static Standard_Real | DTolerance () |
| Additional tolerance (delta tolerance) is used in Boolean Operations to ensure that the tolerance of new/old entities obtained by intersection of two shapes is slightly bigger than the actual distances to these shapes. It helps to avoid numerical instability which may occur when comparing distances and tolerances.
static Standard_Integer | ComputeVV (const TopoDS_Vertex &theV, const gp_Pnt &theP, const Standard_Real theTolP) |
| Intersects the vertex <theV1> with the point <theP> with tolerance <theTolP>. Returns the error status:
static Standard_Integer | ComputeVV (const TopoDS_Vertex &theV1, const TopoDS_Vertex &theV2, const Standard_Real theFuzz=Precision::Confusion()) |
| Intersects the given vertices with given fuzzy value. Returns the error status:
static void | MakeVertex (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLV, TopoDS_Vertex &theV) |
| Makes the vertex in the middle of given vertices with the tolerance covering all tolerance spheres of vertices.
static void | MakeNewVertex (const gp_Pnt &aP1, const Standard_Real aTol, TopoDS_Vertex &aNewVertex) |
| Make a vertex using 3D-point <aP1> and 3D-tolerance value <aTol>
static void | MakeNewVertex (const TopoDS_Vertex &aV1, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV2, TopoDS_Vertex &aNewVertex) |
| Make a vertex using couple of vertices <aV1, aV2>
static void | MakeNewVertex (const TopoDS_Edge &aE1, const Standard_Real aP1, const TopoDS_Edge &aE2, const Standard_Real aP2, TopoDS_Vertex &aNewVertex) |
| Make a vertex in place of intersection between two edges <aE1, aE2> with parameters <aP1, aP2>
static void | MakeNewVertex (const TopoDS_Edge &aE1, const Standard_Real aP1, const TopoDS_Face &aF2, TopoDS_Vertex &aNewVertex) |
| Make a vertex in place of intersection between the edge <aE1> with parameter <aP1> and the face <aF2>
static void | UpdateVertex (const IntTools_Curve &aIC, const Standard_Real aT, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV) |
| Update the tolerance value for vertex <aV> taking into account the fact that <aV> lays on the curve <aIC>
static void | UpdateVertex (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const Standard_Real aT, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV) |
| Update the tolerance value for vertex <aV> taking into account the fact that <aV> lays on the edge <aE>
static void | UpdateVertex (const TopoDS_Vertex &aVF, const TopoDS_Vertex &aVN) |
| Update the tolerance value for vertex <aVN> taking into account the fact that <aVN> should cover tolerance zone of <aVF>
static void | MakeEdge (const IntTools_Curve &theCurve, const TopoDS_Vertex &theV1, const Standard_Real theT1, const TopoDS_Vertex &theV2, const Standard_Real theT2, const Standard_Real theTolR3D, TopoDS_Edge &theE) |
| Makes the edge based on the given curve with given bounding vertices.
static TopoDS_Edge | CopyEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge) |
| Makes a copy of <theEdge> with vertices.
static void | MakeSplitEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aE1, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV1, const Standard_Real aP1, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV2, const Standard_Real aP2, TopoDS_Edge &aNewEdge) |
| Make the edge from base edge <aE1> and two vertices <aV1,aV2> at parameters <aP1,aP2>
static void | MakeSectEdge (const IntTools_Curve &aIC, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV1, const Standard_Real aP1, const TopoDS_Vertex &aV2, const Standard_Real aP2, TopoDS_Edge &aNewEdge) |
| Make the edge from 3D-Curve <aIC> and two vertices <aV1,aV2> at parameters <aP1,aP2>
static TopAbs_State | ComputeState (const gp_Pnt &thePoint, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, const Standard_Real theTol, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the 3-D state of the point thePoint toward solid theSolid. theTol - value of precision of computation theContext- cahed geometrical tools Returns 3-D state.
static TopAbs_State | ComputeState (const TopoDS_Vertex &theVertex, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, const Standard_Real theTol, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the 3-D state of the vertex theVertex toward solid theSolid. theTol - value of precision of computation theContext- cahed geometrical tools Returns 3-D state.
static TopAbs_State | ComputeState (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, const Standard_Real theTol, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the 3-D state of the edge theEdge toward solid theSolid. theTol - value of precision of computation theContext- cahed geometrical tools Returns 3-D state.
static TopAbs_State | ComputeState (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, const Standard_Real theTol, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theBounds, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the 3-D state of the face theFace toward solid theSolid. theTol - value of precision of computation theBounds - set of edges of <theSolid> to avoid theContext- cahed geometrical tools Returns 3-D state.
static TopAbs_State | ComputeStateByOnePoint (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, const Standard_Real theTol, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Computes the 3-D state of the shape theShape toward solid theSolid. theTol - value of precision of computation theContext- cahed geometrical tools Returns 3-D state.
static Standard_Boolean | GetFaceOff (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Face &theFace, BOPTools_ListOfCoupleOfShape &theLCEF, TopoDS_Face &theFaceOff, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| For the face theFace and its edge theEdge finds the face suitable to produce shell. theLCEF - set of faces to search. All faces from theLCEF must share edge theEdge.
static Standard_Integer | IsInternalFace (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Face &theFace1, const TopoDS_Face &theFace2, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Returns True if the face theFace is inside of the couple of faces theFace1, theFace2. The faces theFace, theFace1, theFace2 must share the edge theEdge Return values:
static Standard_Integer | IsInternalFace (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, TopTools_ListOfShape &theLF, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Returns True if the face theFace is inside of the appropriate couple of faces (from the set theLF) . The faces of the set theLF and theFace must share the edge theEdge.
static Standard_Boolean | IsInternalFace (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid, TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &theMEF, const Standard_Real theTol, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Returns True if the face theFace is inside the solid theSolid. theMEF - Map Edge/Faces for theSolid theTol - value of precision of computation theContext- cahed geometrical tools.
static void | MakePCurve (const TopoDS_Edge &theE, const TopoDS_Face &theF1, const TopoDS_Face &theF2, const IntTools_Curve &theCurve, const Standard_Boolean thePC1, const Standard_Boolean thePC2, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext=Handle< IntTools_Context >()) |
| Makes 2d curve of the edge <theE> on the faces <theF1> and <theF2>.
<theContext> - storage for caching the geometrical tools.
static Standard_Boolean | IsHole (const TopoDS_Shape &theW, const TopoDS_Shape &theF) |
| Checks if the wire is a hole for the face.
static Standard_Boolean | IsSplitToReverse (const TopoDS_Shape &theSplit, const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, Standard_Integer *theError=NULL) |
| Checks if the direction of the split shape is opposite to the direction of the original shape. The method is an overload for (Edge,Edge) and (Face,Face) corresponding methods and checks only these types of shapes. For faces the method checks if normal directions are opposite. For edges the method checks if tangent vectors are opposite.
static Standard_Boolean | IsSplitToReverseWithWarn (const TopoDS_Shape &theSplit, const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, const Handle< Message_Report > &theReport=NULL) |
| Add-on for the IsSplitToReverse() to check for its errors and in case of any add the BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToOrientTheShape warning to the report.
static Standard_Boolean | IsSplitToReverse (const TopoDS_Face &theSplit, const TopoDS_Face &theShape, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, Standard_Integer *theError=NULL) |
| Checks if the normal direction of the split face is opposite to the normal direction of the original face. The normal directions for both faces are taken in the same point - point inside the split face is projected onto the original face. Returns TRUE if the normals do not coincide, meaning the necessity to revert the orientation of the split face to match the direction of the original face.
static Standard_Boolean | IsSplitToReverse (const TopoDS_Edge &theSplit, const TopoDS_Edge &theShape, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, Standard_Integer *theError=NULL) |
| Checks if the tangent vector of the split edge is opposite to the tangent vector of the original edge. The tangent vectors for both edges are computed in the same point - point inside the split edge is projected onto the original edge. Returns TRUE if the tangent vectors do not coincide, meaning the necessity to revert the orientation of the split edge to match the direction of the original edge.
static Standard_Integer | Sense (const TopoDS_Face &theF1, const TopoDS_Face &theF2, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext) |
| Checks if the normals direction of the given faces computed near the shared edge coincide. Returns the status of operation:
static void | MakeConnexityBlock (TopTools_ListOfShape &theLS, TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theMapAvoid, TopTools_ListOfShape &theLSCB, const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator) |
| For the list of faces theLS build block theLSCB in terms of connexity by edges theMapAvoid - set of edges to avoid for the treatment.
static void | MakeConnexityBlocks (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theConnectionType, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theElementType, TopTools_ListOfShape &theLCB) |
| For the compound <theS> builds the blocks (compounds) of elements of type <theElementType> connected through the shapes of the type <theConnectionType>. The blocks are stored into the list <theLCB>.
static void | MakeConnexityBlocks (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theConnectionType, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theElementType, TopTools_ListOfListOfShape &theLCB, TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape &theConnectionMap) |
| For the compound <theS> builds the blocks (compounds) of elements of type <theElementType> connected through the shapes of the type <theConnectionType>. The blocks are stored into the list of lists <theLCB>. Returns also the connection map <theConnectionMap>, filled during operation.
static void | MakeConnexityBlocks (const TopTools_ListOfShape &theLS, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theConnectionType, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theElementType, BOPTools_ListOfConnexityBlock &theLCB) |
| Makes connexity blocks of elements of the given type with the given type of the connecting elements. The blocks are checked on regularity (multi-connectivity) and stored to the list of blocks <theLCB>.
static void | OrientEdgesOnWire (TopoDS_Shape &theWire) |
| Correctly orients edges on the wire.
static void | OrientFacesOnShell (TopoDS_Shape &theShell) |
| Correctly orients faces on the shell.
static void | CorrectTolerances (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theMapToAvoid, const Standard_Real theTolMax=0.0001, const Standard_Boolean theRunParallel=Standard_False) |
| Provides valid values of tolerances for the shape <theS> <theTolMax> is max value of the tolerance that can be accepted for correction. If real value of the tolerance will be greater than <aTolMax>, the correction does not perform.
static void | CorrectCurveOnSurface (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theMapToAvoid, const Standard_Real theTolMax=0.0001, const Standard_Boolean theRunParallel=Standard_False) |
| Provides valid values of tolerances for the shape <theS> in terms of BRepCheck_InvalidCurveOnSurface.
static void | CorrectPointOnCurve (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theMapToAvoid, const Standard_Real theTolMax=0.0001, const Standard_Boolean theRunParallel=Standard_False) |
| Provides valid values of tolerances for the shape <theS> in terms of BRepCheck_InvalidPointOnCurve.
static void | CorrectShapeTolerances (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape &theMapToAvoid, const Standard_Boolean theRunParallel=Standard_False) |
| Corrects tolerance values of the sub-shapes of the shape <theS> if needed.
static Standard_Boolean | AreFacesSameDomain (const TopoDS_Face &theF1, const TopoDS_Face &theF2, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, const Standard_Real theFuzz=Precision::Confusion()) |
| Checking if the faces are coinciding.
static Standard_Boolean | GetEdgeOff (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Face &theFace, TopoDS_Edge &theEdgeOff) |
| Returns True if the face theFace contains the edge theEdge but with opposite orientation. If the method returns True theEdgeOff is the edge founded.
static Standard_Boolean | GetEdgeOnFace (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const TopoDS_Face &theFace, TopoDS_Edge &theEdgeOnF) |
| For the face theFace gets the edge theEdgeOnF that is the same as theEdge Returns True if such edge exists Returns False if there is no such edge.
static void | CorrectRange (const TopoDS_Edge &aE1, const TopoDS_Edge &aE2, const IntTools_Range &aSR, IntTools_Range &aNewSR) |
| Correct shrunk range <aSR> taking into account 3D-curve resolution and corresponding tolerance values of <aE1>, <aE2>
static void | CorrectRange (const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const IntTools_Range &aSR, IntTools_Range &aNewSR) |
| Correct shrunk range <aSR> taking into account 3D-curve resolution and corresponding tolerance values of <aE>, <aF>
static Standard_Boolean | IsMicroEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &theContext, const Standard_Boolean theCheckSplittable=Standard_True) |
| Checks if it is possible to compute shrunk range for the edge <aE> Flag <theCheckSplittable> defines whether to take into account the possibility to split the edge or not.
static Standard_Boolean | IsInvertedSolid (const TopoDS_Solid &theSolid) |
| Returns true if the solid <theSolid> is inverted.
static Standard_Boolean | ComputeTolerance (const TopoDS_Face &theFace, const TopoDS_Edge &theEdge, Standard_Real &theMaxDist, Standard_Real &theMaxPar) |
| Computes the necessary value of the tolerance for the edge.
static void | MakeContainer (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType, TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Makes empty container of requested type.
static void | PointOnEdge (const TopoDS_Edge &aEdge, const Standard_Real aPrm, gp_Pnt &aP) |
| Compute a 3D-point on the edge <aEdge> at parameter <aPrm>
static Standard_Boolean | IsBlockInOnFace (const IntTools_Range &aShR, const TopoDS_Face &aF, const TopoDS_Edge &aE, const Handle< IntTools_Context > &aContext) |
| Returns TRUE if PaveBlock <aPB> lays on the face <aF>, i.e the <PB> is IN or ON in 2D of <aF>
static void | Dimensions (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, Standard_Integer &theDMin, Standard_Integer &theDMax) |
| Returns the min and max dimensions of the shape <theS>.
static Standard_Integer | Dimension (const TopoDS_Shape &theS) |
| Returns dimension of the shape <theS>. If the shape contains elements of different dimension, -1 is returned.
static void | TreatCompound (const TopoDS_Shape &theS, TopTools_ListOfShape &theList, TopTools_MapOfShape *theMap=NULL) |
| Collects in the output list recursively all non-compound sub-shapes of the first level of the given shape theS. The optional map theMap is used to avoid the duplicates in the output list, so it will also contain all non-compound sub-shapes.
static Standard_Boolean | IsOpenShell (const TopoDS_Shell &theShell) |
| Returns true if the shell <theShell> is open.