| gp_Ax22d () |
| Creates an object representing the reference coordinate system (OXY).
| gp_Ax22d (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const gp_Dir2d &theVx, const gp_Dir2d &theVy) |
| Creates a coordinate system with origin theP and where:
| gp_Ax22d (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const gp_Dir2d &theV, const Standard_Boolean theIsSense=Standard_True) |
| Creates - a coordinate system with origin theP and "X Direction" theV, which is:
| gp_Ax22d (const gp_Ax2d &theA, const Standard_Boolean theIsSense=Standard_True) |
| Creates - a coordinate system where its origin is the origin of theA and its "X Direction" is the unit vector of theA, which is:
void | SetAxis (const gp_Ax22d &theA1) |
| Assigns the origin and the two unit vectors of the coordinate system theA1 to this coordinate system.
void | SetXAxis (const gp_Ax2d &theA1) |
| Changes the XAxis and YAxis ("Location" point and "Direction") of <me>. The "YDirection" is recomputed in the same sense as before.
void | SetYAxis (const gp_Ax2d &theA1) |
| Changes the XAxis and YAxis ("Location" point and "Direction") of <me>. The "XDirection" is recomputed in the same sense as before.
void | SetLocation (const gp_Pnt2d &theP) |
| Changes the "Location" point (origin) of <me>.
void | SetXDirection (const gp_Dir2d &theVx) |
| Assigns theVx to the "X Direction" of this coordinate system. The other unit vector of this coordinate system is recomputed, normal to theVx , without modifying the orientation (right-handed or left-handed) of this coordinate system.
void | SetYDirection (const gp_Dir2d &theVy) |
| Assignsr theVy to the "Y Direction" of this coordinate system. The other unit vector of this coordinate system is recomputed, normal to theVy, without modifying the orientation (right-handed or left-handed) of this coordinate system.
gp_Ax2d | XAxis () const |
| Returns an axis, for which.
gp_Ax2d | YAxis () const |
| Returns an axis, for which.
const gp_Pnt2d & | Location () const |
| Returns the "Location" point (origin) of <me>.
const gp_Dir2d & | XDirection () const |
| Returns the "XDirection" of <me>.
const gp_Dir2d & | YDirection () const |
| Returns the "YDirection" of <me>.
void | Mirror (const gp_Pnt2d &theP) |
gp_Ax22d | Mirrored (const gp_Pnt2d &theP) const |
| Performs the symmetrical transformation of an axis placement with respect to the point theP which is the center of the symmetry. Warnings : The main direction of the axis placement is not changed. The "XDirection" and the "YDirection" are reversed. So the axis placement stay right handed.
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax2d &theA) |
gp_Ax22d | Mirrored (const gp_Ax2d &theA) const |
| Performs the symmetrical transformation of an axis placement with respect to an axis placement which is the axis of the symmetry. The transformation is performed on the "Location" point, on the "XDirection" and "YDirection". The resulting main "Direction" is the cross product between the "XDirection" and the "YDirection" after transformation.
void | Rotate (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const Standard_Real theAng) |
gp_Ax22d | Rotated (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const Standard_Real theAng) const |
| Rotates an axis placement. <theA1> is the axis of the rotation . theAng is the angular value of the rotation in radians.
void | Scale (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const Standard_Real theS) |
gp_Ax22d | Scaled (const gp_Pnt2d &theP, const Standard_Real theS) const |
| Applies a scaling transformation on the axis placement. The "Location" point of the axisplacement is modified. Warnings : If the scale <theS> is negative : . the main direction of the axis placement is not changed. . The "XDirection" and the "YDirection" are reversed. So the axis placement stay right handed.
void | Transform (const gp_Trsf2d &theT) |
gp_Ax22d | Transformed (const gp_Trsf2d &theT) const |
| Transforms an axis placement with a Trsf. The "Location" point, the "XDirection" and the "YDirection" are transformed with theT. The resulting main "Direction" of <me> is the cross product between the "XDirection" and the "YDirection" after transformation.
void | Translate (const gp_Vec2d &theV) |
gp_Ax22d | Translated (const gp_Vec2d &theV) const |
| Translates an axis plaxement in the direction of the vector <theV>. The magnitude of the translation is the vector's magnitude.
void | Translate (const gp_Pnt2d &theP1, const gp_Pnt2d &theP2) |
gp_Ax22d | Translated (const gp_Pnt2d &theP1, const gp_Pnt2d &theP2) const |
| Translates an axis placement from the point <theP1> to the point <theP2>.
void | DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const |
| Dumps the content of me into the stream.