▼NBVH | |
CArray | Tool class providing typical operations on the array. It allows for interoperability between STD vector and NCollection vector |
CArrayType | Tool class for selecting type of array of vectors (STD or NCollection vector) |
CBitComparator | STL compare tool used in binary search algorithm |
CBitPredicate | |
CBoundData | |
CBoxMinMax | Tool class for calculate component-wise vector minimum and maximum (optimized version) |
CBoxMinMax< T, 2 > | |
CBVH_AxisSelector | |
CBVH_AxisSelector< T, 2 > | |
CCenterAxis | Tool class for calculating box center along the given axis |
CCenterAxis< T, 2 > | |
CCenterAxis< T, 3 > | |
CCenterAxis< T, 4 > | |
CMatrixOp | |
CMatrixOp< T, 4 > | |
CMatrixType | Tool class for selecting appropriate matrix type (Eigen or NCollection) |
CMatrixType< T, 4 > | |
CRadixSorter | Tool object for sorting link array using radix sort algorithm |
CSurfaceCalculator | Tool class for calculating surface area of the box |
CSurfaceCalculator< T, 2 > | |
CSurfaceCalculator< T, 3 > | |
CSurfaceCalculator< T, 4 > | |
CUnitVector | |
CUnitVector< T, 2 > | |
CUnitVector< T, 3 > | |
CUnitVector< T, 4 > | |
CUpdateBoundTask | Task for parallel bounds updating |
CVecComp | Tool class for accessing specific vector component (by index) |
CVecComp< T, 2 > | |
CVecComp< T, 3 > | |
CVecComp< T, 4 > | |
CVectorType | Tool class for selecting appropriate vector type (Eigen or NCollection) |
CVectorType< T, 1 > | |
CVectorType< T, 2 > | |
CVectorType< T, 3 > | |
CVectorType< T, 4 > | |
▼NGraphic3d_TransformUtils | Helper class that implements transformation matrix functionality |
CMatrixType | |
CMatrixType< Standard_Real > | |
CMatrixType< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CVectorType | |
CVectorType< Standard_Real > | |
CVectorType< Standard_ShortReal > | |
▼NIMeshData | |
NModel | |
NIVtkTools | Helper methods to facilitate usage of VIS classes in an application |
▼Nopencascade | Namespace opencascade is intended for low-level template classes and functions |
NFNVHash | Implementation of FNV-1a with autodetect of sizeof(size_t). This function should work on unsigned char, otherwise it does not correctly implement the FNV-1a algorithm. The existing behaviour is retained for backwards compatibility |
NMurmurHash | Implementation of Murmur hash with autodetect of sizeof(size_t) |
Nstd | Namespace opencascade::std includes templates from C++11 std namespace used by OCCT classes. These definitions are imported from std namespace, plus (on older compilers) from std::tr1, or implemented by custom code where neither std not std::tr1 provide necessary definitions |
Cdisable_deduction | The auxiliary template that is used for template argument deduction in function templates. A function argument which type is a template type parameter and it is not needed to be deducted must be declared using this class template based on the type of some other template type parameter of a function template |
Chandle | Intrusive smart pointer for use with Standard_Transient class and its descendants |
Cis_base_but_not_same | Trait yielding true if class T1 is base of T2 but not the same |
Cis_base_but_not_same< T1, T2, typename opencascade::std::enable_if< opencascade::std::is_same< T1, T2 >::value >::type > | Explicit specialization of is_base_of trait to workaround the requirement of type to be complete when T1 and T2 are the same |
Cis_integer | The type trait that checks if the passed type is integer (it must be integral and not boolean) |
Ctype_instance | Template class providing instantiation of type descriptors as singletons. The descriptors are defined as static variables in function get(), which is essential to ensure that they are initialized in correct sequence |
▼NOpenGl | |
CMatrixType | Tool class for selecting appropriate matrix type |
CMatrixType< Standard_Real > | |
CMatrixType< Standard_ShortReal > | |
CVectorType | Tool class for selecting appropriate vector type |
CVectorType< Standard_Real > | |
CVectorType< Standard_ShortReal > | |
▼NOpenGl_HashMapInitializer | |
CMapListOfType | |
NOpenGl_Raytrace | |
NRWObj_Tools | Auxiliary tools for OBJ format parser |
NSelectMgr_MatOp | |
▼Nstd | |
Cequal_to< Handle< Image_Texture > > | |
Cequal_to< Handle< VrmlData_Node > > | |
Cequal_to< Poly_MakeLoops::Link > | |
Chash< BOPDS_Pair > | |
Chash< BOPTools_Set > | |
Chash< BRepMesh_Triangle > | |
Chash< Handle< Image_Texture > > | |
Chash< Handle< VrmlData_Node > > | |
Chash< MeshVS_TwoColors > | |
Chash< MeshVS_TwoNodes > | |
Chash< Poly_MakeLoops::Link > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Compound > | |
Chash< TopoDS_CompSolid > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Edge > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Face > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Shell > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Solid > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Vertex > | |
Chash< TopoDS_Wire > | |
Chash< XCAFPrs_DocumentNode > | |
Chash< XCAFPrs_Style > | |