Simplified class for vector of pointers of void. Offers basic functionality to scalable inserts, resizes and erasing last.
| NCollection_BasePointerVector () |
| Memory allocation.
| NCollection_BasePointerVector (const NCollection_BasePointerVector &theOther) |
| Copy data from another vector.
| NCollection_BasePointerVector (NCollection_BasePointerVector &&theOther) noexcept |
| Move data from another vector.
| ~NCollection_BasePointerVector () |
| Destroy container.
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Checks for an empty status.
size_t | Size () const |
| Gets used size.
size_t | Capacity () const |
| Gets available capacity.
void | RemoveLast () |
| Erases last element, decrements size.
void | Clear (const bool theReleaseMemory=false) |
| Resets the size.
void ** | GetArray () const |
| Gets array, can be null.
void * | Value (const size_t theInd) const |
| Gets value by index, no acess validation.
void | Append (const void *thePnt) |
| Inserts new element at the end, increase size, if capacity is not enough, call resize.
void | SetValue (const size_t theInd, const void *thePnt) |
| Updates value of existed element, If index more then size, increase size of container, in this case capacity can be updated.
NCollection_BasePointerVector & | operator= (const NCollection_BasePointerVector &theOther) |
| Copy vector.
NCollection_BasePointerVector & | operator= (NCollection_BasePointerVector &&theOther) noexcept |
| Move vector.
Simplified class for vector of pointers of void. Offers basic functionality to scalable inserts, resizes and erasing last.
Control of processing values of pointers out-of-scope and should be controlled externally. Especially, copy operation should post-process elements of pointers to make deep copy.