Enumerator |
Graphic3d_TOPA_UNDEFINED | undefined primitive type
Graphic3d_TOPA_POINTS | individual points
Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS | segments array - each 2 vertexes define 1 segment
Graphic3d_TOPA_POLYLINES | line strip - each new vertex in array defines segment with previous one
Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES | triangle array - each 3 vertexes define 1 triangle
Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLESTRIPS | triangle strip - each new vertex in array defines triangle with 2 previous vertexes
Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLEFANS | triangle fan - each new vertex in array define triangle with the previous vertex and the very first vertex (fan center)
Graphic3d_TOPA_LINES_ADJACENCY | ADVANCED - same as Graphic3d_TOPA_SEGMENTS, but each pair of vertexes defining 1 segment is preceded by 1 extra vertex and followed by 1 extra vertex which are not actually rendered.
Graphic3d_TOPA_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY | ADVANCED - same as Graphic3d_TOPA_POLYLINES, but each sequence of vertexes defining 1 polyline is preceded by 1 extra vertex and followed by 1 extra vertex which are not actually rendered.
Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY | ADVANCED - same as Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLES, but each vertex defining of triangle is followed by 1 extra adjacent vertex which is not actually rendered.
Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY | ADVANCED - same as Graphic3d_TOPA_TRIANGLESTRIPS, but with extra adjacent vertexes.
Graphic3d_TOPA_QUADRANGLES | DEPRECATED - triangle array should be used instead; array of quads - each 4 vertexes define single quad.
Graphic3d_TOPA_QUADRANGLESTRIPS | DEPRECATED - triangle array should be used instead; quad strip - each 2 new vertexes define a quad shared 2 more vertexes of previous quad.
Graphic3d_TOPA_POLYGONS | DEPRECATED - triangle array should be used instead; array defines a polygon.