Tool class accumulating common geometrical functions as well as functionality using shape geometry to produce data necessary for tessellation. General aim is to calculate discretization points for the given curve or iso curve of surface according to the specified parameters.
| BRepMesh_GeomTool (const BRepAdaptor_Curve &theCurve, const Standard_Real theFirstParam, const Standard_Real theLastParam, const Standard_Real theLinDeflection, const Standard_Real theAngDeflection, const Standard_Integer theMinPointsNb=2, const Standard_Real theMinSize=Precision::Confusion()) |
| Constructor. Initiates discretization of the given geometric curve.
| BRepMesh_GeomTool (const Handle< BRepAdaptor_Surface > &theSurface, const GeomAbs_IsoType theIsoType, const Standard_Real theParamIso, const Standard_Real theFirstParam, const Standard_Real theLastParam, const Standard_Real theLinDeflection, const Standard_Real theAngDeflection, const Standard_Integer theMinPointsNb=2, const Standard_Real theMinSize=Precision::Confusion()) |
| Constructor. Initiates discretization of geometric curve corresponding to iso curve of the given surface.
Standard_Integer | AddPoint (const gp_Pnt &thePoint, const Standard_Real theParam, const Standard_Boolean theIsReplace=Standard_True) |
| Adds point to already calculated points (or replaces existing).
Standard_Integer | NbPoints () const |
| Returns number of discretization points.
Standard_Boolean | Value (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Real theIsoParam, Standard_Real &theParam, gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_Pnt2d &theUV) const |
| Gets parameters of discretization point with the given index.
Standard_Boolean | Value (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Handle< BRepAdaptor_Surface > &theSurface, Standard_Real &theParam, gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_Pnt2d &theUV) const |
| Gets parameters of discretization point with the given index.
static Standard_Boolean | Normal (const Handle< BRepAdaptor_Surface > &theSurface, const Standard_Real theParamU, const Standard_Real theParamV, gp_Pnt &thePoint, gp_Dir &theNormal) |
| Computes normal to the given surface at the specified position in parametric space.
static IntFlag | IntLinLin (const gp_XY &theStartPnt1, const gp_XY &theEndPnt1, const gp_XY &theStartPnt2, const gp_XY &theEndPnt2, gp_XY &theIntPnt, Standard_Real(&theParamOnSegment)[2]) |
| Checks intersection between two lines defined by two points.
static IntFlag | IntSegSeg (const gp_XY &theStartPnt1, const gp_XY &theEndPnt1, const gp_XY &theStartPnt2, const gp_XY &theEndPnt2, const Standard_Boolean isConsiderEndPointTouch, const Standard_Boolean isConsiderPointOnSegment, gp_Pnt2d &theIntPnt) |
| Checks intersection between the two segments. Checks that intersection point lies within ranges of both segments.
static Standard_Real | SquareDeflectionOfSegment (const gp_Pnt &theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt &theLastPoint, const gp_Pnt &theMidPoint) |
| Compute deflection of the given segment.
static std::pair< Standard_Integer, Standard_Integer > | CellsCount (const Handle< Adaptor3d_Surface > &theSurface, const Standard_Integer theVerticesNb, const Standard_Real theDeflection, const BRepMesh_DefaultRangeSplitter *theRangeSplitter) |
| Computes normal to the given surface at the specified position in parametric space.
Tool class accumulating common geometrical functions as well as functionality using shape geometry to produce data necessary for tessellation. General aim is to calculate discretization points for the given curve or iso curve of surface according to the specified parameters.