Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
IGESToBRep_Reader Class Reference

A simple way to read geometric IGES data. Encapsulates reading file and calling transfer tools. More...

#include <IGESToBRep_Reader.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 IGESToBRep_Reader ()
 Creates a Reader.
Standard_Integer LoadFile (const Standard_CString filename)
 Loads a Model from a file.Returns 0 if success. returns 1 if the file could not be opened, returns -1 if an error occurred while the file was being loaded.
void SetModel (const Handle< IGESData_IGESModel > &model)
 Specifies a Model to work on Also clears the result and Done status, sets TransientProcess.
Handle< IGESData_IGESModelModel () const
 Returns the Model to be worked on.
void SetTransientProcess (const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > &TP)
 Allows to set an already defined TransientProcess (to be called after LoadFile or SetModel)
Handle< Transfer_TransientProcessTransientProcess () const
 Returns the TransientProcess.
Handle< IGESToBRep_ActorActor () const
 Returns "theActor".
void Clear ()
 Clears the results between two translation operations.
Standard_Boolean Check (const Standard_Boolean withprint) const
 Checks the IGES file that was loaded into memory. Displays error messages in the default message file if withprint is true. Returns True if no fail message was found and False if there was at least one fail message.
void TransferRoots (const Standard_Boolean onlyvisible=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange())
 Translates root entities in an IGES file. Standard_True is the default value and means that only visible root entities are translated. Standard_False translates all of the roots (visible and invisible).
Standard_Boolean Transfer (const Standard_Integer num, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange())
 Transfers an Entity given its rank in the Model (Root or not) Returns True if it is recognized as Geom-Topol. (But it can have failed : see IsDone)
Standard_Boolean IsDone () const
 Returns True if the LAST Transfer/TransferRoots was a success.
Standard_Real UsedTolerance () const
 Returns the Tolerance which has been actually used, converted in millimeters (either that from File or that from Session, according the mode)
Standard_Integer NbShapes () const
 Returns the number of shapes produced by the translation.
TopoDS_Shape Shape (const Standard_Integer num=1) const
 Returns the num the resulting shape in a translation operation.
TopoDS_Shape OneShape () const
 Returns all of the results in a single shape which is:
void SetShapeFixParameters (const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap &theParameters)
 Sets parameters for shape processing.
void SetShapeFixParameters (XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap &&theParameters)
 Sets parameters for shape processing. Parameters are moved from the input map.
void SetShapeFixParameters (const DE_ShapeFixParameters &theParameters, const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap &theAdditionalParameters={})
 Sets parameters for shape processing. Parameters from theParameters are copied to the internal map. Parameters from theAdditionalParameters are copied to the internal map if they are not present in theParameters.
const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMapGetShapeFixParameters () const
 Returns parameters for shape processing that was set by SetParameters() method.
void SetShapeProcessFlags (const ShapeProcess::OperationsFlags &theFlags)
 Sets flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.
const ShapeProcess::OperationsFlagsGetShapeProcessFlags () const
 Returns flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.

Detailed Description

A simple way to read geometric IGES data. Encapsulates reading file and calling transfer tools.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IGESToBRep_Reader()

IGESToBRep_Reader::IGESToBRep_Reader ( )

Creates a Reader.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Actor()

Handle< IGESToBRep_Actor > IGESToBRep_Reader::Actor ( ) const

Returns "theActor".

◆ Check()

Standard_Boolean IGESToBRep_Reader::Check ( const Standard_Boolean withprint) const

Checks the IGES file that was loaded into memory. Displays error messages in the default message file if withprint is true. Returns True if no fail message was found and False if there was at least one fail message.

◆ Clear()

void IGESToBRep_Reader::Clear ( )

Clears the results between two translation operations.

◆ GetShapeFixParameters()

const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap & IGESToBRep_Reader::GetShapeFixParameters ( ) const

Returns parameters for shape processing that was set by SetParameters() method.

the parameters for shape processing. Empty map if no parameters were set.

◆ GetShapeProcessFlags()

const ShapeProcess::OperationsFlags & IGESToBRep_Reader::GetShapeProcessFlags ( ) const

Returns flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.

The flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.

◆ IsDone()

Standard_Boolean IGESToBRep_Reader::IsDone ( ) const

Returns True if the LAST Transfer/TransferRoots was a success.

◆ LoadFile()

Standard_Integer IGESToBRep_Reader::LoadFile ( const Standard_CString filename)

Loads a Model from a file.Returns 0 if success. returns 1 if the file could not be opened, returns -1 if an error occurred while the file was being loaded.

◆ Model()

Handle< IGESData_IGESModel > IGESToBRep_Reader::Model ( ) const

Returns the Model to be worked on.

◆ NbShapes()

Standard_Integer IGESToBRep_Reader::NbShapes ( ) const

Returns the number of shapes produced by the translation.

◆ OneShape()

TopoDS_Shape IGESToBRep_Reader::OneShape ( ) const

Returns all of the results in a single shape which is:

  • a null shape if there are no results,
  • a shape if there is one result,
  • a compound containing the resulting shapes if there are several.

◆ SetModel()

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetModel ( const Handle< IGESData_IGESModel > & model)

Specifies a Model to work on Also clears the result and Done status, sets TransientProcess.

◆ SetShapeFixParameters() [1/3]

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetShapeFixParameters ( const DE_ShapeFixParameters & theParameters,
const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap & theAdditionalParameters = {} )

Sets parameters for shape processing. Parameters from theParameters are copied to the internal map. Parameters from theAdditionalParameters are copied to the internal map if they are not present in theParameters.

theParametersthe parameters for shape processing.
theAdditionalParametersthe additional parameters for shape processing.

◆ SetShapeFixParameters() [2/3]

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetShapeFixParameters ( const XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap & theParameters)

Sets parameters for shape processing.

theParametersthe parameters for shape processing.

◆ SetShapeFixParameters() [3/3]

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetShapeFixParameters ( XSAlgo_ShapeProcessor::ParameterMap && theParameters)

Sets parameters for shape processing. Parameters are moved from the input map.

theParametersthe parameters for shape processing.

◆ SetShapeProcessFlags()

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetShapeProcessFlags ( const ShapeProcess::OperationsFlags & theFlags)

Sets flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.

theFlagsThe flags defining operations to be performed on shapes.

◆ SetTransientProcess()

void IGESToBRep_Reader::SetTransientProcess ( const Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > & TP)

Allows to set an already defined TransientProcess (to be called after LoadFile or SetModel)

◆ Shape()

TopoDS_Shape IGESToBRep_Reader::Shape ( const Standard_Integer num = 1) const

Returns the num the resulting shape in a translation operation.

◆ Transfer()

Standard_Boolean IGESToBRep_Reader::Transfer ( const Standard_Integer num,
const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress = Message_ProgressRange() )

Transfers an Entity given its rank in the Model (Root or not) Returns True if it is recognized as Geom-Topol. (But it can have failed : see IsDone)

◆ TransferRoots()

void IGESToBRep_Reader::TransferRoots ( const Standard_Boolean onlyvisible = Standard_True,
const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress = Message_ProgressRange() )

Translates root entities in an IGES file. Standard_True is the default value and means that only visible root entities are translated. Standard_False translates all of the roots (visible and invisible).

◆ TransientProcess()

Handle< Transfer_TransientProcess > IGESToBRep_Reader::TransientProcess ( ) const

Returns the TransientProcess.

◆ UsedTolerance()

Standard_Real IGESToBRep_Reader::UsedTolerance ( ) const

Returns the Tolerance which has been actually used, converted in millimeters (either that from File or that from Session, according the mode)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: