The Builder algorithm constructs topological objects from an existing topology and new geometries attached to the topology. It is used to construct the result of a topological operation; the existing topologies are the parts involved in the topological operation and the new geometries are the intersection lines and points.
| TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder (const TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool &BT) |
virtual | ~TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder () |
TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool & | ChangeBuildTool () |
const TopOpeBRepDS_BuildTool & | BuildTool () const |
virtual void | Perform (const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &HDS) |
| Stores the data structure <HDS>, Create shapes from the new geometries. More...
virtual void | Perform (const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &HDS, const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
| Stores the data structure <HDS>, Create shapes from the new geometries, Evaluates if an operation performed on shapes S1,S2 is a particular case. More...
Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > | DataStructure () const |
| returns the DS handled by this builder More...
virtual void | Clear () |
| Removes all splits and merges already performed. Does NOT clear the handled DS. More...
void | MergeEdges (const TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &L2, const TopAbs_State TB2, const Standard_Boolean onA=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean onB=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean onAB=Standard_False) |
| Merges the two edges <S1> and <S2> keeping the parts in each edge of states <TB1> and <TB2>. Booleans onA, onB, onAB indicate whether parts of edges found as state ON respectively on first, second, and both shapes must be (or not) built. More...
void | MergeFaces (const TopTools_ListOfShape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &S2, const TopAbs_State TB2, const Standard_Boolean onA=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean onB=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean onAB=Standard_False) |
| Merges the two faces <S1> and <S2> keeping the parts in each face of states <TB1> and <TB2>. More...
void | MergeSolids (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Merges the two solids <S1> and <S2> keeping the parts in each solid of states <TB1> and <TB2>. More...
void | MergeShapes (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Merges the two shapes <S1> and <S2> keeping the parts of states <TB1>,<TB2> in <S1>,<S2>. More...
void | End () |
Standard_Boolean | Classify () const |
void | ChangeClassify (const Standard_Boolean B) |
void | MergeSolid (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) |
| Merges the solid keeping the parts of state <TB>. More...
const TopoDS_Shape & | NewVertex (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the vertex created on point . More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | NewEdges (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the edges created on curve . More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | NewFaces (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the faces created on surface . More...
Standard_Boolean | IsSplit (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
| Returns True if the shape has been split. More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | Splits (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
| Returns the split parts <TB> of shape . More...
Standard_Boolean | IsMerged (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
| Returns True if the shape has been merged. More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | Merged (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
| Returns the merged parts <TB> of shape . More...
void | InitSection () |
void | SplitSectionEdges () |
| create parts ON solid of section edges More...
virtual void | SplitSectionEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &E) |
| create parts ON solid of section edges More...
void | SectionCurves (TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
| return the section edges built on new curves. More...
void | SectionEdges (TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
| return the parts of edges found ON the boundary of the two arguments S1,S2 of Perform() More...
void | FillSecEdgeAncestorMap (const Standard_Integer aShapeRank, const TopTools_MapOfShape &aMapON, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape &anAncMap) const |
| Fills anAncMap with pairs (edge,ancestor edge) for each split from the map aMapON for the shape object identified by ShapeRank. More...
void | Section (TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
| return all section edges. More...
const TopTools_ListOfShape & | Section () |
void | BuildVertices (const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &DS) |
| update the DS by creating new geometries. create vertices on DS points. More...
void | BuildEdges (const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &DS) |
| update the DS by creating new geometries. create shapes from the new geometries. More...
const TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeListOfShapeOn1State & | MSplit (const TopAbs_State s) const |
TopOpeBRepDS_DataMapOfShapeListOfShapeOn1State & | ChangeMSplit (const TopAbs_State s) |
void | MakeEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &E, TopOpeBRepBuild_EdgeBuilder &B, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
void | MakeFaces (const TopoDS_Shape &F, TopOpeBRepBuild_FaceBuilder &B, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
void | MakeSolids (TopOpeBRepBuild_SolidBuilder &B, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
void | MakeShells (TopOpeBRepBuild_SolidBuilder &B, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) |
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeSplit (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) |
| Returns a ref.on the list of shapes connected to as <TB> split parts of . Mark as split in <TB> parts. More...
Standard_Boolean | Opec12 () const |
Standard_Boolean | Opec21 () const |
Standard_Boolean | Opecom () const |
Standard_Boolean | Opefus () const |
TopAbs_State | ShapePosition (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LS) |
Standard_Boolean | KeepShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LS, const TopAbs_State T) |
void | FindSameDomain (TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
void | FindSameDomainSameOrientation (TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO, TopTools_ListOfShape &LDO) const |
void | MapShapes (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
void | ClearMaps () |
void | FindSameRank (const TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, const Standard_Integer R, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
Standard_Integer | ShapeRank (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
Standard_Boolean | IsShapeOf (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer I12) const |
Standard_Integer | FindIsKPart () |
Standard_Integer | IsKPart () const |
virtual void | MergeKPart () |
virtual void | MergeKPart (const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
void | MergeKPartiskole () |
void | MergeKPartiskoletge () |
void | MergeKPartisdisj () |
void | MergeKPartisfafa () |
void | MergeKPartissoso () |
Standard_Integer | KPiskole () |
Standard_Integer | KPiskoletge () |
Standard_Integer | KPisdisj () |
Standard_Integer | KPisfafa () |
Standard_Integer | KPissoso () |
void | KPClearMaps () |
Standard_Integer | KPlhg (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) const |
Standard_Integer | KPlhg (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T) const |
Standard_Integer | KPlhsd (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T, TopTools_ListOfShape &L) const |
Standard_Integer | KPlhsd (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T) const |
TopAbs_State | KPclasSS (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &exceptLS1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
TopAbs_State | KPclasSS (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &exceptS1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
TopAbs_State | KPclasSS (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
Standard_Boolean | KPiskolesh (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_ListOfShape &LS, TopTools_ListOfShape &LF) const |
Standard_Boolean | KPiskoletgesh (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_ListOfShape &LS, TopTools_ListOfShape &LF) const |
void | KPSameDomain (TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
Standard_Integer | KPisdisjsh (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
Standard_Integer | KPisfafash (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
Standard_Integer | KPissososh (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | KPiskoleanalyse (const TopAbs_State FT1, const TopAbs_State FT2, const TopAbs_State ST1, const TopAbs_State ST2, Standard_Integer &I, Standard_Integer &I1, Standard_Integer &I2) const |
void | KPiskoletgeanalyse (const TopOpeBRepDS_Config Conf, const TopAbs_State ST1, const TopAbs_State ST2, Standard_Integer &I) const |
void | KPisdisjanalyse (const TopAbs_State ST1, const TopAbs_State ST2, Standard_Integer &I, Standard_Integer &IC1, Standard_Integer &IC2) const |
TopAbs_State | KPclassF (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopoDS_Shape &F2) |
void | KPclassFF (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopoDS_Shape &F2, TopAbs_State &T1, TopAbs_State &T2) |
Standard_Boolean | KPiskoleFF (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopoDS_Shape &F2, TopAbs_State &T1, TopAbs_State &T2) |
TopoDS_Shape | KPmakeface (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopAbs_State T1, const TopAbs_State T2, const Standard_Boolean R1, const Standard_Boolean R2) |
void | SplitEvisoONperiodicF () |
void | GMergeSolids (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G) |
void | GFillSolidsSFS (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
virtual void | GFillSolidSFS (const TopoDS_Shape &SO1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GFillSurfaceTopologySFS (const TopoDS_Shape &SO1, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GFillSurfaceTopologySFS (const TopOpeBRepDS_SurfaceIterator &IT, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) const |
virtual void | GFillShellSFS (const TopoDS_Shape &SH1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GFillFaceSFS (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GSplitFaceSFS (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSclass, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GMergeFaceSFS (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | GSplitFace (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSclass) |
void | AddONPatchesSFS (const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS) |
void | FillOnPatches (const TopTools_ListOfShape &anEdgesON, const TopoDS_Shape &aBaseFace, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &avoidMap) |
void | FindFacesTouchingEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &aFace, const TopoDS_Shape &anEdge, const Standard_Integer aShRank, TopTools_ListOfShape &aFaces) const |
void | GMergeFaces (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G) |
void | GFillFacesWES (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GFillFacesWESK (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES, const Standard_Integer K) |
void | GFillFacesWESMakeFaces (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G) |
void | GFillFaceWES (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GFillCurveTopologyWES (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GFillCurveTopologyWES (const TopOpeBRepDS_CurveIterator &IT, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) const |
void | GFillONPartsWES (const TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSclass, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GFillWireWES (const TopoDS_Shape &W, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GFillEdgeWES (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GSplitEdgeWES (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GMergeEdgeWES (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES) |
void | GSplitEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LSclass) |
void | GMergeEdges (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LE1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LE2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G) |
void | GFillEdgesPVS (const TopTools_ListOfShape &LE1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LE2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) |
void | GFillEdgePVS (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LE2, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) |
void | GFillPointTopologyPVS (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) |
void | GFillPointTopologyPVS (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator &IT, const TopOpeBRepBuild_GTopo &G, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) const |
Standard_Boolean | GParamOnReference (const TopoDS_Vertex &V, const TopoDS_Edge &E, Standard_Real &P) const |
Standard_Boolean | GKeepShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopTools_ListOfShape &Lref, const TopAbs_State T) |
Standard_Boolean | GKeepShape1 (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopTools_ListOfShape &Lref, const TopAbs_State T, TopAbs_State &pos) |
| return True if S is classified <T> / Lref shapes More...
void | GKeepShapes (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopTools_ListOfShape &Lref, const TopAbs_State T, const TopTools_ListOfShape &Lin, TopTools_ListOfShape &Lou) |
| add to Lou the shapes of Lin classified <T> / Lref shapes. Lou is not cleared. (S is a dummy trace argument) More...
void | GSFSMakeSolids (const TopoDS_Shape &SOF, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet &SFS, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOSO) |
void | GSOBUMakeSolids (const TopoDS_Shape &SOF, TopOpeBRepBuild_SolidBuilder &SOBU, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOSO) |
virtual void | GWESMakeFaces (const TopoDS_Shape &FF, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF) |
void | GFABUMakeFaces (const TopoDS_Shape &FF, TopOpeBRepBuild_FaceBuilder &FABU, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &MWisOld) |
void | RegularizeFaces (const TopoDS_Shape &FF, const TopTools_ListOfShape &lnewFace, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF) |
void | RegularizeFace (const TopoDS_Shape &FF, const TopoDS_Shape &newFace, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF) |
void | RegularizeSolids (const TopoDS_Shape &SS, const TopTools_ListOfShape &lnewSolid, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOS) |
void | RegularizeSolid (const TopoDS_Shape &SS, const TopoDS_Shape &newSolid, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOS) |
void | GPVSMakeEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &EF, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOE) const |
void | GEDBUMakeEdges (const TopoDS_Shape &EF, TopOpeBRepBuild_EdgeBuilder &EDBU, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOE) const |
Standard_Boolean | GToSplit (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
Standard_Boolean | GToMerge (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
void | GFindSamDom (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
void | GFindSamDom (TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
void | GFindSamDomSODO (const TopoDS_Shape &S, TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO, TopTools_ListOfShape &LDO) const |
void | GFindSamDomSODO (TopTools_ListOfShape &LSO, TopTools_ListOfShape &LDO) const |
void | GMapShapes (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
void | GClearMaps () |
void | GFindSameRank (const TopTools_ListOfShape &L1, const Standard_Integer R, TopTools_ListOfShape &L2) const |
Standard_Integer | GShapeRank (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
Standard_Boolean | GIsShapeOf (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Integer I12) const |
void | GdumpLS (const TopTools_ListOfShape &L) const |
void | GdumpSHA (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpSHAORI (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpSHAORIGEO (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpSHASTA (const Standard_Integer iS, const TopAbs_State T, const TCollection_AsciiString &a="", const TCollection_AsciiString &b="") const |
void | GdumpSHASTA (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State T, const TCollection_AsciiString &a="", const TCollection_AsciiString &b="") const |
void | GdumpSHASTA (const Standard_Integer iS, const TopAbs_State T, const TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet &SS, const TCollection_AsciiString &a="", const TCollection_AsciiString &b="", const TCollection_AsciiString &c="\n") const |
void | GdumpEDG (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpEDGVER (const TopoDS_Shape &E, const TopoDS_Shape &V, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpSAMDOM (const TopTools_ListOfShape &L, const Standard_Address str=NULL) const |
void | GdumpEXP (const TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer &E) const |
void | GdumpSOBU (TopOpeBRepBuild_SolidBuilder &SB) const |
void | GdumpFABU (TopOpeBRepBuild_FaceBuilder &FB) const |
void | GdumpEDBU (TopOpeBRepBuild_EdgeBuilder &EB) const |
Standard_Boolean | GtraceSPS (const Standard_Integer iS) const |
Standard_Boolean | GtraceSPS (const Standard_Integer iS, const Standard_Integer jS) const |
Standard_Boolean | GtraceSPS (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
Standard_Boolean | GtraceSPS (const TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_Integer &IS) const |
void | GdumpSHASETreset () |
Standard_Integer | GdumpSHASETindex () |
void | BuildEdges (const Standard_Integer iC, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &DS) |
| update the DS by creating new geometries. create edges on the new curve <Icurv>. More...
void | BuildFaces (const Standard_Integer iS, const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &DS) |
| update the DS by creating new geometries. create faces on the new surface <ISurf>. More...
void | BuildFaces (const Handle< TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure > &DS) |
| update the DS by creating new geometries. create shapes from the new geometries. More...
void | SplitEdge (const TopoDS_Shape &E1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Split <E1> keeping the parts of state <TB1>. More...
void | SplitEdge1 (const TopoDS_Shape &E1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Split <E1> keeping the parts of state <TB1>. More...
void | SplitEdge2 (const TopoDS_Shape &E1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Split <E1> keeping the parts of state <TB1>. More...
void | SplitFace (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Split <F1> keeping the parts of state <TB1>. Merge faces with same domain, keeping parts of state <TB2>. More...
void | SplitFace1 (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
void | SplitFace2 (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
void | SplitSolid (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2) |
| Split <S1> keeping the parts of state <TB1>. More...
void | SplitShapes (TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeExplorer &Ex, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopAbs_State TB2, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet &SS, const Standard_Boolean RevOri) |
| Explore shapes of given by explorer <Ex> to split them. Store new shapes in the set <SS>. According to RevOri, reverse or not their orientation. More...
void | FillFace (const TopoDS_Shape &F1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LF2, const TopAbs_State TB2, TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet &WES, const Standard_Boolean RevOri) |
| Split edges of <F1> and store wires and edges in the set <WES>. According to RevOri, reverse (or not) orientation. More...
void | FillSolid (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LS2, const TopAbs_State TB2, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet &SS, const Standard_Boolean RevOri) |
| Split faces of <S1> and store shells and faces in the set <SS>. According to RevOri, reverse (or not) orientation. More...
void | FillShape (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopAbs_State TB1, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LS2, const TopAbs_State TB2, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet &SS, const Standard_Boolean RevOri) |
| Split subshapes of <S1> and store subshapes in the set <SS>. According to RevOri, reverse (or not) orientation. More...
void | FillVertexSet (TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator &IT, const TopAbs_State TB, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) const |
| fills the vertex set PVS with the point iterator IT. IT accesses a list of interferences which geometry is a point or a vertex. TB indicates the orientation to give to the geometries found in interference list accessed by IT. More...
void | FillVertexSetOnValue (const TopOpeBRepDS_PointIterator &IT, const TopAbs_State TB, TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveSet &PVS) const |
| fills vertex set PVS with the current value of IT. I geometry is a point or a vertex. TB indicates the orientation to give to geometries found I More...
Standard_Boolean | ToSplit (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) const |
| Returns True if the shape has not already been split. More...
void | MarkSplit (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB, const Standard_Boolean B=Standard_True) |
| add the shape to the map of split shapes. mark as split/not split on <state>, according to B value. More...
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeMerged (const TopoDS_Shape &S, const TopAbs_State TB) |
| Returns a ref. on the list of shapes connected to as <TB> merged parts of . More...
TopoDS_Shape & | ChangeNewVertex (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns a ref. on the vertex created on point . More...
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeNewEdges (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns a ref. on the list of edges created on curve . More...
TopTools_ListOfShape & | ChangeNewFaces (const Standard_Integer I) |
| Returns a ref. on the list of faces created on surface . More...
void | AddIntersectionEdges (TopoDS_Shape &F, const TopAbs_State TB, const Standard_Boolean RevOri, TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet &ES) const |
void | UpdateSplitAndMerged (const TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerListOfShape &mle, const TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerShape &mre, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape &mlf, const TopAbs_State state) |
The Builder algorithm constructs topological objects from an existing topology and new geometries attached to the topology. It is used to construct the result of a topological operation; the existing topologies are the parts involved in the topological operation and the new geometries are the intersection lines and points.