Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0
TDocStd_Document.hxx File Reference
#include <Standard.hxx>
#include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
#include <TDF_Transaction.hxx>
#include <TDF_DeltaList.hxx>
#include <CDM_Document.hxx>
#include <TDF_LabelMap.hxx>
#include <TDocStd_FormatVersion.hxx>
#include <TDocStd_Document.lxx>

Data Structures

class  TDocStd_Document
 The contents of a TDocStd_Application, a document is a container for a data framework composed of labels and attributes. As such, TDocStd_Document is the entry point into the data framework. To gain access to the data, you create a document as follows: Handle(TDocStd_Document) MyDF = new TDocStd_Document The document also allows you to manage: More...