Open CASCADE Technology
The Interactive Context allows you to manage graphic behavior and selection of Interactive Objects in one or more viewers. Class methods make this highly transparent. It is essential to remember that an Interactive Object which is already known by the Interactive Context must be modified using Context methods. You can only directly call the methods available for an Interactive Object if it has not been loaded into an Interactive Context. You must distinguish two states in the Interactive Context: More...
#include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
AIS_InteractiveContext (const Handle< V3d_Viewer > &MainViewer) | |
Constructs the interactive context object defined by the principal viewer MainViewer. More... | |
virtual | ~AIS_InteractiveContext () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | SetAutoActivateSelection (const Standard_Boolean Auto) |
Standard_Boolean | GetAutoActivateSelection () const |
void | Display (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Controls the choice between the using the display and selection modes of open local context which you have defined and activating those available by default. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the Interactive Object anIobj is displayed in the default active mode. This will be the object's default display mode, if there is one. Otherwise, it will be the context mode. The Interactive Object's default selection mode is activated. In general, this is 0. This syntax has the same behavior as local context, open or closed. If you want to view the object in open local context without selection, use the syntax below, setting aSelectionMode to -1. More... | |
void | Display (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Integer theDispMode, const Standard_Integer theSelectionMode, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theToAllowDecomposition=Standard_True, const AIS_DisplayStatus theDispStatus=AIS_DS_None) |
Controls the choice between the using the display and selection modes of open local context which you have defined and activating those available by default. If no Local Context is opened. and the Interactive Object theIObj has no display mode of its own, the default display mode, 0, is used. Likewise, if theIObj has no selection mode of its own, the default one, 0, is used. If a local context is open and if theToUpdateViewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. If theSelectionMode equals -1, theIObj will not be activated: it will be displayed but will not be selectable. Use this if you want to view the object in open local context without selection. Note: This option is only available in Local Context. If theToAllowDecomposition equals true, theIObj can have subshapes detected by selection mechanisms. theIObj must be able to give a shape selection modes which fit the AIS_Shape selection modes: More... | |
void | Load (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Integer SelectionMode=-1, const Standard_Boolean AllowDecomp=Standard_False) |
Allows you to load the Interactive Object aniobj with a given selection mode SelectionMode, and/or with the desired decomposition option, whether the object is visualized or not. If AllowDecomp = Standard_True and, if the interactive object is of the "Shape" type, these "standard" selection modes will be automatically activated as a function of the modes present in the Local Context. The loaded objects will be selectable but displayable in highlighting only when detected by the Selector. This method is available only when Local Contexts are open. More... | |
void | Erase (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Hides the object. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show hidden objects, use Display(). More... | |
void | EraseAll (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Hides all objects. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show all hidden objects, use DisplayAll(). More... | |
void | DisplayAll (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Displays all hidden objects. More... | |
void | EraseSelected (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Hides selected objects. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show hidden objects, use Display(). More... | |
void | DisplaySelected (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Displays selected objects if a local context is open. Displays current objects if there is no active local context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | KeepTemporary (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIObj, const Standard_Integer InWhichLocal=-1) |
Changes the status of a temporary object. It will be kept at the neutral point, i.e. put in the list of displayed objects along withwith its temporary attributes. These include display mode and selection mode, for example. Returns true if done. inWhichLocal gives the local context in which anIObj is displayed. By default, the index -1 refers to the last Local Context opened. More... | |
void | ClearPrs (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Integer aMode=0, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Empties the graphic presentation of the mode indexed by aMode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Warning Removes anIobj. anIobj is still active if it was previously activated. More... | |
void | Remove (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes aniobj from every viewer. aniobj is no longer referenced in the Context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | RemoveAll (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes all the objects from all opened Local Contexts and from the Neutral Point. More... | |
Standard_DEPRECATED ("Deprecated method Hilight()") void Hilight(const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj | |
Updates the display in the viewer to take dynamic detection into account. On dynamic detection by the mouse cursor, sensitive primitives are highlighted. The highlight color of entities detected by mouse movement is white by default. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | Unhilight (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes hilighting from the entity aniobj. Updates the viewer. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetDisplayPriority (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Integer aPriority) |
Sets the display priority aPriority of the seen parts presentation of the entity anIobj. More... | |
void | SetZLayer (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Integer theLayerId) |
Set Z layer id for interactive object. The Z layers can be used to display temporarily presentations of some object in front of the other objects in the scene. The ids for Z layers are generated by V3d_Viewer. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetZLayer (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj) const |
Get Z layer id set for displayed interactive object. More... | |
void | Redisplay (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean allmodes=Standard_False) |
Recomputes the seen parts presentation of the entity aniobj. If allmodes equals true, all presentations are present in the object even if unseen. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | Redisplay (const AIS_KindOfInteractive aTypeOfObject, const Standard_Integer Signature=-1, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Recomputes the Prs/Selection of displayed objects of a given type and a given signature. if signature = -1 doesnt take signature criterion. More... | |
void | RecomputePrsOnly (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean allmodes=Standard_False) |
Recomputes the displayed presentations, flags the others Doesn't update presentations. More... | |
void | RecomputeSelectionOnly (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIObj) |
Recomputes the active selections, flags the others Doesn't update presentations. More... | |
void | Update (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Boolean theUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Updates displayed interactive object by checking and recomputing its flagged as "to be recomputed" presentation and selection structures. This method does not force any recomputation on its own. The method recomputes selections even if they are loaded without activation in particular selector. More... | |
void | SetDisplayMode (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Integer aMode, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Note that display mode 3 is only used if you have an AIS_Textured Shape. More... | |
void | UnsetDisplayMode (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Unsets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetPixelTolerance (const Standard_Integer aPrecision=2) |
Disables the mechanism of adaptive tolerance calculation in SelectMgr_ViewerSelector and sets the given tolerance for ALL sensitive entities activated. For more information, see SelectMgr_ViewerSelector documentation Warning: When a local context is open the sensitivity is apply on it instead on the main context. More... | |
Standard_Integer | PixelTolerance () const |
Returns the pixel tolerance. More... | |
void | SetSelectionSensitivity (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Standard_Integer theMode, const Standard_Integer theNewSensitivity) |
Allows to manage sensitivity of a particular selection of interactive object theObject and changes previous sensitivity value of all sensitive entities in selection with theMode to the given theNewSensitivity. More... | |
void | SetLocation (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const TopLoc_Location &aLocation) |
Puts the location aLocation on the initial graphic representation and the selection for the entity aniobj. In other words, aniobj is visible and selectable at a position other than initial position. Graphic and selection primitives are not recomputed. To clean the view correctly, you must reset the previous location. More... | |
void | ResetLocation (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) |
Puts the entity aniobj back into its initial position. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasLocation (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) const |
Returns true if the entity aniobj has a location. More... | |
TopLoc_Location | Location (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) const |
Returns the location of the entity aniobj. More... | |
void | SetCurrentFacingModel (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Aspect_TypeOfFacingModel aModel=Aspect_TOFM_BOTH_SIDE) |
change the current facing model apply on polygons for SetColor(), SetTransparency(), SetMaterial() methods default facing model is Aspect_TOFM_TWO_SIDE. This mean that attributes is applying both on the front and back face. More... | |
void | SetColor (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Quantity_NameOfColor aColor, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
void | SetColor (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Quantity_Color &aColor, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the color of the selected entity. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnsetColor (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the color selection for the selected entity. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
virtual void | SetWidth (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real aValue, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the width of the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
virtual void | UnsetWidth (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the width setting of the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetMaterial (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial aName, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Provides the type of material setting for the view of the entity aniobj. The range of settings includes: BRASS, BRONZE, GOLD, PEWTER, SILVER, STONE. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnsetMaterial (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the type of material setting for viewing the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetTransparency (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real aValue=0.6, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Provides the transparency settings for viewing the entity aniobj. The transparency value aValue may be between 0.0, opaque, and 1.0, fully transparent. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnsetTransparency (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the transparency settings for viewing the entity aniobj. The transparency value aValue may be between 0.0, opaque, and 1.0, fully transparent. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetLocalAttributes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the attributes of the interactive object aniobj by plugging the attribute manager aDrawer into the local context. The graphic attributes of aDrawer such as visualization mode, color, and material, are then used to display aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnsetLocalAttributes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the settings for local attributes of the entity anObj and returns to the Neutral Point attributes or those of the previous local context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetPolygonOffsets (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Integer aMode, const Standard_ShortReal aFactor=1.0, const Standard_ShortReal aUnits=0.0, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets up polygon offsets for the given AIS_InteractiveObject. It simply calls anObj->SetPolygonOffsets() More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasPolygonOffsets (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj) const |
simply calls anObj->HasPolygonOffsets() More... | |
void | PolygonOffsets (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, Standard_Integer &aMode, Standard_ShortReal &aFactor, Standard_ShortReal &aUnits) const |
Retrieves current polygon offsets settings for <anObj>. More... | |
void | SetTrihedronSize (const Standard_Real aSize, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the size aSize of the trihedron. Is used to change the default value 100 mm for display of trihedra. Use of this function in one of your own interactive objects requires a call to the Compute function of the new class. This will recalculate the presentation for every trihedron displayed. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
Standard_Real | TrihedronSize () const |
returns the current value of trihedron size. More... | |
void | SetPlaneSize (const Standard_Real aSizeX, const Standard_Real aSizeY, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the plane size defined by the length in the X direction XSize and that in the Y direction YSize. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SetPlaneSize (const Standard_Real aSize, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the plane size aSize. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. May be used if PlaneSize returns true. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | PlaneSize (Standard_Real &XSize, Standard_Real &YSize) const |
Returns true if the length in the X direction XSize is the same as that in the Y direction YSize. More... | |
AIS_DisplayStatus | DisplayStatus (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj) const |
Returns the display status of the entity anIobj. This will be one of the following: More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsDisplayed (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj) const |
Returns true if anIobj is displayed in the interactive context. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsDisplayed (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Integer aMode) const |
Standard_Boolean | IsHilighted (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj) const |
Returns true if the object is marked as highlighted via its global status. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsHilighted (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner) const |
Returns true if the owner is marked as selected. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HighlightStyle (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > &theStyle) const |
Returns highlight style of the object if it is marked as highlighted via global status. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HighlightStyle (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > &theStyle) const |
Returns highlight style of the owner if it is selected. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DisplayPriority (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj) const |
Returns the display priority of the entity anIobj. This will be display mode of anIobj if it is in the main viewer. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasColor (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) const |
Returns true if a view of the Interactive Object aniobj has color. More... | |
Quantity_NameOfColor | Color (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) const |
void | Color (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, Quantity_Color &acolor) const |
Returns the color Color of the entity aniobj in the interactive context. More... | |
virtual Standard_Real | Width (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj) const |
Returns the width of the Interactive Object aniobj in the interactive context. More... | |
void | Status (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, TCollection_ExtendedString &astatus) const |
Returns the status astatus of the Interactive Context for the view of the Interactive Object anObj. More... | |
void | SetTransformPersistence (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Handle< Graphic3d_TransformPers > &theTrsfPers) |
Sets transform persistence. More... | |
Standard_DEPRECATED ("This method is deprecated - SetTransformPersistence() taking Graphic3d_TransformPers should be called instead") void SetTransformPersistence(const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj | |
Standard_Integer | DisplayMode () const |
Returns the display mode setting. Note that mode 3 is only used. More... | |
const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | HighlightStyle () const |
Returns current dynamic highlight style settings. By default: More... | |
void | SetHighlightStyle (const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > &theStyle) |
Setup the style of dynamic highlighting. More... | |
const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | SelectionStyle () const |
Returns current selection style settings. By default: More... | |
void | SetSelectionStyle (const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > &theStyle) |
Setup the style of selection highlighting. More... | |
Quantity_NameOfColor | PreSelectionColor () const |
Returns the name of the color used to show preselection. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GREEN. More... | |
Quantity_NameOfColor | DefaultColor () const |
Returns the name of the color used by default. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GOLDENROD. More... | |
const Quantity_Color & | SubIntensityColor () const |
Sub-intensity allows temporary highlighting of particular objects with specified color in a manner of selection highlight, but without actual selection (e.g., global status and owner's selection state will not be updated). The method returns the color of such highlighting. By default, it is Quantity_NOC_GRAY40. More... | |
void | SetSubIntensityColor (const Quantity_Color &theColor) |
Sub-intensity allows temporary highlighting of particular objects with specified color in a manner of selection highlight, but without actual selection (e.g., global status and owner's selection state will not be updated). The method sets up the color for such highlighting. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GRAY40. More... | |
void | SetPreselectionColor (const Quantity_NameOfColor aCol) |
Allows you to set the color used to show preselection. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GREEN. A preselected entity is one which has been selected as the domain of application of a function such as a fillet. More... | |
void | SetDisplayMode (const Standard_Integer AMode, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Note that display mode 3 is only used if you have an AIS_Textured Shape. More... | |
void | SetDeviationCoefficient (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real aCoefficient, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient aCoefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. default 0.001. More... | |
void | SetDeviationAngle (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real anAngle, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
void | SetAngleAndDeviation (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real anAngle, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Calls the AIS_Shape SetAngleAndDeviation to set both Angle and Deviation coefficients. More... | |
void | SetHLRDeviationCoefficient (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real aCoefficient, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient for removal of hidden lines created by different viewpoints in different presentations. The Default value is 0.02. More... | |
void | SetHLRDeviationAngle (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real anAngle, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
void | SetHLRAngleAndDeviation (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Real anAngle, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Computes a HLRAngle and a HLRDeviationCoefficient by means of the angle anAngle and sets the corresponding methods in the default drawing tool with these values. More... | |
void | SetDeviationCoefficient (const Standard_Real aCoefficient) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient aCoefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. default 0.001. More... | |
Standard_Real | DeviationCoefficient () const |
Returns the deviation coefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through Prs3d_Drawer::SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. More... | |
void | SetDeviationAngle (const Standard_Real anAngle) |
default 12 degrees More... | |
Standard_Real | DeviationAngle () const |
void | SetHLRDeviationCoefficient (const Standard_Real aCoefficient) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient for removal of hidden lines created by different viewpoints in different presentations. The Default value is 0.02. More... | |
Standard_Real | HLRDeviationCoefficient () const |
Returns the real number value of the hidden line removal deviation coefficient. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient give the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. To find the hidden lines, hidden line display mode entails recalculation of the view at each different projector perspective. Because hidden lines entail calculations of more than usual complexity to decompose them into these triangles, a deviation coefficient allowing greater tolerance is used. This increases efficiency in calculation. The Default value is 0.02. More... | |
void | SetHLRAngle (const Standard_Real anAngle) |
Sets the HLR angle anAngle. More... | |
Standard_Real | HLRAngle () const |
Returns the real number value of the deviation angle in hidden line removal views in this interactive context. The default value is 20*PI/180. More... | |
void | SetHLRAngleAndDeviation (const Standard_Real anAngle) |
compute with anangle a HLRAngle and a HLRDeviationCoefficient and set them in myHLRAngle and in myHLRDeviationCoefficient of myDefaultDrawer ; anAngle is in radian ; ( 1 deg < angle in deg < 20 deg) More... | |
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > | HiddenLineAspect () const |
Initializes hidden line aspect in the default drawing tool, or Drawer. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_DASH Width: 1. More... | |
void | SetHiddenLineAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > &anAspect) const |
Sets the hidden line aspect anAspect. anAspect defines display attributes for hidden lines in HLR projections. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | DrawHiddenLine () const |
returns Standard_True if the hidden lines are to be drawn. By default the hidden lines are not drawn. More... | |
void | EnableDrawHiddenLine () const |
void | DisableDrawHiddenLine () const |
void | SetIsoNumber (const Standard_Integer NbIsos, const AIS_TypeOfIso WhichIsos=AIS_TOI_Both) |
Sets the number of U and V isoparameters displayed. More... | |
Standard_Integer | IsoNumber (const AIS_TypeOfIso WhichIsos=AIS_TOI_Both) |
Returns the number of U and V isoparameters displayed. More... | |
void | IsoOnPlane (const Standard_Boolean SwitchOn) |
Returns True if drawing isoparameters on planes is enabled. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsoOnPlane () const |
Returns True if drawing isoparameters on planes is enabled. if <forUIsos> = False,. More... | |
void | IsoOnTriangulation (const Standard_Boolean theIsEnabled, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject) |
Enables or disables on-triangulation build for isolines for a particular object. In case if on-triangulation builder is disabled, default on-plane builder will compute isolines for the object given. More... | |
void | IsoOnTriangulation (const Standard_Boolean theToSwitchOn) |
Enables or disables on-triangulation build for isolines for default drawer. In case if on-triangulation builder is disabled, default on-plane builder will compute isolines for the object given. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsoOnTriangulation () const |
Returns true if drawing isolines on triangulation algorithm is enabled. More... | |
void | SetSelectedAspect (const Handle< Prs3d_BasicAspect > &anAspect, const Standard_Boolean globalChange=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean updateViewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the graphic basic aspect to the current presentation of ALL selected objects. Flag globalChange has no effect (left to simplify porting). Updates the viewer when <updateViewer> is TRUE. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfDetection | MoveTo (const Standard_Integer theXPix, const Standard_Integer theYPix, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToRedrawOnUpdate=Standard_True) |
Relays mouse position in pixels theXPix and theYPix to the interactive context selectors. This is done by the view theView passing this position to the main viewer and updating it. Functions in both Neutral Point and local contexts. If theToRedrawOnUpdate is set to false, callee should call RedrawImmediate() to highlight detected object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasNextDetected () const |
returns True if other entities were detected in the last mouse detection More... | |
Standard_Integer | HilightNextDetected (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToRedrawImmediate=Standard_True) |
if more than 1 object is detected by the selector, only the "best" owner is hilighted at the mouse position. This Method allows the user to hilight one after another the other detected entities. if The method select is called, the selected entity will be the hilighted one! returns the Rank of hilighted entity WARNING : Loop Method. When all the detected entities have been hilighted , the next call will hilight the first one again More... | |
Standard_Integer | HilightPreviousDetected (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theToRedrawImmediate=Standard_True) |
Same as previous methods in reverse direction... More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | AddSelect (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theObject) |
Adds object in the selection. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | AddSelect (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject) |
Adds object in the selection. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | Select (const Standard_Integer XPMin, const Standard_Integer YPMin, const Standard_Integer XPMax, const Standard_Integer YPMax, const Handle< V3d_View > &aView, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Selects everything found in the bounding rectangle defined by the pixel minima and maxima, XPMin, YPMin, XPMax, and YPMax in the view, aView The objects detected are passed to the main viewer, which is then updated. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | Select (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &Polyline, const Handle< V3d_View > &aView, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
polyline selection; clears the previous picked list More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | Select (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Stores and hilights the previous detected; Unhilights the previous picked. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | ShiftSelect (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
adds the last detected to the list of previous picked. if the last detected was already declared as picked, removes it from the Picked List. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | ShiftSelect (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d &Polyline, const Handle< V3d_View > &aView, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
adds the last detected to the list of previous picked. if the last detected was already declared as picked, removes it from the Picked List. More... | |
AIS_StatusOfPick | ShiftSelect (const Standard_Integer XPMin, const Standard_Integer YPMin, const Standard_Integer XPMax, const Standard_Integer YPMax, const Handle< V3d_View > &aView, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
rectangle of selection ; adds new detected entities into the picked list, removes the detected entities that were already stored... More... | |
void | SetToHilightSelected (const Standard_Boolean toHilight) |
Specify whether selected object must be hilighted when mouse cursor is moved above it (in MoveTo method). By default this value is false and selected object is not hilighted in this case. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | ToHilightSelected () const |
Return value specified whether selected object must be hilighted when mouse cursor is moved above it. More... | |
void | SetCurrentObject (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | AddOrRemoveCurrentObject (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Standard_Boolean theIsToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Allows to add or remove the object given to the list of current and highlight/unhighlight it correspondingly. Is valid for global context only; for local context use method AddOrRemoveSelected. Since this method makes sence only for neutral point selection of a whole object, if 0 selection of the object is empty this method simply does nothing. More... | |
void | UpdateCurrent () |
Updates the list of current objects, i.e. hilights new current objects, removes hilighting from former current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | WasCurrentTouched () const |
Returns the current selection touched by the cursor. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
void | SetOkCurrent () |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsCurrent (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject) const |
Returns true if there is a non-null interactive object in Neutral Point. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
void | InitCurrent () |
Initializes a scan of the current selected objects in Neutral Point. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | MoreCurrent () const |
Returns true if there is another object found by the scan of the list of current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
void | NextCurrent () |
Continues the scan to the next object in the list of current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > | Current () const |
Returns the current interactive object. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbCurrents () |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | HilightCurrents (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Highlights current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnhilightCurrents (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes highlighting from current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | ClearCurrents (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Empties previous current objects in order to get the current objects detected by the selector using UpdateCurrent. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
const TopoDS_Shape & | DetectedCurrentShape () const |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > | DetectedCurrentObject () const |
![]() | |
Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. More... | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. More... | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. More... | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. More... | |
virtual void | Delete () const |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. More... | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. More... | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. More... | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const |
Get the reference counter of this object. More... | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () const |
Increments the reference counter of this object. More... | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () const |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. More... | |
Data Fields | |
const Standard_Boolean | theIsToUpdateViewer |
const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags & | theFlag |
const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags const gp_Pnt & | thePoint |
AIS_DataMapOfIOStatus | myObjects |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_SelectionManager > | mgrSelector |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > | myMainPM |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< V3d_Viewer > | myMainVwr |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d > | myMainSel |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > | myLastPicked |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > | myLastinMain |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | myWasLastMain |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | myCurrentTouched |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | mySelectedTouched |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | myToHilightSelected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_OrFilter > | myFilters |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > | myDefaultDrawer |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< AIS_Selection > | mySelection |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Quantity_NameOfColor | myDefaultColor |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > | myHiStyle |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > | mySelStyle |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Quantity_NameOfColor | myPreselectionColor |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > | mySubintStyle |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | myDisplayMode |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
AIS_DataMapOfILC | myLocalContexts |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | myCurLocalIndex |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< V3d_View > | mylastmoveview |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
TColStd_SequenceOfInteger | myDetectedSeq |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | myCurDetected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | myCurHighlighted |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | myZDetectionFlag |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | myIsAutoActivateSelMode |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | SetSelected (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwners, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | SetSelected (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Puts the interactive object aniObj in the list of selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | UpdateSelected (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Updates the list of selected objects: i.e. highlights the newely selected ones and unhighlights previously selected objects. More... | |
void | AddOrRemoveSelected (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Allows to highlight or unhighlight the owner given depending on its selection status. More... | |
void | HilightSelected (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Highlights selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | UnhilightSelected (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Removes highlighting from selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | ClearSelected (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Empties previous selected objects in order to get the selected objects detected by the selector using UpdateSelected. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | AddOrRemoveSelected (const TopoDS_Shape &aShape, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
No right to Add a selected Shape (Internal Management of shape Selection). A Previous selected shape may only be removed. More... | |
void | AddOrRemoveSelected (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
Allows to highlight or unhighlight the owner given depending on its selection status. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsSelected (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner) const |
Returns true is the owner given is selected. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsSelected (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj) const |
Returns true is the object given is selected. More... | |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > | FirstSelectedObject () |
Returns the first selected object in the list of current selected. More... | |
void | InitSelected () |
Initializes a scan of the selected objects. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | MoreSelected () const |
Returns true if there is another object found by the scan of the list of selected objects. More... | |
void | NextSelected () |
Continues the scan to the next object in the list of selected objects. More... | |
Standard_Integer | NbSelected () |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasSelectedShape () const |
Returns true if the interactive context has a shape selected in it which results from the decomposition of another entity. If HasSelectedShape returns true, SelectedShape returns the shape which has been shown to be selected. Interactive returns the Interactive Object from which the shape has been selected. If HasSelectedShape returns false, Interactive returns the interactive entity selected by the click of the mouse. More... | |
TopoDS_Shape | SelectedShape () const |
Returns the selected shape. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > | SelectedOwner () const |
Returns the owner of the selected entity resulting from the decomposition of another entity. More... | |
void | EntityOwners (Handle< SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner > &theOwners, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Integer theMode=-1) const |
Returns a collection containing all entity owners created for the interactive object <theIObj> in the selection mode theMode (in all active modes if the Mode == -1) More... | |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > | SelectedInteractive () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasApplicative () const |
Returns true if the applicative object has an owner from Interactive attributed to it. More... | |
Handle< Standard_Transient > | Applicative () const |
Returns the owner of the applicative entity detected in interactive context. The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasDetected () const |
Returns true if there is a mouse-detected entity in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasDetectedShape () const |
Returns true if there is a detected shape in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists. More... | |
const TopoDS_Shape & | DetectedShape () const |
Returns the shape detected in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists. More... | |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > | DetectedInteractive () const |
Returns the interactive objects last detected in open context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists. More... | |
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > | DetectedOwner () const |
returns the owner of the detected sensitive primitive. More... | |
void | InitDetected () |
Initialization for iteration through mouse-detected objects in interactive context or in local context if it is opened. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | MoreDetected () const |
void | NextDetected () |
Gets next current object during iteration through mouse-detected interactive objects. More... | |
Standard_Integer | OpenLocalContext (const Standard_Boolean UseDisplayedObjects=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean AllowShapeDecomposition=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean AcceptEraseOfObjects=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean BothViewers=Standard_False) |
Opens local contexts and specifies how this is to be done. The options listed above function in the following manner: More... | |
void | CloseLocalContext (const Standard_Integer Index=-1, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Allows you to close local contexts. For greater security, you should close the context with the index Index given on opening. When you close a local context, the one before, which is still on the stack, reactivates. If none is left, you return to Neutral Point. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Warning When the index isn't specified, the current context is closed. This option can be dangerous, as other Interactive Functions can open local contexts without necessarily warning the user. More... | |
Standard_Integer | IndexOfCurrentLocal () const |
returns -1 if no opened local context. More... | |
void | CloseAllContexts (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Allows you to close all local contexts at one go and return to Neutral Point. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | ResetOriginalState (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
to be used only with no opened local context.. displays and activates objects in their original state before local contexts were opened... More... | |
void | ClearLocalContext (const AIS_ClearMode TheMode=AIS_CM_All) |
clears Objects/Filters/Activated Modes list in the current opened local context. More... | |
void | UseDisplayedObjects () |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | NotUseDisplayedObjects () |
when a local Context is opened, one is able to use/not use the displayed objects at neutral point at anytime. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | BeginImmediateDraw () |
initializes the list of presentations to be displayed returns False if no local context is opened. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | ImmediateAdd (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Standard_Integer theMode=0) |
returns True if <anIObj> has been stored in the list. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | EndImmediateDraw (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView) |
returns True if the immediate display has been done. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | EndImmediateDraw () |
Uses the First Active View of Main Viewer! returns True if the immediate display has been done. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsImmediateModeOn () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | SetAutomaticHilight (const Standard_Boolean aStatus) |
Sets the highlighting status aStatus of detected and selected entities. Whether you are in Neutral Point or local context, this is automatically managed by the Interactive Context. This function allows you to disconnect the automatic mode. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | AutomaticHilight () const |
Returns true if the automatic highlight mode is active in an open context. More... | |
void | SetZDetection (const Standard_Boolean aStatus=Standard_False) |
Enables/Disables the Z detection. If TRUE the detection echo can be partially hidden by the detected object. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | ZDetection () const |
Retrieves the Z detection state. More... | |
void | Activate (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Integer aMode=0, const Standard_Boolean theIsForce=Standard_False) |
Activates the selection mode aMode whose index is given, for the given interactive entity anIobj. More... | |
void | Deactivate (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIObj) |
Deactivates all the activated selection modes of an object. More... | |
void | Deactivate (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Integer aMode) |
Deactivates all the activated selection modes of the interactive object anIobj with a given selection mode aMode. More... | |
void | ActivatedModes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, TColStd_ListOfInteger &theList) const |
Returns the list of activated selection modes in an open context. More... | |
void | SetShapeDecomposition (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, const Standard_Boolean aStatus) |
to be Used only with opened local context and if <anIobj> is of type shape... if <aStatus> = True <anIobj> will be sensitive to shape selection modes activation. = False, <anIobj> will not be senstive any more. More... | |
void | SetTemporaryAttributes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > &aDrawer, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Sets the temporary graphic attributes of the entity anObj. These are provided by the attribute manager aDrawer and are valid for a particular local context only. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SubIntensityOn (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Highlights, and removes highlights from, the displayed object aniobj which is displayed at Neutral Point with subintensity color; available only for active local context. There is no effect if there is no local context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SubIntensityOff (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &aniobj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Removes the subintensity option for the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. More... | |
void | SubIntensityOn (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
hilights/unhilights displayed objects which are displayed at neutral state with subintensity color; available only for active local context. No effect if no local context. More... | |
void | SubIntensityOff (const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
removes subintensity option for all objects. More... | |
void | AddFilter (const Handle< SelectMgr_Filter > &aFilter) |
Allows you to add the filter aFilter to Neutral Point or to a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters may be active in Neutral Point. More... | |
void | RemoveFilter (const Handle< SelectMgr_Filter > &aFilter) |
Removes a filter from Neutral Point or a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters are activated in Neutral Point. More... | |
void | RemoveFilters () |
Remove a filter to Neutral Point or a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters are active in Neutral Point. More... | |
void | ActivateStandardMode (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aStandardActivation) |
Provides an alternative to the Display methods when activating specific selection modes. This has the effect of activating the corresponding selection mode aStandardActivation for all objects in Local Context which accept decomposition into sub-shapes. Every new Object which has been loaded into the interactive context and which answers these decomposition criteria is automatically activated according to these modes. Warning If you have opened a local context by loading an object with the default options (<AllowShapeDecomposition>= Standard_True), all objects of the "Shape" type are also activated with the same modes. You can act on the state of these "Standard" objects by using SetShapeDecomposition(Status). More... | |
void | DeactivateStandardMode (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum aStandardActivation) |
Provides an alternative to the Display methods when deactivating specific selection modes. This has the effect of deactivating the corresponding selection mode aStandardActivation for all objects in Local Context which accept decomposition into sub-shapes. More... | |
const TColStd_ListOfInteger & | ActivatedStandardModes () const |
Returns the list of activated standard selection modes available in a local context. More... | |
const SelectMgr_ListOfFilter & | Filters () const |
Returns the list of filters active in a local context. More... | |
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & | DefaultDrawer () const |
Returns the default attribute manager. This contains all the color and line attributes which can be used by interactive objects which do not have their own attributes. More... | |
const Handle< V3d_Viewer > & | CurrentViewer () const |
Returns the current viewer. More... | |
void | DisplayedObjects (AIS_ListOfInteractive &aListOfIO, const Standard_Boolean OnlyFromNeutral=Standard_False) const |
Returns the list of displayed objects of a particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals -1. This means that there is a check on type only. More... | |
void | DisplayedObjects (const AIS_KindOfInteractive WhichKind, const Standard_Integer WhichSignature, AIS_ListOfInteractive &aListOfIO, const Standard_Boolean OnlyFromNeutral=Standard_False) const |
gives the list of displayed objects of a particular Type and signature. by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>. More... | |
void | ErasedObjects (AIS_ListOfInteractive &theListOfIO) const |
Returns the list theListOfIO of erased objects (hidden objects) particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals 1. This means that there is a check on type only. More... | |
void | ErasedObjects (const AIS_KindOfInteractive WhichKind, const Standard_Integer WhichSignature, AIS_ListOfInteractive &theListOfIO) const |
gives the list of erased objects (hidden objects) Type and signature by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>. More... | |
void | ObjectsByDisplayStatus (const AIS_DisplayStatus theStatus, AIS_ListOfInteractive &theListOfIO) const |
Returns the list theListOfIO of objects with indicated display status particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals 1. This means that there is a check on type only. More... | |
void | ObjectsByDisplayStatus (const AIS_KindOfInteractive WhichKind, const Standard_Integer WhichSignature, const AIS_DisplayStatus theStatus, AIS_ListOfInteractive &theListOfIO) const |
gives the list of objects with indicated display status Type and signature by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>. More... | |
void | ObjectsInside (AIS_ListOfInteractive &aListOfIO, const AIS_KindOfInteractive WhichKind=AIS_KOI_None, const Standard_Integer WhichSignature=-1) const |
fills <aListOfIO> with objects of a particular Type and Signature with no consideration of display status. by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>. if <WhichKind> = AIS_KOI_None and <WhichSignature> = -1, all the objects are put into the list. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | HasOpenedContext () const |
Returns true if there is an open context. More... | |
Handle< AIS_LocalContext > | LocalContext () const |
This method is only intended for advanced operation, particularly with the aim to improve performance when many objects have to be selected together. Otherwise, you should use other (non-internal) methods of class AIS_InteractiveContext without trying to obtain an instance of AIS_LocalContext. More... | |
const Handle< SelectMgr_SelectionManager > & | SelectionManager () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d > & | MainPrsMgr () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
const Handle< StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d > & | MainSelector () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Handle< StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d > | LocalSelector () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | PurgeDisplay () |
Clears all the structures which don't belong to objects displayed at neutral point only effective when no Local Context is opened... returns the number of removed structures from the viewers. More... | |
Standard_Integer | HighestIndex () const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | DisplayActiveSensitive (const Handle< V3d_View > &aView) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | ClearActiveSensitive (const Handle< V3d_View > &aView) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | FitSelected (const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Real theMargin=0.01, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate=Standard_True) |
Fits the view correspondingly to the bounds of selected objects. Infinite objects are ignored if infinite state of AIS_InteractiveObject is set to true. More... | |
void | DisplayActiveSensitive (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObject, const Handle< V3d_View > &aView) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInLocal (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObject, Standard_Integer &TheIndex) const |
returns if possible, the first local context where the object is seen More... | |
void | RebuildSelectionStructs () |
Rebuilds 1st level of BVH selection forcibly. More... | |
void | SetViewAffinity (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theIsVisible) |
setup object visibility in specified view, has no effect if object is not disaplyed in this context. More... | |
void | Disconnect (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theAssembly, const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObjToDisconnect=NULL) |
Disconnects theObjToDisconnect from theAssembly and removes dependent selection structures. More... | |
void | ObjectsForView (AIS_ListOfInteractive &theListOfIO, const Handle< V3d_View > &theView, const Standard_Boolean theIsVisibleInView, const AIS_DisplayStatus theStatus=AIS_DS_None) const |
Query objects visible or hidden in specified view due to affinity mask. More... | |
void | RedrawImmediate (const Handle< V3d_Viewer > &theViewer) |
Redraws immediate structures in all views of the viewer given taking into account its visibility. More... | |
void | GetDefModes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anIobj, Standard_Integer &Dmode, Standard_Integer &HiMod, Standard_Integer &SelMode) const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | EraseGlobal (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | ClearGlobal (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | ClearGlobalPrs (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &anObj, const Standard_Integer aMode, const Standard_Boolean updateviewer=Standard_True) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | InitAttributes () |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
Standard_Integer | PurgeViewer (const Handle< V3d_Viewer > &Vwr) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check. More... | |
void | redisplayPrsModes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
UNKNOWN. More... | |
void | redisplayPrsRecModes (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theIObj, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdateViewer=Standard_True) |
UNKNOWN. More... | |
void | unhighlightOwners (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject) |
Helper function to unhighlight all entity owners currently highlighted with seleciton color. More... | |
void | highlightWithColor (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Handle< V3d_Viewer > &theViewer=NULL) |
Helper function that highlights the owner given with <theStyle> without performing AutoHighlight checks, e.g. is used for dynamic highlight. More... | |
void | highlightSelected (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner) |
Helper function that highlights the owner given with <theStyle> with check for AutoHighlight, e.g. is used for selection. More... | |
void | highlightGlobal (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > &theStyle, const Standard_Integer theMode) const |
Helper function that highlights global owner of the object given with <theStyle> with check for AutoHighlight, e.g. is used for selection. If global owner is null, it simply highlights the whole object. More... | |
void | unhighlightSelected (const Standard_Boolean theIsToHilightSubIntensity=Standard_False) |
Helper function that unhighlights all owners that are stored in current AIS_Selection. The function updates global status and selection state of owner and interactive object. If the parameter <theIsToHilightSubIntensity> is set to true, interactive objects with sub-intensity switched on in AIS_GlobalStatus will be highlighted with context's sub-intensity color. More... | |
void | unhighlightGlobal (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj, const Standard_Integer theMode) const |
Helper function that unhighlights global selection owner of given interactive. The function does not perform any updates of global or owner status. More... | |
void | turnOnSubintensity (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject=NULL, const Standard_Integer theDispMode=-1, const Standard_Boolean theIsDisplayedOnly=Standard_True) const |
Helper function that turns on sub-intensity in global status and highlights given objects with sub-intensity color. More... | |
void | highlightWithSubintensity (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObject, const Standard_Integer theMode) const |
Helper function that highlights the object with sub-intensity color without any checks. More... | |
void | highlightWithSubintensity (const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > &theOwner, const Standard_Integer theMode) const |
Helper function that highlights the owner with sub-intensity color without any checks. More... | |
const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | getHiStyle (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj) const |
Helper function that returns correct dynamic highlight style for the object: if custom style is defined via object's highlight drawer, it will be used. Otherwise, dynamic highlight style of interactive context will be returned. More... | |
const Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | getSelStyle (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj) const |
Helper function that returns correct selection style for the object: if custom style is defined via object's highlight drawer, it will be used. Otherwise, selection style of interactive context will be returned. More... | |
void | setContextToObject (const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > &theObj) |
Assign the context to the object or throw exception if object was already assigned to another context. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
![]() | |
static const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. More... | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. More... | |
The Interactive Context allows you to manage graphic behavior and selection of Interactive Objects in one or more viewers. Class methods make this highly transparent. It is essential to remember that an Interactive Object which is already known by the Interactive Context must be modified using Context methods. You can only directly call the methods available for an Interactive Object if it has not been loaded into an Interactive Context. You must distinguish two states in the Interactive Context:
AIS_InteractiveContext::AIS_InteractiveContext | ( | const Handle< V3d_Viewer > & | MainViewer | ) |
Constructs the interactive context object defined by the principal viewer MainViewer.
virtual |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Activate | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode = 0 , |
const Standard_Boolean | theIsForce = Standard_False |
) |
Activates the selection mode aMode whose index is given, for the given interactive entity anIobj.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ActivatedModes | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
TColStd_ListOfInteger & | theList | ||
) | const |
Returns the list of activated selection modes in an open context.
const TColStd_ListOfInteger& AIS_InteractiveContext::ActivatedStandardModes | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of activated standard selection modes available in a local context.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ActivateStandardMode | ( | const TopAbs_ShapeEnum | aStandardActivation | ) |
Provides an alternative to the Display methods when activating specific selection modes. This has the effect of activating the corresponding selection mode aStandardActivation for all objects in Local Context which accept decomposition into sub-shapes. Every new Object which has been loaded into the interactive context and which answers these decomposition criteria is automatically activated according to these modes. Warning If you have opened a local context by loading an object with the default options (<AllowShapeDecomposition>= Standard_True), all objects of the "Shape" type are also activated with the same modes. You can act on the state of these "Standard" objects by using SetShapeDecomposition(Status).
void AIS_InteractiveContext::AddFilter | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_Filter > & | aFilter | ) |
Allows you to add the filter aFilter to Neutral Point or to a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters may be active in Neutral Point.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveCurrentObject | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObj, |
const Standard_Boolean | theIsToUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Allows to add or remove the object given to the list of current and highlight/unhighlight it correspondingly. Is valid for global context only; for local context use method AddOrRemoveSelected. Since this method makes sence only for neutral point selection of a whole object, if 0 selection of the object is empty this method simply does nothing.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveSelected | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Allows to highlight or unhighlight the owner given depending on its selection status.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveSelected | ( | const TopoDS_Shape & | aShape, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
No right to Add a selected Shape (Internal Management of shape Selection). A Previous selected shape may only be removed.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveSelected | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theOwner, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Allows to highlight or unhighlight the owner given depending on its selection status.
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::AddSelect | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theObject | ) |
Adds object in the selection.
inline |
Adds object in the selection.
Handle< Standard_Transient > AIS_InteractiveContext::Applicative | ( | ) | const |
Returns the owner of the applicative entity detected in interactive context. The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::AutomaticHilight | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the automatic highlight mode is active in an open context.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::BeginImmediateDraw | ( | ) |
initializes the list of presentations to be displayed returns False if no local context is opened.
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ClearCurrents | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Empties previous current objects in order to get the current objects detected by the selector using UpdateCurrent. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ClearLocalContext | ( | const AIS_ClearMode | TheMode = AIS_CM_All | ) |
clears Objects/Filters/Activated Modes list in the current opened local context.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ClearPrs | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode = 0 , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Empties the graphic presentation of the mode indexed by aMode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Warning Removes anIobj. anIobj is still active if it was previously activated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ClearSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Empties previous selected objects in order to get the selected objects detected by the selector using UpdateSelected. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::CloseAllContexts | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Allows you to close all local contexts at one go and return to Neutral Point. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::CloseLocalContext | ( | const Standard_Integer | Index = -1 , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Allows you to close local contexts. For greater security, you should close the context with the index Index given on opening. When you close a local context, the one before, which is still on the stack, reactivates. If none is left, you return to Neutral Point. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Warning When the index isn't specified, the current context is closed. This option can be dangerous, as other Interactive Functions can open local contexts without necessarily warning the user.
Quantity_NameOfColor AIS_InteractiveContext::Color | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj | ) | const |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Color | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
Quantity_Color & | acolor | ||
) | const |
Returns the color Color of the entity aniobj in the interactive context.
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > AIS_InteractiveContext::Current | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current interactive object. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
const Handle< V3d_Viewer >& AIS_InteractiveContext::CurrentViewer | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current viewer.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Deactivate | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIObj | ) |
Deactivates all the activated selection modes of an object.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Deactivate | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode | ||
) |
Deactivates all the activated selection modes of the interactive object anIobj with a given selection mode aMode.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DeactivateStandardMode | ( | const TopAbs_ShapeEnum | aStandardActivation | ) |
Provides an alternative to the Display methods when deactivating specific selection modes. This has the effect of deactivating the corresponding selection mode aStandardActivation for all objects in Local Context which accept decomposition into sub-shapes.
Quantity_NameOfColor AIS_InteractiveContext::DefaultColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the name of the color used by default. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GOLDENROD.
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer >& AIS_InteractiveContext::DefaultDrawer | ( | ) | const |
Returns the default attribute manager. This contains all the color and line attributes which can be used by interactive objects which do not have their own attributes.
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedCurrentObject | ( | ) | const |
const TopoDS_Shape& AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedCurrentShape | ( | ) | const |
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedInteractive | ( | ) | const |
Returns the interactive objects last detected in open context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists.
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedOwner | ( | ) | const |
returns the owner of the detected sensitive primitive.
const TopoDS_Shape& AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedShape | ( | ) | const |
Returns the shape detected in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists.
Standard_Real AIS_InteractiveContext::DeviationAngle | ( | ) | const |
Standard_Real AIS_InteractiveContext::DeviationCoefficient | ( | ) | const |
Returns the deviation coefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through Prs3d_Drawer::SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisableDrawHiddenLine | ( | ) | const |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Disconnect | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theAssembly, |
const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObjToDisconnect = NULL |
) |
Disconnects theObjToDisconnect from theAssembly and removes dependent selection structures.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Display | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Controls the choice between the using the display and selection modes of open local context which you have defined and activating those available by default. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the Interactive Object anIobj is displayed in the default active mode. This will be the object's default display mode, if there is one. Otherwise, it will be the context mode. The Interactive Object's default selection mode is activated. In general, this is 0. This syntax has the same behavior as local context, open or closed. If you want to view the object in open local context without selection, use the syntax below, setting aSelectionMode to -1.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Display | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj, |
const Standard_Integer | theDispMode, | ||
const Standard_Integer | theSelectionMode, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | theToAllowDecomposition = Standard_True , |
const AIS_DisplayStatus | theDispStatus = AIS_DS_None |
) |
Controls the choice between the using the display and selection modes of open local context which you have defined and activating those available by default. If no Local Context is opened. and the Interactive Object theIObj has no display mode of its own, the default display mode, 0, is used. Likewise, if theIObj has no selection mode of its own, the default one, 0, is used. If a local context is open and if theToUpdateViewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. If theSelectionMode equals -1, theIObj will not be activated: it will be displayed but will not be selectable. Use this if you want to view the object in open local context without selection. Note: This option is only available in Local Context. If theToAllowDecomposition equals true, theIObj can have subshapes detected by selection mechanisms. theIObj must be able to give a shape selection modes which fit the AIS_Shape selection modes:
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayActiveSensitive | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObject, |
const Handle< V3d_View > & | aView | ||
) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayAll | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Displays all hidden objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayedObjects | ( | AIS_ListOfInteractive & | aListOfIO, |
const Standard_Boolean | OnlyFromNeutral = Standard_False |
) | const |
Returns the list of displayed objects of a particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals -1. This means that there is a check on type only.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayedObjects | ( | const AIS_KindOfInteractive | WhichKind, |
const Standard_Integer | WhichSignature, | ||
AIS_ListOfInteractive & | aListOfIO, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | OnlyFromNeutral = Standard_False |
) | const |
gives the list of displayed objects of a particular Type and signature. by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayMode | ( | ) | const |
Returns the display mode setting. Note that mode 3 is only used.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayPriority | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj | ) | const |
Returns the display priority of the entity anIobj. This will be display mode of anIobj if it is in the main viewer.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplaySelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Displays selected objects if a local context is open. Displays current objects if there is no active local context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
AIS_DisplayStatus AIS_InteractiveContext::DisplayStatus | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj | ) | const |
Returns the display status of the entity anIobj. This will be one of the following:
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::DrawHiddenLine | ( | ) | const |
returns Standard_True if the hidden lines are to be drawn. By default the hidden lines are not drawn.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::EnableDrawHiddenLine | ( | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::EndImmediateDraw | ( | const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView | ) |
returns True if the immediate display has been done.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::EndImmediateDraw | ( | ) |
Uses the First Active View of Main Viewer! returns True if the immediate display has been done.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::EntityOwners | ( | Handle< SelectMgr_IndexedMapOfOwner > & | theOwners, |
const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj, | ||
const Standard_Integer | theMode = -1 |
) | const |
Returns a collection containing all entity owners created for the interactive object <theIObj> in the selection mode theMode (in all active modes if the Mode == -1)
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Erase | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Hides the object. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show hidden objects, use Display().
void AIS_InteractiveContext::EraseAll | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Hides all objects. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show all hidden objects, use DisplayAll().
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ErasedObjects | ( | AIS_ListOfInteractive & | theListOfIO | ) | const |
Returns the list theListOfIO of erased objects (hidden objects) particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals 1. This means that there is a check on type only.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ErasedObjects | ( | const AIS_KindOfInteractive | WhichKind, |
const Standard_Integer | WhichSignature, | ||
AIS_ListOfInteractive & | theListOfIO | ||
) | const |
gives the list of erased objects (hidden objects) Type and signature by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::EraseSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Hides selected objects. The object's presentations are simply flagged as invisible and therefore excluded from redrawing. To show hidden objects, use Display().
const SelectMgr_ListOfFilter& AIS_InteractiveContext::Filters | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of filters active in a local context.
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > AIS_InteractiveContext::FirstSelectedObject | ( | ) |
Returns the first selected object in the list of current selected.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::FitSelected | ( | const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, |
const Standard_Real | theMargin = 0.01 , |
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdate = Standard_True |
) |
Fits the view correspondingly to the bounds of selected objects. Infinite objects are ignored if infinite state of AIS_InteractiveObject is set to true.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::GetAutoActivateSelection | ( | ) | const |
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
inlineprotected |
Helper function that returns correct dynamic highlight style for the object: if custom style is defined via object's highlight drawer, it will be used. Otherwise, dynamic highlight style of interactive context will be returned.
theObj | [in] the object to check |
inlineprotected |
Helper function that returns correct selection style for the object: if custom style is defined via object's highlight drawer, it will be used. Otherwise, selection style of interactive context will be returned.
theObj | [in] the object to check |
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::GetZLayer | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj | ) | const |
Get Z layer id set for displayed interactive object.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasApplicative | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the applicative object has an owner from Interactive attributed to it.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasColor | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj | ) | const |
Returns true if a view of the Interactive Object aniobj has color.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasDetected | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if there is a mouse-detected entity in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasDetectedShape | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if there is a detected shape in local context. If there is no open local context, the objects selected are called current objects; selected objects if there is one. Iterators allow entities to be recovered in either case. This method is one of a set which allows you to manipulate the objects which have been placed in these two lists.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasLocation | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj | ) | const |
Returns true if the entity aniobj has a location.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasNextDetected | ( | ) | const |
returns True if other entities were detected in the last mouse detection
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasOpenedContext | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if there is an open context.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasPolygonOffsets | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj | ) | const |
simply calls anObj->HasPolygonOffsets()
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HasSelectedShape | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the interactive context has a shape selected in it which results from the decomposition of another entity. If HasSelectedShape returns true, SelectedShape returns the shape which has been shown to be selected. Interactive returns the Interactive Object from which the shape has been selected. If HasSelectedShape returns false, Interactive returns the interactive entity selected by the click of the mouse.
Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > AIS_InteractiveContext::HiddenLineAspect | ( | ) | const |
Initializes hidden line aspect in the default drawing tool, or Drawer. The default values are: Color: Quantity_NOC_YELLOW Type of line: Aspect_TOL_DASH Width: 1.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::HighestIndex | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Helper function that highlights global owner of the object given with <theStyle> with check for AutoHighlight, e.g. is used for selection. If global owner is null, it simply highlights the whole object.
protected |
Helper function that highlights the owner given with <theStyle> with check for AutoHighlight, e.g. is used for selection.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObj, |
Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | theStyle | ||
) | const |
Returns highlight style of the object if it is marked as highlighted via global status.
theObj | [in] the object to check |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theOwner, |
Handle< Graphic3d_HighlightStyle > & | theStyle | ||
) | const |
Returns highlight style of the owner if it is selected.
theOwner | [in] the owner to check |
inline |
Returns current dynamic highlight style settings. By default:
protected |
Helper function that highlights the owner given with <theStyle> without performing AutoHighlight checks, e.g. is used for dynamic highlight.
protected |
Helper function that highlights the object with sub-intensity color without any checks.
theObject | [in] the object that will be highlighted |
theMode | [in] display mode |
protected |
Helper function that highlights the owner with sub-intensity color without any checks.
theOwner | [in] the owner that will be highlighted |
theMode | [in] display mode |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightCurrents | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Highlights current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightNextDetected | ( | const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToRedrawImmediate = Standard_True |
) |
if more than 1 object is detected by the selector, only the "best" owner is hilighted at the mouse position. This Method allows the user to hilight one after another the other detected entities. if The method select is called, the selected entity will be the hilighted one! returns the Rank of hilighted entity WARNING : Loop Method. When all the detected entities have been hilighted , the next call will hilight the first one again
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightPreviousDetected | ( | const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToRedrawImmediate = Standard_True |
) |
Same as previous methods in reverse direction...
void AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Highlights selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
Standard_Real AIS_InteractiveContext::HLRAngle | ( | ) | const |
Returns the real number value of the deviation angle in hidden line removal views in this interactive context. The default value is 20*PI/180.
Standard_Real AIS_InteractiveContext::HLRDeviationCoefficient | ( | ) | const |
Returns the real number value of the hidden line removal deviation coefficient. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient give the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. To find the hidden lines, hidden line display mode entails recalculation of the view at each different projector perspective. Because hidden lines entail calculations of more than usual complexity to decompose them into these triangles, a deviation coefficient allowing greater tolerance is used. This increases efficiency in calculation. The Default value is 0.02.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::ImmediateAdd | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObj, |
const Standard_Integer | theMode = 0 |
) |
returns True if <anIObj> has been stored in the list.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::IndexOfCurrentLocal | ( | ) | const |
returns -1 if no opened local context.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::InitCurrent | ( | ) |
Initializes a scan of the current selected objects in Neutral Point. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::InitDetected | ( | ) |
Initialization for iteration through mouse-detected objects in interactive context or in local context if it is opened.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::InitSelected | ( | ) |
Initializes a scan of the selected objects.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsCurrent | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject | ) | const |
Returns true if there is a non-null interactive object in Neutral Point. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsDisplayed | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj | ) | const |
Returns true if anIobj is displayed in the interactive context.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsDisplayed | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode | ||
) | const |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsHilighted | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObj | ) | const |
Returns true if the object is marked as highlighted via its global status.
theObj | [in] the object to check |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsHilighted | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theOwner | ) | const |
Returns true if the owner is marked as selected.
theOwner | [in] the owner to check |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsImmediateModeOn | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsInLocal | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObject, |
Standard_Integer & | TheIndex | ||
) | const |
returns if possible, the first local context where the object is seen
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoNumber | ( | const AIS_TypeOfIso | WhichIsos = AIS_TOI_Both | ) |
Returns the number of U and V isoparameters displayed.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoOnPlane | ( | const Standard_Boolean | SwitchOn | ) |
Returns True if drawing isoparameters on planes is enabled.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoOnPlane | ( | ) | const |
Returns True if drawing isoparameters on planes is enabled. if <forUIsos> = False,.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoOnTriangulation | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theIsEnabled, |
const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject | ||
) |
Enables or disables on-triangulation build for isolines for a particular object. In case if on-triangulation builder is disabled, default on-plane builder will compute isolines for the object given.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoOnTriangulation | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToSwitchOn | ) |
Enables or disables on-triangulation build for isolines for default drawer. In case if on-triangulation builder is disabled, default on-plane builder will compute isolines for the object given.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsoOnTriangulation | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if drawing isolines on triangulation algorithm is enabled.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsSelected | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theOwner | ) | const |
Returns true is the owner given is selected.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::IsSelected | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObj | ) | const |
Returns true is the object given is selected.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::KeepTemporary | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIObj, |
const Standard_Integer | InWhichLocal = -1 |
) |
Changes the status of a temporary object. It will be kept at the neutral point, i.e. put in the list of displayed objects along withwith its temporary attributes. These include display mode and selection mode, for example. Returns true if done. inWhichLocal gives the local context in which anIObj is displayed. By default, the index -1 refers to the last Local Context opened.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Load | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Integer | SelectionMode = -1 , |
const Standard_Boolean | AllowDecomp = Standard_False |
) |
Allows you to load the Interactive Object aniobj with a given selection mode SelectionMode, and/or with the desired decomposition option, whether the object is visualized or not. If AllowDecomp = Standard_True and, if the interactive object is of the "Shape" type, these "standard" selection modes will be automatically activated as a function of the modes present in the Local Context. The loaded objects will be selectable but displayable in highlighting only when detected by the Selector. This method is available only when Local Contexts are open.
Handle< AIS_LocalContext > AIS_InteractiveContext::LocalContext | ( | ) | const |
This method is only intended for advanced operation, particularly with the aim to improve performance when many objects have to be selected together. Otherwise, you should use other (non-internal) methods of class AIS_InteractiveContext without trying to obtain an instance of AIS_LocalContext.
Handle< StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d > AIS_InteractiveContext::LocalSelector | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
TopLoc_Location AIS_InteractiveContext::Location | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj | ) | const |
Returns the location of the entity aniobj.
const Handle< PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d >& AIS_InteractiveContext::MainPrsMgr | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
const Handle< StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d >& AIS_InteractiveContext::MainSelector | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::MoreCurrent | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if there is another object found by the scan of the list of current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::MoreDetected | ( | ) | const |
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::MoreSelected | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if there is another object found by the scan of the list of selected objects.
AIS_StatusOfDetection AIS_InteractiveContext::MoveTo | ( | const Standard_Integer | theXPix, |
const Standard_Integer | theYPix, | ||
const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | theToRedrawOnUpdate = Standard_True |
) |
Relays mouse position in pixels theXPix and theYPix to the interactive context selectors. This is done by the view theView passing this position to the main viewer and updating it. Functions in both Neutral Point and local contexts. If theToRedrawOnUpdate is set to false, callee should call RedrawImmediate() to highlight detected object.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::NbCurrents | ( | ) |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::NbSelected | ( | ) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::NextCurrent | ( | ) |
Continues the scan to the next object in the list of current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::NextDetected | ( | ) |
Gets next current object during iteration through mouse-detected interactive objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::NextSelected | ( | ) |
Continues the scan to the next object in the list of selected objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::NotUseDisplayedObjects | ( | ) |
when a local Context is opened, one is able to use/not use the displayed objects at neutral point at anytime.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ObjectsByDisplayStatus | ( | const AIS_DisplayStatus | theStatus, |
AIS_ListOfInteractive & | theListOfIO | ||
) | const |
Returns the list theListOfIO of objects with indicated display status particular Type WhichKind and Signature WhichSignature. By Default, WhichSignature equals 1. This means that there is a check on type only.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ObjectsByDisplayStatus | ( | const AIS_KindOfInteractive | WhichKind, |
const Standard_Integer | WhichSignature, | ||
const AIS_DisplayStatus | theStatus, | ||
AIS_ListOfInteractive & | theListOfIO | ||
) | const |
gives the list of objects with indicated display status Type and signature by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ObjectsForView | ( | AIS_ListOfInteractive & | theListOfIO, |
const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | theIsVisibleInView, | ||
const AIS_DisplayStatus | theStatus = AIS_DS_None |
) | const |
Query objects visible or hidden in specified view due to affinity mask.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ObjectsInside | ( | AIS_ListOfInteractive & | aListOfIO, |
const AIS_KindOfInteractive | WhichKind = AIS_KOI_None , |
const Standard_Integer | WhichSignature = -1 |
) | const |
fills <aListOfIO> with objects of a particular Type and Signature with no consideration of display status. by Default, <WhichSignature> = -1 means control only on <WhichKind>. if <WhichKind> = AIS_KOI_None and <WhichSignature> = -1, all the objects are put into the list.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::OpenLocalContext | ( | const Standard_Boolean | UseDisplayedObjects = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | AllowShapeDecomposition = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | AcceptEraseOfObjects = Standard_False , |
const Standard_Boolean | BothViewers = Standard_False |
) |
Opens local contexts and specifies how this is to be done. The options listed above function in the following manner:
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::PixelTolerance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the pixel tolerance.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::PlaneSize | ( | Standard_Real & | XSize, |
Standard_Real & | YSize | ||
) | const |
Returns true if the length in the X direction XSize is the same as that in the Y direction YSize.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::PolygonOffsets | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
Standard_Integer & | aMode, | ||
Standard_ShortReal & | aFactor, | ||
Standard_ShortReal & | aUnits | ||
) | const |
Retrieves current polygon offsets settings for <anObj>.
Quantity_NameOfColor AIS_InteractiveContext::PreSelectionColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the name of the color used to show preselection. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GREEN.
Standard_Integer AIS_InteractiveContext::PurgeDisplay | ( | ) |
Clears all the structures which don't belong to objects displayed at neutral point only effective when no Local Context is opened... returns the number of removed structures from the viewers.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RebuildSelectionStructs | ( | ) |
Rebuilds 1st level of BVH selection forcibly.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RecomputePrsOnly | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | allmodes = Standard_False |
) |
Recomputes the displayed presentations, flags the others Doesn't update presentations.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RecomputeSelectionOnly | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIObj | ) |
Recomputes the active selections, flags the others Doesn't update presentations.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Redisplay | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | allmodes = Standard_False |
) |
Recomputes the seen parts presentation of the entity aniobj. If allmodes equals true, all presentations are present in the object even if unseen. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Redisplay | ( | const AIS_KindOfInteractive | aTypeOfObject, |
const Standard_Integer | Signature = -1 , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Recomputes the Prs/Selection of displayed objects of a given type and a given signature. if signature = -1 doesnt take signature criterion.
protected |
protected |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RedrawImmediate | ( | const Handle< V3d_Viewer > & | theViewer | ) |
Redraws immediate structures in all views of the viewer given taking into account its visibility.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Remove | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes aniobj from every viewer. aniobj is no longer referenced in the Context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RemoveAll | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Removes all the objects from all opened Local Contexts and from the Neutral Point.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RemoveFilter | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_Filter > & | aFilter | ) |
Removes a filter from Neutral Point or a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters are activated in Neutral Point.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::RemoveFilters | ( | ) |
Remove a filter to Neutral Point or a local context if one or more selection modes have been activated. Only type filters are active in Neutral Point.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ResetLocation | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj | ) |
Puts the entity aniobj back into its initial position.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::ResetOriginalState | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
to be used only with no opened local context.. displays and activates objects in their original state before local contexts were opened...
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::Select | ( | const Standard_Integer | XPMin, |
const Standard_Integer | YPMin, | ||
const Standard_Integer | XPMax, | ||
const Standard_Integer | YPMax, | ||
const Handle< V3d_View > & | aView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Selects everything found in the bounding rectangle defined by the pixel minima and maxima, XPMin, YPMin, XPMax, and YPMax in the view, aView The objects detected are passed to the main viewer, which is then updated.
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::Select | ( | const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d & | Polyline, |
const Handle< V3d_View > & | aView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
polyline selection; clears the previous picked list
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::Select | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Stores and hilights the previous detected; Unhilights the previous picked.
Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > AIS_InteractiveContext::SelectedInteractive | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > AIS_InteractiveContext::SelectedOwner | ( | ) | const |
Returns the owner of the selected entity resulting from the decomposition of another entity.
TopoDS_Shape AIS_InteractiveContext::SelectedShape | ( | ) | const |
Returns the selected shape.
const Handle< SelectMgr_SelectionManager >& AIS_InteractiveContext::SelectionManager | ( | ) | const |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
inline |
Returns current selection style settings. By default:
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetAngleAndDeviation | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | anAngle, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Calls the AIS_Shape SetAngleAndDeviation to set both Angle and Deviation coefficients.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetAutoActivateSelection | ( | const Standard_Boolean | Auto | ) |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetAutomaticHilight | ( | const Standard_Boolean | aStatus | ) |
Sets the highlighting status aStatus of detected and selected entities. Whether you are in Neutral Point or local context, this is automatically managed by the Interactive Context. This function allows you to disconnect the automatic mode.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetColor | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Quantity_NameOfColor | aColor, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetColor | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Quantity_Color & | aColor, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the color of the selected entity. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
inlineprotected |
Assign the context to the object or throw exception if object was already assigned to another context.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetCurrentFacingModel | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Aspect_TypeOfFacingModel | aModel = Aspect_TOFM_BOTH_SIDE |
) |
change the current facing model apply on polygons for SetColor(), SetTransparency(), SetMaterial() methods default facing model is Aspect_TOFM_TWO_SIDE. This mean that attributes is applying both on the front and back face.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetCurrentObject | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDeviationAngle | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | anAngle, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDeviationAngle | ( | const Standard_Real | anAngle | ) |
default 12 degrees
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDeviationCoefficient | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | aCoefficient, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient aCoefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. default 0.001.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDeviationCoefficient | ( | const Standard_Real | aCoefficient | ) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient. Drawings of curves or patches are made with respect to a maximal chordal deviation. A Deviation coefficient is used in the shading display mode. The shape is seen decomposed into triangles. These are used to calculate reflection of light from the surface of the object. The triangles are formed from chords of the curves in the shape. The deviation coefficient aCoefficient gives the highest value of the angle with which a chord can deviate from a tangent to a curve. If this limit is reached, a new triangle is begun. This deviation is absolute and is set through the method: SetMaximalChordialDeviation. The default value is 0.001. In drawing shapes, however, you are allowed to ask for a relative deviation. This deviation will be: SizeOfObject * DeviationCoefficient. default 0.001.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDisplayMode | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Note that display mode 3 is only used if you have an AIS_Textured Shape.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDisplayMode | ( | const Standard_Integer | AMode, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Note that display mode 3 is only used if you have an AIS_Textured Shape.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetDisplayPriority | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Integer | aPriority | ||
) |
Sets the display priority aPriority of the seen parts presentation of the entity anIobj.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHiddenLineAspect | ( | const Handle< Prs3d_LineAspect > & | anAspect | ) | const |
Sets the hidden line aspect anAspect. anAspect defines display attributes for hidden lines in HLR projections.
inline |
Setup the style of dynamic highlighting.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRAngle | ( | const Standard_Real | anAngle | ) |
Sets the HLR angle anAngle.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRAngleAndDeviation | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | anAngle, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Computes a HLRAngle and a HLRDeviationCoefficient by means of the angle anAngle and sets the corresponding methods in the default drawing tool with these values.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRAngleAndDeviation | ( | const Standard_Real | anAngle | ) |
compute with anangle a HLRAngle and a HLRDeviationCoefficient and set them in myHLRAngle and in myHLRDeviationCoefficient of myDefaultDrawer ; anAngle is in radian ; ( 1 deg < angle in deg < 20 deg)
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRDeviationAngle | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | anAngle, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRDeviationCoefficient | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | aCoefficient, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient for removal of hidden lines created by different viewpoints in different presentations. The Default value is 0.02.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetHLRDeviationCoefficient | ( | const Standard_Real | aCoefficient | ) |
Sets the deviation coefficient aCoefficient for removal of hidden lines created by different viewpoints in different presentations. The Default value is 0.02.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetIsoNumber | ( | const Standard_Integer | NbIsos, |
const AIS_TypeOfIso | WhichIsos = AIS_TOI_Both |
) |
Sets the number of U and V isoparameters displayed.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetLocalAttributes | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & | aDrawer, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the attributes of the interactive object aniobj by plugging the attribute manager aDrawer into the local context. The graphic attributes of aDrawer such as visualization mode, color, and material, are then used to display aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetLocation | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const TopLoc_Location & | aLocation | ||
) |
Puts the location aLocation on the initial graphic representation and the selection for the entity aniobj. In other words, aniobj is visible and selectable at a position other than initial position. Graphic and selection primitives are not recomputed. To clean the view correctly, you must reset the previous location.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetMaterial | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial | aName, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Provides the type of material setting for the view of the entity aniobj. The range of settings includes: BRASS, BRONZE, GOLD, PEWTER, SILVER, STONE. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetOkCurrent | ( | ) |
Updates the view of the current object in open context. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPixelTolerance | ( | const Standard_Integer | aPrecision = 2 | ) |
Disables the mechanism of adaptive tolerance calculation in SelectMgr_ViewerSelector and sets the given tolerance for ALL sensitive entities activated. For more information, see SelectMgr_ViewerSelector documentation Warning: When a local context is open the sensitivity is apply on it instead on the main context.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPlaneSize | ( | const Standard_Real | aSizeX, |
const Standard_Real | aSizeY, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the plane size defined by the length in the X direction XSize and that in the Y direction YSize. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPlaneSize | ( | const Standard_Real | aSize, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the plane size aSize. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. May be used if PlaneSize returns true.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPolygonOffsets | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
const Standard_Integer | aMode, | ||
const Standard_ShortReal | aFactor = 1.0 , |
const Standard_ShortReal | aUnits = 0.0 , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets up polygon offsets for the given AIS_InteractiveObject. It simply calls anObj->SetPolygonOffsets()
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPreselectionColor | ( | const Quantity_NameOfColor | aCol | ) |
Allows you to set the color used to show preselection. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GREEN. A preselected entity is one which has been selected as the domain of application of a function such as a fillet.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetSelected | ( | const Handle< SelectMgr_EntityOwner > & | theOwners, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetSelected | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject, |
const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Puts the interactive object aniObj in the list of selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated. Performs selection filters check.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetSelectedAspect | ( | const Handle< Prs3d_BasicAspect > & | anAspect, |
const Standard_Boolean | globalChange = Standard_True , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the graphic basic aspect to the current presentation of ALL selected objects. Flag globalChange has no effect (left to simplify porting). Updates the viewer when <updateViewer> is TRUE.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetSelectionSensitivity | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject, |
const Standard_Integer | theMode, | ||
const Standard_Integer | theNewSensitivity | ||
) |
Allows to manage sensitivity of a particular selection of interactive object theObject and changes previous sensitivity value of all sensitive entities in selection with theMode to the given theNewSensitivity.
inline |
Setup the style of selection highlighting.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetShapeDecomposition | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anIobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | aStatus | ||
) |
to be Used only with opened local context and if <anIobj> is of type shape... if <aStatus> = True <anIobj> will be sensitive to shape selection modes activation. = False, <anIobj> will not be senstive any more.
inline |
Sub-intensity allows temporary highlighting of particular objects with specified color in a manner of selection highlight, but without actual selection (e.g., global status and owner's selection state will not be updated). The method sets up the color for such highlighting. By default, this is Quantity_NOC_GRAY40.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetTemporaryAttributes | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
const Handle< Prs3d_Drawer > & | aDrawer, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the temporary graphic attributes of the entity anObj. These are provided by the attribute manager aDrawer and are valid for a particular local context only. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetToHilightSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | toHilight | ) |
Specify whether selected object must be hilighted when mouse cursor is moved above it (in MoveTo method). By default this value is false and selected object is not hilighted in this case.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetTransformPersistence | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theObject, |
const Handle< Graphic3d_TransformPers > & | theTrsfPers | ||
) |
Sets transform persistence.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetTransparency | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Real | aValue = 0.6 , |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Provides the transparency settings for viewing the entity aniobj. The transparency value aValue may be between 0.0, opaque, and 1.0, fully transparent. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetTrihedronSize | ( | const Standard_Real | aSize, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Sets the size aSize of the trihedron. Is used to change the default value 100 mm for display of trihedra. Use of this function in one of your own interactive objects requires a call to the Compute function of the new class. This will recalculate the presentation for every trihedron displayed. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetViewAffinity | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj, |
const Handle< V3d_View > & | theView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | theIsVisible | ||
) |
setup object visibility in specified view, has no effect if object is not disaplyed in this context.
virtual |
Sets the width of the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetZDetection | ( | const Standard_Boolean | aStatus = Standard_False | ) |
Enables/Disables the Z detection. If TRUE the detection echo can be partially hidden by the detected object.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SetZLayer | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj, |
const Standard_Integer | theLayerId | ||
) |
Set Z layer id for interactive object. The Z layers can be used to display temporarily presentations of some object in front of the other objects in the scene. The ids for Z layers are generated by V3d_Viewer.
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
adds the last detected to the list of previous picked. if the last detected was already declared as picked, removes it from the Picked List.
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect | ( | const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d & | Polyline, |
const Handle< V3d_View > & | aView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
adds the last detected to the list of previous picked. if the last detected was already declared as picked, removes it from the Picked List.
AIS_StatusOfPick AIS_InteractiveContext::ShiftSelect | ( | const Standard_Integer | XPMin, |
const Standard_Integer | YPMin, | ||
const Standard_Integer | XPMax, | ||
const Standard_Integer | YPMax, | ||
const Handle< V3d_View > & | aView, | ||
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
rectangle of selection ; adds new detected entities into the picked list, removes the detected entities that were already stored...
AIS_InteractiveContext::Standard_DEPRECATED | ( | "Deprecated method Hilight()" | ) | const |
Updates the display in the viewer to take dynamic detection into account. On dynamic detection by the mouse cursor, sensitive primitives are highlighted. The highlight color of entities detected by mouse movement is white by default. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
AIS_InteractiveContext::Standard_DEPRECATED | ( | "This method is deprecated - SetTransformPersistence() taking Graphic3d_TransformPers should be called instead" | ) | const |
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Status | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
TCollection_ExtendedString & | astatus | ||
) | const |
Returns the status astatus of the Interactive Context for the view of the Interactive Object anObj.
inline |
Sub-intensity allows temporary highlighting of particular objects with specified color in a manner of selection highlight, but without actual selection (e.g., global status and owner's selection state will not be updated). The method returns the color of such highlighting. By default, it is Quantity_NOC_GRAY40.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SubIntensityOff | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes the subintensity option for the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SubIntensityOff | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
removes subintensity option for all objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SubIntensityOn | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Highlights, and removes highlights from, the displayed object aniobj which is displayed at Neutral Point with subintensity color; available only for active local context. There is no effect if there is no local context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::SubIntensityOn | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
hilights/unhilights displayed objects which are displayed at neutral state with subintensity color; available only for active local context. No effect if no local context.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::ToHilightSelected | ( | ) | const |
Return value specified whether selected object must be hilighted when mouse cursor is moved above it.
Standard_Real AIS_InteractiveContext::TrihedronSize | ( | ) | const |
returns the current value of trihedron size.
protected |
Helper function that turns on sub-intensity in global status and highlights given objects with sub-intensity color.
theObject | [in] the object. If NULL is given, than sub-intensity will be turned on for all inveractive objects of the context |
theDispMode | [in] display mode. If -1 is given, sub-intensity will be turned on for all display modes in global status's list of modes |
theIsDisplayedOnly | [in] is true if sub-intensity should be applied only to objects with status AIS_DS_Displayed |
protected |
Helper function that unhighlights global selection owner of given interactive. The function does not perform any updates of global or owner status.
protected |
Helper function to unhighlight all entity owners currently highlighted with seleciton color.
protected |
Helper function that unhighlights all owners that are stored in current AIS_Selection. The function updates global status and selection state of owner and interactive object. If the parameter <theIsToHilightSubIntensity> is set to true, interactive objects with sub-intensity switched on in AIS_GlobalStatus will be highlighted with context's sub-intensity color.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Unhilight | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes hilighting from the entity aniobj. Updates the viewer. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnhilightCurrents | ( | const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True | ) |
Removes highlighting from current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnhilightSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Removes highlighting from selected objects. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnsetColor | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes the color selection for the selected entity. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnsetDisplayMode | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Unsets the display mode of seen Interactive Objects. aMode provides the display mode index of the entity aniobj. If updateviewer equals Standard_True, the predominant mode aMode will overule the context mode. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object returns to the default selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnsetLocalAttributes | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes the settings for local attributes of the entity anObj and returns to the Neutral Point attributes or those of the previous local context. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnsetMaterial | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | anObj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes the type of material setting for viewing the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UnsetTransparency | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | aniobj, |
const Standard_Boolean | updateviewer = Standard_True |
) |
Removes the transparency settings for viewing the entity aniobj. The transparency value aValue may be between 0.0, opaque, and 1.0, fully transparent. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
virtual |
Removes the width setting of the entity aniobj. If a local context is open and if updateviewer equals Standard_False, the presentation of the Interactive Object activates the selection mode; the object is displayed but no viewer will be updated.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::Update | ( | const Handle< AIS_InteractiveObject > & | theIObj, |
const Standard_Boolean | theUpdateViewer = Standard_True |
) |
Updates displayed interactive object by checking and recomputing its flagged as "to be recomputed" presentation and selection structures. This method does not force any recomputation on its own. The method recomputes selections even if they are loaded without activation in particular selector.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UpdateCurrent | ( | ) |
Updates the list of current objects, i.e. hilights new current objects, removes hilighting from former current objects. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UpdateSelected | ( | const Standard_Boolean | theToUpdateViewer = Standard_True | ) |
Updates the list of selected objects: i.e. highlights the newely selected ones and unhighlights previously selected objects.
void AIS_InteractiveContext::UseDisplayedObjects | ( | ) |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::WasCurrentTouched | ( | ) | const |
Returns the current selection touched by the cursor. Objects selected when there is no open local context are called current objects; those selected in open local context, selected objects.
virtual |
Returns the width of the Interactive Object aniobj in the interactive context.
Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::ZDetection | ( | ) | const |
Retrieves the Z detection state.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
protected |
Unhighlights previously selected owners and marks them as not selected. Marks owner given as selected and highlights it. Performs selection filters check.
const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags& AIS_InteractiveContext::theFlag |
const Standard_Boolean AIS_InteractiveContext::theIsToUpdateViewer |
const Graphic3d_TransModeFlags const gp_Pnt& AIS_InteractiveContext::thePoint |