Here is a list of all functions with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- y -
- Y() : Geom2d_CartesianPoint, Geom2d_Point, Geom2d_Vector, Geom_CartesianPoint, Geom_Point, Geom_Vector, gp_Dir2d, gp_Dir, gp_Pnt2d, gp_Pnt, gp_Quaternion, gp_Vec2d, gp_Vec, gp_XY, gp_XYZ, Graphic3d_Vertex, IntPolyh_Point, IntPolyh_StartPoint
- y() : NCollection_Vec2< Element_t >, NCollection_Vec3< Element_t >, NCollection_Vec4< Element_t >
- Y() : StepShape_Block, StepShape_RightAngularWedge
- YAxis() : AIS_PlaneTrihedron, Geom2d_Conic, Geom_Conic, gp_Ax22d, gp_Circ2d, gp_Circ, gp_Cone, gp_Cylinder, gp_Elips2d, gp_Elips, gp_Hypr2d, gp_Hypr, gp_Parab, gp_Pln, gp_Sphere, gp_Torus, IGESSolid_Block, IGESSolid_Ellipsoid, IGESSolid_RightAngularWedge
- YAxisAspect() : Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron
- YCoordPolynomial() : IGESGeom_SplineCurve
- YDirection() : Bnd_OBB, Geom_Axis2Placement, gp_Ax22d, gp_Ax2, gp_Ax3
- Year() : Quantity_Date
- YearComponent() : StepBasic_Date
- YHSize() : Bnd_OBB
- YLength() : IGESSolid_Block, IGESSolid_Ellipsoid, IGESSolid_RightAngularWedge
- Ylength() : StepShape_BoxDomain
- YOrigin() : Aspect_Grid
- YOZ() : gp
- YPeriod() : BOPAlgo_MakePeriodic
- YPeriodFirst() : BOPAlgo_MakePeriodic
- YPolynomial() : IGESGeom_SplineSurface
- YprRotation() : StepKinematics_SpatialRotation
- YRepeat() : BOPAlgo_MakePeriodic
- YReverse() : gp_Ax3
- YSize() : IGESGraph_DrawingSize
- YStep() : Aspect_RectangularGrid
- YValues() : IGESGeom_SplineCurve