Open CASCADE Technology
Draw Class Reference


#include <Draw.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static void Load (Draw_Interpretor &theDI, const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, const TCollection_AsciiString &theResourceFileName, const TCollection_AsciiString &theDefaultsDirectory, const TCollection_AsciiString &theUserDefaultsDirectory, const Standard_Boolean theIsVerbose=Standard_False)
 (Re)Load a Draw Harness plugin.
Tcl variables management tools
static void Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > &D, const Standard_Boolean Disp)
 Sets a variable. Display it if <Disp> is true.
static void Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > &D)
 Sets a variable, a null handle clear the vartiable. Automatic display is context driven.
static void Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Standard_Real val)
 Sets a numeric variable.
static Draw_InterpretorGetInterpretor ()
 Returns main DRAW interpretor.
static Handle< Draw_Drawable3DGet (Standard_CString &theName)
 Returns a variable value. The name "." does a graphic selection; in this case theName will be is overwritten with the name of the variable.
static Handle< Draw_Drawable3DGetExisting (const Standard_CString &theName)
 Returns a variable value.
static Standard_Boolean Get (const Standard_CString Name, Standard_Real &val)
 Gets a numeric variable. Returns True if the variable exist.
static void Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Standard_CString val)
 Sets a TCL string variable.
static const NCollection_Map< Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > > & Drawables ()
 Returns a map of Draw_Drawable3D variables.
argument parsing tools
static Standard_Real Atof (const Standard_CString Name)
 Converts numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to real value.
static bool ParseReal (const Standard_CString theExpressionString, Standard_Real &theParsedRealValue)
 Converts the numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to a real value.
static Standard_Integer Atoi (const Standard_CString Name)
 Converts numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to integer value. Implemented as cast of Atof() to integer.
static bool ParseInteger (const Standard_CString theExpressionString, Standard_Integer &theParsedIntegerValue)
 Converts the numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to an integer value.
static Standard_Integer ParseColor (const Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *const theArgVec, Quantity_ColorRGBA &theColor)
 Parses RGB(A) color argument(s) specified within theArgVec[0], theArgVec[1], theArgVec[2] and theArgVec[3]. Handles either color specified by name (single argument) or by RGB(A) components (3-4 arguments) in range 0..1. The result is stored in theColor on success.
static Standard_Integer ParseColor (const Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *const theArgVec, Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Parses RGB color argument(s).
static Standard_Boolean ParseOnOff (Standard_CString theArg, Standard_Boolean &theIsOn)
 Parses boolean argument. Handles either flag specified by 0|1 or on|off.
static Standard_Boolean ParseOnOffIterator (Standard_Integer theArgsNb, const char **theArgVec, Standard_Integer &theArgIter)
 Parses boolean argument at specified iterator position with optional on/off coming next.
static Standard_Boolean ParseOnOffNoIterator (Standard_Integer theArgsNb, const char **theArgVec, Standard_Integer &theArgIter)
 Parses boolean argument at specified iterator position with optional on/off coming next. Similar to ParseOnOffIterator() but also reverses returned value if argument name starts with "no" prefix. E.g. if nominal argument is "cmd -usefeature [on|off|1|0]=on", then "-nousefeature" argument will return FALSE.
static void LastPick (Standard_Integer &view, Standard_Integer &X, Standard_Integer &Y, Standard_Integer &button)
 Returns last graphic selection description.
static void Repaint ()
 Asks to repaint the screen after the current command.
static void SetProgressBar (const Handle< Draw_ProgressIndicator > &theProgress)
 sets progress indicator
static Handle< Draw_ProgressIndicatorGetProgressBar ()
 gets progress indicator

methods loading standard command sets

static void Commands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines all Draw commands.
static void BasicCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Draw basic commands.
static void MessageCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Draw message commands.
static void VariableCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Draw variables handling commands.
static void GraphicCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Draw variables handling commands.
static void PloadCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Loads Draw plugins commands.
static void UnitCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I)
 Defines Draw unit commands.
static Handle< Draw_Drawable3DgetDrawable (Standard_CString &theName, Standard_Boolean theToAllowPick)
 Returns a variable value.
static Standard_Integer parseColor (Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *theArgVec, Quantity_ColorRGBA &theColor, bool theToParseAlpha)
 Parses RGB(A) color argument(s) specified within theArgVec[0], theArgVec[1], theArgVec[2] and theArgVec[3]. Handles either color specified by name (single argument) or by RGB(A) components (3-4 arguments) in range 0..1. The result is stored in theColor on success. Returns number of handled arguments (1, 2, 3 or 4) or 0 on syntax error.

Detailed Description


Member Function Documentation

◆ Atof()

static Standard_Real Draw::Atof ( const Standard_CString Name)

Converts numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to real value.

◆ Atoi()

static Standard_Integer Draw::Atoi ( const Standard_CString Name)

Converts numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to integer value. Implemented as cast of Atof() to integer.

◆ BasicCommands()

static void Draw::BasicCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Draw basic commands.

◆ Commands()

static void Draw::Commands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines all Draw commands.

◆ Drawables()

static const NCollection_Map< Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > > & Draw::Drawables ( )

Returns a map of Draw_Drawable3D variables.

◆ Get() [1/2]

static Standard_Boolean Draw::Get ( const Standard_CString Name,
Standard_Real & val )

Gets a numeric variable. Returns True if the variable exist.

◆ Get() [2/2]

static Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > Draw::Get ( Standard_CString & theName)

Returns a variable value. The name "." does a graphic selection; in this case theName will be is overwritten with the name of the variable.

◆ getDrawable()

static Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > Draw::getDrawable ( Standard_CString & theName,
Standard_Boolean theToAllowPick )

Returns a variable value.

theName[in] [out] variable name, or "." to activate picking
theToAllowPick[in] when TRUE, "." name will activate picking

◆ GetExisting()

static Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > Draw::GetExisting ( const Standard_CString & theName)

Returns a variable value.

◆ GetInterpretor()

static Draw_Interpretor & Draw::GetInterpretor ( )

Returns main DRAW interpretor.

◆ GetProgressBar()

static Handle< Draw_ProgressIndicator > Draw::GetProgressBar ( )

gets progress indicator

◆ GraphicCommands()

static void Draw::GraphicCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Draw variables handling commands.

◆ LastPick()

static void Draw::LastPick ( Standard_Integer & view,
Standard_Integer & X,
Standard_Integer & Y,
Standard_Integer & button )

Returns last graphic selection description.

◆ Load()

static void Draw::Load ( Draw_Interpretor & theDI,
const TCollection_AsciiString & theKey,
const TCollection_AsciiString & theResourceFileName,
const TCollection_AsciiString & theDefaultsDirectory,
const TCollection_AsciiString & theUserDefaultsDirectory,
const Standard_Boolean theIsVerbose = Standard_False )

(Re)Load a Draw Harness plugin.

theDI[in] [out] Tcl interpretor to append loaded commands
theKey[in] plugin code name to be resolved in resource file
theResourceFileName[in] description file name
theDefaultsDirectory[in] default folder for looking description file
theUserDefaultsDirectory[in] user folder for looking description file
theIsVerbose[in] print verbose messages

◆ MessageCommands()

static void Draw::MessageCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Draw message commands.

◆ ParseColor() [1/2]

static Standard_Integer Draw::ParseColor ( const Standard_Integer theArgNb,
const char *const *const theArgVec,
Quantity_Color & theColor )

Parses RGB color argument(s).

theArgNb[in] number of available arguments in theArgVec (array limits)
theArgVec[in] argument list
theColor[out] retrieved color
number of handled arguments (1 or 3) or 0 on syntax error.

◆ ParseColor() [2/2]

static Standard_Integer Draw::ParseColor ( const Standard_Integer theArgNb,
const char *const *const theArgVec,
Quantity_ColorRGBA & theColor )

Parses RGB(A) color argument(s) specified within theArgVec[0], theArgVec[1], theArgVec[2] and theArgVec[3]. Handles either color specified by name (single argument) or by RGB(A) components (3-4 arguments) in range 0..1. The result is stored in theColor on success.

Usage code sample for command argument in form "cmd -color {ColorName|R G B [A]|ColorHex}":

for (int anArgIter = 1; anArgIter < theNbArgs; ++anArgIter)
TCollection_AsciiString aParam (theArgVec[anArgIter]);
if (aParam == "-color")
Standard_Integer aNbParsed = Draw::ParseColor (theArgNb - anArgIter - 1,
theArgVec + anArgIter + 1, aColor);
anArgIter += aNbParsed;
if (aNbParsed == 0) { std::cerr << "Syntax error at '" << aParam << "'"; return 1; }
// process color
int Standard_Integer
Definition Standard_TypeDef.hxx:61
static Standard_Integer ParseColor(const Standard_Integer theArgNb, const char *const *const theArgVec, Quantity_ColorRGBA &theColor)
Parses RGB(A) color argument(s) specified within theArgVec[0], theArgVec[1], theArgVec[2] and theArgV...
Definition Draw.hxx:135
The pair of Quantity_Color and Alpha component (1.0 opaque, 0.0 transparent).
Definition Quantity_ColorRGBA.hxx:22
Class defines a variable-length sequence of 8-bit characters. Despite class name (kept for historical...
Definition TCollection_AsciiString.hxx:46
theArgNb[in] number of available arguments in theArgVec (array limits)
theArgVec[in] argument list
theColor[out] retrieved color
number of handled arguments (1, 2, 3 or 4) or 0 on syntax error

◆ parseColor()

static Standard_Integer Draw::parseColor ( Standard_Integer theArgNb,
const char *const * theArgVec,
Quantity_ColorRGBA & theColor,
bool theToParseAlpha )

Parses RGB(A) color argument(s) specified within theArgVec[0], theArgVec[1], theArgVec[2] and theArgVec[3]. Handles either color specified by name (single argument) or by RGB(A) components (3-4 arguments) in range 0..1. The result is stored in theColor on success. Returns number of handled arguments (1, 2, 3 or 4) or 0 on syntax error.

◆ ParseInteger()

static bool Draw::ParseInteger ( const Standard_CString theExpressionString,
Standard_Integer & theParsedIntegerValue )

Converts the numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to an integer value.

theExpressionStringthe strings that contains the expression involving DRAW variables to be parsed
theParsedIntegerValuean integer value that is a result of parsing
true if parsing was successful, or false otherwise

◆ ParseOnOff()

static Standard_Boolean Draw::ParseOnOff ( Standard_CString theArg,
Standard_Boolean & theIsOn )

Parses boolean argument. Handles either flag specified by 0|1 or on|off.

Usage code sample for command argument in form "cmd -usefeature [on|off|1|0]=on":

for (int anArgIter = 1; anArgIter < theNbArgs; ++anArgIter)
TCollection_AsciiString aParam (theArgVec[anArgIter]);
if (aParam == "-usefeature")
bool toUseFeature = true;
if (anArgIter + 1 < theNbArgs && Draw::ParseOnOff (theArgVec[anArgIter + 1]))
// process feature
static Standard_Boolean ParseOnOff(Standard_CString theArg, Standard_Boolean &theIsOn)
Parses boolean argument. Handles either flag specified by 0|1 or on|off.
theArg[in] argument value
theIsOn[out] decoded Boolean flag
FALSE on syntax error

◆ ParseOnOffIterator()

static Standard_Boolean Draw::ParseOnOffIterator ( Standard_Integer theArgsNb,
const char ** theArgVec,
Standard_Integer & theArgIter )

Parses boolean argument at specified iterator position with optional on/off coming next.

Usage code sample for command argument in form "cmd -usefeature [on|off|1|0]=on":

for (int anArgIter = 1; anArgIter < theNbArgs; ++anArgIter)
if (strcasecmp (theArgVec[anArgIter], "-usefeature") == 0)
bool toUseFeature = Draw::ParseOnOffIterator (theNbArgs, theArgVec, anArgIter);
// process feature
static Standard_Boolean ParseOnOffIterator(Standard_Integer theArgsNb, const char **theArgVec, Standard_Integer &theArgIter)
Parses boolean argument at specified iterator position with optional on/off coming next.
theArgsNb[in] overall number of arguments
theArgVec[in] vector of arguments
theArgIter[in] [out] argument position to parse
flag value

◆ ParseOnOffNoIterator()

static Standard_Boolean Draw::ParseOnOffNoIterator ( Standard_Integer theArgsNb,
const char ** theArgVec,
Standard_Integer & theArgIter )

Parses boolean argument at specified iterator position with optional on/off coming next. Similar to ParseOnOffIterator() but also reverses returned value if argument name starts with "no" prefix. E.g. if nominal argument is "cmd -usefeature [on|off|1|0]=on", then "-nousefeature" argument will return FALSE.

theArgsNb[in] overall number of arguments
theArgVec[in] vector of arguments
theArgIter[in] [out] argument position to parse
flag value

◆ ParseReal()

static bool Draw::ParseReal ( const Standard_CString theExpressionString,
Standard_Real & theParsedRealValue )

Converts the numeric expression, that can involve DRAW variables, to a real value.

theExpressionStringthe strings that contains the expression involving DRAW variables to be parsed
theParsedRealValuea real value that is a result of parsing
true if parsing was successful, or false otherwise

◆ PloadCommands()

static void Draw::PloadCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Loads Draw plugins commands.

◆ Repaint()

static void Draw::Repaint ( )

Asks to repaint the screen after the current command.

◆ Set() [1/4]

static void Draw::Set ( const Standard_CString Name,
const Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > & D )

Sets a variable, a null handle clear the vartiable. Automatic display is context driven.

◆ Set() [2/4]

static void Draw::Set ( const Standard_CString Name,
const Handle< Draw_Drawable3D > & D,
const Standard_Boolean Disp )

Sets a variable. Display it if <Disp> is true.

◆ Set() [3/4]

static void Draw::Set ( const Standard_CString Name,
const Standard_CString val )

Sets a TCL string variable.

◆ Set() [4/4]

static void Draw::Set ( const Standard_CString Name,
const Standard_Real val )

Sets a numeric variable.

◆ SetProgressBar()

static void Draw::SetProgressBar ( const Handle< Draw_ProgressIndicator > & theProgress)

sets progress indicator

◆ UnitCommands()

static void Draw::UnitCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Draw unit commands.

◆ VariableCommands()

static void Draw::VariableCommands ( Draw_Interpretor & I)

Defines Draw variables handling commands.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: