Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
Aspect_ScrollDelta Struct Reference

Parameters for mouse scroll action. More...

#include <Aspect_ScrollDelta.hxx>

Public Member Functions

bool HasPoint () const
 Return true if action has point defined.
void ResetPoint ()
 Reset at point.
 Aspect_ScrollDelta ()
 Empty constructor.
 Aspect_ScrollDelta (const NCollection_Vec2< int > &thePnt, Standard_Real theValue, Aspect_VKeyFlags theFlags=Aspect_VKeyFlags_NONE)
 Aspect_ScrollDelta (Standard_Real theValue, Aspect_VKeyFlags theFlags=Aspect_VKeyFlags_NONE)
 Constructor with undefined point.

Data Fields

NCollection_Vec2< int > Point
 scale position
Standard_Real Delta
 delta in pixels
Aspect_VKeyFlags Flags
 key flags

Detailed Description

Parameters for mouse scroll action.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Aspect_ScrollDelta() [1/3]

Aspect_ScrollDelta::Aspect_ScrollDelta ( )

Empty constructor.

◆ Aspect_ScrollDelta() [2/3]

Aspect_ScrollDelta::Aspect_ScrollDelta ( const NCollection_Vec2< int > & thePnt,
Standard_Real theValue,
Aspect_VKeyFlags theFlags = Aspect_VKeyFlags_NONE )


◆ Aspect_ScrollDelta() [3/3]

Aspect_ScrollDelta::Aspect_ScrollDelta ( Standard_Real theValue,
Aspect_VKeyFlags theFlags = Aspect_VKeyFlags_NONE )

Constructor with undefined point.

Member Function Documentation

◆ HasPoint()

bool Aspect_ScrollDelta::HasPoint ( ) const

Return true if action has point defined.

◆ ResetPoint()

void Aspect_ScrollDelta::ResetPoint ( )

Reset at point.

Field Documentation

◆ Delta

Standard_Real Aspect_ScrollDelta::Delta

delta in pixels

◆ Flags

Aspect_VKeyFlags Aspect_ScrollDelta::Flags

key flags

◆ Point

NCollection_Vec2<int> Aspect_ScrollDelta::Point

scale position

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