Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
OpenGl_Text Class Reference

Text rendering. More...

#include <OpenGl_Text.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for OpenGl_Text:

Public Member Functions

 OpenGl_Text (const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > &theTextParams)
 Creates new text in 3D space.
virtual ~OpenGl_Text ()
void Reset (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx)
 Release cached VBO resources and the previous font if height changed. Cached structures will be refilled by the next render. Call Reset after modifying text parameters.
const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > & Text () const
 Returns text parameters.
void SetText (const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > &theText)
 Sets text parameters.
Standard_Boolean Is2D () const
 Return true if text is 2D.
void Set2D (const Standard_Boolean theEnable)
 Set true if text is 2D.
void SetFontSize (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theContext, const Standard_Integer theFontSize)
 Setup new font size.
virtual void Render (const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > &theWorkspace) const override
virtual void Release (OpenGl_Context *theContext) override
 Release GPU resources. Pointer to the context is used because this method might be called when the context is already being destroyed and usage of a handle would be unsafe.
virtual Standard_Size EstimatedDataSize () const override
 Returns estimated GPU memory usage for holding data without considering overheads and allocation alignment rules.
virtual void UpdateDrawStats (Graphic3d_FrameStatsDataTmp &theStats, bool theIsDetailed) const override
 Increment draw calls statistics.
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenGl_Element
 OpenGl_Element ()
virtual Standard_Boolean IsFillDrawMode () const
 Return TRUE if primitive type generates shaded triangulation (to be used in filters).
virtual void UpdateMemStats (Graphic3d_FrameStatsDataTmp &theStats) const
 Increment memory usage statistics. Default implementation puts EstimatedDataSize() into Graphic3d_FrameStatsCounter_EstimatedBytesGeom.
virtual void SynchronizeAspects ()
 Update parameters of the drawable elements.

obsolete methods

Deprecated method use const Standard_Utf8ChartheText
 text parameters
Deprecated method use const Standard_Utf8Char const OpenGl_Vec3thePoint
 text parameters
Handle< Graphic3d_TextmyText
 text parameters
Handle< OpenGl_FontmyFont
 text parameters
NCollection_Vector< GLuintmyTextures
 textures' IDs
NCollection_Vector< Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffer > > myVertsVbo
 VBOs of vertices.
NCollection_Vector< Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffer > > myTCrdsVbo
 VBOs of texture coordinates.
Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffermyBndVertsVbo
 VBOs of vertices for bounding box.
Font_Rect myBndBox
 text parameters
OpenGl_Mat4d myProjMatrix
 text parameters
OpenGl_Mat4d myModelMatrix
 text parameters
OpenGl_Mat4d myOrientationMatrix
 text parameters
OpenGl_Vec3d myWinXYZ
 text parameters
GLdouble myScaleHeight
 text parameters
Standard_Boolean myIs2d
 text parameters
Deprecated method Init () with obsolete arguments
 Setup new string and position.
Deprecated method use Init () and Text() instead of it") 1 void Init( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theCtx
 text parameters
void SetPosition (const OpenGl_Vec3 &thePoint)
 Setup new position.
void releaseVbos (OpenGl_Context *theCtx)
 Release cached VBO resources.

methods for compatibility with layers

Empty constructor

 OpenGl_Text ()
 Perform rendering.
void Render (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const OpenGl_Aspects &theTextAspect, unsigned int theResolution=Graphic3d_RenderingParams::THE_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, Font_Hinting theFontHinting=Font_Hinting_Off) const
 Perform rendering.
virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const override
 Dumps the content of me into the stream.
static TCollection_AsciiString FontKey (const OpenGl_Aspects &theAspect, Standard_Integer theHeight, unsigned int theResolution, Font_Hinting theFontHinting)
 Create key for shared resource.
static Handle< OpenGl_FontFindFont (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const OpenGl_Aspects &theAspect, Standard_Integer theHeight, unsigned int theResolution, Font_Hinting theFontHinting, const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey)
 Find shared resource for specified font or initialize new one.
static void StringSize (const Handle< OpenGl_Context > &theCtx, const NCollection_String &theText, const OpenGl_Aspects &theTextAspect, const Standard_ShortReal theHeight, const unsigned int theResolution, const Font_Hinting theFontHinting, Standard_ShortReal &theWidth, Standard_ShortReal &theAscent, Standard_ShortReal &theDescent)
 Compute text width.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenGl_Element
template<typename theResource_t>
static void Destroy (OpenGl_Context *theContext, theResource_t *&theElement)
 Pointer to the context is used because this method might be called when the context is already being destroyed and usage of a handle would be unsafe.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenGl_Element
virtual ~OpenGl_Element ()

Detailed Description

Text rendering.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenGl_Text() [1/2]

OpenGl_Text::OpenGl_Text ( const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > & theTextParams)

Creates new text in 3D space.

◆ ~OpenGl_Text()

virtual OpenGl_Text::~OpenGl_Text ( )


◆ OpenGl_Text() [2/2]

OpenGl_Text::OpenGl_Text ( )

Perform rendering.

Member Function Documentation

◆ DumpJson()

virtual void OpenGl_Text::DumpJson ( Standard_OStream & theOStream,
Standard_Integer theDepth = -1 ) const

Dumps the content of me into the stream.

Reimplemented from OpenGl_Element.

◆ EstimatedDataSize()

virtual Standard_Size OpenGl_Text::EstimatedDataSize ( ) const

Returns estimated GPU memory usage for holding data without considering overheads and allocation alignment rules.

Reimplemented from OpenGl_Element.

◆ FindFont()

static Handle< OpenGl_Font > OpenGl_Text::FindFont ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theCtx,
const OpenGl_Aspects & theAspect,
Standard_Integer theHeight,
unsigned int theResolution,
Font_Hinting theFontHinting,
const TCollection_AsciiString & theKey )

Find shared resource for specified font or initialize new one.

◆ FontKey()

static TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_Text::FontKey ( const OpenGl_Aspects & theAspect,
Standard_Integer theHeight,
unsigned int theResolution,
Font_Hinting theFontHinting )

Create key for shared resource.

◆ Init() [1/2]

Deprecated method use OpenGl_Text::Init ( ) const &

text parameters

◆ Init() [2/2]

Deprecated method OpenGl_Text::Init ( )

Setup new string and position.


◆ Is2D()

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Text::Is2D ( ) const

Return true if text is 2D.

◆ Release()

virtual void OpenGl_Text::Release ( OpenGl_Context * theContext)

Release GPU resources. Pointer to the context is used because this method might be called when the context is already being destroyed and usage of a handle would be unsafe.

Implements OpenGl_Element.

◆ releaseVbos()

void OpenGl_Text::releaseVbos ( OpenGl_Context * theCtx)

Release cached VBO resources.

◆ Render() [1/2]

void OpenGl_Text::Render ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theCtx,
const OpenGl_Aspects & theTextAspect,
unsigned int theResolution = Graphic3d_RenderingParams::THE_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION,
Font_Hinting theFontHinting = Font_Hinting_Off ) const

Perform rendering.

◆ Render() [2/2]

virtual void OpenGl_Text::Render ( const Handle< OpenGl_Workspace > & theWorkspace) const

Implements OpenGl_Element.

◆ Reset()

void OpenGl_Text::Reset ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theCtx)

Release cached VBO resources and the previous font if height changed. Cached structures will be refilled by the next render. Call Reset after modifying text parameters.

◆ Set2D()

void OpenGl_Text::Set2D ( const Standard_Boolean theEnable)

Set true if text is 2D.

◆ SetFontSize()

void OpenGl_Text::SetFontSize ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theContext,
const Standard_Integer theFontSize )

Setup new font size.

◆ SetPosition()

void OpenGl_Text::SetPosition ( const OpenGl_Vec3 & thePoint)

Setup new position.

("Deprecated method SetPosition(), use Graphic3d_Text for it")

◆ SetText()

void OpenGl_Text::SetText ( const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > & theText)

Sets text parameters.

See also

◆ StringSize()

static void OpenGl_Text::StringSize ( const Handle< OpenGl_Context > & theCtx,
const NCollection_String & theText,
const OpenGl_Aspects & theTextAspect,
const Standard_ShortReal theHeight,
const unsigned int theResolution,
const Font_Hinting theFontHinting,
Standard_ShortReal & theWidth,
Standard_ShortReal & theAscent,
Standard_ShortReal & theDescent )

Compute text width.

◆ Text()

const Handle< Graphic3d_Text > & OpenGl_Text::Text ( ) const

Returns text parameters.

See also

◆ UpdateDrawStats()

virtual void OpenGl_Text::UpdateDrawStats ( Graphic3d_FrameStatsDataTmp & theStats,
bool theIsDetailed ) const

Increment draw calls statistics.

Reimplemented from OpenGl_Element.

Field Documentation

◆ myBndBox

Font_Rect OpenGl_Text::myBndBox

text parameters

◆ myBndVertsVbo

Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffer > OpenGl_Text::myBndVertsVbo

VBOs of vertices for bounding box.

◆ myFont

Handle< OpenGl_Font > OpenGl_Text::myFont

text parameters

◆ myIs2d

Standard_Boolean OpenGl_Text::myIs2d

text parameters

◆ myModelMatrix

OpenGl_Mat4d OpenGl_Text::myModelMatrix

text parameters

◆ myOrientationMatrix

OpenGl_Mat4d OpenGl_Text::myOrientationMatrix

text parameters

◆ myProjMatrix

OpenGl_Mat4d OpenGl_Text::myProjMatrix

text parameters

◆ myScaleHeight

GLdouble OpenGl_Text::myScaleHeight

text parameters

◆ myTCrdsVbo

NCollection_Vector< Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffer > > OpenGl_Text::myTCrdsVbo

VBOs of texture coordinates.

◆ myText

Handle< Graphic3d_Text > OpenGl_Text::myText

text parameters

◆ myTextures

NCollection_Vector<GLuint> OpenGl_Text::myTextures

textures' IDs

◆ myVertsVbo

NCollection_Vector< Handle< OpenGl_VertexBuffer > > OpenGl_Text::myVertsVbo

VBOs of vertices.

◆ myWinXYZ

OpenGl_Vec3d OpenGl_Text::myWinXYZ

text parameters

◆ thePoint

Deprecated method use const Standard_Utf8Char const OpenGl_Vec3& OpenGl_Text::thePoint

text parameters

◆ theText

Deprecated method use const Standard_Utf8Char* OpenGl_Text::theText

text parameters

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