Open CASCADE Technology 7.8.0
Public Member Functions
GeomFill_Pipe Class Reference

Describes functions to construct pipes. A pipe is built by sweeping a curve (the section) along another curve (the path). The Pipe class provides the following types of construction: More...

#include <GeomFill_Pipe.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 GeomFill_Pipe ()
 Constructs an empty algorithm for building pipes. Use the function Init to initialize it.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Standard_Real Radius)
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const GeomFill_Trihedron Option=GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet)
 Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path (<Path>) Option can be - GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &Support, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect)
 Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path defined by <Path> and <Support>
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const gp_Dir &Dir)
 Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path <Path> and a fixed binormal direction <Dir>
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &LastSect)
 Create a pipe with an evolving section The section evaluate from First to Last Section.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve &NSections)
 Create a pipe with N sections The section evaluate from First to Last Section.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Curve1, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Curve2, const Standard_Real Radius)
 Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Curve1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Curve2, const Standard_Real Radius)
 Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.
 GeomFill_Pipe (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Guide, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const Standard_Boolean ByACR, const Standard_Boolean rotat)
 Create a pipe with a constant section and with 1 guide-line. Use the function Perform to build the surface. All standard specific cases are detected in order to construct, according to the respective geometric nature of Path and the sections, a planar, cylindrical, conical, spherical or toroidal surface, a surface of linear extrusion or a surface of revolution. In the general case, the result is a BSpline surface (NURBS) built by approximation of a series of sections where:
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Standard_Real Radius)
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const GeomFill_Trihedron Option=GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet)
void Init (const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Surface > &Support, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect)
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const gp_Dir &Dir)
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &LastSect)
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve &NSections)
void Init (const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Curve1, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Curve2, const Standard_Real Radius)
 Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.
void Init (const Handle< Geom_Curve > &Path, const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &Guide, const Handle< Geom_Curve > &FirstSect, const Standard_Boolean ByACR, const Standard_Boolean rotat)
 Initializes this pipe algorithm to build the following surface:
void Perform (const Standard_Boolean WithParameters=Standard_False, const Standard_Boolean myPolynomial=Standard_False)
 Builds the pipe defined at the time of initialization of this algorithm. A description of the resulting surface is given under Constructors. If WithParameters (defaulted to false) is set to true, the approximation algorithm (used only in the general case of construction of a BSpline surface) builds the surface with a u parameter corresponding to the one of the path. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if a surface cannot be constructed from the data. Warning: It is the old Perform method, the next methode is recommended.
void Perform (const Standard_Real Tol, const Standard_Boolean Polynomial, const GeomAbs_Shape Conti=GeomAbs_C1, const Standard_Integer MaxDegree=11, const Standard_Integer NbMaxSegment=30)
 detects the particular cases. And compute the surface. if none particular case is detected we make an approximation with respect of the Tolerance <Tol>, the continuty <Conti>, the maximum degree <MaxDegree>, the maximum number of span <NbMaxSegment> and the spine parametrization. If we can't create a surface with the data
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & Surface () const
 Returns the surface built by this algorithm. Warning Do not use this function before the surface is built (in this case the function will return a null handle).
Standard_Boolean ExchangeUV () const
 The u parametric direction of the surface constructed by this algorithm usually corresponds to the evolution along the path and the v parametric direction corresponds to the evolution along the section(s). However, this rule is not respected when constructing certain specific Geom surfaces (typically cylindrical surfaces, surfaces of revolution, etc.) for which the parameterization is inversed. The ExchangeUV function checks for this, and returns true in all these specific cases. Warning Do not use this function before the surface is built.
void GenerateParticularCase (const Standard_Boolean B)
 Sets a flag to try to create as many planes, cylinder,... as possible. Default value is <Standard_False>.
Standard_Boolean GenerateParticularCase () const
 Returns the flag.
Standard_Real ErrorOnSurf () const
 Returns the approximation's error. if the Surface is plane, cylinder ... this error can be 0.
Standard_Boolean IsDone () const
 Returns whether approximation was done.
GeomFill_PipeError GetStatus () const
 Returns execution status.

Detailed Description

Describes functions to construct pipes. A pipe is built by sweeping a curve (the section) along another curve (the path). The Pipe class provides the following types of construction:

2) give a path and a section. Differtent options are available 2.a) Use the classical Frenet trihedron

3) give a path and N sections. The section evaluate from First to Last Section.

In general case the result is a NURBS. But we can generate plane, cylindrical, spherical, conical, toroidal surface in some particular case.

The natural parametrization of the result is:

U-Direction along the section. V-Direction along the path.

But, in some particular case, the surface must be construct otherwise. The method "EchangeUV" return false in such cases.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [1/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( )

Constructs an empty algorithm for building pipes. Use the function Init to initialize it.

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [2/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Standard_Real  Radius 

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [3/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const GeomFill_Trihedron  Option = GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet 

Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path (<Path>) Option can be - GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet.

  • GeomFill_IsFrenet
  • GeomFill_IsConstant

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [4/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  Support,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect 

Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path defined by <Path> and <Support>

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [5/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const gp_Dir Dir 

Create a pipe with a constant section (<FirstSection>) and a path <Path> and a fixed binormal direction <Dir>

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [6/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  LastSect 

Create a pipe with an evolving section The section evaluate from First to Last Section.

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [7/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve NSections 

Create a pipe with N sections The section evaluate from First to Last Section.

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [8/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Curve1,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Curve2,
const Standard_Real  Radius 

Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [9/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Curve1,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Curve2,
const Standard_Real  Radius 

Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.

◆ GeomFill_Pipe() [10/10]

GeomFill_Pipe::GeomFill_Pipe ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Guide,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const Standard_Boolean  ByACR,
const Standard_Boolean  rotat 

Create a pipe with a constant section and with 1 guide-line. Use the function Perform to build the surface. All standard specific cases are detected in order to construct, according to the respective geometric nature of Path and the sections, a planar, cylindrical, conical, spherical or toroidal surface, a surface of linear extrusion or a surface of revolution. In the general case, the result is a BSpline surface (NURBS) built by approximation of a series of sections where:

  • the number of sections N is chosen automatically by the algorithm according to the respective geometries of Path and the sections. N is greater than or equal to 2;
  • N points Pi (with i in the range [ 1,N ]) are defined at regular intervals along the curve Path from its first point to its end point. At each point Pi, a coordinate system Ti is computed with Pi as origin, and with the tangential and normal vectors to Path defining two of its coordinate axes. In the case of a pipe with a constant circular section, the first section is a circle of radius Radius centered on the origin of Path and whose "Z Axis" is aligned along the vector tangential to the origin of Path. In the case of a pipe with a constant section, the first section is the curve FirstSect. In these two cases, the ith section (for values of i greater than 1) is obtained by applying to a copy of this first section the geometric transformation which transforms coordinate system T1 into coordinate system Ti. In the case of an evolving section, N-2 intermediate curves Si are first computed (if N is greater than 2, and with i in the range [ 2,N-1 ]) whose geometry evolves regularly from the curve S1=FirstSect to the curve SN=LastSect. The first section is FirstSect, and the ith section (for values of i greater than 1) is obtained by applying to the curve Si the geometric transformation which transforms coordinate system T1 into coordinate system Ti.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ErrorOnSurf()

Standard_Real GeomFill_Pipe::ErrorOnSurf ( ) const

Returns the approximation's error. if the Surface is plane, cylinder ... this error can be 0.

◆ ExchangeUV()

Standard_Boolean GeomFill_Pipe::ExchangeUV ( ) const

The u parametric direction of the surface constructed by this algorithm usually corresponds to the evolution along the path and the v parametric direction corresponds to the evolution along the section(s). However, this rule is not respected when constructing certain specific Geom surfaces (typically cylindrical surfaces, surfaces of revolution, etc.) for which the parameterization is inversed. The ExchangeUV function checks for this, and returns true in all these specific cases. Warning Do not use this function before the surface is built.

◆ GenerateParticularCase() [1/2]

Standard_Boolean GeomFill_Pipe::GenerateParticularCase ( ) const

Returns the flag.

◆ GenerateParticularCase() [2/2]

void GeomFill_Pipe::GenerateParticularCase ( const Standard_Boolean  B)

Sets a flag to try to create as many planes, cylinder,... as possible. Default value is <Standard_False>.

◆ GetStatus()

GeomFill_PipeError GeomFill_Pipe::GetStatus ( ) const

Returns execution status.

◆ Init() [1/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Curve1,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Curve2,
const Standard_Real  Radius 

Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2 guide-line.

◆ Init() [2/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Surface > &  Support,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect 

◆ Init() [3/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Adaptor3d_Curve > &  Guide,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const Standard_Boolean  ByACR,
const Standard_Boolean  rotat 

Initializes this pipe algorithm to build the following surface:

  • a pipe with a constant circular section of radius Radius along the path Path, or
  • a pipe with constant section FirstSect along the path Path, or
  • a pipe where the section evolves from FirstSect to LastSect along the path Path. Use the function Perform to build the surface. Note: a description of the resulting surface is given under Constructors.

◆ Init() [4/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const GeomFill_Trihedron  Option = GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet 

◆ Init() [5/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const gp_Dir Dir 

◆ Init() [6/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  FirstSect,
const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  LastSect 

◆ Init() [7/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const Standard_Real  Radius 

◆ Init() [8/8]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Init ( const Handle< Geom_Curve > &  Path,
const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve NSections 

◆ IsDone()

Standard_Boolean GeomFill_Pipe::IsDone ( ) const

Returns whether approximation was done.

◆ Perform() [1/2]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Perform ( const Standard_Boolean  WithParameters = Standard_False,
const Standard_Boolean  myPolynomial = Standard_False 

Builds the pipe defined at the time of initialization of this algorithm. A description of the resulting surface is given under Constructors. If WithParameters (defaulted to false) is set to true, the approximation algorithm (used only in the general case of construction of a BSpline surface) builds the surface with a u parameter corresponding to the one of the path. Exceptions Standard_ConstructionError if a surface cannot be constructed from the data. Warning: It is the old Perform method, the next methode is recommended.

◆ Perform() [2/2]

void GeomFill_Pipe::Perform ( const Standard_Real  Tol,
const Standard_Boolean  Polynomial,
const GeomAbs_Shape  Conti = GeomAbs_C1,
const Standard_Integer  MaxDegree = 11,
const Standard_Integer  NbMaxSegment = 30 

detects the particular cases. And compute the surface. if none particular case is detected we make an approximation with respect of the Tolerance <Tol>, the continuty <Conti>, the maximum degree <MaxDegree>, the maximum number of span <NbMaxSegment> and the spine parametrization. If we can't create a surface with the data

◆ Surface()

const Handle< Geom_Surface > & GeomFill_Pipe::Surface ( ) const

Returns the surface built by this algorithm. Warning Do not use this function before the surface is built (in this case the function will return a null handle).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: