static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | SplitBSplineCurve (const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &C, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, const Standard_Boolean SameOrientation=Standard_True) |
| Convert a curve from Geom by an approximation method. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | SplitBSplineCurve (const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &C, const Standard_Real FromU1, const Standard_Real ToU2, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance, const Standard_Boolean SameOrientation=Standard_True) |
| This function computes the segment of B-spline curve between the parametric values FromU1, ToU2. If C is periodic the arc has the same orientation as C if SameOrientation = True. If C is not periodic SameOrientation is not used for the computation and C is oriented fromU1 toU2. If U1 and U2 and two parametric values we consider that U1 = U2 if Abs (U1 - U2) <= ParametricTolerance and ParametricTolerance must be greater or equal to Resolution from package gp. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | SplitBSplineSurface (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Integer FromUK1, const Standard_Integer ToUK2, const Standard_Integer FromVK1, const Standard_Integer ToVK2, const Standard_Boolean SameUOrientation=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean SameVOrientation=Standard_True) |
| Computes the B-spline surface patche between the knots values FromUK1, ToUK2, FromVK1, ToVK2. If S is periodic in one direction the patche has the same orientation as S in this direction if the flag is true in this direction (SameUOrientation, SameVOrientation). If S is not periodic SameUOrientation and SameVOrientation are not used for the computation and S is oriented FromUK1 ToUK2 and FromVK1 ToVK2. Raised if FromUK1 = ToUK2 or FromVK1 = ToVK2 FromUK1 or ToUK2 are out of the bounds [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex] FromVK1 or ToVK2 are out of the bounds [FirstVKnotIndex, LastVKnotIndex]. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | SplitBSplineSurface (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, const Standard_Boolean USplit, const Standard_Boolean SameOrientation=Standard_True) |
| This method splits a B-spline surface patche between the knots values FromK1, ToK2 in one direction. If USplit = True then the splitting direction is the U parametric direction else it is the V parametric direction. If S is periodic in the considered direction the patche has the same orientation as S in this direction if SameOrientation is True If S is not periodic in this direction SameOrientation is not used for the computation and S is oriented FromK1 ToK2. Raised if FromK1 = ToK2 or if FromK1 or ToK2 are out of the bounds [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex] in the considered parametric direction. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | SplitBSplineSurface (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Real FromU1, const Standard_Real ToU2, const Standard_Real FromV1, const Standard_Real ToV2, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance, const Standard_Boolean SameUOrientation=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean SameVOrientation=Standard_True) |
| This method computes the B-spline surface patche between the parametric values FromU1, ToU2, FromV1, ToV2. If S is periodic in one direction the patche has the same orientation as S in this direction if the flag is True in this direction (SameUOrientation, SameVOrientation). If S is not periodic SameUOrientation and SameVOrientation are not used for the computation and S is oriented FromU1 ToU2 and FromV1 ToV2. If U1 and U2 and two parametric values we consider that U1 = U2 if Abs (U1 - U2) <= ParametricTolerance and ParametricTolerance must be greater or equal to Resolution from package gp. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | SplitBSplineSurface (const Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > &S, const Standard_Real FromParam1, const Standard_Real ToParam2, const Standard_Boolean USplit, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance, const Standard_Boolean SameOrientation=Standard_True) |
| This method splits the B-spline surface S in one direction between the parametric values FromParam1, ToParam2. If USplit = True then the Splitting direction is the U parametric direction else it is the V parametric direction. If S is periodic in the considered direction the patche has the same orientation as S in this direction if SameOrientation is true. If S is not periodic in the considered direction SameOrientation is not used for the computation and S is oriented FromParam1 ToParam2. If U1 and U2 and two parametric values we consider that U1 = U2 if Abs (U1 - U2) <= ParametricTolerance and ParametricTolerance must be greater or equal to Resolution from package gp. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | CurveToBSplineCurve (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &C, const Convert_ParameterisationType Parameterisation=Convert_TgtThetaOver2) |
| This function converts a non infinite curve from Geom into a B-spline curve. C must be an ellipse or a circle or a trimmed conic or a trimmed line or a Bezier curve or a trimmed Bezier curve or a BSpline curve or a trimmed BSpline curve or an OffsetCurve. The returned B-spline is not periodic except if C is a Circle or an Ellipse. If the Parameterisation is QuasiAngular than the returned curve is NOT periodic in case a periodic Geom_Circle or Geom_Ellipse. For TgtThetaOver2_1 and TgtThetaOver2_2 the method raises an exception in case of a periodic Geom_Circle or a Geom_Ellipse ParameterisationType applies only if the curve is a Circle or an ellipse : TgtThetaOver2, – TgtThetaOver2_1, – TgtThetaOver2_2, – TgtThetaOver2_3, – TgtThetaOver2_4,. More...
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | SurfaceToBSplineSurface (const Handle< Geom_Surface > &S) |
| This algorithm converts a non infinite surface from Geom into a B-spline surface. S must be a trimmed plane or a trimmed cylinder or a trimmed cone or a trimmed sphere or a trimmed torus or a sphere or a torus or a Bezier surface of a trimmed Bezier surface or a trimmed swept surface with a corresponding basis curve which can be turned into a B-spline curve (see the method CurveToBSplineCurve). Raises DomainError if the type of the surface is not previously defined. More...
static void | ConcatG1 (TColGeom_Array1OfBSplineCurve &ArrayOfCurves, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &ArrayOfToler, Handle< TColGeom_HArray1OfBSplineCurve > &ArrayOfConcatenated, const Standard_Boolean ClosedG1Flag, const Standard_Real ClosedTolerance) |
| This Method concatenates G1 the ArrayOfCurves as far as it is possible. ArrayOfCurves[0..N-1] ArrayOfToler contains the biggest tolerance of the two points shared by two consecutives curves. Its dimension: [0..N-2] ClosedG1 indicates if the ArrayOfCurves is closed. In this case ClosedG1 contains the biggest tolerance of the two points which are at the closure. Otherwise its value is 0.0. More...
static void | ConcatC1 (TColGeom_Array1OfBSplineCurve &ArrayOfCurves, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &ArrayOfToler, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &ArrayOfIndices, Handle< TColGeom_HArray1OfBSplineCurve > &ArrayOfConcatenated, const Standard_Boolean ClosedG1Flag, const Standard_Real ClosedTolerance) |
| This Method concatenates C1 the ArrayOfCurves as far as it is possible. ArrayOfCurves[0..N-1] ArrayOfToler contains the biggest tolerance of the two points shared by two consecutives curves. Its dimension: [0..N-2] ClosedG1 indicates if the ArrayOfCurves is closed. In this case ClosedG1 contains the biggest tolerance of the two points which are at the closure. Otherwise its value is 0.0. More...
static void | ConcatC1 (TColGeom_Array1OfBSplineCurve &ArrayOfCurves, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &ArrayOfToler, Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfInteger > &ArrayOfIndices, Handle< TColGeom_HArray1OfBSplineCurve > &ArrayOfConcatenated, const Standard_Boolean ClosedG1Flag, const Standard_Real ClosedTolerance, const Standard_Real AngularTolerance) |
| This Method concatenates C1 the ArrayOfCurves as far as it is possible. ArrayOfCurves[0..N-1] ArrayOfToler contains the biggest tolerance of the two points shared by two consecutives curves. Its dimension: [0..N-2] ClosedG1 indicates if the ArrayOfCurves is closed. In this case ClosedG1 contains the biggest tolerance of the two points which are at the closure. Otherwise its value is 0.0. More...
static void | C0BSplineToC1BSplineCurve (Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &BS, const Standard_Real tolerance, const Standard_Real AngularTolerance=1.0e-7) |
| This Method reduces as far as it is possible the multiplicities of the knots of the BSpline BS.(keeping the geometry). It returns a new BSpline which could still be C0. tolerance is a geometrical tolerance. The Angular toleranceis in radians and mesures the angle of the tangents on the left and on the right to decide if the curve is G1 or not at a given point. More...
static void | C0BSplineToArrayOfC1BSplineCurve (const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &BS, Handle< TColGeom_HArray1OfBSplineCurve > &tabBS, const Standard_Real tolerance) |
| This Method reduces as far as it is possible the multiplicities of the knots of the BSpline BS.(keeping the geometry). It returns an array of BSpline C1. tolerance is a geometrical tolerance. More...
static void | C0BSplineToArrayOfC1BSplineCurve (const Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > &BS, Handle< TColGeom_HArray1OfBSplineCurve > &tabBS, const Standard_Real AngularTolerance, const Standard_Real tolerance) |
| This Method reduces as far as it is possible the multiplicities of the knots of the BSpline BS.(keeping the geometry). It returns an array of BSpline C1. tolerance is a geometrical tolerance : it allows for the maximum deformation The Angular tolerance is in radians and mesures the angle of the tangents on the left and on the right to decide if the curve is C1 or not at a given point. More...