Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- f -
- f : math_BissecNewton
- Face1Pt1 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- Face1Pt2 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- Face2Pt1 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- Face2Pt2 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- FaceConex1 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- FaceConex2 : HLRAlgo_BiPoint::IndicesT
- Factor : Graphic3d_PolygonOffset
- ffpEnable : OpenGl_Caps
- FileCS : RWGltf_ConfigurationNode::RWGltf_InternalSection, RWObj_ConfigurationNode::RWObj_InternalSection, RWPly_ConfigurationNode::RWPly_InternalSection
- FileLengthUnit : RWGltf_ConfigurationNode::RWGltf_InternalSection, RWObj_ConfigurationNode::RWObj_InternalSection, RWPly_ConfigurationNode::RWPly_InternalSection
- Final : BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_PrimitiveRange
- first : BlendFunc_GenChamfInv
- First : BOPAlgo_PaveFiller::EdgeRangeDistance, MeshVS_TwoNodes
- FirstParameter : BSplCLib_CacheParams
- Flag : HLRAlgo_PolyInternalNode::NodeIndices
- Flags : Aspect_ScrollDelta, HLRAlgo_TriangleData
- flags : Poly_MakeLoops::Link
- Flatknots : FairCurve_Batten
- fleche : ChFi3d_Builder
- FollowDragging : AIS_Manipulator::BehaviorOnTransform
- FollowRotation : AIS_Manipulator::BehaviorOnTransform
- FollowTranslation : AIS_Manipulator::BehaviorOnTransform
- FontHinting : Font_FTFontParams, Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ForceFaceDeflection : IMeshTools_Parameters
- Format : Image_VideoParams
- FpsDen : Image_VideoParams
- FpsNum : Image_VideoParams
- Frequency : Aspect_XRHapticActionData
- FresnelBase : Graphic3d_BSDF, OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial::Physical
- FresnelCoat : Graphic3d_BSDF, OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial::Physical
- frmr4 : maovpch_1_
- frmr8 : maovpch_1_
- From : Aspect_Touch
- FrustumCullingState : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- fv : math_BrentMinimum
- FValues : math_NewtonFunctionSetRoot
- fw : math_BrentMinimum
- fx : math_BrentMinimum