Open CASCADE Technology
Deprecated List
Global AIS_AngleDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_Chamf2dDimension
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_Chamf3dDimension
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_ColorScale::SetTitlePosition (const Aspect_TypeOfColorScalePosition thePos)
("AIS_ColorScale::SetTitlePosition() has no effect!")
Global AIS_ConcentricRelation
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_DiameterDimension
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_Dimension
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_DimensionOwner
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_EllipseRadiusDimension
("Alias to moved class")
Global AIS_EqualDistanceRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_EqualRadiusRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_FixRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_IdenticRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveCurrentObject (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Standard_Boolean theIsToUpdateViewer)
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::BoundingBoxOfSelection () const
("BoundingBoxOfSelection() should be called with View argument")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::ClearCurrents (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Current () const
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedCurrentObject () const
("Local Context is deprecated - ::DetectedCurrentOwner() should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedCurrentShape () const
("Local Context is deprecated - ::DetectedCurrentOwner() should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedShape () const
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Display (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Integer theDispMode, const Standard_Integer theSelectionMode, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer, const Standard_Boolean theToAllowDecomposition, const PrsMgr_DisplayStatus theDispStatus=PrsMgr_DisplayStatus_None)
("Deprecated method Display() with obsolete argument theToAllowDecomposition")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::HasDetectedShape () const
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Hilight (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Standard_Boolean theIsToUpdateViewer)
("Deprecated method Hilight()")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightCurrents (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::InitCurrent ()
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::IsCurrent (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject) const
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Load (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, Standard_Integer theSelectionMode, Standard_Boolean)
("Deprecated method Load() with obsolete last argument theToAllowDecomposition")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::MoreCurrent () const
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::NbCurrents ()
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::NextCurrent ()
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Select (const Standard_Integer theXPMin, const Standard_Integer theYPMin, const Standard_Integer theXPMax, const Standard_Integer theYPMax, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectRectangle() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_Replace should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Select (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &thePolyline, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectPolygon() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_Replace should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::Select (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectDetected() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_Replace should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::SetCurrentObject (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDisplayPriority (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Integer thePriority)
("Deprecated since OCCT7.7, Graphic3d_DisplayPriority should be passed instead of integer number to SetDisplayPriority()")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::SetSelectedAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_BasicAspect > &theAspect, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("Deprecated method - presentation attributes should be assigned directly to object")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectDetected() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_XOR should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &thePolyline, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectPolygon() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_XOR should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect (const Standard_Integer theXPMin, const Standard_Integer theYPMin, const Standard_Integer theXPMax, const Standard_Integer theYPMax, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("This method is deprecated - SelectRectangle() taking AIS_SelectionScheme_XOR should be called instead")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::UnhilightCurrents (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer)
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveContext::UpdateCurrent ()
("Local Context is deprecated - local selection should be used without Local Context")
Global AIS_InteractiveObject::SetAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_BasicAspect > &anAspect)
("Deprecated method, results might be undefined")
Global AIS_LengthDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_MaxRadiusDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_MidPointRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_MinRadiusDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_OffsetDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_ParallelRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_PerpendicularRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_RadiusDimension
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_Relation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_SymmetricRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global AIS_TangentRelation
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global Approx_CurveOnSurface::Approx_CurveOnSurface (const Handle< Adaptor2d_Curve2d > &C2D, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Surface > &Surf, const Standard_Real First, const Standard_Real Last, const Standard_Real Tol, const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity, const Standard_Integer MaxDegree, const Standard_Integer MaxSegments, const Standard_Boolean Only3d=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean Only2d=Standard_False)
("This constructor is deprecated. Use other constructor and perform method instead.")
Global Font_FTFont::Init (const NCollection_String &theFontPath, unsigned int thePointSize, unsigned int theResolution)
("Deprecated method, Font_FTFontParams should be used for passing parameters")
Global Font_FTFont::Init (const NCollection_String &theFontName, Font_FontAspect theFontAspect, unsigned int thePointSize, unsigned int theResolution)
("Deprecated method, Font_FTFontParams should be used for passing parameters")
Global Font_TextFormatter::TopLeft (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const
("BottomLeft should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d::Edge () const
("Deprecated method, ToDrawEdges() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Aspects::AllowBackFace ()
("Deprecated method, SetFaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Aspects::BackFace () const
("Deprecated method, FaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Aspects::SetSuppressBackFaces (bool theToSuppress)
("Deprecated method, SetFaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Aspects::SuppressBackFace ()
("Deprecated method, SetFaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Aspects::ToSuppressBackFaces () const
("Deprecated method, FaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Marker (const Graphic3d_Vertex &thePoint, const Standard_Boolean theToEvalMinMax=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Marker(), pass Graphic3d_ArrayOfPoints to AddPrimitiveArray() instead")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const Standard_CString AText, const Graphic3d_Vertex &APoint, const Standard_Real AHeight, const Standard_Real AAngle, const Graphic3d_TextPath ATp, const Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment AHta, const Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment AVta, const Standard_Boolean EvalMinMax=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const Standard_CString AText, const Graphic3d_Vertex &APoint, const Standard_Real AHeight, const Standard_Boolean EvalMinMax=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const TCollection_ExtendedString &AText, const Graphic3d_Vertex &APoint, const Standard_Real AHeight, const Standard_Real AAngle, const Graphic3d_TextPath ATp, const Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment AHta, const Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment AVta, const Standard_Boolean EvalMinMax=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const TCollection_ExtendedString &AText, const Graphic3d_Vertex &APoint, const Standard_Real AHeight, const Standard_Boolean EvalMinMax=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const Standard_CString theTextUtf, const gp_Ax2 &theOrientation, const Standard_Real theHeight, const Standard_Real theAngle, const Graphic3d_TextPath theTp, const Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment theHTA, const Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment theVTA, const Standard_Boolean theToEvalMinMax=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theHasOwnAnchor=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_Group::Text (const TCollection_ExtendedString &theText, const gp_Ax2 &theOrientation, const Standard_Real theHeight, const Standard_Real theAngle, const Graphic3d_TextPath theTp, const Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment theHTA, const Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment theVTA, const Standard_Boolean theToEvalMinMax=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theHasOwnAnchor=Standard_True)
("Deprecated method Text() with obsolete arguments, use AddText() instead of it")
Global Graphic3d_MaterialAspect::SetReflectionModeOff (const Graphic3d_TypeOfReflection theType)
("Deprecated method, specific material component should be zerroed instead")
Global Graphic3d_Structure::Connect (const Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &thePrs)
("Deprecated short-cut")
Global Graphic3d_Structure::Remove (const Handle< Graphic3d_Structure > &thePrs)
("Deprecated alias for Disconnect()")
Global Graphic3d_Structure::RemoveAll ()
("Deprecated alias for DisconnectAll()")
Global Graphic3d_Structure::SetDisplayPriority (const Standard_Integer thePriority)
("Deprecated since OCCT7.7, Graphic3d_DisplayPriority should be passed instead of integer number to SetDisplayPriority()")
Global Graphic3d_Texture2Dmanual
("Deprecated alias to Graphic3d_Texture2D")
Global Handle_PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d
("Deprecated alias to PrsMgr_PresentationManager")
Global IntTools_CArray1OfReal
("Deprecated alias - TColStd_Array1OfReal should be used instead")
Global opencascade::handle< T >::DownCast (const handle< T2 > &theObject, typename opencascade::std::enable_if<!is_base_but_not_same< T2, T >value, void * >type=0)
("down-casting from object of the same or unrelated type is meaningless")
Global opencascade::handle< T >::DownCast (const T2 *thePtr, typename opencascade::std::enable_if<!is_base_but_not_same< T2, T >value, void * >type=0)
("down-casting from object of the same or unrelated type is meaningless")
Global opencascade::handle< T >::operator handle< T2 > & ()
("Passing non-const reference to handle of base type in function is unsafe; use variable of exact type")
Global OpenGl_Context::BindTextures (const Handle< OpenGl_TextureSet > &theTextures)
("BindTextures() with explicit GLSL program should be used instead")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const OpenGl_ColorFormats &theColorFormats, const Handle< OpenGl_Texture > &theDepthStencilTexture, const Standard_Integer theNbSamples=0)
("Obsolete method, use Init() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Standard_Integer theColorFormat, const Standard_Integer theDepthFormat, const Standard_Integer theNbSamples=0)
("Obsolete method, use Init() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const OpenGl_ColorFormats &theColorFormats, const Standard_Integer theDepthFormat, const Standard_Integer theNbSamples=0)
("Obsolete method, use Init() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::InitLazy (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theViewportSizeX, const Standard_Integer theViewportSizeY, const Standard_Integer theColorFormat, const Standard_Integer theDepthFormat, const Standard_Integer theNbSamples=0)
("Obsolete method, use InitLazy() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::InitLazy (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theViewportSizeX, const Standard_Integer theViewportSizeY, const OpenGl_ColorFormats &theColorFormats, const Standard_Integer theDepthFormat, const Standard_Integer theNbSamples=0)
("Obsolete method, use InitLazy() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_FrameBuffer::InitWithRB (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theGlCtx, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Standard_Integer theColorFormat, const Standard_Integer theDepthFormat, const unsigned int theColorRBufferFromWindow=0)
("Obsolete method, use InitWithRB() taking Graphic3d_Vec2i")
Global OpenGl_Text::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Standard_Utf8Char *theText, const OpenGl_Vec3 &thePoint)
("Deprecated method Init() with obsolete arguments, use Init() and Text() instead of it")
Global OpenGl_Text::SetPosition (const OpenGl_Vec3 &thePoint)
("Deprecated method SetPosition(), use Graphic3d_Text for it")
Global OpenGl_Texture::GetDataFormat (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Image_Format theFormat, Standard_Integer &theTextFormat, unsigned int &thePixelFormat, unsigned int &theDataType)
("Deprecated method, OpenGl_TextureFormat::FindFormat() should be used instead")
Global OpenGl_Texture::GetDataFormat (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Image_PixMap &theData, Standard_Integer &theTextFormat, unsigned int &thePixelFormat, unsigned int &theDataType)
("Deprecated method, OpenGl_TextureFormat::FindFormat() should be used instead")
Global OpenGl_Texture::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Standard_Integer theTextFormat, const unsigned int thePixelFormat, const unsigned int theDataType, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Graphic3d_TypeOfTexture theType, const Image_PixMap *theImage=NULL)
("Deprecated method, OpenGl_TextureFormat should be passed instead of separate parameters")
Global OpenGl_Texture::Init (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Image_PixMap &theImage, const Graphic3d_TypeOfTexture theType)
("Deprecated method, theIsColorMap parameter should be explicitly specified")
Global OpenGl_Texture::Init3D (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const Standard_Integer theTextFormat, const unsigned int thePixelFormat, const unsigned int theDataType, const Standard_Integer theSizeX, const Standard_Integer theSizeY, const Standard_Integer theSizeZ, const void *thePixels)
("Deprecated method, OpenGl_TextureFormat should be passed instead of separate parameters")
Global OpenGl_TextureBufferArb
("Obsolete alias - OpenGl_TextureBuffer should be used instead")
Global PCDM_BaseDriverPointer
("Typedef PCDM_BaseDriverPointer is kept for compatibility only, instead consider using Handle(Storage_BaseDriver) explicitly")
Global Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation::ChangeNodes ()
("Deprecated method, SetNode() should be used instead")
Global Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation::ChangeParameters ()
("Deprecated method, SetParameter() should be used instead")
Global Poly_Triangulation::ChangeTriangle (const Standard_Integer theIndex)
("Deprecated method, SetTriangle() should be used instead")
Global Poly_Triangulation::ChangeTriangles ()
("Deprecated method, SetTriangle() should be used instead")
Global Poly_Triangulation::SetNormals (const Handle< TShort_HArray1OfShortReal > &theNormals)
("Deprecated method, SetNormal() should be used instead")
Global Poly_Triangulation::Triangles () const
("Deprecated method, Triangle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_DatumAspect::TextAspect () const
("This method is deprecated - TextAspect() with axis parameter should be called instead")
Global Prs3d_Drawer::HasOwnHLRDeviationAngle () const
("HasOwnDeviationAngle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_Drawer::HLRAngle () const
("DeviationAngle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_Drawer::PreviousHLRDeviationAngle () const
("PreviousDeviationAngle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_Drawer::SetHLRAngle (const Standard_Real theAngle)
("SetDeviationAngle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_Drawer::SetHLRAngle ()
("SetDeviationAngle() should be used instead")
Global Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePrs3d)
("This method is deprecated - Prs3d_Presentation::CurrentGroup() should be called instead")
Global Prs3d_Root::NewGroup (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePrs3d)
("This method is deprecated - Prs3d_Presentation::NewGroup() should be called instead")
Global Prs3d_ShapeTool
("Alias to moved class StdPrs_ShapeTool")
Global Prs3d_ToolQuadric::FillArray (Handle< Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles > &theArray, Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &theTriangulation, const gp_Trsf &theTrsf) const
("Deprecated method, CreateTriangulation() and CreatePolyTriangulation() should be used instead")
Global PrsMgr_PresentableObject::ToBeUpdated (TColStd_ListOfInteger &ListOfMode) const
("This method is deprecated - UpdatePresentations() should be called instead")
Global PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Update (Standard_Boolean theToIncludeHidden=Standard_False)
("This method is deprecated - SetToUpdate() + UpdatePresentations() should be called instead")
Global PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Update (Standard_Integer theMode, Standard_Boolean theToClearOther)
("This method is deprecated - SetToUpdate() + UpdatePresentations() should be called instead")
Global PrsMgr_Presentation3d
("Deprecated alias to PrsMgr_Presentation3d")
Global PrsMgr_Presentation::Presentation ()
("Dummy to simplify porting - returns self")
Global PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d

("Deprecated alias to PrsMgr_PresentationManager")

("Deprecated alias to PrsMgr_PresentationManager")

Global PrsMgr_TOP_ProjectorDependant
("PrsMgr_TOP_ProjectorDependent should be used instead")
Global Select3D_SensitiveCircle::Select3D_SensitiveCircle (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwnerId, const gp_Circ &theCircle, const Standard_Boolean theIsFilled, const Standard_Integer)
("Deprecated constructor, theNbPnts parameter will be ignored")
Global SelectBasics_EntityOwner
("Deprecated alias - SelectMgr_EntityOwner should be used instead")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Box
("Deprecated alias - SelectMgr_SelectionType should be used instead")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMin, const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMax, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsBox()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMin, const NCollection_Vec3< Standard_Real > &theBoxMax, Standard_Boolean *theInside=NULL) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsBox()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsPoint()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsPoint()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const Handle< TColgp_HArray1OfPnt > &theArrayOfPts, Standard_Integer theSensType, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsPolygon()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt &theArrayOfPts, Standard_Integer theSensType, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsPolygon()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsSegment()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Overlaps (const gp_Pnt &thePnt1, const gp_Pnt &thePnt2, const gp_Pnt &thePnt3, Standard_Integer theSensType, SelectBasics_PickResult &thePickResult) const
("Deprecated alias for OverlapsTriangle()")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Point
("Deprecated alias - SelectMgr_SelectionType should be used instead")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Polyline
("Deprecated alias - SelectMgr_SelectionType should be used instead")
Global SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager::Unknown
("Deprecated alias - SelectMgr_SelectionType should be used instead")
Global SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity
("Deprecated alias - Select3D_SensitiveEntity should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_EntityOwner::Set (const Handle< SelectMgr_SelectableObject > &theSelObj)
("Deprecated method - SetSelectable() should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_EntityOwner::Set (const Standard_Integer thePriority)
("Deprecated method - SetPriority() should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_EntityOwner::State () const
("Deprecated method - IsSelected() should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager::BuildSelectingVolume (const gp_Pnt2d &thePoint)
("Deprecated method - InitPointSelectingVolume() and Build() methods should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager::BuildSelectingVolume (const gp_Pnt2d &theMinPt, const gp_Pnt2d &theMaxPt)
("Deprecated method - InitBoxSelectingVolume() and Build() should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager::BuildSelectingVolume (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &thePoints)
("Deprecated method - InitPolylineSelectingVolume() and Build() should be used instead")
Global SelectMgr_ViewerSelector3d
("Deprecated alias to moved class")
Global ShapeAnalysis_ShapeContents::ModifyOffestSurfaceMode ()
("ModifyOffsetSurfaceMode() should be used instead")
Global StlAPI::Read (TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const Standard_CString aFile)
("This method is very inefficient; see RWStl class for better alternative")
Global TDataStd_Real::GetDimension () const
("TDataStd_Real::GetDimension() is deprecated. Please avoid usage of this method.")
Global TDataStd_Real::SetDimension (const TDataStd_RealEnum DIM)
("TDataStd_Real::SetDimension() is deprecated. Please avoid usage of this method.")
Global TDataStd_Variable::Set (const Standard_Real value, const TDataStd_RealEnum dimension) const
("TDataStd_Variable::Set(value, dimension) is deprecated. Please use TDataStd_Variable::Set(value) instead.")
Global V3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel
("Deprecated alias - Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel should be used instead")
Global V3d_TypeOfLight
("Deprecated alias - Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource should be used instead")
Global V3d_TypeOfShadingModel
("Deprecated alias - Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel should be used instead")
Global V3d_View::ActiveLight () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_View::IfMoreLights () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_View::InitActiveLights ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_View::MoreActiveLights () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_View::NextActiveLights ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::ActiveLight () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::ActiveView () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::DefinedLight () const
("Deprecated method - DefinedLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::DefinedView () const
("Deprecated method - DefinedViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::InitActiveLights ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::InitActiveViews ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::InitDefinedLights ()
("Deprecated method - DefinedLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::InitDefinedViews ()
("Deprecated method - DefinedViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::IsActive ()
("Deprecated method - IsGridActive() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::MoreActiveLights () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::MoreActiveViews () const
("Deprecated method - ActiveViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::MoreDefinedLights () const
("Deprecated method - DefinedLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::MoreDefinedViews () const
("Deprecated method - DefinedViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::NextActiveLights ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::NextActiveViews ()
("Deprecated method - ActiveViews() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::NextDefinedLights ()
("Deprecated method - DefinedLights() should be used instead")
Global V3d_Viewer::NextDefinedViews ()
("Deprecated method - DefinedViews() should be used instead")
Global ViewerTest::GetColorFromName (const Standard_CString name)
("Method has been moved to Quantity_Color::ColorFromName()")
Global ViewerTest::ParseColor (const Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *const theArgVec, Quantity_ColorRGBA &theColor)
("Method has been moved to Draw::ParseColor()")
Global ViewerTest::ParseColor (const Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *const theArgVec, Quantity_Color &theColor)
("Method has been moved to Draw::ParseColor()")
Global ViewerTest::ParseOnOff (Standard_CString theArg, Standard_Boolean &theIsOn)
("Method has been moved to Draw::ParseOnOff()")
Global XCAFDoc_VisMaterial::IsDoubleSided () const
("Deprecated method, FaceCulling() should be used instead")
Global XCAFDoc_VisMaterial::SetDoubleSided (Standard_Boolean theIsDoubleSided)
("Deprecated method, SetFaceCulling() should be used instead")