Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
TDF_Tool Class Reference

This class provides general services for a data framework. More...

#include <TDF_Tool.hxx>

Static Public Member Functions

static Standard_Integer NbLabels (const TDF_Label &aLabel)
 Returns the number of labels of the tree, including <aLabel>. aLabel is also included in this figure. This information is useful in setting the size of an array.
static Standard_Integer NbAttributes (const TDF_Label &aLabel)
 Returns the total number of attributes attached to the labels dependent on the label aLabel. The attributes of aLabel are also included in this figure. This information is useful in setting the size of an array.
static Standard_Integer NbAttributes (const TDF_Label &aLabel, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilter)
 Returns the number of attributes of the tree, selected by a<Filter>, including those of <aLabel>.
static Standard_Boolean IsSelfContained (const TDF_Label &aLabel)
 Returns true if <aLabel> and its descendants reference only attributes or labels attached to themselves.
static Standard_Boolean IsSelfContained (const TDF_Label &aLabel, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilter)
 Returns true if <aLabel> and its descendants reference only attributes or labels attached to themselves and kept by <aFilter>.
static void OutReferers (const TDF_Label &theLabel, TDF_AttributeMap &theAtts)
 Returns in <theAtts> the attributes having out references.
static void OutReferers (const TDF_Label &aLabel, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilterForReferers, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilterForReferences, TDF_AttributeMap &atts)
 Returns in <atts> the attributes having out references and kept by <aFilterForReferers>. It considers only the references kept by <aFilterForReferences>. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!
static void OutReferences (const TDF_Label &aLabel, TDF_AttributeMap &atts)
 Returns in <atts> the referenced attributes. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!
static void OutReferences (const TDF_Label &aLabel, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilterForReferers, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilterForReferences, TDF_AttributeMap &atts)
 Returns in <atts> the referenced attributes and kept by <aFilterForReferences>. It considers only the referrers kept by <aFilterForReferers>. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!
static void RelocateLabel (const TDF_Label &aSourceLabel, const TDF_Label &fromRoot, const TDF_Label &toRoot, TDF_Label &aTargetLabel, const Standard_Boolean create=Standard_False)
 Returns the label having the same sub-entry as <aLabel> but located as descendant as <toRoot> instead of <fromRoot>.
static void Entry (const TDF_Label &aLabel, TCollection_AsciiString &anEntry)
 Returns the entry for the label aLabel in the form of the ASCII character string anEntry containing the tag list for aLabel.
static void TagList (const TDF_Label &aLabel, TColStd_ListOfInteger &aTagList)
 Returns the entry of <aLabel> as list of integers in <aTagList>.
static void TagList (const TCollection_AsciiString &anEntry, TColStd_ListOfInteger &aTagList)
 Returns the entry expressed by <anEntry> as list of integers in <aTagList>.
static void Label (const Handle< TDF_Data > &aDF, const TCollection_AsciiString &anEntry, TDF_Label &aLabel, const Standard_Boolean create=Standard_False)
 Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.
static void Label (const Handle< TDF_Data > &aDF, const Standard_CString anEntry, TDF_Label &aLabel, const Standard_Boolean create=Standard_False)
 Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.
static void Label (const Handle< TDF_Data > &aDF, const TColStd_ListOfInteger &aTagList, TDF_Label &aLabel, const Standard_Boolean create=Standard_False)
 Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.
static void CountLabels (TDF_LabelList &aLabelList, TDF_LabelIntegerMap &aLabelMap)
 Adds the labels of <aLabelList> to <aLabelMap> if they are unbound, or increases their reference counters. At the end of the process, <aLabelList> contains only the ADDED labels.
static void DeductLabels (TDF_LabelList &aLabelList, TDF_LabelIntegerMap &aLabelMap)
 Decreases the reference counters of the labels of <aLabelList> to <aLabelMap>, and removes labels with null counter. At the end of the process, <aLabelList> contains only the SUPPRESSED labels.
static void DeepDump (Standard_OStream &anOS, const Handle< TDF_Data > &aDF)
 Dumps <aDF> and its labels and their attributes.
static void ExtendedDeepDump (Standard_OStream &anOS, const Handle< TDF_Data > &aDF, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilter)
 Dumps <aDF> and its labels and their attributes, if their IDs are kept by <aFilter>. Dumps also the attributes content.
static void DeepDump (Standard_OStream &anOS, const TDF_Label &aLabel)
 Dumps <aLabel>, its children and their attributes.
static void ExtendedDeepDump (Standard_OStream &anOS, const TDF_Label &aLabel, const TDF_IDFilter &aFilter)
 Dumps <aLabel>, its children and their attributes, if their IDs are kept by <aFilter>. Dumps also the attributes content.

Detailed Description

This class provides general services for a data framework.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CountLabels()

static void TDF_Tool::CountLabels ( TDF_LabelList & aLabelList,
TDF_LabelIntegerMap & aLabelMap )

Adds the labels of <aLabelList> to <aLabelMap> if they are unbound, or increases their reference counters. At the end of the process, <aLabelList> contains only the ADDED labels.

◆ DeductLabels()

static void TDF_Tool::DeductLabels ( TDF_LabelList & aLabelList,
TDF_LabelIntegerMap & aLabelMap )

Decreases the reference counters of the labels of <aLabelList> to <aLabelMap>, and removes labels with null counter. At the end of the process, <aLabelList> contains only the SUPPRESSED labels.

◆ DeepDump() [1/2]

static void TDF_Tool::DeepDump ( Standard_OStream & anOS,
const Handle< TDF_Data > & aDF )

Dumps <aDF> and its labels and their attributes.

◆ DeepDump() [2/2]

static void TDF_Tool::DeepDump ( Standard_OStream & anOS,
const TDF_Label & aLabel )

Dumps <aLabel>, its children and their attributes.

◆ Entry()

static void TDF_Tool::Entry ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
TCollection_AsciiString & anEntry )

Returns the entry for the label aLabel in the form of the ASCII character string anEntry containing the tag list for aLabel.

◆ ExtendedDeepDump() [1/2]

static void TDF_Tool::ExtendedDeepDump ( Standard_OStream & anOS,
const Handle< TDF_Data > & aDF,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilter )

Dumps <aDF> and its labels and their attributes, if their IDs are kept by <aFilter>. Dumps also the attributes content.

◆ ExtendedDeepDump() [2/2]

static void TDF_Tool::ExtendedDeepDump ( Standard_OStream & anOS,
const TDF_Label & aLabel,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilter )

Dumps <aLabel>, its children and their attributes, if their IDs are kept by <aFilter>. Dumps also the attributes content.

◆ IsSelfContained() [1/2]

static Standard_Boolean TDF_Tool::IsSelfContained ( const TDF_Label & aLabel)

Returns true if <aLabel> and its descendants reference only attributes or labels attached to themselves.

◆ IsSelfContained() [2/2]

static Standard_Boolean TDF_Tool::IsSelfContained ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilter )

Returns true if <aLabel> and its descendants reference only attributes or labels attached to themselves and kept by <aFilter>.

◆ Label() [1/3]

static void TDF_Tool::Label ( const Handle< TDF_Data > & aDF,
const Standard_CString anEntry,
TDF_Label & aLabel,
const Standard_Boolean create = Standard_False )

Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.

◆ Label() [2/3]

static void TDF_Tool::Label ( const Handle< TDF_Data > & aDF,
const TCollection_AsciiString & anEntry,
TDF_Label & aLabel,
const Standard_Boolean create = Standard_False )

Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.

◆ Label() [3/3]

static void TDF_Tool::Label ( const Handle< TDF_Data > & aDF,
const TColStd_ListOfInteger & aTagList,
TDF_Label & aLabel,
const Standard_Boolean create = Standard_False )

Returns the label expressed by <anEntry>; creates the label if it does not exist and if <create> is true.

◆ NbAttributes() [1/2]

static Standard_Integer TDF_Tool::NbAttributes ( const TDF_Label & aLabel)

Returns the total number of attributes attached to the labels dependent on the label aLabel. The attributes of aLabel are also included in this figure. This information is useful in setting the size of an array.

◆ NbAttributes() [2/2]

static Standard_Integer TDF_Tool::NbAttributes ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilter )

Returns the number of attributes of the tree, selected by a<Filter>, including those of <aLabel>.

◆ NbLabels()

static Standard_Integer TDF_Tool::NbLabels ( const TDF_Label & aLabel)

Returns the number of labels of the tree, including <aLabel>. aLabel is also included in this figure. This information is useful in setting the size of an array.

◆ OutReferences() [1/2]

static void TDF_Tool::OutReferences ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilterForReferers,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilterForReferences,
TDF_AttributeMap & atts )

Returns in <atts> the referenced attributes and kept by <aFilterForReferences>. It considers only the referrers kept by <aFilterForReferers>. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!

◆ OutReferences() [2/2]

static void TDF_Tool::OutReferences ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
TDF_AttributeMap & atts )

Returns in <atts> the referenced attributes. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!

◆ OutReferers() [1/2]

static void TDF_Tool::OutReferers ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilterForReferers,
const TDF_IDFilter & aFilterForReferences,
TDF_AttributeMap & atts )

Returns in <atts> the attributes having out references and kept by <aFilterForReferers>. It considers only the references kept by <aFilterForReferences>. Caution: <atts> is not cleared before use!

◆ OutReferers() [2/2]

static void TDF_Tool::OutReferers ( const TDF_Label & theLabel,
TDF_AttributeMap & theAtts )

Returns in <theAtts> the attributes having out references.

Caution: <theAtts> is not cleared before use!

◆ RelocateLabel()

static void TDF_Tool::RelocateLabel ( const TDF_Label & aSourceLabel,
const TDF_Label & fromRoot,
const TDF_Label & toRoot,
TDF_Label & aTargetLabel,
const Standard_Boolean create = Standard_False )

Returns the label having the same sub-entry as <aLabel> but located as descendant as <toRoot> instead of <fromRoot>.

Example :

aLabel = 0:3:24:7:2:7 fromRoot = 0:3:24 toRoot = 0:5 returned label = 0:5:7:2:7

◆ TagList() [1/2]

static void TDF_Tool::TagList ( const TCollection_AsciiString & anEntry,
TColStd_ListOfInteger & aTagList )

Returns the entry expressed by <anEntry> as list of integers in <aTagList>.

◆ TagList() [2/2]

static void TDF_Tool::TagList ( const TDF_Label & aLabel,
TColStd_ListOfInteger & aTagList )

Returns the entry of <aLabel> as list of integers in <aTagList>.

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