Open CASCADE Technology
Convert_SphereToBSplineSurface.hxx File Reference

Data Structures

class  Convert_SphereToBSplineSurface
 This algorithm converts a bounded Sphere into a rational B-spline surface. The sphere is a Sphere from package gp. The parametrization of the sphere is P (U, V) = Loc + Radius * Sin(V) * Zdir + Radius * Cos(V) * (Cos(U)*Xdir + Sin(U)*Ydir) where Loc is the center of the sphere Xdir, Ydir and Zdir are the normalized directions of the local cartesian coordinate system of the sphere. The parametrization range is U [0, 2PI] and V [-PI/2, PI/2]. KeyWords : Convert, Sphere, BSplineSurface. More...