Open CASCADE Technology 7.8.0
Composite surface is represented by a grid of surfaces (patches) connected geometrically. Patches may have different parametrisation ranges, but they should be parametrised in the same manner so that parameter of each patch (u,v) can be converted to global parameter on the whole surface (U,V) with help of linear transformation: More...
#include <ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface () | |
Empty constructor. | |
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface (const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > &GridSurf, const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation param=ShapeExtend_Natural) | |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces (calls Init()). | |
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface (const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > &GridSurf, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &UJoints, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &VJoints) | |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces (calls Init()). | |
Standard_Boolean | Init (const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > &GridSurf, const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation param=ShapeExtend_Natural) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces. All the Surfaces of the grid must have geometrical connectivity as stated above. If geometrical connectivity is not satisfied, method returns False. However, class is initialized even in that case. | |
Standard_Boolean | Init (const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > &GridSurf, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &UJoints, const TColStd_Array1OfReal &VJoints) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces with given global parametrisation defined by UJoints and VJoints arrays, each having langth equal to number of patches in corresponding direction + 1. Global joint values should be sorted in increasing order. All the Surfaces of the grid must have geometrical connectivity as stated above. If geometrical connectivity is not satisfied, method returns False. However, class is initialized even in that case. | |
Standard_Integer | NbUPatches () const |
Returns number of patches in U direction. | |
Standard_Integer | NbVPatches () const |
Returns number of patches in V direction. | |
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | Patch (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j) const |
Returns one surface patch. | |
const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & | Patches () const |
Returns grid of surfaces. | |
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > | UJointValues () const |
Returns the array of U values corresponding to joint points between patches as well as to start and end points, which define global parametrisation of the surface. | |
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > | VJointValues () const |
Returns the array of V values corresponding to joint points between patches as well as to start and end points, which define global parametrisation of the surface. | |
Standard_Real | UJointValue (const Standard_Integer i) const |
Returns i-th joint value in U direction (1-st is global Umin, (NbUPatches()+1)-th is global Umax on the composite surface) | |
Standard_Real | VJointValue (const Standard_Integer j) const |
Returns j-th joint value in V direction (1-st is global Vmin, (NbVPatches()+1)-th is global Vmax on the composite surface) | |
Standard_Boolean | SetUJointValues (const TColStd_Array1OfReal &UJoints) |
Sets the array of U values corresponding to joint points, which define global parametrisation of the surface. Number of values in array should be equal to NbUPatches()+1. All the values should be sorted in increasing order. If this is not satisfied, does nothing and returns False. | |
Standard_Boolean | SetVJointValues (const TColStd_Array1OfReal &VJoints) |
Sets the array of V values corresponding to joint points, which define global parametrisation of the surface Number of values in array should be equal to NbVPatches()+1. All the values should be sorted in increasing order. If this is not satisfied, does nothing and returns False. | |
void | SetUFirstValue (const Standard_Real UFirst) |
Changes starting value for global U parametrisation (all other joint values are shifted accordingly) | |
void | SetVFirstValue (const Standard_Real VFirst) |
Changes starting value for global V parametrisation (all other joint values are shifted accordingly) | |
Standard_Integer | LocateUParameter (const Standard_Real U) const |
Returns number of col that contains given (global) parameter. | |
Standard_Integer | LocateVParameter (const Standard_Real V) const |
Returns number of row that contains given (global) parameter. | |
void | LocateUVPoint (const gp_Pnt2d &pnt, Standard_Integer &i, Standard_Integer &j) const |
Returns number of row and col of surface that contains given point. | |
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | Patch (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V) const |
Returns one surface patch that contains given (global) parameters. | |
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & | Patch (const gp_Pnt2d &pnt) const |
Returns one surface patch that contains given point. | |
Standard_Real | ULocalToGlobal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const Standard_Real u) const |
Converts local parameter u on patch i,j to global parameter U. | |
Standard_Real | VLocalToGlobal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const Standard_Real v) const |
Converts local parameter v on patch i,j to global parameter V. | |
gp_Pnt2d | LocalToGlobal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const gp_Pnt2d &uv) const |
Converts local parameters uv on patch i,j to global parameters UV. | |
Standard_Real | UGlobalToLocal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const Standard_Real U) const |
Converts global parameter U to local parameter u on patch i,j. | |
Standard_Real | VGlobalToLocal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const Standard_Real V) const |
Converts global parameter V to local parameter v on patch i,j. | |
gp_Pnt2d | GlobalToLocal (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, const gp_Pnt2d &UV) const |
Converts global parameters UV to local parameters uv on patch i,j. | |
Standard_Boolean | GlobalToLocalTransformation (const Standard_Integer i, const Standard_Integer j, Standard_Real &uFact, gp_Trsf2d &Trsf) const |
Computes transformation operator and uFactor descrinbing affine transformation required to convert global parameters on composite surface to local parameters on patch (i,j): uv = ( uFactor, 1. ) X Trsf * UV; NOTE: Thus Trsf contains shift and scale by V, scale by U is stored in uFact. Returns True if transformation is not an identity. | |
virtual void | Transform (const gp_Trsf &T) override |
Applies transformation to all the patches. | |
virtual Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Copy () const override |
Returns a copy of the surface. | |
virtual void | UReverse () override |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (does nothing) | |
virtual Standard_Real | UReversedParameter (const Standard_Real U) const override |
Returns U. | |
virtual void | VReverse () override |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (does nothing) | |
virtual Standard_Real | VReversedParameter (const Standard_Real V) const override |
Returns V. | |
virtual void | Bounds (Standard_Real &U1, Standard_Real &U2, Standard_Real &V1, Standard_Real &V2) const override |
Returns the parametric bounds of grid. | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsUClosed () const override |
Returns True if grid is closed in U direction (i.e. connected with Precision::Confusion) | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsVClosed () const override |
Returns True if grid is closed in V direction (i.e. connected with Precision::Confusion) | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsUPeriodic () const override |
Returns False. | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsVPeriodic () const override |
Returns False. | |
virtual Handle< Geom_Curve > | UIso (const Standard_Real U) const override |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (returns Null curve) | |
virtual Handle< Geom_Curve > | VIso (const Standard_Real V) const override |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (returns Null curve) | |
virtual GeomAbs_Shape | Continuity () const override |
returns C0 | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsCNu (const Standard_Integer N) const override |
returns True if N <=0 | |
virtual Standard_Boolean | IsCNv (const Standard_Integer N) const override |
returns True if N <=0 | |
virtual void | D0 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt &P) const override |
Computes the point of parameter U,V on the grid. | |
virtual void | D1 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &D1U, gp_Vec &D1V) const override |
Computes the point P and the first derivatives in the directions U and V at this point. | |
virtual void | D2 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &D1U, gp_Vec &D1V, gp_Vec &D2U, gp_Vec &D2V, gp_Vec &D2UV) const override |
Computes the point P, the first and the second derivatives in the directions U and V at this point. | |
virtual void | D3 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt &P, gp_Vec &D1U, gp_Vec &D1V, gp_Vec &D2U, gp_Vec &D2V, gp_Vec &D2UV, gp_Vec &D3U, gp_Vec &D3V, gp_Vec &D3UUV, gp_Vec &D3UVV) const override |
Computes the point P, the first,the second and the third derivatives in the directions U and V at this point. | |
virtual gp_Vec | DN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, const Standard_Integer Nu, const Standard_Integer Nv) const override |
Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv in the direction V at the point P(U, V). | |
gp_Pnt | Value (const gp_Pnt2d &pnt) const |
Computes the point of parameter pnt on the grid. | |
void | ComputeJointValues (const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation param=ShapeExtend_Natural) |
Computes Joint values according to parameter. | |
Standard_Boolean | CheckConnectivity (const Standard_Real prec) |
Checks geometrical connectivity of the patches, including closedness (sets fields muUClosed and myVClosed) | |
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Handle< Geom_Surface > | UReversed () const |
Reverses the U direction of parametrization of <me>. The bounds of the surface are not modified. A copy of <me> is returned. | |
Handle< Geom_Surface > | VReversed () const |
Reverses the V direction of parametrization of <me>. The bounds of the surface are not modified. A copy of <me> is returned. | |
virtual void | TransformParameters (Standard_Real &U, Standard_Real &V, const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Computes the parameters on the transformed surface for the transform of the point of parameters U,V on <me>. | |
virtual gp_GTrsf2d | ParametricTransformation (const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Returns a 2d transformation used to find the new parameters of a point on the transformed surface. | |
virtual Standard_Real | UPeriod () const |
Returns the period of this surface in the u parametric direction. Raises if the surface is not uperiodic. | |
virtual Standard_Real | VPeriod () const |
Returns the period of this surface in the v parametric direction. raises if the surface is not vperiodic. | |
gp_Pnt | Value (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V) const |
Computes the point of parameter (U, V) on the surface. | |
virtual void | DumpJson (Standard_OStream &theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth=-1) const override |
Dumps the content of me into the stream. | |
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void | Mirror (const gp_Pnt &P) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to the point P which is the center of the symmetry. | |
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax1 &A1) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to an axis placement which is the axis of the symmetry. | |
void | Mirror (const gp_Ax2 &A2) |
Performs the symmetrical transformation of a Geometry with respect to a plane. The axis placement A2 locates the plane of the symmetry : (Location, XDirection, YDirection). | |
void | Rotate (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) |
Rotates a Geometry. A1 is the axis of the rotation. Ang is the angular value of the rotation in radians. | |
void | Scale (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) |
Scales a Geometry. S is the scaling value. | |
void | Translate (const gp_Vec &V) |
Translates a Geometry. V is the vector of the translation. | |
void | Translate (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) |
Translates a Geometry from the point P1 to the point P2. | |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Pnt &P) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Ax1 &A1) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Mirrored (const gp_Ax2 &A2) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Rotated (const gp_Ax1 &A1, const Standard_Real Ang) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Scaled (const gp_Pnt &P, const Standard_Real S) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Transformed (const gp_Trsf &T) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Translated (const gp_Vec &V) const |
Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Translated (const gp_Pnt &P1, const gp_Pnt &P2) const |
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Standard_Transient () | |
Empty constructor. | |
Standard_Transient (const Standard_Transient &) | |
Copy constructor – does nothing. | |
Standard_Transient & | operator= (const Standard_Transient &) |
Assignment operator, needed to avoid copying reference counter. | |
virtual | ~Standard_Transient () |
Destructor must be virtual. | |
virtual const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | DynamicType () const |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of Type. | |
Standard_Boolean | IsInstance (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns a true value if this is an instance of TypeName. | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > &theType) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of Type or an instance of any class that inherits from Type. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. | |
Standard_Boolean | IsKind (const Standard_CString theTypeName) const |
Returns true if this is an instance of TypeName or an instance of any class that inherits from TypeName. Note that multiple inheritance is not supported by OCCT RTTI mechanism. | |
Standard_Transient * | This () const |
Returns non-const pointer to this object (like const_cast). For protection against creating handle to objects allocated in stack or call from constructor, it will raise exception Standard_ProgramError if reference counter is zero. | |
Standard_Integer | GetRefCount () const noexcept |
Get the reference counter of this object. | |
void | IncrementRefCounter () noexcept |
Increments the reference counter of this object. | |
Standard_Integer | DecrementRefCounter () noexcept |
Decrements the reference counter of this object; returns the decremented value. | |
virtual void | Delete () const |
Memory deallocator for transient classes. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef void | base_type |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. | |
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static constexpr const char * | get_type_name () |
Returns a type descriptor about this object. | |
static const opencascade::handle< Standard_Type > & | get_type_descriptor () |
Returns type descriptor of Standard_Transient class. | |
Composite surface is represented by a grid of surfaces (patches) connected geometrically. Patches may have different parametrisation ranges, but they should be parametrised in the same manner so that parameter of each patch (u,v) can be converted to global parameter on the whole surface (U,V) with help of linear transformation:
for any i,j-th patch U = Ui + ( u - uijmin ) * ( Ui+1 - Ui ) / ( uijmax - uijmin ) V = Vj + ( v - vijmin ) * ( Vj+1 - Vj ) / ( vijmax - vijmin )
[uijmin, uijmax] * [ vijmin, vijmax] - parametric range of i,j-th patch,
Ui (i=1,..,Nu+1), Vi (j=1,..,Nv+1) - values defining global parametrisation by U and V (correspond to points between patches and bounds, (Ui,Uj) corresponds to (uijmin,vijmin) on i,j-th patch) and to (u(i-1)(j-1)max,v(i-1)(j-1)max) on (i-1),(j-1)-th patch.
Geometrical connectivity is expressed via global parameters: S[i,j](Ui+1,V) = S[i+1,j](Ui+1,V) for any i, j, V S[i,j](U,Vj+1) = S[i,j+1](U,Vj+1) for any i, j, U It is checked with Precision::Confusion() by default.
NOTE 1: This class is inherited from Geom_Surface in order to make it more easy to store and deal with it. However, it should not be passed to standard methods dealing with geometry since this type is not known to them. NOTE 2: Not all the inherited methods are implemented, and some are implemented not in the full form.
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface | ( | ) |
Empty constructor.
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface | ( | const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & | GridSurf, |
const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation | param = ShapeExtend_Natural |
) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces (calls Init()).
ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface | ( | const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & | GridSurf, |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | UJoints, | ||
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | VJoints | ||
) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces (calls Init()).
overridevirtual |
Returns the parametric bounds of grid.
Implements Geom_Surface.
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::CheckConnectivity | ( | const Standard_Real | prec | ) |
Checks geometrical connectivity of the patches, including closedness (sets fields muUClosed and myVClosed)
void ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::ComputeJointValues | ( | const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation | param = ShapeExtend_Natural | ) |
Computes Joint values according to parameter.
overridevirtual |
returns C0
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns a copy of the surface.
Implements Geom_Geometry.
overridevirtual |
Computes the point of parameter U,V on the grid.
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Computes the point P and the first derivatives in the directions U and V at this point.
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Computes the point P, the first and the second derivatives in the directions U and V at this point.
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Computes the point P, the first,the second and the third derivatives in the directions U and V at this point.
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv in the direction V at the point P(U, V).
Implements Geom_Surface.
gp_Pnt2d ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::GlobalToLocal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const gp_Pnt2d & | UV | ||
) | const |
Converts global parameters UV to local parameters uv on patch i,j.
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::GlobalToLocalTransformation | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
Standard_Real & | uFact, | ||
gp_Trsf2d & | Trsf | ||
) | const |
Computes transformation operator and uFactor descrinbing affine transformation required to convert global parameters on composite surface to local parameters on patch (i,j): uv = ( uFactor, 1. ) X Trsf * UV; NOTE: Thus Trsf contains shift and scale by V, scale by U is stored in uFact. Returns True if transformation is not an identity.
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Init | ( | const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & | GridSurf, |
const ShapeExtend_Parametrisation | param = ShapeExtend_Natural |
) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces. All the Surfaces of the grid must have geometrical connectivity as stated above. If geometrical connectivity is not satisfied, method returns False. However, class is initialized even in that case.
Last parameter defines how global parametrisation (joint values) will be computed: ShapeExtend_Natural: U1 = u11min, Ui+1 = Ui + (ui1max-ui1min), etc. ShapeExtend_Uniform: Ui = i-1, Vj = j-1 ShapeExtend_Unitary: Ui = (i-1)/Nu, Vi = (j-1)/Nv
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Init | ( | const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & | GridSurf, |
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | UJoints, | ||
const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | VJoints | ||
) |
Initializes by a grid of surfaces with given global parametrisation defined by UJoints and VJoints arrays, each having langth equal to number of patches in corresponding direction + 1. Global joint values should be sorted in increasing order. All the Surfaces of the grid must have geometrical connectivity as stated above. If geometrical connectivity is not satisfied, method returns False. However, class is initialized even in that case.
overridevirtual |
returns True if N <=0
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
returns True if N <=0
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns True if grid is closed in U direction (i.e. connected with Precision::Confusion)
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns False.
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns True if grid is closed in V direction (i.e. connected with Precision::Confusion)
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns False.
Implements Geom_Surface.
gp_Pnt2d ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::LocalToGlobal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const gp_Pnt2d & | uv | ||
) | const |
Converts local parameters uv on patch i,j to global parameters UV.
Standard_Integer ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::LocateUParameter | ( | const Standard_Real | U | ) | const |
Returns number of col that contains given (global) parameter.
void ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::LocateUVPoint | ( | const gp_Pnt2d & | pnt, |
Standard_Integer & | i, | ||
Standard_Integer & | j | ||
) | const |
Returns number of row and col of surface that contains given point.
Standard_Integer ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::LocateVParameter | ( | const Standard_Real | V | ) | const |
Returns number of row that contains given (global) parameter.
Standard_Integer ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::NbUPatches | ( | ) | const |
Returns number of patches in U direction.
Standard_Integer ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::NbVPatches | ( | ) | const |
Returns number of patches in V direction.
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Patch | ( | const gp_Pnt2d & | pnt | ) | const |
Returns one surface patch that contains given point.
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Patch | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j | ||
) | const |
Returns one surface patch.
const Handle< Geom_Surface > & ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Patch | ( | const Standard_Real | U, |
const Standard_Real | V | ||
) | const |
Returns one surface patch that contains given (global) parameters.
const Handle< TColGeom_HArray2OfSurface > & ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::Patches | ( | ) | const |
Returns grid of surfaces.
void ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::SetUFirstValue | ( | const Standard_Real | UFirst | ) |
Changes starting value for global U parametrisation (all other joint values are shifted accordingly)
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::SetUJointValues | ( | const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | UJoints | ) |
Sets the array of U values corresponding to joint points, which define global parametrisation of the surface. Number of values in array should be equal to NbUPatches()+1. All the values should be sorted in increasing order. If this is not satisfied, does nothing and returns False.
void ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::SetVFirstValue | ( | const Standard_Real | VFirst | ) |
Changes starting value for global V parametrisation (all other joint values are shifted accordingly)
Standard_Boolean ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::SetVJointValues | ( | const TColStd_Array1OfReal & | VJoints | ) |
Sets the array of V values corresponding to joint points, which define global parametrisation of the surface Number of values in array should be equal to NbVPatches()+1. All the values should be sorted in increasing order. If this is not satisfied, does nothing and returns False.
Applies transformation to all the patches.
Implements Geom_Geometry.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::UGlobalToLocal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const Standard_Real | U | ||
) | const |
Converts global parameter U to local parameter u on patch i,j.
overridevirtual |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (returns Null curve)
Implements Geom_Surface.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::UJointValue | ( | const Standard_Integer | i | ) | const |
Returns i-th joint value in U direction (1-st is global Umin, (NbUPatches()+1)-th is global Umax on the composite surface)
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::UJointValues | ( | ) | const |
Returns the array of U values corresponding to joint points between patches as well as to start and end points, which define global parametrisation of the surface.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::ULocalToGlobal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const Standard_Real | u | ||
) | const |
Converts local parameter u on patch i,j to global parameter U.
overridevirtual |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (does nothing)
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns U.
Implements Geom_Surface.
Computes the point of parameter pnt on the grid.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::VGlobalToLocal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const Standard_Real | V | ||
) | const |
Converts global parameter V to local parameter v on patch i,j.
overridevirtual |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (returns Null curve)
Implements Geom_Surface.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::VJointValue | ( | const Standard_Integer | j | ) | const |
Returns j-th joint value in V direction (1-st is global Vmin, (NbVPatches()+1)-th is global Vmax on the composite surface)
Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::VJointValues | ( | ) | const |
Returns the array of V values corresponding to joint points between patches as well as to start and end points, which define global parametrisation of the surface.
Standard_Real ShapeExtend_CompositeSurface::VLocalToGlobal | ( | const Standard_Integer | i, |
const Standard_Integer | j, | ||
const Standard_Real | v | ||
) | const |
Converts local parameter v on patch i,j to global parameter V.
overridevirtual |
NOT IMPLEMENTED (does nothing)
Implements Geom_Surface.
overridevirtual |
Returns V.
Implements Geom_Surface.