This class provides static methods to convert STEP geometric entities to OCCT. The methods returning handles will return null handle in case of error. The methods returning boolean will return True if succeeded and False if error.
static Handle< Geom_Axis1Placement > | MakeAxis1Placement (const Handle< StepGeom_Axis1Placement > &SA, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Axis2Placement > | MakeAxis2Placement (const Handle< StepGeom_Axis2Placement3d > &SA, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Axis2Placement > | MakeAxis2Placement (const Handle< StepGeom_SuParameters > &SP) |
static Handle< Geom2d_AxisPlacement > | MakeAxisPlacement (const Handle< StepGeom_Axis2Placement2d > &SA, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_BoundedCurve > | MakeBoundedCurve (const Handle< StepGeom_BoundedCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_BoundedCurve > | MakeBoundedCurve2d (const Handle< StepGeom_BoundedCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_BoundedSurface > | MakeBoundedSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_BoundedSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | MakeBSplineCurve (const Handle< StepGeom_BSplineCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > | MakeBSplineCurve2d (const Handle< StepGeom_BSplineCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_BSplineSurface > | MakeBSplineSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_BSplineSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_CartesianPoint > | MakeCartesianPoint (const Handle< StepGeom_CartesianPoint > &SP, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_CartesianPoint > | MakeCartesianPoint2d (const Handle< StepGeom_CartesianPoint > &SP, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Circle > | MakeCircle (const Handle< StepGeom_Circle > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Circle > | MakeCircle2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Circle > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Conic > | MakeConic (const Handle< StepGeom_Conic > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Conic > | MakeConic2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Conic > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_ConicalSurface > | MakeConicalSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_ConicalSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Curve > | MakeCurve (const Handle< StepGeom_Curve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Curve > | MakeCurve2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Curve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_CylindricalSurface > | MakeCylindricalSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_CylindricalSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Direction > | MakeDirection (const Handle< StepGeom_Direction > &SD) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Direction > | MakeDirection2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Direction > &SD) |
static Handle< Geom_ElementarySurface > | MakeElementarySurface (const Handle< StepGeom_ElementarySurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Ellipse > | MakeEllipse (const Handle< StepGeom_Ellipse > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Ellipse > | MakeEllipse2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Ellipse > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Hyperbola > | MakeHyperbola (const Handle< StepGeom_Hyperbola > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Hyperbola > | MakeHyperbola2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Hyperbola > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Line > | MakeLine (const Handle< StepGeom_Line > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Line > | MakeLine2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Line > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Parabola > | MakeParabola (const Handle< StepGeom_Parabola > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_Parabola > | MakeParabola2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Parabola > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Plane > | MakePlane (const Handle< StepGeom_Plane > &SP, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_BSplineCurve > | MakePolyline (const Handle< StepGeom_Polyline > &SPL, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > | MakePolyline2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Polyline > &SPL, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface > | MakeRectangularTrimmedSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_RectangularTrimmedSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_SphericalSurface > | MakeSphericalSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_SphericalSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_Surface > | MakeSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_Surface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion > | MakeSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion (const Handle< StepGeom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution > | MakeSurfaceOfRevolution (const Handle< StepGeom_SurfaceOfRevolution > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_SweptSurface > | MakeSweptSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_SweptSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_ToroidalSurface > | MakeToroidalSurface (const Handle< StepGeom_ToroidalSurface > &SS, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Standard_Boolean | MakeTransformation2d (const Handle< StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator2d > &SCTO, gp_Trsf2d &CT, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Standard_Boolean | MakeTransformation3d (const Handle< StepGeom_CartesianTransformationOperator3d > &SCTO, gp_Trsf &CT, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_TrimmedCurve > | MakeTrimmedCurve (const Handle< StepGeom_TrimmedCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_BSplineCurve > | MakeTrimmedCurve2d (const Handle< StepGeom_TrimmedCurve > &SC, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom_VectorWithMagnitude > | MakeVectorWithMagnitude (const Handle< StepGeom_Vector > &SV, const StepData_Factors &theLocalFactors) |
static Handle< Geom2d_VectorWithMagnitude > | MakeVectorWithMagnitude2d (const Handle< StepGeom_Vector > &SV) |
static Handle< TColStd_HArray1OfReal > | MakeYprRotation (const StepKinematics_SpatialRotation &SR, const Handle< StepRepr_GlobalUnitAssignedContext > &theCntxt) |
This class provides static methods to convert STEP geometric entities to OCCT. The methods returning handles will return null handle in case of error. The methods returning boolean will return True if succeeded and False if error.