Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- b -
- b : math_BrentMinimum
- b1 : MeshVS_TwoColors
- b2 : MeshVS_TwoColors
- badstripes : ChFi3d_Builder
- badvertices : ChFi3d_Builder
- BaseColor : OpenGl_MaterialPBR, RWGltf_MaterialMetallicRoughness, XCAFDoc_VisMaterialPBR
- BaseColorTexture : RWGltf_MaterialMetallicRoughness, XCAFDoc_VisMaterialPBR
- basisCurve : Geom_SweptSurface
- bcomment : FSD_FileHeader
- bdata : FSD_FileHeader
- BestDistance : PSO_Particle
- BestPosition : PSO_Particle
- Binf : Interval, PeriodicInterval
- binfo : FSD_FileHeader
- BndBox : RWGltf_GltfAccessor
- Bottom : Aspect_FrustumLRBT< Elem_t >, Font_Rect, OpenGl_Font::RectI
- Bounds : Graphic3d_BoundBuffer
- BoundsColor : DrawTrSurf_Params
- boundsLook : DrawTrSurf_Surface
- Box : BVH_Bin< T, N >, SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager
- Boxes : BVH_QueueBuilder< T, N >::BVH_ChildNodes
- bref : FSD_FileHeader
- broot : FSD_FileHeader
- BSDF : OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial
- Bsup : Interval, PeriodicInterval
- btype : FSD_FileHeader
- buffersDeepColor : OpenGl_Caps
- buffersNoSwap : OpenGl_Caps
- buffersOpaqueAlpha : OpenGl_Caps
- BufferType : V3d_ImageDumpOptions
- BumpTexture : RWObj_Material
- ByteLength : RWGltf_GltfBufferView
- ByteOffset : RWGltf_GltfAccessor, RWGltf_GltfBufferView
- ByteStride : RWGltf_GltfAccessor, RWGltf_GltfBufferView