Open CASCADE Technology
C_file_ace | |
C_group_sid | |
►CAdaptor2d_Curve2d | Root class for 2D curves on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted curve is an interface between the services provided by a curve, and those required of the curve by algorithms, which use it. A derived concrete class is provided: Geom2dAdaptor_Curve for a curve from the Geom2d package |
►CAdaptor3d_Curve | Root class for 3D curves on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted curve is an interface between the services provided by a curve and those required of the curve by algorithms which use it. Two derived concrete classes are provided: |
CAdaptor3d_HSurfaceTool | |
►CAdaptor3d_Surface | Root class for surfaces on which geometric algorithms work. An adapted surface is an interface between the services provided by a surface and those required of the surface by algorithms which use it. A derived concrete class is provided: GeomAdaptor_Surface for a surface from the Geom package. The Surface class describes the standard behaviour of a surface for generic algorithms |
CAdvApp2Var_ApproxAFunc2Var | Perform the approximation of <Func> F(U,V) Arguments are : Num1DSS, Num2DSS, Num3DSS :The numbers of 1,2,3 dimensional subspaces OneDTol, TwoDTol, ThreeDTol: The tolerance of approximation in each subspaces OneDTolFr, TwoDTolFr, ThreeDTolFr: The tolerance of approximation on the boundarys in each subspaces [FirstInU, LastInU]: The Bounds in U of the Approximation [FirstInV, LastInV]: The Bounds in V of the Approximation FavorIso : Give preference to extract u-iso or v-iso on F(U,V) This can be usefull to optimize the <Func> methode ContInU, ContInV : Continuity waiting in u and v PrecisCode : Precision on approximation's error mesurement 1 : Fast computation and average precision 2 : Average computation and good precision 3 : Slow computation and very good precision MaxDegInU : Maximum u-degree waiting in U MaxDegInV : Maximum u-degree waiting in V Warning: MaxDegInU (resp. MaxDegInV) must be >= 2*iu (resp. iv) + 1, where iu (resp. iv) = 0 if ContInU (resp. ContInV) = GeomAbs_C0, = 1 if = GeomAbs_C1, = 2 if = GeomAbs_C2. MaxPatch : Maximun number of Patch waiting number of Patch is number of u span * number of v span Func : The external method to evaluate F(U,V) Crit : To (re)defined condition of convergence UChoice, VChoice : To define the way in U (or V) Knot insertion Warning: for the moment, the result is a 3D Surface so Num1DSS and Num2DSS must be equals to 0 and Num3DSS must be equal to 1. Warning: the Function of type EvaluatorFunc2Var from Approx must be a subclass of AdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var |
CAdvApp2Var_ApproxF2var | |
CAdvApp2Var_Context | all the parameters for approximation ( tolerancy, computing option, ...) |
►CAdvApp2Var_Criterion | This class contains a given criterion to be satisfied |
CAdvApp2Var_Data | |
CAdvApp2Var_EvaluatorFunc2Var | |
CAdvApp2Var_Framework | |
CAdvApp2Var_Iso | Used to store constraints on a line U = Ui or V = Vj |
CAdvApp2Var_MathBase | |
CAdvApp2Var_Network | |
CAdvApp2Var_Node | Used to store constraints on a (Ui,Vj) point |
CAdvApp2Var_Patch | Used to store results on a domain [Ui,Ui+1]x[Vj,Vj+1] |
CAdvApp2Var_SysBase | |
CAdvApprox_ApproxAFunction | This approximate a given function |
►CAdvApprox_Cutting | To choose the way of cutting in approximation |
CAdvApprox_EvaluatorFunction | Interface for a class implementing a function to be approximated by AdvApprox_ApproxAFunction |
CAdvApprox_SimpleApprox | Approximate a function on an intervall [First,Last] The result is a simple polynomial whose degree is as low as possible to satisfy the required tolerance and the maximum degree. The maximum error and the averrage error resulting from approximating the function by the polynomial are computed |
CAIS | Application Interactive Services provide the means to create links between an application GUI viewer and the packages which are used to manage selection and presentation. The tools AIS defined in order to do this include different sorts of entities: both the selectable viewable objects themselves and the context and attribute managers to define their selection and display. To orient the user as he works in a modeling environment, views and selections must be comprehensible. There must be several different sorts of selectable and viewable object defined. These must also be interactive, that is, connecting graphic representation and the underlying reference geometry. These entities are called Interactive Objects, and are divided into four types: |
CAIS_GraphicTool | |
CAIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive | |
CAIS_ListOfInteractive | |
CNCollection_AccAllocator::AlignedPtr | A pointer aligned to a 4 byte boundary |
CNCollection_AccAllocator::AlignedSize | Size value aligned to a 4 byte boundary |
Calist | |
CAPIHeaderSection_MakeHeader | This class allows to consult and prepare/edit data stored in a Step Model Header |
►CAppBlend_Approx | Bspline approximation of a surface |
►CAppCont_Function | Class describing a continous 3d and/or function f(u). This class must be provided by the user to use the approximation algorithm FittingCurve |
CAppCont_LeastSquare | |
CAppDef_Array1OfMultiPointConstraint | |
CAppDef_BSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfBSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_Compute | |
CAppDef_MultiLine | This class describes the organized set of points used in the approximations. A MultiLine is composed of n MultiPointConstraints. The approximation of the MultiLine will be done in the order of the given n MultiPointConstraints |
CAppDef_MyBSplGradientOfBSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_MyGradientbisOfBSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_MyGradientOfCompute | |
CAppDef_MyLineTool | Example of MultiLine tool corresponding to the tools of the packages AppParCurves and Approx. For Approx, the tool will not addd points if the algorithms want some |
CAppDef_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientbisOfBSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientOfCompute | |
CAppDef_ParLeastSquareOfTheGradient | |
CAppDef_ResConstraintOfMyGradientbisOfBSplineCompute | |
CAppDef_ResConstraintOfMyGradientOfCompute | |
CAppDef_ResConstraintOfTheGradient | |
CAppDef_TheGradient | |
CAppDef_TheLeastSquares | |
CAppDef_TheResol | |
CAppDef_Variational | This class is used to smooth N points with constraints by minimization of quadratic criterium but also variational criterium in order to obtain " fair Curve " Computes the approximation of a Multiline by Variational optimization |
CAppParCurves | Parallel Approximation in n curves. This package gives all the algorithms used to approximate a MultiLine described by the tool MLineTool. The result of the approximation will be a MultiCurve |
CAppParCurves_Array1OfConstraintCouple | |
CAppParCurves_Array1OfMultiBSpCurve | |
CAppParCurves_Array1OfMultiCurve | |
CAppParCurves_Array1OfMultiPoint | |
CAppParCurves_ConstraintCouple | Associates an index and a constraint for an object. This couple is used by AppDef_TheVariational when performing approximations |
►CAppParCurves_MultiCurve | This class describes a MultiCurve approximating a Multiline. As a Multiline is a set of n lines, a MultiCurve is a set of n curves. These curves are Bezier curves. A MultiCurve is composed of m MultiPoint. The approximating degree of these n curves is the same for each one |
►CAppParCurves_MultiPoint | This class describes Points composing a MultiPoint. These points can be 2D or 3D. The user must first give the 3D Points and then the 2D Points. They are Poles of a Bezier Curve. This class is used either to define data input or results when performing the approximation of several lines in parallel |
CApprox_Array1OfAdHSurface | |
CApprox_Array1OfGTrsf2d | |
CApprox_Curve2d | Makes an approximation for HCurve2d from Adaptor3d |
CApprox_Curve3d | |
CApprox_CurveOnSurface | Approximation of curve on surface |
CApprox_CurvilinearParameter | Approximation of a Curve to make its parameter be its curvilinear abscissa If the curve is a curve on a surface S, C2D is the corresponding Pcurve, we considere the curve is given by its representation S(C2D(u)) If the curve is a curve on 2 surfaces S1 and S2 and C2D1 C2D2 are the two corresponding Pcurve, we considere the curve is given by its representation 1/2(S1(C2D1(u) + S2 (C2D2(u))) |
CApprox_FitAndDivide | |
CApprox_FitAndDivide2d | |
CApprox_MCurvesToBSpCurve | |
CApprox_SameParameter | Approximation of a PCurve on a surface to make its parameter be the same that the parameter of a given 3d reference curve |
CApprox_SweepApproximation | Approximation of an Surface S(u,v) (and eventually associate 2d Curves) defined by section's law |
►CApproxInt_SvSurfaces | |
CBVH::Array< T, N > | Tool class providing typical operations on the array. It allows for interoperability between STD vector and NCollection vector |
CBVH::ArrayType< T, N > | Tool class for selecting type of array of vectors (STD or NCollection vector) |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_Integer, 4 > | |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_Real, 2 > | |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_Real, 3 > | |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_ShortReal, 2 > | |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_ShortReal, 3 > | |
CBVH::ArrayType< Standard_ShortReal, N > | |
CAIS_Dimension::SelectionGeometry::Arrow | Arrows are represented by directed triangles |
►CAspect_Background | This class allows the definition of a window background |
CAspect_GenId | This class permits the creation and control of integer identifiers |
CAspect_GraphicCallbackStruct | |
CBinDrivers | |
CBinLDrivers | |
CBinLDrivers_DocumentSection | More or less independent part of the saved/restored document that is distinct from OCAF data themselves but may be referred by them |
CBinMDataStd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes |
CBinMDataXtd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes |
CBinMDF | This package provides classes and methods to translate a transient DF into a persistent one and vice versa |
CBinMDocStd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for TDocStd modelling attributes |
CBinMFunction | Storage and Retrieval drivers for TFunction modelling attributes |
CBinMNaming | Storage/Retrieval drivers for TNaming attributes |
CBinMPrsStd | |
CBinMXCAFDoc | |
CBinObjMgt_Persistent | Binary persistent representation of an object. Really it is used as a buffer for read/write an object |
CBinTObjDrivers | |
CBinTools | Tool to keep shapes in binary format |
CBinTools_Curve2dSet | Stores a set of Curves from Geom2d in binary format |
CBinTools_CurveSet | Stores a set of Curves from Geom in binary format |
CBinTools_LocationSet | The class LocationSet stores a set of location in a relocatable state |
CBinTools_ShapeSet | Writes topology in OStream in binary format |
CBinTools_SurfaceSet | Stores a set of Surfaces from Geom in binary format |
CBinXCAFDrivers | |
CBisector | This package provides the bisecting line between two geometric elements |
CBisector_Bisec | Bisec provides the bisecting line between two elements This line is trimed by a point |
CBisector_PointOnBis | |
CBisector_PolyBis | Polygon of PointOnBis |
CBiTgte_Blend | Root class |
CBlend_Point | |
CBlendFunc | This package provides a set of generic functions, that can instantiated to compute blendings between two surfaces (Constant radius, Evolutive radius, Ruled surface) |
CBlendFunc_Corde | This function calculates point (pts) on the curve of intersection between the normal to a curve (guide) in a chosen parameter and a surface (surf), so that pts was at a given distance from the guide. X(1),X(2) are the parameters U,V of pts on surf |
CBlendFunc_Tensor | Used to store the "gradient of gradient" |
CNCollection_AccAllocator::Block | Descriptor of a block |
CBnd_Array1OfBox | |
CBnd_Array1OfBox2d | |
CBnd_Array1OfSphere | |
CBnd_B2d | |
CBnd_B2f | |
CBnd_B3d | |
CBnd_B3f | |
CBnd_BoundSortBox | A tool to compare a bounding box or a plane with a set of bounding boxes. It sorts the set of bounding boxes to give the list of boxes which intersect the element being compared. The boxes being sorted generally bound a set of shapes, while the box being compared bounds a shape to be compared. The resulting list of intersecting boxes therefore gives the list of items which potentially intersect the shape to be compared |
CBnd_BoundSortBox2d | A tool to compare a 2D bounding box with a set of 2D bounding boxes. It sorts the set of bounding boxes to give the list of boxes which intersect the element being compared. The boxes being sorted generally bound a set of shapes, while the box being compared bounds a shape to be compared. The resulting list of intersecting boxes therefore gives the list of items which potentially intersect the shape to be compared |
CBnd_Box | Describes a bounding box in 3D space. A bounding box is parallel to the axes of the coordinates system. If it is finite, it is defined by the three intervals: |
CBnd_Box2d | Describes a bounding box in 2D space. A bounding box is parallel to the axes of the coordinates system. If it is finite, it is defined by the two intervals: |
CBnd_Sphere | This class represents a bounding sphere of a geometric entity (triangle, segment of line or whatever else) |
CBndLib | The BndLib package provides functions to add a geometric primitive to a bounding box. Note: these functions work with gp objects, optionally limited by parameter values. If the curves and surfaces provided by the gp package are not explicitly parameterized, they still have an implicit parameterization, similar to that which they infer for the equivalent Geom or Geom2d objects. Add : Package to compute the bounding boxes for elementary objects from gp in 2d and 3d |
CBndLib_Add2dCurve | Computes the bounding box for a curve in 2d . Functions to add a 2D curve to a bounding box. The 2D curve is defined from a Geom2d curve |
CBndLib_Add3dCurve | Computes the bounding box for a curve in 3d. Functions to add a 3D curve to a bounding box. The 3D curve is defined from a Geom curve |
CBndLib_AddSurface | Computes the box from a surface Functions to add a surface to a bounding box. The surface is defined from a Geom surface |
►CBOPAlgo_Algo | Root interface for algorithms |
CBOPAlgo_CheckResult | Information about faulty shapes and faulty types can't be processed by Boolean Operations |
CBOPAlgo_SectionAttribute | Class is a container of three flags used by intersection algorithm |
CBOPAlgo_Tools | |
CBOPAlgo_WireEdgeSet | |
CBOPCol_Cnt< TypeFunctor, TypeSolverVector > | |
CBOPCol_ContextCnt< TypeFunctor, TypeSolverVector, TypeContext > | |
CBOPCol_ContextFunctor< TypeSolver, TypeSolverVector, TypeContext, TN > | |
CBOPCol_Functor< TypeSolver, TypeSolverVector > | |
CBOPDS_CoupleOfPaveBlocks | |
CBOPDS_Curve | The class BOPDS_Curve is to store the information about intersection curve |
CBOPDS_DS | The class BOPDS_DS provides the control the data structure for partition and boolean operation algorithms |
CBOPDS_FaceInfo | The class BOPDS_FaceInfo is to store handy information about state of face |
CBOPDS_IndexRange | The class BOPDS_IndexRange is to store the information about range of two indices |
►CBOPDS_Interf | |
►CBOPDS_Iterator | The class BOPDS_Iterator is compute intersections between BRep sub-shapes of arguments of an operation (see the class BOPDS_DS) in terms of theirs bounding boxes 2.provides interface to iterare the pairs of intersected sub-shapes of given type |
►CBOPDS_PassKey | The class BOPDS_PassKey is to provide possibility to map objects that have a set of integer IDs as a base |
CBOPDS_PassKeyMapHasher | |
CBOPDS_Pave | The class BOPDS_Pave is to store information about vertex on an edge |
CBOPDS_PaveMapHasher | |
CBOPDS_Point | The class BOPDS_Point is to store the information about intersection point |
CBOPDS_ShapeInfo | The class BOPDS_ShapeInfo is to store handy information about shape |
CBOPDS_SubIterator | The class BOPDS_SubIterator is compute intersections between two sub-sets of BRep sub-shapes of arguments of an operation (see the class BOPDS_DS) in terms of theirs bounding boxes 2.provides interface to iterare the pairs of intersected sub-shapes of given type |
CBOPDS_Tools | The class BOPDS_Tools contains a set auxiliary static functions of the package BOPDS |
CBOPTest | |
CBOPTest_Objects | |
CBOPTools | |
CBOPTools_AlgoTools | |
CBOPTools_AlgoTools2D | The class contains handy static functions dealing with the topology This is the copy of the BOPTools_AlgoTools2D.cdl |
CBOPTools_AlgoTools3D | The class contains handy static functions dealing with the topology This is the copy of BOPTools_AlgoTools3D.cdl file |
CBOPTools_ConnexityBlock | |
CBOPTools_CoupleOfShape | |
CBOPTools_EdgeSet | |
CBOPTools_Set | |
CBOPTools_SetMapHasher | |
CBOPTools_ShapeSet | Implementation of some formal opereations with a set of shapes |
CBVH::BoxMinMax< T, N > | Tool class for calculate component-wise vector minimum and maximum (optimized version) |
CBVH::BoxMinMax< T, 2 > | |
CBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRepresentation | |
CBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfPointRepresentation | |
CBRep_ListOfCurveRepresentation | |
CBRep_ListOfPointRepresentation | |
CBRep_Tool | Provides class methods to access to the geometry of BRep shapes |
CBRepAdaptor_Array1OfCurve | |
CBRepAlgo | The BRepAlgo package provides a full range of services to perform Old Boolean Operations in Open CASCADE. Attention: The New Boolean Operation has replaced the Old Boolean Operations algorithm in the BrepAlgoAPI package in Open CASCADE |
CBRepAlgo_BooleanOperations | |
CBRepAlgo_DSAccess | |
CBRepAlgo_FaceRestrictor | Builds all the faces limited with a set of non jointing and planars wires. if <ControlOrientation> is false The Wires must have correct orientations. Sinon orientation des wires de telle sorte que les faces ne soient pas infinies et qu'elles soient disjointes |
CBRepAlgo_Image | Stores link between a shape <S> and a shape <NewS> obtained from <S>. <NewS> is an image of <S> |
CBRepAlgo_Loop | Builds the loops from a set of edges on a face |
CBRepAlgo_NormalProjection | This class makes the projection of a wire on a shape |
CBRepAlgo_Tool | |
CBRepApprox_Approx | |
CBRepApprox_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_MyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_MyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_MyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_ResConstraintOfMyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_ResConstraintOfMyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_SurfaceTool | |
CBRepApprox_TheComputeLineBezierOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_TheComputeLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_TheInt2SOfThePrmPrmSvSurfacesOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_TheMultiLineOfApprox | |
CBRepApprox_TheMultiLineToolOfApprox | |
CBRepBlend_BlendTool | |
CBRepBlend_CSWalking | |
CBRepBlend_Extremity | |
CBRepBlend_HCurve2dTool | |
CBRepBlend_HCurveTool | |
CBRepBlend_PointOnRst | Definition of an intersection point between a line and a restriction on a surface. Such a point is contains geometrical informations (see the Value method) and logical informations |
CBRepBlend_RstRstLineBuilder | This class processes the data resulting from Blend_CSWalking but it takes in consideration the Surface supporting the curve to detect the breakpoint |
CBRepBlend_SurfRstLineBuilder | This class processes data resulting from Blend_CSWalking taking in consideration the Surface supporting the curve to detect the breakpoint |
CBRepBlend_Walking | |
CBRepBndLib | This package provides the bounding boxes for curves and surfaces from BRepAdaptor. Functions to add a topological shape to a bounding box |
CBRepBuilderAPI | The BRepBuilderAPI package provides an Application Programming Interface for the BRep topology data structure |
CBRepBuilderAPI_Collect | |
►CBRepBuilderAPI_Command | Root class for all commands in BRepBuilderAPI |
CBRepBuilderAPI_FindPlane | Describes functions to find the plane in which the edges of a given shape are located. A FindPlane object provides a framework for: |
CBRepCheck | This package provides tools to check the validity of the BRep |
CBRepCheck_Analyzer | A framework to check the overall validity of a shape. For a shape to be valid in Open CASCADE, it - or its component subshapes - must respect certain criteria. These criteria are checked by the function IsValid. Once you have determined whether a shape is valid or not, you can diagnose its specific anomalies and correct them using the services of the ShapeAnalysis, ShapeUpgrade, and ShapeFix packages |
CBRepCheck_ListIteratorOfListOfStatus | |
CBRepCheck_ListOfStatus | |
CBRepClass3d | |
CBRepClass3d_Intersector3d | |
►CBRepClass3d_SClassifier | Provides an algorithm to classify a point in a solid |
CBRepClass3d_SolidExplorer | Provide an exploration of a BRep Shape for the classification |
CBRepClass3d_SolidPassiveClassifier | |
CBRepClass_Edge | This class is used to send the description of an Edge to the classifier. It contains an Edge and a Face. So the PCurve of the Edge can be found |
CBRepClass_FaceExplorer | Provide an exploration of a BRep Face for the classification. Return UV edges |
CBRepClass_FacePassiveClassifier | |
CBRepClass_FClass2dOfFClassifier | |
►CBRepClass_FClassifier | |
CBRepExtrema_DistanceSS | This class allows to compute minimum distance between two shapes (face edge vertex) and is used in DistShapeShape class. |
CBRepExtrema_DistShapeShape | This class provides tools to compute minimum distance between two Shapes (Compound,CompSolid, Solid, Shell, Face, Wire, Edge, Vertex). |
►CBRepExtrema_ElementFilter | Filtering tool used to detect if two given mesh elements should be tested for overlapping/intersection or not |
CBRepExtrema_ExtCC | |
CBRepExtrema_ExtCF | |
CBRepExtrema_ExtFF | |
CBRepExtrema_ExtPC | |
CBRepExtrema_ExtPF | |
CBRepExtrema_OverlapTool | Enables storing of individual overlapped triangles (useful for debug) |
CBRepExtrema_Poly | |
CBRepExtrema_ShapeProximity | Tool class for shape proximity detection. For two given shapes and given tolerance (offset from the mesh) the algorithm allows to determine whether or not they are overlapped. The algorithm input consists of any shapes which can be decomposed into individual faces (used as basic shape elements). High performance is achieved through the use of existing triangulation of faces. So poly triangulation (with the desired deflection) should already be built. Note that solution is approximate (and corresponds to the deflection used for triangulation) |
CBRepExtrema_SolutionElem | This class is used to store information relative to the minimum distance between two shapes |
CBRepFeat | BRepFeat is necessary for the creation and manipulation of both form and mechanical features in a Boundary Representation framework. Form features can be depressions or protrusions and include the following types: |
CBRepFill | |
CBRepFill_ApproxSeewing | Evaluate the 3dCurve and the PCurves described in a MultiLine from BRepFill. The parametrization of those curves is not imposed by the Bissectrice. The parametrization is given approximatively by the abscissa of the curve3d |
CBRepFill_CompatibleWires | Constructs a sequence of Wires (with good orientation and origin) agreed each other so that the surface passing through these sections is not twisted |
CBRepFill_ComputeCLine | |
CBRepFill_Draft | |
CBRepFill_EdgeFaceAndOrder | |
CBRepFill_Evolved | Constructs an evolved volume from a spine (wire or face) and a profile ( wire) |
CBRepFill_FaceAndOrder | A structure containing Face and Order of constraint |
CBRepFill_Filling | N-Side Filling This algorithm avoids to build a face from: |
CBRepFill_Generator | Compute a topological surface ( a shell) using generating wires. The face of the shell will be ruled surfaces passing by the wires. The wires must have the same number of edges |
CBRepFill_ListIteratorOfListOfOffsetWire | |
CBRepFill_ListOfOffsetWire | |
CBRepFill_OffsetAncestors | This class is used to find the generating shapes of an OffsetWire |
CBRepFill_OffsetWire | Constructs a Offset Wire to a spine (wire or face) on the left of spine. The Wire or the Face must be planar |
CBRepFill_Pipe | Create a shape by sweeping a shape (the profile) along a wire (the spine) |
CBRepFill_Section | To store section definition |
CBRepFill_SectionPlacement | Place a shape in a local axis coordinate |
CBRepFill_Sweep | Topological Sweep Algorithm Computes an Sweep shell using a generating wire, an SectionLaw and an LocationLaw |
CBRepFill_TrimEdgeTool | Geometric Tool using to construct Offset Wires |
CBRepFill_TrimShellCorner | |
CBRepFill_TrimSurfaceTool | Compute the Pcurves and the 3d curves resulting of the trimming of a face by an extruded surface |
CBRepGProp | Provides global functions to compute a shape's global properties for lines, surfaces or volumes, and bring them together with the global properties already computed for a geometric system. The global properties computed for a system are : |
CBRepGProp_Domain | Arc iterator. Returns only Forward and Reversed edges from the face in an undigested order |
CBRepGProp_EdgeTool | Provides the required methods to instantiate CGProps from GProp with a Curve from BRepAdaptor |
CBRepGProp_Face | |
CBRepGProp_Gauss | Class performs computing of the global inertia properties of geometric object in 3D space by adaptive and non-adaptive 2D Gauss integration algorithms |
CBRepIntCurveSurface_Inter | Computes the intersection between a face and a curve. To intersect one curve with shape method Init(Shape, curve, tTol) should be used. To intersect a few curves with specified shape it is necessary to load shape one time using method Load(shape, tol) and find intersection points for each curve using method Init(curve). For iteration by intersection points method More() and Next() should be used |
CBRepLib | The BRepLib package provides general utilities for BRep |
CBRepLib_CheckCurveOnSurface | Computes the max distance between edge and its 2d representation on the face |
►CBRepLib_Command | Root class for all commands in BRepLib |
CBRepLib_FindSurface | Provides an algorithm to find a Surface through a set of edges |
CBRepLib_FuseEdges | This class can detect vertices in a face that can be considered useless and then perform the fuse of the edges and remove the useless vertices. By useles vertices, we mean : |
CBRepLProp | These global functions compute the degree of continuity of a curve built by concatenation of two edges at their junction point |
CBRepLProp_CLProps | |
CBRepLProp_CurveTool | |
CBRepLProp_SLProps | |
CBRepLProp_SurfaceTool | |
CBRepMAT2d_BisectingLocus | BisectingLocus generates and contains the Bisecting_Locus of a set of lines from Geom2d, defined by <ExploSet> |
CBRepMAT2d_Explorer | Construct an explorer from wires, face, set of curves from Geom2d to compute the bisecting Locus |
CBRepMAT2d_LinkTopoBilo | Constucts links between the Wire or the Face of the explorer and the BasicElts contained in the bisecting locus |
CBRepMesh_Circle | Describes a 2d circle with a size of only 3 Standard_Real numbers instead of gp who needs 7 Standard_Real numbers |
CBRepMesh_CircleTool | Create sort and destroy the circles used in triangulation. |
CBRepMesh_Classifier | Auxilary class contains information about correctness of discretized face and used for classification of points regarding face internals |
CBRepMesh_Delaun | Compute the Delaunay's triangulation with the algorithm of Watson |
CBRepMesh_DiscretFactory | This class intended to setup / retrieve default triangulation algorithm. Use BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Get() static method to retrieve global Factory instance. Use BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Discret() method to retrieve meshing tool. |
CBRepMesh_EdgeParameterProvider | Auxiliary class provides correct parameters on curve regarding SameParameter flag |
CBRepMesh_GeomTool | Tool class accumulating common geometrical functions as well as functionality using shape geometry to produce data necessary for tessellation. General aim is to calculate discretization points for the given curve or iso curve of surface according to the specified parameters |
►CBRepMesh_OrientedEdge | Light weighted structure representing simple link |
CBRepMesh_PairOfIndex | This class represents a pair of integer indices to store element indices connected to link. It is restricted to store more than two indices in it |
CBRepMesh_PairOfPolygon | |
CBRepMesh_SelectorOfDataStructureOfDelaun | Describes a selector and an iterator on a selector of components of a mesh |
CBRepMesh_ShapeTool | |
CBRepMesh_Triangle | Light weighted structure representing triangle of mesh consisting of oriented links |
CBRepMesh_Vertex | Light weighted structure representing vertex of the mesh in parametric space. Vertex could be associated with 3d point stored in external map |
CBRepMesh_VertexTool | Describes data structure intended to keep mesh nodes defined in UV space and implements functionality providing their uniqueness regarding thir position |
CBRepMesh_WireChecker | Auxilary class intended to check correctness of discretized face. In particular, checks boundaries of discretized face for self intersections and gaps |
CBRepMesh_WireInterferenceChecker | Auxilary class implementing functionality for checking interference between two discretized wires |
CBRepOffset | |
CBRepOffset_Analyse | Analyse of a shape consit to Find the part of edges convex concave tangent |
CBRepOffset_Inter2d | Computes the intersections betwwen edges on a face stores result is SD as AsDes from BRepOffset |
CBRepOffset_Inter3d | Computes the intersection face face in a set of faces Store the result in a SD as AsDes |
CBRepOffset_Interval | |
CBRepOffset_ListIteratorOfListOfInterval | |
CBRepOffset_ListOfInterval | |
CBRepOffset_MakeLoops | |
CBRepOffset_MakeOffset | |
CBRepOffset_Offset | This class compute elemenary offset surface. Evaluate the offset generated : 1 - from a face. 2 - from an edge. 3 - from a vertex |
CBRepOffset_Tool | |
CBRepOffsetAPI_FindContigousEdges | Provides methods to identify contigous boundaries for continuity control (C0, C1, ...) |
CBRepPrim_Builder | Implements the abstract Builder with the BRep Builder |
CBRepPrim_FaceBuilder | The FaceBuilder is an algorithm to build a BRep Face from a Geom Surface |
►CBRepPrim_GWedge | A wedge is defined by : |
►CBRepPrim_OneAxis | Algorithm to build primitives with one axis of revolution |
CBRepProj_Projection | The Projection class provides conical and cylindrical projections of Edge or Wire on a Shape from TopoDS. The result will be a Edge or Wire from TopoDS |
CBRepSweep_Builder | Implements the abstract Builder with the BRep Builder |
CBRepSweep_Iterator | This class provides iteration services required by the Generating Line (TopoDS Shape) of a BRepSweep. This tool is used to iterate on the direct sub-shapes of a Shape |
►CBRepSweep_NumLinearRegularSweep | This a generic class is used to build Sweept primitives with a generating "shape" and a directing "line" |
CBRepSweep_Prism | Provides natural constructors to build BRepSweep translated swept Primitives |
CBRepSweep_Revol | Provides natural constructors to build BRepSweep rotated swept Primitives |
CBRepSweep_Tool | Provides the indexation and type analysis services required by the TopoDS generating Shape of BRepSweep |
CBRepTest | Provides commands to test BRep |
►CBRepToIGES_BREntity | Methods to transfer BRep entity from CASCADE to IGES |
CBRepTools | The BRepTools package provides utilities for BRep data structures |
CBRepTools_Modifier | Performs geometric modifications on a shape |
CBRepTools_Quilt | A Tool to glue faces at common edges and reconstruct shells |
CBRepTools_Substitution | A tool to substitute subshapes by other shapes |
CBRepTools_WireExplorer | The WireExplorer is a tool to explore the edges of a wire in a connection order |
CBRepTopAdaptor_FClass2d | |
CBRepTopAdaptor_Tool | |
CBSplCLib | BSplCLib B-spline curve Library |
CBSplCLib_EvaluatorFunction | |
CBSplSLib | BSplSLib B-spline surface Library This package provides an implementation of geometric functions for rational and non rational, periodic and non periodic B-spline surface computation |
CBSplSLib_EvaluatorFunction | |
CBVH_Bin< T, N > | Stores parameters of single node bin (slice of AABB) |
CBVH_Box< T, N > | Defines axis aligned bounding box (AABB) based on BVH vectors |
CBVH_Box< Standard_Real, 3 > | |
CBVH_Box< Standard_Real, N > | |
CBVH_Box< Standard_ShortReal, 4 > | |
CBVH_Box< Standard_ShortReal, N > | |
►CBVH_Builder< T, N > | Performs construction of BVH tree using bounding boxes (AABBs) of abstract objects |
CBVH_DistanceField< T, N > | Tool object for building 3D distance field from the set of BVH triangulations. Distance field is a scalar field that measures the distance from a given point to some object, including optional information about the inside and outside of the structure. Distance fields are used as alternative surface representations (like polygons or NURBS) |
►CBVH_Object< T, N > | Abstract geometric object bounded by BVH box |
►CBVH_Object< Standard_Real, N > | |
►CBVH_Object< Standard_ShortReal, N > | |
CBVH_ParallelDistanceFieldBuilder< T, N > | |
►CBVH_Properties | Abstract properties of geometric object |
►CBVH_Set< T, N > | Set of abstract entities (bounded by BVH boxes). This is the minimal geometry interface needed to construct BVH |
►CBVH_Set< Standard_Real, N > | |
►CBVH_Set< Standard_ShortReal, N > | |
CBVH_Sorter< T, N > | Performs centroid-based sorting of abstract set |
CBVH_Tree< T, N > | Stores parameters of bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). Bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) organizes geometric objects in the tree based on spatial relationships. Each node in the tree contains an axis-aligned bounding box of all the objects below it. Bounding volume hierarchies are used in many algorithms to support efficient operations on the sets of geometric objects, such as collision detection, ray-tracing, searching of nearest objects, and view frustum culling |
►COSD_MAllocHook::Callback | |
►CDraw_Interpretor::CallBackData | Callback for TCL (interface) |
CCDF | |
CCDF_DirectoryIterator | |
CCDF_Store | |
CCDF_Timer | |
CCDM_DocumentHasher | |
CCDM_ListIteratorOfListOfDocument | |
CCDM_ListIteratorOfListOfReferences | |
CCDM_ListOfDocument | |
CCDM_ListOfReferences | |
CCDM_ReferenceIterator | |
CNCollection_CellFilter< Inspector >::Cell | |
CBVH::CenterAxis< T, N > | Tool class for calculating box center along the given axis |
CBVH::CenterAxis< T, 2 > | |
CBVH::CenterAxis< T, 3 > | |
CBVH::CenterAxis< T, 4 > | |
CChFi2d | This package contains the algorithms used to build fillets or chamfers on planar wire |
CChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgo | An analytical algorithm for calculation of the fillets. It is implemented for segments and arcs of circle only |
CChFi2d_Builder | This class contains the algorithm used to build fillet on planar wire |
CChFi2d_ChamferAPI | A class making a chamfer between two linear edges |
CChFi2d_FilletAlgo | Algorithm that creates fillet edge: arc tangent to two edges in the start and in the end vertices. Initial edges must be located on the plane and must be connected by the end or start points (shared vertices are not obligatory). Created fillet arc is created with the given radius, that is useful in sketcher applications |
CChFi2d_FilletAPI | An interface class for 2D fillets. Open CASCADE provides two algorithms for 2D fillets: ChFi2d_Builder - it constructs a fillet or chamfer for linear and circular edges of a face. ChFi2d_FilletAPI - it encapsulates two algorithms: ChFi2d_AnaFilletAlgo - analytical constructor of the fillet. It works only for linear and circular edges, having a common point. ChFi2d_FilletAlgo - iteration recursive method constructing the fillet edge for any type of edges including ellipses and b-splines. The edges may even have no common point |
CChFi3d | Creation of spatial fillets on a solid |
►CChFi3d_Builder | Root class for calculation of surfaces (fillets, chamfers) destined to smooth edges of a gap on a Shape and the reconstruction of the Shape |
CChFiDS_CircSection | A Section of fillet |
CChFiDS_CommonPoint | Point start/end of fillet common to 2 adjacent filets and to an edge on one of 2 faces participating in the construction of the fillet |
CChFiDS_FaceInterference | Interference face/fillet |
CChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfHElSpine | |
CChFiDS_ListIteratorOfListOfStripe | |
CChFiDS_ListIteratorOfRegularities | |
CChFiDS_ListOfHElSpine | |
CChFiDS_ListOfStripe | |
CChFiDS_Map | Encapsulation of IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape |
CChFiDS_Regul | Storage of a curve and its 2 faces or surfaces of support |
CChFiDS_Regularities | |
CChFiDS_SecArray1 | |
CChFiDS_StripeArray1 | |
CChFiDS_StripeMap | Encapsulation of IndexedDataMapOfVertexListOfStripe |
CChFiKPart_ComputeData | Methodes de classe permettant de remplir une SurfData dans les cas particuliers de conges suivants: |
Ccilist | |
Ccllist | |
CCocoa_LocalPool | Auxiliary class to create local pool |
Ccomplex | |
Copencascade::conditional< Condition, TypeTrue, TypeFalse > | |
Copencascade::conditional< false, TypeTrue, TypeFalse > | |
CContap_ContAna | This class provides the computation of the contours for quadric surfaces |
CContap_Contour | |
CContap_HContTool | Tool for the intersection between 2 surfaces. Regroupe pour l instant les methodes hors Adaptor3d.. |
CContap_HCurve2dTool | |
CContap_Line | |
CContap_Point | Definition of a vertex on the contour line. Most of the time, such a point is an intersection between the contour and a restriction of the surface. When it is not tyhe method IsOnArc return False. Such a point is contains geometrical informations (see the Value method) and logical informations |
CContap_SurfProps | Internal tool used to compute the normal and its derivatives |
CContap_TheIWalking | |
CContap_ThePathPointOfTheSearch | |
CContap_TheSearch | |
CContap_TheSearchInside | |
CContap_TheSegmentOfTheSearch | |
CConvert_CompBezierCurves2dToBSplineCurve2d | Converts a list of connecting Bezier Curves 2d to a BSplineCurve 2d. if possible, the continuity of the BSpline will be increased to more than C0 |
CConvert_CompBezierCurvesToBSplineCurve | An algorithm to convert a sequence of adjacent non-rational Bezier curves into a BSpline curve. A CompBezierCurvesToBSplineCurve object provides a framework for: |
CConvert_CompPolynomialToPoles | Convert a serie of Polynomial N-Dimensional Curves that are have continuity CM to an N-Dimensional Bspline Curve that has continuity CM. (to convert an function (curve) polynomial by span in a BSpline) This class uses the following arguments : NumCurves : the number of Polynomial Curves Continuity: the requested continuity for the n-dimensional Spline Dimension : the dimension of the Spline MaxDegree : maximum allowed degree for each composite polynomial segment. NumCoeffPerCurve : the number of coefficient per segments = degree - 1 Coefficients : the coefficients organized in the following way [1..<myNumPolynomials>][1..myMaxDegree +1][1..myDimension] that is : index [n,d,i] is at slot (n-1) * (myMaxDegree + 1) * myDimension + (d-1) * myDimension + i PolynomialIntervals : nth polynomial represents a polynomial between myPolynomialIntervals->Value(n,0) and myPolynomialIntervals->Value(n,1) TrueIntervals : the nth polynomial has to be mapped linearly to be defined on the following interval : myTrueIntervals->Value(n) and myTrueIntervals->Value(n+1) so that it represent adequatly the function with the required continuity |
►CConvert_ConicToBSplineCurve | Root class for algorithms which convert a conic curve into a BSpline curve (CircleToBSplineCurve, EllipseToBSplineCurve, HyperbolaToBSplineCurve, ParabolaToBSplineCurve). These algorithms all work on 2D curves from the gp package and compute all the data needed to construct a BSpline curve equivalent to the conic curve. This data consists of: |
►CConvert_ElementarySurfaceToBSplineSurface | Root class for algorithms which convert an elementary surface (cylinder, cone, sphere or torus) into a BSpline surface (CylinderToBSplineSurface, ConeToBSplineSurface, SphereToBSplineSurface, TorusToBSplineSurface). These algorithms all work on elementary surfaces from the gp package and compute all the data needed to construct a BSpline surface equivalent to the cylinder, cone, sphere or torus. This data consists of the following: |
CConvert_GridPolynomialToPoles | Convert a grid of Polynomial Surfaces that are have continuity CM to an Bspline Surface that has continuity CM |
CCPnts_AbscissaPoint | Algorithm computes a point on a curve at a given distance from another point on the curve |
CCPnts_UniformDeflection | This class defines an algorithm to create a set of points (with a given chordal deviation) at the positions of constant deflection of a given parametrized curve or a trimmed circle. The continuity of the curve must be at least C2 |
CCSLib | This package implements functions for basis geometric computation on curves and surfaces. The tolerance criterions used in this package are Resolution from package gp and RealEpsilon from class Real of package Standard |
CCSLib_Class2d | *** Class2d : Low level algorithm for 2d classification this class was moved from package BRepTopAdaptor |
CPrs3d_WFShape::Curve | |
CDBC_VArrayTNodeOfVArrayOfCharacter | |
CDBC_VArrayTNodeOfVArrayOfExtCharacter | |
CDBC_VArrayTNodeOfVArrayOfInteger | |
CDBC_VArrayTNodeOfVArrayOfReal | |
CDBRep | Used to display BRep objects using the DrawTrSurf package. The DrawableShape is a Display object build from a Shape. Provides methods to manage a directory of named shapes. Provides a set of Draw commands for Shapes |
CDBRep_HideData | This class stores all the informations concerning hidden lines on a view |
CDBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfEdge | |
CDBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfFace | |
CDBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfHideData | |
CDBRep_ListOfEdge | |
CDBRep_ListOfFace | |
CDBRep_ListOfHideData | |
CDDataStd | commands for Standard Attributes. |
CDDF | Provides facilities to manipulate data framework in a Draw-Commands environment |
CDDF_AttributeBrowser | |
CDDF_ListIteratorOfTransactionStack | |
CDDF_TransactionStack | |
CDDocStd | This package provides Draw services to test CAF standard documents (see TDocStd package) |
CNIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedEnt | Structure referencing one detected (picked) interactive entity |
CDico_IteratorOfDictionaryOfInteger | |
CDico_IteratorOfDictionaryOfTransient | |
CDNaming | |
Cdoublecomplex | |
CDPrsStd | commands for presentation based on AIS |
CDraft | |
CDraft_EdgeInfo | |
CDraft_FaceInfo | |
CDraft_VertexInfo | |
CDraw_Color | |
CDraw_Display | Use to draw in a 3d or a 2d view |
CDraw_Interpretor | Provides an encapsulation of the TCL interpretor to define Draw commands |
CDraw_SaveAndRestore | |
CDraw_Viewer | |
►CDraw_Window | |
CDrawDim | This package provides Drawable Dimensions |
CDrawTrSurf | This package supports the display of parametric curves and surfaces |
CDsgPrs | Describes Standard Presentations for DsgIHM objects |
CDsgPrs_AnglePresentation | A framework for displaying angles |
CDsgPrs_Chamf2dPresentation | Framework for display of 2D chamfers |
CDsgPrs_ConcentricPresentation | A framework to define display of relations of concentricity |
CDsgPrs_DiameterPresentation | A framework for displaying diameters in shapes |
CDsgPrs_EllipseRadiusPresentation | |
CDsgPrs_EqualDistancePresentation | A framework to display equal distances between shapes and a given plane. The distance is the length of a projection from the shape to the plane. These distances are used to compare two shapes by this vector alone |
CDsgPrs_EqualRadiusPresentation | A framework to define display of equality in radii |
CDsgPrs_FilletRadiusPresentation | A framework for displaying radii of fillets |
CDsgPrs_FixPresentation | Class which draws the presentation of Fixed objects |
CDsgPrs_IdenticPresentation | |
CDsgPrs_LengthPresentation | Framework for displaying lengths. The length displayed is indicated by line segments and text alone or by a combination of line segment, text and arrows at either or both of its ends |
CDsgPrs_MidPointPresentation | |
CDsgPrs_OffsetPresentation | A framework to define display of offsets |
CDsgPrs_ParalPresentation | A framework to define display of relations of parallelism between shapes |
CDsgPrs_PerpenPresentation | A framework to define display of perpendicular constraints between shapes |
CDsgPrs_RadiusPresentation | A framework to define display of radii |
CDsgPrs_ShadedPlanePresentation | A framework to define display of shaded planes |
CDsgPrs_ShapeDirPresentation | A framework to define display of the normal to the surface of a shape |
CDsgPrs_SymbPresentation | A framework to define display of symbols |
CDsgPrs_SymmetricPresentation | A framework to define display of symmetry between shapes |
CDsgPrs_TangentPresentation | A framework to define display of tangents |
CDsgPrs_XYZAxisPresentation | A framework for displaying the axes of an XYZ trihedron |
CDsgPrs_XYZPlanePresentation | A framework for displaying the planes of an XYZ trihedron |
CElCLib | Provides functions for basic geometric computations on elementary curves such as conics and lines in 2D and 3D space. This includes: |
CElSLib | Provides functions for basic geometric computation on elementary surfaces. This includes: |
Copencascade::enable_if< Condition, T > | |
Copencascade::enable_if< false, T > | |
CEvent | |
CExpr | This package describes the data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics. It also describes the assignment of variables. Standard mathematical functions are implemented such as trigonometrics, hyperbolics, and log functions |
CExpr_Array1OfGeneralExpression | |
CExpr_Array1OfNamedUnknown | |
CExpr_Array1OfSingleRelation | |
CExpr_RelationIterator | Iterates on every basic relation contained in a GeneralRelation |
CExpr_RUIterator | Iterates on NamedUnknowns in a GeneralRelation |
CExpr_UnknownIterator | Describes an iterator on NamedUnknowns contained in any GeneralExpression |
CExprIntrp | Describes an interpreter for GeneralExpressions, GeneralFunctions, and GeneralRelations defined in package Expr |
CExprIntrp_Analysis | |
CExprIntrp_ListIteratorOfStackOfGeneralExpression | |
CExprIntrp_ListIteratorOfStackOfGeneralFunction | |
CExprIntrp_ListIteratorOfStackOfGeneralRelation | |
CExprIntrp_StackOfGeneralExpression | |
CExprIntrp_StackOfGeneralFunction | |
CExprIntrp_StackOfGeneralRelation | |
CExtrema_Array1OfPOnCurv | |
CExtrema_Array1OfPOnCurv2d | |
CExtrema_Array1OfPOnSurf | |
CExtrema_Array2OfPOnCurv | |
CExtrema_Array2OfPOnCurv2d | |
CExtrema_Array2OfPOnSurf | |
CExtrema_Array2OfPOnSurfParams | |
CExtrema_Curve2dTool | |
CExtrema_CurveTool | |
CExtrema_ECC | |
CExtrema_ECC2d | |
CExtrema_ELPCOfLocateExtPC | |
CExtrema_ELPCOfLocateExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_EPCOfELPCOfLocateExtPC | |
CExtrema_EPCOfELPCOfLocateExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_EPCOfExtPC | |
CExtrema_EPCOfExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_ExtCC | It calculates all the distance between two curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtCC2d | It calculates all the distance between two curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtCS | It calculates all the extremum distances between a curve and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_ExtElC | It calculates all the distance between two elementary curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtElC2d | It calculates all the distance between two elementary curves. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtElCS | It calculates all the distances between a curve and a surface. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtElSS | It calculates all the distances between 2 elementary surfaces. These distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_ExtPC | |
CExtrema_ExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_ExtPElC | It calculates all the distances between a point and an elementary curve. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_ExtPElC2d | It calculates all the distances between a point and an elementary curve. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_ExtPElS | It calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_ExtPS | It calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_ExtSS | It calculates all the extremum distances between two surfaces. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_GenExtCS | It calculates all the extremum distances between acurve and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_GenExtPS | It calculates all the extremum distances between a point and a surface. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_GenExtSS | It calculates all the extremum distances between two surfaces. These distances can be minimum or maximum |
CExtrema_GenLocateExtCS | With two close points it calculates the distance between two surfaces. This distance can be a minimum or a maximum |
CExtrema_GenLocateExtPS | With a close point, it calculates the distance between a point and a surface. This distance can be a minimum or a maximum |
CExtrema_GenLocateExtSS | With two close points it calculates the distance between two surfaces. This distance can be a minimum or a maximum |
CExtrema_LocateExtCC | It calculates the distance between two curves with a close point; these distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_LocateExtCC2d | It calculates the distance between two curves with a close point; these distances can be maximum or minimum |
CExtrema_LocateExtPC | |
CExtrema_LocateExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_LocECC | |
CExtrema_LocECC2d | |
CExtrema_LocEPCOfLocateExtPC | |
CExtrema_LocEPCOfLocateExtPC2d | |
CExtrema_POnCurv | |
CExtrema_POnCurv2d | |
►CExtrema_POnSurf | Definition of a point on surface |
CPrs3d_WFShape::Face | |
►CFairCurve_Batten | Constructs curves with a constant or linearly increasing section to be used in the design of wooden or plastic battens. These curves are two-dimensional, and simulate physical splines or battens |
CFEmTool_Assembly | Assemble and solve system from (one dimensional) Finite Elements |
CFEmTool_AssemblyTable | |
CFEmTool_ListIteratorOfListOfVectors | |
CFEmTool_ListOfVectors | |
CFilletPoint | Private class. Corresponds to the point on the first curve, computed fillet function and derivative on it |
CFilletSurf_Builder | API giving the following geometric information about fillets list of corresponding NUBS surfaces for each surface: the 2 support faces on each face: the 3d curve and the corresponding 2d curve the 2d curves on the fillet status of start and end section of the fillet first and last parameter on edge of the fillet |
CBRepBuilderAPI_FastSewing::FS_Edge | The struct corresponding to a edge |
CBRepBuilderAPI_FastSewing::FS_Face | The struct corresponding to an face |
CBRepBuilderAPI_FastSewing::FS_Vertex | The struct corresponding to a vertex |
CFSD_FileHeader | |
CFWOSDriver | |
CGC_MakeMirror | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 3D space about a point, axis or plane. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for: |
CGC_MakeRotation | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a rotation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for: |
CGC_MakeScale | This class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation (a scaling transformation with the center point <Point> and the scaling value <Scale>). A MakeScale object provides a framework for: |
CGC_MakeTranslation | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 3D space. The result is a Geom_Transformation transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for: |
►CGC_Root | This class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error |
CGccAna_Circ2d2TanOn | Describes functions for building a 2D circle |
CGccAna_Circ2d2TanRad | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 2 points/lines/circles and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are: |
CGccAna_Circ2d3Tan | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGccAna_Circ2dBisec | This class describes functions for building bisecting curves between two 2D circles. A bisecting curve between two circles is a curve such that each of its points is at the same distance from the two circles. It can be an ellipse, hyperbola, circle or line, depending on the relative position of the two circles. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. There is no solution if the two circles are coincident. A Circ2dBisec object provides a framework for: |
CGccAna_Circ2dTanCen | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to an entity and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGccAna_Circ2dTanOnRad | This class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a curv and with a given radius. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGccAna_CircLin2dBisec | Describes functions for building bisecting curves between a 2D line and a 2D circle. A bisecting curve between a circle and a line is a curve such that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the line. It can be a parabola or a line, depending of the relative position of the line and the circle. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. A CircLin2dBisec object provides a framework for: |
CGccAna_CircPnt2dBisec | Describes functions for building a bisecting curve between a 2D circle and a point. A bisecting curve between a circle and a point is such a curve that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the point. It can be an ellipse, hyperbola, circle or line, depending on the relative position of the point and the circle. The algorithm computes all the elementary curves which are solutions. A CircPnt2dBisec object provides a framework for: |
CGccAna_Lin2d2Tan | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles or points. Describes functions for building a 2D line: |
CGccAna_Lin2dBisec | Describes functions for building bisecting lines between two 2D lines. A bisecting line between two lines is such that each of its points is at the same distance from the two lines. If the two lines are secant, there are two orthogonal bisecting lines which share the angles made by the two straight lines in two equal parts. If D1 and D2 are the unit vectors of the two straight lines, those of the two bisecting lines are collinear with the following vectors: |
CGccAna_Lin2dTanObl | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a circle or a point and making an angle with a line. The angle is in radians. The origin of the solution is the tangency point with the first argument. Its direction is making an angle Angle with the second argument |
CGccAna_Lin2dTanPar | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a circle or a point and parallel to another line. The solution has the same orientation as the second argument. Describes functions for building a 2D line parallel to a line and: |
CGccAna_Lin2dTanPer | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to a circle or a point and perpendicular to a line or a circle. Describes functions for building a 2D line perpendicular to a line and: |
CGccAna_LinPnt2dBisec | Describes functions for building bisecting curves between a 2D line and a point. A bisecting curve between a line and a point is such a curve that each of its points is at the same distance from the circle and the point. It can be a parabola or a line, depending on the relative position of the line and the circle. There is always one unique solution. A LinPnt2dBisec object provides a framework for: |
CGccAna_Pnt2dBisec | This class implements the algorithms used to create the bisecting line between two 2d points Describes functions for building a bisecting line between two 2D points. The bisecting line between two points is the bisector of the segment which joins the two points, if these are not coincident. The algorithm does not find a solution if the two points are coincident. A Pnt2dBisec object provides a framework for: |
CGccEnt | This package provides an implementation of the qualified entities useful to create 2d entities with geometric constraints. The qualifier explains which subfamily of solutions we want to obtain. It uses the following law: the matter/the interior side is at the left of the line, if we go from the beginning to the end. The qualifiers are: Enclosing : the solution(s) must enclose the argument. Enclosed : the solution(s) must be enclosed in the argument. Outside : both the solution(s) and the argument must be outside to each other. Unqualified : the position is undefined, so give all the solutions. The use of a qualifier is always required if such subfamilies exist. For example, it is not used for a point. Note: the interior of a curve is defined as the left-hand side of the curve in relation to its orientation |
CGccEnt_Array1OfPosition | |
CGccEnt_QualifiedCirc | Creates a qualified 2d Circle. A qualified 2D circle is a circle (gp_Circ2d circle) with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified circle (as an argument): |
CGccEnt_QualifiedLin | Describes a qualified 2D line. A qualified 2D line is a line (gp_Lin2d line) with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified line (as an argument): |
CGCE2d_MakeMirror | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 2D space about a point or axis. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for: |
CGCE2d_MakeRotation | This class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a rotation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for: |
CGCE2d_MakeScale | This class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeScale object provides a framework for: |
CGCE2d_MakeTranslation | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 2D space. The result is a Geom2d_Transformation transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for: |
►CGCE2d_Root | This class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error |
Cgce_MakeMirror | This class mplements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 3D space about a point, axis or plane. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeMirror object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeMirror2d | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a symmetrical transformation in 2D space about a point or axis. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeMirror2d object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeRotation | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a rotation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeRotation object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeRotation2d | Implements an elementary construction algorithm for a rotation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeRotation2d object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeScale | Implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeScale object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeScale2d | This class implements an elementary construction algorithm for a scaling transformation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeScale2d object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeTranslation | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 3D space. The result is a gp_Trsf transformation. A MakeTranslation object provides a framework for: |
Cgce_MakeTranslation2d | This class implements elementary construction algorithms for a translation in 2D space. The result is a gp_Trsf2d transformation. A MakeTranslation2d object provides a framework for: |
►Cgce_Root | This class implements the common services for all classes of gce which report error |
CGCPnts_AbscissaPoint | Provides an algorithm to compute a point on a curve situated at a given distance from another point on the curve, the distance being measured along the curve (curvilinear abscissa on the curve). This algorithm is also used to compute the length of a curve. An AbscissaPoint object provides a framework for: |
CGCPnts_QuasiUniformAbscissa | This class provides an algorithm to compute a uniform abscissa distribution of points on a curve, i.e. a sequence of equidistant points. The distance between two consecutive points is measured along the curve. The distribution is defined: |
CGCPnts_QuasiUniformDeflection | This class computes a distribution of points on a curve. The points may respect the deflection. The algorithm is not based on the classical prediction (with second derivative of curve), but either on the evaluation of the distance between the mid point and the point of mid parameter of the two points, or the distance between the mid point and the point at parameter 0.5 on the cubic interpolation of the two points and their tangents. Note: this algorithm is faster than a GCPnts_UniformDeflection algorithm, and is able to work with non-"C2" continuous curves. However, it generates more points in the distribution |
CGCPnts_TangentialDeflection | Computes a set of points on a curve from package Adaptor3d such as between two successive points P1(u1)and P2(u2) : |
CGCPnts_UniformAbscissa | This class allows to compute a uniform distribution of points on a curve (ie the points will all be equally distant) |
CGCPnts_UniformDeflection | Provides an algorithm to compute a distribution of points on a 'C2' continuous curve. The algorithm respects a criterion of maximum deflection between the curve and the polygon that results from the computed points. Note: This algorithm is relatively time consuming. A GCPnts_QuasiUniformDeflection algorithm is quicker; it can also work with non-'C2' continuous curves, but it generates more points in the distribution |
CGeom2dAdaptor | This package contains the geometric definition of 2d curves compatible with the Adaptor package templates |
CGeom2dAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve | Describes functions for computing all the extrema between two 2D curves. An ExtremaCurveCurve algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first curve and a point on the second curve. Thus, it computes the start point and end point of perpendiculars common to the two curves (an intersection point is not an extremum except where the two curves are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveCurve object provides a framework for: |
CGeom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve | This class implements methods for computing |
CGeom2dAPI_Interpolate | This class is used to interpolate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a C2 Continuity if tangency is not requested at the point. If tangency is requested at the point the continuity will be C1. If Perodicity is requested the curve will be closed and the junction will be the first point given. The curve will than be only C1 The curve is defined by a table of points through which it passes, and if required by a parallel table of reals which gives the value of the parameter of each point through which the resulting BSpline curve passes, and by vectors tangential to these points. An Interpolate object provides a framework for: defining the constraints of the BSpline curve, |
CGeom2dAPI_PointsToBSpline | This class is used to approximate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a given Continuity. Describes functions for building a 2D BSpline curve which approximates a set of points. A PointsToBSpline object provides a framework for: |
CGeom2dAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve | This class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a 2D point onto a 2D curve |
CGeom2dConvert | This package provides an implementation of algorithmes to do the conversion between equivalent geometric entities from package Geom2d. It gives the possibility : . to obtain the B-spline representation of bounded curves. . to split a B-spline curve into several B-spline curves with some constraints of continuity, . to convert a B-spline curve into several Bezier curves or surfaces. All the geometric entities used in this package are bounded. References : . Generating the Bezier Points of B-spline curves and surfaces (Wolfgang Bohm) CAGD volume 13 number 6 november 1981 . On NURBS: A Survey (Leslie Piegl) IEEE Computer Graphics and Application January 1991 . Curve and surface construction using rational B-splines (Leslie Piegl and Wayne Tiller) CAD Volume 19 number 9 november 1987 . A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD (Wolfgang BOHM) CAGD 1 1984 |
CGeom2dConvert_ApproxCurve | A framework to convert a 2D curve to a BSpline. This is done by approximation within a given tolerance |
CGeom2dConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplitting | An algorithm to determine points at which a BSpline curve should be split in order to obtain arcs of the same continuity. If you require curves with a minimum continuity for your computation, it is useful to know the points between which an arc has a continuity of a given order. The continuity order is given at the construction time. For a BSpline curve, the discontinuities are localized at the knot values. Between two knot values the BSpline is infinitely and continuously differentiable. At a given knot, the continuity is equal to: Degree - Mult, where Degree is the degree of the BSpline curve and Mult is the multiplicity of the knot. It is possible to compute the arcs which correspond to this splitting using the global function SplitBSplineCurve provided by the package Geom2dConvert. A BSplineCurveKnotSplitting object provides a framework for: |
CGeom2dConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurve | An algorithm to convert a BSpline curve into a series of adjacent Bezier curves. A BSplineCurveToBezierCurve object provides a framework for: |
CGeom2dConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve | This algorithm converts and concat several curve in an BSplineCurve |
CGeom2dGcc | The Geom2dGcc package describes qualified 2D curves used in the construction of constrained geometric objects by an algorithm provided by the Geom2dGcc package. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument): |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOn | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curve. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOnGeo | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curve. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanOnIter | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles TANgent to 2 entities and having the center ON a curv. The order of the tangency argument is always QualifiedCirc, QualifiedLin, QualifiedCurv, Pnt2d. the arguments are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanRad | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to one curve and a point/line/circle/curv and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are: |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d2TanRadGeo | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to one curve and a point/line/circle/curv and with a given radius. For each construction methods arguments are: |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d3Tan | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles/ curves with one curve or more. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2d3TanIter | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to 3 points/lines/circles/ curves with one curve or more. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanCen | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to a curve and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanCenGeo | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d circles tangent to a curve and centered on a point. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanOnRad | This class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a 2d entity and with a given radius. More than one argument must be a curve. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTanOnRadGeo | This class implements the algorithms used to create a 2d circle tangent to a 2d entity, centered on a 2d entity and with a given radius. More than one argument must be a curve. The arguments of all construction methods are : |
CGeom2dGcc_CurveTool | |
CGeom2dGcc_CurveToolGeo | |
CGeom2dGcc_Lin2d2Tan | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles, curves or points. More than one argument must be a curve. Describes functions for building a 2D line: |
CGeom2dGcc_Lin2d2TanIter | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d lines tangent to 2 other elements which can be circles, curves or points. More than one argument must be a curve |
CGeom2dGcc_Lin2dTanObl | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a curve QualifiedCurv and doing an angle Angle with a line TheLin. The angle must be in Radian. Describes functions for building a 2D line making a given angle with a line and tangential to a curve. A Lin2dTanObl object provides a framework for: |
CGeom2dGcc_Lin2dTanOblIter | This class implements the algorithms used to create 2d line tangent to a curve QualifiedCurv and doing an angle Angle with a line TheLin. The angle must be in Radian |
CGeom2dGcc_QCurve | Creates a qualified 2d line |
CGeom2dGcc_QualifiedCurve | Describes functions for building a qualified 2D curve. A qualified 2D curve is a curve with a qualifier which specifies whether the solution of a construction algorithm using the qualified curve (as an argument): |
CGeom2dHatch_Classifier | |
CGeom2dHatch_Element | |
CGeom2dHatch_Elements | |
CGeom2dHatch_FClass2dOfClassifier | |
►CGeom2dHatch_Hatcher | |
CGeom2dHatch_Hatching | |
CGeom2dInt_ExactIntersectionPointOfTheIntPCurvePCurveOfGInter | |
CGeom2dInt_Geom2dCurveTool | This class provides a Geom2dCurveTool as < Geom2dCurveTool from IntCurve > from a Tool as < Geom2dCurveTool from Adaptor3d > |
CGeom2dInt_TheCurveLocatorOfTheProjPCurOfGInter | |
CGeom2dInt_TheLocateExtPCOfTheProjPCurOfGInter | |
CGeom2dInt_TheProjPCurOfGInter | |
CGeom2dLProp_CLProps2d | |
CGeom2dLProp_Curve2dTool | |
CGeom2dLProp_NumericCurInf2d | Computes the locals extremas of curvature and the inflections of a bounded curve in 2d |
►CGeom2dToIGES_Geom2dEntity | Methods to transfer Geom2d entity from CASCADE to IGES |
CGeom_OsculatingSurface | |
CGeomAdaptor | This package contains the geometric definition of curve and surface necessary to use algorithmes |
CGeomAPI | The GeomAPI package provides an Application Programming Interface for the Geometry |
CGeomAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve | Describes functions for computing all the extrema between two 3D curves. An ExtremaCurveCurve algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first curve and a point on the second curve. Thus, it computes start and end points of perpendiculars common to the two curves (an intersection point is not an extremum unless the two curves are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveCurve object provides a framework for: |
CGeomAPI_ExtremaCurveSurface | Describes functions for computing all the extrema between a curve and a surface. An ExtremaCurveSurface algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the curve and a point on the surface. Thus, it computes start and end points of perpendiculars common to the curve and the surface (an intersection point is not an extremum except where the curve and the surface are tangential at this point). Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaCurveSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomAPI_ExtremaSurfaceSurface | Describes functions for computing all the extrema between two surfaces. An ExtremaSurfaceSurface algorithm minimizes or maximizes the distance between a point on the first surface and a point on the second surface. Results are start and end points of perpendiculars common to the two surfaces. Solutions consist of pairs of points, and an extremum is considered to be a segment joining the two points of a solution. An ExtremaSurfaceSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomAPI_IntCS | This class implements methods for computing intersection points and segments between a |
CGeomAPI_Interpolate | This class is used to interpolate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a C2 Continuity if tangency is not requested at the point. If tangency is requested at the point the continuity will be C1. If Perodicity is requested the curve will be closed and the junction will be the first point given. The curve will than be only C1 Describes functions for building a constrained 3D BSpline curve. The curve is defined by a table of points through which it passes, and if required: |
CGeomAPI_IntSS | This class implements methods for computing the intersection curves between two surfaces. The result is curves from Geom. The "domain" used for a surface is the natural parametric domain unless the surface is a RectangularTrimmedSurface from Geom |
CGeomAPI_PointsToBSpline | This class is used to approximate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a given Continuity. Describes functions for building a 3D BSpline curve which approximates a set of points. A PointsToBSpline object provides a framework for: |
CGeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface | This class is used to approximate or interpolate a BSplineSurface passing through an Array2 of points, with a given continuity. Describes functions for building a BSpline surface which approximates or interpolates a set of points. A PointsToBSplineSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve | This class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a 3D point onto a 3D curve |
CGeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf | This class implements methods for computing all the orthogonal projections of a point onto a surface |
CGeomConvert | The GeomConvert package provides some global functions as follows |
CGeomConvert_ApproxCurve | A framework to convert a 3D curve to a 3D BSpline. This is done by approximation to a BSpline curve within a given tolerance |
CGeomConvert_ApproxSurface | A framework to convert a surface to a BSpline surface. This is done by approximation to a BSpline surface within a given tolerance |
CGeomConvert_BSplineCurveKnotSplitting | An algorithm to determine points at which a BSpline curve should be split in order to obtain arcs of the same continuity. If you require curves with a minimum continuity for your computation, it is useful to know the points between which an arc has a continuity of a given order. The continuity order is given at the construction time. For a BSpline curve, the discontinuities are localized at the knot values. Between two knot values the BSpline is infinitely and continuously differentiable. At a given knot, the continuity is equal to: Degree - Mult, where Degree is the degree of the BSpline curve and Mult is the multiplicity of the knot. It is possible to compute the arcs which correspond to this splitting using the global function SplitBSplineCurve provided by the package GeomConvert. A BSplineCurveKnotSplitting object provides a framework for: |
CGeomConvert_BSplineCurveToBezierCurve | An algorithm to convert a BSpline curve into a series of adjacent Bezier curves. A BSplineCurveToBezierCurve object provides a framework for: |
CGeomConvert_BSplineSurfaceKnotSplitting | An algorithm to determine isoparametric curves along which a BSpline surface should be split in order to obtain patches of the same continuity. The continuity order is given at the construction time. It is possible to compute the surface patches corresponding to the splitting with the method of package SplitBSplineSurface. For a B-spline surface the discontinuities are localised at the knot values. Between two knots values the B-spline is infinitely continuously differentiable. For each parametric direction at a knot of range index the continuity in this direction is equal to : Degree - Mult (Index) where Degree is the degree of the basis B-spline functions and Mult the multiplicity of the knot of range Index in the given direction. If for your computation you need to have B-spline surface with a minima of continuity it can be interesting to know between which knot values, a B-spline patch, has a continuity of given order. This algorithm computes the indexes of the knots where you should split the surface, to obtain patches with a constant continuity given at the construction time. If you just want to compute the local derivatives on the surface you don't need to create the BSpline patches, you can use the functions LocalD1, LocalD2, LocalD3, LocalDN of the class BSplineSurface from package Geom |
CGeomConvert_BSplineSurfaceToBezierSurface | This algorithm converts a B-spline surface into several Bezier surfaces. It uses an algorithm of knot insertion. A BSplineSurfaceToBezierSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomConvert_CompBezierSurfacesToBSplineSurface | An algorithm to convert a grid of adjacent non-rational Bezier surfaces (with continuity CM) into a BSpline surface (with continuity CM). A CompBezierSurfacesToBSplineSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomConvert_CompCurveToBSplineCurve | Algorithm converts and concat several curve in an BSplineCurve |
CGeometryTest | This package provides commands for curves and surface |
CGeomFill | Tools and Data to filling Surface and Sweep Surfaces |
CGeomFill_Array1OfLocationLaw | |
CGeomFill_Array1OfSectionLaw | |
CGeomFill_BezierCurves | This class provides an algorithm for constructing a Bezier surface filled from contiguous Bezier curves which form its boundaries. The algorithm accepts two, three or four Bezier curves as the boundaries of the target surface. A range of filling styles - more or less rounded, more or less flat - is available. A BezierCurves object provides a framework for: |
CGeomFill_BSplineCurves | An algorithm for constructing a BSpline surface filled from contiguous BSpline curves which form its boundaries. The algorithm accepts two, three or four BSpline curves as the boundaries of the target surface. A range of filling styles - more or less rounded, more or less flat - is available. A BSplineCurves object provides a framework for: |
CGeomFill_ConstrainedFilling | An algorithm for constructing a BSpline surface filled from a series of boundaries which serve as path constraints and optionally, as tangency constraints. The algorithm accepts three or four curves as the boundaries of the target surface. The only FillingStyle used is Coons. A ConstrainedFilling object provides a framework for: |
CGeomFill_CornerState | Class (should be a structure) storing the informations about continuity, normals parallelism, coons conditions and bounds tangents angle on the corner of contour to be filled |
►CGeomFill_Filling | Root class for Filling; |
CGeomFill_LocFunction | |
CGeomFill_Pipe | Describes functions to construct pipes. A pipe is built by sweeping a curve (the section) along another curve (the path). The Pipe class provides the following types of construction: |
CGeomFill_PolynomialConvertor | To convert circular section in polynome |
►CGeomFill_Profiler | Evaluation of the common BSplineProfile of a group of curves from Geom. All the curves will have the same degree, the same knot-vector, so the same number of poles |
CGeomFill_QuasiAngularConvertor | To convert circular section in QuasiAngular Bezier form |
CGeomFill_SectionPlacement | To place section in sweep Function |
CGeomFill_Sweep | Geometrical Sweep Algorithm |
CGeomFill_SweepSectionGenerator | Class for instantiation of AppBlend. evaluate the sections of a sweep surface |
CGeomFill_Tensor | Used to store the "gradient of gradient" |
CGeomInt | Provides intersections on between two surfaces of Geom. The result are curves from Geom |
CGeomInt_BSpParLeastSquareOfMyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_IntSS | |
CGeomInt_LineConstructor | Splits given Line |
CGeomInt_LineTool | |
CGeomInt_MyBSplGradientOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_MyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_MyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_ParameterAndOrientation | |
CGeomInt_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_ParLeastSquareOfMyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_ResConstraintOfMyGradientbisOfTheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_ResConstraintOfMyGradientOfTheComputeLineBezierOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_TheComputeLineBezierOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_TheComputeLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_TheInt2SOfThePrmPrmSvSurfacesOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_TheMultiLineToolOfWLApprox | |
CGeomInt_WLApprox | |
CGeomLib | Geom Library. This package provides an implementation of functions for basic computation on geometric entity from packages Geom and Geom2d |
CGeomLib_Array1OfMat | |
CGeomLib_Check2dBSplineCurve | Checks for the end tangents : wether or not those are reversed |
CGeomLib_CheckBSplineCurve | Checks for the end tangents : wether or not those are reversed regarding the third or n-3rd control |
CGeomLib_DenominatorMultiplier | This defines an evaluator for a function of 2 variables that will be used by CancelDenominatorDerivative in one direction |
CGeomLib_Interpolate | This class is used to construct a BSpline curve by interpolation of points at given parameters The continuity of the curve is degree - 1 and the method used when boundary condition are not given is to use odd degrees and null the derivatives on both sides from degree -1 down to (degree+1) / 2 When even degree is given the returned curve is of degree - 1 so that the degree of the curve is odd |
CGeomLib_IsPlanarSurface | Find if a surface is a planar surface |
CGeomLib_MakeCurvefromApprox | This class is used to construct the BSpline curve from an Approximation ( ApproxAFunction from AdvApprox) |
CGeomLib_Tool | Provides various methods with Geom2d and Geom curves and surfaces. The methods of this class compute the parameter(s) of a given point on a curve or a surface. The point must be located either on the curve (surface) itself or relatively to the latter at a distance less than the tolerance value. Return FALSE if the point is beyond the tolerance limit or if computation fails. Max Tolerance value is currently limited to 1.e-4 for geometrical curves and 1.e-3 for BSpline, Bezier and other parametrical curves |
CGeomliteTest | This package provides elementary commands for curves and surface |
CGeomLProp | These global functions compute the degree of continuity of a 3D curve built by concatenation of two other curves (or portions of curves) at their junction point |
CGeomLProp_CLProps | |
CGeomLProp_CurveTool | |
CGeomLProp_SLProps | |
CGeomLProp_SurfaceTool | |
CGeomPlate_Aij | A structure containing indexes of two normals and its cross product |
CGeomPlate_Array1OfHCurveOnSurface | |
CGeomPlate_Array1OfSequenceOfReal | |
CGeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane | This class computes an average inertial plane with an array of points. Computes the initial surface (average plane) in the cases when the initial surface is not given |
CGeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface | This class provides an algorithm for constructing such a plate surface that it conforms to given curve and/or point constraints. The algorithm accepts or constructs an initial surface and looks for a deformation of it satisfying the constraints and minimizing energy input. A BuildPlateSurface object provides a framework for: |
CGeomPlate_MakeApprox | Allows you to convert a GeomPlate surface into a BSpline |
CGeomProjLib | Projection of a curve on a surface |
►CGeomToIGES_GeomEntity | Methods to transfer Geom entity from CASCADE to IGES |
CGeomTools | The GeomTools package provides utilities for Geometry |
CGeomTools_Curve2dSet | Stores a set of Curves from Geom2d |
CGeomTools_CurveSet | Stores a set of Curves from Geom |
CGeomTools_SurfaceSet | Stores a set of Surfaces from Geom |
►CGeomToStep_Root | This class implements the common services for all classes of GeomToStep which report error |
Cgp | The geometric processor package, called gp, provides an implementation of entities used : . for algebraic calculation such as "XYZ" coordinates, "Mat" matrix . for basis analytic geometry such as Transformations, point, vector, line, plane, axis placement, conics, and elementary surfaces. These entities are defined in 2d and 3d space. All the classes of this package are non-persistent |
Cgp_Ax1 | Describes an axis in 3D space. An axis is defined by: |
Cgp_Ax2 | Describes a right-handed coordinate system in 3D space. A coordinate system is defined by: |
Cgp_Ax22d | Describes a coordinate system in a plane (2D space). A coordinate system is defined by: |
Cgp_Ax2d | Describes an axis in the plane (2D space). An axis is defined by: |
Cgp_Ax3 | Describes a coordinate system in 3D space. Unlike a gp_Ax2 coordinate system, a gp_Ax3 can be right-handed ("direct sense") or left-handed ("indirect sense"). A coordinate system is defined by: |
Cgp_Circ | Describes a circle in 3D space. A circle is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) as follows: |
Cgp_Circ2d | Describes a circle in the plane (2D space). A circle is defined by its radius and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) as follows: |
Cgp_Cone | Defines an infinite conical surface. A cone is defined by its half-angle at the apex and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) and a "reference radius" where: |
Cgp_Cylinder | Describes an infinite cylindrical surface. A cylinder is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object), the "main Axis" of which is the axis of the cylinder. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the cylinder. Note: when a gp_Cylinder cylinder is converted into a Geom_CylindricalSurface cylinder, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly: |
Cgp_Dir | Describes a unit vector in 3D space. This unit vector is also called "Direction". See Also gce_MakeDir which provides functions for more complex unit vector constructions Geom_Direction which provides additional functions for constructing unit vectors and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of unit vectors |
Cgp_Dir2d | Describes a unit vector in the plane (2D space). This unit vector is also called "Direction". See Also gce_MakeDir2d which provides functions for more complex unit vector constructions Geom2d_Direction which provides additional functions for constructing unit vectors and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of unit vectors |
Cgp_Elips | Describes an ellipse in 3D space. An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) as follows: |
Cgp_Elips2d | Describes an ellipse in the plane (2D space). An ellipse is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) as follows: |
Cgp_GTrsf | Defines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space. This transformation is a general transformation. It can be a Trsf from gp, an affinity, or you can define your own transformation giving the matrix of transformation |
Cgp_GTrsf2d | Defines a non persistent transformation in 2D space. This transformation is a general transformation. It can be a Trsf2d from package gp, an affinity, or you can define your own transformation giving the corresponding matrix of transformation |
Cgp_Hypr | Describes a branch of a hyperbola in 3D space. A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) of which: |
Cgp_Hypr2d | Describes a branch of a hyperbola in the plane (2D space). A hyperbola is defined by its major and minor radii, and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) of which: |
Cgp_Lin | Describes a line in 3D space. A line is positioned in space with an axis (a gp_Ax1 object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector. A line and an axis are similar objects, thus, we can convert one into the other. A line provides direct access to the majority of the edit and query functions available on its positioning axis. In addition, however, a line has specific functions for computing distances and positions. See Also gce_MakeLin which provides functions for more complex line constructions Geom_Line which provides additional functions for constructing lines and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of lines |
Cgp_Lin2d | Describes a line in 2D space. A line is positioned in the plane with an axis (a gp_Ax2d object) which gives the line its origin and unit vector. A line and an axis are similar objects, thus, we can convert one into the other. A line provides direct access to the majority of the edit and query functions available on its positioning axis. In addition, however, a line has specific functions for computing distances and positions. See Also GccAna and Geom2dGcc packages which provide functions for constructing lines defined by geometric constraints gce_MakeLin2d which provides functions for more complex line constructions Geom2d_Line which provides additional functions for constructing lines and works, in particular, with the parametric equations of lines |
Cgp_Mat | Describes a three column, three row matrix. This sort of object is used in various vectorial or matrix computations |
Cgp_Mat2d | Describes a two column, two row matrix. This sort of object is used in various vectorial or matrix computations |
Cgp_Parab | Describes a parabola in 3D space. A parabola is defined by its focal length (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax2 object) where: |
Cgp_Parab2d | Describes a parabola in the plane (2D space). A parabola is defined by its focal length (that is, the distance between its focus and apex) and positioned in the plane with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax22d object) where: |
Cgp_Pln | Describes a plane. A plane is positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object), such that the plane is defined by the origin, "X Direction" and "Y Direction" of this coordinate system, which is the "local coordinate system" of the plane. The "main Direction" of the coordinate system is a vector normal to the plane. It gives the plane an implicit orientation such that the plane is said to be "direct", if the coordinate system is right-handed, or "indirect" in the other case. Note: when a gp_Pln plane is converted into a Geom_Plane plane, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly: |
Cgp_Pnt | Defines a 3D cartesian point |
Cgp_Pnt2d | Defines a non-persistent 2D cartesian point |
Cgp_Quaternion | Represents operation of rotation in 3d space as queternion and implements operations with rotations basing on quaternion mathematics |
Cgp_QuaternionNLerp | |
Cgp_QuaternionSLerp | |
Cgp_Sphere | Describes a sphere. A sphere is defined by its radius and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object). The origin of the coordinate system is the center of the sphere. This coordinate system is the "local coordinate system" of the sphere. Note: when a gp_Sphere sphere is converted into a Geom_SphericalSurface sphere, some implicit properties of its local coordinate system are used explicitly: |
Cgp_Torus | Describes a torus. A torus is defined by its major and minor radii and positioned in space with a coordinate system (a gp_Ax3 object) as follows: |
Cgp_Trsf | Defines a non-persistent transformation in 3D space. The following transformations are implemented : . Translation, Rotation, Scale . Symmetry with respect to a point, a line, a plane. Complex transformations can be obtained by combining the previous elementary transformations using the method Multiply. The transformations can be represented as follow : |
Cgp_Trsf2d | Defines a non-persistent transformation in 2D space. The following transformations are implemented : . Translation, Rotation, Scale . Symmetry with respect to a point and a line. Complex transformations can be obtained by combining the previous elementary transformations using the method Multiply. The transformations can be represented as follow : |
Cgp_Vec | Defines a non-persistent vector in 3D space |
Cgp_Vec2d | Defines a non-persistent vector in 2D space |
Cgp_XY | This class describes a cartesian coordinate entity in 2D space {X,Y}. This class is non persistent. This entity used for algebraic calculation. An XY can be transformed with a Trsf2d or a GTrsf2d from package gp. It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information in data structures |
►Cgp_XYZ | This class describes a cartesian coordinate entity in 3D space {X,Y,Z}. This entity is used for algebraic calculation. This entity can be transformed with a "Trsf" or a "GTrsf" from package "gp". It is used in vectorial computations or for holding this type of information in data structures |
CGProp | This package defines algorithmes to compute the global properties of a set of points, a curve, a surface, a solid (non infinite region of space delimited with geometric entities), a compound geometric system (heterogeneous composition of the previous entities) |
►CGProp_GProps | Implements a general mechanism to compute the global properties of a "compound geometric system" in 3d space by composition of the global properties of "elementary geometric entities" such as (curve, surface, solid, set of points). It is possible to compose the properties of several "compound geometric systems" too |
CGProp_PEquation | A framework to analyze a collection - or cloud |
CGProp_PrincipalProps | A framework to present the principal properties of inertia of a system of which global properties are computed by a GProp_GProps object. There is always a set of axes for which the products of inertia of a geometric system are equal to 0; i.e. the matrix of inertia of the system is diagonal. These axes are the principal axes of inertia. Their origin is coincident with the center of mass of the system. The associated moments are called the principal moments of inertia. This sort of presentation object is created, filled and returned by the function PrincipalProperties for any GProp_GProps object, and can be queried to access the result. Note: The system whose principal properties of inertia are returned by this framework is referred to as the current system. The current system, however, is retained neither by this presentation framework nor by the GProp_GProps object which activates it |
CGraphic3d_Array1OfVector | |
CGraphic3d_Array1OfVertex | |
CGraphic3d_Array2OfVertex | |
CGraphic3d_Attribute | Vertex attribute definition |
CGraphic3d_AxisAspect | Class that stores style for one graduated trihedron axis such as colors, lengths and customization flags. It is used in Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron |
CGraphic3d_CAspectFillArea | |
CGraphic3d_CAspectLine | |
CGraphic3d_CAspectMarker | |
CGraphic3d_CAspectText | |
CGraphic3d_CBitFields16 | |
CGraphic3d_CBitFields20 | |
CGraphic3d_CBitFields4 | |
CGraphic3d_CBitFields8 | |
CGraphic3d_CLight | Light definition |
CGraphic3d_CTexture | |
CGraphic3d_CView | |
CGraphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron | Defines the class of a graduated trihedron. It contains main style parameters for implementation of graduated trihedron |
CGraphic3d_ListIteratorOfListOfShortReal | |
CGraphic3d_ListOfShortReal | |
CGraphic3d_MaterialAspect | This class allows the definition of the type of a surface. Aspect attributes of a 3d face. Keywords: Material, FillArea, Shininess, Ambient, Color, Diffuse, Specular, Transparency, Emissive, ReflectionMode, BackFace, FrontFace, Reflection, Absorbtion |
CGraphic3d_RenderingParams | Helper class to store rendering parameters |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< T > | Generates unique type identifier for variable value |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec2 > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec2i > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec3 > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec3i > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec4 > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Graphic3d_Vec4i > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Standard_Integer > | |
CGraphic3d_UniformValueTypeID< Standard_ShortReal > | |
►CGraphic3d_ValueInterface | Interface for generic variable value |
CGraphic3d_Vector | This class allows the creation and update of a 3D vector |
CGraphic3d_ZLayerSettings | Structure defines list of ZLayer properties |
COpenGl_Structure::GroupIterator | Auxiliary wrapper to iterate OpenGl_Group sequence |
►CHandle | |
CNCollection_AccAllocator::Hasher | Key hasher |
CHatch_Hatcher | The Hatcher is an algorithm to compute cross hatchings in a 2d plane. It is mainly dedicated to display purpose |
CHatch_Line | Stores a Line in the Hatcher. Represented by : |
CHatch_Parameter | Stores an intersection on a line represented by : |
CHatchGen_Domain | |
►CHatchGen_IntersectionPoint | |
CHeaderSection | |
CPoly_MakeLoops::HeapOfInteger | This class implements a heap of integers. The most effective usage of it is first to add there all items, and then get top item and remove any items till it becomes empty |
►CPoly_MakeLoops::Helper | The abstract helper class |
CHermit | This is used to reparameterize Rational BSpline Curves so that we can concatenate them later to build C1 Curves It builds and 1D-reparameterizing function starting from an Hermite interpolation and adding knots and modifying poles of the 1D BSpline obtained that way. The goal is to build a(u) so that if we consider a BSpline curve N(u) f(u) = --— D(u) |
CHLRAlgo | In order to have the precision required in industrial design, drawings need to offer the possibility of removing lines, which are hidden in a given projection. To do this, the Hidden Line Removal component provides two algorithms: HLRBRep_Algo and HLRBRep_PolyAlgo. These algorithms remove or indicate lines hidden by surfaces. For a given projection, they calculate a set of lines characteristic of the object being represented. They are also used in conjunction with extraction utilities, which reconstruct a new, simplified shape from a selection of calculation results. This new shape is made up of edges, which represent the lines of the visualized shape in a plane. This plane is the projection plane. HLRBRep_Algo takes into account the shape itself. HLRBRep_PolyAlgo works with a polyhedral simplification of the shape. When you use HLRBRep_Algo, you obtain an exact result, whereas, when you use HLRBRep_PolyAlgo, you reduce computation time but obtain polygonal segments |
CHLRAlgo_Array1OfPHDat | |
CHLRAlgo_Array1OfPINod | |
CHLRAlgo_Array1OfPISeg | |
CHLRAlgo_Array1OfTData | |
CHLRAlgo_BiPoint | |
CHLRAlgo_Coincidence | The Coincidence class is used in an Inteference to store informations on the "hiding" edge |
CHLRAlgo_EdgeIterator | |
CHLRAlgo_EdgeStatus | This class describes the Hidden Line status of an Edge. It contains : |
CHLRAlgo_Interference | |
CHLRAlgo_InterferenceList | |
CHLRAlgo_Intersection | Describes an intersection on an edge to hide. Contains a parameter and a state (ON = on the face, OUT = above the face, IN = under the Face) |
CHLRAlgo_ListIteratorOfInterferenceList | |
CHLRAlgo_ListIteratorOfListOfBPoint | |
CHLRAlgo_ListOfBPoint | |
CHLRAlgo_PolyHidingData | Data structure of a set of Hiding Triangles |
CHLRAlgo_PolyInternalSegment | To Update OutLines |
CHLRAlgo_Projector | Implements a projector object. To transform and project Points and Planes. This object is designed to be used in the removal of hidden lines and is returned by the Prs3d_Projector::Projector function. You define the projection of the selected shape by calling one of the following functions: |
CHLRAlgo_TriangleData | Data structure of a triangle |
CHLRAppli_ReflectLines | This class builds reflect lines on a shape according to the axes of view defined by user. Reflect lines are represented by edges in 3d |
CHLRBRep | Hidden Lines Removal algorithms on the BRep DataStructure |
CHLRBRep_Array1OfEData | |
CHLRBRep_Array1OfFData | |
CHLRBRep_BCurveTool | |
CHLRBRep_BiPnt2D | Contains the colors of a shape |
CHLRBRep_BiPoint | Contains the colors of a shape |
CHLRBRep_BSurfaceTool | |
CHLRBRep_CLProps | |
CHLRBRep_CLPropsATool | |
CHLRBRep_Curve | Defines a 2d curve by projection of a 3D curve on a plane with an optional perspective transformation |
CHLRBRep_CurveTool | |
CHLRBRep_EdgeBuilder | |
CHLRBRep_EdgeData | |
CHLRBRep_EdgeFaceTool | The EdgeFaceTool computes the UV coordinates at a given parameter on a Curve and a Surface. It also compute the signed curvature value in a direction at a given u,v point on a surface |
CHLRBRep_EdgeIList | |
CHLRBRep_EdgeInterferenceTool | Implements the methods required to instantiates the EdgeInterferenceList from HLRAlgo |
CHLRBRep_ExactIntersectionPointOfTheIntPCurvePCurveOfCInter | |
CHLRBRep_FaceData | |
CHLRBRep_FaceIterator | |
CHLRBRep_Hider | |
CHLRBRep_HLRToShape | A framework for filtering the computation results of an HLRBRep_Algo algorithm by extraction. From the results calculated by the algorithm on a shape, a filter returns the type of edge you want to identify. You can choose any of the following types of output: |
CHLRBRep_Intersector | The Intersector computes 2D intersections of the projections of 3D curves |
CHLRBRep_LineTool | The LineTool class provides class methods to access the methodes of the Line |
CHLRBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfBPnt2D | |
CHLRBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfBPoint | |
CHLRBRep_ListOfBPnt2D | |
CHLRBRep_ListOfBPoint | |
CHLRBRep_PolyHLRToShape | A framework for filtering the computation results of an HLRBRep_Algo algorithm by extraction. From the results calculated by the algorithm on a shape, a filter returns the type of edge you want to identify. You can choose any of the following types of output: |
CHLRBRep_ShapeBounds | Contains a Shape and the bounds of its vertices, edges and faces in the DataStructure |
CHLRBRep_ShapeToHLR | Compute the OutLinedShape of a Shape with an OutLiner, a Projector and create the Data Structure of a Shape |
CHLRBRep_SLProps | |
CHLRBRep_SLPropsATool | |
CHLRBRep_Surface | |
CHLRBRep_SurfaceTool | |
CHLRBRep_TheCurveLocatorOfTheProjPCurOfCInter | |
CHLRBRep_TheExactInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_TheLocateExtPCOfTheProjPCurOfCInter | |
CHLRBRep_ThePolygonOfInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_ThePolygonToolOfInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_ThePolyhedronOfInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_ThePolyhedronToolOfInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_TheProjPCurOfCInter | |
CHLRBRep_TheQuadCurvExactInterCSurf | |
CHLRBRep_VertexList | |
CHLRTest | This package is a test of the Hidden Lines algorithms instantiated on the BRep Data Structure and using the Draw package to display the results |
CHLRTopoBRep_Data | Stores the results of the OutLine and IsoLine processes |
CHLRTopoBRep_DSFiller | Provides methods to fill a HLRTopoBRep_Data |
CHLRTopoBRep_FaceData | Contains the 3 ListOfShape of a Face ( Internal OutLines, OutLines on restriction and IsoLines ) |
CHLRTopoBRep_FaceIsoLiner | |
CHLRTopoBRep_ListIteratorOfListOfVData | |
CHLRTopoBRep_ListOfVData | |
CHLRTopoBRep_VData | |
CNCollection_IncAllocator::IBlock | |
Cicilist | |
►CIFGraph_SubPartsIterator | Defines general form for graph classes of which result is not a single iteration on Entities, but a nested one : External iteration works on sub-parts, identified by each class (according to its algorithm) Internal Iteration concerns Entities of a sub-part Sub-Parts are assumed to be disjoined; if they are not, the first one has priority |
CIFSelect | Gives tools to manage Selecting a group of Entities processed by an Interface, for instance to divide up an original Model (from a File) to several smaller ones They use description of an Interface Model as a graph |
CIFSelect_ContextModif | This class gathers various informations used by Model Modifiers apart from the target model itself, and the CopyTool which must be passed directly |
CIFSelect_ContextWrite | This class gathers various informations used by File Modifiers apart from the writer object, which is specific of the norm and of the physical format |
CIFSelect_Functions | Functions gives access to all the actions which can be commanded with the resources provided by IFSelect : especially WorkSession and various types of Selections and Dispatches |
CIFSelect_SelectionIterator | Defines an Iterator on a list of Selections |
CIFSelect_SessionFile | A SessionFile is intended to manage access between a WorkSession and an Ascii Form, to be considered as a Dump. It allows to write the File from the WorkSession, and later read the File to the WorkSession, by keeping required descriptions (such as dependances) |
CIFSelect_ShareOutResult | This class gives results computed from a ShareOut : simulation before transfer, helps to list entities ... Transfer itself will later be performed, either by a TransferCopy to simply divide up a file, or a TransferDispatch which can be parametred with more details |
CIGESAppli | This package represents collection of miscellaneous entities from IGES |
CIGESAppli_Array1OfFiniteElement | |
CIGESAppli_Array1OfFlow | |
CIGESAppli_Array1OfNode | |
CIGESAppli_ToolDrilledHole | Tool to work on a DrilledHole. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolElementResults | Tool to work on a ElementResults. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolFiniteElement | Tool to work on a FiniteElement. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolFlow | Tool to work on a Flow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolFlowLineSpec | Tool to work on a FlowLineSpec. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolLevelFunction | Tool to work on a LevelFunction. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolLevelToPWBLayerMap | Tool to work on a LevelToPWBLayerMap. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolLineWidening | Tool to work on a LineWidening. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolNodalConstraint | Tool to work on a NodalConstraint. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolNodalDisplAndRot | Tool to work on a NodalDisplAndRot. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolNodalResults | Tool to work on a NodalResults. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolNode | Tool to work on a Node. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolPartNumber | Tool to work on a PartNumber. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolPinNumber | Tool to work on a PinNumber. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolPipingFlow | Tool to work on a PipingFlow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolPWBArtworkStackup | Tool to work on a PWBArtworkStackup. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolPWBDrilledHole | Tool to work on a PWBDrilledHole. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolReferenceDesignator | Tool to work on a ReferenceDesignator. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESAppli_ToolRegionRestriction | Tool to work on a RegionRestriction. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic | This package represents basic entities from IGES |
CIGESBasic_Array1OfLineFontEntity | |
CIGESBasic_Array2OfHArray1OfReal | |
CIGESBasic_ToolAssocGroupType | Tool to work on a AssocGroupType. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalReferenceFile | Tool to work on a ExternalReferenceFile. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFile | Tool to work on a ExternalRefFile. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFileIndex | Tool to work on a ExternalRefFileIndex. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefFileName | Tool to work on a ExternalRefFileName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefLibName | Tool to work on a ExternalRefLibName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolExternalRefName | Tool to work on a ExternalRefName. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolGroup | Tool to work on a Group. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolGroupWithoutBackP | Tool to work on a GroupWithoutBackP. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolHierarchy | Tool to work on a Hierarchy. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolName | Tool to work on a Name. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolOrderedGroup | Tool to work on a OrderedGroup. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolOrderedGroupWithoutBackP | Tool to work on a OrderedGroupWithoutBackP. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolSingleParent | Tool to work on a SingleParent. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolSingularSubfigure | Tool to work on a SingularSubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESBasic_ToolSubfigureDef | Tool to work on a SubfigureDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESCAFControl | Provides high-level API to translate IGES file to and from DECAF document |
►CIGESControl_Writer | This class creates and writes IGES files from CAS.CADE models. An IGES file can be written to an existing IGES file or to a new one. The translation can be performed in one or several operations. Each translation operation outputs a distinct root entity in the IGES file. To write an IGES file it is possible to use the following sequence: To modify the IGES file header or to change translation parameters it is necessary to use class Interface_Static (see IGESParameters and GeneralParameters) |
CIGESConvGeom | This package is intended to gather geometric conversion which are not immediate but can be used for several purposes : mainly, standard conversion to and from CasCade geometric and topologic data, and adaptations of IGES files as required (as replacing Spline entities to BSpline equivalents) |
CIGESConvGeom_GeomBuilder | This class provides some useful basic tools to build IGESGeom curves, especially : define a curve in a plane in 3D space (ex. Circular or Conic arc, or Copious Data defined in 2D) make a CopiousData from a list of points/vectors |
CIGESData | Basic description of an IGES Interface |
CIGESData_Array1OfDirPart | |
CIGESData_Array1OfIGESEntity | |
CIGESData_BasicEditor | This class provides various functions of basic edition, such as : |
CIGESData_DefSwitch | Description of a directory componant which can be either undefined (let Void), defined as a Reference to an entity, or as a Rank, integer value adressing a builtin table The entity reference is not included here, only reference status is kept (because entity type must be adapted) |
CIGESData_DirChecker | This class centralizes general Checks upon an IGES Entity's Directory Part. That is : such field Ignored or Required, or Required with a given Value (for an Integer field) More precise checks can be performed as necessary, by each Entity (method OwnCheck) |
CIGESData_DirPart | Litteral/numeric description of an entity's directory section, taken from file |
CIGESData_GlobalSection | Description of a global section (corresponds to file header) used as well in IGESModel, IGESReader and IGESWriter Warning : From IGES-5.1, a parameter is added : LastChangeDate (concerns transferred set of data, not the file itself) Of course, it can be absent if read from earlier versions (a default is then to be set to current date) From 5.3, one more : ApplicationProtocol (optional) |
CIGESData_IGESDumper | Provides a way to obtain a clear Dump of an IGESEntity (distinct from normalized output). It works with tools attached to Entities, as for normalized Reade and Write |
CIGESData_IGESType | Taken from directory part of an entity (from file or model), gives "type" and "form" data, used to recognize entity's type |
CIGESData_IGESWriter | Manages atomic file writing, under control of IGESModel : prepare text to be sent then sends it takes into account distinction between successive Sections |
CIGESData_ParamCursor | Auxiliary class for ParamReader. It stores commands for a ParamReader to manage the current parameter number. Used by methods Read... from ParamReader. It allows to define the following commands : |
CIGESData_ParamReader | Access to a list of parameters, with management of read stage (owned parameters, properties, associativities) and current parameter number, read errors (which feed a Check), plus convenient facilities to read parameters, in particular : |
CIGESData_SpecificLib | |
CIGESData_WriterLib | |
CIGESDefs | To embody general definitions of Entities (Parameters, Tables ...) |
CIGESDefs_Array1OfTabularData | |
CIGESDefs_ToolAssociativityDef | Tool to work on a AssociativityDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolAttributeDef | Tool to work on a AttributeDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolAttributeTable | Tool to work on a AttributeTable. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolGenericData | Tool to work on a GenericData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolMacroDef | Tool to work on a MacroDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolTabularData | Tool to work on a TabularData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDefs_ToolUnitsData | Tool to work on a UnitsData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen | This package represents Entities applied to Dimensions ie. Annotation Entities and attached Properties and Associativities |
CIGESDimen_Array1OfGeneralNote | |
CIGESDimen_Array1OfLeaderArrow | |
CIGESDimen_ToolAngularDimension | Tool to work on a AngularDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolBasicDimension | Tool to work on a BasicDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolCenterLine | Tool to work on a CenterLine. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolCurveDimension | Tool to work on a CurveDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolDiameterDimension | Tool to work on a DiameterDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionDisplayData | Tool to work on a DimensionDisplayData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionedGeometry | Tool to work on a DimensionedGeometry. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionTolerance | Tool to work on a DimensionTolerance. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolDimensionUnits | Tool to work on a DimensionUnits. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolFlagNote | Tool to work on a FlagNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralLabel | Tool to work on a GeneralLabel. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralNote | Tool to work on a GeneralNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolGeneralSymbol | Tool to work on a GeneralSymbol. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolLeaderArrow | Tool to work on a LeaderArrow. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolLinearDimension | Tool to work on a LinearDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolNewDimensionedGeometry | Tool to work on a NewDimensionedGeometry. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolNewGeneralNote | Tool to work on a NewGeneralNote. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolOrdinateDimension | Tool to work on a OrdinateDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolPointDimension | Tool to work on a PointDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolRadiusDimension | Tool to work on a RadiusDimension. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolSection | Tool to work on a Section. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolSectionedArea | Tool to work on a SectionedArea. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDimen_ToolWitnessLine | Tool to work on a WitnessLine. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw | This package contains the group of classes necessary for Structure Entities implied in Drawings and Structured Graphics (Sets for drawing, Drawings and Views) |
CIGESDraw_Array1OfConnectPoint | |
CIGESDraw_Array1OfViewKindEntity | |
CIGESDraw_ToolCircArraySubfigure | Tool to work on a CircArraySubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolConnectPoint | Tool to work on a ConnectPoint. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolDrawing | Tool to work on a Drawing. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolDrawingWithRotation | Tool to work on a DrawingWithRotation. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolLabelDisplay | Tool to work on a LabelDisplay. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigure | Tool to work on a NetworkSubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolNetworkSubfigureDef | Tool to work on a NetworkSubfigureDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolPerspectiveView | Tool to work on a PerspectiveView. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolPlanar | Tool to work on a Planar. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolRectArraySubfigure | Tool to work on a RectArraySubfigure. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolSegmentedViewsVisible | Tool to work on a SegmentedViewsVisible. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolView | Tool to work on a View. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolViewsVisible | Tool to work on a ViewsVisible. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESDraw_ToolViewsVisibleWithAttr | Tool to work on a ViewsVisibleWithAttr. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom | This package consists of B-Rep and CSG Solid entities |
CIGESGeom_Array1OfBoundary | |
CIGESGeom_Array1OfCurveOnSurface | |
CIGESGeom_Array1OfTransformationMatrix | |
CIGESGeom_ToolBoundary | Tool to work on a Boundary. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolBoundedSurface | Tool to work on a BoundedSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolBSplineCurve | Tool to work on a BSplineCurve. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolBSplineSurface | Tool to work on a BSplineSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolCircularArc | Tool to work on a CircularArc. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolCompositeCurve | Tool to work on a CompositeCurve. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolConicArc | Tool to work on a ConicArc. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolCopiousData | Tool to work on a CopiousData. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolCurveOnSurface | Tool to work on a CurveOnSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolDirection | Tool to work on a Direction. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolFlash | Tool to work on a Flash. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolLine | Tool to work on a Line. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolOffsetCurve | Tool to work on a OffsetCurve. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolOffsetSurface | Tool to work on a OffsetSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolPlane | Tool to work on a Plane. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolPoint | Tool to work on a Point. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolRuledSurface | Tool to work on a RuledSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolSplineCurve | Tool to work on a SplineCurve. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolSplineSurface | Tool to work on a SplineSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolSurfaceOfRevolution | Tool to work on a SurfaceOfRevolution. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolTabulatedCylinder | Tool to work on a TabulatedCylinder. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolTransformationMatrix | Tool to work on a TransformationMatrix. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGeom_ToolTrimmedSurface | Tool to work on a TrimmedSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph | This package contains the group of classes necessary to define Graphic data among Structure Entities. (e.g., Fonts, Colors, Screen management ...) |
CIGESGraph_Array1OfColor | |
CIGESGraph_Array1OfTextDisplayTemplate | |
CIGESGraph_Array1OfTextFontDef | |
CIGESGraph_ToolColor | Tool to work on a Color. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolDefinitionLevel | Tool to work on a DefinitionLevel. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolDrawingSize | Tool to work on a DrawingSize. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolDrawingUnits | Tool to work on a DrawingUnits. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolHighLight | Tool to work on a HighLight. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolIntercharacterSpacing | Tool to work on a IntercharacterSpacing. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolLineFontDefPattern | Tool to work on a LineFontDefPattern. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolLineFontDefTemplate | Tool to work on a LineFontDefTemplate. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolLineFontPredefined | Tool to work on a LineFontPredefined. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolNominalSize | Tool to work on a NominalSize. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolPick | Tool to work on a Pick. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolTextDisplayTemplate | Tool to work on a TextDisplayTemplate. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolTextFontDef | Tool to work on a TextFontDef. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESGraph_ToolUniformRectGrid | Tool to work on a UniformRectGrid. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSelect | This package defines the library of the most used tools for IGES Files : Selections & Modifiers specific to the IGES norm, and the most needed converters |
CIGESSolid | This package consists of B-Rep and CSG Solid entities |
CIGESSolid_Array1OfFace | |
CIGESSolid_Array1OfLoop | |
CIGESSolid_Array1OfShell | |
CIGESSolid_Array1OfVertexList | |
CIGESSolid_ToolBlock | Tool to work on a Block. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolBooleanTree | Tool to work on a BooleanTree. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolConeFrustum | Tool to work on a ConeFrustum. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolConicalSurface | Tool to work on a ConicalSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolCylinder | Tool to work on a Cylinder. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolCylindricalSurface | Tool to work on a CylindricalSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolEdgeList | Tool to work on a EdgeList. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolEllipsoid | Tool to work on a Ellipsoid. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolFace | Tool to work on a Face. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolLoop | Tool to work on a Loop. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolManifoldSolid | Tool to work on a ManifoldSolid. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolPlaneSurface | Tool to work on a PlaneSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolRightAngularWedge | Tool to work on a RightAngularWedge. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSelectedComponent | Tool to work on a SelectedComponent. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolShell | Tool to work on a Shell. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSolidAssembly | Tool to work on a SolidAssembly. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSolidInstance | Tool to work on a SolidInstance. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSolidOfLinearExtrusion | Tool to work on a SolidOfLinearExtrusion. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSolidOfRevolution | Tool to work on a SolidOfRevolution. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSphere | Tool to work on a Sphere. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolSphericalSurface | Tool to work on a SphericalSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolToroidalSurface | Tool to work on a ToroidalSurface. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolTorus | Tool to work on a Torus. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_ToolVertexList | Tool to work on a VertexList. Called by various Modules (ReadWriteModule, GeneralModule, SpecificModule) |
CIGESSolid_TopoBuilder | This class manages the creation of an IGES Topologic entity (BREP : ManifoldSolid, Shell, Face) This includes definiting of Vertex and Edge Lists, building of Edges and Loops |
CIGESToBRep | Provides tools in order to transfer IGES entities to CAS.CADE |
►CIGESToBRep_CurveAndSurface | Provides methods to transfer CurveAndSurface from IGES to CASCADE |
CIGESToBRep_Reader | A simple way to read geometric IGES data. Encapsulates reading file and calling transfer tools |
CImage_ColorBGR | POD structure for packed BGR color value (3 bytes) |
CImage_ColorBGR32 | POD structure for packed BGR color value (4 bytes with extra byte for alignment) |
CImage_ColorBGRA | POD structure for packed BGRA color value (4 bytes) |
CImage_ColorBGRAF | POD structure for packed float BGRA color value (4 floats) |
CImage_ColorBGRF | POD structure for packed BGR float color value (3 floats) |
CImage_ColorRGB | POD structure for packed RGB color value (3 bytes) |
CImage_ColorRGB32 | POD structure for packed RGB color value (4 bytes with extra byte for alignment) |
CImage_ColorRGBA | POD structure for packed RGBA color value (4 bytes) |
CImage_ColorRGBAF | POD structure for packed RGBA color value (4 floats) |
CImage_ColorRGBF | POD structure for packed float RGB color value (3 floats) |
Cinlist | |
CIntAna2d_AnaIntersection | Implementation of the analytical intersection between: |
CIntAna2d_Conic | Definition of a conic by its implicit quadaratic equation: A.X**2 + B.Y**2 + 2.C.X*Y + 2.D.X + 2.E.Y + F = 0 |
CIntAna2d_IntPoint | Geometrical intersection between two 2d elements |
CIntAna_Curve | Definition of a parametric Curve which is the result of the intersection between two quadrics |
CIntAna_Int3Pln | Intersection between 3 planes. The algorithm searches for an intersection point. If two of the planes are parallel or identical, IsEmpty returns TRUE |
CIntAna_IntConicQuad | This class provides the analytic intersection between a conic defined as an element of gp (Lin,Circ,Elips, Parab,Hypr) and a quadric as defined in the class Quadric from IntAna. The intersection between a conic and a plane is treated as a special case |
CIntAna_IntLinTorus | Intersection between a line and a torus |
CIntAna_IntQuadQuad | This class provides the analytic intersection between a cylinder or a cone from gp and another quadric, as defined in the class Quadric from IntAna. This algorithm is used when the geometric intersection (class QuadQuadGeo from IntAna) returns no geometric solution. The result of the intersection may be |
CIntAna_ListIteratorOfListOfCurve | |
CIntAna_ListOfCurve | |
CIntAna_QuadQuadGeo | Geometric intersections between two natural quadrics (Sphere , Cylinder , Cone , Pln from gp). The possible intersections are : |
CIntAna_Quadric | This class provides a description of Quadrics by their Coefficients in natural coordinate system |
CIntCurve_IConicTool | Implementation of the ImpTool from IntImpParGen for conics of gp |
CIntCurve_PConic | This class represents a conic from gp as a parametric curve ( in order to be used by the class PConicTool from IntCurve) |
CIntCurve_PConicTool | Implementation of the ParTool from IntImpParGen for conics of gp, using the class PConic from IntCurve |
CIntCurve_ProjectOnPConicTool | This class provides a tool which computes the parameter of a point near a parametric conic |
CIntCurvesFace_Intersector | |
CIntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector | |
►CIntCurveSurface_Intersection | |
CIntCurveSurface_IntersectionPoint | Definition of an interserction point between a curve and a surface |
CIntCurveSurface_IntersectionSegment | A IntersectionSegment describes a segment of curve (w1,w2) where distance(C(w),Surface) is less than a given tolerances |
CIntCurveSurface_TheExactHInter | |
CIntCurveSurface_TheHCurveTool | |
CIntCurveSurface_ThePolygonOfHInter | |
CIntCurveSurface_ThePolygonToolOfHInter | |
CIntCurveSurface_ThePolyhedronOfHInter | |
CIntCurveSurface_ThePolyhedronToolOfHInter | |
CIntCurveSurface_TheQuadCurvExactHInter | |
CInterface_Array1OfFileParameter | |
CInterface_Array1OfHAsciiString | |
CInterface_BitMap | A bit map simply allows to associate a boolean flag to each item of a list, such as a list of entities, etc... numbered between 1 and a positive count nbitems |
CInterface_Category | This class manages categories A category is defined by a name and a number, and can be seen as a way of rough classification, i.e. less precise than a cdl type. Hence, it is possible to dispatch every entity in about a dozen of categories, twenty is a reasonable maximum |
CInterface_CheckIterator | Result of a Check operation (especially from InterfaceModel) |
CInterface_CheckTool | Performs Checks on Entities, using General Service Library and Modules to work. Works on one Entity or on a complete Model |
►CInterface_CopyTool | Performs Deep Copies of sets of Entities Allows to perform Copy of Interface Entities from a Model to another one. Works by calling general services GetFromAnother and GetImplied. Uses a CopyMap to bind a unique Result to each Copied Entity |
►CInterface_EntityIterator | Defines an Iterator on Entities. Allows considering of various criteria |
CInterface_EntityList | This class defines a list of Entities (Transient Objects), it can be used as a field of other Transient classes, with these features : |
CInterface_FileParameter | Auxiliary class to store a litteral parameter in a file intermediate directory or in an UndefinedContent : a reference type Parameter detains an Integer which is used to address a record in the directory. FileParameter is intended to be stored in a ParamSet : hence memory management is performed by ParamSet, which calls Clear to work, while the Destructor (see Destroy) does nothing. Also a FileParameter can be read for consultation only, not to be read from a Structure to be included into another one |
►CInterface_FileReaderTool | Defines services which are required to load an InterfaceModel from a File. Typically, it may firstly transform a system file into a FileReaderData object, then work on it, not longer considering file contents, to load an Interface Model. It may also work on a FileReaderData already loaded |
CInterface_FloatWriter | This class converts a floting number (Real) to a string It can be used if the standard C-C++ output functions (sprintf or cout<<) are not convenient. That is to say : |
CInterface_GeneralLib | |
CInterface_Graph | Gives basic data structure for operating and storing graph results (usage is normally internal) Entities are Mapped according their Number in the Model |
CInterface_IntList | This class detains the data which describe a Graph. A Graph has two lists, one for shared refs, one for sharing refs (the reverses). Each list comprises, for each Entity of the Model of the Graph, a list of Entities (shared or sharing). In fact, entities are identified by their numbers in the Model or Graph : this gives better performances |
CInterface_LineBuffer | Simple Management of a Line Buffer, to be used by Interface File Writers. While a String is suitable to do that, this class ensures an optimised Memory Management, because this is a hard point of File Writing |
CInterface_MapAsciiStringHasher | |
CInterface_MSG | This class gives a set of functions to manage and use a list of translated messages (messagery) |
CInterface_ReaderLib | |
CInterface_ShareFlags | This class only says for each Entity of a Model, if it is Shared or not by one or more other(s) of this Model It uses the General Service "Shared" |
CInterface_ShareTool | Builds the Graph of Dependancies, from the General Service "Shared" -> builds for each Entity of a Model, the Shared and Sharing Lists, and gives access to them. Allows to complete with Implied References (which are not regarded as Shared Entities, but are nevertheless Referenced), this can be usefull for Reference Checking |
CInterface_STAT | This class manages statistics to be queried asynchronously. Way of use : An operator describes a STAT form then fills it according to its progression. This produces a state of advancement of the process. This state can then be queried asynchronously : typically it is summarised as a percentage. There are also an identification of the current state, and informations on processed volume |
CInterval | |
CIntf | Interference computation between polygons, lines and polyhedra with only triangular facets. These objects are polygonal representations of complex curves and triangulated representations of complex surfaces |
CIntf_Array1OfLin | |
►CIntf_Interference | Describes the Interference computation result between polygon2d or polygon3d or polyhedron (as three sequences of points of intersection, polylines of intersection and zones de tangence) |
►CIntf_Polygon2d | Describes the necessary polygon information to compute the interferences |
CIntf_SectionLine | Describe a polyline of intersection between two polyhedra as a sequence of points of intersection |
CIntf_SectionPoint | Describes an intersection point between polygons and polyedra |
CIntf_TangentZone | Describes a zone of tangence between polygons or polyhedra as a sequence of points of intersection |
CIntf_Tool | Provides services to create box for infinites lines in a given contexte |
CIntImpParGen | Gives a generic algorithm to intersect Implicit Curves and Bounded Parametric Curves |
CIntImpParGen_ImpTool | Template class for an implicit curve |
CIntPatch_ALineToWLine | |
CIntPatch_CurvIntSurf | |
CIntPatch_HCurve2dTool | |
CIntPatch_HInterTool | Tool for the intersection between 2 surfaces. Regroupe pour l instant les methodes hors Adaptor3d.. |
CIntPatch_ImpImpIntersection | Implementation of the intersection between two quadric patches : Plane, Cone, Cylinder or Sphere |
CIntPatch_ImpPrmIntersection | Implementation of the intersection between a natural quadric patch : Plane, Cone, Cylinder or Sphere and a bi-parametrised surface |
CIntPatch_Intersection | This class provides a generic algorithm to intersect 2 surfaces |
CIntPatch_LineConstructor | The intersections algorithms compute the intersection on two surfaces and return the intersections lines as IntPatch_Line |
CIntPatch_Point | Definition of an intersection point between two surfaces. Such a point is contains geometrical informations (see the Value method) and logical informations |
CIntPatch_Polyhedron | This class provides a linear approximation of the PSurface. preview a constructor on a zone of a surface |
CIntPatch_PolyhedronTool | Describe the signature of a polyedral surface with only triangular facets and the necessary informations to compute the interferences |
CIntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection | Implementation of the Intersection between two bi-parametrised surfaces |
CIntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection_T3Bits | |
CIntPatch_RstInt | Trouver les points d intersection entre la ligne de cheminement et les arcs de restriction |
CIntPatch_TheIWalking | |
CIntPatch_ThePathPointOfTheSOnBounds | |
CIntPatch_TheSearchInside | |
CIntPatch_TheSegmentOfTheSOnBounds | |
CIntPatch_TheSOnBounds | |
CIntPolyh_Array< Type > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_Couple > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_Edge > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_Point > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_SectionLine > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_StartPoint > | |
CIntPolyh_Array< IntPolyh_Triangle > | |
CIntPolyh_Couple | Couple of triangles |
CIntPolyh_Edge | |
CIntPolyh_Intersection | Main algorithm. Algorithm outputs are lines and points like describe in the last paragraph. The Algorithm provides direct access to the elements of those lines and points. Other classes of this package are for internal use and only concern the algorithmic part |
CIntPolyh_MaillageAffinage | Provide the algorythms used in the package |
CIntPolyh_Point | |
CIntPolyh_SectionLine | |
CIntPolyh_StartPoint | |
CIntPolyh_Triangle | |
CIntRes2d_Domain | Definition of the domain of parameter on a 2d-curve. Most of the time, a domain is defined by two extremities. An extremity is made of : |
►CIntRes2d_Intersection | Defines the root class of all the Intersections between two 2D-Curves, and provides all the methods about the results of the Intersections Algorithms |
CIntRes2d_IntersectionPoint | Definition of an intersection point between two 2D curves |
CIntRes2d_IntersectionSegment | Definition of an intersection curve between two 2D curves |
CIntRes2d_Transition | Definition of the type of transition near an intersection point between two curves. The transition is either a "true transition", which means that one of the curves goes inside or outside the area defined by the other curve near the intersection, or a "touch transition" which means that the first curve does not cross the other one, or an "undecided" transition, which means that the curves are superposed |
CIntrv_Interval | **--------—**** Other ***—* IsBefore ***-------—* IsJustBefore ***------------—* IsOverlappingAtStart ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtEnd ***--------------------------------—* IsEnclosing ***-—* IsJustOverlappingAtStart ***----------—* IsSimilar ***---------------------—* IsJustEnclosingAtStart ***-* IsInside ***---—* IsJustOverlappingAtEnd ***--------------—* IsOverlappingAtEnd ***-----—* IsJustAfter ***—* IsAfter |
CIntrv_Intervals | The class Intervals is a sorted sequence of non overlapping Real Intervals |
CIntSurf | This package provides resources for all the packages concerning the intersection between surfaces |
CIntSurf_Couple | Creation d 'un couple de 2 entiers |
CIntSurf_InteriorPoint | Definition of a point solution of the intersection between an implicit an a parametrised surface. These points are passing points on the intersection lines, or starting points for the closed lines on the parametrised surface |
CIntSurf_InteriorPointTool | This class provides a tool on the "interior point" that can be used to instantiates the Walking algorithmes (see package IntWalk) |
CIntSurf_ListIteratorOfListOfPntOn2S | |
CIntSurf_ListOfPntOn2S | |
CIntSurf_PathPoint | |
CIntSurf_PathPointTool | |
CIntSurf_PntOn2S | This class defines the geometric informations for an intersection point between 2 surfaces : The coordinates ( Pnt from gp ), and two parametric coordinates |
CIntSurf_Quadric | |
CIntSurf_QuadricTool | This class provides a tool on a quadric that can be used to instantiates the Walking algorithmes (see package IntWalk) with a Quadric from IntSurf as implicit surface |
CIntSurf_Transition | Definition of the transition at the intersection between an intersection line and a restriction curve on a surface |
CIntTools | Contains classes for intersection and classification purposes and accompanying classes |
CIntTools_Array1OfRange | |
CIntTools_Array1OfRoots | |
►CIntTools_BaseRangeSample | Base class for range index management |
CIntTools_BeanFaceIntersector | The class BeanFaceIntersector computes ranges of parameters on the curve of a bean(part of edge) that bound the parts of bean which are on the surface of a face according to edge and face tolerances. Warning: The real boundaries of the face are not taken into account, Most of the result parts of the bean lays only inside the region of the surface, which includes the inside of the face. And the parts which are out of this region can be excluded from the result |
CIntTools_CArray1OfInteger | |
CIntTools_CArray1OfReal | |
CIntTools_CommonPrt | The class is to describe a common part between two edges in 3-d space |
CIntTools_Compare | Auxiliary class to provide a sorting Roots |
CIntTools_CompareRange | Auxiliary class to provide a sorting Ranges, taking into account a value of Left |
CIntTools_Curve | Class is a container of one 3d curve two 2d curves |
CIntTools_CurveRangeLocalizeData | |
CIntTools_CurveRangeSampleMapHasher | Class for range index management of curve |
CIntTools_EdgeEdge | The class provides Edge/Edge intersection algorithm based on the intersection between edges bounding boxes |
CIntTools_EdgeFace | The class provides Edge/Face algorithm to determine common parts between edge and face in 3-d space. Common parts can be : Vertices or Edges |
CIntTools_FaceFace | This class provides the intersection of face's underlying surfaces |
CIntTools_FClass2d | Class provides an algorithm to classify a 2d Point in 2d space of face using boundaries of the face |
CIntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfBox | |
CIntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCurveRangeSample | |
CIntTools_ListIteratorOfListOfSurfaceRangeSample | |
CIntTools_ListOfBox | |
CIntTools_ListOfCurveRangeSample | |
CIntTools_ListOfSurfaceRangeSample | |
CIntTools_MarkedRangeSet | Class MarkedRangeSet provides continuous set of ranges marked with flags |
CIntTools_PntOn2Faces | Contains two points PntOnFace from IntTools and a flag |
CIntTools_PntOnFace | Contains a Face, a 3d point, corresponded UV parameters and a flag |
CIntTools_QuickSort | |
CIntTools_QuickSortRange | |
CIntTools_Range | The class describes the 1-d range [myFirst, myLast] |
CIntTools_Root | The class is to describe the root of function of one variable for Edge/Edge and Edge/Surface algorithms |
CIntTools_ShrunkRange | The class provides the computation of a working (shrunk) range [t1, t2] for the 3D-curve of the edge |
CIntTools_SurfaceRangeLocalizeData | |
CIntTools_SurfaceRangeSample | Class for range index management of surface |
CIntTools_SurfaceRangeSampleMapHasher | |
CIntTools_Tools | The class contains handy static functions dealing with the geometry and topology |
CIntWalk_PWalking | This class implements an algorithm to determine the intersection between 2 parametrized surfaces, marching from a starting point. The intersection line starts and ends on the natural surface's boundaries |
CIntWalk_TheInt2S | |
CIntWalk_WalkingData | |
Copencascade::is_same< T1, T2 > | |
Copencascade::is_same< T, T > | |
►Citerator | |
CNCollection_Array1< TheItemType >::Iterator | Implementation of the Iterator interface |
CNCollection_Array2< TheItemType >::Iterator | |
►CNCollection_BaseList::Iterator | Memory allocation |
►CNCollection_BaseMap::Iterator | Memory allocation |
►CNCollection_BaseSequence::Iterator | Memory allocation |
►CNCollection_BaseVector::Iterator | Base class for Iterator implementation |
CNCollection_IndexedDataMap< TheKeyType, TheItemType, Hasher >::Iterator | Implementation of the Iterator interface |
CNCollection_IndexedMap< TheKeyType, Hasher >::Iterator | |
►CNCollection_SparseArrayBase::Iterator | |
CPoly_CoherentTriPtr::Iterator | |
CiXYZ | |
CNCollection_AccAllocator::Key | A key for the map of blocks |
CLaw | Multiple services concerning 1d functions |
CLaw_BSplineKnotSplitting | For a B-spline curve the discontinuities are localised at the knot values and between two knots values the B-spline is infinitely continuously differentiable. At a knot of range index the continuity is equal to : Degree - Mult (Index) where Degree is the degree of the basis B-spline functions and Mult the multiplicity of the knot of range Index. If for your computation you need to have B-spline curves with a minima of continuity it can be interesting to know between which knot values, a B-spline curve arc, has a continuity of given order. This algorithm computes the indexes of the knots where you should split the curve, to obtain arcs with a constant continuity given at the construction time. The splitting values are in the range [FirstUKnotValue, LastUKnotValue] (See class B-spline curve from package Geom). If you just want to compute the local derivatives on the curve you don't need to create the B-spline curve arcs, you can use the functions LocalD1, LocalD2, LocalD3, LocalDN of the class BSplineCurve |
CLaw_Interpolate | This class is used to interpolate a BsplineCurve passing through an array of points, with a C2 Continuity if tangency is not requested at the point. If tangency is requested at the point the continuity will be C1. If Perodicity is requested the curve will be closed and the junction will be the first point given. The curve will than be only C1 |
CLaw_Laws | |
CLaw_ListIteratorOfLaws | |
►CLDOM_BasicNode | |
CLDOM_CharReference | |
CLDOM_Document | |
CLDOM_DocumentType | |
CLDOM_LDOMImplementation | |
►CLDOM_Node | |
CLDOM_NodeList | |
CLDOM_XmlReader | |
CLDOM_XmlWriter | |
►CLDOMParser | |
Climit | |
Climit3 | |
CPoly_MakeLoops::Link | The Link structure |
CNCollection_CellFilter< Inspector >::ListNode | |
CLocalAnalysis | This package gives tools to check the local continuity between two points situated on two curves or two surfaces |
CLocalAnalysis_CurveContinuity | This class gives tools to check local continuity C0 C1 C2 G1 G2 between two points situated on two curves |
CLocalAnalysis_SurfaceContinuity | This class gives tools to check local continuity C0 C1 C2 G1 G2 between two points situated on two surfaces |
CLocOpe | Provides tools to implement local topological operations on a shape |
CLocOpe_BuildShape | |
CLocOpe_BuildWires | |
CLocOpe_CSIntersector | This class provides the intersection between a set of axis or a circle and the faces of a shape. The intersection points are sorted in increasing parameter along each axis or circle |
CLocOpe_CurveShapeIntersector | This class provides the intersection between an axis or a circle and the faces of a shape. The intersection points are sorted in increasing parameter along the axis |
CLocOpe_DPrism | Defines a pipe (near from Pipe from BRepFill), with modifications provided for the Pipe feature |
CLocOpe_FindEdges | |
CLocOpe_FindEdgesInFace | |
CLocOpe_Generator | |
CLocOpe_Gluer | |
CLocOpe_LinearForm | Defines a linear form (using Prism from BRepSweep) with modifications provided for the LinearForm feature |
CLocOpe_Pipe | Defines a pipe (near from Pipe from BRepFill), with modifications provided for the Pipe feature |
CLocOpe_PntFace | |
CLocOpe_Prism | Defines a prism (using Prism from BRepSweep) with modifications provided for the Prism feature |
CLocOpe_Revol | Defines a prism (using Prism from BRepSweep) with modifications provided for the Prism feature |
CLocOpe_RevolutionForm | Defines a revolution form (using Revol from BRepSweep) with modifications provided for the RevolutionForm feature |
CLocOpe_SplitDrafts | This class provides a tool to realize the following operations on a shape : |
CLocOpe_Spliter | |
CLocOpe_SplitShape | Provides a tool to cut : |
CLProp3d_CLProps | |
CLProp3d_CurveTool | |
CLProp3d_SLProps | |
CLProp3d_SurfaceTool | |
CLProp_AnalyticCurInf | Computes the locals extremas of curvature of a gp curve Remark : a gp curve has not inflection |
►CLProp_CurAndInf | Stores the parameters of a curve 2d or 3d corresponding to the curvature's extremas and the Inflection's Points |
Cmaovpar_1_ | |
Cmaovpch_1_ | |
COpenGl_HashMapInitializer::MapListOfType< K, V > | |
CMAT2d_Array2OfConnexion | |
CMAT2d_BiInt | BiInt is a set of two integers |
CMAT2d_CutCurve | Cuts a curve at the extremas of curvature and at the inflections. Constructs a trimmed Curve for each interval |
CMAT2d_MapBiIntHasher | |
CMAT2d_Mat2d | This class contains the generic algoritm of computation of the bisecting locus |
CMAT2d_MiniPath | MiniPath computes a path to link all the lines in a set of lines. The path is described as a set of connexions |
CMAT2d_SketchExplorer | SketchExplorer is an iterator on a sketch. A sketch is a set of contours, each contour is a set of curves from Geom2d. It's use by BisectingLocus |
CMAT2d_Tool2d | Set of the methods useful for the MAT's computation. Tool2d contains the geometry of the bisecting locus |
Cmath | |
Cmath_Array1OfValueAndWeight | |
►Cmath_BFGS | This class implements the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno variant of Davidson-Fletcher-Powell minimization algorithm of a function of multiple variables.Knowledge of the function's gradient is required |
Cmath_BissecNewton | This class implements a combination of Newton-Raphson and bissection methods to find the root of the function between two bounds. Knowledge of the derivative is required |
Cmath_BracketedRoot | This class implements the Brent method to find the root of a function located within two bounds. No knowledge of the derivative is required |
Cmath_BracketMinimum | Given two distinct initial points, BracketMinimum implements the computation of three points (a, b, c) which bracket the minimum of the function and verify A less than B, B less than C and F(A) less than F(B), F(B) less than (C) |
Cmath_BrentMinimum | This class implements the Brent's method to find the minimum of a function of a single variable. No knowledge of the derivative is required |
Cmath_BullardGenerator | Fast random number generator (the algorithm proposed by Ian C. Bullard) |
Cmath_CompareOfValueAndWeight | |
Cmath_ComputeGaussPointsAndWeights | |
Cmath_ComputeKronrodPointsAndWeights | |
Cmath_Crout | This class implements the Crout algorithm used to solve a system A*X = B where A is a symmetric matrix. It can be used to invert a symmetric matrix. This algorithm is similar to Gauss but is faster than Gauss. Only the inferior triangle of A and the diagonal can be given |
Cmath_DirectPolynomialRoots | This class implements the calculation of all the real roots of a real polynomial of degree <= 4 using a direct method. Once found, the roots are polished using the Newton method |
Cmath_DoubleTab | |
Cmath_EigenValuesSearcher | This class finds eigen values and vectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
Cmath_FRPR | This class implements the Fletcher-Reeves-Polak_Ribiere minimization algorithm of a function of multiple variables. Knowledge of the function's gradient is required |
►Cmath_Function | This abstract class describes the virtual functions associated with a Function of a single variable |
Cmath_FunctionAllRoots | This algorithm uses a sample of the function to find all intervals on which the function is null, and afterwards uses the FunctionRoots algorithm to find the points where the function is null outside the "null intervals". Knowledge of the derivative is required |
Cmath_FunctionRoot | This class implements the computation of a root of a function of a single variable which is near an initial guess using a minimization algorithm.Knowledge of the derivative is required. The algorithm used is the same as in |
Cmath_FunctionRoots | This class implements an algorithm which finds all the real roots of a function with derivative within a given range. Knowledge of the derivative is required |
►Cmath_FunctionSample | This class gives a default sample (constant difference of parameter) for a function defined between two bound A,B |
►Cmath_FunctionSet | This abstract class describes the virtual functions associated to a set on N Functions of M independant variables |
Cmath_FunctionSetRoot | Calculates the root of a set of N functions of M variables (N<M, N=M or N>M). Knowing an initial guess of the solution and using a minimization algorithm, a search is made in the Newton direction and then in the Gradient direction if there is no success in the Newton direction. This algorithm can also be used for functions minimization. Knowledge of all the partial derivatives (the Jacobian) is required |
Cmath_Gauss | This class implements the Gauss LU decomposition (Crout algorithm) with partial pivoting (rows interchange) of a square matrix and the different possible derived calculation : |
Cmath_GaussLeastSquare | This class implements the least square solution of a set of n linear equations of m unknowns (n >= m) using the gauss LU decomposition algorithm. This algorithm is more likely subject to numerical instability than math_SVD |
Cmath_GaussMultipleIntegration | This class implements the integration of a function of multiple variables between the parameter bounds Lower[a..b] and Upper[a..b]. Warning: Each element of Order must be inferior or equal to 61 |
Cmath_GaussSetIntegration | – This class implements the integration of a set of N functions of M variables variables between the parameter bounds Lower[a..b] and Upper[a..b]. Warning: - The case M>1 is not implemented |
Cmath_GaussSingleIntegration | This class implements the integration of a function of a single variable between the parameter bounds Lower and Upper. Warning: Order must be inferior or equal to 61 |
Cmath_GlobOptMin | This class represents Evtushenko's algorithm of global optimization based on nonuniform mesh. Article: Yu. Evtushenko. Numerical methods for finding global extreme (case of a non-uniform mesh). U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., Vol. 11, N 6, pp. 38-54 |
Cmath_Householder | This class implements the least square solution of a set of linear equations of m unknowns (n >= m) using the Householder method. It solves A.X = B. This algorithm has more numerical stability than GaussLeastSquare but is longer. It must be used if the matrix is singular or nearly singular. It is about 16% longer than GaussLeastSquare if there is only one member B to solve. It is about 30% longer if there are twenty B members to solve |
Cmath_IntegerVector | This class implements the real IntegerVector abstract data type. IntegerVectors can have an arbitrary range which must be define at the declaration and cannot be changed after this declaration. Example: |
Cmath_Jacobi | This class implements the Jacobi method to find the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a real symmetric square matrix. A sort of eigenvalues is done |
Cmath_KronrodSingleIntegration | This class implements the Gauss-Kronrod method of integral computation |
Cmath_Matrix | This class implements the real matrix abstract data type. Matrixes can have an arbitrary range which must be defined at the declaration and cannot be changed after this declaration math_Matrix(-3,5,2,4); //a vector with range [-3..5, 2..4] Matrix values may be initialized and retrieved using indexes which must lie within the range of definition of the matrix. Matrix objects follow "value semantics", that is, they cannot be shared and are copied through assignment Matrices are copied through assignement: math_Matrix M2(1, 9, 1, 3); ... M2 = M1; M1(1) = 2.0;//the matrix M2 will not be modified |
►Cmath_MultipleVarFunction | Describes the virtual functions associated with a multiple variable function |
Cmath_NewtonFunctionRoot | This class implements the calculation of a root of a function of a single variable starting from an initial near guess using the Newton algorithm. Knowledge of the derivative is required |
Cmath_NewtonFunctionSetRoot | This class computes the root of a set of N functions of N variables, knowing an initial guess at the solution and using the Newton Raphson algorithm. Knowledge of all the partial derivatives (Jacobian) is required |
►Cmath_NewtonMinimum | |
Cmath_Powell | This class implements the Powell method to find the minimum of function of multiple variables (the gradient does not have to be known) |
Cmath_PSO | In this class implemented variation of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. A. Ismael F. Vaz, L. N. Vicente "A particle swarm pattern search method for bound constrained global optimization" |
Cmath_PSOParticlesPool | |
Cmath_QuickSortOfValueAndWeight | |
Cmath_SingleTab< T > | |
Cmath_SingleTab< Standard_Integer > | |
Cmath_SingleTab< Standard_Real > | |
Cmath_SVD | SVD implements the solution of a set of N linear equations of M unknowns without condition on N or M. The Singular Value Decomposition algorithm is used. For singular or nearly singular matrices SVD is a better choice than Gauss or GaussLeastSquare |
Cmath_TrigonometricFunctionRoots | This class implements the solutions of the equation a*Cos(x)*Cos(x) + 2*b*Cos(x)*Sin(x) + c*Cos(x) + d*Sin(x) + e The degree of this equation can be 4, 3 or 2 |
Cmath_Uzawa | This class implements a system resolution C*X = B with an approach solution X0. There are no conditions on the number of equations. The algorithm used is the Uzawa algorithm. It is possible to have equal or inequal (<) equations to solve. The resolution is done with a minimization of Norm(X-X0). If there are only equal equations, the resolution is directly done and is similar to Gauss resolution with an optimisation because the matrix is a symmetric matrix. (The resolution is done with Crout algorithm) |
Cmath_ValueAndWeight | |
Cmath_Vector | This class implements the real vector abstract data type. Vectors can have an arbitrary range which must be defined at the declaration and cannot be changed after this declaration |
COpenGl_Utils::MatrixState< T > | Software implementation for OpenGL matrix stack |
COpenGl_Utils::MatrixState< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CBVH::MatrixType< T, N > | Tool class for selecting appropriate matrix type (Eigen or NCollection) |
COpenGl_Utils::MatrixType< T > | Matrix type selector |
COpenGl_Utils::MatrixType< Standard_Real > | |
COpenGl_Utils::MatrixType< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CBVH::MatrixType< Standard_ShortReal, 4 > | |
CBVH::MatrixType< T, 4 > | |
CMDataStd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes. Transient attributes are defined in package TDataStd and persistent one are defined in package PDataStd |
CMDataXtd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for modelling attributes. Transient attributes are defined in package TDataStd and persistent one are defined in package PDataStd |
CMDF | This package provides classes and methods to translate a transient DF into a persistent one and vice versa |
CMDF_DriverListOfARDriverTable | |
CMDF_DriverListOfASDriverTable | |
CMDF_ListIteratorOfDriverListOfARDriverTable | |
CMDF_ListIteratorOfDriverListOfASDriverTable | |
CMDF_Tool | A tool to translate.. |
Cmdnombr_1_ | |
CMDocStd | Drivers for TDocStd_Document |
CNCollection_BaseVector::MemBlock | Memory allocation |
CMeshTest | Provides methods for testing the mesh algorithms |
CMeshTest_CheckTopology | This class checks topology of the mesh presented by triangulations of faces |
CMeshVS_Array1OfSequenceOfInteger | |
CMeshVS_Buffer | |
CMeshVS_ColorHasher | Hasher for using in ColorToIdsMap from MeshVS |
CMeshVS_SymmetricPairHasher | Provides symmetric hash methods pair of integers |
CMeshVS_Tool | This class provides auxiliary methods to create differents aspects |
CMeshVS_TwoColors | |
CMeshVS_TwoColorsHasher | |
CMeshVS_TwoNodes | Structure containing two IDs (of nodes) for using as a key in a map (as representation of a mesh link) |
CMeshVS_TwoNodesHasher | |
CMessage | Defines |
CMessage_ExecStatus | |
CMessage_ListIteratorOfListOfMsg | |
CMessage_ListOfMsg | |
CMessage_Msg | This class provides a tool for constructing the parametrized message basing on resources loaded by Message_MsgFile tool |
CMessage_MsgFile | A tool providing facility to load definitions of message strings from resource file(s) |
CMessage_ProgressScale | Internal data structure for scale in ProgressIndicator |
CMessage_ProgressSentry | This class is a tool allowing to manage opening/closing scopes in the ProgressIndicator in convenient and safe way |
CMFunction | |
CMgtBRep | The MgtBRep package provides methods to translate data between the BRep package and the PBRep package |
CMgtGeom | This package provides methods to translate transient objects from Geom to persistent objects from PGeom and vice-versa. No track from previous translation is kept |
CMgtGeom2d | This package provides methods to translate transient objects from Geom2d to persistent objects from PGeom2d and vice-versa. No track from previous translation is kept |
CMgtPoly | This package provides methods to translate transient objects from Poly to persistent objects from PPoly and vice-versa. As far as objects can be shared (just as Geometry), a map is given as translate argument |
CMgtTopLoc | The package MgtTopLoc provides methods to store and retrieve local coordinate systems. i.e. translationg them from Persistent to Transient and vice-versa |
CMgtTopoDS | The package MgtTopoDS provides methods to store and retrieve Topological Data Structure objects from the Database |
Cminombr_1_ | |
Cmlgdrtl_1_ | |
Cmmapgs0_1_ | |
Cmmapgs1_1_ | |
Cmmapgs2_1_ | |
Cmmapgss_1_ | |
Cmmcmcnp_1_ | |
Cmmjcobi_1_ | |
CMNaming | |
CMoniTool_AttrList | AttrList allows to record a list of attributes as Transients which can be edited, changed ... Each one is identified by a name |
CMoniTool_DataInfo | Gives informations on an object Used as template to instantiate Elem, etc This class is for Transient |
CMoniTool_ElemHasher | ElemHasher defines HashCode for Element, which is : ask a Element its HashCode ! Because this is the Element itself which brings the HashCode for its Key |
CMoniTool_MTHasher | The auxiliary class provides hash code for mapping objects |
CMoniTool_OptValue | This class allows two kinds of use |
CMoniTool_Stat | This class manages Statistics to be queried asynchronously |
CMoniTool_TimerSentry | A tool to facilitate using MoniTool_Timer functionality by automatically ensuring consistency of start/stop actions |
CMPrsStd | Storage and Retrieval drivers for graphic attributes. Transient attributes are defined in package TPrsStd and persistent one are defined in package PPrsStd |
CMultitype | |
CMyDirectPolynomialRoots | |
CNamelist | |
CNCollection_Array1< TheItemType > | |
CNCollection_Array1< Graphic3d_AxisAspect > | |
CNCollection_Array1< NCollection_Vec2 > | |
CNCollection_Array1< OpenGl_IndexedMapOfStructure > | |
CNCollection_Array1< PeriodicityInfo > | |
CNCollection_Array1< PSO_Particle > | |
CNCollection_Array1< Standard_Integer > | |
CNCollection_Array1< Standard_Real > | |
CNCollection_Array1< theVec_t > | |
CNCollection_Array2< TheItemType > | |
►CNCollection_BaseList | |
►CNCollection_BaseMap | |
►CNCollection_BaseSequence | |
►CNCollection_BaseVector | Class NCollection_BaseVector - base for NCollection_Vector template |
CNCollection_CellFilter< Inspector > | |
CNCollection_CellFilter< BRepMesh_CircleInspector > | |
CNCollection_CellFilter< BRepMesh_VertexInspector > | |
►CNCollection_CellFilter_InspectorXY | |
►CNCollection_CellFilter_InspectorXYZ | |
CNCollection_Comparator< TheItemType > | |
CNCollection_DefaultHasher< TheKeyType > | |
►CNCollection_ListNode | |
CNCollection_LocalArray< theItem > | Auxiliary class optimizing creation of array buffer (using stack allocation for small arrays) |
CNCollection_Mat4< Element_t > | Generic matrix of 4 x 4 elements. To be used in conjunction with NCollection_Vec4 entities. Originally introduced for 3D space projection and orientation operations |
CNCollection_Mat4< Standard_Real > | |
CNCollection_Mat4< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CNCollection_QuickSort< TheCollType, TheItemType > | |
►CNCollection_SeqNode | |
►CNCollection_SparseArrayBase | |
CNCollection_StdAllocator< T > | Implements allocator requirements as defined in ISO C++ Standard 2003, section 20.1.5 |
CNCollection_StdAllocator< void > | Implements specialization NCollection_StdAllocator<void> |
►CNCollection_UBTree< TheObjType, TheBndType > | |
CNCollection_UBTreeFiller< TheObjType, TheBndType > | |
CNCollection_UtfIterator< Type > | Template class for Unicode strings support. It defines an iterator and provide correct way to read multi-byte text (UTF-8 and UTF-16) and convert it from one to another. The current value of iterator returned as UTF-32 Unicode code |
CNCollection_UtfString< Type > | This template class represent constant UTF-* string. String stored in memory continuously, always NULL-terminated and can be used as standard C-string using ToCString() method |
CNCollection_Vec2< Element_t > | Defines the 2D-vector template. The main target for this class - to handle raw low-level arrays (from/to graphic driver etc.) |
CNCollection_Vec2< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CNCollection_Vec3< Element_t > | Generic 3-components vector. To be used as RGB color pixel or XYZ 3D-point. The main target for this class - to handle raw low-level arrays (from/to graphic driver etc.) |
CNCollection_Vec4< Element_t > | Generic 4-components vector. To be used as RGBA color vector or XYZW 3D-point with special W-component for operations with projection / model view matrices. Use this class for 3D-points carefully because declared W-component may results in incorrect results if used without matrices |
CNCollection_Vec4< Standard_Real > | |
CNCollection_Vec4< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CNIS_DrawList | |
CNIS_ObjectsIterator | |
CNLPlate_ListIteratorOfStackOfPlate | |
CNLPlate_NLPlate | |
CNLPlate_StackOfPlate | |
COSD_MAllocHook::CollectBySize::Numbers | |
CNCollection_UBTreeFiller< TheObjType, TheBndType >::ObjBnd | Structure of pair (object, bnd box) |
CObjMgt_SeqExplorerOfPSeqOfExtRef | |
Colist | |
COpenGl_BVHTreeSelector | BVHTreeSelector class provides a possibility to store parameters of view volume, such as its vertices and equations, and contains methods detecting if given AABB overlaps view volume |
COpenGl_CappingAlgo | Capping surface rendering algorithm |
COpenGl_Clipping | This class contains logics related to tracking and modification of clipping plane state for particular OpenGl context. It contains information about enabled clipping planes and provides method to change clippings in context. The methods should be executed within OpenGl context associated with instance of this class |
COpenGl_ClippingState | Defines generic state of OCCT clipping state |
COpenGl_CView | |
►COpenGl_Element | Base interface for drawable elements |
COpenGl_ElementNode | |
►COpenGl_GlFunctions | Mega structure defines the complete list of OpenGL functions |
COpenGl_GlobalLayerSettings | |
COpenGl_BackgroundArray::OpenGl_GradientParameters | |
COpenGl_Layer | Presentations list sorted within priorities |
COpenGl_LayerList | |
COpenGl_Material | OpenGL material definition |
COpenGl_Matrix | |
COpenGl_RaytraceLight | Stores properties of OpenGL light source |
COpenGl_RaytraceMaterial | Stores properties of surface material |
►COpenGl_SetterInterface | Interface for generic setter of user-defined uniform variables |
COpenGl_StateCounter | Tool class to implement consistent state counter for objects inside the same driver instance |
►COpenGl_StateInterface | Defines interface for OpenGL state |
COpenGl_TextParam | |
COpenGl_TextureFormat | Stores parameters of OpenGL texture format |
COpenGl_TextureFormatSelector< T > | Selects preferable texture format for specified parameters |
COpenGl_TextureFormatSelector< GLfloat > | |
COpenGl_TextureFormatSelector< GLubyte > | |
COpenGl_TextureFormatSelector< GLushort > | |
COpenGl_VariableSetterSelector | Support tool for setting user-defined uniform variables |
COpenGl_VertexBufferEditor< theVec_t > | Auxiliary class to iteratively modify data of existing VBO. It provides iteration interface with delayed CPU->GPU memory transfer to avoid slow per-element data transfer. User should explicitly call Flush() method to ensure that all data is transferred to VBO. Temporary buffer on CPU side can be initialized with lesser capacity than VBO to allow re-usage of shared buffer with fixed size between VBOs |
COpenGl_VertexBufferEditor< NCollection_Vec2 > | |
►Cos_virtual_behavior | |
COSD | Set of Operating Sytem Dependent Tools (O)perating (S)ystem (D)ependent |
►COSD_Chronometer | This class measures CPU time (both user and system) consumed by current process or thread. The chronometer can be started and stopped multiple times, and measures cumulative time |
COSD_DirectoryIterator | Manages a breadth-only search for sub-directories in the specified Path. There is no specific order of results |
COSD_Disk | Disk management (a set of disk oriented tools) |
COSD_Environment | Management of system environment variables An environment variable is composed of a variable name and its value |
COSD_EnvironmentIterator | This allows consultation of every environment variable. There is no specific order of results |
COSD_Error | Accurate management of OSD specific errors |
COSD_FileIterator | Manages a breadth-only search for files in the specified Path. There is no specific order of results |
►COSD_FileNode | A class for 'File' and 'Directory' grouping common methods (file/directory manipulation tools). The "file oriented" name means files or directories which are in fact hard coded as files |
COSD_Host | Carries information about a Host System version ,host name, nodename .. |
COSD_MAllocHook | |
COSD_MemInfo | This class provide information about memory utilized by current process. This information includes: |
COSD_Parallel | Simplifies code parallelization |
COSD_Path | |
COSD_PerfMeter | This class enables measuring the CPU time between two points of code execution, regardless of the scope of these points of code. A meter is identified by its name (string). So multiple objects in various places of user code may point to the same meter. The results will be printed on stdout upon finish of the program. For details see OSD_PerfMeter.h |
COSD_Printer | Selects a printer (used by File) |
COSD_Process | A set of system process tools |
COSD_Protection | This class provides data to manage file protection Example:These rights are treated in a system dependent manner : On UNIX you have User,Group and Other rights On VMS you have Owner,Group,World and System rights An automatic conversion is done between OSD and UNIX/VMS |
COSD_SharedLibrary | Interface to dynamic library loader. Provides tools to load a shared library and retrieve the address of an entry point |
COSD_Thread | A simple platform-intependent interface to execute and control threads |
CPCDM_Reference | |
CPColgp_SeqExplorerOfHSequenceOfDir | |
CPColgp_SeqExplorerOfHSequenceOfPnt | |
CPColgp_SeqExplorerOfHSequenceOfVec | |
CPColgp_SeqExplorerOfHSequenceOfXYZ | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfCirc2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfDir | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfDir2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfLin2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfPnt | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfPnt2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfVec | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfVec2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfXY | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfXYZ | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfCirc2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfDir | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfDir2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfLin2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfPnt | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfPnt2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfVec | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfVec2d | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfXY | |
CPColgp_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfXYZ | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfExtendedString | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfInteger | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfPersistent | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfReal | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfInteger | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfPersistent | |
CPColStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfReal | |
CPDataStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfByte | |
CPDataStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfHArray1OfInteger | |
CPDataStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfHArray1OfReal | |
CPDataStd_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfHAsciiString | |
CPDF_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHAttributeArray1 | |
CPeriodicInterval | |
CPeriodicityInfo | |
CPlate_Array1OfPinpointConstraint | |
CPlate_D1 | Define an order 1 derivatives of a 3d valued function of a 2d variable |
CPlate_D2 | Define an order 2 derivatives of a 3d valued function of a 2d variable |
CPlate_D3 | Define an order 3 derivatives of a 3d valued function of a 2d variable |
CPlate_FreeGtoCConstraint | Define a G1, G2 or G3 constraint on the Plate using weaker constraint than GtoCConstraint |
CPlate_GlobalTranslationConstraint | Force a set of UV points to translate without deformation |
CPlate_GtoCConstraint | Define a G1, G2 or G3 constraint on the Plate |
CPlate_LinearScalarConstraint | Define on or several constraints as linear combination of the X,Y and Z components of a set of PinPointConstraint |
CPlate_LinearXYZConstraint | Define on or several constraints as linear combination of PinPointConstraint unlike the LinearScalarConstraint, usage of this kind of constraint preserve the X,Y and Z uncoupling |
CPlate_LineConstraint | Constraint a point to belong to a straight line |
CPlate_PinpointConstraint | Define a constraint on the Plate |
CPlate_PlaneConstraint | Constraint a point to belong to a Plane |
CPlate_Plate | This class implement a variationnal spline algorithm able to define a two variable function satisfying some constraints and minimizing an energy like criterion |
CPlate_SampledCurveConstraint | Define m PinPointConstraint driven by m unknown |
CPLib | PLib means Polynomial functions library. This pk provides basic computation functions for polynomial functions |
CPLib_DoubleJacobiPolynomial | |
CPlugin | |
CPNaming_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfNamedShape | |
Cpoint3 | |
CPoly | This package provides classes and services to handle : |
CPoly_Array1OfTriangle | |
CPoly_CoherentLink | |
CPoly_CoherentTriangle | |
CPoly_CoherentTriPtr | |
CPoly_Connect | Provides an algorithm to explore, inside a triangulation, the adjacency data for a node or a triangle. Adjacency data for a node consists of triangles which contain the node. Adjacency data for a triangle consists of: |
►CPoly_MakeLoops | |
CPoly_Triangle | Describes a component triangle of a triangulation (Poly_Triangulation object). A Triangle is defined by a triplet of nodes. Each node is an index in the table of nodes specific to an existing triangulation of a shape, and represents a point on the surface |
CPPoly_Triangle | A Triangle is a triplet of node indices |
CPPoly_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfTriangle | |
CPrecision | The Precision package offers a set of functions defining precision criteria for use in conventional situations when comparing two numbers. Generalities It is not advisable to use floating number equality. Instead, the difference between numbers must be compared with a given precision, i.e. : Standard_Real x1, x2 ; x1 = ... x2 = ... If ( x1 == x2 ) ... should not be used and must be written as indicated below: Standard_Real x1, x2 ; Standard_Real Precision = ... x1 = ... x2 = ... If ( Abs ( x1 - x2 ) < Precision ) ... Likewise, when ordering floating numbers, you must take the following into account : Standard_Real x1, x2 ; Standard_Real Precision = ... x1 = ... ! a large number x2 = ... ! another large number If ( x1 < x2 - Precision ) ... is incorrect when x1 and x2 are large numbers ; it is better to write : Standard_Real x1, x2 ; Standard_Real Precision = ... x1 = ... ! a large number x2 = ... ! another large number If ( x2 - x1 > Precision ) ... Precision in Cas.Cade Generally speaking, the precision criterion is not implicit in Cas.Cade. Low-level geometric algorithms accept precision criteria as arguments. As a rule, they should not refer directly to the precision criteria provided by the Precision package. On the other hand, high-level modeling algorithms have to provide the low-level geometric algorithms that they call, with a precision criteria. One way of doing this is to use the above precision criteria. Alternatively, the high-level algorithms can have their own system for precision management. For example, the Topology Data Structure stores precision criteria for each elementary shape (as a vertex, an edge or a face). When a new topological object is constructed, the precision criteria are taken from those provided by the Precision package, and stored in the related data structure. Later, a topological algorithm which analyses these objects will work with the values stored in the data structure. Also, if this algorithm is to build a new topological object, from these precision criteria, it will compute a new precision criterion for the new topological object, and write it into the data structure of the new topological object. The different precision criteria offered by the Precision package, cover the most common requirements of geometric algorithms, such as intersections, approximations, and so on. The choice of precision depends on the algorithm and on the geometric space. The geometric space may be : |
CProjLib | The projLib package first provides projection of curves on a plane along a given Direction. The result will be a 3D curve. The ProjLib package provides projection of curves on surfaces to compute the curve in the parametric space |
CProjLib_ComputeApprox | Approximate the projection of a 3d curve on an analytic surface and stores the result in Approx. The result is a 2d curve |
CProjLib_ComputeApproxOnPolarSurface | Approximate the projection of a 3d curve on an polar surface and stores the result in Approx. The result is a 2d curve. The evaluation of the current point of the 2d curve is done with the evaluation of the extrema P3d - Surface |
CProjLib_PrjResolve | |
CProjLib_ProjectOnSurface | Project a curve on a surface. The result ( a 3D Curve) will be an approximation |
►CProjLib_Projector | Root class for projection algorithms, stores the result |
CPrs3d | The Prs3d package provides the following services |
CPrs3d_DimensionUnits | This class provides units for two dimension groups: |
►CPrs3d_Root | A root class for the standard presentation algorithms of the StdPrs package |
CPrs3d_ShapeTool | Describes the behaviour requested for a wireframe shape presentation |
CPrsMgr_ModedPresentation | |
CPShort_SeqExplorerOfHSequenceOfShortReal | |
CPShort_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfShortReal | |
CPShort_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray2OfShortReal | |
CPSO_Particle | Describes particle pool for using in PSO algorithm. Indexes: 0 <= aDimidx <= myDimensionCount - 1 |
CPTColStd_MapPersistentHasher | |
CPTopLoc_Location | A Storable composed local coordinate system. Made with local coordinate systems raised to power elevation |
CPTopoDS_Shape1 | The PTopoDS_Shape1 is the Persistent view of a TopoDS_Shape |
CPTopoDS_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfHShape | |
CPTopoDS_VArrayTNodeOfFieldOfHArray1OfShape1 | |
CPXCAFDoc_SeqExplorerOfGraphNodeSequence | |
CQABugs | |
CQADNaming | |
CQADraw | |
CQANCollection | |
CQANCollection_ListIteratorOfListOfPnt | |
CQANCollection_ListOfPnt | |
CQANewBRepNaming | Implements methods to load the Make Shape operations in the naming data-structure (package TNaming), which provides topological naming facilities. Shape generation, modifications and deletions are recorded in the data-framework (package TDF) using the builder from package TNaming |
CQANewBRepNaming_Loader | |
CQANewBRepNaming_LoaderParent | |
►CQANewBRepNaming_TopNaming | The root class for all the primitives, features, .. |
CQANewDBRepNaming | To test topological naming |
CQANewModTopOpe | QANewModTopOpe package provides classes for limitation, gluing and removing "floating" shapes |
CQANewModTopOpe_Tools | To provide several tools for porting to OCC 5.0 (mkk) |
CQuantity_Array1OfCoefficient | |
CQuantity_Array1OfColor | |
CQuantity_Array2OfColor | |
CQuantity_Color | This class allows the definition of a colour. The names of the colours are from the X11 specification. color object may be used for numerous applicative purposes. A color is defined by: |
CQuantity_Convert | Services to manage units conversion between Front-ends and Engines. This conversion is managed by a table of correspondance between the quantities and their "conversion coefficient". This table is implemented like an external array (TCollection_Array1) regarding to the quantities enumeration |
CQuantity_Date | This class provides services to manage date information. A date represents the following time intervals: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond and microsecond. Current time is expressed in elapsed seconds and microseconds beginning from 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1979 (zero hour). The valid date can only be later than this one. Note: a Period object gives the interval between two dates |
CQuantity_Period | Manages date intervals. For example, a Period object gives the interval between two dates. A period is expressed in seconds and microseconds |
COpenGl_View::RaytracingParams | Compile-time ray-tracing parameters |
CNCollection_StdAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
CNCollection_StdAllocator< void >::rebind< U > | |
CFont_FTFont::Rect | Auxiliary structure - rectangle definition |
COpenGl_Font::RectI | |
CResource_LexicalCompare | |
CResource_QuickSortOfArray1 | |
CResource_Unicode | This class provides functions used to convert a non-ASCII C string given in ANSI, EUC, GB or SJIS format, to a Unicode string of extended characters, and vice versa |
COpenGl_AspectMarker::Resources | OpenGl resources |
COpenGl_AspectText::Resources | OpenGl resources |
COpenGl_AspectLine::Resources | OpenGl resources |
COpenGl_AspectFace::Resources | OpenGl resources |
CRWHeaderSection | |
CRWHeaderSection_RWFileDescription | Read & Write Module for FileDescription |
CRWHeaderSection_RWFileName | Read & Write Module for FileName |
CRWHeaderSection_RWFileSchema | Read & Write Module for FileSchema |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignApproval | Read & Write tool for CcDesignApproval |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignCertification | Read & Write tool for CcDesignCertification |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignContract | Read & Write tool for CcDesignContract |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment | Read & Write tool for CcDesignDateAndTimeAssignment |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment | Read & Write tool for CcDesignPersonAndOrganizationAssignment |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSecurityClassification | Read & Write tool for CcDesignSecurityClassification |
CRWStepAP203_RWCcDesignSpecificationReference | Read & Write tool for CcDesignSpecificationReference |
CRWStepAP203_RWChange | Read & Write tool for Change |
CRWStepAP203_RWChangeRequest | Read & Write tool for ChangeRequest |
CRWStepAP203_RWStartRequest | Read & Write tool for StartRequest |
CRWStepAP203_RWStartWork | Read & Write tool for StartWork |
CRWStepAP214 | |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedApprovalAssignment | Read & Write Module for AppliedApprovalAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAndTimeAssignment | Read & Write Module for AppliedDateAndTimeAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedDateAssignment | Read & Write Module for AppliedDateAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedDocumentReference | Read & Write Module for AppliedDocumentReference |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment | Read & Write tool for AppliedExternalIdentificationAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedGroupAssignment | Read & Write tool for AppliedGroupAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedOrganizationAssignment | Read & Write Module for AppliedOrganizationAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment | Read & Write Module for AppliedPersonAndOrganizationAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedPresentedItem | Read & Write Module for AppliedPresentedItem |
CRWStepAP214_RWAppliedSecurityClassificationAssignment | |
CRWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment | Read & Write Module for AutoDesignActualDateAndTimeAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignActualDateAssignment | Read & Write Module for AutoDesignActualDateAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignApprovalAssignment | Read & Write Module for AutoDesignApprovalAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment | Read & Write Module for AutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment |
CRWStepAP214_RWAutoDesignDocumentReference | Read & Write Module for AutoDesignDocumentReference |
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