| BRepTools_ShapeSet (const Standard_Boolean theWithTriangles=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theWithNormals=Standard_False) |
| Builds an empty ShapeSet.
| BRepTools_ShapeSet (const BRep_Builder &theBuilder, const Standard_Boolean theWithTriangles=Standard_True, const Standard_Boolean theWithNormals=Standard_False) |
| Builds an empty ShapeSet.
virtual | ~BRepTools_ShapeSet () |
Standard_Boolean | IsWithTriangles () const |
| Return true if shape should be stored with triangles.
Standard_Boolean | IsWithNormals () const |
| Return true if shape should be stored triangulation with normals.
void | SetWithTriangles (const Standard_Boolean theWithTriangles) |
| Define if shape will be stored with triangles. Ignored (always written) if face defines only triangulation (no surface).
void | SetWithNormals (const Standard_Boolean theWithNormals) |
| Define if shape will be stored triangulation with normals. Ignored (always written) if face defines only triangulation (no surface).
virtual void | Clear () override |
| Clears the content of the set.
virtual void | AddGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| Stores the goemetry of .
virtual void | DumpGeometry (Standard_OStream &OS) const override |
| Dumps the geometry of me on the stream <OS>.
virtual void | WriteGeometry (Standard_OStream &OS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) override |
| Writes the geometry of me on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
virtual void | ReadGeometry (Standard_IStream &IS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) override |
| Reads the geometry of me from the stream <IS>.
virtual void | DumpGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_OStream &OS) const override |
| Dumps the geometry of on the stream <OS>.
virtual void | WriteGeometry (const TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_OStream &OS) const override |
| Writes the geometry of on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
virtual void | ReadGeometry (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T, Standard_IStream &IS, TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| Reads the geometry of a shape of type <T> from the stream <IS> and returns it in .
virtual void | AddShapes (TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) override |
| Inserts the shape <S2> in the shape <S1>. This method must be redefined to use the correct builder.
virtual void | Check (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum T, TopoDS_Shape &S) override |
| This method is called after each new completed shape. <T> is the type. is the shape. In this class it does nothing, but it gives the opportunity in derived classes to perform extra treatment on shapes.
void | ReadPolygon3D (Standard_IStream &IS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) |
| Reads the 3d polygons of me from the stream <IS>.
void | WritePolygon3D (Standard_OStream &OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) const |
| Writes the 3d polygons on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
void | DumpPolygon3D (Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps the 3d polygons on the stream <OS>.
void | ReadTriangulation (Standard_IStream &IS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) |
| Reads the triangulation of me from the stream <IS>.
void | WriteTriangulation (Standard_OStream &OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) const |
| Writes the triangulation on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
void | DumpTriangulation (Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps the triangulation on the stream <OS>.
void | ReadPolygonOnTriangulation (Standard_IStream &IS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) |
| Reads the polygons on triangulation of me from the stream <IS>.
void | WritePolygonOnTriangulation (Standard_OStream &OS, const Standard_Boolean Compact=Standard_True, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) const |
| Writes the polygons on triangulation on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
void | DumpPolygonOnTriangulation (Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps the polygons on triangulation on the stream <OS>.
| TopTools_ShapeSet () |
| Builds an empty ShapeSet.
virtual | ~TopTools_ShapeSet () |
void | SetFormatNb (const Standard_Integer theFormatNb) |
| Sets the TopTools_FormatVersion.
Standard_Integer | FormatNb () const |
| Returns the TopTools_FormatVersion.
Standard_Integer | Add (const TopoDS_Shape &S) |
| Stores and its sub-shape. Returns the index of . The method AddGeometry is called on each sub-shape.
const TopoDS_Shape & | Shape (const Standard_Integer I) const |
| Returns the sub-shape of index .
Standard_Integer | Index (const TopoDS_Shape &S) const |
| Returns the index of .
const TopTools_LocationSet & | Locations () const |
TopTools_LocationSet & | ChangeLocations () |
Standard_OStream & | DumpExtent (Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps the number of objects in me on the stream <OS>. (Number of shapes of each type)
void | DumpExtent (TCollection_AsciiString &S) const |
| Dumps the number of objects in me in the string S (Number of shapes of each type)
virtual void | Dump (Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps the content of me on the stream <OS>.
virtual void | Write (Standard_OStream &OS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) |
| Writes the content of me on the stream <OS> in a format that can be read back by Read.
virtual void | Read (Standard_IStream &IS, const Message_ProgressRange &theProgress=Message_ProgressRange()) |
| Reads the content of me from the stream <IS>. me is first cleared.
void | Dump (const TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Dumps on <OS> the shape . Dumps the orientation, the index of the TShape and the index of the Location.
void | Write (const TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_OStream &OS) const |
| Writes on <OS> the shape . Writes the orientation, the index of the TShape and the index of the Location.
void | Read (TopoDS_Shape &S, Standard_IStream &IS) const |
| Reads from <IS> a shape and returns it in S.
Standard_Integer | NbShapes () const |
| Returns number of shapes read from file.