Open CASCADE Technology
Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives Class Reference

This class furnish services to defined and fill an array of primitives which can be passed directly to graphics rendering API. More...

#include <Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives ()
const Handle< Graphic3d_Buffer > & Attributes () const
 Returns vertex attributes buffer (colors, normals, texture coordinates).
Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray Type () const
 Returns the type of this primitive.
Standard_CString StringType () const
 Returns the string type of this primitive.
Standard_Boolean HasVertexNormals () const
 Returns TRUE when vertex normals array is defined.
Standard_Boolean HasVertexColors () const
 Returns TRUE when vertex colors array is defined.
Standard_Boolean HasVertexTexels () const
 Returns TRUE when vertex texels array is defined.
Standard_Integer VertexNumber () const
 Returns the number of defined vertex.
Standard_Integer VertexNumberAllocated () const
 Returns the number of allocated vertex.
Standard_Integer ItemNumber () const
 Returns the number of total items according to the array type.
Standard_Boolean IsValid ()
 Returns TRUE only when the contains of this array is available.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex)
 Adds a vertice in the array.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Graphic3d_Vec3 &theVertex)
 Adds a vertice in the array.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theZ)
 Adds a vertice in the array.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_ShortReal theX, const Standard_ShortReal theY, const Standard_ShortReal theZ)
 Adds a vertice in the array.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const Standard_Integer theColor32)
 Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const Graphic3d_Vec4ub &theColor)
 Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const gp_Dir &theNormal)
 Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theZ, const Standard_Real theNX, const Standard_Real theNY, const Standard_Real theNZ)
 Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_ShortReal theX, const Standard_ShortReal theY, const Standard_ShortReal theZ, const Standard_ShortReal theNX, const Standard_ShortReal theNY, const Standard_ShortReal theNZ)
 Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const gp_Dir &theNormal, const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Adds a vertice,vertex normal and color in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const gp_Dir &theNormal, const Standard_Integer theColor32)
 Adds a vertice,vertex normal and color in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const gp_Pnt2d &theTexel)
 Adds a vertice and vertex texture in the vertex array. theTexel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theZ, const Standard_Real theTX, const Standard_Real theTY)
 Adds a vertice and vertex texture coordinates in the vertex array. Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_ShortReal theX, const Standard_ShortReal theY, const Standard_ShortReal theZ, const Standard_ShortReal theTX, const Standard_ShortReal theTY)
 Adds a vertice and vertex texture coordinates in the vertex array. Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const gp_Pnt &theVertex, const gp_Dir &theNormal, const gp_Pnt2d &theTexel)
 Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theTexel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_Real theX, const Standard_Real theY, const Standard_Real theZ, const Standard_Real theNX, const Standard_Real theNY, const Standard_Real theNZ, const Standard_Real theTX, const Standard_Real theTY)
 Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddVertex (const Standard_ShortReal theX, const Standard_ShortReal theY, const Standard_ShortReal theZ, const Standard_ShortReal theNX, const Standard_ShortReal theNY, const Standard_ShortReal theNZ, const Standard_ShortReal theTX, const Standard_ShortReal theTY)
 Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.
void SetVertice (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const gp_Pnt &theVertex)
 Change the vertice of rank theIndex in the array.
void SetVertice (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_ShortReal theX, const Standard_ShortReal theY, const Standard_ShortReal theZ)
 Change the vertice in the array.
void SetVertexColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Change the vertex color in the array.
void SetVertexColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Real theR, const Standard_Real theG, const Standard_Real theB)
 Change the vertex color in the array.
void SetVertexColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Graphic3d_Vec4ub &theColor)
 Change the vertex color in the array.
void SetVertexColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Integer theColor32)
 Change the vertex color in the array.
void SetVertexNormal (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const gp_Dir &theNormal)
 Change the vertex normal in the array.
void SetVertexNormal (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Real theNX, const Standard_Real theNY, const Standard_Real theNZ)
 Change the vertex normal in the array.
void SetVertexTexel (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const gp_Pnt2d &theTexel)
 Change the vertex texel in the array.
void SetVertexTexel (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Real theTX, const Standard_Real theTY)
 Change the vertex texel in the array.
gp_Pnt Vertice (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the vertice from the vertex table if defined.
void Vertice (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Real &theX, Standard_Real &theY, Standard_Real &theZ) const
 Returns the vertice coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.
Quantity_Color VertexColor (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the vertex color at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.
void VertexColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, Graphic3d_Vec4ub &theColor) const
 Returns the vertex color from the vertex table if defined.
void VertexColor (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Real &theR, Standard_Real &theG, Standard_Real &theB) const
 Returns the vertex color values from the vertex table if defined.
void VertexColor (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Integer &theColor) const
 Returns the vertex color values from the vertex table if defined.
gp_Dir VertexNormal (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the vertex normal from the vertex table if defined.
void VertexNormal (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Real &theNX, Standard_Real &theNY, Standard_Real &theNZ) const
 Returns the vertex normal coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.
gp_Pnt2d VertexTexel (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the vertex texture at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.
void VertexTexel (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Real &theTX, Standard_Real &theTY) const
 Returns the vertex texture coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.
optional array of Indices/Edges for using shared Vertex data
const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > & Indices () const
 Returns optional index buffer.
Standard_Integer EdgeNumber () const
 Returns the number of defined edges.
Standard_Integer EdgeNumberAllocated () const
 Returns the number of allocated edges.
Standard_Integer Edge (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the vertex index at rank theRank in the range [1,EdgeNumber()].
Standard_Integer AddEdge (const Standard_Integer theVertexIndex)
 Adds an edge in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.
Standard_Integer AddEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2)
 Convenience method, adds two vertex indices (a segment) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.
Standard_Integer AddSegmentEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2)
 Convenience method, adds two vertex indices (a segment) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of segments (Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS.
Standard_Integer AddEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3)
 Convenience method, adds three vertex indices (a triangle) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.
Standard_Integer AddTriangleEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3)
 Convenience method, adds three vertex indices of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
Standard_Integer AddTriangleEdges (const Graphic3d_Vec3i &theIndexes)
 Convenience method, adds three vertex indices of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
Standard_Integer AddTriangleEdges (const Graphic3d_Vec4i &theIndexes)
 Convenience method, adds three vertex indices (4th component is ignored) of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
Standard_Integer AddEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4)
 Convenience method, adds four vertex indices (a quad) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.
Standard_Integer AddQuadEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4)
 Convenience method, adds four vertex indices (a quad) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of quads. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_QUADRANGLES.
Standard_Integer AddQuadTriangleEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3, Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4)
 Convenience method, adds quad indices in the range [1,VertexNumber()] into array or triangles as two triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
Standard_Integer AddQuadTriangleEdges (const Graphic3d_Vec4i &theIndexes)
 Convenience method, adds quad indices in the range [1,VertexNumber()] into array or triangles as two triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
void AddTriangleStripEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexLower, Standard_Integer theVertexUpper)
 Add triangle strip into indexed triangulation array. N-2 triangles are added from N input nodes. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
void AddTriangleFanEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexLower, Standard_Integer theVertexUpper, Standard_Boolean theToClose)
 Add triangle fan into indexed triangulation array. N-2 triangles are added from N input nodes (or N-1 with closed flag). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.
void AddPolylineEdges (Standard_Integer theVertexLower, Standard_Integer theVertexUpper, Standard_Boolean theToClose)
 Add line strip (polyline) into indexed segments array. N-1 segments are added from N input nodes (or N with closed flag). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS.
optional array of Bounds/Subgroups within primitive array (e.g. restarting primitives / assigning colors)
const Handle< Graphic3d_BoundBuffer > & Bounds () const
 Returns optional bounds buffer.
Standard_Boolean HasBoundColors () const
 Returns TRUE when bound colors array is defined.
Standard_Integer BoundNumber () const
 Returns the number of defined bounds.
Standard_Integer BoundNumberAllocated () const
 Returns the number of allocated bounds.
Standard_Integer Bound (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the edge number at rank theRank.
Quantity_Color BoundColor (const Standard_Integer theRank) const
 Returns the bound color at rank theRank from the bound table if defined.
void BoundColor (const Standard_Integer theRank, Standard_Real &theR, Standard_Real &theG, Standard_Real &theB) const
 Returns the bound color values at rank theRank from the bound table if defined.
Standard_Integer AddBound (const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber)
 Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber in the bound array.
Standard_Integer AddBound (const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber, const Quantity_Color &theBColor)
 Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber and bound color theBColor in the bound array. Warning: theBColor is ignored when the hasBColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
Standard_Integer AddBound (const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber, const Standard_Real theR, const Standard_Real theG, const Standard_Real theB)
 Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber and bound color coordinates in the bound array. Warning: <theR,theG,theB> are ignored when the hasBColors constructor parameter is FALSE.
void SetBoundColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Quantity_Color &theColor)
 Change the bound color of rank theIndex in the array.
void SetBoundColor (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Real theR, const Standard_Real theG, const Standard_Real theB)
 Change the bound color of rank theIndex in the array.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor.
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const noexcept
 Get the reference counter of this object.
void IncrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes.

Static Public Member Functions

static Handle< Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitivesCreateArray (Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType, Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs, Standard_Integer theMaxEdges, Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags)
 Create an array of specified type.
static Handle< Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitivesCreateArray (Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType, Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs, Standard_Integer theMaxBounds, Standard_Integer theMaxEdges, Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags)
 Create an array of specified type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
static constexpr const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class.

Protected Member Functions

protected constructors
 Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives (Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType, Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs, Standard_Integer theMaxBounds, Standard_Integer theMaxEdges, Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags)
 Main constructor.
void init (Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType, Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs, Standard_Integer theMaxBounds, Standard_Integer theMaxEdges, Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags)
 Array constructor.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Standard_Transient
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.

Detailed Description

This class furnish services to defined and fill an array of primitives which can be passed directly to graphics rendering API.

The basic interface consists of the following parts: 1) Specifying primitive type. WARNING! Particular primitive types might be unsupported by specific hardware/graphics API (like quads and polygons). It is always preferred using one of basic types having maximum compatibility: Point, Triangle (or Triangle strip), Segment aka Lines (or Polyline aka Line Strip). Primitive strip types can be used to reduce memory usage as alternative to Indexed arrays. 2) Vertex array.

  • Specifying the (maximum) number of vertexes within array.
  • Specifying the vertex attributes, complementary to mandatory vertex Position (normal, color, UV texture coordinates).
  • Defining vertex values by using various versions of AddVertex() or SetVertex*() methods. 3) Index array (optional).
  • Specifying the (maximum) number of indexes (edges).
  • Defining index values by using AddEdge() method; the index value should be within number of defined Vertexes.

Indexed array allows sharing vertex data across Primitives and thus reducing memory usage, since index size is much smaller then size of vertex with all its attributes. It is a preferred way for defining primitive array and main alternative to Primitive Strips for optimal memory usage, although it is also possible (but unusual) defining Indexed Primitive Strip. Note that it is NOT possible sharing Vertex Attributes partially (e.g. share Position, but have different Normals); in such cases Vertex should be entirely duplicated with all Attributes. 4) Bounds array (optional).

  • Specifying the (maximum) number of bounds.
  • Defining bounds using AddBound() methods.

Bounds allow splitting Primitive Array into sub-groups. This is useful only in two cases - for specifying per-group color and for restarting Primitive Strips. WARNING! Bounds within Primitive Array break rendering batches into parts (additional for loops), affecting rendering performance negatively (increasing CPU load).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives()

virtual Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::~Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives ( )


◆ Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives()

Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives ( Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType,
Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs,
Standard_Integer theMaxBounds,
Standard_Integer theMaxEdges,
Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags )

Main constructor.

theTypetype of primitive
theMaxVertexslength of vertex attributes buffer to be allocated (maximum number of vertexes,
See also
theMaxBoundslength of bounds buffer to be allocated (maximum number of bounds,
See also
theMaxEdgeslength of edges (index) buffer to be allocated (maximum number of indexes
See also
theArrayFlagsarray flags

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBound() [1/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddBound ( const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber)

Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber in the bound array.

the actual bounds number

◆ AddBound() [2/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddBound ( const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber,
const Quantity_Color & theBColor )

Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber and bound color theBColor in the bound array. Warning: theBColor is ignored when the hasBColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual bounds number

◆ AddBound() [3/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddBound ( const Standard_Integer theEdgeNumber,
const Standard_Real theR,
const Standard_Real theG,
const Standard_Real theB )

Adds a bound of length theEdgeNumber and bound color coordinates in the bound array. Warning: <theR,theG,theB> are ignored when the hasBColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual bounds number

◆ AddEdge()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddEdge ( const Standard_Integer theVertexIndex)

Adds an edge in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.

the actual edges number

◆ AddEdges() [1/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2 )

Convenience method, adds two vertex indices (a segment) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.

the actual edges number

◆ AddEdges() [2/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3 )

Convenience method, adds three vertex indices (a triangle) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.

the actual edges number

◆ AddEdges() [3/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4 )

Convenience method, adds four vertex indices (a quad) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array.

the actual edges number

◆ AddPolylineEdges()

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddPolylineEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexLower,
Standard_Integer theVertexUpper,
Standard_Boolean theToClose )

Add line strip (polyline) into indexed segments array. N-1 segments are added from N input nodes (or N with closed flag). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS.

theVertexLower[in] index of first node defining line strip fun (center)
theVertexUpper[in] index of last node defining triangle fun
theToClose[in] close triangle fan (connect first and last points)

◆ AddQuadEdges()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddQuadEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4 )

Convenience method, adds four vertex indices (a quad) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of quads. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_QUADRANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddQuadTriangleEdges() [1/2]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddQuadTriangleEdges ( const Graphic3d_Vec4i & theIndexes)

Convenience method, adds quad indices in the range [1,VertexNumber()] into array or triangles as two triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddQuadTriangleEdges() [2/2]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddQuadTriangleEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex4 )

Convenience method, adds quad indices in the range [1,VertexNumber()] into array or triangles as two triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddSegmentEdges()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddSegmentEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2 )

Convenience method, adds two vertex indices (a segment) in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of segments (Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS.

the actual edges number

◆ AddTriangleEdges() [1/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddTriangleEdges ( const Graphic3d_Vec3i & theIndexes)

Convenience method, adds three vertex indices of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddTriangleEdges() [2/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddTriangleEdges ( const Graphic3d_Vec4i & theIndexes)

Convenience method, adds three vertex indices (4th component is ignored) of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddTriangleEdges() [3/3]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddTriangleEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexIndex1,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex2,
Standard_Integer theVertexIndex3 )

Convenience method, adds three vertex indices of triangle in the range [1,VertexNumber()] in the array of triangles. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

the actual edges number

◆ AddTriangleFanEdges()

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddTriangleFanEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexLower,
Standard_Integer theVertexUpper,
Standard_Boolean theToClose )

Add triangle fan into indexed triangulation array. N-2 triangles are added from N input nodes (or N-1 with closed flag). Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

theVertexLower[in] index of first node defining triangle fun (center)
theVertexUpper[in] index of last node defining triangle fun
theToClose[in] close triangle fan (connect first and last points)

◆ AddTriangleStripEdges()

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddTriangleStripEdges ( Standard_Integer theVertexLower,
Standard_Integer theVertexUpper )

Add triangle strip into indexed triangulation array. N-2 triangles are added from N input nodes. Raises exception if array is not of type Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES.

theVertexLower[in] index of first node defining triangle strip
theVertexUpper[in] index of last node defining triangle strip

◆ AddVertex() [1/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex)

Adds a vertice in the array.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [2/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const gp_Dir & theNormal )

Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [3/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const gp_Dir & theNormal,
const gp_Pnt2d & theTexel )

Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theTexel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [4/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const gp_Dir & theNormal,
const Quantity_Color & theColor )

Adds a vertice,vertex normal and color in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [5/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const gp_Dir & theNormal,
const Standard_Integer theColor32 )

Adds a vertice,vertex normal and color in the vertex array. Warning: theNormal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

theColor32 = Alpha << 24 + Blue << 16 + Green << 8 + Red
the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [6/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const gp_Pnt2d & theTexel )

Adds a vertice and vertex texture in the vertex array. theTexel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [7/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const Graphic3d_Vec4ub & theColor )

Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [8/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const Quantity_Color & theColor )

Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [9/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const gp_Pnt & theVertex,
const Standard_Integer theColor32 )

Adds a vertice and vertex color in the vertex array. Warning: theColor is ignored when the hasVColors constructor parameter is FALSE.

theColor32 = Alpha << 24 + Blue << 16 + Green << 8 + Red
the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [10/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Graphic3d_Vec3 & theVertex)

Adds a vertice in the array.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [11/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_Real theX,
const Standard_Real theY,
const Standard_Real theZ )

Adds a vertice in the array.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [12/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_Real theX,
const Standard_Real theY,
const Standard_Real theZ,
const Standard_Real theNX,
const Standard_Real theNY,
const Standard_Real theNZ )

Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [13/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_Real theX,
const Standard_Real theY,
const Standard_Real theZ,
const Standard_Real theNX,
const Standard_Real theNY,
const Standard_Real theNZ,
const Standard_Real theTX,
const Standard_Real theTY )

Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [14/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_Real theX,
const Standard_Real theY,
const Standard_Real theZ,
const Standard_Real theTX,
const Standard_Real theTY )

Adds a vertice and vertex texture coordinates in the vertex array. Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [15/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_ShortReal theX,
const Standard_ShortReal theY,
const Standard_ShortReal theZ )

Adds a vertice in the array.

the actual vertex number.

◆ AddVertex() [16/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_ShortReal theX,
const Standard_ShortReal theY,
const Standard_ShortReal theZ,
const Standard_ShortReal theNX,
const Standard_ShortReal theNY,
const Standard_ShortReal theNZ )

Adds a vertice and vertex normal in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [17/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_ShortReal theX,
const Standard_ShortReal theY,
const Standard_ShortReal theZ,
const Standard_ShortReal theNX,
const Standard_ShortReal theNY,
const Standard_ShortReal theNZ,
const Standard_ShortReal theTX,
const Standard_ShortReal theTY )

Adds a vertice,vertex normal and texture in the vertex array. Warning: Normal is ignored when the hasVNormals constructor parameter is FALSE and Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ AddVertex() [18/18]

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::AddVertex ( const Standard_ShortReal theX,
const Standard_ShortReal theY,
const Standard_ShortReal theZ,
const Standard_ShortReal theTX,
const Standard_ShortReal theTY )

Adds a vertice and vertex texture coordinates in the vertex array. Texel is ignored when the hasVTexels constructor parameter is FALSE.

the actual vertex number

◆ Attributes()

const Handle< Graphic3d_Buffer > & Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Attributes ( ) const

Returns vertex attributes buffer (colors, normals, texture coordinates).

◆ Bound()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Bound ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the edge number at rank theRank.

◆ BoundColor() [1/2]

Quantity_Color Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::BoundColor ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the bound color at rank theRank from the bound table if defined.

◆ BoundColor() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::BoundColor ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Real & theR,
Standard_Real & theG,
Standard_Real & theB ) const

Returns the bound color values at rank theRank from the bound table if defined.

◆ BoundNumber()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::BoundNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of defined bounds.

◆ BoundNumberAllocated()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::BoundNumberAllocated ( ) const

Returns the number of allocated bounds.

◆ Bounds()

const Handle< Graphic3d_BoundBuffer > & Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Bounds ( ) const

Returns optional bounds buffer.

◆ CreateArray() [1/2]

static Handle< Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives > Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::CreateArray ( Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType,
Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs,
Standard_Integer theMaxBounds,
Standard_Integer theMaxEdges,
Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags )

Create an array of specified type.

◆ CreateArray() [2/2]

static Handle< Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives > Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::CreateArray ( Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType,
Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs,
Standard_Integer theMaxEdges,
Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags )

Create an array of specified type.

◆ Edge()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Edge ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the vertex index at rank theRank in the range [1,EdgeNumber()].

◆ EdgeNumber()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::EdgeNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of defined edges.

◆ EdgeNumberAllocated()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::EdgeNumberAllocated ( ) const

Returns the number of allocated edges.

◆ HasBoundColors()

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::HasBoundColors ( ) const

Returns TRUE when bound colors array is defined.

◆ HasVertexColors()

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::HasVertexColors ( ) const

Returns TRUE when vertex colors array is defined.

◆ HasVertexNormals()

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::HasVertexNormals ( ) const

Returns TRUE when vertex normals array is defined.

◆ HasVertexTexels()

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::HasVertexTexels ( ) const

Returns TRUE when vertex texels array is defined.

◆ Indices()

const Handle< Graphic3d_IndexBuffer > & Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Indices ( ) const

Returns optional index buffer.

◆ init()

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::init ( Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray theType,
Standard_Integer theMaxVertexs,
Standard_Integer theMaxBounds,
Standard_Integer theMaxEdges,
Graphic3d_ArrayFlags theArrayFlags )

Array constructor.

◆ IsValid()

Standard_Boolean Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::IsValid ( )

Returns TRUE only when the contains of this array is available.

◆ ItemNumber()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::ItemNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of total items according to the array type.

◆ SetBoundColor() [1/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetBoundColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Quantity_Color & theColor )

Change the bound color of rank theIndex in the array.

◆ SetBoundColor() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetBoundColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_Real theR,
const Standard_Real theG,
const Standard_Real theB )

Change the bound color of rank theIndex in the array.

◆ SetVertexColor() [1/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Graphic3d_Vec4ub & theColor )

Change the vertex color in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theColornode RGBA color values within [0, 255] range

◆ SetVertexColor() [2/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Quantity_Color & theColor )

Change the vertex color in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theColornode color

◆ SetVertexColor() [3/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_Integer theColor32 )

Change the vertex color in the array.

theColor32 = Alpha << 24 + Blue << 16 + Green << 8 + Red
[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theColor32packed RGBA color values

◆ SetVertexColor() [4/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_Real theR,
const Standard_Real theG,
const Standard_Real theB )

Change the vertex color in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theRred color value within [0, 1] range
[in]theGgreen color value within [0, 1] range
[in]theBblue color value within [0, 1] range

◆ SetVertexNormal() [1/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexNormal ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const gp_Dir & theNormal )

Change the vertex normal in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theNormalnormalized surface normal

◆ SetVertexNormal() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexNormal ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_Real theNX,
const Standard_Real theNY,
const Standard_Real theNZ )

Change the vertex normal in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theNXsurface normal X component
[in]theNYsurface normal Y component
[in]theNZsurface normal Z component

◆ SetVertexTexel() [1/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexTexel ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const gp_Pnt2d & theTexel )

Change the vertex texel in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theTexelnode UV coordinates

◆ SetVertexTexel() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertexTexel ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_Real theTX,
const Standard_Real theTY )

Change the vertex texel in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theTXnode U coordinate
[in]theTYnode V coordinate

◆ SetVertice() [1/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertice ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const gp_Pnt & theVertex )

Change the vertice of rank theIndex in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theVertex3D coordinates

◆ SetVertice() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::SetVertice ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const Standard_ShortReal theX,
const Standard_ShortReal theY,
const Standard_ShortReal theZ )

Change the vertice in the array.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumberAllocated()] range
[in]theXcoordinate X
[in]theYcoordinate Y
[in]theZcoordinate Z

◆ StringType()

Standard_CString Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::StringType ( ) const

Returns the string type of this primitive.

◆ Type()

Graphic3d_TypeOfPrimitiveArray Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Type ( ) const

Returns the type of this primitive.

◆ VertexColor() [1/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theIndex,
Graphic3d_Vec4ub & theColor ) const

Returns the vertex color from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theIndexnode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theColornode RGBA color values within [0, 255] range

◆ VertexColor() [2/4]

Quantity_Color Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the vertex color at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
node color RGB value

◆ VertexColor() [3/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Integer & theColor ) const

Returns the vertex color values from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theColornode RGBA color packed into 32-bit integer

◆ VertexColor() [4/4]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexColor ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Real & theR,
Standard_Real & theG,
Standard_Real & theB ) const

Returns the vertex color values from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theRnode red color component value within [0, 1] range
[out]theGnode green color component value within [0, 1] range
[out]theBnode blue color component value within [0, 1] range

◆ VertexNormal() [1/2]

gp_Dir Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexNormal ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the vertex normal from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
normalized 3D vector defining surface normal

◆ VertexNormal() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexNormal ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Real & theNX,
Standard_Real & theNY,
Standard_Real & theNZ ) const

Returns the vertex normal coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theNXnormal X coordinate
[out]theNYnormal Y coordinate
[out]theNZnormal Z coordinate

◆ VertexNumber()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of defined vertex.

◆ VertexNumberAllocated()

Standard_Integer Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexNumberAllocated ( ) const

Returns the number of allocated vertex.

◆ VertexTexel() [1/2]

gp_Pnt2d Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexTexel ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the vertex texture at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
UV coordinates

◆ VertexTexel() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::VertexTexel ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Real & theTX,
Standard_Real & theTY ) const

Returns the vertex texture coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theTXtexel U coordinate value
[out]theTYtexel V coordinate value

◆ Vertice() [1/2]

gp_Pnt Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Vertice ( const Standard_Integer theRank) const

Returns the vertice from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
node 3D coordinates

◆ Vertice() [2/2]

void Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives::Vertice ( const Standard_Integer theRank,
Standard_Real & theX,
Standard_Real & theY,
Standard_Real & theZ ) const

Returns the vertice coordinates at rank theRank from the vertex table if defined.

[in]theRanknode index within [1, VertexNumber()] range
[out]theXnode X coordinate value
[out]theYnode Y coordinate value
[out]theZnode Z coordinate value

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: