Open CASCADE Technology 7.8.0
This package provides services used by the TopOpeBRep package performing topological operations on the BRep data structure. More...
#include <TopOpeBRepTool.hxx>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Standard_Boolean | PurgeClosingEdges (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopoDS_Face &FF, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &MWisOld, TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &MshNOK) |
Fuse edges (in a wire) of a shape where we have useless vertex. In case face <FF> is built on UV-non-connexed wires (with the two closing edges FORWARD and REVERSED, in spite of one only), we find out the faulty edge, add the faulty shapes (edge,wire,face) to <MshNOK>. <FF> is a face descendant of <F>. <MWisOld>(wire) = 1 if wire is wire of <F> 0 wire results from <F>'s wire split. returns false if purge fails. | |
static Standard_Boolean | PurgeClosingEdges (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger &MWisOld, TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &MshNOK) |
static Standard_Boolean | CorrectONUVISO (const TopoDS_Face &F, TopoDS_Face &Fsp) |
static Standard_Boolean | MakeFaces (const TopoDS_Face &F, const TopTools_ListOfShape &LOF, const TopTools_IndexedMapOfOrientedShape &MshNOK, TopTools_ListOfShape &LOFF) |
Builds up the correct list of faces <LOFF> from <LOF>, using faulty shapes from map <MshNOK>. <LOF> is the list of <F>'s descendant faces. returns false if building fails. | |
static Standard_Boolean | Regularize (const TopoDS_Face &aFace, TopTools_ListOfShape &aListOfFaces, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &ESplits) |
Returns <False> if the face is valid (the UV representation of the face is a set of pcurves connexed by points with connexity 2). Else, splits <aFace> in order to return a list of valid faces. | |
static Standard_Boolean | RegularizeWires (const TopoDS_Face &aFace, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &OldWiresNewWires, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &ESplits) |
Returns <False> if the face is valid (the UV representation of the face is a set of pcurves connexed by points with connexity 2). Else, splits wires of the face, these are boundaries of the new faces to build up; <OldWiresNewWires> describes (wire, splits of wire); <ESplits> describes (edge, edge's splits) | |
static Standard_Boolean | RegularizeFace (const TopoDS_Face &aFace, const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &OldWiresnewWires, TopTools_ListOfShape &aListOfFaces) |
Classify wire's splits of map <OldWiresnewWires> in order to compute <aListOfFaces>, the splits of <aFace>. | |
static Standard_Boolean | RegularizeShells (const TopoDS_Solid &aSolid, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &OldSheNewShe, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape &FSplits) |
Returns <False> if the shell is valid (the solid is a set of faces connexed by edges with connexity 2). Else, splits faces of the shell; <OldFacesnewFaces> describes (face, splits of face). | |
static Standard_OStream & | Print (const TopOpeBRepTool_OutCurveType OCT, Standard_OStream &S) |
Prints <OCT> as string on stream | |
This package provides services used by the TopOpeBRep package performing topological operations on the BRep data structure.
static |
static |
Builds up the correct list of faces <LOFF> from <LOF>, using faulty shapes from map <MshNOK>. <LOF> is the list of <F>'s descendant faces. returns false if building fails.
static |
Prints <OCT> as string on stream ; returns .
static |
Fuse edges (in a wire) of a shape where we have useless vertex. In case face <FF> is built on UV-non-connexed wires (with the two closing edges FORWARD and REVERSED, in spite of one only), we find out the faulty edge, add the faulty shapes (edge,wire,face) to <MshNOK>. <FF> is a face descendant of <F>. <MWisOld>(wire) = 1 if wire is wire of <F> 0 wire results from <F>'s wire split. returns false if purge fails.
static |
static |
Returns <False> if the face is valid (the UV representation of the face is a set of pcurves connexed by points with connexity 2). Else, splits <aFace> in order to return a list of valid faces.
static |
Classify wire's splits of map <OldWiresnewWires> in order to compute <aListOfFaces>, the splits of <aFace>.
static |
Returns <False> if the shell is valid (the solid is a set of faces connexed by edges with connexity 2). Else, splits faces of the shell; <OldFacesnewFaces> describes (face, splits of face).
static |
Returns <False> if the face is valid (the UV representation of the face is a set of pcurves connexed by points with connexity 2). Else, splits wires of the face, these are boundaries of the new faces to build up; <OldWiresNewWires> describes (wire, splits of wire); <ESplits> describes (edge, edge's splits)