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PrsDim_Dimension Class Reference

PrsDim_Dimension is a base class for 2D presentations of linear (length, diameter, radius) and angular dimensions. More...

#include <PrsDim_Dimension.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for PrsDim_Dimension:

Data Structures

struct  SelectionGeometry

Public Types

enum  ComputeMode { ComputeMode_All = 0 , ComputeMode_Line = 1 , ComputeMode_Text = 2 }
 Specifies supported presentation compute modes. Used to compute only parts of presentation for advanced highlighting. More...
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.

Public Member Functions

 PrsDim_Dimension (const PrsDim_KindOfDimension theType)
 Constructor with default parameters values.
Standard_Real GetValue () const
 Gets dimension measurement value. If the value to display is not specified by user, then the dimension object is responsible to compute it on its own in model space coordinates.
void SetComputedValue ()
 Sets computed dimension value. Resets custom value mode if it was set.
void SetCustomValue (const Standard_Real theValue)
 Sets user-defined dimension value. The user-defined dimension value is specified in model space, and affect by unit conversion during the display.
void SetCustomValue (const TCollection_ExtendedString &theValue)
 Sets user-defined dimension value. Unit conversion during the display is not applied.
const TCollection_ExtendedStringGetCustomValue () const
 Gets user-defined dimension value.
const gp_PlnGetPlane () const
 Get the dimension plane in which the 2D dimension presentation is computed. By default, if plane is not defined by user, it is computed automatically after dimension geometry is computed. If computed dimension geometry (points) can't be placed on the user-defined plane, dimension geometry was set as invalid (validity flag is set to false) and dimension presentation will not be computed. If user-defined plane allow geometry placement on it, it will be used for computing of the dimension presentation.
Standard_Integer GetGeometryType () const
 Geometry type defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built.
virtual void SetCustomPlane (const gp_Pln &thePlane)
 Sets user-defined plane where the 2D dimension presentation will be placed. Checks validity of this plane if geometry has been set already. Validity of the plane is checked according to the geometry set and has different criteria for different kinds of dimensions.
void UnsetCustomPlane ()
 Unsets user-defined plane. Therefore the plane for dimension will be computed automatically.
Standard_Boolean IsTextPositionCustom () const
virtual void SetTextPosition (const gp_Pnt &)
 Fixes the absolute text position and adjusts flyout, plane and text alignment according to it. Updates presentation if the text position is valid. ATTENTION! It does not change vertical text alignment.
virtual gp_Pnt GetTextPosition () const
 Computes absolute text position from dimension parameters (flyout, plane and text alignment).
Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspectDimensionAspect () const
 Gets the dimension aspect from AIS object drawer. Dimension aspect contains aspects of line, text and arrows for dimension presentation.
void SetDimensionAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > &theDimensionAspect)
 Sets new dimension aspect for the interactive object drawer. The dimension aspect provides dynamic properties which are generally used during computation of dimension presentations.
PrsDim_KindOfDimension KindOfDimension () const
virtual AIS_KindOfInteractive Type () const override
virtual Standard_Boolean AcceptDisplayMode (const Standard_Integer theMode) const override
 Returns true if the class of objects accepts the display mode theMode. The interactive context can have a default mode of representation for the set of Interactive Objects. This mode may not be accepted by object.
PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol DisplaySpecialSymbol () const
void SetDisplaySpecialSymbol (const PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol theDisplaySpecSymbol)
 Specifies whether to display special symbol or not.
Standard_ExtCharacter SpecialSymbol () const
void SetSpecialSymbol (const Standard_ExtCharacter theSpecialSymbol)
 Specifies special symbol.
virtual const TCollection_AsciiStringGetDisplayUnits () const
virtual const TCollection_AsciiStringGetModelUnits () const
virtual void SetDisplayUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &)
virtual void SetModelUnits (const TCollection_AsciiString &)
void UnsetFixedTextPosition ()
 Unsets user defined text positioning and enables text positioning by other parameters: text alignment, extension size, flyout and custom plane.
Standard_Real SelToleranceForText2d () const
 Returns selection tolerance for text2d: For 2d text selection detection sensitive point with tolerance is used Important! Only for 2d text.
void SetSelToleranceForText2d (const Standard_Real theTol)
 Sets selection tolerance for text2d: For 2d text selection detection sensitive point with tolerance is used to change this tolerance use this method Important! Only for 2d text.
Standard_Real GetFlyout () const
void SetFlyout (const Standard_Real theFlyout)
 Sets flyout value for dimension.
virtual Standard_Boolean IsValid () const
 Check that the input geometry for dimension is valid and the presentation can be successfully computed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from AIS_InteractiveObject
virtual Standard_Integer Signature () const
 Specifies additional characteristics of Interactive Object of Type(); -1 by default. Among the datums, this signature is attributed to the shape. The remaining datums have the following default signatures:
void Redisplay (const Standard_Boolean AllModes=Standard_False)
 Updates the active presentation; if <AllModes> = Standard_True all the presentations inside are recomputed. IMPORTANT: It is preferable to call Redisplay method of corresponding AIS_InteractiveContext instance for cases when it is accessible. This method just redirects call to myCTXPtr, so this class field must be up to date for proper result.
Standard_Boolean HasInteractiveContext () const
 Indicates whether the Interactive Object has a pointer to an interactive context.
AIS_InteractiveContextInteractiveContext () const
 Returns the context pointer to the interactive context.
virtual void SetContext (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &aCtx)
 Sets the interactive context aCtx and provides a link to the default drawing tool or "Drawer" if there is none.
Standard_Boolean HasOwner () const
 Returns true if the object has an owner attributed to it. The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of, and takes the form of a transient.
const Handle< Standard_Transient > & GetOwner () const
 Returns the owner of the Interactive Object. The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of, and takes the form of a transient. There are two types of owners:
void SetOwner (const Handle< Standard_Transient > &theApplicativeEntity)
 Allows you to attribute the owner theApplicativeEntity to an Interactive Object. This can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of. The owner takes the form of a transient.
void ClearOwner ()
 Each Interactive Object has methods which allow us to attribute an Owner to it in the form of a Transient. This method removes the owner from the graphic entity.
virtual Standard_Boolean ProcessDragging (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveContext > &theCtx, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Graphic3d_Vec2i &theDragFrom, const Graphic3d_Vec2i &theDragTo, const AIS_DragAction theAction)
 Drag object in the viewer.
Handle< AIS_InteractiveContextGetContext () const
 Returns the context pointer to the interactive context.
Standard_Boolean HasPresentation () const
 Returns TRUE when this object has a presentation in the current DisplayMode()
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationPresentation () const
 Returns the current presentation of this object according to the current DisplayMode()
void SetAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_BasicAspect > &anAspect)
 Sets the graphic basic aspect to the current presentation.
virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const override
 Dumps the content of me into the stream.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SelectMgr_SelectableObject
virtual ~SelectMgr_SelectableObject ()
 Clears all selections of the object.
virtual Standard_Boolean AcceptShapeDecomposition () const
 Informs the graphic context that the interactive Object may be decomposed into sub-shapes for dynamic selection. The most used Interactive Object is AIS_Shape.
void RecomputePrimitives ()
 Re-computes the sensitive primitives for all modes. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection.
void RecomputePrimitives (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Re-computes the sensitive primitives which correspond to the <theMode>th selection mode. IMPORTANT: Do not use this method to update selection primitives except implementing custom selection manager! selection manager! This method does not take into account necessary BVH updates, but may invalidate the pointers it refers to. TO UPDATE SELECTION properly from outside classes, use method UpdateSelection.
void AddSelection (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &aSelection, const Standard_Integer aMode)
 Adds the selection aSelection with the selection mode index aMode to this framework.
void ClearSelections (const Standard_Boolean update=Standard_False)
 Empties all the selections in the SelectableObject <update> parameter defines whether all object's selections should be flagged for further update or not. This improved method can be used to recompute an object's selection (without redisplaying the object completely) when some selection mode is activated not for the first time.
const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > & Selection (const Standard_Integer theMode) const
 Returns the selection having specified selection mode or NULL.
Standard_Boolean HasSelection (const Standard_Integer theMode) const
 Returns true if a selection corresponding to the selection mode theMode was computed for this object.
const SelectMgr_SequenceOfSelectionSelections () const
 Return the sequence of selections.
void ResetTransformation () override
 resets local transformation to identity.
virtual void UpdateTransformation () override
 Recomputes the location of the selection aSelection.
virtual void UpdateTransformations (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &aSelection)
 Updates locations in all sensitive entities from <aSelection> and in corresponding entity owners.
virtual void HilightSelected (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePrsMgr, const SelectMgr_SequenceOfOwner &theSeq)
 Method which draws selected owners ( for fast presentation draw )
virtual void ClearSelected ()
 Method which clear all selected owners belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw )
virtual void ClearDynamicHighlight (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &theMgr)
 Method that needs to be implemented when the object manages selection and dynamic highlighting on its own. Clears or invalidates dynamic highlight presentation. By default it clears immediate draw of given presentation manager.
virtual void HilightOwnerWithColor (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePM, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theStyle, const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner)
 Method which hilight an owner belonging to this selectable object ( for fast presentation draw )
virtual Standard_Boolean IsAutoHilight () const
 If returns True, the old mechanism for highlighting selected objects is used (HilightSelected Method may be empty). If returns False, the HilightSelected method will be fully responsible for highlighting selected entity owners belonging to this selectable object.
virtual void SetAutoHilight (const Standard_Boolean theAutoHilight)
 Set AutoHilight property to true or false.
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationGetHilightPresentation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePrsMgr)
 Creates or returns existing presentation for highlighting detected object.
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationGetSelectPresentation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePrsMgr)
 Creates or returns existing presentation for highlighting selected object.
virtual void ErasePresentations (Standard_Boolean theToRemove)
 Removes presentations returned by GetHilightPresentation() and GetSelectPresentation().
virtual void SetZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) override
 Set Z layer ID and update all presentations of the selectable object. The layers mechanism allows drawing objects in higher layers in overlay of objects in lower layers.
void UpdateSelection (const Standard_Integer theMode=-1)
 Sets update status FULL to selections of the object. Must be used as the only method of UpdateSelection from outer classes to prevent BVH structures from being outdated.
void SetAssemblyOwner (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Standard_Integer theMode=-1)
 Sets common entity owner for assembly sensitive object entities.
Bnd_Box BndBoxOfSelected (const Handle< SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner > &theOwners)
 Returns a bounding box of sensitive entities with the owners given if they are a part of activated selection.
Standard_Integer GlobalSelectionMode () const
 Returns the mode for selection of object as a whole; 0 by default.
virtual Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwnerGlobalSelOwner () const
 Returns the owner of mode for selection of object as a whole.
virtual const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & GetAssemblyOwner () const
 Returns common entity owner if the object is an assembly.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PrsMgr_PresentableObject
PrsMgr_PresentationsPresentations ()
 Return presentations.
Graphic3d_ZLayerId ZLayer () const
 Get ID of Z layer for main presentation.
Standard_Boolean IsMutable () const
 Returns true if object has mutable nature (content or location are be changed regularly). Mutable object will be managed in different way than static onces (another optimizations).
virtual void SetMutable (const Standard_Boolean theIsMutable)
 Sets if the object has mutable nature (content or location will be changed regularly). This method should be called before object displaying to take effect.
const Handle< Graphic3d_ViewAffinity > & ViewAffinity () const
 Return view affinity mask.
Standard_Boolean HasDisplayMode () const
 Returns true if the Interactive Object has display mode setting overriding global setting (within Interactive Context).
Standard_Integer DisplayMode () const
 Returns the display mode setting of the Interactive Object. The range of supported display mode indexes should be specified within object definition and filtered by AccepDisplayMode().
void SetDisplayMode (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Sets the display mode for the interactive object. An object can have its own temporary display mode, which is different from that proposed by the interactive context.
void UnsetDisplayMode ()
 Removes display mode settings from the interactive object.
Standard_Boolean HasHilightMode () const
 Returns true if the Interactive Object is in highlight mode.
Standard_Integer HilightMode () const
 Returns highlight display mode. This is obsolete method for backward compatibility - use HilightAttributes() and DynamicHilightAttributes() instead.
void SetHilightMode (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Sets highlight display mode. This is obsolete method for backward compatibility - use HilightAttributes() and DynamicHilightAttributes() instead.
void UnsetHilightMode ()
 Unsets highlight display mode.
virtual Standard_Integer DefaultDisplayMode () const
 Returns the default display mode.
Standard_Boolean ToBeUpdated (Standard_Boolean theToIncludeHidden=Standard_False) const
 Returns TRUE if any active presentation has invalidation flag.
void SetToUpdate (Standard_Integer theMode)
 Flags presentation to be updated; UpdatePresentations() will recompute these presentations.
void SetToUpdate ()
 flags all the Presentations to be Updated.
Standard_Boolean IsInfinite () const
 Returns true if the interactive object is infinite; FALSE by default. This flag affects various operations operating on bounding box of graphic presentations of this object. For instance, infinite objects are not taken in account for View FitAll. This does not necessarily means that object is actually infinite, auxiliary objects might be also marked with this flag to achieve desired behavior.
void SetInfiniteState (const Standard_Boolean theFlag=Standard_True)
 Sets if object should be considered as infinite.
PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d TypeOfPresentation3d () const
 Returns information on whether the object accepts display in HLR mode or not.
void SetTypeOfPresentation (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d theType)
 Set type of presentation.
PrsMgr_DisplayStatus DisplayStatus () const
 Return presentation display status; PrsMgr_DisplayStatus_None by default.
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & Attributes () const
 Initializes the drawing tool theDrawer.
virtual void SetAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes the drawing tool theDrawer.
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & HilightAttributes () const
 Returns the hilight attributes settings. When not NULL, overrides both Prs3d_TypeOfHighlight_LocalSelected and Prs3d_TypeOfHighlight_Selected defined within AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle().
virtual void SetHilightAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes the hilight drawing tool theDrawer.
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & DynamicHilightAttributes () const
 Returns the hilight attributes settings. When not NULL, overrides both Prs3d_TypeOfHighlight_LocalDynamic and Prs3d_TypeOfHighlight_Dynamic defined within AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle().
virtual void SetDynamicHilightAttributes (const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &theDrawer)
 Initializes the dynamic hilight drawing tool.
virtual void UnsetHilightAttributes ()
 Clears settings provided by the hilight drawing tool theDrawer.
void SynchronizeAspects ()
 Synchronize presentation aspects after their modification.
const Handle< Graphic3d_TransformPers > & TransformPersistence () const
 Sets up Transform Persistence defining a special Local Coordinate system where this object should be located. Note that management of Transform Persistence object is more expensive than of the normal one, because it requires its position being recomputed basing on camera position within each draw call / traverse.
virtual void SetTransformPersistence (const Handle< Graphic3d_TransformPers > &theTrsfPers)
 Sets up Transform Persistence defining a special Local Coordinate system where this object should be located. Note that management of Transform Persistence object is more expensive than of the normal one, because it requires its position being recomputed basing on camera position within each draw call / traverse.
const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > & LocalTransformationGeom () const
 Return the local transformation. Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
void SetLocalTransformation (const gp_Trsf &theTrsf)
 Sets local transformation to theTransformation. Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
void SetLocalTransformation (const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &theTrsf)
 Sets local transformation to theTransformation. Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
Standard_Boolean HasTransformation () const
 Returns true if object has a transformation that is different from the identity.
const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > & TransformationGeom () const
 Return the transformation taking into account transformation of parent object(s). Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
const gp_TrsfLocalTransformation () const
 Return the local transformation. Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
const gp_TrsfTransformation () const
 Return the transformation taking into account transformation of parent object(s). Note that the local transformation of the object having Transformation Persistence is applied within Local Coordinate system defined by this Persistence.
const gp_GTrsfInversedTransformation () const
 Return inversed transformation.
const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > & CombinedParentTransformation () const
 Return combined parent transformation.
virtual void RecomputeTransformation (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theProjector)
 Calculates object presentation for specific camera position. Each of the views in the viewer and every modification such as rotation, for example, entails recalculation.
const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > & ClipPlanes () const
 Set clip planes for graphical clipping for all display mode presentations. The composition of clip planes truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Please be aware that number of supported clip plane is limited. The planes which exceed the limit are ignored. Besides of this, some planes can be already set in view where the object is shown: the number of these planes should be subtracted from limit to predict the maximum possible number of object clipping planes.
virtual void SetClipPlanes (const Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane > &thePlanes)
 Set clip planes for graphical clipping for all display mode presentations. The composition of clip planes truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Please be aware that number of supported clip plane is limited. The planes which exceed the limit are ignored. Besides of this, some planes can be already set in view where the object is shown: the number of these planes should be subtracted from limit to predict the maximum possible number of object clipping planes.
virtual void AddClipPlane (const Handle< Graphic3d_ClipPlane > &thePlane)
 Adds clip plane for graphical clipping for all display mode presentations. The composition of clip planes truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Please be aware that number of supported clip plane is limited. The planes which exceed the limit are ignored. Besides of this, some planes can be already set in view where the object is shown: the number of these planes should be subtracted from limit to predict the maximum possible number of object clipping planes.
virtual void RemoveClipPlane (const Handle< Graphic3d_ClipPlane > &thePlane)
 Removes previously added clip plane.
PrsMgr_PresentableObjectParent () const
 Returns children of the current object.
const PrsMgr_ListOfPresentableObjectsChildren () const
 Returns children of the current object.
virtual void AddChild (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Makes theObject child of current object in scene hierarchy.
void AddChildWithCurrentTransformation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Makes theObject child of current object in scene hierarchy with keeping the current global transformation So the object keeps the same position/orientation in the global CS.
virtual void RemoveChild (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Removes theObject from children of current object in scene hierarchy.
void RemoveChildWithRestoreTransformation (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentableObject > &theObject)
 Removes theObject from children of current object in scene hierarchy with keeping the current global transformation. So the object keeps the same position/orientation in the global CS.
Standard_Boolean HasOwnPresentations () const
 Returns true if object should have own presentations.
virtual void BoundingBox (Bnd_Box &theBndBox)
 Returns bounding box of object correspondingly to its current display mode. This method requires presentation to be already computed, since it relies on bounding box of presentation structures, which are supposed to be same/close amongst different display modes of this object.
void SetIsoOnTriangulation (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled)
 Returns the current facing model which is in effect.
Aspect_TypeOfFacingModel CurrentFacingModel () const
 Returns the current facing model which is in effect.
void SetCurrentFacingModel (const Aspect_TypeOfFacingModel theModel=Aspect_TOFM_BOTH_SIDE)
 change the current facing model apply on polygons for SetColor(), SetTransparency(), SetMaterial() methods default facing model is Aspect_TOFM_TWO_SIDE. This mean that attributes is applying both on the front and back face.
Standard_Boolean HasColor () const
 Returns true if the Interactive Object has color.
virtual void Color (Quantity_Color &theColor) const
 Returns the color setting of the Interactive Object.
virtual void SetColor (const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Only the interactive object knowns which Drawer attribute is affected by the color, if any (ex: for a wire,it's the wireaspect field of the drawer, but for a vertex, only the point aspect field is affected by the color). WARNING : Do not forget to set the corresponding fields here (hasOwnColor and myDrawer->SetColor())
virtual void UnsetColor ()
 Removes color settings. Only the Interactive Object knows which Drawer attribute is affected by the color setting. For a wire, for example, wire aspect is the attribute affected. For a vertex, however, only point aspect is affected by the color setting.
Standard_Boolean HasWidth () const
 Returns true if the Interactive Object has width.
Standard_Real Width () const
 Returns the width setting of the Interactive Object.
virtual void SetWidth (const Standard_Real theWidth)
 Allows you to provide the setting aValue for width. Only the Interactive Object knows which Drawer attribute is affected by the width setting.
virtual void UnsetWidth ()
 Reset width to default value.
Standard_Boolean HasMaterial () const
 Returns true if the Interactive Object has a setting for material.
virtual Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial Material () const
 Returns the current material setting as enumeration value.
virtual void SetMaterial (const Graphic3d_MaterialAspect &aName)
 Sets the material aMat defining this display attribute for the interactive object. Material aspect determines shading aspect, color and transparency of visible entities.
virtual void UnsetMaterial ()
 Removes the setting for material.
Standard_Boolean IsTransparent () const
 Returns true if there is a transparency setting.
virtual Standard_Real Transparency () const
 Returns the transparency setting. This will be between 0.0 and 1.0. At 0.0 an object will be totally opaque, and at 1.0, fully transparent.
virtual void SetTransparency (const Standard_Real aValue=0.6)
 Attributes a setting aValue for transparency. The transparency value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. At 0.0 an object will be totally opaque, and at 1.0, fully transparent. Warning At a value of 1.0, there may be nothing visible.
virtual void UnsetTransparency ()
 Removes the transparency setting. The object is opaque by default.
virtual Standard_Boolean HasPolygonOffsets () const
 Returns Standard_True if <myDrawer> has non-null shading aspect.
virtual void PolygonOffsets (Standard_Integer &aMode, Standard_ShortReal &aFactor, Standard_ShortReal &aUnits) const
 Retrieves current polygon offsets settings from <myDrawer>.
virtual void SetPolygonOffsets (const Standard_Integer aMode, const Standard_ShortReal aFactor=1.0, const Standard_ShortReal aUnits=0.0)
 Sets up polygon offsets for this object.
virtual void UnsetAttributes ()
 Clears settings provided by the drawing tool aDrawer.
void ToBeUpdated (TColStd_ListOfInteger &ListOfMode) const
 pointer to the parent object
Standard_Boolean ToPropagateVisualState () const
 Get value of the flag "propagate visual state" It means that the display/erase/color visual state is propagated automatically to all children; by default, the flag is true.
void SetPropagateVisualState (const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
 Change the value of the flag "propagate visual state".
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor.
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const noexcept
 Get the reference counter of this object.
void IncrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes.

Protected Types

enum  GeometryType {
  GeometryType_UndefShapes , GeometryType_Edge , GeometryType_Face , GeometryType_Points ,
  GeometryType_Edges , GeometryType_Faces , GeometryType_EdgeFace , GeometryType_EdgeVertex
 Geometry type defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built. Some type of geometry allows automatic plane computing and can be built without user-defined plane Another types can't be built without user-defined plane. More...
enum  LabelPosition {
  LabelPosition_None = 0x00 , LabelPosition_Left = 0x01 , LabelPosition_Right = 0x02 , LabelPosition_HCenter = 0x04 ,
  LabelPosition_HMask = LabelPosition_Left | LabelPosition_Right | LabelPosition_HCenter , LabelPosition_Above = 0x10 , LabelPosition_Below = 0x20 , LabelPosition_VCenter = 0x40 ,
  LabelPosition_VMask = LabelPosition_Above | LabelPosition_Below | LabelPosition_VCenter
 Specifies supported at base level horizontal and vertical label positions for drawing extension lines and centered text. More...
enum  ValueType { ValueType_Computed , ValueType_CustomReal , ValueType_CustomText }

Protected Member Functions

Standard_Real ValueToDisplayUnits () const
TCollection_ExtendedString GetValueString (Standard_Real &theWidth) const
 Get formatted value string and its model space width.
void DrawArrow (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePresentation, const gp_Pnt &theLocation, const gp_Dir &theDirection)
 Performs drawing of 2d or 3d arrows on the working plane.
void drawText (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePresentation, const gp_Pnt &theTextPos, const gp_Dir &theTextDir, const TCollection_ExtendedString &theText, const Standard_Integer theLabelPosition)
 Performs drawing of 2d or 3d text on the working plane.
void DrawExtension (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePresentation, const Standard_Real theExtensionSize, const gp_Pnt &theExtensionStart, const gp_Dir &theExtensionDir, const TCollection_ExtendedString &theLabelString, const Standard_Real theLabelWidth, const Standard_Integer theMode, const Standard_Integer theLabelPosition)
 Performs computing of dimension linear extension with text.
void DrawLinearDimension (const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePresentation, const Standard_Integer theMode, const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint, const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide=Standard_False)
 Performs computing of linear dimension (for length, diameter, radius and so on). Please note that this method uses base dimension properties, like working plane flyout length, drawer attributes.
virtual void ComputeFlyoutLinePoints (const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint, gp_Pnt &theLineBegPoint, gp_Pnt &theLineEndPoint)
 Computes points bounded the flyout line for linear dimension.
void ComputeLinearFlyouts (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &theSelection, const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint)
 Compute selection sensitives for linear dimension flyout lines (length, diameter, radius). Please note that this method uses base dimension properties: working plane and flyout length.
Standard_Boolean InitCircularDimension (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, gp_Circ &theCircle, gp_Pnt &theMiddleArcPoint, Standard_Boolean &theIsClosed)
 Performs initialization of circle and middle arc point from the passed shape which is assumed to contain circular geometry.
void PointsForArrow (const gp_Pnt &thePeakPnt, const gp_Dir &theDirection, const gp_Dir &thePlane, const Standard_Real theArrowLength, const Standard_Real theArrowAngle, gp_Pnt &theSidePnt1, gp_Pnt &theSidePnt2)
 Produce points for triangular arrow face.
gp_Pnt GetTextPositionForLinear (const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint, const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide=Standard_False) const
 Compute point of text position for dimension parameters for linear kinds of dimensions (length, radius, diameter).
void FitTextAlignmentForLinear (const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint, const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide, const Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition &theHorizontalTextPos, Standard_Integer &theLabelPosition, Standard_Boolean &theIsArrowsExternal) const
 Fits text alignment relatively to the dimension line.
Standard_Boolean AdjustParametersForLinear (const gp_Pnt &theTextPos, const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theSecondPoint, Standard_Real &theExtensionSize, Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition &theAlignment, Standard_Real &theFlyout, gp_Pln &thePlane, Standard_Boolean &theIsPlaneOld) const
 Adjusts aspect parameters according the text position: extension size, vertical text alignment and flyout.
Behavior to implement

Override this method to check if user-defined plane is valid for the dimension geometry.

[in]thePlanethe working plane for positioning every dimension in the application.
true is the plane is suitable for building dimension with computed dimension geometry.
virtual Standard_Boolean CheckPlane (const gp_Pln &) const
 Override this method to computed value of dimension.
virtual Standard_Real ComputeValue () const
 Override this method to computed value of dimension.
virtual void ComputeFlyoutSelection (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &, const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &)
 Override this method to compute selection primitives for flyout lines (if the dimension provides it). This callback is a only a part of base selection computation routine.
virtual void ComputeSelection (const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > &theSelection, const Standard_Integer theMode) override
 Base procedure of computing selection (based on selection geometry data).
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AIS_InteractiveObject
 AIS_InteractiveObject (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aTypeOfPresentation3d=PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)
 The TypeOfPresention3d means that the interactive object may have a presentation dependent on the view of Display.
void SetDisplayStatus (PrsMgr_DisplayStatus theStatus)
 Set presentation display status.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SelectMgr_SelectableObject
 SelectMgr_SelectableObject (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aTypeOfPresentation3d=PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)
 Protected empty constructor.
void setGlobalSelMode (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Override global selection mode.
virtual void UpdateClipping () override
 Update clipping planes state.
virtual void updateSelection (const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Sets update status FULL to selections of the object. Must be used as the only method of UpdateSelection from outer classes to prevent BVH structures from being outdated.
called instead void Update (Standard_Boolean theToIncludeHidden=Standard_False)
 Recomputes all presentations of the object.
This method is deprecated SetToUpdate ()+UpdatePresentations() should be called instead") 1 void Update(Standard_Integer theMode
 Recomputes the presentation in the given mode.
 PrsMgr_PresentableObject (const PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d aTypeOfPresentation3d=PrsMgr_TOP_AllView)
virtual ~PrsMgr_PresentableObject ()
virtual void Fill (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePrsMgr, const Handle< PrsMgr_Presentation > &thePrs, const Standard_Integer theMode)
 Fills the given 3D view presentation for specified display mode using Compute() method. In addition, configures other properties of presentation (transformation, clipping planes).
virtual void Compute (const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager > &thePrsMgr, const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePrs, const Standard_Integer theMode)=0
 Calculates the 3D view presentation for specified display mode. This is a key interface for implementing Presentable Object interface.
virtual void computeHLR (const Handle< Graphic3d_Camera > &theProjector, const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &theTrsf, const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > &thePrs)
 Calculates hidden line removal presentation for specific camera position. Each of the views in the viewer and every modification such as rotation, for example, entails recalculation. Default implementation throws Standard_NotImplemented exception Warning! The transformation must be applied to the object before computation.
Standard_Boolean UpdatePresentations (Standard_Boolean theToIncludeHidden=Standard_False)
 Recomputes invalidated presentations of the object.
virtual void SetCombinedParentTransform (const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &theTrsf)
 Sets myCombinedParentTransform to theTransformation. Thus object receives transformation from parent node and able to derive its own.
virtual void setLocalTransformation (const Handle< TopLoc_Datum3D > &theTransformation)
 Sets local transformation to theTransformation.
void recomputeComputed () const
 Recompute computed (HLR) presentations (when view is in computed mode).
void replaceAspects (const Graphic3d_MapOfAspectsToAspects &theMap)
 Replace aspects of existing (computed) presentation groups, so that the new aspects can be applied without recomputing presentation. It is NOT recommended approach, because user has to fill such map and then search for each occurrence in computed groups. The recommended approach is computing presentation with necessary customized aspects, and then modify them directly followed by SynchronizeAspects() call.

Static Protected Member Functions

Static auxiliary methods for geometry extraction

If it is possible extracts circle from planar face.

[in]theFacethe planar face
[out]theCurvethe circular curve
[out]theFirstPointthe point of the first parameter of the circlular curve
[out]theSecondPointthe point of the last parameter of the circlular curve
TRUE in case of successful circle extraction
static Standard_Boolean CircleFromPlanarFace (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, Handle< Geom_Curve > &theCurve, gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, gp_Pnt &theLastPoint)
 If it is possible extracts circle from the edge.
static Standard_Boolean CircleFromEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, gp_Circ &theCircle, gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, gp_Pnt &theLastPoint)
 If it is possible extracts circle from the edge.
static const gp_TrsfgetIdentityTrsf ()
 Return the identity transformation.

Protected Attributes

Selection geometry

Selection geometry of dimension presentation. The structure is filled with data during compute of presentation, then this data is used to generate selection sensitives when computing selection.

struct PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry mySelectionGeom
 Sensitive point tolerance for 2d text selection.
Standard_Real mySelToleranceForText2d
 Sensitive point tolerance for 2d text selection.
Value properties
ValueType myValueType
 type of value (computed or user-defined)
Standard_Real myCustomValue
 type of value (computed or user-defined)
TCollection_ExtendedString myCustomStringValue
 Value of the dimension (computed or user-defined).
Fixed text position properties
gp_Pnt myFixedTextPosition
 Stores text position fixed by user.
Standard_Boolean myIsTextPositionFixed
 Is the text label position fixed by user.
Units properties
Standard_ExtCharacter mySpecialSymbol
 Special symbol.
PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol myDisplaySpecialSymbol
 Special symbol display options.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AIS_InteractiveObject
 pointer to Interactive Context, where object is currently displayed;
Handle< Standard_TransientmyOwner
 application-specific owner object
- Protected Attributes inherited from SelectMgr_SelectableObject
SelectMgr_SequenceOfSelection myselections
 list of selections
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationmySelectionPrs
 optional presentation for highlighting selected object
Handle< Prs3d_PresentationmyHilightPrs
 optional presentation for highlighting detected object
Standard_Integer myGlobalSelMode
 global selection mode
Standard_Boolean myAutoHilight
 auto-highlighting flag defining
This method is deprecated Standard_Boolean theToClearOther
 pointer to the parent object
 pointer to the parent object
PrsMgr_Presentations myPresentations
 list of presentations
Handle< Graphic3d_ViewAffinitymyViewAffinity
 view affinity mask
Handle< Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlanemyClipPlanes
 sequence of object-specific clipping planes
Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyDrawer
 main presentation attributes
Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyHilightDrawer
 (optional) custom presentation attributes for highlighting selected object
Handle< Prs3d_DrawermyDynHilightDrawer
 (optional) custom presentation attributes for highlighting detected object
Handle< Graphic3d_TransformPersmyTransformPersistence
 transformation persistence
Handle< TopLoc_Datum3DmyLocalTransformation
 local transformation relative to parent object
Handle< TopLoc_Datum3DmyTransformation
 absolute transformation of this object (combined parents + local transformations)
Handle< TopLoc_Datum3DmyCombinedParentTransform
 transformation of parent object (combined for all parents)
PrsMgr_ListOfPresentableObjects myChildren
 list of children
gp_GTrsf myInvTransformation
 inversion of absolute transformation (combined parents + local transformations)
PrsMgr_TypeOfPresentation3d myTypeOfPresentation3d
 presentation type
PrsMgr_DisplayStatus myDisplayStatus
 presentation display status
Aspect_TypeOfFacingModel myCurrentFacingModel
 current facing model
Standard_ShortReal myOwnWidth
 custom width value
Standard_Boolean hasOwnColor
 own color flag
Standard_Boolean hasOwnMaterial
 own material flag
Standard_Boolean myInfiniteState
 infinite flag
Standard_Boolean myIsMutable
 mutable flag
Standard_Boolean myHasOwnPresentations
 flag indicating if object should have own presentations
Standard_Boolean myToPropagateVisualState
 flag indicating if visual state (display/erase/color) should be propagated to all children

Geometrical properties

GeometryType myGeometryType
 defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built.
gp_Pln myPlane
 Plane where dimension will be built (computed or user defined).
Standard_Boolean myIsPlaneCustom
 Is plane defined by user (otherwise it will be computed automatically).
Standard_Real myFlyout
 Flyout distance.
Standard_Boolean myIsGeometryValid
 Is dimension geometry properly defined.

Additional Inherited Members

static constexpr const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class.

Detailed Description

PrsDim_Dimension is a base class for 2D presentations of linear (length, diameter, radius) and angular dimensions.

The dimensions provide measurement of quantities, such as lengths or plane angles. The measurement of dimension "value" is done in model space "as is". These "value" are said to be represented in "model units", which can be specified by user. During the display the measured value converted from "model units" to "display units". The display and model units are stored in common Prs3d_Drawer (drawer of the context) to share it between all dimensions. The specified by user units are stored in the dimension's drawer.

As a drawing, the dimension is composed from the following components:

  • Attachment (binding) points. The points where the dimension lines attaches to, for length dimensions the distances are measured between these points.
  • Main dimension line. The which extends from the attachment points in "up" direction, and which contains text label on it with value string.
  • Flyouts. The lines connecting the attachment points with main dimension line.
  • Extension. The lines used to extend the main dimension line in the cases when text or arrows do not fit into the main dimension line due to their size.
  • Arrows.
 Linear dimensions:

  line                                     arrow
      -->|------- main dimension line -------|<--
         |                                   |
         |flyout                       flyout|
         |                                   |
attachment                                attachment
 point                                       point

 Angular dimensions:

                    arrow |     +++
                          |        90(deg) - main dimension line
                   flyout |         +++
                          |           +
                        center         ^
                        point          | extension

Being a 2D drawings, the dimensions are created on imaginary plane, called "dimension plane", which can be thought of as reference system of axes (X,Y,N) for constructing the presentation.

The role of axes of the dimension plane is to guide you through the encapsulated automations of presentation building to help you understand how is the presentation will look and how it will be oriented in model space during construction.

Orientation of dimension line in model space relatively to the base shapes is defined with the flyouts. Flyouts specify length of flyout lines and their orientation relatively to the attachment points on the working plane. For linear dimensions: Direction of flyouts is specified with direction of main dimension line (vector from the first attachment to the second attachment) and the normal of the dimension plane. Positive direction of flyouts is defined by vector multiplication: AttachVector * PlaneNormal. For angular dimensions: Flyouts are defined by vectors from the center point to the attachment points. These vectors directions are supposed to be the positive directions of flyouts. Negative flyouts directions means that these vectors should be reversed (and dimension will be built out of the angle constructed with center and two attach points).

The dimension plane can be constructed automatically by application (where possible, it depends on the measured geometry). It can be also set by user. However, if the user-defined plane does not fit the geometry of the dimension (attach points do not belong to it), the dimension could not be built. If it is not possible to compute automatic plane (for example, in case of length between two points) the user is supposed to specify the custom plane.

Since the dimensions feature automated construction procedures from an arbitrary shapes, the interfaces to check the validness are also implemented. Once the measured geometry is specified, the one can inquire the validness status by calling "IsValid()" method. If the result is TRUE, then all of public parameters should be pre-computed and ready. The presentation should be also computable. Otherwise, the parameters may return invalid values. In this case, the presentation will not be computed and displayed.

The dimension support two local selection modes: main dimension line selection and text label selection. These modes can be used to develop interactive modification of dimension presentations. The component highlighting in these selection modes is provided by PrsDim_DimensionOwner class. Please note that selection is unavailable until the presentation is computed.

The specific drawing attributes are controlled through Prs3d_DimensionAspect. The one can change color, arrows, text and arrow style and specify positioning of value label by setting corresponding values to the aspect.

Such set of parameters that consists of:

  • flyout size and direction,
  • user-defined dimension plane,
  • horizontal and vertical text alignment can be uniquely replaced with text position in 3d space. Therefore, there are methods to convert this set of parameters to the text position and vice versa:
  • If the fixed text position is defined by user, called SetTextPosition (theTextPos) method converts this 3d point to the set of parameters including adjusting of the dimension plane (this plane will be automatic plane, NOT user-defined one). If the fixed text position is set, the flag myIsFixedTextPosition is set to TRUE. ATTENTION! myIsFixedTextPosition fixes all parameters of the set from recomputing inside SetMeasureGeometry() methods. Parameters in dimension aspect (they are horizontal text position and extension size) are adjusted on presentation computing step, user-defined values in dimension aspect are not changed. But plane and flyout as dimension position parameters are changed by SetTextPosition() method according with user-defined text position. If parameters from the set are changed by user with calls of setters, it leads to disabling of fixed text position (myIsFixedTextPosition is set to FALSE). If the fixed text position is set and geometry is changed by user (SetMeasureGeometry() method is called) and the geometry doesn't satisfy computed dimension plane, the dimension is not valid.
  • If the set of parameters was set by user (may be without the user-defined plane or with it), it can be converted to the text position by calling the method GetTextPosition(). In this case the text position is NOT fixed, and SetMeasureGeometry() without user-defined plane adjusts the automatic plane according input geometry (if it is possible).

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ComputeMode

Specifies supported presentation compute modes. Used to compute only parts of presentation for advanced highlighting.


"0" is reserved as neutral mode


corresponds to selection mode


corresponds to selection mode

◆ GeometryType

Geometry type defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built. Some type of geometry allows automatic plane computing and can be built without user-defined plane Another types can't be built without user-defined plane.


◆ LabelPosition

Specifies supported at base level horizontal and vertical label positions for drawing extension lines and centered text.


◆ ValueType


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PrsDim_Dimension()

PrsDim_Dimension::PrsDim_Dimension ( const PrsDim_KindOfDimension theType)

Constructor with default parameters values.

[in]theTypethe type of dimension.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptDisplayMode()

virtual Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::AcceptDisplayMode ( const Standard_Integer theMode) const

Returns true if the class of objects accepts the display mode theMode. The interactive context can have a default mode of representation for the set of Interactive Objects. This mode may not be accepted by object.

Reimplemented from PrsMgr_PresentableObject.

◆ AdjustParametersForLinear()

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::AdjustParametersForLinear ( const gp_Pnt & theTextPos,
const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint,
Standard_Real & theExtensionSize,
Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition & theAlignment,
Standard_Real & theFlyout,
gp_Pln & thePlane,
Standard_Boolean & theIsPlaneOld ) const

Adjusts aspect parameters according the text position: extension size, vertical text alignment and flyout.

[in]theTextPosthe user defined 3d point of text position
[in]theFirstPointthe first point of linear measurement.
[in]theSecondPointthe second point of linear measurement.
[out]theExtensionSizethe adjusted extension size
[out]theAlignmentthe horizontal label alignment.
[out]theFlyoutthe adjusted value of flyout.
[out]thePlanethe new plane that contains theTextPos and attachment points.
[out]theIsPlaneOldshows if new plane is computed.

◆ CheckPlane()

virtual Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::CheckPlane ( const gp_Pln & ) const

Override this method to computed value of dimension.

value from the measured geometry.

Reimplemented in PrsDim_AngleDimension, PrsDim_DiameterDimension, PrsDim_LengthDimension, and PrsDim_RadiusDimension.

◆ CircleFromEdge()

static Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::CircleFromEdge ( const TopoDS_Edge & theEdge,
gp_Circ & theCircle,
gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
gp_Pnt & theLastPoint )

If it is possible extracts circle from the edge.

[in]theEdgeinput edge to extract circle from
[out]theFirstPointthe point of the first parameter of the circlular curve
[out]theSecondPointthe point of the last parameter of the circlular curve
TRUE in case of successful circle extraction.

◆ CircleFromPlanarFace()

static Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::CircleFromPlanarFace ( const TopoDS_Face & theFace,
Handle< Geom_Curve > & theCurve,
gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
gp_Pnt & theLastPoint )

If it is possible extracts circle from the edge.

[in]theEdgeinput edge to extract circle from
[out]theFirstPointthe point of the first parameter of the circlular curve
[out]theSecondPointthe point of the last parameter of the circlular curve
TRUE in case of successful circle extraction.

◆ ComputeFlyoutLinePoints()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::ComputeFlyoutLinePoints ( const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint,
gp_Pnt & theLineBegPoint,
gp_Pnt & theLineEndPoint )

Computes points bounded the flyout line for linear dimension.

[in]theFirstPointthe first attach point of linear dimension.
[in]theSecondPointthe second attach point of linear dimension.
[out]theLineBegPointthe first attach point of linear dimension.
[out]theLineEndPointthe second attach point of linear dimension.

Reimplemented in PrsDim_LengthDimension.

◆ ComputeFlyoutSelection()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::ComputeFlyoutSelection ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > & ,
const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &  )

Override this method to compute selection primitives for flyout lines (if the dimension provides it). This callback is a only a part of base selection computation routine.

Reimplemented in PrsDim_AngleDimension, PrsDim_DiameterDimension, and PrsDim_LengthDimension.

◆ ComputeLinearFlyouts()

void PrsDim_Dimension::ComputeLinearFlyouts ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > & theSelection,
const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & theOwner,
const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint )

Compute selection sensitives for linear dimension flyout lines (length, diameter, radius). Please note that this method uses base dimension properties: working plane and flyout length.

[in]theSelectionthe selection structure to fill with selection primitives.
[in]theOwnerthe selection entity owner.
[in]theFirstPointthe first attach point of linear dimension.
[in]theSecondPointthe second attach point of linear dimension.

◆ ComputeSelection()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::ComputeSelection ( const Handle< SelectMgr_Selection > & theSelection,
const Standard_Integer theMode )

Base procedure of computing selection (based on selection geometry data).

[in]theSelectionthe selection structure to will with primitives.
[in]theModethe selection mode.

Implements SelectMgr_SelectableObject.

◆ ComputeValue()

virtual Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::ComputeValue ( ) const

Override this method to computed value of dimension.

value from the measured geometry.

Reimplemented in PrsDim_AngleDimension, PrsDim_DiameterDimension, PrsDim_LengthDimension, and PrsDim_RadiusDimension.

◆ DimensionAspect()

Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > PrsDim_Dimension::DimensionAspect ( ) const

Gets the dimension aspect from AIS object drawer. Dimension aspect contains aspects of line, text and arrows for dimension presentation.

◆ DisplaySpecialSymbol()

PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol PrsDim_Dimension::DisplaySpecialSymbol ( ) const
dimension special symbol display options.

◆ DrawArrow()

void PrsDim_Dimension::DrawArrow ( const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > & thePresentation,
const gp_Pnt & theLocation,
const gp_Dir & theDirection )

Performs drawing of 2d or 3d arrows on the working plane.

[in]theLocationthe location of the arrow tip.
[in]theDirectionthe direction from the tip to the bottom of the arrow.

◆ DrawExtension()

void PrsDim_Dimension::DrawExtension ( const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > & thePresentation,
const Standard_Real theExtensionSize,
const gp_Pnt & theExtensionStart,
const gp_Dir & theExtensionDir,
const TCollection_ExtendedString & theLabelString,
const Standard_Real theLabelWidth,
const Standard_Integer theMode,
const Standard_Integer theLabelPosition )

Performs computing of dimension linear extension with text.

[in]thePresentationthe presentation to fill with graphical primitives.
[in]theExtensionSizethe size of extension line.
[in]theExtensionStartthe point where extension line connects to dimension.
[in]theExtensionDirthe direction of extension line.
[in]theLabelStringthe string with value.
[in]theLabelWidththe geometrical width computed for value string.
[in]theModethe display mode.
[in]theLabelPositionposition flags for the text label.

◆ DrawLinearDimension()

void PrsDim_Dimension::DrawLinearDimension ( const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > & thePresentation,
const Standard_Integer theMode,
const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint,
const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide = Standard_False )

Performs computing of linear dimension (for length, diameter, radius and so on). Please note that this method uses base dimension properties, like working plane flyout length, drawer attributes.

[in]thePresentationthe presentation to fill with primitives.
[in]theModethe presentation compute mode.
[in]theFirstPointthe first attach point of linear dimension.
[in]theSecondPointthe second attach point of linear dimension.
[in]theIsOneSidespecifies whether the dimension has only one flyout line.

◆ drawText()

void PrsDim_Dimension::drawText ( const Handle< Prs3d_Presentation > & thePresentation,
const gp_Pnt & theTextPos,
const gp_Dir & theTextDir,
const TCollection_ExtendedString & theText,
const Standard_Integer theLabelPosition )

Performs drawing of 2d or 3d text on the working plane.

[in]theTextPosthe position of the text label.
[in]theTestDirthe direction of the text label.
[in]theTextthe text label string.
[in]theLabelPositionthe text label vertical and horizontal positioning option respectively to the main dimension line.
text width relative to the dimension working plane. For 2d text this value will be zero.

◆ FitTextAlignmentForLinear()

void PrsDim_Dimension::FitTextAlignmentForLinear ( const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint,
const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide,
const Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition & theHorizontalTextPos,
Standard_Integer & theLabelPosition,
Standard_Boolean & theIsArrowsExternal ) const

Fits text alignment relatively to the dimension line.

[in]theFirstPointthe first attachment point.
[in]theSecondPointthe second attachment point.
[in]theIsOneSideis the arrow displayed only on the one side of the dimension.
[in]theHorizontalTextPosthe text horizontal position (alignment).
[out]theLabelPositionthe label position, contains bits that defines vertical and horizontal alignment. (for internal usage in count text position)
[out]theIsArrowExternalis the arrows external, if arrow orientation in the dimension aspect is Prs3d_DAO_Fit, it fits arrow orientation automatically.

◆ GetCustomValue()

const TCollection_ExtendedString & PrsDim_Dimension::GetCustomValue ( ) const

Gets user-defined dimension value.

dimension value string.

◆ GetDisplayUnits()

virtual const TCollection_AsciiString & PrsDim_Dimension::GetDisplayUnits ( ) const

◆ GetFlyout()

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::GetFlyout ( ) const
flyout value for dimension.

◆ GetGeometryType()

Standard_Integer PrsDim_Dimension::GetGeometryType ( ) const

Geometry type defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built.

type of geometry on which the dimension will be built.

◆ GetModelUnits()

virtual const TCollection_AsciiString & PrsDim_Dimension::GetModelUnits ( ) const

◆ GetPlane()

const gp_Pln & PrsDim_Dimension::GetPlane ( ) const

Get the dimension plane in which the 2D dimension presentation is computed. By default, if plane is not defined by user, it is computed automatically after dimension geometry is computed. If computed dimension geometry (points) can't be placed on the user-defined plane, dimension geometry was set as invalid (validity flag is set to false) and dimension presentation will not be computed. If user-defined plane allow geometry placement on it, it will be used for computing of the dimension presentation.

dimension plane used for presentation computing.

◆ GetTextPosition()

virtual gp_Pnt PrsDim_Dimension::GetTextPosition ( ) const

Computes absolute text position from dimension parameters (flyout, plane and text alignment).

Reimplemented in PrsDim_AngleDimension, PrsDim_DiameterDimension, PrsDim_LengthDimension, and PrsDim_RadiusDimension.

◆ GetTextPositionForLinear()

gp_Pnt PrsDim_Dimension::GetTextPositionForLinear ( const gp_Pnt & theFirstPoint,
const gp_Pnt & theSecondPoint,
const Standard_Boolean theIsOneSide = Standard_False ) const

Compute point of text position for dimension parameters for linear kinds of dimensions (length, radius, diameter).

◆ GetValue()

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::GetValue ( ) const

Gets dimension measurement value. If the value to display is not specified by user, then the dimension object is responsible to compute it on its own in model space coordinates.

the dimension value (in model units) which is used during display of the presentation.

◆ GetValueString()

TCollection_ExtendedString PrsDim_Dimension::GetValueString ( Standard_Real & theWidth) const

Get formatted value string and its model space width.

[out]theWidththe model space with of the string.
formatted dimension value string.

◆ InitCircularDimension()

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::InitCircularDimension ( const TopoDS_Shape & theShape,
gp_Circ & theCircle,
gp_Pnt & theMiddleArcPoint,
Standard_Boolean & theIsClosed )

Performs initialization of circle and middle arc point from the passed shape which is assumed to contain circular geometry.

[in]theShapethe shape to explore.
[out]theCirclethe circle geometry.
[out]theMiddleArcPointthe middle point of the arc.
[out]theIsClosedreturns TRUE if the geometry is closed circle.
TRUE if the circle is successfully returned from the input shape.

◆ IsTextPositionCustom()

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::IsTextPositionCustom ( ) const
TRUE if text position is set by user with method SetTextPosition().

◆ IsValid()

virtual Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::IsValid ( ) const

Check that the input geometry for dimension is valid and the presentation can be successfully computed.

TRUE if dimension geometry is ok.

◆ KindOfDimension()

PrsDim_KindOfDimension PrsDim_Dimension::KindOfDimension ( ) const
the kind of dimension.

◆ PointsForArrow()

void PrsDim_Dimension::PointsForArrow ( const gp_Pnt & thePeakPnt,
const gp_Dir & theDirection,
const gp_Dir & thePlane,
const Standard_Real theArrowLength,
const Standard_Real theArrowAngle,
gp_Pnt & theSidePnt1,
gp_Pnt & theSidePnt2 )

Produce points for triangular arrow face.

[in]thePeakPntthe arrow peak position.
[in]theDirectionthe arrow direction.
[in]thePlanethe face plane.
[in]theArrowLengththe length of arrow.
[in]theArrowAnglethe angle of arrow.
[out]theSidePnt1the first side point.
[out]theSidePnt2the second side point.

◆ SelToleranceForText2d()

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::SelToleranceForText2d ( ) const

Returns selection tolerance for text2d: For 2d text selection detection sensitive point with tolerance is used Important! Only for 2d text.

◆ SetComputedValue()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetComputedValue ( )

Sets computed dimension value. Resets custom value mode if it was set.

◆ SetCustomPlane()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::SetCustomPlane ( const gp_Pln & thePlane)

Sets user-defined plane where the 2D dimension presentation will be placed. Checks validity of this plane if geometry has been set already. Validity of the plane is checked according to the geometry set and has different criteria for different kinds of dimensions.

◆ SetCustomValue() [1/2]

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetCustomValue ( const Standard_Real theValue)

Sets user-defined dimension value. The user-defined dimension value is specified in model space, and affect by unit conversion during the display.

[in]theValuethe user-defined value to display.

◆ SetCustomValue() [2/2]

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetCustomValue ( const TCollection_ExtendedString & theValue)

Sets user-defined dimension value. Unit conversion during the display is not applied.

[in]theValuethe user-defined value to display.

◆ SetDimensionAspect()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetDimensionAspect ( const Handle< Prs3d_DimensionAspect > & theDimensionAspect)

Sets new dimension aspect for the interactive object drawer. The dimension aspect provides dynamic properties which are generally used during computation of dimension presentations.

◆ SetDisplaySpecialSymbol()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetDisplaySpecialSymbol ( const PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol theDisplaySpecSymbol)

Specifies whether to display special symbol or not.

◆ SetDisplayUnits()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::SetDisplayUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString & )

◆ SetFlyout()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetFlyout ( const Standard_Real theFlyout)

Sets flyout value for dimension.

◆ SetModelUnits()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::SetModelUnits ( const TCollection_AsciiString & )

◆ SetSelToleranceForText2d()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetSelToleranceForText2d ( const Standard_Real theTol)

Sets selection tolerance for text2d: For 2d text selection detection sensitive point with tolerance is used to change this tolerance use this method Important! Only for 2d text.

◆ SetSpecialSymbol()

void PrsDim_Dimension::SetSpecialSymbol ( const Standard_ExtCharacter theSpecialSymbol)

Specifies special symbol.

◆ SetTextPosition()

virtual void PrsDim_Dimension::SetTextPosition ( const gp_Pnt & )

Fixes the absolute text position and adjusts flyout, plane and text alignment according to it. Updates presentation if the text position is valid. ATTENTION! It does not change vertical text alignment.

[in]theTextPosthe point of text position.

Reimplemented in PrsDim_AngleDimension, PrsDim_DiameterDimension, PrsDim_LengthDimension, and PrsDim_RadiusDimension.

◆ SpecialSymbol()

Standard_ExtCharacter PrsDim_Dimension::SpecialSymbol ( ) const
special symbol.

◆ Type()

virtual AIS_KindOfInteractive PrsDim_Dimension::Type ( ) const
the kind of interactive.

Reimplemented from AIS_InteractiveObject.

◆ UnsetCustomPlane()

void PrsDim_Dimension::UnsetCustomPlane ( )

Unsets user-defined plane. Therefore the plane for dimension will be computed automatically.

◆ UnsetFixedTextPosition()

void PrsDim_Dimension::UnsetFixedTextPosition ( )

Unsets user defined text positioning and enables text positioning by other parameters: text alignment, extension size, flyout and custom plane.

◆ ValueToDisplayUnits()

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::ValueToDisplayUnits ( ) const

Field Documentation

◆ myCustomStringValue

TCollection_ExtendedString PrsDim_Dimension::myCustomStringValue

Value of the dimension (computed or user-defined).

◆ myCustomValue

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::myCustomValue

type of value (computed or user-defined)

Value of the dimension (computed or user-defined).

◆ myDisplaySpecialSymbol

PrsDim_DisplaySpecialSymbol PrsDim_Dimension::myDisplaySpecialSymbol

Special symbol display options.

◆ myFixedTextPosition

gp_Pnt PrsDim_Dimension::myFixedTextPosition

Stores text position fixed by user.

◆ myFlyout

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::myFlyout

Flyout distance.

◆ myGeometryType

GeometryType PrsDim_Dimension::myGeometryType

defines type of shapes on which the dimension is to be built.

◆ myIsGeometryValid

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::myIsGeometryValid

Is dimension geometry properly defined.

◆ myIsPlaneCustom

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::myIsPlaneCustom

Is plane defined by user (otherwise it will be computed automatically).

◆ myIsTextPositionFixed

Standard_Boolean PrsDim_Dimension::myIsTextPositionFixed

Is the text label position fixed by user.

◆ myPlane

gp_Pln PrsDim_Dimension::myPlane

Plane where dimension will be built (computed or user defined).

◆ mySelectionGeom

struct PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry PrsDim_Dimension::mySelectionGeom

Sensitive point tolerance for 2d text selection.

◆ mySelToleranceForText2d

Standard_Real PrsDim_Dimension::mySelToleranceForText2d

Sensitive point tolerance for 2d text selection.

◆ mySpecialSymbol

Standard_ExtCharacter PrsDim_Dimension::mySpecialSymbol

Special symbol.

◆ myValueType

ValueType PrsDim_Dimension::myValueType

type of value (computed or user-defined)

Value of the dimension (computed or user-defined).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: