static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const gp_Pnt &G) |
| Sets <G> in the variable <Name>. Overwrite the variable if already set.
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const gp_Pnt2d &G) |
| Sets <G> in the variable <Name>. Overwrite the variable if already set.
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Geom_Geometry > &G, const Standard_Boolean isSenseMarker=Standard_True) |
| Sets <G> in the variable <Name>. Overwrite the variable if already set. isSenseMarker indicates whether to render the sense glyph (arrow) for curves or not.
template<class T > |
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< T > &Arg, typename opencascade::std::enable_if< opencascade::std::is_base_of< Geom_Geometry, T >::value >::type *=0) |
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Geom2d_Curve > &C, const Standard_Boolean isSenseMarker=Standard_True) |
| Sets in the variable <Name>. Overwrite the variable if already set. isSenseMarker indicates whether to render the sense glyph (arrow) for curves or not.
template<class T > |
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< T > &Arg, typename opencascade::std::enable_if< opencascade::std::is_base_of< Geom2d_Curve, T >::value >::type *=0) |
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Poly_Triangulation > &T) |
| Sets <T> in the variable <Name>. Overwrite the variable if already set.
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Poly_Polygon3D > &P) |
| Sets.
static void | Set (const Standard_CString Name, const Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > &P) |
| Sets.
static Handle< Geom_Geometry > | Get (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Standard_Boolean | GetPoint (Standard_CString &Name, gp_Pnt &P) |
| Gets the variable. Returns False if none and print a warning message.
static Standard_Boolean | GetPoint2d (Standard_CString &Name, gp_Pnt2d &P) |
| Gets the variable. Returns False if none and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_Curve > | GetCurve (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_BezierCurve > | GetBezierCurve (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | GetBSplineCurve (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom2d_Curve > | GetCurve2d (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom2d_BezierCurve > | GetBezierCurve2d (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > | GetBSplineCurve2d (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_Surface > | GetSurface (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_BezierSurface > | GetBezierSurface (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | GetBSplineSurface (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Poly_Triangulation > | GetTriangulation (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Poly_Polygon3D > | GetPolygon3D (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static Handle< Poly_Polygon2D > | GetPolygon2D (Standard_CString &Name) |
| Get the variable . Returns a null handle if none, and print a warning message.
static DrawTrSurf_Params & | Parameters () |
| Return package global parameters.
static void | BasicCommands (Draw_Interpretor &I) |
| defines display commands.