computes the box from a surface Functions to add a surface to a bounding box. The surface is defined from a Geom surface.
static void | Add (const Adaptor3d_Surface &S, const Standard_Real Tol, Bnd_Box &B) |
| Adds to the bounding box B the surface S B is then enlarged by the tolerance value Tol. Note: depending on the type of curve, one of the following representations of the surface S is used to include it in the bounding box B:
static void | Add (const Adaptor3d_Surface &S, const Standard_Real UMin, const Standard_Real UMax, const Standard_Real VMin, const Standard_Real VMax, const Standard_Real Tol, Bnd_Box &B) |
| Adds to the bounding box B the surface S the patch of the surface S limited in the u parametric direction by the two parameter values UMin, UMax, and in the v parametric direction by the two parameter values VMin, VMax. Note: depending on the type of curve, one of the following representations of the surface S is used to include it in the bounding box B:
static void | AddOptimal (const Adaptor3d_Surface &S, const Standard_Real Tol, Bnd_Box &B) |
| Adds the surface S to the bounding box B. This algorithm builds precise bounding box.
static void | AddOptimal (const Adaptor3d_Surface &S, const Standard_Real UMin, const Standard_Real UMax, const Standard_Real VMin, const Standard_Real VMax, const Standard_Real Tol, Bnd_Box &B) |
static void | AddGenSurf (const Adaptor3d_Surface &S, const Standard_Real UMin, const Standard_Real UMax, const Standard_Real VMin, const Standard_Real VMax, const Standard_Real Tol, Bnd_Box &B) |
| Adds to the bounding box B the surface S using numerical minimization algorithms This method is used in AddOptimal for not analytical surfaces and torus. if Tol < Precision::Confusion(), Precision::Confusion is used as computation tolerance.
computes the box from a surface Functions to add a surface to a bounding box. The surface is defined from a Geom surface.