Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- a : math_BrentMinimum
- a180 : mdnombr_1_
- A2 : math_GaussLeastSquare
- a360 : mdnombr_1_
- a90 : mdnombr_1_
- Absorption : Graphic3d_BSDF, OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial::Physical
- Accessor : RWGltf_GltfPrimArrayData
- ActiveOrigin : Aspect_XRAnalogActionData, Aspect_XRDigitalActionData, Aspect_XRPoseActionData
- AdaptiveScreenSampling : Graphic3d_RenderingParams, OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- AdaptiveScreenSamplingAtomic : Graphic3d_RenderingParams, OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- addr : Vardesc
- address : NCollection_AccAllocator::Block
- AdjustMinSize : IMeshTools_Parameters
- AdjustPosition : AIS_Manipulator::OptionsForAttach
- AdjustSize : AIS_Manipulator::OptionsForAttach
- aerr : alist
- Align : NCollection_AccAllocator
- allocCount : NCollection_AccAllocator::Block
- allocStart : NCollection_AccAllocator::Block
- AllowQualityDecrease : IMeshTools_Parameters
- AlphaCutOff : RWGltf_MaterialMetallicRoughness
- AlphaMode : RWGltf_MaterialMetallicRoughness
- Ambient : OpenGl_MaterialCommon, OpenGl_RaytraceGeometry, OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial
- AmbientColor : RWGltf_MaterialCommon, RWObj_Material, XCAFDoc_VisMaterialCommon
- AmbientTexture : RWGltf_MaterialCommon
- Amplitude : Aspect_XRHapticActionData
- AnaglyphFilter : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- AnaglyphLeft : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- AnaglyphRight : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- Angle : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_zrotateParams, IMeshTools_Parameters
- AngleInterior : IMeshTools_Parameters
- AngleUnit : StepData_ConfParameters
- AngularVelocity : Aspect_TrackedDevicePose
- arbClipControl : OpenGl_Context
- arbDbg : OpenGl_Context
- arbDepthClamp : OpenGl_Context
- arbDrawBuffers : OpenGl_Context
- arbFBO : OpenGl_Context
- arbFBOBlit : OpenGl_Context
- arbIns : OpenGl_Context
- arbNPTW : OpenGl_Context
- arbSamplerObject : OpenGl_Context
- arbSampleShading : OpenGl_Context
- arbTBO : OpenGl_Context
- arbTboRGB32 : OpenGl_Context
- arbTexBindless : OpenGl_Context
- arbTexFloat : OpenGl_Context
- arbTexRG : OpenGl_Context
- Arrows : PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry
- atiMem : OpenGl_Context
- aunit : alist
- AutoCorrectPrecisionMode : DE_ShapeFixParameters
- AvailableSize : NCollection_IncAllocator::IBlock
- axis : Geom_AxisPlacement