrdTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myGeometryTexCrdTexture

Texture buffer of vertex UV coords.

◆ myGeometryTriangTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myGeometryTriangTexture

Texture buffer of triangle indices.

◆ myGeometryVertexTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myGeometryVertexTexture

Texture buffer of vertex coords.

◆ myGraduatedTrihedron

OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron OpenGl_View::myGraduatedTrihedron

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myGTrihedronData

Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron OpenGl_View::myGTrihedronData

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myHasFboBlit

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myHasFboBlit

disable FBOs on failure

◆ myImmediateSceneFbos

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myImmediateSceneFbos[2]

Additional buffers for immediate layer in stereo mode.

◆ myImmediateSceneFbosOit

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myImmediateSceneFbosOit[2]

Additional buffers for transparency draw of immediate layer.

◆ myIsImmediateDrawn

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myIsImmediateDrawn

flag indicates that immediate mode buffer contains some data

◆ myIsRaytraceDataValid

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myIsRaytraceDataValid

Is ray-tracing geometry data valid?

◆ myIsRaytraceWarnTextures

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myIsRaytraceWarnTextures

True if warning about missing extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture has been displayed.

◆ myLastLightSourceState

StateInfo OpenGl_View::myLastLightSourceState

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myLastOrientationState

StateInfo OpenGl_View::myLastOrientationState

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myLastViewMappingState

StateInfo OpenGl_View::myLastViewMappingState

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myLights

Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet > OpenGl_View::myLights

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myLightsRevision

Standard_Size OpenGl_View::myLightsRevision

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myLocalOrigin

gp_XYZ OpenGl_View::myLocalOrigin

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myMainSceneFbos

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myMainSceneFbos[2]

Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers).

track sRGB state

◆ myMainSceneFbosOit

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myMainSceneFbosOit[2]

Additional buffers for transparent draw of main layer.

◆ myNonRaytraceStructureIDs

std::set<Standard_Integer> OpenGl_View::myNonRaytraceStructureIDs

Set of IDs of non-raytracable elements (to detect updates).

◆ myNoShadingLight

Handle< Graphic3d_LightSet > OpenGl_View::myNoShadingLight

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myOpenGlFBO

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myOpenGlFBO

Framebuffers for OpenGL output.

◆ myOpenGlFBO2

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myOpenGlFBO2

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myOutImageProgram

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > OpenGl_View::myOutImageProgram

OpenGL/GLSL program for displaying texture.

◆ myOutImageShader

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > OpenGl_View::myOutImageShader

OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing display fragment shader.

◆ myOutImageShaderSource

ShaderSource OpenGl_View::myOutImageShaderSource

OpenGL/GLSL source of RT/PT display fragment shader.

◆ myPBREnvironment

Handle< OpenGl_PBREnvironment > OpenGl_View::myPBREnvironment

manager of IBL maps used in PBR pipeline

◆ myPBREnvRequest

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myPBREnvRequest

update PBR environment

◆ myPBREnvState

PBREnvironmentState OpenGl_View::myPBREnvState

state of PBR environment

◆ myPostFSAAProgram

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > OpenGl_View::myPostFSAAProgram

OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA shader program.

◆ myPostFSAAShader

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > OpenGl_View::myPostFSAAShader

OpenGL/GLSL adaptive-AA fragment shader.

◆ myPostFSAAShaderSource

ShaderSource OpenGl_View::myPostFSAAShaderSource

OpenGL/GLSL source of adaptive-AA fragment shader.

◆ myPrevCameraApertureRadius

float OpenGl_View::myPrevCameraApertureRadius

Aperture radius of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing)

◆ myPrevCameraFocalPlaneDist

float OpenGl_View::myPrevCameraFocalPlaneDist

Focal distance of camera on previous frame used for depth-of-field (path tracing)

◆ myPreviousOrigins

OpenGl_Vec3 OpenGl_View::myPreviousOrigins[3]

Stored ray origins used for detection of camera movements.

◆ myRaytraceBVHBuilder

opencascade::handle<BVH_Builder<Standard_ShortReal, 3> > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceBVHBuilder

Builder for triangle set.

◆ myRaytraceFBO1

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceFBO1[2]

1st framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA. Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling).

◆ myRaytraceFBO2

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceFBO2[2]

2nd framebuffer (FBO) to perform adaptive FSAA. Used in compatibility mode (no adaptive sampling).

◆ myRaytraceGeometry

OpenGl_RaytraceGeometry OpenGl_View::myRaytraceGeometry

3D scene geometry data for ray-tracing.

◆ myRaytraceInitStatus

RaytraceInitStatus OpenGl_View::myRaytraceInitStatus

Result of RT/PT shaders initialization.

◆ myRaytraceLayerListState

Standard_Size OpenGl_View::myRaytraceLayerListState

State of OpenGL layer list.

◆ myRaytraceLightSrcTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceLightSrcTexture

Texture buffer of light source properties.

◆ myRaytraceMaterialTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceMaterialTexture

Texture buffer of material properties.

◆ myRaytraceOutputTexture

Handle< OpenGl_Texture > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceOutputTexture[2]

Output textures (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.

◆ myRaytraceParameters

RaytracingParams OpenGl_View::myRaytraceParameters

Compile-time ray-tracing parameters.

◆ myRaytraceProgram

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderProgram > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceProgram

OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing shader program.

◆ myRaytraceSceneEpsilon

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_View::myRaytraceSceneEpsilon

Scene epsilon to prevent self-intersections.

◆ myRaytraceSceneRadius

Standard_ShortReal OpenGl_View::myRaytraceSceneRadius

Radius of bounding sphere of the scene.

◆ myRaytraceScreenQuad

OpenGl_VertexBuffer OpenGl_View::myRaytraceScreenQuad

Vertex buffer (VBO) for drawing dummy quad.

◆ myRaytraceShader

Handle< OpenGl_ShaderObject > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceShader

OpenGL/GLSL ray-tracing fragment shader.

◆ myRaytraceShaderSource

ShaderSource OpenGl_View::myRaytraceShaderSource

OpenGL/GLSL source of ray-tracing fragment shader.

◆ myRaytraceTileOffsetsTexture

Handle< OpenGl_Texture > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceTileOffsetsTexture[2]

Texture containing offsets of sampled screen tiles (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.

◆ myRaytraceTileSamplesTexture

Handle< OpenGl_Texture > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceTileSamplesTexture[2]

Texture containing amount of extra per-tile samples (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.

◆ myRaytraceVisualErrorTexture

Handle< OpenGl_Texture > OpenGl_View::myRaytraceVisualErrorTexture[2]

Texture containing per-tile visual error estimation (2 textures are used in stereo mode). Used if adaptive screen sampling is activated.

◆ myRNG

math_BullardGenerator OpenGl_View::myRNG

Bullard RNG to produce random sequence.

◆ mySceneMaxPointTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::mySceneMaxPointTexture

Texture buffer of maximum points of bottom-level BVH nodes.

◆ mySceneMinPointTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::mySceneMinPointTexture

Texture buffer of minimum points of bottom-level BVH nodes.

◆ mySceneNodeInfoTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::mySceneNodeInfoTexture

Texture buffer of data records of bottom-level BVH nodes.

◆ mySceneTransformTexture

Handle< OpenGl_TextureBuffer > OpenGl_View::mySceneTransformTexture

Texture buffer of transformations of high-level BVH nodes.

◆ myShadowMaps

Handle< OpenGl_ShadowMapArray > OpenGl_View::myShadowMaps

additional FBOs for shadow map rendering

◆ mySkydomeTexture

Handle< OpenGl_Texture > OpenGl_View::mySkydomeTexture

Stores texture and its parameters for textured background.

◆ mySRgbState

Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::mySRgbState

Two framebuffers (left and right views) store cached main presentation of the view (without presentation of immediate layers).

track sRGB state

◆ myStateCounter

OpenGl_StateCounter* OpenGl_View::myStateCounter

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myStructureStates

std::map<const OpenGl_Structure*, StructState> OpenGl_View::myStructureStates

State of OpenGL structures reflected to ray-tracing.

◆ myTextureEnv

Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > OpenGl_View::myTextureEnv

Stores texture and its parameters for textured background.

◆ myTextureParams

OpenGl_Aspects* OpenGl_View::myTextureParams

Stores texture and its parameters for textured background.

◆ myTileSampler

OpenGl_TileSampler OpenGl_View::myTileSampler

Tool object for sampling screen tiles in PT mode.

◆ myToDisableMSAA

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToDisableMSAA

disable MSAA after failure

◆ myToDisableOIT

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToDisableOIT

disable OIT on failure

◆ myToDisableOITMSAA

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToDisableOITMSAA

disable OIT with MSAA on failure

◆ myToFlipOutput

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToFlipOutput

Flag to draw result image upside-down.

◆ myToShowGradTrihedron

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToShowGradTrihedron

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myToUpdateEnvironmentMap

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myToUpdateEnvironmentMap

Marks if environment map should be updated.

◆ myTransientDrawToFront

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myTransientDrawToFront

optimization flag for immediate mode (to render directly to the front buffer)

◆ myUniformLocations

Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::myUniformLocations[2][OpenGl_RT_NbVariables]

Cached locations of frequently used uniform variables.

◆ myWasRedrawnGL

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::myWasRedrawnGL

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myWindow

Handle< OpenGl_Window > OpenGl_View::myWindow

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myWorkspace

Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > OpenGl_View::myWorkspace

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers

◆ myWorldViewProjState

Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState OpenGl_View::myWorldViewProjState

camera modification state

◆ myXrSceneFbo

Handle< OpenGl_FrameBuffer > OpenGl_View::myXrSceneFbo

additional FBO (without MSAA) for submitting to XR

◆ myZLayers

OpenGl_LayerList OpenGl_View::myZLayers

main list of displayed structure, sorted by layers


const Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::THE_DEFAULT_NB_BOUNCES = 3

Default ray-tracing depth.


const Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::THE_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE = 10

Default size of traversal stack.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: