| OSD_File () |
| Creates File object. More...
| OSD_File (const OSD_Path &Name) |
| Instantiates the object file, storing its name. More...
| ~OSD_File () |
| Unlocks and closes a file, deletes a descriptor and destructs a file object. More...
void | Build (const OSD_OpenMode Mode, const OSD_Protection &Protect) |
| CREATES a file if it doesn't already exists or empties an existing file. After 'Build', the file is open. If no name was given, ProgramError is raised. More...
void | Open (const OSD_OpenMode Mode, const OSD_Protection &Protect) |
| Opens a File with specific attributes This works only on already existing file. If no name was given, ProgramError is raised. More...
void | Append (const OSD_OpenMode Mode, const OSD_Protection &Protect) |
| Appends data to an existing file. If file doesn't exist, creates it first. After 'Append', the file is open. If no name was given, ProgramError is raised. More...
void | Read (TCollection_AsciiString &Buffer, const Standard_Integer Nbyte) |
| Attempts to read Nbyte bytes from the file associated with the object file. Upon successful completion, Read returns the number of bytes actually read and placed in the Buffer. This number may be less than Nbyte if the number of bytes left in the file is less than Nbyte bytes. In this case only number of read bytes will be placed in the buffer. More...
void | ReadLine (TCollection_AsciiString &Buffer, const Standard_Integer NByte, Standard_Integer &NbyteRead) |
| Reads bytes from the data pointed to by the object file into the buffer <Buffer>. Data is read until <NByte-1> bytes have been read, until a newline character is read and transferred into <Buffer>, or until an EOF (End-of-File) condition is encountered. Upon successful completion, Read returns the number of bytes actually read into <NByteRead> and placed into the Buffer <Buffer>. More...
Standard_Integer | ReadLine (TCollection_AsciiString &Buffer, const Standard_Integer NByte) |
| Reads bytes from the data pointed to by the object file into the buffer <Buffer>. Data is read until <NByte-1> bytes have been read, until a newline character is read and transferred into <Buffer>, or until an EOF (End-of-File) condition is encountered. Upon successful completion, Read returns the number of bytes actually read and placed into the Buffer <Buffer>. More...
void | Read (const Standard_Address Buffer, const Standard_Integer Nbyte, Standard_Integer &Readbyte) |
| Attempts to read Nbyte bytes from the files associated with the object File. Upon successful completion, Read returns the number of bytes actually read and placed in the Buffer. This number may be less than Nbyte if the number of bytes left in the file is less than Nbyte bytes. For this reason the output parameter Readbyte will contain the number of read bytes. More...
void | Write (const TCollection_AsciiString &theBuffer, const Standard_Integer theNbBytes) |
| Attempts to write theNbBytes bytes from the AsciiString to the file. More...
void | Write (const Standard_Address theBuffer, const Standard_Integer theNbBytes) |
| Attempts to write theNbBytes bytes from the buffer pointed to by theBuffer to the file associated to the object File. More...
void | Seek (const Standard_Integer Offset, const OSD_FromWhere Whence) |
| Sets the seek pointer associated with the open file. More...
void | Close () |
| Closes the file (and deletes a descriptor) More...
Standard_Boolean | IsAtEnd () |
| Returns TRUE if the seek pointer is at end of file. More...
OSD_KindFile | KindOfFile () const |
| Returns the kind of file. A file can be a file, a directory or a link. More...
void | BuildTemporary () |
| Makes a temporary File This temporary file is already open ! More...
void | SetLock (const OSD_LockType Lock) |
| Locks current file. More...
void | UnLock () |
| Unlocks current file. More...
OSD_LockType | GetLock () const |
| Returns the current lock state. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsLocked () const |
| Returns TRUE if this file is locked. More...
Standard_Size | Size () |
| Returns actual number of bytes of <me>. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsOpen () const |
| Returns TRUE if <me> is open. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsReadable () |
| returns TRUE if the file exists and if the user has the autorization to read it. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsWriteable () |
| returns TRUE if the file can be read and overwritten. More...
Standard_Boolean | IsExecutable () |
| returns TRUE if the file can be executed. More...
Standard_Boolean | ReadLastLine (TCollection_AsciiString &aLine, const Standard_Integer aDelay, const Standard_Integer aNbTries) |
| Enables to emulate unix "tail -f" command. If a line is available in the file <me> returns it. Otherwise attemps to read again aNbTries times in the file waiting aDelay seconds between each read. If meanwhile the file increases returns the next line, otherwise returns FALSE. More...
Standard_Boolean | Edit () |
| find an editor on the system and edit the given file More...
void | Rewind () |
| Set file pointer position to the beginning of the file. More...
void | Path (OSD_Path &Name) const |
| Gets file name and path. More...
void | SetPath (const OSD_Path &Name) |
| Sets file name and path. If a name is not found, it raises a program error. More...
Standard_Boolean | Exists () |
| Returns TRUE if <me> exists. More...
void | Remove () |
| Erases the FileNode from directory. More...
void | Move (const OSD_Path &NewPath) |
| Moves <me> into another directory. More...
void | Copy (const OSD_Path &ToPath) |
| Copies <me> to another FileNode. More...
OSD_Protection | Protection () |
| Returns access mode of <me>. More...
void | SetProtection (const OSD_Protection &Prot) |
| Changes protection of the FileNode. More...
Quantity_Date | AccessMoment () |
| Returns last write access. On UNIX, AccessMoment and CreationMoment return the same value. More...
Quantity_Date | CreationMoment () |
| Returns creation date. On UNIX, AccessMoment and CreationMoment return the same value. More...
Standard_Boolean | Failed () const |
| Returns TRUE if an error occurs. More...
void | Reset () |
| Resets error counter to zero. More...
void | Perror () |
| Raises OSD_Error. More...
Standard_Integer | Error () const |
| Returns error number if 'Failed' is TRUE. More...