Enumerator |
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxNbLights | maximum number of active light sources
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxNbClipPlanes | maximum number of active clipping planes
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxNbViews | maximum number of views
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxTextureSize | maximum size of texture
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxViewDumpSizeX | maximum width for image dump
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxViewDumpSizeY | maximum height for image dump
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxCombinedTextureUnits | maximum number of combined texture units for multitexturing
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_MaxMsaa | maximum number of MSAA samples
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasPBR | indicates whether PBR metallic-roughness shading model is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasRayTracing | indicates whether ray tracing is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasRayTracingTextures | indicates whether ray tracing textures are supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasRayTracingAdaptiveSampling | indicates whether adaptive screen sampling is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasRayTracingAdaptiveSamplingAtomic | indicates whether optimized adaptive screen sampling is supported (hardware supports atomic float operations)
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasSRGB | indicates whether sRGB rendering is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasBlendedOit | indicates whether necessary GL extensions for Weighted, Blended OIT available (without MSAA).
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasBlendedOitMsaa | indicates whether necessary GL extensions for Weighted, Blended OIT available (with MSAA).
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasFlatShading | indicates whether Flat shading (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_PhongFacet) is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_HasMeshEdges | indicates whether advanced mesh edges presentation is supported
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_IsWorkaroundFBO | indicates whether workaround for Intel driver problem with empty FBO for images with big width is applied.
Graphic3d_TypeOfLimit_NB | number of elements in this enumeration