template<class Persistent > |
void | Bind (const TCollection_AsciiString &theTypeName) |
iterator | begin () const |
| Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the map.
iterator | end () const |
| Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the map.
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
| Returns a const iterator pointing to the first element in the map.
const_iterator | cend () const |
| Returns a const iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the map.
| NCollection_DataMap () |
| Empty Constructor.
| NCollection_DataMap (const Standard_Integer theNbBuckets, const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator=0L) |
| Constructor.
| NCollection_DataMap (const NCollection_DataMap &theOther) |
| Copy constructor.
| NCollection_DataMap (NCollection_DataMap &&theOther) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
void | Exchange (NCollection_DataMap &theOther) |
| Exchange the content of two maps without re-allocations. Notice that allocators will be swapped as well!
NCollection_DataMap & | Assign (const NCollection_DataMap &theOther) |
| Assignment. This method does not change the internal allocator.
NCollection_DataMap & | operator= (const NCollection_DataMap &theOther) |
| Assignment operator.
NCollection_DataMap & | operator= (NCollection_DataMap &&theOther) noexcept |
| Move operator.
void | ReSize (const Standard_Integer N) |
| ReSize.
Standard_Boolean | Bind (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &theItem) |
| Bind binds Item to Key in map.
Standard_Boolean | Bind (TCollection_AsciiString &&theKey, const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &theItem) |
| Bind binds Item to Key in map.
Standard_Boolean | Bind (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &&theItem) |
| Bind binds Item to Key in map.
Standard_Boolean | Bind (TCollection_AsciiString &&theKey, StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &&theItem) |
| Bind binds Item to Key in map.
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | Bound (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &theItem) |
| Bound binds Item to Key in map.
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | Bound (TCollection_AsciiString &&theKey, const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &theItem) |
| Bound binds Item to Key in map.
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | Bound (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &&theItem) |
| Bound binds Item to Key in map.
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | Bound (TCollection_AsciiString &&theKey, StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &&theItem) |
| Bound binds Item to Key in map.
Standard_Boolean | IsBound (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) const |
| IsBound.
Standard_Boolean | UnBind (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) |
| UnBind removes Item Key pair from map.
const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | Seek (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) const |
| Seek returns pointer to Item by Key. Returns NULL is Key was not bound.
const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator & | Find (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) const |
| Find returns the Item for Key. Raises if Key was not bound.
Standard_Boolean | Find (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey, StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator &theValue) const |
| Find Item for key with copying.
const StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator & | operator() (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) const |
| operator ()
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator & | operator() (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) |
| operator ()
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator * | ChangeSeek (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) |
| ChangeSeek returns modifiable pointer to Item by Key. Returns NULL is Key was not bound.
StdObjMgt_Persistent::Instantiator & | ChangeFind (const TCollection_AsciiString &theKey) |
| ChangeFind returns mofifiable Item by Key. Raises if Key was not bound.
void | Clear (const Standard_Boolean doReleaseMemory=Standard_False) |
| Clear data. If doReleaseMemory is false then the table of buckets is not released and will be reused.
void | Clear (const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > &theAllocator) |
| Clear data and reset allocator.
virtual | ~NCollection_DataMap (void) |
| Destructor.
Standard_Integer | Size (void) const |
| Size.
Standard_Integer | NbBuckets () const |
| NbBuckets.
Standard_Integer | Extent () const |
| Extent.
Standard_Boolean | IsEmpty () const |
| IsEmpty.
void | Statistics (Standard_OStream &S) const |
| Statistics.
const Handle< NCollection_BaseAllocator > & | Allocator () const |
| Returns attached allocator.