Open CASCADE Technology
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NGraphic3d_TransformUtilsHelper class that implements transformation matrix functionality
 NopencascadeNamespace opencascade is intended for low-level template classes and functions
 CAdaptor2d_Curve2dRoot class for 2D curves on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted curve is an interface between the services provided by a curve, and those required of the curve by algorithms, which use it. A derived concrete class is provided: Geom2dAdaptor_Curve for a curve from the Geom2d package
 CAdaptor2d_Line2dUse by the TopolTool to trim a surface
 CAdaptor2d_OffsetCurveDefines an Offset curve (algorithmic 2d curve)
 CAdaptor3d_CurveRoot class for 3D curves on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted curve is an interface between the services provided by a curve and those required of the curve by algorithms which use it. Two derived concrete classes are provided:
 CAdaptor3d_CurveOnSurfaceAn interface between the services provided by a curve lying on a surface from the package Geom and those required of the curve by algorithms which use it. The curve is defined as a 2D curve from the Geom2d package, in the parametric space of the surface
 CAdaptor3d_InterFuncUsed to find the points U(t) = U0 or V(t) = V0 in order to determine the Cn discontinuities of an Adpator_CurveOnSurface relatively to the discontinuities of the surface. Used to find the roots of the functions
 CAdaptor3d_IsoCurveDefines an isoparametric curve on a surface. The type of isoparametric curve (U or V) is defined with the enumeration IsoType from GeomAbs if NoneIso is given an error is raised
 CAdaptor3d_SurfaceRoot class for surfaces on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted surface is an interface between the services provided by a surface and those required of the surface by algorithms which use it. A derived concrete class is provided: GeomAdaptor_Surface for a surface from the Geom package. The Surface class describes the standard behaviour of a surface for generic algorithms
 CAdaptor3d_TopolToolThis class provides a default topological tool, based on the Umin,Vmin,Umax,Vmax of an HSurface from Adaptor3d. All methods and fields may be redefined when inheriting from this class. This class is used to instantiate algorithms as Intersection, outlines,..
 CAdvApp2Var_ApproxAFunc2VarPerform the approximation of <Func> F(U,V) Arguments are : Num1DSS, Num2DSS, Num3DSS :The numbers of 1,2,3 dimensional subspaces OneDTol, TwoDTol, ThreeDTol: The tolerance of approximation in each subspaces OneDTolFr, TwoDTolFr, ThreeDTolFr: The tolerance of approximation on the boundaries in each subspaces [FirstInU, LastInU]: The Bounds in U of the Approximation [FirstInV, LastInV]: The Bounds in V of the Approximation FavorIso : Give preference to extract u-iso or v-iso on F(U,V) This can be useful to optimize the <Func> method ContInU, ContInV : Continuity waiting in u and v PrecisCode : Precision on approximation's error measurement 1 : Fast computation and average precision 2 : Average computation and good precision 3 : Slow computation and very good precision MaxDegInU : Maximum u-degree waiting in U MaxDegInV : Maximum u-degree waiting in V Warning: MaxDegInU (resp. MaxDegInV) must be >= 2*iu (resp. iv) + 1, where iu (resp. iv) = 0 if ContInU (resp. ContInV) = GeomAbs_C0, = 1 if = GeomAbs_C1, = 2 if = GeomAbs_C2. MaxPatch : Maximum number of Patch waiting number of Patch is number of u span * number of v span Func : The external method to evaluate F(U,V) Crit : To (re)defined condition of convergence UChoice, VChoice : To define the way in U (or V) Knot insertion Warning: for the moment, the result is a 3D Surface so Num1DSS and Num2DSS must be equals to 0 and Num3DSS must be equal to 1. Warning: the Function of type EvaluatorFunc2Var from Approx must be a subclass of AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var
 CAdvApp2Var_Contextall the parameters for approximation ( tolerancy, computing option, ...)
 CAdvApp2Var_CriterionThis class contains a given criterion to be satisfied
 CAdvApp2Var_IsoUsed to store constraints on a line U = Ui or V = Vj
 CAdvApp2Var_NodeUsed to store constraints on a (Ui,Vj) point
 CAdvApp2Var_PatchUsed to store results on a domain [Ui,Ui+1]x[Vj,Vj+1]
 CAdvApprox_ApproxAFunctionThis approximate a given function
 CAdvApprox_CuttingTo choose the way of cutting in approximation
 CAdvApprox_DichoCuttingIf Cutting is necessary in [a,b], we cut at (a+b) / 2
 CAdvApprox_EvaluatorFunctionInterface for a class implementing a function to be approximated by AdvApprox_ApproxAFunction
 CAdvApprox_PrefAndRecInherits class Cutting; contains a list of preferential points (pi)i and a list of Recommended points used in cutting management. if Cutting is necessary in [a,b], we cut at the di nearest from (a+b)/2
 CAdvApprox_PrefCuttingInherits class Cutting; contains a list of preferential points (di)i if Cutting is necessary in [a,b], we cut at the di nearest from (a+b)/2
 CAdvApprox_SimpleApproxApproximate a function on an interval [First,Last] The result is a simple polynomial whose degree is as low as possible to satisfy the required tolerance and the maximum degree. The maximum error and the averrage error resulting from approximating the function by the polynomial are computed
 CAISApplication Interactive Services provide the means to create links between an application GUI viewer and the packages which are used to manage selection and presentation. The tools AIS defined in order to do this include different sorts of entities: both the selectable viewable objects themselves and the context and attribute managers to define their selection and display. To orient the user as he works in a modeling environment, views and selections must be comprehensible. There must be several different sorts of selectable and viewable object defined. These must also be interactive, that is, connecting graphic representation and the underlying reference geometry. These entities are called Interactive Objects, and are divided into four types:
 CAIS_AnimationClass represents a basic animation class. AIS_Animation can be used as:
 CAIS_AnimationAxisRotationAnimation defining object transformation
 CAIS_AnimationCameraCamera animation
 CAIS_AnimationObjectAnimation defining object transformation
 CAIS_AnimationProgressStructure defining current animation progress
 CAIS_AttributeFilterSelects Interactive Objects, which have the desired width or color. The filter questions each Interactive Object in local context to determine whether it has an non-null owner, and if so, whether it has the required color and width attributes. If the object returns true in each case, it is kept. If not, it is rejected. This filter is used only in an open local context. In the Collector viewer, you can only locate Interactive Objects, which answer positively to the filters, which are in position when a local context is open
 CAIS_AxisLocates the x, y and z axes in an Interactive Object. These are used to orient it correctly in presentations from different viewpoints, or to construct a revolved shape, for example, from one of the axes. Conversely, an axis can be created to build a revolved shape and then situated relative to one of the axes of the view
 CAIS_BadEdgeFilterA Class
 CAIS_BaseAnimationObjectAnimation defining object transformation
 CAIS_CameraFrustumPresentation for drawing camera frustum. Default configuration is built with filling and some transparency
 CAIS_CircleConstructs circle datums to be used in construction of composite shapes
 CAIS_ColoredDrawerCustomizable properties
 CAIS_ColoredShapePresentation of the shape with customizable sub-shapes properties
 CAIS_ColorScaleClass for drawing a custom color scale
 CAIS_ConnectedInteractiveCreates an arbitrary located instance of another Interactive Object, which serves as a reference. This allows you to use the Connected Interactive Object without having to recalculate presentation, selection or graphic structure. These are deduced from your reference object. The relation between the connected interactive object and its source is generally one of geometric transformation. AIS_ConnectedInteractive class supports selection mode 0 for any InteractiveObject and all standard modes if its reference based on AIS_Shape. Descendants may redefine ComputeSelection() though. Also ConnectedInteractive will handle HLR if its reference based on AIS_Shape
 CAIS_ExclusionFilterA framework to reject or to accept only objects of given types and/or signatures. Objects are stored, and the stored objects - along with the flag settings - are used to define the filter. Objects to be filtered are compared with the stored objects added to the filter, and are accepted or rejected according to the exclusion flag setting
 CAIS_GlobalStatusStores information about objects in graphic context:
 CAIS_InteractiveContextThe Interactive Context allows you to manage graphic behavior and selection of Interactive Objects in one or more viewers. Class methods make this highly transparent. It is essential to remember that an Interactive Object which is already known by the Interactive Context must be modified using Context methods. You can only directly call the methods available for an Interactive Object if it has not been loaded into an Interactive Context
 CAIS_InteractiveObjectDefines a class of objects with display and selection services. Entities which are visualized and selected are Interactive Objects. Specific attributes of entities such as arrow aspect for dimensions must be loaded in a Prs3d_Drawer
 CAIS_LightSourceInteractive object for a light source. Each type of light source has it's own presentation:
 CAIS_LightSourceOwnerOwner of AIS_LightSource presentation
 CAIS_LineConstructs line datums to be used in construction of composite shapes
 CAIS_ManipulatorInteractive object class to manipulate local transformation of another interactive object or a group of objects via mouse. It manages three types of manipulations in 3D space:
 CAIS_ManipulatorOwnerEntity owner for selection management of AIS_Manipulator object
 CAIS_MediaPlayerPresentation for video playback
 CAIS_MultipleConnectedInteractiveDefines an Interactive Object by gathering together several object presentations. This is done through a list of interactive objects. These can also be Connected objects. That way memory-costly calculations of presentation are avoided
 CAIS_PlaneConstructs plane datums to be used in construction of composite shapes
 CAIS_PlaneTrihedronTo construct a selectable 2d axis system in a 3d drawing. This can be placed anywhere in the 3d system, and provides a coordinate system for drawing curves and shapes in a plane. There are 3 selection modes:
 CAIS_PointConstructs point datums to be used in construction of composite shapes. The datum is displayed as the plus marker +
 CAIS_PointCloudInteractive object for set of points. The presentation supports two display modes:
 CAIS_PointCloudOwnerCustom owner for highlighting selected points
 CAIS_RubberBandPresentation for drawing rubber band selection. It supports rectangle and polygonal selection. It is constructed in 2d overlay. Default configuration is built without filling. For rectangle selection use SetRectangle() method. For polygonal selection use AddPoint() and GetPoints() methods
 CAIS_SelectionClass holding the list of selected owners
 CAIS_ShapeA framework to manage presentation and selection of shapes. AIS_Shape is the interactive object which is used the most by applications. There are standard functions available which allow you to prepare selection operations on the constituent elements of shapes - vertices, edges, faces etc - in an open local context. The selection modes specific to "Shape" type objects are referred to as Standard Activation Mode. These modes are only taken into account in open local context and only act on Interactive Objects which have redefined the virtual method AcceptShapeDecomposition so that it returns true. Several advanced functions are also available. These include functions to manage deviation angle and deviation coefficient - both HLR and non-HLR - of an inheriting shape class. These services allow you to select one type of shape interactive object for higher precision drawing. When you do this, the Prs3d_Drawer::IsOwn... functions corresponding to the above deviation angle and coefficient functions return true indicating that there is a local setting available for the specific object
 CAIS_SignatureFilterSelects Interactive Objects through their signatures and types. The signature provides an additional characterization of an object's type, and takes the form of an index. The filter questions each Interactive Object in local context to determine whether it has an non-null owner, and if so, whether it has the desired signature. If the object returns true in each case, it is kept. If not, it is rejected. By default, the interactive object has a None type and a signature of 0. If you want to give a particular type and signature to your Interactive Object, you must redefine two virtual methods: Type and Signature. This filter is only used in an open local contexts. In the Collector viewer, you can only locate Interactive Objects which answer positively to the positioned filters when a local context is open. Warning Some signatures have already been used by standard objects delivered in AIS. These include:
 CAIS_TextLabelPresentation of the text
 CAIS_TexturedShapeThis class allows to map textures on shapes. Presentations modes AIS_WireFrame (0) and AIS_Shaded (1) behave in the same manner as in AIS_Shape, whilst new modes 2 (bounding box) and 3 (texture mapping) extends it functionality
 CAIS_TriangulationInteractive object that draws data from Poly_Triangulation, optionally with colors associated with each triangulation vertex. For maximum efficiency colors are represented as 32-bit integers instead of classic Quantity_Color values. Interactive selection of triangles and vertices is not yet implemented
 CAIS_TrihedronCreate a selectable trihedron The trihedron includes 1 origin, 3 axes and 3 labels. Default text of labels are "X", "Y", "Z". Color of origin and any axis, color of arrows and labels may be changed. Visual presentation might be shown in two, shaded and wireframe modes, wireframe by default). There are 4 modes of selection:
 CAIS_TrihedronOwnerEntity owner for selection management of AIS_Trihedron object
 CAIS_TypeFilterSelects Interactive Objects through their types. The filter questions each Interactive Object in local context to determine whether it has an non-null owner, and if so, whether it is of the desired type. If the object returns true in each case, it is kept. If not, it is rejected. By default, the interactive object has a None type and a signature of 0. A filter for type specifies a choice of type out of a range at any level enumerated for type or kind. The choice could be for kind of interactive object, of dimension, of unit, or type of axis, plane or attribute. If you want to give a particular type and signature to your Interactive Object, you must redefine two virtual methods: Type and Signature. This filter is used in both Neutral Point and open local contexts. In the Collector viewer, you can only locate Interactive Objects which answer positively to the positioned filters when a local context is open. Warning When you close a local context, all temporary interactive objects are deleted, all selection modes concerning the context are cancelled, and all content filters are emptied
 CAIS_ViewControllerAuxiliary structure for handling viewer events between GUI and Rendering threads
 CAIS_ViewCubeInteractive object for displaying the view manipulation cube
 CAIS_ViewCubeOwnerRedefined entity owner that is highlighted when owner is detected, even if Interactive Context highlighted on last detection procedure
 CAIS_ViewCubeSensitiveSimple sensitive element for picking by point only
 CAIS_ViewInputBufferAuxiliary structure defining viewer events
 CAIS_WalkDeltaWalking values
 CAIS_WalkPartWalking value
 CAIS_XRTrackedDeviceAuxiliary textured mesh presentation of tracked XR device
 CAPIHeaderSection_MakeHeaderThis class allows to consult and prepare/edit data stored in a Step Model Header
 CAppBlend_ApproxBspline approximation of a surface
 CAppCont_FunctionClass describing a continuous 3d and/or function f(u). This class must be provided by the user to use the approximation algorithm FittingCurve
 CAppDef_LinearCriteriaDefined an Linear Criteria to used in variational Smoothing of points
 CAppDef_MultiLineThis class describes the organized set of points used in the approximations. A MultiLine is composed of n MultiPointConstraints. The approximation of the MultiLine will be done in the order of the given n MultiPointConstraints
 CAppDef_MultiPointConstraintDescribes a MultiPointConstraint used in a Multiline. MultiPointConstraints are composed of several two or three-dimensional points. The purpose is to define the corresponding points that share a common constraint in order to compute the approximation of several lines in parallel. Notes:
 CAppDef_MyLineToolExample of MultiLine tool corresponding to the tools of the packages AppParCurves and Approx. For Approx, the tool will not add points if the algorithms want some
 CAppDef_SmoothCriterionDefined criterion to smooth points in curve
 CAppDef_VariationalThis class is used to smooth N points with constraints by minimization of quadratic criterium but also variational criterium in order to obtain " fair Curve " Computes the approximation of a Multiline by Variational optimization
 CAppParCurvesParallel Approximation in n curves. This package gives all the algorithms used to approximate a MultiLine described by the tool MLineTool. The result of the approximation will be a MultiCurve
 CAppParCurves_ConstraintCoupleAssociates an index and a constraint for an object. This couple is used by AppDef_TheVariational when performing approximations
 CAppParCurves_MultiBSpCurveThis class describes a MultiBSpCurve approximating a Multiline. Just as a Multiline is a set of a given number of lines, a MultiBSpCurve is a set of a specified number of bsplines defined by:
 CAppParCurves_MultiCurveThis class describes a MultiCurve approximating a Multiline. As a Multiline is a set of n lines, a MultiCurve is a set of n curves. These curves are Bezier curves. A MultiCurve is composed of m MultiPoint. The approximating degree of these n curves is the same for each one
 CAppParCurves_MultiPointThis class describes Points composing a MultiPoint. These points can be 2D or 3D. The user must first give the 3D Points and then the 2D Points. They are Poles of a Bezier Curve. This class is used either to define data input or results when performing the approximation of several lines in parallel
 CApprox_Curve2dMakes an approximation for HCurve2d from Adaptor3d
 CApprox_CurveOnSurfaceApproximation of curve on surface
 CApprox_CurvilinearParameterApproximation of a Curve to make its parameter be its curvilinear abscissa. If the curve is a curve on a surface S, C2D is the corresponding Pcurve, we consider the curve is given by its representation
 CApprox_CurvlinFuncDefines an abstract curve with curvilinear parametrization
 CApprox_SameParameterApproximation of a PCurve on a surface to make its parameter be the same that the parameter of a given 3d reference curve
 CApprox_SweepApproximationApproximation of an Surface S(u,v) (and eventually associate 2d Curves) defined by section's law
 CApprox_SweepFunctionDefined the function used by SweepApproximation to perform sweeping application
 CApproxInt_KnotToolsThis class intended to build knots sequence on discrete set of points for further approximation into bspline curve
 CApproxInt_SvSurfacesThis class is root class for classes dedicated to calculate 2d and 3d points and tangents of intersection lines of two surfaces of different types for given u, v parameters of intersection point on two surfaces
 CAppStd_ApplicationLegacy class defining resources name for standard OCAF documents
 CAppStdL_ApplicationLegacy class defining resources name for lite OCAF documents
 CAspect_BackgroundThis class allows the definition of a window background
 CAspect_DisplayConnectionThis class creates and provides connection with X server. Raises exception if can not connect to X server. On Windows and Mac OS X (in case when Cocoa used) platforms this class does nothing. WARNING: Do not close display connection manually!
 CAspect_FrustumLRBTStructure defining frustum boundaries
 CAspect_GenIdThis class permits the creation and control of integer identifiers
 CAspect_GradientBackgroundThis class allows the definition of a window gradient background
 CAspect_NeutralWindowDefines a platform-neutral window. This class is intended to be used in context when window management (including OpenGL context creation) is performed on application side (e.g. using external framework)
 CAspect_OpenVRSessionOpenVR wrapper implementing Aspect_XRSession interface
 CAspect_ScrollDeltaParameters for mouse scroll action
 CAspect_SkydomeBackgroundThis class allows the definition of a window skydome background
 CAspect_TouchStructure holding touch position - original and current location
 CAspect_TrackedDevicePoseDescribes a single pose for a tracked object (for XR)
 CAspect_VKeySetStructure defining key state
 CAspect_WindowDefines a window
 CAspect_WindowInputListenerDefines a listener for window input events
 CAspect_XRActionXR action definition
 CAspect_XRActionSetXR action set
 CAspect_XRAnalogActionDataAnalog input XR action data
 CAspect_XRDigitalActionDataDigital input XR action data
 CAspect_XRHapticActionDataHaptic output XR action data
 CAspect_XRPoseActionDataPose input XR action data
 CAspect_XRSessionExtended Reality (XR) Session interface
 CBinDrivers_DocumentStorageDriverPersistent implementation of storage a document in a binary file
 CBinLDrivers_DocumentSectionMore or less independent part of the saved/restored document that is distinct from OCAF data themselves but may be referred by them
 CBinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriverPersistent implementation of storage a document in a binary file
 CBinMDataStdStorage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes
 CBinMDataStd_AsciiStringDriverTDataStd_AsciiString attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_ExpressionDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_ExtStringArrayDriverArray of extended string attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_GenericEmptyDriverGenericEmpty attribute driver
 CBinMDataStd_GenericExtStringDriverTDataStd_Name attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_IntegerArrayDriverArray of Integer attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_IntegerDriverInteger attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_IntPackedMapDriverTDataStd_IntPackedMap attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_RealArrayDriverArray of Real attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_RealDriverReal attribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_TreeNodeDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_UAttributeDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataStd_VariableDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtdStorage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes
 CBinMDataXtd_ConstraintDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtd_GeometryDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtd_PatternStdDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtd_PositionDriverPosition Attribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtd_PresentationDriverPresentation Attribute Driver
 CBinMDataXtd_TriangulationDriverTDataXtd_Triangulation attribute bin Driver
 CBinMDFThis package provides classes and methods to translate a transient DF into a persistent one and vice versa
 CBinMDF_ADriverAttribute Storage/Retrieval Driver
 CBinMDF_ADriverTableA driver table is an object building links between object types and object drivers. In the translation process, a driver table is asked to give a translation driver for each current object to be translated
 CBinMDF_DerivedDriverA universal driver for the attribute that inherits another attribute with ready to used persistence mechanism implemented (already has a driver to store/retrieve)
 CBinMDF_ReferenceDriverReference attribute Driver
 CBinMDF_TagSourceDriverTDF_TagSource Driver
 CBinMDocStdStorage and Retrieval drivers for TDocStd modelling attributes
 CBinMDocStd_XLinkDriverXLink attribute Driver
 CBinMFunctionStorage and Retrieval drivers for TFunction modelling attributes
 CBinMFunction_FunctionDriverFunction attribute Driver
 CBinMFunction_GraphNodeDriverGraphNode attribute Driver
 CBinMFunction_ScopeDriverScope attribute Driver
 CBinMNamingStorage/Retrieval drivers for TNaming attributes
 CBinMNaming_NamedShapeDriverNamedShape Attribute Driver
 CBinMNaming_NamingDriverNaming Attribute Driver
 CBinMXCAFDoc_LengthUnitDriverAttribute Driver
 CBinMXCAFDoc_VisMaterialDriverBinary persistence driver for XCAFDoc_VisMaterial attribute
 CBinMXCAFDoc_VisMaterialToolDriverBinary persistence driver for XCAFDoc_VisMaterialTool attribute
 CBinObjMgt_PersistentBinary persistent representation of an object. Really it is used as a buffer for read/write an object
 CBinObjMgt_PositionStores and manipulates position in the stream
 CBinObjMgt_RRelocationTableRetrieval relocation table is modeled as a child class of TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerTransient that stores a handle to the file header section. With that attribute drivers have access to the file header section
 CBinTObjDriversClass for registering storage/retrieval drivers for TObj Bin persistence
 CBinToolsTool to keep shapes in binary format
 CBinTools_Curve2dSetStores a set of Curves from Geom2d in binary format
 CBinTools_CurveSetStores a set of Curves from Geom in binary format
 CBinTools_IStreamSubstitution of IStream for shape reader for fast management of position in the file (get and go) and operation on all reading types
 CBinTools_LocationSetThe class LocationSet stores a set of location in a relocatable state
 CBinTools_OStreamSubstitution of OStream for shape writer for fast management of position in the file and operation on all writing types
 CBinTools_ShapeReaderReads topology from IStream in binary format without grouping of objects by types and using relative positions in a file as references
 CBinTools_ShapeSetWrites topology in OStream in binary format
 CBinTools_ShapeSetBaseA base class for all readers/writers of TopoDS_Shape into/from stream
 CBinTools_ShapeWriterWrites topology in OStream in binary format without grouping of objects by types and using relative positions in a file as references
 CBinTools_SurfaceSetStores a set of Surfaces from Geom in binary format
 CBisectorThis package provides the bisecting line between two geometric elements
 CBisector_BisecBisec provides the bisecting line between two elements This line is trimmed by a point
 CBisector_BisecAnaThis class provides the bisecting line between two geometric elements.The elements are Circles,Lines or Points
 CBisector_BisecCCConstruct the bisector between two curves. The curves can intersect only in their extremities
 CBisector_BisecPCProvides the bisector between a point and a curve. the curvature on the curve has to be monoton. the point can't be on the curve except at the extremities
 CBisector_FunctionHH(v) = (T1 .P2(v) - P1) * ||T(v)|| - 2 2 (T(v).P2(v) - P1) * ||T1||
 CBisector_FunctionInter2 2 F(u) = (PC(u) - PBis1(u)) + (PC(u) - PBis2(u))
 CBisector_InterIntersection between two <Bisec> from Bisector
 CBisector_PolyBisPolygon of PointOnBis
 CBiTgte_BlendRoot class
 CBiTgte_CurveOnEdgePrivate class used to create a filler rolling on an edge
 CBiTgte_CurveOnVertexPrivate class used to create a filler rolling on an edge
 CBlend_AppFunctionDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between two surfaces, using a guide line. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates U1,V1, U2,V2, of the extremities of a section on the first and second surface
 CBlend_CSFunctionDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a curve, using a guide line. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods may be the vector of the parametric coordinates U,V, W of the extremities of a section on the surface and the curve
 CBlend_CurvPointFuncInvDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a curve, using a guide line. This function is used to find a solution on a done point of the curve. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates w, U, V where w is the parameter on the guide line, U,V are the parametric coordinates of a point on the partner surface
 CBlend_FuncInvDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between two surfaces, using a guide line. This function is used to find a solution on a restriction of one of the surface. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates t,w,U,V where t is the parameter on the curve on surface, w is the parameter on the guide line, U,V are the parametric coordinates of a point on the partner surface
 CBlend_FunctionDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between two surfaces, using a guide line. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates U1,V1, U2,V2, of the extremities of a section on the first and second surface
 CBlend_RstRstFunctionDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a pcurve on an other Surface, using a guide line. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods may be the vector of the parametric coordinates U,V, W of the extremities of a section on the surface and the curve
 CBlend_SurfCurvFuncInvDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a curve, using a guide line. This function is used to find a solution on a done restriction of the surface
 CBlend_SurfPointFuncInvDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a curve, using a guide line. This function is used to find a solution on a done point of the curve
 CBlend_SurfRstFunctionDeferred class for a function used to compute a blending surface between a surface and a pcurve on an other Surface, using a guide line. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods may be the vector of the parametric coordinates U,V, W of the extremities of a section on the surface and the curve
 CBlendFuncThis package provides a set of generic functions, that can instantiated to compute blendings between two surfaces (Constant radius, Evolutive radius, Ruled surface)
 CBlendFunc_ChamferClass for a function used to compute a "ordinary" chamfer: when distances from spine to surfaces are constant
 CBlendFunc_ChamfInvClass for a function used to compute a chamfer with two constant distances on a surface's boundary
 CBlendFunc_ConstThroatClass for a function used to compute a symmetric chamfer with constant throat that is the height of isosceles triangle in section
 CBlendFunc_ConstThroatInvClass for a function used to compute a ConstThroat chamfer on a surface's boundary
 CBlendFunc_ConstThroatWithPenetrationClass for a function used to compute a chamfer with constant throat: the section of chamfer is right-angled triangle, the first of two surfaces (where is the top of the chamfer) is virtually moved inside the solid by offset operation, the apex of the section is on the intersection curve between moved surface and second surface, right angle is at the top of the chamfer, the length of the leg from apex to top is constant - it is throat
 CBlendFunc_ConstThroatWithPenetrationInvClass for a function used to compute a ConstThroatWithPenetration chamfer on a surface's boundary
 CBlendFunc_CordeThis function calculates point (pts) on the curve of intersection between the normal to a curve (guide) in a chosen parameter and a surface (surf), so that pts was at a given distance from the guide. X(1),X(2) are the parameters U,V of pts on surf
 CBlendFunc_GenChamferDeferred class for a function used to compute a general chamfer
 CBlendFunc_GenChamfInvDeferred class for a function used to compute a general chamfer on a surface's boundary
 CBlendFunc_TensorUsed to store the "gradient of gradient"
 CBnd_BoundSortBoxA tool to compare a bounding box or a plane with a set of bounding boxes. It sorts the set of bounding boxes to give the list of boxes which intersect the element being compared. The boxes being sorted generally bound a set of shapes, while the box being compared bounds a shape to be compared. The resulting list of intersecting boxes therefore gives the list of items which potentially intersect the shape to be compared
 CBnd_BoxDescribes a bounding box in 3D space. A bounding box is parallel to the axes of the coordinates system. If it is finite, it is defined by the three intervals:
 CBnd_Box2dDescribes a bounding box in 2D space. A bounding box is parallel to the axes of the coordinates system. If it is finite, it is defined by the two intervals:
 CBnd_OBBThe class describes the Oriented Bounding Box (OBB), much tighter enclosing volume for the shape than the Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB). The OBB is defined by a center of the box, the axes and the halves of its three dimensions. The OBB can be used more effectively than AABB as a rejection mechanism for non-interfering objects
 CBnd_RangeThis class describes a range in 1D space restricted by two real values. A range can be void indicating there is no point included in the range
 CBnd_SphereThis class represents a bounding sphere of a geometric entity (triangle, segment of line or whatever else)
 CBnd_ToolsDefines a set of static methods operating with bounding boxes
 CBndLibThe BndLib package provides functions to add a geometric primitive to a bounding box. Note: these functions work with gp objects, optionally limited by parameter values. If the curves and surfaces provided by the gp package are not explicitly parameterized, they still have an implicit parameterization, similar to that which they infer for the equivalent Geom or Geom2d objects. Add : Package to compute the bounding boxes for elementary objects from gp in 2d and 3d
 CBndLib_Add2dCurveComputes the bounding box for a curve in 2d . Functions to add a 2D curve to a bounding box. The 2D curve is defined from a Geom2d curve
 CBndLib_Add3dCurveComputes the bounding box for a curve in 3d. Functions to add a 3D curve to a bounding box. The 3D curve is defined from a Geom curve
 CBndLib_AddSurfaceComputes the box from a surface Functions to add a surface to a bounding box. The surface is defined from a Geom surface
 CBOPAlgo_AlgoThe class provides the root interface for the algorithms in Boolean Component.
 CBOPAlgo_ArgumentAnalyzerCheck the validity of argument(s) for Boolean Operations
 CBOPAlgo_BOPThe class represents the Building part of the Boolean Operations algorithm.
The arguments of the algorithms are divided in two groups - Objects and Tools.
The algorithm builds the splits of the given arguments using the intersection results and combines the result of Boolean Operation of given type:
 CBOPAlgo_BuilderThe class is a General Fuse algorithm - base algorithm for the algorithms in the Boolean Component. Its main purpose is to build the split parts of the argument shapes from which the result of the operations is combined.
The result of the General Fuse algorithm itself is a compound containing all split parts of the arguments.
 CBOPAlgo_BuilderAreaThe root class for algorithms to build faces/solids from set of edges/faces
 CBOPAlgo_BuilderFaceThe algorithm to build new faces from the given faces and set of edges lying on this face
 CBOPAlgo_BuilderShapeRoot class for algorithms that has shape as result
 CBOPAlgo_BuilderSolidSolid Builder is the algorithm for building solids from set of faces. The given faces should be non-intersecting, i.e. all coinciding parts of the faces should be shared among them
 CBOPAlgo_CellsBuilderThe algorithm is based on the General Fuse algorithm (GFA). The result of GFA is all split parts of the Arguments
 CBOPAlgo_CheckerSIChecks the shape on self-interference
 CBOPAlgo_CheckResultInformation about faulty shapes and faulty types can't be processed by Boolean Operations
 CBOPAlgo_MakeConnectedBOPAlgo_MakeConnected is the algorithm for making the touching shapes connected or glued, i.e. for making the coinciding geometries be topologically shared among the shapes
 CBOPAlgo_MakePeriodicBOPAlgo_MakePeriodic is the tool for making an arbitrary shape periodic in 3D space in specified directions
 CBOPAlgo_MakerVolumeThe algorithm is to build solids from set of shapes. It uses the BOPAlgo_Builder algorithm to intersect the given shapes and build the images of faces (if needed) and BOPAlgo_BuilderSolid algorithm to build the solids
 CBOPAlgo_OptionsThe class provides the following options for the algorithms in Boolean Component:
 CBOPAlgo_ParallelAlgoAdditional root class to provide interface to be launched from parallel vector. It already has the range as a field, and has to be used with caution to create scope from the range only once
 CBOPAlgo_PaveFillerThe class represents the Intersection phase of the Boolean Operations algorithm.
It performs the pairwise intersection of the sub-shapes of the arguments in the following order:
 CBOPAlgo_PIStepsClass for representing the relative contribution of each step of the operation to the whole progress
 CBOPAlgo_RemoveFeaturesThe RemoveFeatures algorithm is intended for reconstruction of the shape by removal of the unwanted parts from it. These parts can be holes, protrusions, spikes, fillets etc. The shape itself is not modified, the new shape is built in the result
 CBOPAlgo_SectionThe algorithm to build a Section between the arguments. The Section consists of vertices and edges. The Section contains:
 CBOPAlgo_SectionAttributeClass is a container of the flags used by intersection algorithm
 CBOPAlgo_ShellSplitterThe class provides the splitting of the set of connected faces on separate loops
 CBOPAlgo_SplitterThe Splitter algorithm is the algorithm for splitting a group of arbitrary shapes by the other group of arbitrary shapes.
The arguments of the operation are divided on two groups:
Objects - shapes that will be split;
Tools - shapes by which the Objects will be split.
The result of the operation contains only the split parts of the shapes from the group of Objects.
The split parts of the shapes from the group of Tools are excluded from the result.
The shapes can be split by the other shapes from the same group (in case these shapes are interfering)
 CBOPAlgo_ToolsProvides tools used in the intersection part of Boolean operations
 CBOPAlgo_ToolsProviderAuxiliary class providing API to operate tool arguments
 CBOPAlgo_WireSplitterThe class is to build loops from the given set of edges
 CBOPDS_CommonBlockThe class BOPDS_CommonBlock is to store the information about pave blocks that have geometrical coincidence (in terms of a tolerance) with:
a) other pave block(s);
b) face(s).
First pave block in the common block (real pave block) is always a pave block with the minimal index of the original edge
 CBOPDS_CurveThe class BOPDS_Curve is to store the information about intersection curve
 CBOPDS_DSThe class BOPDS_DS provides the control of data structure for the algorithms in the Boolean Component such as General Fuse, Boolean operations, Section, Maker Volume, Splitter and Cells Builder.
 CBOPDS_FaceInfoThe class BOPDS_FaceInfo is to store handy information about state of face
 CBOPDS_IndexRangeThe class BOPDS_IndexRange is to store the information about range of two indices
 CBOPDS_IteratorThe class BOPDS_Iterator is compute intersections between BRep sub-shapes of arguments of an operation (see the class BOPDS_DS) in terms of theirs bounding boxes 2.provides interface to iterate the pairs of intersected sub-shapes of given type
 CBOPDS_IteratorSIThe class BOPDS_IteratorSI is compute self-intersections between BRep sub-shapes of each argument of an operation (see the class BOPDS_DS) in terms of theirs bounding boxes 2.provides interface to iterare the pairs of intersected sub-shapes of given type
 CBOPDS_PairThe class is to provide the pair of indices of interfering shapes
 CBOPDS_PaveThe class BOPDS_Pave is to store information about vertex on an edge
 CBOPDS_PaveBlockThe class BOPDS_PaveBlock is to store the information about pave block on an edge. Two adjacent paves on edge make up pave block
 CBOPDS_PointThe class BOPDS_Point is to store the information about intersection point
 CBOPDS_ShapeInfoThe class BOPDS_ShapeInfo is to store handy information about shape
 CBOPDS_SubIteratorThe class BOPDS_SubIterator is used to compute intersections between bounding boxes of two sub-sets of BRep sub-shapes of arguments of an operation (see the class BOPDS_DS). The class provides interface to iterate the pairs of intersected sub-shapes
 CBOPDS_ToolsThe class BOPDS_Tools contains a set auxiliary static functions of the package BOPDS
 CBOPTools_AlgoToolsProvides tools used in Boolean Operations algorithm:
 CBOPTools_AlgoTools2DThe class contains handy static functions dealing with the topology This is the copy of the BOPTools_AlgoTools2D.cdl
 CBOPTools_AlgoTools3DThe class contains handy static functions dealing with the topology This is the copy of BOPTools_AlgoTools3D.cdl file
 CBOPTools_BoxSelectorTemplate Selector for elements selection from BVH tree
 CBOPTools_BoxSetRedefines BoxSet to use the Linear builder by default
 CBOPTools_PairSelectorTemplate Selector for selection of the elements from two BVH trees
 CBOPTools_ParallelImplementation of Functors/Starters
 CBRep_BuilderA framework providing advanced tolerance control. It is used to build Shapes. If tolerance control is required, you are advised to:
 CBRep_Curve3DRepresentation of a curve by a 3D curve
 CBRep_CurveOn2SurfacesDefines a continuity between two surfaces
 CBRep_CurveOnClosedSurfaceRepresentation of a curve by two pcurves on a closed surface
 CBRep_CurveOnSurfaceRepresentation of a curve by a curve in the parametric space of a surface
 CBRep_CurveRepresentationRoot class for the curve representations. Contains a location
 CBRep_GCurveRoot class for the geometric curves representation. Contains a range. Contains a first and a last parameter
 CBRep_PointOnCurveRepresentation by a parameter on a 3D curve
 CBRep_PointOnCurveOnSurfaceRepresentation by a parameter on a curve on a surface
 CBRep_PointOnSurfaceRepresentation by two parameters on a surface
 CBRep_PointRepresentationRoot class for the points representations. Contains a location and a parameter
 CBRep_PointsOnSurfaceRoot for points on surface
 CBRep_Polygon3DRepresentation by a 3D polygon
 CBRep_PolygonOnClosedSurfaceRepresentation by two 2d polygons in the parametric space of a surface
 CBRep_PolygonOnClosedTriangulationA representation by two arrays of nodes on a triangulation
 CBRep_PolygonOnSurfaceRepresentation of a 2D polygon in the parametric space of a surface
 CBRep_PolygonOnTriangulationA representation by an array of nodes on a triangulation
 CBRep_TEdgeThe TEdge from BRep is inherited from the TEdge from TopoDS. It contains the geometric data
 CBRep_TFaceThe Tface from BRep is based on the TFace from TopoDS. The TFace contains :
 CBRep_ToolProvides class methods to access to the geometry of BRep shapes
 CBRep_TVertexThe TVertex from BRep inherits from the TVertex from TopoDS. It contains the geometric data
 CBRepAdaptor_CompCurveThe Curve from BRepAdaptor allows to use a Wire of the BRep topology like a 3D curve. Warning: With this class of curve, C0 and C1 continuities are not assumed. So be careful with some algorithm! Please note that BRepAdaptor_CompCurve cannot be periodic curve at all (even if it contains single periodic edge)
 CBRepAdaptor_CurveThe Curve from BRepAdaptor allows to use an Edge of the BRep topology like a 3D curve
 CBRepAdaptor_Curve2dThe Curve2d from BRepAdaptor allows to use an Edge on a Face like a 2d curve. (curve in the parametric space)
 CBRepAdaptor_SurfaceThe Surface from BRepAdaptor allows to use a Face of the BRep topology look like a 3D surface
 CBRepAlgoFollowing tools for:
 CBRepAlgo_AsDesSD to store descendants and ascendants of Shapes
 CBRepAlgo_FaceRestrictorBuilds all the faces limited with a set of non jointing and planars wires. if <ControlOrientation> is false The Wires must have correct orientations. Sinon orientation des wires de telle sorte que les faces ne soient pas infinies et qu'elles soient disjointes
 CBRepAlgo_ImageStores link between a shape and a shape <NewS> obtained from . <NewS> is an image of
 CBRepAlgo_LoopBuilds the loops from a set of edges on a face
 CBRepAlgo_NormalProjectionThis class makes the projection of a wire on a shape
 CBRepAlgoAPI_AlgoProvides the root interface for the API algorithms
 CBRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperationThe root API class for performing Boolean Operations on arbitrary shapes
 CBRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgoThe class contains API level of the General Fuse algorithm.
 CBRepAlgoAPI_CheckThe class Check provides a diagnostic tool for checking the validity of the single shape or couple of shapes. The shapes are checked on:
 CBRepAlgoAPI_CommonThe class provides Boolean common operation between arguments and tools (Boolean Intersection)
 CBRepAlgoAPI_CutThe class Cut provides Boolean cut operation between arguments and tools (Boolean Subtraction)
 CBRepAlgoAPI_DefeaturingThe BRepAlgoAPI_Defeaturing algorithm is the API algorithm intended for removal of the unwanted parts from the shape. The unwanted parts (or features) can be holes, protrusions, gaps, chamfers, fillets etc. The shape itself is not modified, the new shape is built as the result
 CBRepAlgoAPI_FuseThe class provides Boolean fusion operation between arguments and tools (Boolean Union)
 CBRepAlgoAPI_SectionThe algorithm is to build a Section operation between arguments and tools. The result of Section operation consists of vertices and edges. The result of Section operation contains:
 CBRepAlgoAPI_SplitterThe class contains API level of the Splitter algorithm, which allows splitting a group of arbitrary shapes by the other group of arbitrary shapes.
The arguments of the operation are divided on two groups:
Objects - shapes that will be split;
Tools - shapes by which the Objects will be split.
The result of the operation contains only the split parts of the shapes from the group of Objects.
The split parts of the shapes from the group of Tools are excluded from the result.
The shapes can be split by the other shapes from the same group (in case these shapes are interfering)
 CBRepBlend_AppFuncFunction to approximate by AppSurface for Surface/Surface contact
 CBRepBlend_AppFuncRootFunction to approximate by AppSurface
 CBRepBlend_AppFuncRstFunction to approximate by AppSurface for Curve/Surface contact
 CBRepBlend_AppFuncRstRstFunction to approximate by AppSurface for Edge/Face (Curve/Curve contact)
 CBRepBlend_AppSurfaceUsed to Approximate the blending surfaces
 CBRepBlend_CurvPointRadInvFunction of reframing between a point and a curve. valid in cases of constant and progressive radius. This function is used to find a solution on a done point of the curve 1 when using RstRstConsRad or CSConstRad... The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates w, U where w is the parameter on the guide line, U are the parametric coordinates of a point on the partner curve 2
 CBRepBlend_PointOnRstDefinition of an intersection point between a line and a restriction on a surface. Such a point is contains geometrical information (see the Value method) and logical information
 CBRepBlend_RstRstConstRadCopy of CSConstRad with a pcurve on surface as support
 CBRepBlend_RstRstEvolRadFunction to approximate by AppSurface for Edge/Edge and evolutif radius
 CBRepBlend_RstRstLineBuilderThis class processes the data resulting from Blend_CSWalking but it takes in consideration the Surface supporting the curve to detect the breakpoint
 CBRepBlend_SurfCurvConstRadInvFunction of reframing between a restriction surface of the surface and a curve. Class used to compute a solution of the surfRstConstRad problem on a done restriction of the surface. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates wguide, wcurv, wrst where wguide is the parameter on the guide line, wcurv is the parameter on the curve, wrst is the parameter on the restriction on the surface
 CBRepBlend_SurfCurvEvolRadInvFunction of reframing between a surface restriction of the surface and a curve. Class used to compute a solution of the surfRstConstRad problem on a done restriction of the surface. The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates wguide, wcurv, wrst where wguide is the parameter on the guide line, wcurv is the parameter on the curve, wrst is the parameter on the restriction on the surface
 CBRepBlend_SurfPointConstRadInvFunction of reframing between a point and a surface. This function is used to find a solution on a done point of the curve when using SurfRstConsRad or CSConstRad... The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates w, U, V where w is the parameter on the guide line, U,V are the parametric coordinates of a point on the partner surface
 CBRepBlend_SurfPointEvolRadInvFunction of reframing between a point and a surface. This function is used to find a solution on a done point of the curve when using SurfRstConsRad or CSConstRad... The vector <X> used in Value, Values and Derivatives methods has to be the vector of the parametric coordinates w, U, V where w is the parameter on the guide line, U,V are the parametric coordinates of a point on the partner surface
 CBRepBlend_SurfRstConstRadCopy of CSConstRad with pcurve on surface as support
 CBRepBlend_SurfRstEvolRadFunction to approximate by AppSurface for Edge/Face and evolutif radius
 CBRepBlend_SurfRstLineBuilderThis class processes data resulting from Blend_CSWalking taking in consideration the Surface supporting the curve to detect the breakpoint
 CBRepBndLibThis package provides the bounding boxes for curves and surfaces from BRepAdaptor. Functions to add a topological shape to a bounding box
 CBRepBuilderAPIThe BRepBuilderAPI package provides an Application Programming Interface for the BRep topology data structure
 CBRepBuilderAPI_BndBoxTreeSelectorClass BRepBuilderAPI_BndBoxTreeSelector derived from UBTree::Selector This class is used to select overlapping boxes, stored in NCollection::UBTree; contains methods to maintain the selection condition and to retrieve selected objects after search
 CBRepBuilderAPI_CommandRoot class for all commands in BRepBuilderAPI
 CBRepBuilderAPI_CopyDuplication of a shape. A Copy object provides a framework for:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_FastSewingCreated on: 2015-04-24 Created by: NIKOLAI BUKHALOV Copyright (c) 2015 OPEN CASCADE SAS
 CBRepBuilderAPI_FindPlaneDescribes functions to find the plane in which the edges of a given shape are located. A FindPlane object provides a framework for:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_GTransformGeometric transformation on a shape. The transformation to be applied is defined as a gp_GTrsf transformation. It may be:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdgeProvides methods to build edges
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2dProvides methods to build edges
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeFaceProvides methods to build faces
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygonDescribes functions to build polygonal wires. A polygonal wire can be built from any number of points or vertices, and consists of a sequence of connected rectilinear edges. When a point or vertex is added to the polygon if it is identic to the previous point no edge is built. The method added can be used to test it. Construction of a Polygonal Wire You can construct:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeShapeThis is the root class for all shape constructions. It stores the result
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeShapeOnMeshBuilds shape on per-facet basis on the input mesh. Resulting shape has shared edges by construction, but no maximization (unify same domain) is applied. No generation history is provided
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeShellDescribes functions to build a shape corresponding to the skin of a surface. Note that the term shell in the class name has the same definition as that of a shell in STEP, in other words the skin of a shape, and not a solid model defined by surface and thickness. If you want to build the second sort of shell, you must use BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShape. A shell is made of a series of faces connected by their common edges. If the underlying surface of a face is not C2 continuous and the flag Segment is True, MakeShell breaks the surface down into several faces which are all C2 continuous and which are connected along the non-regular curves on the surface. The resulting shell contains all these faces. Construction of a Shell from a non-C2 continuous Surface A MakeShell object provides a framework for:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolidDescribes functions to build a solid from shells. A solid is made of one shell, or a series of shells, which do not intersect each other. One of these shells constitutes the outside skin of the solid. It may be closed (a finite solid) or open (an infinite solid). Other shells form hollows (cavities) in these previous ones. Each must bound a closed volume. A MakeSolid object provides a framework for:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertexDescribes functions to build BRepBuilder vertices directly from 3D geometric points. A vertex built using a MakeVertex object is only composed of a 3D point and a default precision value (Precision::Confusion()). Later on, 2D representations can be added, for example, when inserting a vertex in an edge. A MakeVertex object provides a framework for:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_MakeWireDescribes functions to build wires from edges. A wire can be built from any number of edges. To build a wire you first initialize the construction, then add edges in sequence. An unlimited number of edges can be added. The initialization of construction is done with:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_ModifyShapeImplements the methods of MakeShape for the constant topology modifications. The methods are implemented when the modification uses a Modifier from BRepTools. Some of them have to be redefined if the modification is implemented with another tool (see Transform from BRepBuilderAPI for example). The BRepBuilderAPI package provides the following frameworks to perform modifications of this sort:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvertConversion of the complete geometry of a shape (all 3D analytical representation of surfaces and curves) into NURBS geometry (execpt for Planes). For example, all curves supporting edges of the basis shape are converted into BSpline curves, and all surfaces supporting its faces are converted into BSpline surfaces
 CBRepBuilderAPI_SewingProvides methods to
 CBRepBuilderAPI_TransformGeometric transformation on a shape. The transformation to be applied is defined as a gp_Trsf transformation, i.e. a transformation which does not modify the underlying geometry of shapes. The transformation is applied to:
 CBRepBuilderAPI_VertexInspectorClass BRepBuilderAPI_VertexInspector derived from NCollection_CellFilter_InspectorXYZ This class define the Inspector interface for CellFilter algorithm, working with gp_XYZ points in 3d space. Used in search of coincidence points with a certain tolerance
 CBRepCheckThis package provides tools to check the validity of the BRep
 CBRepCheck_AnalyzerA framework to check the overall validity of a shape. For a shape to be valid in Open CASCADE, it - or its component subshapes - must respect certain criteria. These criteria are checked by the function IsValid. Once you have determined whether a shape is valid or not, you can diagnose its specific anomalies and correct them using the services of the ShapeAnalysis, ShapeUpgrade, and ShapeFix packages
 CBRepCheck_SolidThe class is to check a solid
 CBRepClass3d_SClassifierProvides an algorithm to classify a point in a solid
 CBRepClass3d_SolidClassifierProvides an algorithm to classify a point in a solid
 CBRepClass3d_SolidExplorerProvide an exploration of a BRep Shape for the classification. Provide access to the special UB tree to obtain fast search
 CBRepClass_EdgeThis class is used to send the description of an Edge to the classifier. It contains an Edge and a Face. So the PCurve of the Edge can be found
 CBRepClass_FaceClassifierProvides Constructors with a Face
 CBRepClass_FaceExplorerProvide an exploration of a BRep Face for the classification. Return UV edges
 CBRepClass_IntersectorIntersect an Edge with a segment. Implement the Intersector2d required by the classifier
 CBRepExtrema_DistanceSSThis class allows to compute minimum distance between two brep shapes (face edge vertex) and is used in DistShapeShape class
 CBRepExtrema_DistShapeShapeThis class provides tools to compute minimum distance between two Shapes (Compound,CompSolid, Solid, Shell, Face, Wire, Edge, Vertex)
 CBRepExtrema_ElementFilterFiltering tool used to detect if two given mesh elements should be tested for overlapping/intersection or not
 CBRepExtrema_OverlapToolEnables storing of individual overlapped triangles (useful for debug)
 CBRepExtrema_ProximityDistToolTool class for computation the proximity distance from first primitive set to second one that is the maximal from minimum perpendicular distances. If no perpendicular distance is found, the minimum distance will be returned. This tool is not intended to be used independently, and is integrated in other classes, implementing algorithms based on shape tessellation (BRepExtrema_ProximityValueTool)
 CBRepExtrema_ProximityValueToolTool class for computation of the proximity value from one BVH primitive set to another, solving max(min) problem. Handles only edge/edge or face/face cases. This tool is not intended to be used independently, and is integrated in other classes, implementing algorithms based on shape tessellation (BRepExtrema_ShapeProximity and BRepExtrema_SelfIntersection)
 CBRepExtrema_SelfIntersectionTool class for detection of self-sections in the given shape. This class is based on BRepExtrema_OverlapTool and thus uses shape tessellation to detect incorrect mesh fragments (pairs of overlapped triangles belonging to different faces). Thus, a result depends critically on the quality of mesh generator (e.g., BREP mesh is not always a good choice, because it can contain gaps between adjacent face triangulations, which may not share vertices on common edge; thus false overlap can be detected). As a result, this tool can be used for relatively fast approximated test which provides sub-set of potentially overlapped faces
 CBRepExtrema_ShapeProximityTool class for shape proximity detection
 CBRepExtrema_SolutionElemThis class is used to store information relative to the minimum distance between two shapes
 CBRepExtrema_TriangleSetTriangle set corresponding to specific face
 CBRepExtrema_VertexInspectorClass BRepExtrema_VertexInspector derived from NCollection_CellFilter_InspectorXYZ This class define the Inspector interface for CellFilter algorithm, working with gp_XYZ points in 3d space. Used in search of coincidence points with a certain tolerance
 CBRepFeatBRepFeat is necessary for the creation and manipulation of both form and mechanical features in a Boundary Representation framework. Form features can be depressions or protrusions and include the following types:
 CBRepFeat_BuilderProvides a basic tool to implement features topological operations. The main goal of the algorithm is to perform the result of the operation according to the kept parts of the tool. Input data: a) DS; b) The kept parts of the tool; If the map of the kept parts of the tool is not filled boolean operation of the given type will be performed; c) Operation required. Steps: a) Fill myShapes, myRemoved maps; b) Rebuild edges and faces; c) Build images of the object; d) Build the result of the operation. Result: Result shape of the operation required
 CBRepFeat_FormProvides general functions to build form features. Form features can be depressions or protrusions and include the following types:
 CBRepFeat_GluerOne of the most significant aspects of BRepFeat functionality is the use of local operations as opposed to global ones. In a global operation, you would first construct a form of the type you wanted in your final feature, and then remove matter so that it could fit into your initial basis object. In a local operation, however, you specify the domain of the feature construction with aspects of the shape on which the feature is being created. These semantics are expressed in terms of a member shape of the basis shape from which - or up to which - matter will be added or removed. As a result, local operations make calculations simpler and faster than global operations. Glueing uses wires or edges of a face in the basis shape. These are to become a part of the feature. They are first cut out and then projected to a plane outside or inside the basis shape. By rebuilding the initial shape incorporating the edges and the faces of the tool, protrusion features can be constructed
 CBRepFeat_MakeCylindricalHoleProvides a tool to make cylindrical holes on a shape
 CBRepFeat_MakeDPrismDescribes functions to build draft prism topologies from basis shape surfaces. These can be depressions or protrusions. The semantics of draft prism feature creation is based on the construction of shapes:
 CBRepFeat_MakeLinearFormBuilds a rib or a groove along a developable, planar surface. The semantics of mechanical features is built around giving thickness to a contour. This thickness can either be symmetrical - on one side of the contour - or dissymmetrical - on both sides. As in the semantics of form features, the thickness is defined by construction of shapes in specific contexts. The development contexts differ, however, in case of mechanical features. Here they include extrusion:
 CBRepFeat_MakePipeConstructs compound shapes with pipe features. These can be depressions or protrusions. The semantics of pipe feature creation is based on the construction of shapes:
 CBRepFeat_MakePrismDescribes functions to build prism features. These can be depressions or protrusions. The semantics of prism feature creation is based on the construction of shapes:
 CBRepFeat_MakeRevolDescribes functions to build revolved shells from basis shapes
 CBRepFeat_MakeRevolutionFormMakeRevolutionForm Generates a surface of revolution in the feature as it slides along a revolved face in the basis shape. The semantics of mechanical features is built around giving thickness to a contour. This thickness can either be unilateral - on one side of the contour - or bilateral - on both sides. As in the semantics of form features, the thickness is defined by construction of shapes in specific contexts. The development contexts differ, however,in case of mechanical features. Here they include extrusion:
 CBRepFeat_RibSlotProvides functions to build mechanical features. Mechanical features include ribs - protrusions and grooves (or slots) - depressions along planar (linear) surfaces or revolution surfaces. The semantics of mechanical features is built around giving thickness to a contour. This thickness can either be unilateral - on one side of the contour - or bilateral - on both sides. As in the semantics of form features, the thickness is defined by construction of shapes in specific contexts. The development contexts differ, however,in case of mechanical features. Here they include extrusion:
 CBRepFeat_SplitShapeOne of the most significant aspects of BRepFeat functionality is the use of local operations as opposed to global ones. In a global operation, you would first construct a form of the type you wanted in your final feature, and then remove matter so that it could fit into your initial basis object. In a local operation, however, you specify the domain of the feature construction with aspects of the shape on which the feature is being created. These semantics are expressed in terms of a member shape of the basis shape from which - or up to which - matter will be added or removed. As a result, local operations make calculations simpler and faster than global operations. In BRepFeat, the semantics of local operations define features constructed from a contour or a part of the basis shape referred to as the tool. In a SplitShape object, wires or edges of a face in the basis shape to be used as a part of the feature are cut out and projected to a plane outside or inside the basis shape. By rebuilding the initial shape incorporating the edges and the faces of the tool, protrusion or depression features can be constructed
 CBRepFill_ACRLawBuild Location Law, with a Wire. In the case of guided contour and trihedron by reduced curvilinear abscissa
 CBRepFill_AdvancedEvolvedConstructs an evolved volume from a spine (wire or face) and a profile ( wire)
 CBRepFill_ApproxSeewingEvaluate the 3dCurve and the PCurves described in a MultiLine from BRepFill. The parametrization of those curves is not imposed by the Bissectrice. The parametrization is given approximately by the abscissa of the curve3d
 CBRepFill_CompatibleWiresConstructs a sequence of Wires (with good orientation and origin) agreed each other so that the surface passing through these sections is not twisted
 CBRepFill_CurveConstraintSame as CurveConstraint from GeomPlate with BRepAdaptor_Surface instead of GeomAdaptor_Surface
 CBRepFill_DraftLawBuild Location Law, with a Wire
 CBRepFill_Edge3DLawBuild Location Law, with a Wire
 CBRepFill_EdgeOnSurfLawBuild Location Law, with a Wire and a Surface
 CBRepFill_EvolvedConstructs an evolved volume from a spine (wire or face) and a profile ( wire)
 CBRepFill_FaceAndOrderA structure containing Face and Order of constraint
 CBRepFill_FillingN-Side Filling This algorithm avoids to build a face from:
 CBRepFill_GeneratorCompute a topological surface ( a shell) using generating wires. The face of the shell will be ruled surfaces passing by the wires. The wires must have the same number of edges
 CBRepFill_LocationLawLocation Law on a Wire
 CBRepFill_MultiLineClass used to compute the 3d curve and the two 2d curves resulting from the intersection of a surface of linear extrusion( Bissec, Dz) and the 2 faces. This 3 curves will have the same parametrization as the Bissectrice. This class is to be send to an approximation routine
 CBRepFill_NSectionsBuild Section Law, with N Sections
 CBRepFill_OffsetAncestorsThis class is used to find the generating shapes of an OffsetWire
 CBRepFill_OffsetWireConstructs a Offset Wire to a spine (wire or face). Offset direction will be to outer region in case of positive offset value and to inner region in case of negative offset value. Inner/Outer region for open wire is defined by the following rule: when we go along the wire (taking into account of edges orientation) then outer region will be on the right side, inner region will be on the left side. In case of closed wire, inner region will always be inside the wire (at that, edges orientation is not taken into account). The Wire or the Face must be planar and oriented correctly
 CBRepFill_PipeCreate a shape by sweeping a shape (the profile) along a wire (the spine)
 CBRepFill_PipeShellComputes a topological shell using some wires (spines and profiles) and displacement option Perform general sweeping construction
 CBRepFill_SectionTo store section definition
 CBRepFill_SectionLawBuild Section Law, with an Vertex, or an Wire
 CBRepFill_SectionPlacementPlace a shape in a local axis coordinate
 CBRepFill_ShapeLawBuild Section Law, with an Vertex, or an Wire
 CBRepFill_SweepTopological Sweep Algorithm Computes an Sweep shell using a generating wire, an SectionLaw and an LocationLaw
 CBRepFill_TrimEdgeToolGeometric Tool using to construct Offset Wires
 CBRepFill_TrimShellCornerTrims sets of faces in the corner to make proper parts of pipe
 CBRepFill_TrimSurfaceToolCompute the Pcurves and the 3d curves resulting of the trimming of a face by an extruded surface
 CBRepFilletAPI_LocalOperationConstruction of fillets on the edges of a Shell
 CBRepFilletAPI_MakeChamferDescribes functions to build chamfers on edges of a shell or solid. Chamfered Edge of a Shell or Solid A MakeChamfer object provides a framework for:
 CBRepFilletAPI_MakeFilletDescribes functions to build fillets on the broken edges of a shell or solid. A MakeFillet object provides a framework for:
 CBRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2dDescribes functions to build fillets and chamfers on the vertices of a planar face. Fillets and Chamfers on the Vertices of a Planar Face A MakeFillet2d object provides a framework for:
 CBRepGPropProvides global functions to compute a shape's global properties for lines, surfaces or volumes, and bring them together with the global properties already computed for a geometric system. The global properties computed for a system are :
 CBRepGProp_CinertComputes the global properties of bounded curves in 3D space. The curve must have at least a continuity C1. It can be a curve as defined in the template CurveTool from package GProp. This template gives the minimum of methods required to evaluate the global properties of a curve 3D with the algorithms of GProp
 CBRepGProp_DomainArc iterator. Returns only Forward and Reversed edges from the face in an undigested order
 CBRepGProp_EdgeToolProvides the required methods to instantiate CGProps from GProp with a Curve from BRepAdaptor
 CBRepGProp_GaussClass performs computing of the global inertia properties of geometric object in 3D space by adaptive and non-adaptive 2D Gauss integration algorithms
 CBRepGProp_MeshCinertComputes the global properties of of polylines represented by set of points. This class is used for computation of global properties of edge, which has no exact geometry (3d or 2d curve), but has any of allowed polygons
 CBRepGProp_MeshPropsComputes the global properties of a surface mesh. The mesh can be interpreted as just a surface or as a piece of volume limited by this surface
 CBRepGProp_SinertComputes the global properties of a face in 3D space. The face 's requirements to evaluate the global properties are defined in the template FaceTool from package GProp
 CBRepGProp_TFunctionThis class represents the integrand function for the outer integral computation. The returned value represents the integral of UFunction. It depends on the value type and the flag IsByPoint
 CBRepGProp_UFunctionThis class represents the integrand function for computation of an inner integral. The returned value depends on the value type and the flag IsByPoint
 CBRepGProp_VinertComputes the global properties of a geometric solid (3D closed region of space) delimited with : . a surface . a point and a surface . a plane and a surface
 CBRepGProp_VinertGKComputes the global properties of a geometric solid (3D closed region of space) delimited with :
 CBRepIntCurveSurface_InterComputes the intersection between a face and a curve. To intersect one curve with shape method Init(Shape, curve, tTol) should be used. To intersect a few curves with specified shape it is necessary to load shape one time using method Load(shape, tol) and find intersection points for each curve using method Init(curve). For iteration by intersection points method More() and Next() should be used
 CBRepLibThe BRepLib package provides general utilities for BRep
 CBRepLib_CheckCurveOnSurfaceComputes the max distance between edge and its 2d representation on the face. This class is not intended to process non-sameparameter edges
 CBRepLib_CommandRoot class for all commands in BRepLib
 CBRepLib_FindSurfaceProvides an algorithm to find a Surface through a set of edges
 CBRepLib_FuseEdgesThis class can detect vertices in a face that can be considered useless and then perform the fuse of the edges and remove the useless vertices. By useles vertices, we mean :
 CBRepLib_MakeEdgeProvides methods to build edges
 CBRepLib_MakeEdge2dProvides methods to build edges
 CBRepLib_MakeFaceProvides methods to build faces
 CBRepLib_MakePolygonClass to build polygonal wires
 CBRepLib_MakeShapeThis is the root class for all shape constructions. It stores the result
 CBRepLib_MakeShellProvides methods to build shells
 CBRepLib_MakeSolidMakes a solid from compsolid or shells
 CBRepLib_MakeVertexProvides methods to build vertices
 CBRepLib_MakeWireProvides methods to build wires
 CBRepLib_PointCloudShapeThis tool is intended to get points from shape with specified distance from shape along normal. Can be used to simulation of points obtained in result of laser scan of shape. There are 2 ways for generation points by shape:
 CBRepLib_ToolTriangulatedShapeProvides methods for calculating normals to Poly_Triangulation of TopoDS_Face
 CBRepLib_ValidateEdgeComputes the max distance between 3D-curve and curve on surface. This class uses 2 methods: approximate using finite number of points (default) and exact
 CBRepLPropThese global functions compute the degree of continuity of a curve built by concatenation of two edges at their junction point
 CBRepMAT2d_BisectingLocusBisectingLocus generates and contains the Bisecting_Locus of a set of lines from Geom2d, defined by <ExploSet>
 CBRepMAT2d_ExplorerConstruct an explorer from wires, face, set of curves from Geom2d to compute the bisecting Locus
 CBRepMAT2d_LinkTopoBiloConstructs links between the Wire or the Face of the explorer and the BasicElts contained in the bisecting locus
 CBRepMesh_BaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality for algorithms building face triangulation. Performs initialization of BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun and nodes map structures
 CBRepMesh_BoundaryParamsRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending UV range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for NURBS surface
 CBRepMesh_CircleDescribes a 2d circle with a size of only 3 Standard_Real numbers instead of gp who needs 7 Standard_Real numbers
 CBRepMesh_CircleInspectorAuxiliary class to find circles shot by the given point
 CBRepMesh_CircleToolCreate sort and destroy the circles used in triangulation.
 CBRepMesh_ClassifierAuxiliary class intended for classification of points regarding internals of discrete face
 CBRepMesh_ConeRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending default range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for conical surface
 CBRepMesh_ConstrainedBaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality to build face triangulation using Dealunay approach. Performs generation of mesh using raw data from model
 CBRepMesh_ContextClass implementing default context of BRepMesh algorithm. Initializes context by default algorithms
 CBRepMesh_CurveTessellatorAuxiliary class performing tessellation of passed edge according to specified parameters
 CBRepMesh_CustomBaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality to build face triangulation using custom triangulation algorithm. Performs generation of mesh using raw data from model
 CBRepMesh_CustomDelaunayBaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality to build face triangulation using custom triangulation algorithm with possibility to modify final mesh. Performs generation of mesh using raw data from model
 CBRepMesh_CylinderRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending default range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for cylindrical surface
 CBRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaunDescribes the data structure necessary for the mesh algorithms in two dimensions plane or on surface by meshing in UV space
 CBRepMesh_DefaultRangeSplitterDefault tool to define range of discrete face model and obtain grid points distributed within this range
 CBRepMesh_DeflectionAuxiliary tool encompassing methods to compute deflection of shapes
 CBRepMesh_DelabellaBaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality to build face triangulation using Delabella project. Performs generation of mesh using raw data from model
 CBRepMesh_DelabellaMeshAlgoFactoryImplementation of IMeshTools_MeshAlgoFactory providing Delabella-based algorithms of different complexity depending on type of target surface
 CBRepMesh_DelaunCompute the Delaunay's triangulation with the algorithm of Watson
 CBRepMesh_DelaunayBaseMeshAlgoClass provides base functionality to build face triangulation using Dealunay approach. Performs generation of mesh using raw data from model
 CBRepMesh_DelaunayDeflectionControlMeshAlgoExtends node insertion Delaunay meshing algo in order to control deflection of generated trianges. Splits triangles failing the check
 CBRepMesh_DelaunayNodeInsertionMeshAlgoExtends base Delaunay meshing algo in order to enable possibility of addition of free vertices and internal nodes into the mesh
 CBRepMesh_DiscretFactoryThis class intended to setup / retrieve default triangulation algorithm.
Use BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Get() static method to retrieve global Factory instance.
Use BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Discret() method to retrieve meshing tool.
 CBRepMesh_DiscretRootThis is a common interface for meshing algorithms instantiated by Mesh Factory and implemented by plugins
 CBRepMesh_EdgeLight weighted structure representing link of the mesh
 CBRepMesh_EdgeDiscretClass implements functionality of edge discret tool. Performs check of the edges for existing Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation. In case if it fits specified deflection, restores data structure using it, else clears edges from outdated data
 CBRepMesh_EdgeParameterProviderAuxiliary class provides correct parameters on curve regarding SameParameter flag
 CBRepMesh_EdgeTessellationExtractorAuxiliary class implements functionality retrieving tessellated representation of an edge stored in polygon
 CBRepMesh_ExtrusionRangeSplitterAuxiliary class analysing extrusion surface in order to generate internal nodes
 CBRepMesh_FaceCheckerAuxiliary class checking wires of target face for self-intersections. Explodes wires of discrete face on sets of segments using tessellation data stored in model. Each segment is then checked for intersection with other ones. All collisions are registered and returned as result of check
 CBRepMesh_FaceDiscretClass implements functionality starting triangulation of model's faces. Each face is processed separately and can be executed in parallel mode. Uses mesh algo factory passed as initializer to create instance of triangulation algorithm according to type of surface of target face
 CBRepMesh_GeomToolTool class accumulating common geometrical functions as well as functionality using shape geometry to produce data necessary for tessellation. General aim is to calculate discretization points for the given curve or iso curve of surface according to the specified parameters
 CBRepMesh_IncrementalMeshBuilds the mesh of a shape with respect of their correctly triangulated parts
 CBRepMesh_MeshAlgoFactoryDefault implementation of IMeshTools_MeshAlgoFactory providing algorithms of different complexity depending on type of target surface
 CBRepMesh_MeshToolAuxiliary tool providing API for manipulation with BRepMesh_DataStructureOfDelaun
 CBRepMesh_ModelBuilderClass implements interface representing tool for discrete model building
 CBRepMesh_ModelHealerClass implements functionality of model healer tool. Iterates over model's faces and checks consistency of their wires, i.e.whether wires are closed and do not contain self - intersections. In case if wire contains disconnected parts, ends of adjacent edges forming the gaps are connected in parametric space forcibly. The notion of this operation is to create correct discrete model defined relatively parametric space of target face taking into account connectivity and tolerances of 3D space only. This means that there are no specific computations are made for the sake of determination of U and V tolerance. Registers intersections on edges forming the face's shape and tries to amplify discrete representation by decreasing of deflection for the target edge. Checks can be performed in parallel mode
 CBRepMesh_ModelPostProcessorClass implements functionality of model post-processing tool. Stores polygons on triangulations to TopoDS_Edge
 CBRepMesh_ModelPreProcessorClass implements functionality of model pre-processing tool. Nullifies existing polygonal data in case if model elements have IMeshData_Outdated status
 CBRepMesh_NodeInsertionMeshAlgoExtends base meshing algo in order to enable possibility of addition of free vertices into the mesh
 CBRepMesh_NURBSRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending UV range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for NURBS surface
 CBRepMesh_OrientedEdgeLight weighted structure representing simple link
 CBRepMesh_PairOfIndexThis class represents a pair of integer indices to store element indices connected to link. It is restricted to store more than two indices in it
 CBRepMesh_SelectorOfDataStructureOfDelaunDescribes a selector and an iterator on a selector of components of a mesh
 CBRepMesh_ShapeToolAuxiliary class providing functionality to compute, retrieve and store data to TopoDS and model shape
 CBRepMesh_ShapeVisitorBuilds discrete model of a shape by adding faces and free edges. Computes deflection for corresponded shape and checks whether it fits existing polygonal representation. If not, cleans shape from outdated info
 CBRepMesh_SphereRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending default range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for spherical surface
 CBRepMesh_TorusRangeSplitterAuxiliary class extending UV range splitter in order to generate internal nodes for NURBS surface
 CBRepMesh_TriangleLight weighted structure representing triangle of mesh consisting of oriented links
 CBRepMesh_TriangulatorAuxiliary tool to generate triangulation
 CBRepMesh_UndefinedRangeSplitterAuxiliary class provides safe value for surfaces that looks like NURBS but has no poles or other characteristics
 CBRepMesh_UVParamRangeSplitterIntended to generate internal mesh nodes using UV parameters of boundary discrete points
 CBRepMesh_VertexLight weighted structure representing vertex of the mesh in parametric space. Vertex could be associated with 3d point stored in external map
 CBRepMesh_VertexInspectorClass intended for fast searching of the coincidence points
 CBRepMesh_VertexToolDescribes data structure intended to keep mesh nodes defined in UV space and implements functionality providing their uniqueness regarding their position
 CBRepMeshData_CurveDefault implementation of curve data model entity
 CBRepMeshData_EdgeDefault implementation of edge data model entity
 CBRepMeshData_FaceDefault implementation of face data model entity
 CBRepMeshData_ModelDefault implementation of model entity
 CBRepMeshData_PCurveDefault implementation of pcurve data model entity
 CBRepMeshData_WireDefault implementation of wire data model entity
 CBRepOffsetAuxiliary tools for offset algorithms
 CBRepOffset_AnalyseAnalyses the shape to find the parts of edges connecting the convex, concave or tangent faces
 CBRepOffset_Inter2dComputes the intersections between edges on a face stores result is SD as AsDes from BRepOffset
 CBRepOffset_Inter3dComputes the connection of the offset and not offset faces according to the connection type required. Store the result in AsDes tool
 CBRepOffset_MakeSimpleOffsetThis class represents simple offset algorithm itself. It builds simple offset without intersection. Solid can be created using SetBuildSolidFlag method (set flag to true). By default shell will be constructed
 CBRepOffset_OffsetThis class compute elemenary offset surface. Evaluate the offset generated : 1 - from a face. 2 - from an edge. 3 - from a vertex
 CBRepOffset_SimpleOffsetThis class represents mechanism of simple offset algorithm i. e. topology-preserve offset construction without intersection
 CBRepOffsetAPI_DraftAngleTaper-adding transformations on a shape. The resulting shape is constructed by defining one face to be tapered after another one, as well as the geometric properties of their tapered transformation. Each tapered transformation is propagated along the series of faces which are tangential to one another and which contains the face to be tapered. This algorithm is useful in the construction of molds or dies. It facilitates the removal of the article being produced. A DraftAngle object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_FindContigousEdgesProvides methods to identify contiguous boundaries for continuity control (C0, C1, ...)
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeDraftBuild a draft surface along a wire
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeEvolvedDescribes functions to build evolved shapes. An evolved shape is built from a planar spine (face or wire) and a profile (wire). The evolved shape is the unlooped sweep (pipe) of the profile along the spine. Self-intersections are removed. A MakeEvolved object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeFillingN-Side Filling This algorithm avoids to build a face from:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetDescribes algorithms for offsetting wires from a set of wires contained in a planar face. A MakeOffset object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShapeDescribes functions to build a shell out of a shape. The result is an unlooped shape parallel to the source shape. A MakeOffsetShape object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeDescribes functions to build pipes. A pipe is built a basis shape (called the profile) along a wire (called the spine) by sweeping. The profile must not contain solids. A MakePipe object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShellThis class provides for a framework to construct a shell or a solid along a spine consisting in a wire. To produce a solid, the initial wire must be closed. Two approaches are used:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolidDescribes functions to build hollowed solids. A hollowed solid is built from an initial solid and a set of faces on this solid, which are to be removed. The remaining faces of the solid become the walls of the hollowed solid, their thickness defined at the time of construction. the solid is built from an initial solid and a set of faces {Fi} from , builds a solid composed by two shells closed by the {Fi}. First shell <SS> is composed by all the faces of expected {Fi}. Second shell is the offset shell of <SS>. A MakeThickSolid object provides a framework for:
 CBRepOffsetAPI_MiddlePathDescribes functions to build a middle path of a pipe-like shape
 CBRepOffsetAPI_NormalProjectionA framework to define projection onto a shape according to the normal from each point to be projected. The target shape is a face, and the source shape is an edge or a wire
 CBRepOffsetAPI_ThruSectionsDescribes functions to build a loft. This is a shell or a solid passing through a set of sections in a given sequence. Usually sections are wires, but the first and the last sections may be vertices (punctual sections)
 CBRepPreviewAPI_MakeBoxBuilds a valid box, if points fulfill the conditions of a valid box. And allows to build a preview, otherwise. There are 4 cases: 1 - preview can be a vertex if thin box in all directions is a point; 2 - preview can be an edge if thin box in two directions is a point; 3 - preview can be a rectangular face if thin box in only one direction is a point; 4 - preview can be a valid box if point values fulfill the conditions of a valid box
 CBRepPrim_BuilderImplements the abstract Builder with the BRep Builder
 CBRepPrim_ConeImplement the cone primitive
 CBRepPrim_CylinderCylinder primitive
 CBRepPrim_FaceBuilderThe FaceBuilder is an algorithm to build a BRep Face from a Geom Surface
 CBRepPrim_GWedgeA wedge is defined by :
 CBRepPrim_OneAxisAlgorithm to build primitives with one axis of revolution
 CBRepPrim_RevolutionImplement the OneAxis algorithm for a revolution surface
 CBRepPrim_SphereImplements the sphere primitive
 CBRepPrim_TorusImplements the torus primitive
 CBRepPrim_WedgeProvides constructors without Builders
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeBoxDescribes functions to build parallelepiped boxes. A MakeBox object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeConeDescribes functions to build cones or portions of cones. A MakeCone object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinderDescribes functions to build cylinders or portions of cylinders. A MakeCylinder object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpaceDescribes functions to build half-spaces. A half-space is an infinite solid, limited by a surface. It is built from a face or a shell, which bounds it, and with a reference point, which specifies the side of the surface where the matter of the half-space is located. A half-space is a tool commonly used in topological operations to cut another shape. A MakeHalfSpace object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeOneAxisThe abstract class MakeOneAxis is the root class of algorithms used to construct rotational primitives
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakePrismDescribes functions to build linear swept topologies, called prisms. A prism is defined by:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeRevolClass to make revolved sweep topologies
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeRevolutionDescribes functions to build revolved shapes. A MakeRevolution object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeSphereDescribes functions to build spheres or portions of spheres. A MakeSphere object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeSweepThe abstract class MakeSweep is the root class of swept primitives. Sweeps are objects you obtain by sweeping a profile along a path. The profile can be any topology and the path is usually a curve or a wire. The profile generates objects according to the following rules:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeTorusDescribes functions to build tori or portions of tori. A MakeTorus object provides a framework for:
 CBRepPrimAPI_MakeWedgeDescribes functions to build wedges, i.e. boxes with inclined faces. A MakeWedge object provides a framework for:
 CBRepProj_ProjectionThe Projection class provides conical and cylindrical projections of Edge or Wire on a Shape from TopoDS. The result will be a Edge or Wire from TopoDS
 CBRepSweep_BuilderImplements the abstract Builder with the BRep Builder
 CBRepSweep_IteratorThis class provides iteration services required by the Generating Line (TopoDS Shape) of a BRepSweep. This tool is used to iterate on the direct sub-shapes of a Shape
 CBRepSweep_NumLinearRegularSweepThis a generic class is used to build Sweept primitives with a generating "shape" and a directing "line"
 CBRepSweep_PrismProvides natural constructors to build BRepSweep translated swept Primitives
 CBRepSweep_RevolProvides natural constructors to build BRepSweep rotated swept Primitives
 CBRepSweep_RotationProvides an algorithm to build object by Rotation sweep
 CBRepSweep_ToolProvides the indexation and type analysis services required by the TopoDS generating Shape of BRepSweep
 CBRepSweep_TranslationProvides an algorithm to build object by translation sweep
 CBRepSweep_TrsfThis class is inherited from NumLinearRegularSweep to implement the simple swept primitives built moving a Shape with a Trsf. It often is possible to build the constructed subshapes by a simple move of the generating subshapes (shared topology and geometry). So two ways of construction are proposed :
 CBRepTestProvides commands to test BRep
 CBRepTest_DrawableHistoryDrawable History object. Allows keeping histories of the algorithms in Draw
 CBRepTest_ObjectsProvides the access to the useful tools common for the algorithms
 CBRepToIGES_BREntityMethods to transfer BRep entity from CASCADE to IGES
 CBRepToIGES_BRShellThis class implements the transfer of Shape Entities from Geom To IGES. These can be : . Vertex . Edge . Wire
 CBRepToIGES_BRSolidThis class implements the transfer of Shape Entities from Geom To IGES. These can be : . Vertex . Edge . Wire
 CBRepToIGES_BRWireThis class implements the transfer of Shape Entities from Geom To IGES. These can be : . Vertex . Edge . Wire
 CBRepToIGESBRep_EntityMethods to transfer BRep entity from CASCADE to IGESBRep
 CBRepToolsThe BRepTools package provides utilities for BRep data structures
 CBRepTools_CopyModificationTool class implementing necessary functionality for copying geometry and triangulation
 CBRepTools_GTrsfModificationDefines a modification of the geometry by a GTrsf from gp. All methods return True and transform the geometry
 CBRepTools_HistoryThe history keeps the following relations between the input shapes (S1, ..., Sm) and output shapes (T1, ..., Tn): 1) an output shape Tj is generated from an input shape Si: Tj <= G(Si); 2) a output shape Tj is modified from an input shape Si: Tj <= M(Si); 3) an input shape (Si) is removed: R(Si) == 1
 CBRepTools_ModificationDefines geometric modifications to a shape, i.e. changes to faces, edges and vertices
 CBRepTools_ModifierPerforms geometric modifications on a shape
 CBRepTools_NurbsConvertModificationDefines a modification of the geometry by a Trsf from gp. All methods return True and transform the geometry
 CBRepTools_PurgeLocationsRemoves location datums, which satisfy conditions: aTrsf.IsNegative() || (Abs(Abs(aTrsf.ScaleFactor()) - 1.) > TopLoc_Location::ScalePrec()) from all locations of shape and its subshapes
 CBRepTools_QuiltA Tool to glue faces at common edges and reconstruct shells
 CBRepTools_ReShapeRebuilds a Shape by making pre-defined substitutions on some of its components
 CBRepTools_ShapeSetContains a Shape and all its subshapes, locations and geometries
 CBRepTools_SubstitutionA tool to substitute subshapes by other shapes
 CBRepTools_TrsfModificationDescribes a modification that uses a gp_Trsf to change the geometry of a shape. All functions return true and transform the geometry of the shape
 CBRepTools_WireExplorerThe WireExplorer is a tool to explore the edges of a wire in a connection order
 CBSplCLibBSplCLib B-spline curve Library
 CBSplCLib_CacheA cache class for Bezier and B-spline curves
 CBSplCLib_CacheParamsSimple structure containing parameters describing parameterization of a B-spline curve or a surface in one direction (U or V), and data of the current span for its caching
 CBSplSLibBSplSLib B-spline surface Library This package provides an implementation of geometric functions for rational and non rational, periodic and non periodic B-spline surface computation
 CBSplSLib_CacheA cache class for Bezier and B-spline surfaces
 CBVH_BaseBoxBase class for BVH_Box (CRTP idiom is used)
 CBVH_BaseBox< T, 3, BVH_Box >Partial template specialization for BVH_Box when N = 3
 CBVH_BaseTraverseThe classes implement the traverse of the BVH tree
 CBVH_BinStores parameters of single bin (slice of AABB)
 CBVH_BinaryTreeType corresponding to binary BVH
 CBVH_BinnedBuilderPerforms construction of BVH tree using binned SAH algorithm. Number of bins controls BVH quality in cost of construction time (greater - better). For optimal results, use 32 - 48 bins. However, reasonable performance is provided even for 4 - 8 bins (it is only 10-20% lower in comparison with optimal settings). Note that multiple threads can be used only with thread safe BVH primitive sets
 CBVH_BoxDefines axis aligned bounding box (AABB) based on BVH vectors
 CBVH_BoxSetImplements easy to use interfaces for adding the elements into BVH tree and its following construction. To make it more effective it is better to set the number of elements that are going to be added into BVH tree. For better efficiency on heavy data types it is recommended to use either BHV_IndexedBoxSet which uses indirect indexing for accessing the elements and their boxes or set the element to be an index of the real element in the application's internal data structures
 CBVH_BuilderPerforms construction of BVH tree using bounding boxes (AABBs) of abstract objects
 CBVH_BuilderTransientA non-template class for using as base for BVH_Builder (just to have a named base class)
 CBVH_BuildQueueCommand-queue for parallel building of BVH nodes
 CBVH_BuildThreadWrapper for BVH build thread
 CBVH_BuildToolTool object to call BVH builder subroutines
 CBVH_DistanceAbstract class for computation of the min distance between some Object and elements of BVH tree. To use this class it is required to define two methods:
 CBVH_DistanceFieldTool object for building 3D distance field from the set of BVH triangulations. Distance field is a scalar field that measures the distance from a given point to some object, including optional information about the inside and outside of the structure. Distance fields are used as alternative surface representations (like polygons or NURBS)
 CBVH_GeometryBVH geometry as a set of abstract geometric objects organized with bounding volume hierarchy (BVH)
 CBVH_IndexedBoxSetImplements easy to use interfaces for adding the elements into BVH tree and its following construction. To make it more effective it is better to set the number of elements that are going to be added into BVH tree. It uses the indirect indexing for accessing the elements and their boxes which allows using heavy data types as elements with better efficiency during BVH construction and just a bit slower selection time. Due to better BVH tree construction time the class will be more efficient than BVH_BoxSet on the operations where just a few selections from the tree required
 CBVH_LinearBuilderPerforms fast BVH construction using LBVH building approach. Algorithm uses spatial Morton codes to reduce the BVH construction problem to a sorting problem (radix sort – O(N) complexity). This Linear Bounding Volume Hierarchy (LBVH) builder produces BVH trees of lower quality compared to SAH-based BVH builders but it is over an order of magnitude faster (up to 3M triangles per second)
 CBVH_ObjectAbstract geometric object bounded by BVH box
 CBVH_ObjectSetArray of abstract entities (bounded by BVH boxes) to built BVH
 CBVH_ObjectTransientA non-template class for using as base for BVH_Object (just to have a named base class)
 CBVH_PairDistanceAbstract class for computation of the min distance between elements of two BVH trees. To use this class it is required to define only the method Accept to compute the distance between elements of the trees
 CBVH_PairTraverseAbstract class implementing the parallel traverse of two binary trees. Selection of the data from the trees is performed by the rules defined in the Accept/Reject methods. See description of the required methods in the comments above
 CBVH_PrimitiveSetSet of abstract geometric primitives organized with bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). Unlike an object set, this collection is designed for storing structural elements of a single object (such as triangles in the object triangulation). Because there may be a large number of such elements, the implementations of this interface should be sufficiently optimized
 CBVH_PropertiesAbstract properties of geometric object
 CBVH_QuadTreeType corresponding to quad BVH
 CBVH_QueueBuilderAbstract BVH builder based on the concept of work queue. Queue based BVH builders support parallelization with a fixed number of threads (maximum efficiency is achieved by setting the number of threads equal to the number of CPU cores plus one). Note that to support parallel mode, a corresponding BVH primitive set should provide thread safe implementations of interface functions (e.g., Swap, Box, Center). Otherwise, the results will be undefined
 CBVH_QuickSorterPerforms centroid-based sorting of abstract set along the given axis (X - 0, Y - 1, Z - 2) using quick sort
 CBVH_RadixSorterPerforms radix sort of a BVH primitive set using 10-bit Morton codes (or 1024 x 1024 x 1024 grid)
 CBVH_RayDescribes a ray based on BVH vectors
 CBVH_SetSet of abstract entities (bounded by BVH boxes). This is the minimal geometry interface needed to construct BVH
 CBVH_SorterTool object to sort abstract primitive set
 CBVH_SpatialMedianBuilderPerforms building of BVH tree using spatial median split algorithm
 CBVH_SweepPlaneBuilderPerforms building of BVH tree using sweep plane SAH algorithm
 CBVH_ToolsDefines a set of static methods operating with points and bounding boxes
 CBVH_TransformStores transform properties of geometric object
 CBVH_TraverseAbstract class implementing the traverse of the single binary tree. Selection of the data from the tree is performed by the rules defined in the Accept/Reject methods. See description of the required methods in the comments above
 CBVH_TreeBVH tree with given arity (2 or 4)
 CBVH_Tree< T, N, BVH_BinaryTree >Specialization of binary BVH tree
 CBVH_Tree< T, N, BVH_QuadTree >Specialization of quad BVH (QBVH) tree
 CBVH_TreeBaseStores parameters of bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). Bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) organizes geometric objects in the tree based on spatial relationships. Each node in the tree contains an axis-aligned bounding box of all the objects below it. Bounding volume hierarchies are used in many algorithms to support efficient operations on the sets of geometric objects, such as collision detection, ray-tracing, searching of nearest objects, and view frustum culling
 CBVH_TreeBaseTransientA non-template class for using as base for BVH_TreeBase (just to have a named base class)
 CBVH_TriangulationTriangulation as an example of BVH primitive set
 CCDF_DirectoryA directory is a collection of documents. There is only one instance of a given document in a directory. put
 CCDF_MetaDataDriverThis class list the method that must be available for a specific DBMS
 CCDM_DocumentAn applicative document is an instance of a class inheriting CDM_Document. These documents have the following properties:
 CChFi2dThis package contains the algorithms used to build fillets or chamfers on planar wire
 CChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgoAn analytical algorithm for calculation of the fillets. It is implemented for segments and arcs of circle only
 CChFi2d_BuilderThis class contains the algorithm used to build fillet on planar wire
 CChFi2d_ChamferAPIA class making a chamfer between two linear edges
 CChFi2d_FilletAlgoAlgorithm that creates fillet edge: arc tangent to two edges in the start and in the end vertices. Initial edges must be located on the plane and must be connected by the end or start points (shared vertices are not obligatory). Created fillet arc is created with the given radius, that is useful in sketcher applications
 CChFi2d_FilletAPIAn interface class for 2D fillets. Open CASCADE provides two algorithms for 2D fillets: ChFi2d_Builder - it constructs a fillet or chamfer for linear and circular edges of a face. ChFi2d_FilletAPI - it encapsulates two algorithms: ChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgo - analytical constructor of the fillet. It works only for linear and circular edges, having a common point. ChFi2d_FilletAlgo - iteration recursive method constructing the fillet edge for any type of edges including ellipses and b-splines. The edges may even have no common point
 CChFi3dCreation of spatial fillets on a solid
 CChFi3d_BuilderRoot class for calculation of surfaces (fillets, chamfers) destined to smooth edges of a gap on a Shape and the reconstruction of the Shape
 CChFi3d_ChBuilderConstruction tool for 3D chamfers on edges (on a solid)
 CChFi3d_FilBuilderTool of construction of fillets 3d on edges (on a solid)
 CChFi3d_SearchSingSearches singularities on fillet. F(t) = (C1(t) - C2(t)).(C1'(t) - C2'(t));
 CChFiDS_ChamfSpineProvides data specific to chamfers distances on each of faces
 CChFiDS_CircSectionA Section of fillet
 CChFiDS_CommonPointPoint start/end of fillet common to 2 adjacent filets and to an edge on one of 2 faces participating in the construction of the fillet
 CChFiDS_ElSpineElementary Spine for cheminements and approximations
 CChFiDS_FaceInterferenceInterference face/fillet
 CChFiDS_FilSpineProvides data specific to the fillets - vector or rule of evolution (C2)
 CChFiDS_MapEncapsulation of IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape
 CChFiDS_RegulStorage of a curve and its 2 faces or surfaces of support
 CChFiDS_SpineContains information necessary for construction of a 3D fillet or chamfer:
 CChFiDS_StripeData characterising a band of fillet
 CChFiDS_StripeMapEncapsulation of IndexedDataMapOfVertexListOfStripe
 CChFiDS_SurfDataData structure for all information related to the fillet and to 2 faces vis a vis
 CChFiKPart_ComputeDataMethodes de classe permettant de remplir une SurfData dans les cas particuliers de conges suivants:
 CCocoa_LocalPoolAuxiliary class to create local pool
 CCocoa_WindowThis class defines Cocoa window
 CContap_ContAnaThis class provides the computation of the contours for quadric surfaces
 CContap_HContToolTool for the intersection between 2 surfaces. Regroupe pour l instant les methodes hors Adaptor3d..
 CContap_PointDefinition of a vertex on the contour line. Most of the time, such a point is an intersection between the contour and a restriction of the surface. When it is not the method IsOnArc return False. Such a point is contains geometrical information (see the Value method) and logical information
 CContap_SurfFunctionThis class describes the function on a parametric surface. the form of the function is F(u,v) = 0 where u and v are the parametric coordinates of a point on the surface, to compute the contours of the surface
 CContap_SurfPropsInternal tool used to compute the normal and its derivatives
 CConvert_CircleToBSplineCurveThis algorithm converts a circle into a rational B-spline curve. The circle is a Circ2d from package gp and its parametrization is : P (U) = Loc + R * (Cos(U) * Xdir + Sin(U) * YDir) where Loc is the center of the circle Xdir and Ydir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the circle. The parametrization range for the circle is U [0, 2Pi]
 CConvert_CompBezierCurves2dToBSplineCurve2dConverts a list of connecting Bezier Curves 2d to a BSplineCurve 2d. if possible, the continuity of the BSpline will be increased to more than C0
 CConvert_CompBezierCurvesToBSplineCurveAn algorithm to convert a sequence of adjacent non-rational Bezier curves into a BSpline curve. A CompBezierCurvesToBSplineCurve object provides a framework for:
 CConvert_CompPolynomialToPolesConvert a serie of Polynomial N-Dimensional Curves that are have continuity CM to an N-Dimensional Bspline Curve that has continuity CM. (to convert an function (curve) polynomial by span in a BSpline) This class uses the following arguments : NumCurves : the number of Polynomial Curves Continuity: the requested continuity for the n-dimensional Spline Dimension : the dimension of the Spline MaxDegree : maximum allowed degree for each composite polynomial segment. NumCoeffPerCurve : the number of coefficient per segments = degree - 1 Coefficients : the coefficients organized in the following way [1..<myNumPolynomials>][1..myMaxDegree +1][1..myDimension] that is : index [n,d,i] is at slot (n-1) * (myMaxDegree + 1) * myDimension + (d-1) * myDimension + i PolynomialIntervals : nth polynomial represents a polynomial between myPolynomialIntervals->Value(n,0) and myPolynomialIntervals->Value(n,1) TrueIntervals : the nth polynomial has to be mapped linearly to be defined on the following interval : myTrueIntervals->Value(n) and myTrueIntervals->Value(n+1) so that it adequately represents the function with the required continuity
 CConvert_ConeToBSplineSurfaceThis algorithm converts a bounded Cone into a rational B-spline surface. The cone a Cone from package gp. Its parametrization is : P (U, V) = Loc + V * Zdir + (R + V*Tan(Ang)) * (Cos(U)*Xdir + Sin(U)*Ydir) where Loc is the location point of the cone, Xdir, Ydir and Zdir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the cone (Zdir is the direction of the Cone's axis) , Ang is the cone semi-angle. The U parametrization range is [0, 2PI]. KeyWords : Convert, Cone, BSplineSurface
 CConvert_ConicToBSplineCurveRoot class for algorithms which convert a conic curve into a BSpline curve (CircleToBSplineCurve, EllipseToBSplineCurve, HyperbolaToBSplineCurve, ParabolaToBSplineCurve). These algorithms all work on 2D curves from the gp package and compute all the data needed to construct a BSpline curve equivalent to the conic curve. This data consists of:
 CConvert_CylinderToBSplineSurfaceThis algorithm converts a bounded cylinder into a rational B-spline surface. The cylinder is a Cylinder from package gp. The parametrization of the cylinder is : P (U, V) = Loc + V * Zdir + Radius * (Xdir*Cos(U) + Ydir*Sin(U)) where Loc is the location point of the cylinder, Xdir, Ydir and Zdir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the cylinder (Zdir is the direction of the cylinder's axis). The U parametrization range is U [0, 2PI]. KeyWords : Convert, Cylinder, BSplineSurface
 CConvert_ElementarySurfaceToBSplineSurfaceRoot class for algorithms which convert an elementary surface (cylinder, cone, sphere or torus) into a BSpline surface (CylinderToBSplineSurface, ConeToBSplineSurface, SphereToBSplineSurface, TorusToBSplineSurface). These algorithms all work on elementary surfaces from the gp package and compute all the data needed to construct a BSpline surface equivalent to the cylinder, cone, sphere or torus. This data consists of the following:
 CConvert_EllipseToBSplineCurveThis algorithm converts a ellipse into a rational B-spline curve. The ellipse is represented an Elips2d from package gp with the parametrization : P (U) = Loc + (MajorRadius * Cos(U) * Xdir + MinorRadius * Sin(U) * Ydir) where Loc is the center of the ellipse, Xdir and Ydir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the ellipse. The parametrization range is U [0, 2PI]. KeyWords : Convert, Ellipse, BSplineCurve, 2D
 CConvert_GridPolynomialToPolesConvert a grid of Polynomial Surfaces that are have continuity CM to an Bspline Surface that has continuity CM
 CConvert_HyperbolaToBSplineCurveThis algorithm converts a hyperbola into a rational B-spline curve. The hyperbola is an Hypr2d from package gp with the parametrization : P (U) = Loc + (MajorRadius * Cosh(U) * Xdir + MinorRadius * Sinh(U) * Ydir) where Loc is the location point of the hyperbola, Xdir and Ydir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the hyperbola. KeyWords : Convert, Hyperbola, BSplineCurve, 2D
 CConvert_ParabolaToBSplineCurveThis algorithm converts a parabola into a non rational B-spline curve. The parabola is a Parab2d from package gp with the parametrization P (U) = Loc + F * (U*U * Xdir + 2 * U * Ydir) where Loc is the apex of the parabola, Xdir is the normalized direction of the symmetry axis of the parabola, Ydir is the normalized direction of the directrix and F is the focal length. KeyWords : Convert, Parabola, BSplineCurve, 2D
 CConvert_SphereToBSplineSurfaceThis algorithm converts a bounded Sphere into a rational B-spline surface. The sphere is a Sphere from package gp. The parametrization of the sphere is P (U, V) = Loc + Radius * Sin(V) * Zdir + Radius * Cos(V) * (Cos(U)*Xdir + Sin(U)*Ydir) where Loc is the center of the sphere Xdir, Ydir and Zdir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the sphere. The parametrization range is U [0, 2PI] and V [-PI/2, PI/2]. KeyWords : Convert, Sphere, BSplineSurface
 CConvert_TorusToBSplineSurfaceThis algorithm converts a bounded Torus into a rational B-spline surface. The torus is a Torus from package gp. The parametrization of the torus is : P (U, V) = Loc + MinorRadius * Sin(V) * Zdir + (MajorRadius+MinorRadius*Cos(V)) * (Cos(U)*Xdir + Sin(U)*Ydir) where Loc is the center of the torus, Xdir, Ydir and Zdir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the Torus. The parametrization range is U [0, 2PI], V [0, 2PI]. KeyWords : Convert, Torus, BSplineSurface
 CCPnts_AbscissaPointAlgorithm computes a point on a curve at a given distance from another point on the curve
 CCPnts_MyGaussFunctionFor implementation, compute values for Gauss
 CCPnts_MyRootFunctionImplements a function for the Newton algorithm to find the solution of Integral(F) = L (compute Length and Derivative of the curve for Newton)
 CCPnts_UniformDeflectionThis class defines an algorithm to create a set of points (with a given chordal deviation) at the positions of constant deflection of a given parametrized curve or a trimmed circle. The continuity of the curve must be at least C2
 CCSLibThis package implements functions for basis geometric computation on curves and surfaces. The tolerance criterions used in this package are Resolution from package gp and RealEpsilon from class Real of package Standard
 CCSLib_Class2d*** Class2d : Low level algorithm for 2d classification this class was moved from package BRepTopAdaptor
 CD3DHost_FrameBufferImplements bridge FBO for direct rendering to Direct3D surfaces
 CD3DHost_GraphicDriverThis class defines D3D host for an OpenGl graphic driver
 CD3DHost_GraphicDriverFactoryThis class for creation of D3DHost_GraphicDriver
 CD3DHost_ViewThe D3D host view implementation that overrides rendering methods
 CD3DHostTestThis package defines a set of Draw commands for testing of TKD3DHost library
 CDBRepUsed to display BRep objects using the DrawTrSurf package. The DrawableShape is a Display object build from a Shape. Provides methods to manage a directory of named shapes. Provides a set of Draw commands for Shapes
 CDBRep_DrawableShapeDrawable structure to display a shape. Contains a list of edges and a list of faces
 CDBRep_EdgeDisplay of an edge. Edge + color
 CDBRep_FaceDisplay of a face. Face + Array of iso + color
 CDBRep_HideDataThis class stores all the information concerning hidden lines on a view
 CDBRep_IsoBuilderCreation of isoparametric curves
 CDBRep_ParamsDBRep parameters
 CDDataStd_DrawDriverRoot class of drivers to build draw variables from TDF_Label. Priority rule to display standard attributes is :
 CDDataStd_DrawPresentationDraw presentation of a label of a document
 CDDFProvides facilities to manipulate data framework in a Draw-Commands environment
 CDDF_BrowserBrowses a data framework from TDF
 CDDF_DataEncapsulates a data framework from TDF in a drawable object
 CDDF_TransactionThis class encapsulates TDF_Transaction
 CDDocStdThis package provides Draw services to test CAF standard documents (see TDocStd package)
 CDE_ConfigurationContextProvides convenient interface to resource file Allows loading of the resource file and getting attributes' values starting from some scope, for example if scope is defined as "ToV4" and requested parameter is "exec.op", value of "ToV4.exec.op" parameter from the resource file will be returned
 CDE_ConfigurationNodeBase class to work with CAD transfer properties. Stores the necessary settings for a single Provider type. Configures and creates special provider to transfer CAD files
 CDE_PluginHolderBase class to work with DE_Wrapper global registration of components. Control life-time of current configuration node. In creating stage load into global configuration. On destroying stage unload from global configuration. Operation to load/unload are thread safety
 CDE_ProviderBase class to make transfer process. Reads or Writes specialized CAD files into/from OCCT. Each operation needs the Configuration Node
 CDE_ShapeFixConfigurationNodeBase class to work with shape healing parameters for child classes
 CDE_ShapeFixParametersStruct for shape healing parameters storage
 CDE_WrapperThe main class for working with CAD file exchange. Loads and Saves special CAD transfer property. Consolidates all supported Formats and Vendors. Automatically recognizes CAD format and uses the preferred existed Vendor. Note: If Vendor's format is not binded, the configuration loading doesn't affect on its property
 CDEBRepCascade_ConfigurationNodeThe purpose of this class is to configure the transfer process for BRep format Stores the necessary settings for DEBRepCascade_Provider. Configures and creates special provider to transfer BRep files
 CDEBRepCascade_ProviderThe class to transfer BRep files. Reads and Writes any BRep files into/from OCCT. Each operation needs configuration node
 CDEXCAFCascade_ConfigurationNodeThe purpose of this class is to configure the transfer process for XDE Documents Stores the necessary settings for DEXCAFCascade_Provider. Configures and creates special provider to transfer XDE Documents
 CDEXCAFCascade_ProviderThe class to transfer XCAF Documents. Reads and Writes any XDE Document files into/from OCCT. Each operation needs configuration node
 CDNaming_BooleanOperationDriverDriver for Fuse, Cut, Common
 CDNaming_CylinderDriverComputes Cylinder function
 CDNaming_Line3DDriverComputes Line 3D function
 CDNaming_PointDriverDriver for PointXYZ and RelativePoint
 CDraw_Box3d box
 CDraw_ChronometerClass to store chronometer variables
 CDraw_DisplayUse to draw in a 3d or a 2d view
 CDraw_InterpretorProvides an encapsulation of the TCL interpretor to define Draw commands
 CDraw_NumberTo store numbers in variables
 CDraw_PrinterImplementation of Printer class with output (Message_Messenge) directed to Draw_Interpretor
 CDraw_ProgressIndicatorImplements ProgressIndicator (interface provided by Message) for DRAW, with possibility to output to TCL window and/or trace file
 CDraw_WindowDraw window
 CDraw_XSegmentSegment definition
 CDrawDimThis package provides Drawable Dimensions
 CDrawDim_DimensionDimension between planes and cylinder
 CDrawDim_PlanarDimensionDimensions between point, line and circle ON a plane
 CDrawDim_PlanarDistancePlanarDistance point/point PlanarDistance point/line PlanarDistance line/line
 CDrawFairCurve_BattenInteractive Draw object of type "Batten"
 CDrawFairCurve_MinimalVariationInteractive Draw object of type "MVC"
 CDrawTrSurfThis package supports the display of parametric curves and surfaces
 CDrawTrSurf_BSplineSurfaceThis class defines a drawable BSplineSurface. With this class you can draw the control points and the knots of the surface. You can use the general class Surface from DrawTrSurf too, if you just want to sea boundaries and isoparametric curves
 CDrawTrSurf_CurveThis class defines a drawable curve in 3d space
 CDrawTrSurf_Curve2dThis class defines a drawable curve in 2d space. The curve is drawn in the plane XOY
 CDrawTrSurf_DrawableThis class adds to the Drawable3D methods to display Curves and Curves on Surface
 CDrawTrSurf_ParamsDrawTrSurf parameters
 CDrawTrSurf_PointA drawable point
 CDrawTrSurf_Polygon2DUsed to display a 2d polygon. Optional display of nodes
 CDrawTrSurf_Polygon3DUsed to display a 3d polygon. Optional display of nodes
 CDrawTrSurf_SurfaceThis class defines a drawable surface. With this class you can draw a general surface from package Geom
 CDrawTrSurf_TriangulationUsed to display a triangulation
 CDrawTrSurf_Triangulation2DUsed to display a 2d triangulation
 CDsgPrsDescribes Standard Presentations for DsgIHM objects
 CDsgPrs_AnglePresentationA framework for displaying angles
 CDsgPrs_Chamf2dPresentationFramework for display of 2D chamfers
 CDsgPrs_ConcentricPresentationA framework to define display of relations of concentricity
 CDsgPrs_DatumPrsA framework for displaying an XYZ trihedron
 CDsgPrs_DiameterPresentationA framework for displaying diameters in shapes
 CDsgPrs_EqualDistancePresentationA framework to display equal distances between shapes and a given plane. The distance is the length of a projection from the shape to the plane. These distances are used to compare two shapes by this vector alone
 CDsgPrs_EqualRadiusPresentationA framework to define display of equality in radii
 CDsgPrs_FilletRadiusPresentationA framework for displaying radii of fillets
 CDsgPrs_FixPresentationClass which draws the presentation of Fixed objects
 CDsgPrs_LengthPresentationFramework for displaying lengths. The length displayed is indicated by line segments and text alone or by a combination of line segment, text and arrows at either or both of its ends
 CDsgPrs_OffsetPresentationA framework to define display of offsets
 CDsgPrs_ParalPresentationA framework to define display of relations of parallelism between shapes
 CDsgPrs_PerpenPresentationA framework to define display of perpendicular constraints between shapes
 CDsgPrs_RadiusPresentationA framework to define display of radii
 CDsgPrs_ShadedPlanePresentationA framework to define display of shaded planes
 CDsgPrs_ShapeDirPresentationA framework to define display of the normal to the surface of a shape
 CDsgPrs_SymbPresentationA framework to define display of symbols
 CDsgPrs_SymmetricPresentationA framework to define display of symmetry between shapes
 CDsgPrs_TangentPresentationA framework to define display of tangents
 CDsgPrs_XYZAxisPresentationA framework for displaying the axes of an XYZ trihedron
 CDsgPrs_XYZPlanePresentationA framework for displaying the planes of an XYZ trihedron
 CElCLibProvides functions for basic geometric computations on elementary curves such as conics and lines in 2D and 3D space. This includes:
 CElSLibProvides functions for basic geometric computation on elementary surfaces. This includes:
 CExprThis package describes the data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics. It also describes the assignment of variables. Standard mathematical functions are implemented such as trigonometrics, hyperbolics, and log functions
 CExpr_BinaryExpressionDefines all binary expressions. The order of the two operands is significant
 CExpr_BinaryFunctionDefines the use of a binary function in an expression with given arguments
 CExpr_GeneralExpressionDefines the general purposes of any expression
 CExpr_GeneralFunctionDefines the general purposes of any function
 CExpr_GeneralRelationDefines the general purposes of any relation between expressions
 CExpr_NamedConstantDescribes any numeric constant known by a special name (as PI, e,...)
 CExpr_NamedExpressionDescribe an expression used by its name (as constants or variables). A single reference is made to a NamedExpression in every Expression (i.e. a NamedExpression is shared)
 CExpr_NamedUnknownThis class describes any variable of an expression. Assignment is treated directly in this class
 CExpr_NumericValueThis class describes any reel value defined in an expression
 CExpr_PolyFunctionDefines the use of an n-ary function in an expression with given arguments
 CExpr_RelationIteratorIterates on every basic relation contained in a GeneralRelation
 CExpr_RUIteratorIterates on NamedUnknowns in a GeneralRelation
 CExpr_UnaryFunctionDefines the use of an unary function in an expression with a given argument
 CExpr_UnknownIteratorDescribes an iterator on NamedUnknowns contained in any GeneralExpression
 CExprIntrpDescribes an interpreter for GeneralExpressions, GeneralFunctions, and GeneralRelations defined in package Expr
 CExprIntrp_GeneratorImplements general services for interpretation of expressions
 CExprIntrp_GenExpThis class permits, from a string, to create any kind of expression of package Expr by using built-in functions such as Sin,Cos, etc, and by creating variables
 CExprIntrp_GenFctImplements an interpreter for defining functions. All its functionalities can be found in class GenExp
 CExprIntrp_GenRelImplements an interpreter for equations or system of equations made of expressions of package Expr
 CExtrema_ExtCCIt calculates all the distance between two curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtCC2dIt calculates all the distance between two curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtCSIt calculates all the extremum distances between a curve and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_ExtElCIt calculates all the distance between two elementary curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtElC2dIt calculates all the distance between two elementary curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtElCSIt calculates all the distances between a curve and a surface. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtElSSIt calculates all the distances between 2 elementary surfaces. These distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_ExtPElCIt calculates all the distances between a point and an elementary curve. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_ExtPElC2dIt calculates all the distances between a point and an elementary curve. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_ExtPElSIt calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_ExtPExtSIt calculates all the extremum (minimum and maximum) distances between a point and a linear extrusion surface
 CExtrema_ExtPRevSIt calculates all the extremum (minimum and maximum) distances between a point and a surface of revolution
 CExtrema_ExtPSIt calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_ExtSSIt calculates all the extremum distances between two surfaces. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_FuncExtCSFunction to find extrema of the distance between a curve and a surface
 CExtrema_FuncExtSSFunction to find extrema of the distance between two surfaces
 CExtrema_FuncPSDistFunctional for search of extremum of the square Euclidean distance between point P and surface S, starting from approximate solution (u0, v0)
 CExtrema_FuncPSNormFunctional for search of extremum of the distance between point P and surface S, starting from approximate solution (u0, v0)
 CExtrema_GenExtCSIt calculates all the extremum distances between acurve and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_GenExtPSIt calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_GenExtSSIt calculates all the extremum distances between two surfaces. These distances can be minimum or maximum
 CExtrema_GenLocateExtCSWith two close points it calculates the distance between two surfaces. This distance can be a minimum or a maximum
 CExtrema_GenLocateExtPSWith a close point, it calculates the distance between a point and a surface. Criteria type is defined in "Perform" method
 CExtrema_GenLocateExtSSWith two close points it calculates the distance between two surfaces. This distance can be a minimum or a maximum
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncCCC0This class implements function which calculate Eucluidean distance between point on curve and point on other curve in case of C1 and C2 continuity is C0
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncCCC1This class implements function which calculate Eucluidean distance between point on curve and point on other curve in case of C1 and C2 continuity is C1
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncCCC2This class implements function which calculate Eucluidean distance between point on curve and point on other curve in case of C1 and C2 continuity is C2
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncConicSThis class implements function which calculate square Eucluidean distance between point on surface and nearest point on Conic
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncCQuadricThis class implements function which calculate square Eucluidean distance between point on surface and nearest point on Conic
 CExtrema_GlobOptFuncCSThis class implements function which calculate square Eucluidean distance between point on curve and point on surface in case of continuity is C2
 CExtrema_LocateExtCCIt calculates the distance between two curves with a close point; these distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_LocateExtCC2dIt calculates the distance between two curves with a close point; these distances can be maximum or minimum
 CExtrema_POnSurfDefinition of a point on surface
 CExtrema_POnSurfParamsData container for point on surface parameters. These parameters are required to compute an initial approximation for extrema computation
 CFairCurve_BattenConstructs curves with a constant or linearly increasing section to be used in the design of wooden or plastic battens. These curves are two-dimensional, and simulate physical splines or battens
 CFairCurve_BattenLawThis class compute the Heigth of an batten
 CFairCurve_DistributionOfEnergyAbstract class to use the Energy of an FairCurve
 CFairCurve_DistributionOfJerkCompute the "Jerk" distribution
 CFairCurve_DistributionOfSaggingCompute the Sagging Distribution
 CFairCurve_DistributionOfTensionCompute the Tension Distribution
 CFairCurve_EnergyNecessary methodes to compute the energy of an FairCurve
 CFairCurve_EnergyOfBattenEnergy Criterium to minimize in Batten
 CFairCurve_EnergyOfMVCEnergy Criterium to minimize in MinimalVariationCurve
 CFairCurve_MinimalVariationComputes a 2D curve using an algorithm which minimizes tension, sagging, and jerk energy. As in FairCurve_Batten, two reference points are used. Unlike that class, FairCurve_MinimalVariation requires curvature settings at the first and second reference points. These are defined by the rays of curvature desired at each point
 CFairCurve_NewtonAlgorithme of Optimization used to make "FairCurve"
 CFEmTool_AssemblyAssemble and solve system from (one dimensional) Finite Elements
 CFEmTool_CurveCurve defined by Polynomial Elements
 CFEmTool_ElementaryCriterionDefined J Criteria to used in minimisation
 CFEmTool_ElementsOfRefMatrixThis class describes the functions needed for calculating matrix elements of RefMatrix for linear criteriums (Tension, Flexsion and Jerk) by Gauss integration. Each function from set gives value Pi(u)'*Pj(u)' or Pi(u)''*Pj(u)'' or Pi(u)'''*Pj(u)''' for each i and j, where Pi(u) is i-th basis function of expansion and (') means derivative
 CFEmTool_LinearFlexionCriterium of LinearFlexion To Hermit-Jacobi elements
 CFEmTool_LinearJerkCriterion of LinearJerk To Hermit-Jacobi elements
 CFEmTool_LinearTensionCriterium of LinearTension To Hermit-Jacobi elements
 CFEmTool_ProfileMatrixSymmetric Sparse ProfileMatrix useful for 1D Finite Element methods
 CFEmTool_SparseMatrixSparse Matrix definition
 CFilletPointPrivate class. Corresponds to the point on the first curve, computed fillet function and derivative on it
 CFilletSurf_BuilderAPI giving the following geometric information about fillets list of corresponding NUBS surfaces for each surface: the 2 support faces on each face: the 3d curve and the corresponding 2d curve the 2d curves on the fillet status of start and end section of the fillet first and last parameter on edge of the fillet
 CFilletSurf_InternalBuilderThis class is private. It is used by the class Builder from FilletSurf. It computes geometric information about fillets
 CFont_FontMgrCollects and provides information about available fonts in system
 CFont_FTFontWrapper over FreeType font. Notice that this class uses internal buffers for loaded glyphs and it is absolutely UNSAFE to load/read glyph from concurrent threads!
 CFont_FTFontParamsFont initialization parameters
 CFont_FTLibraryWrapper over FT_Library. Provides access to FreeType library
 CFont_RectAuxiliary POD structure - 2D rectangle definition
 CFont_SystemFontThis class stores information about the font, which is merely a file path and cached metadata about the font
 CFont_TextFormatterThis class is intended to prepare formatted text by using:
 CFSD_Base64Tool for encoding/decoding base64 stream
 CFSD_FileA general driver which defines as a file, the physical container for data to be stored or retrieved
 CGC_MakeArcOfCircleImplements construction algorithms for an arc of circle in 3D space. The result is a Geom_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfCircle object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeArcOfEllipseImplements construction algorithms for an arc of ellipse in 3D space. The result is a Geom_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfEllipse object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeArcOfHyperbolaImplements construction algorithms for an arc of hyperbola in 3D space. The result is a Geom_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfHyperbola object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeArcOfParabolaImplements construction algorithms for an arc of parabola in 3D space. The result is a Geom_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfParabola object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeCircleThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Cirlec from Geom
 CGC_MakeConicalSurfaceThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a ConicalSurface from Geom
 CGC_MakeCylindricalSurfaceThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a CylindricalSurface from Geom
 CGC_MakeEllipseThis class implements construction algorithms for an ellipse in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Ellipse ellipse. A MakeEllipse object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeHyperbolaThis class implements construction algorithms for a hyperbola in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Hyperbola hyperbola. A MakeHyperbola object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeLineThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Line from Geom
 CGC_MakeMirrorThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 3D space about a point, axis or plane. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakePlaneThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Plane from gp
 CGC_MakeRotationThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a rotation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeScaleThis class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation (a scaling transformation with the center point <Point> and the scaling value <Scale>). A MakeScale object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeSegmentImplements construction algorithms for a line segment in 3D space. Makes a segment of Line from the 2 points <P1> and <P2>. The result is a Geom_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeSegment object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeTranslationThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeTrimmedConeImplements construction algorithms for a trimmed cone limited by two planes orthogonal to its axis. The result is a Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface surface. A MakeTrimmedCone provides a framework for:
 CGC_MakeTrimmedCylinderImplements construction algorithms for a trimmed cylinder limited by two planes orthogonal to its axis. The result is a Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface surface. A MakeTrimmedCylinder provides a framework for:
 CGC_RootThis class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error
 CGccAna_Circ2d2TanOnDescribes functions for building a 2D circle
 CGccAna_Circ2d2TanRadThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 2 points/lines/circles and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are:
 CGccAna_Circ2d3TanThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGccAna_Circ2dBisecThis class describes functions for building bisecting curves between two 2D circles. A bisecting curve between two circles is a curve such that each of its points is at the same distance from the two circles. It can be an ellipse, hyperbola, circle or line, depending on the relative position of the two circles. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. There is no solution if the two circles are coincident. A Circ2dBisec object provides a framework for:
 CGccAna_Circ2dTanCenThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to an entity and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGccAna_Circ2dTanOnRadThis class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a curv and with a given radius. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGccAna_CircLin2dBisecDescribes functions for building bisecting curves between a 2D line and a 2D circle. A bisecting curve between a circle and a line is a curve such that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the line. It can be a parabola or a line, depending of the relative position of the line and the circle. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. A CircLin2dBisec object provides a framework for:
 CGccAna_CircPnt2dBisecDescribes functions for building a bisecting curve between a 2D circle and a point. A bisecting curve between a circle and a point is such a curve that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the point. It can be an ellipse, hyperbola, circle or line, depending on the relative position of the point and the circle. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. A CircPnt2dBisec object provides a framework for:
 CGccAna_Lin2d2TanThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles or points. Describes functions for building a 2D line:
 CGccAna_Lin2dBisecDescribes functions for building bisecting lines between two 2D lines. A bisecting line between two lines is such that each of its points is at the same distance from the two lines. If the two lines are secant, there are two orthogonal bisecting lines which share the angles made by the two straight lines in two equal parts. If D1 and D2 are the unit vectors of the two straight lines, those of the two bisecting lines are collinear with the following vectors:
 CGccAna_Lin2dTanOblThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a circle or a point and making an angle with a line. The angle is in radians. The origin of the solution is the tangency point with the first argument. Its direction is making an angle Angle with the second argument
 CGccAna_Lin2dTanParThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a circle or a point and parallel to another line. The solution has the same orientation as the second argument. Describes functions for building a 2D line parallel to a line and:
 CGccAna_Lin2dTanPerThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to a circle or a point and perpendicular to a line or a circle. Describes functions for building a 2D line perpendicular to a line and:
 CGccAna_LinPnt2dBisecDescribes functions for building bisecting curves between a 2D line and a point. A bisecting curve between a line and a point is such a curve that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the point. It can be a parabola or a line, depending on the relative position of the line and the circle. There is always one unique solution. A LinPnt2dBisec object provides a framework for:
 CGccAna_Pnt2dBisecThis class implements the algorithms used to create the bisecting line between two 2d points Describes functions for building a bisecting line between two 2D points. The bisecting line between two points is the bisector of the segment which joins the two points, if these are not coincident. The algorithm does not find a solution if the two points are coincident. A Pnt2dBisec object provides a framework for:
 CGccEntThis package provides an implementation of the qualified entities useful to create 2d entities with geometric constraints. The qualifier explains which subfamily of solutions we want to obtain. It uses the following law: the matter/the interior side is at the left of the line, if we go from the beginning to the end. The qualifiers are: Enclosing : the solution(s) must enclose the argument. Enclosed : the solution(s) must be enclosed in the argument. Outside : both the solution(s) and the argument must be outside to each other. Unqualified : the position is undefined, so give all the solutions. The use of a qualifier is always required if such subfamilies exist. For example, it is not used for a point. Note: the interior of a curve is defined as the left-hand side of the curve in relation to its orientation
 CGccEnt_QualifiedCircCreates a qualified 2d Circle. A qualified 2D circle is a circle (gp_Circ2d circle) with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified circle (as an argument):
 CGccEnt_QualifiedLinDescribes a qualified 2D line. A qualified 2D line is a line (gp_Lin2d line) with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified line (as an argument):
 CGccInt_BCircDescribes a circle as a bisecting curve between two 2D geometric objects (such as circles or points)
 CGccInt_BElipsDescribes an ellipse as a bisecting curve between two 2D geometric objects (such as circles or points)
 CGccInt_BHyperDescribes a hyperbola as a bisecting curve between two 2D geometric objects (such as circles or points)
 CGccInt_BisecThe deferred class GccInt_Bisec is the root class for elementary bisecting loci between two simple geometric objects (i.e. circles, lines or points). Bisecting loci between two geometric objects are such that each of their points is at the same distance from the two geometric objects. It is typically a curve, such as a line, circle or conic. Generally there is more than one elementary object which is the solution to a bisecting loci problem: each solution is described with one elementary bisecting locus. For example, the bisectors of two secant straight lines are two perpendicular straight lines. The GccInt package provides concrete implementations of the following elementary derived bisecting loci:
 CGccInt_BLineDescribes a line as a bisecting curve between two 2D geometric objects (such as lines, circles or points)
 CGccInt_BParabDescribes a parabola as a bisecting curve between two 2D geometric objects (such as lines, circles or points)
 CGccInt_BPointDescribes a point as a bisecting object between two 2D geometric objects
 CGCE2d_MakeArcOfCircleImplements construction algorithms for an arc of circle in the plane. The result is a Geom2d_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfCircle object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeArcOfEllipseImplements construction algorithms for an arc of ellipse in the plane. The result is a Geom2d_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfEllipse object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeArcOfHyperbolaImplements construction algorithms for an arc of hyperbola in the plane. The result is a Geom2d_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfHyperbola object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeArcOfParabolaImplements construction algorithms for an arc of parabola in the plane. The result is a Geom2d_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeArcOfParabola object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeCircleThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Circle from Geom2d
 CGCE2d_MakeEllipseThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Ellipse from Geom2d
 CGCE2d_MakeHyperbolaThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Hyperbola from Geom2d
 CGCE2d_MakeLineThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Line from Geom2d
 CGCE2d_MakeMirrorThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 2D space about a point or axis. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeParabolaThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Parabola from Geom2d
 CGCE2d_MakeRotationThis class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a rotation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeScaleThis class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeScale object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeSegmentImplements construction algorithms for a line segment in the plane. The result is a Geom2d_TrimmedCurve curve. A MakeSegment object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_MakeTranslationThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for:
 CGCE2d_RootThis class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error
 Cgce_MakeCircThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Circ from gp
 Cgce_MakeCirc2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Circ2d from gp
 Cgce_MakeConeThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Cone from gp
 Cgce_MakeCylinderThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Cylinder from gp
 Cgce_MakeDirThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Dir from gp
 Cgce_MakeDir2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Dir2d from gp
 Cgce_MakeElipsThis class implements the following algorithms used to create an ellipse from gp
 Cgce_MakeElips2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Elips2d from gp
 Cgce_MakeHyprThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Hyperbola from gp
 Cgce_MakeHypr2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a 2d Hyperbola from gp
 Cgce_MakeLinThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Lin from gp
 Cgce_MakeLin2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Lin2d from gp
 Cgce_MakeMirrorThis class mplements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 3D space about a point, axis or plane. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeMirror2dThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 2D space about a point or axis. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeMirror2d object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeParabThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Parab from gp. Defines the parabola in the parameterization range : ]-infinite, +infinite[ The vertex of the parabola is the "Location" point of the local coordinate system (axis placement) of the parabola
 Cgce_MakeParab2dThis class implements the following algorithms used to create Parab2d from gp. Defines an infinite parabola. An axis placement one axis defines the local cartesian coordinate system ("XAxis") of the parabola. The vertex of the parabola is the "Location" point of the local coordinate system of the parabola. The "XAxis" of the parabola is its axis of symmetry. The "XAxis" is oriented from the vertex of the parabola to the Focus of the parabola. The "YAxis" is parallel to the directrix of the parabola and its "Location" point is the vertex of the parabola. The equation of the parabola in the local coordinate system is Y**2 = (2*P) * X P is the distance between the focus and the directrix of the parabola called Parameter). The focal length F = P/2 is the distance between the vertex and the focus of the parabola
 Cgce_MakePlnThis class implements the following algorithms used to create a Plane from gp
 Cgce_MakeRotationThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a rotation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeRotation2dImplements an elementary construction algorithm for a rotation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeRotation2d object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeScaleImplements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeScale object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeScale2dThis class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeScale2d object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeTranslationThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_MakeTranslation2dThis class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeTranslation2d object provides a framework for:
 Cgce_RootThis class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error
 CGCPnts_AbscissaPointProvides an algorithm to compute a point on a curve situated at a given distance from another point on the curve, the distance being measured along the curve (curvilinear abscissa on the curve). This algorithm is also used to compute the length of a curve. An AbscissaPoint object provides a framework for:
 CGCPnts_DistFunctionClass to define function, which calculates square distance between point on curve C(u), U1 <= u <= U2 and line passing through points C(U1) and C(U2) This function is used in any minimization algorithm to define maximal deviation between curve and line, which required one variable function without derivative (for ex. math_BrentMinimum)
 CGCPnts_DistFunction2dClass to define function, which calculates square distance between point on curve C(u), U1 <= u <= U2 and line passing through points C(U1) and C(U2) This function is used in any minimisation algorithm to define maximal deviation between curve and line, which required one variable function without derivative (for ex. math_BrentMinimum)
 CGCPnts_DistFunction2dMVThe same as class GCPnts_DistFunction2d, but it can be used in minimization algorithms that requires multi variable function
 CGCPnts_DistFunctionMVThe same as class GCPnts_DistFunction, but it can be used in minimization algorithms that requires multi variable function
 CGCPnts_QuasiUniformAbscissaThis class provides an algorithm to compute a uniform abscissa distribution of points on a curve, i.e. a sequence of equidistant points. The distance between two consecutive points is measured along the curve
 CGCPnts_QuasiUniformDeflectionThis class computes a distribution of points on a curve. The points may respect the deflection. The algorithm is not based on the classical prediction (with second derivative of curve), but either on the evaluation of the distance between the mid point and the point of mid parameter of the two points, or the distance between the mid point and the point at parameter 0.5 on the cubic interpolation of the two points and their tangents
 CGCPnts_TangentialDeflectionComputes a set of points on a curve from package Adaptor3d such as between two successive points P1(u1)and P2(u2) :
 CGCPnts_TCurveTypesAuxiliary tool to resolve 2D/3D curve classes
 CGCPnts_TCurveTypes< Adaptor2d_Curve2d >Auxiliary tool to resolve 2D curve classes
 CGCPnts_TCurveTypes< Adaptor3d_Curve >Auxiliary tool to resolve 3D curve classes
 CGCPnts_UniformAbscissaThis class allows to compute a uniform distribution of points on a curve (i.e. the points will all be equally distant)
 CGCPnts_UniformDeflectionProvides an algorithm to compute a distribution of points on a 'C2' continuous curve. The algorithm respects a criterion of maximum deflection between the curve and the polygon that results from the computed points. Note: This algorithm is relatively time consuming. A GCPnts_QuasiUniformDeflection algorithm is quicker; it can also work with non-'C2' continuous curves, but it generates more points in the distribution
 CGeom2d_AxisPlacementDescribes an axis in 2D space. An axis is defined by:
 CGeom2d_BezierCurveDescribes a rational or non-rational Bezier curve
 CGeom2d_BoundedCurveThe abstract class BoundedCurve describes the common behavior of bounded curves in 2D space. A bounded curve is limited by two finite values of the parameter, termed respectively "first parameter" and "last parameter". The "first parameter" gives the "start point" of the bounded curve, and the "last parameter" gives the "end point" of the bounded curve. The length of a bounded curve is finite. The Geom2d package provides three concrete classes of bounded curves:
 CGeom2d_BSplineCurveDescribes a BSpline curve. A BSpline curve can be:
 CGeom2d_CartesianPointDescribes a point in 2D space. A Geom2d_CartesianPoint is defined by a gp_Pnt2d point, with its two Cartesian coordinates X and Y
 CGeom2d_CircleDescribes a circle in the plane (2D space). A circle is defined by its radius and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (gp_Ax22d object) where the origin is the center of the circle. The coordinate system is the local coordinate system of the circle. The orientation (direct or indirect) of the local coordinate system gives an explicit orientation to the circle, determining the direction in which the parameter increases along the circle. The Geom2d_Circle circle is parameterized by an angle: P(U) = O + R*Cos(U)*XDir + R*Sin(U)*YDir where:
 CGeom2d_ConicThe abstract class Conic describes the common behavior of conic curves in 2D space and, in particular, their general characteristics. The Geom2d package provides four specific classes of conics: Geom2d_Circle, Geom2d_Ellipse, Geom2d_Hyperbola and Geom2d_Parabola. A conic is positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (gp_Ax22d object), where the origin is the center of the conic (or the apex in case of a parabola). This coordinate system is the local coordinate system of the conic. It gives the conic an explicit orientation, determining the direction in which the parameter increases along the conic. The "X Axis" of the local coordinate system also defines the origin of the parameter of the conic
 CGeom2d_CurveThe abstract class Curve describes the common behavior of curves in 2D space. The Geom2d package provides numerous concrete classes of derived curves, including lines, circles, conics, Bezier or BSpline curves, etc. The main characteristic of these curves is that they are parameterized. The Geom2d_Curve class shows:
 CGeom2d_DirectionThe class Direction specifies a vector that is never null. It is a unit vector
 CGeom2d_EllipseDescribes an ellipse in the plane (2D space). An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (gp_Ax22d object) where:
 CGeom2d_GeometryThe general abstract class Geometry in 2D space describes the common behaviour of all the geometric entities
 CGeom2d_HyperbolaDescribes a branch of a hyperbola in the plane (2D space). A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (gp_Ax22d object) where:
 CGeom2d_LineDescribes an infinite line in the plane (2D space). A line is defined and positioned in the plane with an axis (gp_Ax2d object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector. The Geom2d_Line line is parameterized as follows: P (U) = O + U*Dir where:
 CGeom2d_OffsetCurveThis class implements the basis services for the creation, edition, modification and evaluation of planar offset curve. The offset curve is obtained by offsetting by distance along the normal to a basis curve defined in 2D space. The offset curve in this package can be a self intersecting curve even if the basis curve does not self-intersect. The self intersecting portions are not deleted at the construction time. An offset curve is a curve at constant distance (Offset) from a basis curve and the offset curve takes its parametrization from the basis curve. The Offset curve is in the direction of the normal to the basis curve N. The distance offset may be positive or negative to indicate the preferred side of the curve : . distance offset >0 => the curve is in the direction of N . distance offset >0 => the curve is in the direction of - N On the Offset curve : Value(u) = BasisCurve.Value(U) + (Offset * (T ^ Z)) / ||T ^ Z|| where T is the tangent vector to the basis curve and Z the direction of the normal vector to the plane of the curve, N = T ^ Z defines the offset direction and should not have null length
 CGeom2d_ParabolaDescribes a parabola in the plane (2D space). A parabola is defined by its focal length (i.e. the distance between its focus and its apex) and is positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (gp_Ax22d object) where:
 CGeom2d_PointThe abstract class Point describes the common behavior of geometric points in 2D space. The Geom2d package also provides the concrete class Geom2d_CartesianPoint
 CGeom2d_TransformationThe class Transformation allows to create Translation, Rotation, Symmetry, Scaling and complex transformations obtained by combination of the previous elementary transformations. The Transformation class can also be used to construct complex transformations by combining these elementary transformations. However, these transformations can never change the type of an object. For example, the projection transformation can change a circle into an ellipse, and therefore change the real type of the object. Such a transformation is forbidden in this environment and cannot be a Geom2d_Transformation. The transformation can be represented as follow :
 CGeom2d_TrimmedCurveDefines a portion of a curve limited by two values of parameters inside the parametric domain of the curve. The trimmed curve is defined by:
 CGeom2d_VectorThe abstract class Vector describes the common behavior of vectors in 2D space. The Geom2d package provides two concrete classes of vectors: Geom2d_Direction (unit vector) and Geom2d_VectorWithMagnitude
 CGeom2d_VectorWithMagnitudeDefines a vector with magnitude. A vector with magnitude can have a zero length
 CGeom2dAdaptorThis package contains the geometric definition of 2d curves compatible with the Adaptor package templates
 CGeom2dAdaptor_CurveAn interface between the services provided by any curve from the package Geom2d and those required of the curve by algorithms which use it
 CGeom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurveDescribes functions for computing all the extrema between two 2D curves. An ExtremaCurveCurve algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first curve and a point on the second curve. Thus, it computes the start point and end point of perpendiculars common to the two curves (an intersection point is not an extremum except where the two curves are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveCurve object provides a framework for:
 CGeom2dAPI_InterCurveCurveThis class implements methods for computing
 CGeom2dAPI_InterpolateThis class is used to interpolate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a C2 Continuity if tangency is not requested at the point. If tangency is requested at the point the continuity will be C1. If Perodicity is requested the curve will be closed and the junction will be the first point given. The curve will than be only C1 The curve is defined by a table of points through which it passes, and if required by a parallel table of reals which gives the value of the parameter of each point through which the resulting BSpline curve passes, and by vectors tangential to these points. An Interpolate object provides a framework for: defining the constraints of the BSpline curve,
 CGeom2dAPI_PointsToBSplineThis class is used to approximate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a given Continuity. Describes functions for building a 2D BSpline curve which approximates a set of points. A PointsToBSpline object provides a framework for:
 CGeom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurveThis class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a 2D point onto a 2D curve
 CGeom2dConvertThis package provides an implementation of algorithms to do the conversion between equivalent geometric entities from package Geom2d. It gives the possibility : . to obtain the B-spline representation of bounded curves. . to split a B-spline curve into several B-spline curves with some constraints of continuity, . to convert a B-spline curve into several Bezier curves or surfaces. All the geometric entities used in this package are bounded. References : . Generating the Bezier Points of B-spline curves and surfaces (Wolfgang Bohm) CAGD volume 13 number 6 november 1981 . On NURBS: A Survey (Leslie Piegl) IEEE Computer Graphics and Application January 1991 . Curve and surface construction using rational B-splines (Leslie Piegl and Wayne Tiller) CAD Volume 19 number 9 november 1987 . A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD (Wolfgang BOHM) CAGD 1 1984
 CGeom2dConvert_ApproxArcsSegmentsApproximation of a free-form curve by a sequence of arcs+segments
 CGeom2dConvert_ApproxCurveA framework to convert a 2D curve to a BSpline. This is done by approximation within a given tolerance
 CGeom2dConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplittingAn algorithm to determine points at which a BSpline curve should be split in order to obtain arcs of the same continuity. If you require curves with a minimum continuity for your computation, it is useful to know the points between which an arc has a continuity of a given order. The continuity order is given at the construction time. For a BSpline curve, the discontinuities are localized at the knot values. Between two knot values the BSpline is infinitely and continuously differentiable. At a given knot, the continuity is equal to: Degree - Mult, where Degree is the degree of the BSpline curve and Mult is the multiplicity of the knot. It is possible to compute the arcs which correspond to this splitting using the global function SplitBSplineCurve provided by the package Geom2dConvert. A BSplineCurveKnotSplitting object provides a framework for:
 CGeom2dConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurveAn algorithm to convert a BSpline curve into a series of adjacent Bezier curves. A BSplineCurveToBezierCurve object provides a framework for:
 CGeom2dConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurveThis algorithm converts and concat several curve in an BSplineCurve
 CGeom2dConvert_PPointClass representing a point on curve, with 2D coordinate and the tangent
 CGeom2dEvaluatorThe Geom2dEvaluator package provides utilities for . calculating value and derivatives of offset curve using corresponding values of base curve
 CGeom2dEvaluator_CurveInterface for calculation of values and derivatives for different kinds of curves in 2D. Works both with adaptors and curves
 CGeom2dEvaluator_OffsetCurveAllows to calculate values and derivatives for offset curves in 2D
 CGeom2dGccThe Geom2dGcc package describes qualified 2D curves used in the construction of constrained geometric objects by an algorithm provided by the Geom2dGcc package. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument):
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOnThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curve. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOnGeoThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curve. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOnIterThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curv. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanRadThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to one curve and a point/line/circle/curv and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are:
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanRadGeoThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to one curve and a point/line/circle/curv and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are:
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d3TanThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles/ curves with one curve or more. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d3TanIterThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles/ curves with one curve or more. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanCenThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to a curve and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanCenGeoThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to a curve and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanOnRadThis class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a 2d entity and with a given radius. More than one argument must be a curve. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanOnRadGeoThis class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a 2d entity and with a given radius. More than one argument must be a curve. The arguments of all construction methods are :
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanCirCuThis abstract class describes a Function of 1 Variable used to find a line tangent to a curve and a circle
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanCuCuThis abstract class describes a Function of 1 Variable used to find a line tangent to two curves
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanCuCuCuThis abstract class describes a set on N Functions of M independent variables
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanCuCuOnCuThis abstract class describes a set on N Functions of M independent variables
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanCuPntThis abstract class describes a Function of 1 Variable used to find a line tangent to a curve and passing through a point
 CGeom2dGcc_FunctionTanOblThis class describe a function of a single variable
 CGeom2dGcc_Lin2d2TanThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles, curves or points. More than one argument must be a curve. Describes functions for building a 2D line:
 CGeom2dGcc_Lin2d2TanIterThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles, curves or points. More than one argument must be a curve
 CGeom2dGcc_Lin2dTanOblThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a curve QualifiedCurv and doing an angle Angle with a line TheLin. The angle must be in Radian. Describes functions for building a 2D line making a given angle with a line and tangential to a curve. A Lin2dTanObl object provides a framework for:
 CGeom2dGcc_Lin2dTanOblIterThis class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a curve QualifiedCurv and doing an angle Angle with a line TheLin. The angle must be in Radian
 CGeom2dGcc_QCurveCreates a qualified 2d line
 CGeom2dGcc_QualifiedCurveDescribes functions for building a qualified 2D curve. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument):
 CGeom2dInt_Geom2dCurveToolThis class provides a Geom2dCurveTool as < Geom2dCurveTool from IntCurve > from a Tool as < Geom2dCurveTool from Adaptor3d >
 CGeom2dLProp_CurAndInf2dAn algorithm for computing local properties of a curve. These properties include:
 CGeom2dLProp_FuncCurExtFunction used to find the extremas of curvature in 2d
 CGeom2dLProp_FuncCurNulFunction used to find the inflections in 2d
 CGeom2dLProp_NumericCurInf2dComputes the locals extremas of curvature and the inflections of a bounded curve in 2d
 CGeom2dToIGES_Geom2dCurveThis class implements the transfer of the Curve Entity from Geom2d To IGES. These can be : Curve . BoundedCurve
 CGeom2dToIGES_Geom2dEntityMethods to transfer Geom2d entity from CASCADE to IGES
 CGeom2dToIGES_Geom2dPointThis class implements the transfer of the Point Entity from Geom2d to IGES . These are : . 2dPoint
 CGeom2dToIGES_Geom2dVectorThis class implements the transfer of the Vector from Geom2d to IGES . These can be : . Vector
 CGeom_Axis1PlacementDescribes an axis in 3D space. An axis is defined by:
 CGeom_Axis2PlacementDescribes a right-handed coordinate system in 3D space. A coordinate system is defined by:
 CGeom_AxisPlacementThe abstract class AxisPlacement describes the common behavior of positioning systems in 3D space, such as axis or coordinate systems. The Geom package provides two implementations of 3D positioning systems:
 CGeom_BezierCurveDescribes a rational or non-rational Bezier curve
 CGeom_BezierSurfaceDescribes a rational or non-rational Bezier surface
 CGeom_BoundedCurveThe abstract class BoundedCurve describes the common behavior of bounded curves in 3D space. A bounded curve is limited by two finite values of the parameter, termed respectively "first parameter" and "last parameter". The "first parameter" gives the "start point" of the bounded curve, and the "last parameter" gives the "end point" of the bounded curve. The length of a bounded curve is finite. The Geom package provides three concrete classes of bounded curves:
 CGeom_BoundedSurfaceThe root class for bounded surfaces in 3D space. A bounded surface is defined by a rectangle in its 2D parametric space, i.e
 CGeom_BSplineCurveDefinition of the B_spline curve. A B-spline curve can be Uniform or non-uniform Rational or non-rational Periodic or non-periodic
 CGeom_BSplineSurfaceDescribes a BSpline surface. In each parametric direction, a BSpline surface can be:
 CGeom_CartesianPointDescribes a point in 3D space. A Geom_CartesianPoint is defined by a gp_Pnt point, with its three Cartesian coordinates X, Y and Z
 CGeom_CircleDescribes a circle in 3D space. A circle is defined by its radius and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in space with a right-handed coordinate system (gp_Ax2 object) where:
 CGeom_ConicThe abstract class Conic describes the common behavior of conic curves in 3D space and, in particular, their general characteristics. The Geom package provides four concrete classes of conics: Geom_Circle, Geom_Ellipse, Geom_Hyperbola and Geom_Parabola. A conic is positioned in space with a right-handed coordinate system (gp_Ax2 object), where:
 CGeom_ConicalSurfaceDescribes a cone. A cone is defined by the half-angle (can be negative) at its apex, and is positioned in space by a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a reference radius as follows:
 CGeom_CurveThe abstract class Curve describes the common behavior of curves in 3D space. The Geom package provides numerous concrete classes of derived curves, including lines, circles, conics, Bezier or BSpline curves, etc. The main characteristic of these curves is that they are parameterized. The Geom_Curve class shows:
 CGeom_CylindricalSurfaceThis class defines the infinite cylindrical surface
 CGeom_DirectionThe class Direction specifies a vector that is never null. It is a unit vector
 CGeom_ElementarySurfaceDescribes the common behavior of surfaces which have a simple parametric equation in a local coordinate system. The Geom package provides several implementations of concrete elementary surfaces:
 CGeom_EllipseDescribes an ellipse in 3D space. An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in space with a right-handed coordinate system (gp_Ax2 object) where:
 CGeom_GeometryThe abstract class Geometry for 3D space is the root class of all geometric objects from the Geom package. It describes the common behavior of these objects when:
 CGeom_HyperbolaDescribes a branch of a hyperbola in 3D space. A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii and, as with any conic curve, is positioned in space with a right-handed coordinate system (gp_Ax2 object) where:
 CGeom_LineDescribes an infinite line. A line is defined and positioned in space with an axis (gp_Ax1 object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector. The Geom_Line line is parameterized: P (U) = O + U*Dir, where:
 CGeom_OffsetCurveThis class implements the basis services for an offset curve in 3D space. The Offset curve in this package can be a self intersecting curve even if the basis curve does not self-intersect. The self intersecting portions are not deleted at the construction time. An offset curve is a curve at constant distance (Offset) from a basis curve in a reference direction V. The offset curve takes its parametrization from the basis curve. The Offset curve is in the direction of the normal N defined with the cross product T^V, where the vector T is given by the first derivative on the basis curve with non zero length. The distance offset may be positive or negative to indicate the preferred side of the curve : . distance offset >0 => the curve is in the direction of N . distance offset <0 => the curve is in the direction of - N
 CGeom_OffsetSurfaceDescribes an offset surface in 3D space. An offset surface is defined by:
 CGeom_ParabolaDescribes a parabola in 3D space. A parabola is defined by its focal length (i.e. the distance between its focus and its apex) and is positioned in space with a coordinate system (gp_Ax2 object) where:
 CGeom_PlaneDescribes a plane in 3D space. A plane is positioned in space by a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) such that the plane is defined by the origin, "X Direction" and "Y Direction" of this coordinate system. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the plane. The following apply:
 CGeom_PointThe abstract class Point describes the common behavior of geometric points in 3D space. The Geom package also provides the concrete class Geom_CartesianPoint
 CGeom_RectangularTrimmedSurfaceDescribes a portion of a surface (a patch) limited by two values of the u parameter in the u parametric direction, and two values of the v parameter in the v parametric direction. The domain of the trimmed surface must be within the domain of the surface being trimmed. The trimmed surface is defined by:
 CGeom_SphericalSurfaceDescribes a sphere. A sphere is defined by its radius, and is positioned in space by a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object), the origin of which is the center of the sphere. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the sphere. The following apply:
 CGeom_SurfaceDescribes the common behavior of surfaces in 3D space. The Geom package provides many implementations of concrete derived surfaces, such as planes, cylinders, cones, spheres and tori, surfaces of linear extrusion, surfaces of revolution, Bezier and BSpline surfaces, and so on. The key characteristic of these surfaces is that they are parameterized. Geom_Surface demonstrates:
 CGeom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusionDescribes a surface of linear extrusion ("extruded surface"), e.g. a generalized cylinder. Such a surface is obtained by sweeping a curve (called the "extruded curve" or "basis") in a given direction (referred to as the "direction of extrusion" and defined by a unit vector). The u parameter is along the extruded curve. The v parameter is along the direction of extrusion. The parameter range for the u parameter is defined by the reference curve. The parameter range for the v parameter is ] - infinity, + infinity [. The position of the curve gives the origin of the v parameter. The surface is "CN" in the v parametric direction. The form of a surface of linear extrusion is generally a ruled surface (GeomAbs_RuledForm). It can be:
 CGeom_SurfaceOfRevolutionDescribes a surface of revolution (revolved surface). Such a surface is obtained by rotating a curve (called the "meridian") through a complete revolution about an axis (referred to as the "axis of revolution"). The curve and the axis must be in the same plane (the "reference plane" of the surface). Rotation around the axis of revolution in the trigonometric sense defines the u parametric direction. So the u parameter is an angle, and its origin is given by the position of the meridian on the surface. The parametric range for the u parameter is: [ 0, 2.*Pi ] The v parameter is that of the meridian. Note: A surface of revolution is built from a copy of the original meridian. As a result the original meridian is not modified when the surface is modified. The form of a surface of revolution is typically a general revolution surface (GeomAbs_RevolutionForm). It can be:
 CGeom_SweptSurfaceDescribes the common behavior for surfaces constructed by sweeping a curve with another curve. The Geom package provides two concrete derived surfaces: surface of revolution (a revolved surface), and surface of linear extrusion (an extruded surface)
 CGeom_ToroidalSurfaceDescribes a torus. A torus is defined by its major and minor radii, and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) as follows:
 CGeom_TransformationDescribes how to construct the following elementary transformations
 CGeom_TrimmedCurveDescribes a portion of a curve (termed the "basis curve") limited by two parameter values inside the parametric domain of the basis curve. The trimmed curve is defined by:
 CGeom_VectorThe abstract class Vector describes the common behavior of vectors in 3D space. The Geom package provides two concrete classes of vectors: Geom_Direction (unit vector) and Geom_VectorWithMagnitude
 CGeom_VectorWithMagnitudeDefines a vector with magnitude. A vector with magnitude can have a zero length
 CGeomAdaptorThis package contains the geometric definition of curve and surface necessary to use algorithms
 CGeomAdaptor_CurveThis class provides an interface between the services provided by any curve from the package Geom and those required of the curve by algorithms which use it. Creation of the loaded curve the curve is C1 by piece
 CGeomAdaptor_SurfaceAn interface between the services provided by any surface from the package Geom and those required of the surface by algorithms which use it. Creation of the loaded surface the surface is C1 by piece
 CGeomAdaptor_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusionGeneralised cylinder. This surface is obtained by sweeping a curve in a given direction. The parametrization range for the parameter U is defined with referenced the curve. The parametrization range for the parameter V is ]-infinite,+infinite[ The position of the curve gives the origin for the parameter V. The continuity of the surface is CN in the V direction
 CGeomAdaptor_SurfaceOfRevolutionThis class defines a complete surface of revolution. The surface is obtained by rotating a curve a complete revolution about an axis. The curve and the axis must be in the same plane. If the curve and the axis are not in the same plane it is always possible to be in the previous case after a cylindrical projection of the curve in a referenced plane. For a complete surface of revolution the parametric range is 0 <= U <= 2*PI. – The parametric range for V is defined with the revolved curve. The origin of the U parametrization is given by the position of the revolved curve (reference). The direction of the revolution axis defines the positive sense of rotation (trigonometric sense) corresponding to the increasing of the parametric value U. The derivatives are always defined for the u direction. For the v direction the definition of the derivatives depends on the degree of continuity of the referenced curve
 CGeomAPIThe GeomAPI package provides an Application Programming Interface for the Geometry
 CGeomAPI_ExtremaCurveCurveDescribes functions for computing all the extrema between two 3D curves. An ExtremaCurveCurve algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first curve and a point on the second curve. Thus, it computes start and end points of perpendiculars common to the two curves (an intersection point is not an extremum unless the two curves are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveCurve object provides a framework for:
 CGeomAPI_ExtremaCurveSurfaceDescribes functions for computing all the extrema between a curve and a surface. An ExtremaCurveSurface algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the curve and a point on the surface. Thus, it computes start and end points of perpendiculars common to the curve and the surface (an intersection point is not an extremum except where the curve and the surface are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomAPI_ExtremaSurfaceSurfaceDescribes functions for computing all the extrema between two surfaces. An ExtremaSurfaceSurface algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first surface and a point on the second surface. Results are start and end points of perpendiculars common to the two surfaces. Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaSurfaceSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomAPI_IntCSThis class implements methods for computing intersection points and segments between a
 CGeomAPI_InterpolateThis class is used to interpolate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a C2 Continuity if tangency is not requested at the point. If tangency is requested at the point the continuity will be C1. If Perodicity is requested the curve will be closed and the junction will be the first point given. The curve will than be only C1 Describes functions for building a constrained 3D BSpline curve. The curve is defined by a table of points through which it passes, and if required:
 CGeomAPI_IntSSThis class implements methods for computing the intersection curves between two surfaces. The result is curves from Geom. The "domain" used for a surface is the natural parametric domain unless the surface is a RectangularTrimmedSurface from Geom
 CGeomAPI_PointsToBSplineThis class is used to approximate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a given Continuity. Describes functions for building a 3D BSpline curve which approximates a set of points. A PointsToBSpline object provides a framework for:
 CGeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurfaceThis class is used to approximate or interpolate a BSplineSurface passing through an Array2 of points, with a given continuity. Describes functions for building a BSpline surface which approximates or interpolates a set of points. A PointsToBSplineSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurveThis class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a 3D point onto a 3D curve
 CGeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurfThis class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a point onto a surface
 CGeomConvertThe GeomConvert package provides some global functions as follows
 CGeomConvert_ApproxCurveA framework to convert a 3D curve to a 3D BSpline. This is done by approximation to a BSpline curve within a given tolerance
 CGeomConvert_ApproxSurfaceA framework to convert a surface to a BSpline surface. This is done by approximation to a BSpline surface within a given tolerance
 CGeomConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplittingAn algorithm to determine points at which a BSpline curve should be split in order to obtain arcs of the same continuity. If you require curves with a minimum continuity for your computation, it is useful to know the points between which an arc has a continuity of a given order. The continuity order is given at the construction time. For a BSpline curve, the discontinuities are localized at the knot values. Between two knot values the BSpline is infinitely and continuously differentiable. At a given knot, the continuity is equal to: Degree - Mult, where Degree is the degree of the BSpline curve and Mult is the multiplicity of the knot. It is possible to compute the arcs which correspond to this splitting using the global function SplitBSplineCurve provided by the package GeomConvert. A BSplineCurveKnotSplitting object provides a framework for:
 CGeomConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurveAn algorithm to convert a BSpline curve into a series of adjacent Bezier curves. A BSplineCurveToBezierCurve object provides a framework for:
 CGeomConvert_BSplineSurfaceKnotSplittingAn algorithm to determine isoparametric curves along which a BSpline surface should be split in order to obtain patches of the same continuity. The continuity order is given at the construction time. It is possible to compute the surface patches corresponding to the splitting with the method of package SplitBSplineSurface. For a B-spline surface the discontinuities are localised at the knot values. Between two knots values the B-spline is infinitely continuously differentiable. For each parametric direction at a knot of range index the continuity in this direction is equal to : Degree - Mult (Index) where Degree is the degree of the basis B-spline functions and Mult the multiplicity of the knot of range Index in the given direction. If for your computation you need to have B-spline surface with a minima of continuity it can be interesting to know between which knot values, a B-spline patch, has a continuity of given order. This algorithm computes the indexes of the knots where you should split the surface, to obtain patches with a constant continuity given at the construction time. If you just want to compute the local derivatives on the surface you don't need to create the BSpline patches, you can use the functions LocalD1, LocalD2, LocalD3, LocalDN of the class BSplineSurface from package Geom
 CGeomConvert_BSplineSurfaceToBezierSurfaceThis algorithm converts a B-spline surface into several Bezier surfaces. It uses an algorithm of knot insertion. A BSplineSurfaceToBezierSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomConvert_CompBezierSurfacesToBSplineSurfaceAn algorithm to convert a grid of adjacent non-rational Bezier surfaces (with continuity CM) into a BSpline surface (with continuity CM). A CompBezierSurfacesToBSplineSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurveAlgorithm converts and concat several curve in an BSplineCurve
 CGeomConvert_FuncConeLSDistFunction for search of Cone canonic parameters: coordinates of center local coordinate system, direction of axis, radius and semi-angle from set of points by least square method
 CGeomConvert_FuncCylinderLSDistFunction for search of cylinder canonic parameters: coordinates of center local coordinate system, direction of axis and radius from set of points by least square method
 CGeomConvert_FuncSphereLSDistFunction for search of sphere canonic parameters: coordinates of center and radius from set of moints by least square method. //! The class inherits math_MultipleVarFunctionWithGradient and thus is intended for use in math_BFGS algorithm
 CGeomConvert_SurfToAnaSurfConverts a surface to the analytical form with given precision. Conversion is done only the surface is bspline of bezier and this can be approximated by some analytical surface with that precision
 CGeomConvert_UnitsClass contains conversion methods for 2d geom objects
 CGeometryTestThis package provides commands for curves and surface
 CGeometryTest_DrawableQualifiedCurve2dCreate geom curve drawable presentation with the position of a solution of a construction algorithm
 CGeomEvaluator_CurveInterface for calculation of values and derivatives for different kinds of curves in 3D. Works both with adaptors and curves
 CGeomEvaluator_OffsetCurveAllows to calculate values and derivatives for offset curves in 3D
 CGeomEvaluator_OffsetSurfaceAllows to calculate values and derivatives for offset surfaces
 CGeomEvaluator_SurfaceInterface for calculation of values and derivatives for different kinds of surfaces. Works both with adaptors and surfaces
 CGeomEvaluator_SurfaceOfExtrusionAllows to calculate values and derivatives for surfaces of linear extrusion
 CGeomEvaluator_SurfaceOfRevolutionAllows to calculate values and derivatives for surfaces of revolution
 CGeomFillTools and Data to filling Surface and Sweep Surfaces
 CGeomFill_AppSurfApproximate a BSplineSurface passing by all the curves described in the SectionGenerator
 CGeomFill_AppSweepApproximate a sweep surface passing by all the curves described in the SweepSectionGenerator
 CGeomFill_BezierCurvesThis class provides an algorithm for constructing a Bezier surface filled from contiguous Bezier curves which form its boundaries. The algorithm accepts two, three or four Bezier curves as the boundaries of the target surface. A range of filling styles - more or less rounded, more or less flat - is available. A BezierCurves object provides a framework for:
 CGeomFill_BoundaryRoot class to define a boundary which will form part of a contour around a gap requiring filling. Any new type of constrained boundary must inherit this class. The GeomFill package provides two classes to define constrained boundaries:
 CGeomFill_BoundWithSurfDefines a 3d curve as a boundary for a GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling algorithm. This curve is attached to an existing surface. Defines a constrained boundary for filling the computations are done with a CurveOnSurf and a normals field defined by the normalized normal to the surface along the PCurve. Contains fields to allow a reparametrization of curve and normals field
 CGeomFill_BSplineCurvesAn algorithm for constructing a BSpline surface filled from contiguous BSpline curves which form its boundaries. The algorithm accepts two, three or four BSpline curves as the boundaries of the target surface. A range of filling styles - more or less rounded, more or less flat - is available. A BSplineCurves object provides a framework for:
 CGeomFill_CircularBlendFuncCircular Blend Function to approximate by SweepApproximation from Approx
 CGeomFill_ConstantBiNormalDefined an Trihedron Law where the BiNormal, is fixed
 CGeomFill_ConstrainedFillingAn algorithm for constructing a BSpline surface filled from a series of boundaries which serve as path constraints and optionally, as tangency constraints. The algorithm accepts three or four curves as the boundaries of the target surface. The only FillingStyle used is Coons. A ConstrainedFilling object provides a framework for:
 CGeomFill_CoonsAlgPatchProvides evaluation methods on an algorithmic patch (based on 4 Curves) defined by its boundaries and blending functions
 CGeomFill_CornerStateClass (should be a structure) storing the information about continuity, normals parallelism, coons conditions and bounds tangents angle on the corner of contour to be filled
 CGeomFill_CorrectedFrenetDefined an Corrected Frenet Trihedron Law It is like Frenet with an Torsion's minimization
 CGeomFill_CurveAndTrihedronDefine location law with an TrihedronLaw and an curve Definition Location is : transformed section coordinates in (Curve(v)), (Normal(v), BiNormal(v), Tangente(v))) systeme are the same like section shape coordinates in (O,(OX, OY, OZ)) systeme
 CGeomFill_DarbouxDefines Darboux case of Frenet Trihedron Law
 CGeomFill_DegeneratedBoundDescription of a degenerated boundary (a point). Class defining a degenerated boundary for a constrained filling with a point and no other constraint. Only used to simulate an ordinary bound, may not be useful and desapear soon
 CGeomFill_DiscreteTrihedronDefined Discrete Trihedron Law. The requirement for path curve is only G1. The result is C0-continuous surface that can be later approximated to C1
 CGeomFill_EvolvedSectionDefine an Constant Section Law
 CGeomFill_FillingRoot class for Filling;
 CGeomFill_FixedDefined an constant TrihedronLaw
 CGeomFill_FrenetDefined Frenet Trihedron Law
 CGeomFill_GeneratorCreate a surface using generating lines. Inherits profiler. The surface will be a BSplineSurface passing by all the curves described in the generator. The VDegree of the resulting surface is 1
 CGeomFill_GuideTrihedronACTrihedron in the case of a sweeping along a guide curve. defined by curviline absciss
 CGeomFill_GuideTrihedronPlanTrihedron in the case of sweeping along a guide curve defined by the orthogonal plan on the trajectory
 CGeomFill_LineClass for instantiation of AppBlend
 CGeomFill_LocationLawTo define location law in Sweeping location is – defined by an Matrix M and an Vector V, and transform an point P in MP+V
 CGeomFill_NSectionsDefine a Section Law by N Sections
 CGeomFill_PipeDescribes functions to construct pipes. A pipe is built by sweeping a curve (the section) along another curve (the path). The Pipe class provides the following types of construction:
 CGeomFill_PolynomialConvertorTo convert circular section in polynome
 CGeomFill_ProfilerEvaluation of the common BSplineProfile of a group of curves from Geom. All the curves will have the same degree, the same knot-vector, so the same number of poles
 CGeomFill_QuasiAngularConvertorTo convert circular section in QuasiAngular Bezier form
 CGeomFill_SectionGeneratorGives the functions needed for instantiation from AppSurf in AppBlend. Allow to evaluate a surface passing by all the curves if the Profiler
 CGeomFill_SectionLawTo define section law in sweeping
 CGeomFill_SectionPlacementTo place section in sweep Function
 CGeomFill_SimpleBoundDefines a 3d curve as a boundary for a GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling algorithm. This curve is unattached to an existing surface.D Contains fields to allow a reparametrization of curve
 CGeomFill_SnglrFuncTo represent function C'(t)^C''(t)
 CGeomFill_SweepGeometrical Sweep Algorithm
 CGeomFill_SweepFunctionFunction to approximate by SweepApproximation from Approx. To build general sweep Surface
 CGeomFill_SweepSectionGeneratorClass for instantiation of AppBlend. evaluate the sections of a sweep surface
 CGeomFill_TensorUsed to store the "gradient of gradient"
 CGeomFill_TgtFieldRoot class defining the methods we need to make an algorithmic tangents field
 CGeomFill_TgtOnCoonsDefines an algorithmic tangents field on a boundary of a CoonsAlgPatch
 CGeomFill_TrihedronLawTo define Trihedron along one Curve
 CGeomFill_TrihedronWithGuideTo define Trihedron along one Curve with a guide
 CGeomFill_UniformSectionDefine an Constant Section Law
 CGeomIntProvides intersections on between two surfaces of Geom. The result are curves from Geom
 CGeomInt_LineConstructorSplits given Line
 CGeomLibGeom Library. This package provides an implementation of functions for basic computation on geometric entity from packages Geom and Geom2d
 CGeomLib_Check2dBSplineCurveChecks for the end tangents : whether or not those are reversed
 CGeomLib_CheckBSplineCurveChecks for the end tangents : whether or not those are reversed regarding the third or n-3rd control
 CGeomLib_CheckCurveOnSurfaceComputes the max distance between 3D-curve and 2D-curve in some surface
 CGeomLib_DenominatorMultiplierThis defines an evaluator for a function of 2 variables that will be used by CancelDenominatorDerivative in one direction
 CGeomLib_InterpolateThis class is used to construct a BSpline curve by interpolation of points at given parameters The continuity of the curve is degree - 1 and the method used when boundary condition are not given is to use odd degrees and null the derivatives on both sides from degree -1 down to (degree+1) / 2 When even degree is given the returned curve is of degree - 1 so that the degree of the curve is odd
 CGeomLib_IsPlanarSurfaceFind if a surface is a planar surface
 CGeomLib_MakeCurvefromApproxThis class is used to construct the BSpline curve from an Approximation ( ApproxAFunction from AdvApprox)
 CGeomLib_PolyFuncPolynomial Function
 CGeomLib_ToolProvides various methods with Geom2d and Geom curves and surfaces. The methods of this class compute the parameter(s) of a given point on a curve or a surface. To get the valid result the point must be located rather close to the curve (surface) or at least to allow getting unambiguous result (do not put point at center of circle...), but choice of "trust" distance between curve/surface and point is responsibility of user (parameter MaxDist). Return FALSE if the point is beyond the MaxDist limit or if computation fails
 CGeomliteTestThis package provides elementary commands for curves and surface
 CGeomLPropThese global functions compute the degree of continuity of a 3D curve built by concatenation of two other curves (or portions of curves) at their junction point
 CGeomPlate_AijA structure containing indexes of two normals and its cross product
 CGeomPlate_BuildAveragePlaneThis class computes an average inertial plane with an array of points. Computes the initial surface (average plane) in the cases when the initial surface is not given
 CGeomPlate_BuildPlateSurfaceThis class provides an algorithm for constructing such a plate surface that it conforms to given curve and/or point constraints. The algorithm accepts or constructs an initial surface and looks for a deformation of it satisfying the constraints and minimizing energy input. A BuildPlateSurface object provides a framework for:
 CGeomPlate_CurveConstraintDefines curves as constraints to be used to deform a surface
 CGeomPlate_MakeApproxAllows you to convert a GeomPlate surface into a BSpline
 CGeomPlate_PlateG0CriterionThis class contains a specific G0 criterion for GeomPlate_MakeApprox
 CGeomPlate_PlateG1CriterionThis class contains a specific G1 criterion for GeomPlate_MakeApprox
 CGeomPlate_PointConstraintDefines points as constraints to be used to deform a surface
 CGeomPlate_SurfaceDescribes the characteristics of plate surface objects returned by BuildPlateSurface::Surface. These can be used to verify the quality of the resulting surface before approximating it to a Geom_BSpline surface generated by MakeApprox. This proves necessary in cases where you want to use the resulting surface as the support for a shape. The algorithmically generated surface cannot fill this function as is, and as a result must be converted first
 CGeomProjLibProjection of a curve on a surface
 CGeomToIGES_GeomCurveThis class implements the transfer of the Curve Entity from Geom To IGES. These can be : Curve . BoundedCurve
 CGeomToIGES_GeomEntityMethods to transfer Geom entity from CASCADE to IGES
 CGeomToIGES_GeomPointThis class implements the transfer of the Point Entity from Geom to IGES . These are : . Point
 CGeomToIGES_GeomSurfaceThis class implements the transfer of the Surface Entity from Geom To IGES. These can be : . BoundedSurface
 CGeomToIGES_GeomVectorThis class implements the transfer of the Vector from Geom to IGES . These can be : . Vector
 CGeomToolsThe GeomTools package provides utilities for Geometry
 CGeomTools_Curve2dSetStores a set of Curves from Geom2d
 CGeomTools_CurveSetStores a set of Curves from Geom
 CGeomTools_SurfaceSetStores a set of Surfaces from Geom
 CGeomToStep_MakeAxis1PlacementThis class implements the mapping between classes Axis1Placement from Geom and Ax1 from gp, and the class Axis1Placement from StepGeom which describes an Axis1Placement from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeAxis2Placement2dThis class implements the mapping between classes Axis2Placement from Geom and Ax2, Ax22d from gp, and the class Axis2Placement2d from StepGeom which describes an axis2_placement_2d from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeAxis2Placement3dThis class implements the mapping between classes Axis2Placement from Geom and Ax2, Ax3 from gp, and the class Axis2Placement3d from StepGeom which describes an axis2_placement_3d from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeBoundedCurveThis class implements the mapping between classes BoundedCurve from Geom, Geom2d and the class BoundedCurve from StepGeom which describes a BoundedCurve from prostep. As BoundedCurve is an abstract BoundedCurve this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeBoundedSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between classes BoundedSurface from Geom and the class BoundedSurface from StepGeom which describes a BoundedSurface from prostep. As BoundedSurface is an abstract BoundedSurface this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeBSplineCurveWithKnotsThis class implements the mapping between classes BSplineCurve from Geom, Geom2d and the class BSplineCurveWithKnots from StepGeom which describes a bspline_curve_with_knots from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeBSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurveThis class implements the mapping between classes BSplineCurve from Geom, Geom2d and the class BSplineCurveWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineCurve from StepGeom which describes a rational_bspline_curve_with_knots from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeBSplineSurfaceWithKnotsThis class implements the mapping between class BSplineSurface from Geom and the class BSplineSurfaceWithKnots from StepGeom which describes a bspline_Surface_with_knots from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeBSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class BSplineSurface from Geom and the class BSplineSurfaceWithKnotsAndRationalBSplineSurface from StepGeom which describes a rational_bspline_Surface_with_knots from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeCartesianPointThis class implements the mapping between classes CartesianPoint from Geom and Pnt from gp, and the class CartesianPoint from StepGeom which describes a point from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeCircleThis class implements the mapping between classes Circle from Geom, and Circ from gp, and the class Circle from StepGeom which describes a circle from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeConicThis class implements the mapping between classes Conic from Geom and the class Conic from StepGeom which describes a Conic from prostep. As Conic is an abstract Conic this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeConicalSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class ConicalSurface from Geom and the class ConicalSurface from StepGeom which describes a conical_surface from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeCurveThis class implements the mapping between classes Curve from Geom and the class Curve from StepGeom which describes a Curve from prostep. As Curve is an abstract curve this class an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeCylindricalSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class CylindricalSurface from Geom and the class CylindricalSurface from StepGeom which describes a cylindrical_surface from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeDirectionThis class implements the mapping between classes Direction from Geom, Geom2d and Dir, Dir2d from gp, and the class Direction from StepGeom which describes a direction from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeElementarySurfaceThis class implements the mapping between classes ElementarySurface from Geom and the class ElementarySurface from StepGeom which describes a ElementarySurface from prostep. As ElementarySurface is an abstract Surface this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeEllipseThis class implements the mapping between classes Ellipse from Geom, and Circ from gp, and the class Ellipse from StepGeom which describes a Ellipse from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeHyperbolaThis class implements the mapping between the class Hyperbola from Geom and the class Hyperbola from StepGeom which describes a Hyperbola from ProSTEP
 CGeomToStep_MakeLineThis class implements the mapping between classes Line from Geom and Lin from gp, and the class Line from StepGeom which describes a line from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeParabolaThis class implements the mapping between the class Parabola from Geom and the class Parabola from StepGeom which describes a Parabola from ProSTEP
 CGeomToStep_MakePlaneThis class implements the mapping between classes Plane from Geom and Pln from gp, and the class Plane from StepGeom which describes a plane from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakePolylineThis class implements the mapping between an Array1 of points from gp and a Polyline from StepGeom
 CGeomToStep_MakeRectangularTrimmedSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class RectangularTrimmedSurface from Geom and the class RectangularTrimmedSurface from StepGeom which describes a rectangular_trimmed_surface from ISO-IS 10303-42
 CGeomToStep_MakeSphericalSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class SphericalSurface from Geom and the class SphericalSurface from StepGeom which describes a spherical_surface from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between classes Surface from Geom and the class Surface from StepGeom which describes a Surface from prostep. As Surface is an abstract Surface this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeSurfaceOfLinearExtrusionThis class implements the mapping between class SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from Geom and the class SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion from StepGeom which describes a surface_of_linear_extrusion from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeSurfaceOfRevolutionThis class implements the mapping between class SurfaceOfRevolution from Geom and the class SurfaceOfRevolution from StepGeom which describes a surface_of_revolution from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeSweptSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between classes SweptSurface from Geom and the class SweptSurface from StepGeom which describes a SweptSurface from prostep. As SweptSurface is an abstract SweptSurface this class is an access to the sub-class required
 CGeomToStep_MakeToroidalSurfaceThis class implements the mapping between class ToroidalSurface from Geom and the class ToroidalSurface from StepGeom which describes a toroidal_surface from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_MakeVectorThis class implements the mapping between classes Vector from Geom, Geom2d and Vec, Vec2d from gp, and the class Vector from StepGeom which describes a Vector from Prostep
 CGeomToStep_RootThis class implements the common services for all classes of GeomToStep which report error
 CgpThe geometric processor package, called gp, provides an implementation of entities used : . for algebraic calculation such as "XYZ" coordinates, "Mat" matrix . for basis analytic geometry such as Transformations, point, vector, line, plane, axis placement, conics, and elementary surfaces. These entities are defined in 2d and 3d space. All the classes of this package are non-persistent
 Cgp_Ax1Describes an axis in 3D space. An axis is defined by:
 Cgp_Ax2Describes a right-handed coordinate system in 3D space. A coordinate system is defined by:
 Cgp_Ax22dDescribes a coordinate system in a plane (2D space). A coordinate system is defined by:
 Cgp_Ax2dDescribes an axis in the plane (2D space). An axis is defined by:
 Cgp_Ax3Describes a coordinate system in 3D space. Unlike a gp_Ax2 coordinate system, a gp_Ax3 can be right-handed ("direct sense") or left-handed ("indirect sense"). A coordinate system is defined by:
 Cgp_CircDescribes a circle in 3D space. A circle is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) as follows:
 Cgp_Circ2dDescribes a circle in the plane (2D space). A circle is defined by its radius and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) as follows:
 Cgp_ConeDefines an infinite conical surface. A cone is defined by its half-angle (can be negative) at the apex and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a "reference radius" where:
 Cgp_CylinderDescribes an infinite cylindrical surface. A cylinder is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object), the "main Axis" of which is the axis of the cylinder. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the cylinder. Note: when a gp_Cylinder cylinder is converted into a Geom_CylindricalSurface cylinder, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly:
 Cgp_DirDescribes a unit vector in 3D space. This unit vector is also called "Direction". See Also gce_MakeDir which provides functions for more complex unit vector constructions Geom_Direction which provides additional functions for constructing unit vectors and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of unit vectors
 Cgp_Dir2dDescribes a unit vector in the plane (2D space). This unit vector is also called "Direction". See Also gce_MakeDir2d which provides functions for more complex unit vector constructions Geom2d_Direction which provides additional functions for constructing unit vectors and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of unit vectors
 Cgp_ElipsDescribes an ellipse in 3D space. An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) as follows:
 Cgp_Elips2dDescribes an ellipse in the plane (2D space). An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) as follows:
 Cgp_GTrsfDefines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space. This transformation is a general transformation. It can be a gp_Trsf, an affinity, or you can define your own transformation giving the matrix of transformation
 Cgp_GTrsf2dDefines a non persistent transformation in 2D space. This transformation is a general transformation. It can be a gp_Trsf2d, an affinity, or you can define your own transformation giving the corresponding matrix of transformation
 Cgp_HyprDescribes a branch of a hyperbola in 3D space. A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) of which:
 Cgp_Hypr2dDescribes a branch of a hyperbola in the plane (2D space). A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii, and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) of which:
 Cgp_LinDescribes a line in 3D space. A line is positioned in space with an axis (a gp_Ax1 object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector. A line and an axis are similar objects, thus, we can convert one into the other. A line provides direct access to the majority of the edit and query functions available on its positioning axis. In addition, however, a line has specific functions for computing distances and positions. See Also gce_MakeLin which provides functions for more complex line constructions Geom_Line which provides additional functions for constructing lines and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of lines
 Cgp_Lin2dDescribes a line in 2D space. A line is positioned in the plane with an axis (a gp_Ax2d object) which gives the line its origin and unit vector. A line and an axis are similar objects, thus, we can convert one into the other. A line provides direct access to the majority of the edit and query functions available on its positioning axis. In addition, however, a line has specific functions for computing distances and positions. See Also GccAna and Geom2dGcc packages which provide functions for constructing lines defined by geometric constraints gce_MakeLin2d which provides functions for more complex line constructions Geom2d_Line which provides additional functions for constructing lines and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of lines
 Cgp_MatDescribes a three column, three row matrix. This sort of object is used in various vectorial or matrix computations
 Cgp_Mat2dDescribes a two column, two row matrix. This sort of object is used in various vectorial or matrix computations
 Cgp_ParabDescribes a parabola in 3D space. A parabola is defined by its focal length (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) where:
 Cgp_Parab2dDescribes a parabola in the plane (2D space). A parabola is defined by its focal length (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) where:
 Cgp_PlnDescribes a plane. A plane is positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object), such that the plane is defined by the origin, "X Direction" and "Y Direction" of this coordinate system, which is the "local coordinate system" of the plane. The "main Direction" of the coordinate system is a vector normal to the plane. It gives the plane an implicit orientation such that the plane is said to be "direct", if the coordinate system is right-handed, or "indirect" in the other case. Note: when a gp_Pln plane is converted into a Geom_Plane plane, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly:
 Cgp_PntDefines a 3D cartesian point
 Cgp_Pnt2dDefines a non-persistent 2D cartesian point
 Cgp_QuaternionRepresents operation of rotation in 3d space as quaternion and implements operations with rotations basing on quaternion mathematics
 Cgp_QuaternionNLerpClass perform linear interpolation (approximate rotation interpolation), result quaternion nonunit, its length lay between. sqrt(2)/2 and 1.0
 Cgp_QuaternionSLerpPerform Spherical Linear Interpolation of the quaternions, return unit length quaternion
 Cgp_SphereDescribes a sphere. A sphere is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object). The origin of the coordinate system is the center of the sphere. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the sphere. Note: when a gp_Sphere sphere is converted into a Geom_SphericalSurface sphere, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly:
 Cgp_TorusDescribes a torus. A torus is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) as follows:
 Cgp_TrsfDefines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space. The following transformations are implemented : . Translation, Rotation, Scale . Symmetry with respect to a point, a line, a plane. Complex transformations can be obtained by combining the previous elementary transformations using the method Multiply. The transformations can be represented as follow :
 Cgp_Trsf2dDefines a non-persistent transformation in 2D space. The following transformations are implemented :
 Cgp_VecDefines a non-persistent vector in 3D space
 Cgp_Vec2dDefines a non-persistent vector in 2D space
 Cgp_XYThis class describes a cartesian coordinate entity in 2D space {X,Y}. This class is non persistent. This entity used for algebraic calculation. An XY can be transformed with a Trsf2d or a GTrsf2d from package gp. It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information in data structures
 Cgp_XYZThis class describes a cartesian coordinate entity in 3D space {X,Y,Z}. This entity is used for algebraic calculation. This entity can be transformed with a "Trsf" or a "GTrsf" from package "gp". It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information in data structures
 CGPropThis package defines algorithms to compute the global properties of a set of points, a curve, a surface, a solid (non infinite region of space delimited with geometric entities), a compound geometric system (heterogeneous composition of the previous entities)
 CGProp_CelGPropsComputes the global properties of bounded curves in 3D space. It can be an elementary curve from package gp such as Lin, Circ, Elips, Parab
 CGProp_GPropsImplements a general mechanism to compute the global properties of a "compound geometric system" in 3d space by composition of the global properties of "elementary geometric entities" such as (curve, surface, solid, set of points). It is possible to compose the properties of several "compound geometric systems" too
 CGProp_PEquationA framework to analyze a collection - or cloud
 CGProp_PGPropsA framework for computing the global properties of a set of points. A point mass is attached to each point. The global mass of the system is the sum of each individual mass. By default, the point mass is equal to 1 and the mass of a system composed of N points is equal to N. Warning A framework of this sort provides functions to handle sets of points easily. But, like any GProp_GProps object, by using the Add function, it can theoretically bring together the computed global properties and those of a system more complex than a set of points . The mass of each point and the density of each component of the composed system must be coherent. Note that this coherence cannot be checked. Nonetheless, you are advised to restrict your use of a GProp_PGProps object to a set of points and to create a GProp_GProps object in order to bring together global properties of different systems
 CGProp_PrincipalPropsA framework to present the principal properties of inertia of a system of which global properties are computed by a GProp_GProps object. There is always a set of axes for which the products of inertia of a geometric system are equal to 0; i.e. the matrix of inertia of the system is diagonal. These axes are the principal axes of inertia. Their origin is coincident with the center of mass of the system. The associated moments are called the principal moments of inertia. This sort of presentation object is created, filled and returned by the function PrincipalProperties for any GProp_GProps object, and can be queried to access the result. Note: The system whose principal properties of inertia are returned by this framework is referred to as the current system. The current system, however, is retained neither by this presentation framework nor by the GProp_GProps object which activates it
 CGProp_SelGPropsComputes the global properties of a bounded elementary surface in 3d (surface of the gp package)
 CGProp_VelGPropsComputes the global properties and the volume of a geometric solid (3D closed region of space) The solid can be elementary(definition in the gp package)
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfPointsContains points array definition
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfPolygonsContains polygons array definition. WARNING! Polygon primitives might be unsupported by graphics library. Triangulation should be used instead of quads for better compatibility
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfPolylinesContains polylines array definition
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitivesThis class furnish services to defined and fill an array of primitives which can be passed directly to graphics rendering API
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfQuadranglesContains quadrangles array definition. WARNING! Quadrangle primitives might be unsupported by graphics library. Triangulation should be used instead of quads for better compatibility
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfQuadrangleStripsContains quadrangles strip array definition. WARNING! Quadrangle primitives might be unsupported by graphics library. Triangulation should be used instead of quads for better compatibility
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfSegmentsContains segments array definition
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfTriangleFansContains triangles fan array definition
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfTrianglesContains triangles array definition
 CGraphic3d_ArrayOfTriangleStripsContains triangles strip array definition
 CGraphic3d_AspectFillArea3dThis class defines graphic attributes for opaque 3d primitives (polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals)
 CGraphic3d_AspectLine3dCreates and updates a group of attributes for 3d line primitives. This group contains the color, the type of line, and its thickness
 CGraphic3d_AspectMarker3dCreates and updates an attribute group for marker type primitives. This group contains the type of marker, its color, and its scale factor
 CGraphic3d_AspectsThis class defines graphic attributes
 CGraphic3d_AspectText3dCreates and updates a group of attributes for text primitives
 CGraphic3d_AttribBufferBuffer of vertex attributes. This class is intended for advanced usage allowing invalidation of entire buffer content or its sub-part
 CGraphic3d_AttributeVertex attribute definition
 CGraphic3d_BoundBufferBounds buffer
 CGraphic3d_BSDFDescribes material's BSDF (Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function) used for physically-based rendering (in path tracing engine). BSDF is represented as weighted mixture of basic BRDFs/BTDFs (Bidirectional Reflectance (Transmittance) Distribution Functions)
 CGraphic3d_BufferBuffer of vertex attributes
 CGraphic3d_BufferRangeRange of values defined as Start + Length pair
 CGraphic3d_BvhCStructureSetSet of OpenGl_Structures for building BVH tree
 CGraphic3d_BvhCStructureSetTrsfPersSet of transformation persistent OpenGl_Structure for building BVH tree. Provides built-in mechanism to invalidate tree when world view projection state changes. Due to frequent invalidation of BVH tree the choice of BVH tree builder is made in favor of BVH linear builder (quick rebuild)
 CGraphic3d_CameraForward declaration
 CGraphic3d_CameraTileClass defines the area (Tile) inside a view
 CGraphic3d_CLightGeneric light source definition. This class defines arbitrary light source - see Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource enumeration. Some parameters are applicable only to particular light type; calling methods unrelated to current type will throw an exception
 CGraphic3d_ClipPlaneContainer for properties describing either a Clipping halfspace (single Clipping Plane), or a chain of Clipping Planes defining logical AND (conjunction) operation. The plane equation is specified in "world" coordinate system
 CGraphic3d_CStructureLow-level graphic structure interface
 CGraphic3d_CubeMapBase class for cubemaps. It is iterator over cubemap sides
 CGraphic3d_CubeMapOrderGraphic3d_CubeMapOrder maps sides of cubemap on tiles in packed cubemap image to support different tiles order in such images. Also it can be considered as permutation of numbers from 0 to 5. It stores permutation in one integer as convolution
 CGraphic3d_CubeMapPackedClass is intended to process cubemap packed into single image plane
 CGraphic3d_CubeMapSeparateClass to manage cubemap located in six different images
 CGraphic3d_CullingToolGraphic3d_CullingTool class provides a possibility to store parameters of view volume, such as its vertices and equations, and contains methods detecting if given AABB overlaps view volume
 CGraphic3d_CViewBase class of a graphical view that carries out rendering process for a concrete implementation of graphical driver. Provides virtual interfaces for redrawing its contents, management of displayed structures and render settings. The source code of the class itself implements functionality related to management of computed (HLR or "view-dependent") structures
 CGraphic3d_DataStructureManagerThis class allows the definition of a manager to which the graphic objects are associated. It allows them to be globally manipulated. It defines the global attributes
 CGraphic3d_FrameStatsClass storing the frame statistics
 CGraphic3d_FrameStatsDataData frame definition
 CGraphic3d_FrameStatsDataTmpTemporary data frame definition
 CGraphic3d_FresnelDescribes Fresnel reflectance parameters
 CGraphic3d_GraduatedTrihedronDefines the class of a graduated trihedron. It contains main style parameters for implementation of graduated trihedron
 CGraphic3d_GraphicDriverThis class allows the definition of a graphic driver for 3d interface (currently only OpenGl driver is used)
 CGraphic3d_GraphicDriverFactoryThis class for creation of Graphic3d_GraphicDriver
 CGraphic3d_GroupThis class allows the definition of groups of primitives inside of graphic objects (presentations). A group contains the primitives and attributes for which the range is limited to this group. The primitives of a group can be globally suppressed
 CGraphic3d_HatchStyleA class that provides an API to use standard OCCT hatch styles defined in Aspect_HatchStyle enum or to create custom styles from a user-defined bitmap
 CGraphic3d_IndexBufferIndex buffer
 CGraphic3d_LayerPresentations list sorted within priorities
 CGraphic3d_LightSetClass defining the set of light sources
 CGraphic3d_MarkerImageThis class is used to store bitmaps and images for markers rendering. It can convert bitmap texture stored in TColStd_HArray1OfByte to Image_PixMap and vice versa
 CGraphic3d_MaterialAspectThis class allows the definition of the type of a surface. Aspect attributes of a 3d face. Keywords: Material, FillArea, Shininess, Ambient, Color, Diffuse, Specular, Transparency, Emissive, ReflectionMode, BackFace, FrontFace, Reflection, Absorption
 CGraphic3d_MediaTextureTexture adapter for Media_Frame
 CGraphic3d_MediaTextureSetTexture adapter for Media_Frame
 CGraphic3d_MutableIndexBufferMutable index buffer
 CGraphic3d_PBRMaterialClass implementing Metallic-Roughness physically based material definition
 CGraphic3d_PolygonOffsetPolygon offset parameters
 CGraphic3d_PresentationAttributesClass defines presentation properties
 CGraphic3d_RenderingParamsHelper class to store rendering parameters
 CGraphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlaneClass defines a Clipping Volume as a logical OR (disjunction) operation between Graphic3d_ClipPlane in sequence. Each Graphic3d_ClipPlane represents either a single Plane clipping a halfspace (direction is specified by normal), or a sub-chain of planes defining a logical AND (conjunction) operation. Therefore, this collection allows defining a Clipping Volume through the limited set of Boolean operations between clipping Planes
 CGraphic3d_ShaderAttributeDescribes custom vertex shader attribute
 CGraphic3d_ShaderManagerThis class is responsible for generation of shader programs
 CGraphic3d_ShaderObjectForward declaration
 CGraphic3d_ShaderProgramThis class is responsible for managing shader programs
 CGraphic3d_ShaderVariableDescribes custom uniform shader variable
 CGraphic3d_StructureThis class allows the definition a graphic object. This graphic structure can be displayed, erased, or highlighted. This graphic structure can be connected with another graphic structure
 CGraphic3d_StructureManagerThis class allows the definition of a manager to which the graphic objects are associated. It allows them to be globally manipulated. It defines the global attributes. Keywords: Structure, Structure Manager, Update Mode, Destroy, Highlight, Visible
 CGraphic3d_TextThis class allows the definition of a text object for display. The text might be defined in one of ways, using:
 CGraphic3d_Texture1DThis is an abstract class for managing 1D textures
 CGraphic3d_Texture1DmanualThis class provides the implementation of a manual 1D texture. you MUST provide texture coordinates on your facets if you want to see your texture
 CGraphic3d_Texture1DsegmentThis class provides the implementation of a 1D texture applicable along a segment. You might use the SetSegment() method to set the way the texture is "stretched" on facets
 CGraphic3d_Texture2DThis abstract class for managing 2D textures
 CGraphic3d_Texture2DplaneThis class allows the management of a 2D texture defined from a plane equation Use the SetXXX() methods for positioning the texture as you want
 CGraphic3d_Texture3DThis abstract class for managing 3D textures
 CGraphic3d_TextureEnvThis class provides environment texture
 CGraphic3d_TextureMapThis is an abstract class for managing texture applicable on polygons
 CGraphic3d_TextureParamsThis class describes texture parameters
 CGraphic3d_TextureRootThis is the texture root class enable the dialog with the GraphicDriver allows the loading of texture
 CGraphic3d_TextureSetClass holding array of textures to be mapped as a set. Textures should be defined in ascending order of texture units within the set
 CGraphic3d_TransformPersTransformation Persistence definition
 CGraphic3d_TransformPersScaledAboveTransformation Zoom persistence with the above boundary of scale. This persistence works only when the camera scale value is below the scale value of this persistence. Otherwise, no persistence is applied
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueDescribes specific value of custom uniform variable
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeIDGenerates unique type identifier for variable value
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec2 >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec2i >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec3 >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec3i >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec4 >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec4i >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Standard_Integer >
 CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Standard_ShortReal >
 CGraphic3d_ValidatedCubeMapOrderGraphic3d_ValidatedCubeMapOrder contains completely valid order object. The only way to create this class except copy constructor is 'Validated' method of Graphic3d_CubeMapOrder. This class can initialize Graphic3d_CubeMapOrder. It is supposed to be used in case of necessity of completely valid order (in function argument as example). It helps to automate order's valid checks
 CGraphic3d_ValueInterfaceInterface for generic variable value
 CGraphic3d_VertexThis class represents a graphical 3D point
 CGraphic3d_ViewAffinityStructure display state
 CGraphic3d_WorldViewProjStateHelper class for keeping reference on world-view-projection state. Helpful for synchronizing state of WVP dependent data structures
 CGraphic3d_ZLayerSettingsStructure defines list of ZLayer properties
 CHatch_HatcherThe Hatcher is an algorithm to compute cross hatchings in a 2d plane. It is mainly dedicated to display purpose
 CHatch_LineStores a Line in the Hatcher. Represented by :
 CHatch_ParameterStores an intersection on a line represented by :
 CHeaderSection_ProtocolProtocol for HeaderSection Entities It requires HeaderSection as a Resource
 CHermitThis is used to reparameterize Rational BSpline Curves so that we can concatenate them later to build C1 Curves It builds and 1D-reparameterizing function starting from an Hermite interpolation and adding knots and modifying poles of the 1D BSpline obtained that way. The goal is to build a(u) so that if we consider a BSpline curve N(u) f(u) = --— D(u)
 CHLRAlgoIn order to have the precision required in industrial design, drawings need to offer the possibility of removing lines, which are hidden in a given projection. To do this, the Hidden Line Removal component provides two algorithms: HLRBRep_Algo and HLRBRep_PolyAlgo. These algorithms remove or indicate lines hidden by surfaces. For a given projection, they calculate a set of lines characteristic of the object being represented. They are also used in conjunction with extraction utilities, which reconstruct a new, simplified shape from a selection of calculation results. This new shape is made up of edges, which represent the lines of the visualized shape in a plane. This plane is the projection plane. HLRBRep_Algo takes into account the shape itself. HLRBRep_PolyAlgo works with a polyhedral simplification of the shape. When you use HLRBRep_Algo, you obtain an exact result, whereas, when you use HLRBRep_PolyAlgo, you reduce computation time but obtain polygonal segments
 CHLRAlgo_CoincidenceThe Coincidence class is used in an Inteference to store information on the "hiding" edge
 CHLRAlgo_EdgesBlockAn EdgesBlock is a set of Edges. It is used by the DataStructure to structure the Edges
 CHLRAlgo_EdgeStatusThis class describes the Hidden Line status of an Edge. It contains :
 CHLRAlgo_IntersectionDescribes an intersection on an edge to hide. Contains a parameter and a state (ON = on the face, OUT = above the face, IN = under the Face)
 CHLRAlgo_PolyAlgoTo remove Hidden lines on Triangulations
 CHLRAlgo_PolyDataData structure of a set of Triangles
 CHLRAlgo_PolyHidingDataData structure of a set of Hiding Triangles
 CHLRAlgo_PolyInternalDataTo Update OutLines
 CHLRAlgo_PolyInternalNodeTo Update OutLines
 CHLRAlgo_PolyInternalSegmentTo Update OutLines
 CHLRAlgo_PolyShellDataAll the PolyData of a Shell
 CHLRAlgo_ProjectorImplements a projector object. To transform and project Points and Planes. This object is designed to be used in the removal of hidden lines and is returned by the Prs3d_Projector::Projector function. You define the projection of the selected shape by calling one of the following functions:
 CHLRAlgo_TriangleDataData structure of a triangle
 CHLRAlgo_WiresBlockA WiresBlock is a set of Blocks. It is used by the DataStructure to structure the Edges
 CHLRAppli_ReflectLinesThis class builds reflect lines on a shape according to the axes of view defined by user. Reflect lines are represented by edges in 3d
 CHLRBRepHidden Lines Removal algorithms on the BRep DataStructure
 CHLRBRep_AlgoInherited from InternalAlgo to provide methods with Shape from TopoDS. A framework to compute a shape as seen in a projection plane. This is done by calculating the visible and the hidden parts of the shape. HLRBRep_Algo works with three types of entity:
 CHLRBRep_AreaLimitThe private nested class AreaLimit represents a – vertex on the Edge with the state on the left and – the right
 CHLRBRep_BiPnt2DContains the colors of a shape
 CHLRBRep_BiPointContains the colors of a shape
 CHLRBRep_CurveDefines a 2d curve by projection of a 3D curve on a plane with an optional perspective transformation
 CHLRBRep_EdgeFaceToolThe EdgeFaceTool computes the UV coordinates at a given parameter on a Curve and a Surface. It also compute the signed curvature value in a direction at a given u,v point on a surface
 CHLRBRep_EdgeInterferenceToolImplements the methods required to instantiates the EdgeInterferenceList from HLRAlgo
 CHLRBRep_HLRToShapeA framework for filtering the computation results of an HLRBRep_Algo algorithm by extraction. From the results calculated by the algorithm on a shape, a filter returns the type of edge you want to identify. You can choose any of the following types of output:
 CHLRBRep_IntersectorThe Intersector computes 2D intersections of the projections of 3D curves. It can also computes the intersection of a 3D line and a surface
 CHLRBRep_LineToolThe LineTool class provides class methods to access the methodes of the Line
 CHLRBRep_PolyAlgoTo remove Hidden lines on Shapes with Triangulations. A framework to compute the shape as seen in a projection plane. This is done by calculating the visible and the hidden parts of the shape. HLRBRep_PolyAlgo works with three types of entity:
 CHLRBRep_PolyHLRToShapeA framework for filtering the computation results of an HLRBRep_Algo algorithm by extraction. From the results calculated by the algorithm on a shape, a filter returns the type of edge you want to identify. You can choose any of the following types of output:
 CHLRBRep_ShapeBoundsContains a Shape and the bounds of its vertices, edges and faces in the DataStructure
 CHLRBRep_ShapeToHLRCompute the OutLinedShape of a Shape with an OutLiner, a Projector and create the Data Structure of a Shape
 CHLRTestThis package is a test of the Hidden Lines algorithms instantiated on the BRep Data Structure and using the Draw package to display the results
 CHLRTest_DrawableEdgeToolUsed to display the results
 CHLRTest_DrawablePolyEdgeToolUsed to display the results
 CHLRTest_ProjectorDraw Variable Projector to test
 CHLRTest_ShapeDataContains the colors of a shape
 CHLRTopoBRep_DataStores the results of the OutLine and IsoLine processes
 CHLRTopoBRep_DSFillerProvides methods to fill a HLRTopoBRep_Data
 CHLRTopoBRep_FaceDataContains the 3 ListOfShape of a Face ( Internal OutLines, OutLines on restriction and IsoLines )
 CIFGraph_AllConnectedThis class gives content of the CONNECTED COMPONENT(S) which include specific Entity(ies)
 CIFGraph_AllSharedThis class determines all Entities shared by some specific ones, at any level (those which will be lead in a Transfer for instance)
 CIFGraph_ArticulationsThis class gives entities which are Articulation points in a whole Model or in a sub-part An Articulation Point divides the graph in two (or more) disconnected sub-graphs Identifying Articulation Points allows improving efficiency of splitting a set of Entities into sub-sets
 CIFGraph_CompareThis class evaluates effect of two compared sub-parts : cumulation (union), common part (intersection-overlapping) part specific to first sub-part or to the second one Results are kept in a Graph, several question can be set Basic Iteration gives Cumulation (union)
 CIFGraph_ConnectedComponantsDetermines Connected Components in a Graph. They define disjoined sets of Entities
 CIFGraph_CumulateThis class evaluates effect of cumulated sub-parts : overlapping, forgotten entities Results are kept in a Graph, several question can be set Basic Iteration gives entities which are part of Cumulation
 CIFGraph_CyclesDetermines strong components in a graph which are Cycles
 CIFGraph_ExternalSourcesThis class gives entities which are Source of entities of a sub-part, but are not contained by this sub-part
 CIFGraph_SCRootsDetermines strong components in a graph which are Roots
 CIFGraph_StrongComponantsDetermines strong components of a graph, that is isolated entities (single components) or loops
 CIFGraph_SubPartsIteratorDefines general form for graph classes of which result is not a single iteration on Entities, but a nested one : External iteration works on sub-parts, identified by each class (according to its algorithm) Internal Iteration concerns Entities of a sub-part Sub-Parts are assumed to be disjoined; if they are not, the first one has priority
 CIFSelectGives tools to manage Selecting a group of Entities processed by an Interface, for instance to divide up an original Model (from a File) to several smaller ones They use description of an Interface Model as a graph
 CIFSelect_ActAct gives a simple way to define and add functions to be ran from a SessionPilot, as follows :
 CIFSelect_ActivatorDefines the general frame for working with a SessionPilot. Each Activator treats a set of Commands. Commands are given as alphanumeric strings. They can be of two main forms :
 CIFSelect_AppliedModifiersThis class allows to memorize and access to the modifiers which are to be applied to a file. To each modifier, is bound a list of integers (optional) : if this list is absent, the modifier applies to all the file. Else, it applies to the entities designated by these numbers in the produced file
 CIFSelect_BasicDumperBasicDumper takes into account, for SessionFile, all the classes defined in the package IFSelect : Selections, Dispatches (there is no Modifier)
 CIFSelect_CheckCounterA CheckCounter allows to see a CheckList (i.e. CheckIterator) not per entity, its messages, but per message, the entities attached (count and list). Because many messages can be repeated if they are due to systematic errors
 CIFSelect_ContextModifThis class gathers various information used by Model Modifiers apart from the target model itself, and the CopyTool which must be passed directly
 CIFSelect_ContextWriteThis class gathers various information used by File Modifiers apart from the writer object, which is specific of the norm and of the physical format
 CIFSelect_DispatchThis class allows to describe how a set of Entities has to be dispatched into resulting Packets : a Packet is a sub-set of the initial set of entities
 CIFSelect_DispGlobalA DispGlobal gathers all the input Entities into only one global Packet
 CIFSelect_DispPerCountA DispPerCount gathers all the input Entities into one or several Packets, each containing a defined count of Entity This count is a Parameter of the DispPerCount, given as an IntParam, thus allowing external control of its Value
 CIFSelect_DispPerFilesA DispPerFiles produces a determined count of Packets from the input Entities. It divides, as equally as possible, the input list into a count of files. This count is the parameter of the DispPerFiles. If the input list has less than this count, of course there will be one packet per input entity. This count is a Parameter of the DispPerFiles, given as an IntParam, thus allowing external control of its Value
 CIFSelect_DispPerOneA DispPerOne gathers all the input Entities into as many Packets as there Root Entities from the Final Selection, that is, one Packet per Entity
 CIFSelect_DispPerSignatureA DispPerSignature sorts input Entities according to a Signature : it works with a SignCounter to do this
 CIFSelect_EditFormAn EditForm is the way to apply an Editor on an Entity or on the Model It gives read-only or read-write access, with or without undo
 CIFSelect_EditorAn Editor defines a set of values and a way to edit them, on an entity or on the model (e.g. on its header)
 CIFSelect_FunctionsFunctions gives access to all the actions which can be commanded with the resources provided by IFSelect : especially WorkSession and various types of Selections and Dispatches
 CIFSelect_GeneralModifierThis class gives a frame for Actions which modify the effect of a Dispatch, i.e. : By Selections and Dispatches, an original Model can be split into one or more "target" Models : these Models contain Entities copied from the original one (that is, a part of it). Basically, these dispatched Entities are copied as identical to their original counterparts. Also the copied Models reproduce the Header of the original one
 CIFSelect_GraphCounterA GraphCounter computes values to be sorted with the help of a Graph. I.E. not from a Signature
 CIFSelect_IntParamThis class simply allows to access an Integer value through a Handle, as a String can be (by using HString). Hence, this value can be accessed : read and modified, without passing through the specific object which detains it. Thus, parameters of a Selection or a Dispatch (according its type) can be controlled directly from the ShareOut which contains them
 CIFSelect_ListEditorA ListEditor is an auxiliary operator for Editor/EditForm I.E. it works on parameter values expressed as strings
 CIFSelect_ModelCopierThis class performs the Copy operations involved by the description of a ShareOut (evaluated by a ShareOutResult) plus, if there are, the Modifications on the results, with the help of Modifiers. Each Modifier can work on one or more resulting packets, according to its criteria : it operates on a Model once copied and filled with the content of the packet
 CIFSelect_ModifEditFormThis modifier applies an EditForm on the entities selected
 CIFSelect_ModifierThis class gives a frame for Actions which can work globally on a File once completely defined (i.e. afterwards)
 CIFSelect_ModifReorderThis modifier reorders a whole model from its roots, i.e. according to <rootlast> status, it considers each of its roots, then it orders all its shared entities at any level, the result begins by the lower level entities ... ends by the roots
 CIFSelect_PacketListThis class gives a simple way to return then consult a list of packets, determined from the content of a Model, by various criteria
 CIFSelect_ParamEditorA ParamEditor gives access for edition to a list of TypedValue (i.e. of Static too) Its definition is made of the TypedValue to edit themselves, and can add some constants, which can then be displayed but not changed (for instance, system name, processor version ...)
 CIFSelect_SelectAnyListA SelectAnyList kind Selection selects a List of an Entity, as well as this Entity contains some. A List contains sub-entities as one per Item, or several (for instance if an Entity binds couples of sub-entities, each item is one of these couples). Remark that only Entities are taken into account (neither Reals, nor Strings, etc...)
 CIFSelect_SelectAnyTypeA SelectAnyType sorts the Entities of which the Type is Kind of a given Type : this Type for Match is specific of each class of SelectAnyType
 CIFSelect_SelectBaseSelectBase works directly from an InterfaceModel : it is the first base for other Selections
 CIFSelect_SelectCombineA SelectCombine type Selection defines algebraic operations between results of several Selections It is a deferred class : sub-classes will have to define precise what operator is to be applied
 CIFSelect_SelectControlA SelectControl kind Selection works with two input Selections in a dissymmetric way : the Main Input which gives an input list of Entities, to be processed, and the Second Input which gives another list, to be used to filter the main input
 CIFSelect_SelectDeductA SelectDeduct determines a list of Entities from an Input Selection, by a computation : Output list is not obliged to be a sub-list of Input list (for more specific, see SelectExtract for filtered sub-lists, and SelectExplore for recurcive exploration)
 CIFSelect_SelectDiffA SelectDiff keeps the entities from a Selection, the Main Input, which are not listed by the Second Input
 CIFSelect_SelectEntityNumberA SelectEntityNumber gets in an InterfaceModel (through a Graph), the Entity which has a specified Number (its rank of adding into the Model) : there can be zero (if none) or one. The Number is not directly defined as an Integer, but as a Parameter, which can be externally controlled
 CIFSelect_SelectErrorEntitiesA SelectErrorEntities sorts the Entities which are qualified as "Error" (their Type has not been recognized) during reading a File. This does not concern Entities which are syntactically correct, but with incorrect data (for integrity constraints)
 CIFSelect_SelectExploreA SelectExplore determines from an input list of Entities, a list obtained by a way of exploration. This implies the possibility of recursive exploration : the output list is itself reused as input, etc... Examples : Shared Entities, can be considered at one level (immediate shared) or more, or max level
 CIFSelect_SelectExtractA SelectExtract determines a list of Entities from an Input Selection, as a sub-list of the Input Result It works by applying a sort criterium on each Entity of the Input. This criterium can be applied Direct to Pick Items (default case) or Reverse to Remove Item
 CIFSelect_SelectFlagA SelectFlag queries a flag noted in the bitmap of the Graph. The Flag is designated by its Name. Flag Names are defined by Work Session and, as necessary, other functional objects
 CIFSelect_SelectIncorrectEntitiesA SelectIncorrectEntities sorts the Entities which have been noted as Incorrect in the Graph of the Session (flag "Incorrect") It can find a result only if ComputeCheck has formerly been called on the WorkSession. Else, its result will be empty
 CIFSelect_SelectInListA SelectInList kind Selection selects a List of an Entity, which is composed of single Entities To know the list on which to work, SelectInList has two deferred methods : NbItems (inherited from SelectAnyList) and ListedEntity (which gives an item as an Entity) which must be defined to get a List in an Entity of the required Type (and consider that list is empty if Entity has not required Type)
 CIFSelect_SelectIntersectionA SelectIntersection filters the Entities issued from several other Selections as Intersection of results : "AND" operator
 CIFSelect_SelectionA Selection allows to define a set of Interface Entities. Entities to be put on an output file should be identified in a way as independent from such or such execution as possible. This permits to handle comprehensive criteria, and to replay them when a new variant of an input file has to be processed
 CIFSelect_SelectionIteratorDefines an Iterator on a list of Selections
 CIFSelect_SelectModelEntitiesA SelectModelEntities gets all the Entities of an InterfaceModel
 CIFSelect_SelectModelRootsA SelectModelRoots gets all the Root Entities of an InterfaceModel. Remember that a "Root Entity" is defined as having no Sharing Entity (if there is a Loop between Entities, none of them can be a "Root")
 CIFSelect_SelectPointedThis type of Selection is intended to describe a direct selection without an explicit criterium, for instance the result of picking viewed entities on a graphic screen
 CIFSelect_SelectRangeA SelectRange keeps or rejects a sub-set of the input set, that is the Entities of which rank in the iteration list is in a given range (for instance form 2nd to 6th, etc...)
 CIFSelect_SelectRootCompsA SelectRootComps sorts the Entities which are part of Strong Components, local roots of a set of Entities : they can be Single Components (containing one Entity) or Cycles This class gives a more secure result than SelectRoots (which considers only Single Components) but is longer to work : it can be used when there can be or there are cycles in a Model For each cycle, one Entity is given arbitrarily Reject works as for SelectRoots : Strong Components defined in the input list which are not local roots are given
 CIFSelect_SelectRootsA SelectRoots sorts the Entities which are local roots of a set of Entities (not shared by other Entities inside this set, even if they are shared by other Entities outside it)
 CIFSelect_SelectSentThis class returns entities according sending to a file Once a model has been loaded, further sendings are recorded as status in the graph (for each value, a count of sendings)
 CIFSelect_SelectSharedA SelectShared selects Entities which are directly Shared by the Entities of the Input list
 CIFSelect_SelectSharingA SelectSharing selects Entities which directly Share (Level One) the Entities of the Input list Remark : if an Entity of the Input List directly shares another one, it is of course present in the Result List
 CIFSelect_SelectSignatureA SelectSignature sorts the Entities on a Signature Matching. The signature to match is given at creation time. Also, the required match is given at creation time : exact (IsEqual) or contains (the Type's Name must contain the criterium Text)
 CIFSelect_SelectSignedSharedIn the graph, explore the Shareds of the input entities, until it encounters some which match a given Signature (for a limited level, filters the returned list) By default, fitted for any level
 CIFSelect_SelectSignedSharingIn the graph, explore the sharings of the input entities, until it encounters some which match a given Signature (for a limited level, filters the returned list) By default, fitted for any level
 CIFSelect_SelectSuiteA SelectSuite can describe a suite of SelectDeduct as a unique one : in other words, it can be seen as a "macro selection"
 CIFSelect_SelectTypeA SelectType keeps or rejects Entities of which the Type is Kind of a given Cdl Type
 CIFSelect_SelectUnionA SelectUnion cumulates the Entities issued from several other Selections (union of results : "OR" operator)
 CIFSelect_SelectUnknownEntitiesA SelectUnknownEntities sorts the Entities which are qualified as "Unknown" (their Type has not been recognized)
 CIFSelect_SessionDumperA SessionDumper is called by SessionFile. It takes into account a set of classes (such as Selections, Dispatches ...). SessionFile writes the Type (as defined by cdl) of each Item and its general Parameters. It manages the names of the Items
 CIFSelect_SessionFileA SessionFile is intended to manage access between a WorkSession and an Ascii Form, to be considered as a Dump. It allows to write the File from the WorkSession, and later read the File to the WorkSession, by keeping required descriptions (such as dependances)
 CIFSelect_SessionPilotA SessionPilot is intended to make easier the use of a WorkSession. It receives commands, under alphanumeric form, then calls a library of Activators to interpret and run them
 CIFSelect_ShareOutThis class gathers the information required to produce one or several file(s) from the content of an InterfaceModel (passing through the creation of intermediate Models)
 CIFSelect_ShareOutResultThis class gives results computed from a ShareOut : simulation before transfer, helps to list entities ... Transfer itself will later be performed, either by a TransferCopy to simply divide up a file, or a TransferDispatch which can be parametred with more details
 CIFSelect_SignatureSignature provides the basic service used by the classes SelectSignature and Counter (i.e. Name, Value), which is :
 CIFSelect_SignatureListA SignatureList is given as result from a Counter (any kind) It gives access to a list of signatures, with counts, and optionally with list of corresponding entities
 CIFSelect_SignCategoryThis Signature returns the Category of an entity, as recorded in the model
 CIFSelect_SignCounterSignCounter gives the frame to count signatures associated with entities, deducted from them. Ex.: their Dynamic Type
 CIFSelect_SignMultipleMultiple Signature : ordered list of other Signatures It concatenates on a same line the result of its sub-items separated by sets of 3 blanks It is possible to define tabulations between sub-items Moreover, match rules are specific
 CIFSelect_SignTypeThis Signature returns the cdl Type of an entity, under two forms :
 CIFSelect_SignValidityThis Signature returns the Validity Status of an entity, as deducted from data in the model : it can be "OK" "Unknown" "Unloaded" "Syntactic Fail"(but loaded) "Syntactic Warning" "Semantic Fail" "Semantic Warning"
 CIFSelect_TransformerA Transformer defines the way an InterfaceModel is transformed (without sending it to a file). In order to work, each type of Transformer defines it method Perform, it can be parametred as needed
 CIFSelect_TransformStandardThis class runs transformations made by Modifiers, as the ModelCopier does when it produces files (the same set of Modifiers can then be used, as to transform the starting Model, as at file sending time)
 CIFSelect_WorkLibraryThis class defines the (empty) frame which can be used to enrich a XSTEP set with new capabilities In particular, a specific WorkLibrary must give the way for Reading a File into a Model, and Writing a Model to a File Thus, it is possible to define several Work Libraries for each norm, but recommended to define one general class for each one : this general class will define the Read and Write methods
 CIFSelect_WorkSessionThis class can be used to simply manage a process such as splitting a file, extracting a set of Entities ... It allows to manage different types of Variables : Integer or Text Parameters, Selections, Dispatches, in addition to a ShareOut. To each of these variables, a unique Integer Identifier is attached. A Name can be attached too as desired
 CIGESAppliThis package represents collection of miscellaneous entities from IGES
 CIGESAppli_DrilledHoleDefines DrilledHole, Type <406> Form <6> in package IGESAppli Identifies an entity representing a drilled hole through a printed circuit board
 CIGESAppli_ElementResultsDefines ElementResults, Type <148> in package IGESAppli Used to find the results of FEM analysis
 CIGESAppli_FiniteElementDefines FiniteElement, Type <136> Form <0> in package IGESAppli Used to define a finite element with the help of an element topology
 CIGESAppli_FlowDefines Flow, Type <402> Form <18> in package IGESAppli Represents a single signal or a single fluid flow path starting from a starting Connect Point Entity and including additional intermediate connect points
 CIGESAppli_FlowLineSpecDefines FlowLineSpec, Type <406> Form <14> in package IGESAppli Attaches one or more text strings to entities being used to represent a flow line
 CIGESAppli_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESAppli (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESAppli_LevelFunctionDefines LevelFunction, Type <406> Form <3> in package IGESAppli Used to transfer the meaning or intended use of a level in the sending system
 CIGESAppli_LevelToPWBLayerMapDefines LevelToPWBLayerMap, Type <406> Form <24> in package IGESAppli Used to correlate an exchange file level number with its corresponding native level identifier, physical PWB layer number and predefined functional level identification
 CIGESAppli_LineWideningDefines LineWidening, Type <406> Form <5> in package IGESAppli Defines the characteristics of entities when they are used to define locations of items
 CIGESAppli_NodalConstraintDefines NodalConstraint, Type <418> Form <0> in package IGESAppli Relates loads and/or constraints to specific nodes in the Finite Element Model by creating a relation between Node entities and Tabular Data Property that contains the load or constraint data
 CIGESAppli_NodalDisplAndRotDefines NodalDisplAndRot, Type <138> Form <0> in package IGESAppli Used to communicate finite element post processing data
 CIGESAppli_NodalResultsDefines NodalResults, Type <146> in package IGESAppli Used to store the Analysis Data results per FEM Node
 CIGESAppli_NodeDefines Node, Type <134> Form <0> in package IGESAppli Geometric point used in the definition of a finite element
 CIGESAppli_PartNumberDefines PartNumber, Type <406> Form <9> in package IGESAppli Attaches a set of text strings that define the common part numbers to an entity being used to represent a physical component
 CIGESAppli_PinNumberDefines PinNumber, Type <406> Form <8> in package IGESAppli Used to attach a text string representing a component pin number to an entity being used to represent an electrical component's pin
 CIGESAppli_PipingFlowDefines PipingFlow, Type <402> Form <20> in package IGESAppli Represents a single fluid flow path
 CIGESAppli_ProtocolDescription of Protocol for IGESAppli
 CIGESAppli_PWBArtworkStackupDefines PWBArtworkStackup, Type <406> Form <25> in package IGESAppli Used to communicate which exchange file levels are to be combined in order to create the artwork for a printed wire board (PWB). This property should be attached to the entity defining the printed wire assembly (PWA) or if no such entity exists, then the property should stand alone in the file
 CIGESAppli_PWBDrilledHoleDefines PWBDrilledHole, Type <406> Form <26> in package IGESAppli Used to identify an entity that locates a drilled hole and to specify the characteristics of the drilled hole
 CIGESAppli_ReadWriteModuleDefines basic File Access Module for IGESAppli (specific parts) Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity
 CIGESAppli_ReferenceDesignatorDefines ReferenceDesignator, Type <406> Form <7> in package IGESAppli Used to attach a text string containing the value of a component reference designator to an entity being used to represent a component
 CIGESAppli_RegionRestrictionDefines RegionRestriction, Type <406> Form <2> in package IGESAppli Defines regions to set an application's restriction over a region
 CIGESAppli_SpecificModuleDefines Services attached to IGES Entities : Dump & OwnCorrect, for IGESAppli
 CIGESAppli_ToolDrilledHoleTool to work on a DrilledHole. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolElementResultsTool to work on a ElementResults. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolFiniteElementTool to work on a FiniteElement. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolFlowTool to work on a Flow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolFlowLineSpecTool to work on a FlowLineSpec. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolLevelFunctionTool to work on a LevelFunction. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolLevelToPWBLayerMapTool to work on a LevelToPWBLayerMap. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolLineWideningTool to work on a LineWidening. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolNodalConstraintTool to work on a NodalConstraint. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolNodalDisplAndRotTool to work on a NodalDisplAndRot. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolNodalResultsTool to work on a NodalResults. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolNodeTool to work on a Node. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolPartNumberTool to work on a PartNumber. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolPinNumberTool to work on a PinNumber. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolPipingFlowTool to work on a PipingFlow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolPWBArtworkStackupTool to work on a PWBArtworkStackup. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolPWBDrilledHoleTool to work on a PWBDrilledHole. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolReferenceDesignatorTool to work on a ReferenceDesignator. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESAppli_ToolRegionRestrictionTool to work on a RegionRestriction. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasicThis package represents basic entities from IGES
 CIGESBasic_AssocGroupTypeDefines AssocGroupType, Type <406> Form <23> in package IGESBasic Used to assign an unambiguous identification to a Group Associativity
 CIGESBasic_ExternalReferenceFileDefines ExternalReferenceFile, Type <406> Form <12> in package IGESBasic References definitions residing in another file
 CIGESBasic_ExternalRefFileDefines ExternalRefFile, Type <416> Form <1> in package IGESBasic Used when entire reference file is to be instanced
 CIGESBasic_ExternalRefFileIndexDefines ExternalRefFileIndex, Type <402> Form <12> in package IGESBasic Contains a list of the symbolic names used by the referencing files and the DE pointers to the corresponding definitions within the referenced file
 CIGESBasic_ExternalRefFileNameDefines ExternalRefFileName, Type <416> Form <0-2> in package IGESBasic Used when single definition from the reference file is required or for external logical references where an entity in one file relates to an entity in another file
 CIGESBasic_ExternalRefLibNameDefines ExternalRefLibName, Type <416> Form <4> in package IGESBasic Used when it is assumed that a copy of the subfigure exists in native form in a library on the receiving system
 CIGESBasic_ExternalRefNameDefines ExternalRefName, Type <416> Form <3> in package IGESBasic Used when it is assumed that a copy of the subfigure exists in native form on the receiving system
 CIGESBasic_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESBasic (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESBasic_GroupDefines Group, Type <402> Form <1> in package IGESBasic The Group Associativity allows a collection of a set of entities to be maintained as a single, logical entity
 CIGESBasic_GroupWithoutBackPDefines GroupWithoutBackP, Type <402> Form <7> in package IGESBasic this class defines a Group without back pointers
 CIGESBasic_HierarchyDefines Hierarchy, Type <406> Form <10> in package IGESBasic Provides ability to control the hierarchy of each directory entry attribute
 CIGESBasic_NameDefines Name, Type <406> Form <15> in package IGESBasic Used to specify a user defined name
 CIGESBasic_OrderedGroupDefines OrderedGroup, Type <402> Form <14> in package IGESBasic this class defines an Ordered Group with back pointers Allows a collection of a set of entities to be maintained as a single entity, but the group is ordered. It inherits from Group
 CIGESBasic_OrderedGroupWithoutBackPDefines OrderedGroupWithoutBackP, Type <402> Form <15> in package IGESBasic Allows a collection of a set of entities to be maintained as a single entity, but the group is ordered and there are no back pointers. It inherits from Group
 CIGESBasic_ProtocolDescription of Protocol for IGESBasic
 CIGESBasic_ReadWriteModuleDefines basic File Access Module for IGESBasic (specific parts) Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity
 CIGESBasic_SingleParentDefines SingleParent, Type <402> Form <9> in package IGESBasic It defines a logical structure of one independent (parent) entity and one or more subordinate (children) entities
 CIGESBasic_SingularSubfigureDefines SingularSubfigure, Type <408> Form <0> in package IGESBasic Defines the occurrence of a single instance of the defined Subfigure
 CIGESBasic_SpecificModuleDefines Services attached to IGES Entities : Dump & OwnCorrect, for IGESBasic
 CIGESBasic_SubfigureDefDefines SubfigureDef, Type <308> Form <0> in package IGESBasic This Entity permits a single definition of a detail to be utilized in multiple instances in the creation of the whole picture
 CIGESBasic_ToolAssocGroupTypeTool to work on a AssocGroupType. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalReferenceFileTool to work on a ExternalReferenceFile. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFileTool to work on a ExternalRefFile. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFileIndexTool to work on a ExternalRefFileIndex. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFileNameTool to work on a ExternalRefFileName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefLibNameTool to work on a ExternalRefLibName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefNameTool to work on a ExternalRefName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolGroupTool to work on a Group. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolGroupWithoutBackPTool to work on a GroupWithoutBackP. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolHierarchyTool to work on a Hierarchy. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolNameTool to work on a Name. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolOrderedGroupTool to work on a OrderedGroup. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolOrderedGroupWithoutBackPTool to work on a OrderedGroupWithoutBackP. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolSingleParentTool to work on a SingleParent. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolSingularSubfigureTool to work on a SingularSubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESBasic_ToolSubfigureDefTool to work on a SubfigureDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESCAFControlProvides high-level API to translate IGES file to and from DECAF document
 CIGESCAFControl_ConfigurationNodeThe purpose of this class is to configure the transfer process for IGES format Stores the necessary settings for IGESCAFControl_Provider. Configures and creates special provider to transfer IGES files
 CIGESCAFControl_ProviderThe class to transfer IGES files. Reads and Writes any IGES files into/from OCCT. Each operation needs configuration node
 CIGESCAFControl_ReaderProvides a tool to read IGES file and put it into DECAF document. Besides transfer of shapes (including assemblies) provided by IGESControl, supports also colors and part names IGESCAFControl_Reader reader; Methods for translation of an IGES file: reader.ReadFile("filename"); reader.Transfer(Document); or reader.Perform("filename",doc); Methods for managing reading attributes. Colors reader.SetColorMode(colormode); Standard_Boolean colormode = reader.GetColorMode(); Layers reader.SetLayerMode(layermode); Standard_Boolean layermode = reader.GetLayerMode(); Names reader.SetNameMode(namemode); Standard_Boolean namemode = reader.GetNameMode();
 CIGESCAFControl_WriterProvides a tool to write DECAF document to the IGES file. Besides transfer of shapes (including assemblies) provided by IGESControl, supports also colors and part names IGESCAFControl_Writer writer(); Methods for writing IGES file: writer.Transfer (Document); writer.Write("filename") or writer.Write(OStream) or writer.Perform(Document,"filename"); Methods for managing the writing of attributes. Colors writer.SetColorMode(colormode); Standard_Boolean colormode = writer.GetColorMode(); Layers writer.SetLayerMode(layermode); Standard_Boolean layermode = writer.GetLayerMode(); Names writer.SetNameMode(namemode); Standard_Boolean namemode = writer.GetNameMode();
 CIGESControl_ActorWriteActor to write Shape to IGES
 CIGESControl_ControllerController for IGES-5.1
 CIGESControl_IGESBoundaryTranslates IGES boundary entity (types 141, 142 and 508) in Advanced Data Exchange. Redefines translation and treatment methods from inherited open class IGESToBRep_IGESBoundary
 CIGESControl_ReaderReads IGES files, checks them and translates their contents into Open CASCADE models. The IGES data can be that of a whole model or that of a specific list of entities in the model. As in XSControl_Reader, you specify the list using a selection. For translation of iges files it is possible to use the following sequence: To change parameters of translation class Interface_Static should be used before the beginning of translation (see IGES Parameters and General Parameters) Creation of reader IGESControl_Reader reader; To load a file in a model use method: reader.ReadFile("filename.igs") To check a loading file use method Check: reader.Check(failsonly); where failsonly is equal to Standard_True or Standard_False; To print the results of load: reader.PrintCheckLoad(failsonly,mode) where mode is equal to the value of enumeration IFSelect_PrintCount To transfer entities from a model the following methods can be used: for the whole model reader.TransferRoots(onlyvisible); where onlyvisible is equal to Standard_True or Standard_False; To transfer a list of entities: reader.TransferList(list); To transfer one entity reader.TransferEntity(ent) or reader.Transfer(num); To obtain a result the following method can be used: reader.IsDone() reader.NbShapes() and reader.Shape(num); or reader.OneShape(); To print the results of transfer use method: reader.PrintTransferInfo(failwarn,mode); where printfail is equal to the value of enumeration IFSelect_PrintFail, mode see above. Gets correspondence between an IGES entity and a result shape obtained therefrom. reader.TransientProcess(); TopoDS_Shape shape = TransferBRep::ShapeResult(reader.TransientProcess(),ent);
 CIGESControl_WriterThis class creates and writes IGES files from CAS.CADE models. An IGES file can be written to an existing IGES file or to a new one. The translation can be performed in one or several operations. Each translation operation outputs a distinct root entity in the IGES file. To write an IGES file it is possible to use the following sequence: To modify the IGES file header or to change translation parameters it is necessary to use class Interface_Static (see IGESParameters and GeneralParameters)
 CIGESConvGeomThis package is intended to gather geometric conversion which are not immediate but can be used for several purposes : mainly, standard conversion to and from CasCade geometric and topologic data, and adaptations of IGES files as required (as replacing Spline entities to BSpline equivalents)
 CIGESConvGeom_GeomBuilderThis class provides some useful basic tools to build IGESGeom curves, especially : define a curve in a plane in 3D space (ex. Circular or Conic arc, or Copious Data defined in 2D) make a CopiousData from a list of points/vectors
 CIGESDataBasic description of an IGES Interface
 CIGESData_BasicEditorThis class provides various functions of basic edition, such as :
 CIGESData_ColorEntityDefines required type for Color in directory part an effective Color entity must inherits it
 CIGESData_DefaultGeneralProcesses the specific case of UndefinedEntity from IGESData (Case Number 1)
 CIGESData_DefaultSpecificSpecific IGES Services for UndefinedEntity, FreeFormatEntity
 CIGESData_DefSwitchDescription of a directory component which can be either undefined (let Void), defined as a Reference to an entity, or as a Rank, integer value addressing a builtin table The entity reference is not included here, only reference status is kept (because entity type must be adapted)
 CIGESData_DirCheckerThis class centralizes general Checks upon an IGES Entity's Directory Part. That is : such field Ignored or Required, or Required with a given Value (for an Integer field) More precise checks can be performed as necessary, by each Entity (method OwnCheck)
 CIGESData_DirPartLiteral/numeric description of an entity's directory section, taken from file
 CIGESData_FileProtocolThis class allows to define complex protocols, in order to treat various sub-sets (or the complete set) of the IGES Norm, such as Solid + Draw (which are normally independent), etc... While it inherits Protocol from IGESData, it admits UndefinedEntity too
 CIGESData_FreeFormatEntityThis class allows to create IGES Entities in a literal form : their definition is free, but they are not recognized as instances of specific classes
 CIGESData_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services adapted to IGES. This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check They are adapted according to the organisation of IGES Entities : Directory Part, Lists of Associativities and Properties are specifically processed
 CIGESData_GlobalSectionDescription of a global section (corresponds to file header) used as well in IGESModel, IGESReader and IGESWriter Warning : From IGES-5.1, a parameter is added : LastChangeDate (concerns transferred set of data, not the file itself) Of course, it can be absent if read from earlier versions (a default is then to be set to current date) From 5.3, one more : ApplicationProtocol (optional)
 CIGESData_IGESDumperProvides a way to obtain a clear Dump of an IGESEntity (distinct from normalized output). It works with tools attached to Entities, as for normalized Reade and Write
 CIGESData_IGESEntityDefines root of IGES Entity definition, including Directory Part, lists of (optional) Properties and Associativities
 CIGESData_IGESModelDefines the file header and entities for IGES files. These headers and entities result from a complete data translation using the IGES data exchange processor. Each entity is contained in a single model only and has a unique identifier. You can access this identifier using the method Number. Gives an access to the general data in the Start and the Global sections of an IGES file. The IGES file includes the following sections: -Start, -Global, -Directory Entry, -Parameter Data, -Terminate
 CIGESData_IGESReaderDataSpecific FileReaderData for IGES contains header as GlobalSection, and for each Entity, its directory part as DirPart, list of Parameters as ParamSet Each Item has a DirPart, plus classically a ParamSet and the correspondent recognized Entity (inherited from FileReaderData) Parameters are accessed through specific objects, ParamReaders
 CIGESData_IGESReaderToolSpecific FileReaderTool for IGES Parameters are accessed through specific objects, ParamReaders
 CIGESData_IGESTypeTaken from directory part of an entity (from file or model), gives "type" and "form" data, used to recognize entity's type
 CIGESData_IGESWriterManages atomic file writing, under control of IGESModel : prepare text to be sent then sends it takes into account distinction between successive Sections
 CIGESData_LabelDisplayEntityDefines required type for LabelDisplay in directory part an effective LabelDisplay entity must inherits it
 CIGESData_LevelListEntityDefines required type for LevelList in directory part an effective LevelList entity must inherits it
 CIGESData_LineFontEntityDefines required type for LineFont in directory part an effective LineFont entity must inherits it
 CIGESData_NameEntityNameEntity is a kind of IGESEntity which can provide a Name under alphanumeric (String) form, from Properties list an effective Name entity must inherit it
 CIGESData_ParamCursorAuxiliary class for ParamReader. It stores commands for a ParamReader to manage the current parameter number. Used by methods Read... from ParamReader. It allows to define the following commands :
 CIGESData_ParamReaderAccess to a list of parameters, with management of read stage (owned parameters, properties, associativities) and current parameter number, read errors (which feed a Check), plus convenient facilities to read parameters, in particular :
 CIGESData_ProtocolDescription of basic Protocol for IGES This comprises treatment of IGESModel and Recognition of Undefined-FreeFormat-Entity
 CIGESData_ReadWriteModuleDefines basic File Access Module, under the control of IGESReaderTool for Reading and IGESWriter for Writing : Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity. The common parts (Directory Entry, Lists of Associativities and Properties) are processed by IGESReaderTool & IGESWriter
 CIGESData_SingleParentEntitySingleParentEntity is a kind of IGESEntity which can refer to a (Single) Parent, from Associativities list of an Entity a effective SingleParent definition entity must inherit it
 CIGESData_SpecificModuleThis class defines some Services which are specifically attached to IGES Entities : Dump
 CIGESData_ToolLocationThis Tool determines and gives access to effective Locations of IGES Entities as defined by the IGES Norm. These Locations can be for each Entity :
 CIGESData_TransfEntityDefines required type for Transf in directory part an effective Transf entity must inherits it
 CIGESData_UndefinedEntityUndefined (unknown or error) entity specific of IGES DirPart can be correct or not : if it is not, a flag indicates it, and each corrupted field has an associated error flag
 CIGESData_ViewKindEntityDefines required type for ViewKind in directory part that is, Single view or Multiple view An effective ViewKind entity must inherit it and define IsSingle (True for Single, False for List of Views), NbViews and ViewItem (especially for a List)
 CIGESDefsTo embody general definitions of Entities (Parameters, Tables ...)
 CIGESDefs_AssociativityDefDefines IGES Associativity Definition Entity, Type <302> Form <5001 - 9999> in package IGESDefs. This class permits the preprocessor to define an associativity schema. i.e., by using it preprocessor defines the type of relationship
 CIGESDefs_AttributeDefDefines IGES Attribute Table Definition Entity, Type <322> Form [0, 1, 2] in package IGESDefs. This is class is used to support the concept of well defined collection of attributes, whether it is a table or a single row of attributes
 CIGESDefs_AttributeTableDefines IGES Attribute Table, Type <422> Form <0, 1> in package IGESDefs This class is used to represent an occurrence of Attribute Table. This Class may be independent or dependent or pointed at by other Entities
 CIGESDefs_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESDefs (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESDefs_GenericDataDefines IGES Generic Data, Type <406> Form <27> in package IGESDefs Used to communicate information defined by the system operator while creating the model. The information is system specific and does not map into one of the predefined properties or associativities. Properties and property values can be defined by multiple instances of this property
 CIGESDefs_MacroDefDefines IGES Macro Definition Entity, Type <306> Form <0> in package IGESDefs This Class specifies the action of a specific MACRO. After specification MACRO can be used as necessary by means of MACRO class instance entity
 CIGESDefs_ProtocolDescription of Protocol for IGESDefs
 CIGESDefs_ReadWriteModuleDefines Defs File Access Module for IGESDefs (specific parts) Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity
 CIGESDefs_SpecificModuleDefines Services attached to IGES Entities : Dump, for IGESDefs
 CIGESDefs_TabularDataDefines IGES Tabular Data, Type <406> Form <11>, in package IGESDefs This Class is used to provide a Structure to accommodate point form data
 CIGESDefs_ToolAssociativityDefTool to work on a AssociativityDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolAttributeDefTool to work on a AttributeDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolAttributeTableTool to work on a AttributeTable. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolGenericDataTool to work on a GenericData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolMacroDefTool to work on a MacroDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolTabularDataTool to work on a TabularData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_ToolUnitsDataTool to work on a UnitsData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDefs_UnitsDataDefines IGES UnitsData Entity, Type <316> Form <0> in package IGESDefs This class stores data about a model's fundamental units
 CIGESDimenThis package represents Entities applied to Dimensions ie. Annotation Entities and attached Properties and Associativities
 CIGESDimen_AngularDimensionDefines AngularDimension, Type <202> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Used to dimension angles
 CIGESDimen_BasicDimensionDefines IGES Basic Dimension, Type 406, Form 31, in package IGESDimen The basic Dimension Property indicates that the referencing dimension entity is to be displayed with a box around text
 CIGESDimen_CenterLineDefines CenterLine, Type <106> Form <20-21> in package IGESDimen Is an entity appearing as crosshairs or as a construction between 2 positions
 CIGESDimen_CurveDimensionDefines CurveDimension, Type <204> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Used to dimension curves Consists of one tail segment of nonzero length beginning with an arrowhead and which serves to define the orientation
 CIGESDimen_DiameterDimensionDefines DiameterDimension, Type <206> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Used for dimensioning diameters
 CIGESDimen_DimensionDisplayDataDefines IGES Dimension Display Data, Type <406> Form <30>, in package IGESDimen The Dimensional Display Data Property is optional but when present must be referenced by a dimension entity. The information it contains could be extracted from the text, leader and witness line data with difficulty
 CIGESDimen_DimensionedGeometryDefines IGES Dimensioned Geometry, Type <402> Form <13>, in package IGESDimen This entity has been replaced by the new form of Dimensioned Geometry Associativity Entity (Type 402, Form 21) and should no longer be used by preprocessors
 CIGESDimen_DimensionToleranceDefines Dimension Tolerance, Type <406>, Form <29> in package IGESDimen Provides tolerance information for a dimension which can be used by the receiving system to regenerate the dimension
 CIGESDimen_DimensionUnitsDefines Dimension Units, Type <406>, Form <28> in package IGESDimen Describes the units and formatting details of the nominal value of a dimension
 CIGESDimen_FlagNoteDefines FlagNote, Type <208> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Is label information formatted in different ways
 CIGESDimen_GeneralLabelDefines GeneralLabel, Type <210> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Used for general labeling with leaders
 CIGESDimen_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESDimen (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESDimen_GeneralNoteDefines GeneralNote, Type <212> Form <0-8, 100-200, 105> in package IGESDimen Used for formatting boxed text in different ways
 CIGESDimen_GeneralSymbolDefines General Symbol, Type <228>, Form <0-3,5001-9999> in package IGESDimen Consists of zero or one (Form 0) or one (all other forms), one or more geometry entities which define a symbol, and zero, one or more associated leaders
 CIGESDimen_LeaderArrowDefines LeaderArrow, Type <214> Form <1-12> in package IGESDimen Consists of one or more line segments except when leader is part of an angular dimension, with links to presumed text item
 CIGESDimen_LinearDimensionDefines LinearDimension, Type <216> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Used for linear dimensioning
 CIGESDimen_NewDimensionedGeometryDefines New Dimensioned Geometry, Type <402>, Form <21> in package IGESDimen Links a dimension entity with the geometry entities it is dimensioning, so that later, in the receiving database, the dimension can be automatically recalculated and redrawn should the geometry be changed
 CIGESDimen_NewGeneralNoteDefines NewGeneralNote, Type <213> Form <0> in package IGESDimen Further attributes for formatting text strings
 CIGESDimen_OrdinateDimensionDefines IGES Ordinate Dimension, Type <218> Form <0, 1>, in package IGESDimen Note : The ordinate dimension entity is used to indicate dimensions from a common base line. Dimensioning is only permitted along the XT or YT axis
 CIGESDimen_PointDimensionDefines IGES Point Dimension, Type <220> Form <0>, in package IGESDimen A Point Dimension Entity consists of a leader, text, and an optional circle or hexagon enclosing the text IGES specs for this entity mention SimpleClosedPlanarCurve Entity(106/63)which is not listed in LIST.Text In the sequel we have ignored this & considered only the other two entity for representing the hexagon or circle enclosing the text
 CIGESDimen_ProtocolDescription of Protocol for IGESDimen
 CIGESDimen_RadiusDimensionDefines IGES Radius Dimension, type <222> Form <0, 1>, in package IGESDimen. A Radius Dimension Entity consists of a General Note, a leader, and an arc center point. A second form of this entity accounts for the occasional need to have two leader entities referenced
 CIGESDimen_ReadWriteModuleDefines Dimen File Access Module for IGESDimen (specific parts) Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity
 CIGESDimen_SectionDefines Section, Type <106> Form <31-38> in package IGESDimen Contains information to display sectioned sides
 CIGESDimen_SectionedAreaDefines IGES Sectioned Area, Type <230> Form <0>, in package IGESDimen A sectioned area is a portion of a design which is to be filled with a pattern of lines. Ordinarily, this entity is used to reveal or expose shape or material characteri- stics defined by other entities. It consists of a pointer to an exterior definition curve, a specification of the pattern of lines, the coordinates of a point on a pattern line, the distance between the pattern lines, the angle between the pattern lines and the X-axis of definition space, and the specification of any enclosed definition curves (commonly known as islands)
 CIGESDimen_SpecificModuleDefines Services attached to IGES Entities : Dump & OwnCorrect, for IGESDimen
 CIGESDimen_ToolAngularDimensionTool to work on a AngularDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolBasicDimensionTool to work on a BasicDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolCenterLineTool to work on a CenterLine. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolCurveDimensionTool to work on a CurveDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolDiameterDimensionTool to work on a DiameterDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionDisplayDataTool to work on a DimensionDisplayData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionedGeometryTool to work on a DimensionedGeometry. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionToleranceTool to work on a DimensionTolerance. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionUnitsTool to work on a DimensionUnits. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolFlagNoteTool to work on a FlagNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralLabelTool to work on a GeneralLabel. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralNoteTool to work on a GeneralNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralSymbolTool to work on a GeneralSymbol. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolLeaderArrowTool to work on a LeaderArrow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolLinearDimensionTool to work on a LinearDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolNewDimensionedGeometryTool to work on a NewDimensionedGeometry. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolNewGeneralNoteTool to work on a NewGeneralNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolOrdinateDimensionTool to work on a OrdinateDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolPointDimensionTool to work on a PointDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolRadiusDimensionTool to work on a RadiusDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolSectionTool to work on a Section. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolSectionedAreaTool to work on a SectionedArea. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_ToolWitnessLineTool to work on a WitnessLine. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDimen_WitnessLineDefines WitnessLine, Type <106> Form <40> in package IGESDimen Contains one or more straight line segments associated with drafting entities of various types
 CIGESDrawThis package contains the group of classes necessary for Structure Entities implied in Drawings and Structured Graphics (Sets for drawing, Drawings and Views)
 CIGESDraw_CircArraySubfigureDefines IGES Circular Array Subfigure Instance Entity, Type <414> Form Number <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ConnectPointDefines IGESConnectPoint, Type <132> Form Number <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_DrawingDefines IGESDrawing, Type <404> Form <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_DrawingWithRotationDefines IGESDrawingWithRotation, Type <404> Form <1> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESDraw (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESDraw_LabelDisplayDefines IGESLabelDisplay, Type <402> Form <5> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDefines IGES Network Subfigure Instance Entity, Type <420> Form Number <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_NetworkSubfigureDefDefines IGESNetworkSubfigureDef, Type <320> Form Number <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_PerspectiveViewDefines IGESPerspectiveView, Type <410> Form <1> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_PlanarDefines IGESPlanar, Type <402> Form <16> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ProtocolDescription of Protocol for IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ReadWriteModuleDefines Draw File Access Module for IGESDraw (specific parts) Specific actions concern : Read and Write Own Parameters of an IGESEntity
 CIGESDraw_RectArraySubfigureDefines IGES Rectangular Array Subfigure Instance Entity, Type <412> Form Number <0> in package IGESDraw Used to produce copies of object called the base entity, arranging them in equally spaced rows and columns
 CIGESDraw_SegmentedViewsVisibleDefines IGESSegmentedViewsVisible, Type <402> Form <19> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_SpecificModuleDefines Services attached to IGES Entities : Dump & OwnCorrect, for IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ToolCircArraySubfigureTool to work on a CircArraySubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolConnectPointTool to work on a ConnectPoint. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolDrawingTool to work on a Drawing. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolDrawingWithRotationTool to work on a DrawingWithRotation. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolLabelDisplayTool to work on a LabelDisplay. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureTool to work on a NetworkSubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDefTool to work on a NetworkSubfigureDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolPerspectiveViewTool to work on a PerspectiveView. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolPlanarTool to work on a Planar. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolRectArraySubfigureTool to work on a RectArraySubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisibleTool to work on a SegmentedViewsVisible. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolViewTool to work on a View. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolViewsVisibleTool to work on a ViewsVisible. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ToolViewsVisibleWithAttrTool to work on a ViewsVisibleWithAttr. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule)
 CIGESDraw_ViewDefines IGES View Entity, Type <410> Form <0> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ViewsVisibleDefines IGESViewsVisible, Type <402>, Form <3> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESDraw_ViewsVisibleWithAttrDefines IGESViewsVisibleWithAttr, Type <402>, Form <4> in package IGESDraw
 CIGESGeomThis package consists of B-Rep and CSG Solid entities
 CIGESGeom_BoundaryDefines IGESBoundary, Type <141> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A boundary entity identifies a surface boundary consisting of a set of curves lying on the surface
 CIGESGeom_BoundedSurfaceDefines BoundedSurface, Type <143> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A bounded surface is used to communicate trimmed surfaces. The surface and trimming curves are assumed to be represented parametrically
 CIGESGeom_BSplineCurveDefines IGESBSplineCurve, Type <126> Form <0-5> in package IGESGeom A parametric equation obtained by dividing two summations involving weights (which are real numbers), the control points, and B-Spline basis functions
 CIGESGeom_BSplineSurfaceDefines IGESBSplineSurface, Type <128> Form <0-9> in package IGESGeom A parametric equation obtained by dividing two summations involving weights (which are real numbers), the control points, and B-Spline basis functions
 CIGESGeom_CircularArcDefines IGESCircularArc, Type <100> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A circular arc is a connected portion of a parent circle which consists of more than one point. The definition space coordinate system is always chosen so that the circular arc remains in a plane either coincident with or parallel to the XT, YT plane
 CIGESGeom_CompositeCurveDefines IGESCompositeCurve, Type <102> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A composite curve is defined as an ordered list of entities consisting of a point, connect point and parametrised curve entities (excluding the CompositeCurve entity)
 CIGESGeom_ConicArcDefines IGESConicArc, Type <104> Form <0-3> in package IGESGeom A conic arc is a bounded connected portion of a parent conic curve which consists of more than one point. The parent conic curve is either an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola. The definition space coordinate system is always chosen so that the conic arc lies in a plane either coincident with or parallel to XT, YT plane. Within such a plane a conic is defined by the six coefficients in the following equation. A*XT^2 + B*XT*YT + C*YT^2 + D*XT + E*YT + F = 0
 CIGESGeom_CopiousDataDefines IGESCopiousData, Type <106> Form <1-3,11-13,63> in package IGESGeom This entity stores data points in the form of pairs, triples, or sextuples. An interpretation flag value signifies which of these forms is being used
 CIGESGeom_CurveOnSurfaceDefines IGESCurveOnSurface, Type <142> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A curve on a parametric surface entity associates a given curve with a surface and identifies the curve as lying on the surface
 CIGESGeom_DirectionDefines IGESDirection, Type <123> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A direction entity is a non-zero vector in Euclidean 3-space that is defined by its three components (direction ratios) with respect to the coordinate axes. If x, y, z are the direction ratios then (x^2 + y^2 + z^2) > 0
 CIGESGeom_FlashDefines IGESFlash, Type <125> Form <0 - 4> in package IGESGeom A flash entity is a point in the ZT=0 plane that locates a particular closed area. That closed area can be defined in one of two ways. First, it can be an arbitrary closed area defined by any entity capable of defining a closed area. The points of this entity must all lie in the ZT=0 plane. Second, it can be a member of a predefined set of flash shapes
 CIGESGeom_GeneralModuleDefinition of General Services for IGESGeom (specific part) This Services comprise : Shared & Implied Lists, Copy, Check
 CIGESGeom_LineDefines IGESLine, Type <110> Form <0> in package IGESGeom A line is a bounded, connected portion of a parent straight line which consists of more than one point. A line is defined by