Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation Class Reference

Interactive Draw object of type "MVC". More...

#include <DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation:

Public Member Functions

 DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation (const Standard_Address TheMVC)
void SetCurvature (const Standard_Integer Side, const Standard_Real Rho)
void SetPhysicalRatio (const Standard_Real Ratio)
Standard_Real GetCurvature (const Standard_Integer Side) const
Standard_Real GetPhysicalRatio () const
void FreeCurvature (const Standard_Integer Side)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DrawFairCurve_Batten
 DrawFairCurve_Batten (const Standard_Address TheBatten)
void Compute ()
void SetPoint (const Standard_Integer Side, const gp_Pnt2d &Point)
void SetAngle (const Standard_Integer Side, const Standard_Real Angle)
void SetSliding (const Standard_Real Length)
void SetHeight (const Standard_Real Heigth)
void SetSlope (const Standard_Real Slope)
Standard_Real GetAngle (const Standard_Integer Side) const
Standard_Real GetSliding () const
void FreeSliding ()
void FreeAngle (const Standard_Integer Side)
virtual void Dump (Standard_OStream &S) const override
 For variable dump.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DrawTrSurf_BSplineCurve2d
 DrawTrSurf_BSplineCurve2d (const Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > &C)
 creates a drawable BSpline curve from a BSpline curve of package Geom2d.
 DrawTrSurf_BSplineCurve2d (const Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > &C, const Draw_Color &CurvColor, const Draw_Color &PolesColor, const Draw_Color &KnotsColor, const Draw_MarkerShape KnotsShape, const Standard_Integer KnotsSize, const Standard_Boolean ShowPoles, const Standard_Boolean ShowKnots, const Standard_Integer Discret)
virtual void DrawOn (Draw_Display &dis) const override
 this is defined only to tell C++ not to complain about inheriting a pure virtual method.
void ShowPoles ()
void ShowKnots ()
void ClearPoles ()
void ClearKnots ()
void FindPole (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Draw_Display &D, const Standard_Real Prec, Standard_Integer &Index) const
 Returns in <Index> the index of the first pole of the curve projected by the Display <D> at a distance lower than <Prec> from <X,Y>. If no pole is found index is set to 0, else index is always greater than the input value of index.
void FindKnot (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Draw_Display &D, const Standard_Real Prec, Standard_Integer &Index) const
void SetPolesColor (const Draw_Color &theColor)
void SetKnotsColor (const Draw_Color &theColor)
void SetKnotsShape (const Draw_MarkerShape theShape)
Draw_MarkerShape KnotsShape () const
Draw_Color KnotsColor () const
Draw_Color PolesColor () const
virtual Handle< Draw_Drawable3DCopy () const override
 For variable copy.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DrawTrSurf_Curve2d
 DrawTrSurf_Curve2d (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C, const Standard_Boolean DispOrigin=Standard_True)
 creates a drawable curve from a curve of package Geom2d.
 DrawTrSurf_Curve2d (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C, const Draw_Color &aColor, const Standard_Integer Discret, const Standard_Boolean DispOrigin=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean DispCurvRadius=Standard_False, const Standard_Real RadiusMax=1.0e3, const Standard_Real RatioOfRadius=0.1)
Handle< Geom2d_CurveGetCurve () const
void SetColor (const Draw_Color &theColor)
void ShowCurvature ()
void ClearCurvature ()
void SetRadiusMax (const Standard_Real theRadius)
void SetRadiusRatio (const Standard_Real theRatio)
Draw_Color Color () const
Standard_Real RadiusMax () const
Standard_Real RadiusRatio () const
virtual void Save (Standard_OStream &theStream) const override
 Save drawable into stream.
virtual Standard_Boolean Is3D () const override
 Returns False.
virtual void Whatis (Draw_Interpretor &I) const override
 For variable whatis command. Set as a result the type of the variable.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DrawTrSurf_Drawable
void DrawCurve2dOn (Adaptor2d_Curve2d &C, Draw_Display &D) const
 Draw a polygon of the curve on the Display.
void DrawCurveOn (Adaptor3d_Curve &C, Draw_Display &D) const
 Draw a polygon of the curve on the Display.
void DrawIsoCurveOn (Adaptor3d_IsoCurve &C, const GeomAbs_IsoType T, const Standard_Real P, const Standard_Real F, const Standard_Real L, Draw_Display &D) const
 Load C with the specified iso and Draw a polygon of the curve on the Display.
void SetDiscretisation (const Standard_Integer theDiscret)
Standard_Integer GetDiscretisation () const
void SetDeflection (const Standard_Real theDeflection)
Standard_Real GetDeflection () const
void SetDrawMode (const Standard_Integer theDrawMode)
Standard_Integer GetDrawMode () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Draw_Drawable3D
virtual Standard_Boolean PickReject (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Prec) const
 Returns True if the pick is outside the box.
virtual bool IsDisplayable () const
 Return TRUE if object can be displayed.
void SetBounds (const Standard_Real theXMin, const Standard_Real theXMax, const Standard_Real theYMin, const Standard_Real theYMax)
void Bounds (Standard_Real &theXMin, Standard_Real &theXMax, Standard_Real &theYMin, Standard_Real &theYMax) const
Standard_Boolean Visible () const
void Visible (const Standard_Boolean V)
Standard_Boolean Protected () const
void Protected (const Standard_Boolean P)
Standard_CString Name () const
virtual void Name (const Standard_CString N)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Standard_Transient
 Standard_Transient ()
 Empty constructor.
 Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &)
 Copy constructor – does nothing.
Standard_Transientoperator= (const Standard_Transient &)
 Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter.
virtual ~Standard_Transient ()
 Destructor must be virtual.
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & DynamicType () const
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type.
Standard_Boolean IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_Boolean IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const
 Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism.
Standard_TransientThis () const
 Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero.
Standard_Integer GetRefCount () const noexcept
 Get the reference counter of this object.
void IncrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Increments the reference counter of this object.
Standard_Integer DecrementRefCounter () noexcept
 Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value.
virtual void Delete () const
 Memory deallocator for transient classes.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Draw_Drawable3D
typedef Handle< Draw_Drawable3D >(* FactoryFunction_t) (Standard_IStream &theStream)
 Function type for restoring drawable from stream.
typedef void base_type
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Draw_Drawable3D
static void RegisterFactory (const Standard_CString theType, const FactoryFunction_t &theFactory)
 Register factory for restoring drawable from stream (opposite to Draw_Drawable3D::Save()).
static Handle< Draw_Drawable3DRestore (const Standard_CString theType, Standard_IStream &theStream)
 Restore drawable from stream (opposite to Draw_Drawable3D::Save()).
static constexpr const char * get_type_name ()
 Returns a type descriptor about this object.
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & get_type_descriptor ()
 Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DrawTrSurf_Drawable
 DrawTrSurf_Drawable (const Standard_Integer discret, const Standard_Real deflection=0.01, const Standard_Integer DrawMode=0)
 set the number of points on a curve at creation.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Draw_Drawable3D
 Draw_Drawable3D ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from DrawFairCurve_Batten
Standard_Address MyBatten
- Protected Attributes inherited from DrawTrSurf_Curve2d
Handle< Geom2d_Curvecurv
Draw_Color look
Standard_Boolean disporigin
Standard_Boolean dispcurvradius
Standard_Real radiusmax
Standard_Real radiusratio

Detailed Description

Interactive Draw object of type "MVC".

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation()

DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation ( const Standard_Address TheMVC)

Member Function Documentation

◆ FreeCurvature()

void DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::FreeCurvature ( const Standard_Integer Side)

◆ GetCurvature()

Standard_Real DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::GetCurvature ( const Standard_Integer Side) const

◆ GetPhysicalRatio()

Standard_Real DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::GetPhysicalRatio ( ) const

◆ SetCurvature()

void DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::SetCurvature ( const Standard_Integer Side,
const Standard_Real Rho )

◆ SetPhysicalRatio()

void DrawFairCurve_MinimalVariation::SetPhysicalRatio ( const Standard_Real Ratio)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: