Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- t -
- tabMult : AppDef_MultiLine
- tabPoint : AppParCurves_MultiCurve
- Target : RWGltf_GltfBufferView
- TargetZLayerId : V3d_ImageDumpOptions
- testindian : FSD_FileHeader
- TexCoordsVec : RWGltf_CafWriter::Mesh
- TexCrds : OpenGl_TriangleSet
- TextDir : PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry
- TextHeight : PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry
- TextPos : PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry
- Texture : OpenGl_TextureSet::TextureSlot
- texture : OpenGl_Font::Tile
- TextureTransform : OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial
- TextWidth : PrsDim_Dimension::SelectionGeometry
- tg1 : BlendFunc_ConstThroat
- tg12d : BlendFunc_ConstThroat
- tg2 : BlendFunc_ConstThroat
- tg22d : BlendFunc_ConstThroat
- THE_ASCII_VERSIONS : BinTools_ShapeSetBase, TopTools_ShapeSet
- THE_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE : NCollection_IncAllocator
- THE_DEFAULT_DEPTH : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- THE_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- THE_MAX_CLIP_PLANES_DEFAULT : Graphic3d_ShaderProgram
- THE_MAX_LIGHTS_DEFAULT : Graphic3d_ShaderProgram
- THE_MINIMUM_BLOCK_SIZE : NCollection_IncAllocator
- THE_NB_FRAG_OUTPUTS : Graphic3d_ShaderProgram
- thecheckrun : IFSelect_WorkSession
- thecurr : Transfer_TransferIterator
- TheCurve : IntAna_IntQuadQuad
- theD : BlendFunc_ConstThroat, BlendFunc_ConstThroatInv
- thedispres : IFSelect_ShareOutResult
- theDone : TransferBRep_Reader
- TheError : GC_Root, GCE2d_Root, gce_Root
- TheGradient : math_BFGS, math_FRPR, math_NewtonMinimum
- thegraph : IFGraph_SubPartsIterator, IFSelect_ShareOutResult, IFSelect_WorkSession
- TheHessian : math_NewtonMinimum
- theitems : IFSelect_WorkSession
- thelib : Interface_CopyTool, StepSelect_StepType
- theline : IFSelect_SessionFile
- TheLocation : math_BFGS, math_FRPR, math_NewtonMinimum, math_Powell
- TheLocationError : math_Powell
- TheMinimum : math_BFGS, math_FRPR, math_NewtonMinimum, math_Powell
- themodel : Interface_Graph
- themodetrans : Transfer_ActorOfFinderProcess
- thename : IFSelect_Signature
- thenames : IFSelect_SessionFile, IFSelect_WorkSession
- thenl : IFSelect_SessionFile
- thenums : IFSelect_SessionFile
- Thepoints : IntAna_IntQuadQuad
- thepresents : Interface_Graph
- theProc : TransferBRep_Reader
- theroots : XSControl_Reader
- therootsta : XSControl_Reader
- thesess : IFSelect_SessionFile
- thesharings : Interface_Graph
- thestats : Interface_Graph
- TheStatus : math_BFGS, math_BissecNewton, math_NewtonMinimum
- TheStep : math_NewtonMinimum
- thesymbolssequence : Units_Unit
- thevalue : Units_Unit
- Throat : BlendFunc_ConstThroat, BlendFunc_ConstThroatInv
- TileSize : Graphic3d_CameraTile, V3d_ImageDumpOptions
- To : Aspect_Touch
- ToAbort : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_draggingParams
- ToAdjustAspect : V3d_ImageDumpOptions
- ToApplyTool : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_selection
- ToConfirm : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_draggingParams
- ToEnableAlphaToCoverage : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToEnableDepthPrepass : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToFitAll : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_orientation
- ToHilight : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_highlighting
- ToIgnoreNormalMap : OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- ToIgnoreNormalMapInRayTracing : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- Tol : math_FunctionSetRoot
- tol : BlendFunc_GenChamfer
- tol2d : ChFi3d_Builder
- TolAng : HLRAlgo_PolyData::Triangle
- tolapp2d : ChFi3d_Builder
- tolapp3d : ChFi3d_Builder
- tolappangle : ChFi3d_Builder
- toler : TopoDSToStep_Root
- Tolerance : HLRAlgo_PolyData::Triangle, Intf_Interference, SelectMgr_SortCriterion
- Tolerance3d : DE_ShapeFixParameters
- tolesp : ChFi3d_Builder
- TolF : math_NewtonFunctionSetRoot
- TolParam : HLRAlgo_PolyData::Triangle
- TolX : math_NewtonFunctionSetRoot
- ToMirrorComposer : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToMove : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_draggingParams
- ToneMappingMethod : Graphic3d_RenderingParams, OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- Tool : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_selection
- Top : Aspect_FrustumLRBT< Elem_t >, Font_Rect, OpenGl_Font::RectI
- ToPan : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_panningParams
- TopLeft : IVtkDraw::IVtkWinParams
- TopToDown : Image_PixMapData
- ToReverseStereo : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToRotate : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_orbitRotation, AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_viewRotation, AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_zrotateParams
- ToSetViewOrient : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_orientation
- ToShowStats : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToSmoothInterlacing : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- ToStart : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_draggingParams, AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_orbitRotation, AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_panningParams, AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_viewRotation
- ToStop : AIS_ViewInputBuffer::_draggingParams
- ToSynthesizeItalic : Font_FTFontParams
- TotalSize : Graphic3d_CameraTile
- Transparency : OpenGl_RaytraceMaterial, RWGltf_MaterialCommon, RWObj_Material, XCAFDoc_VisMaterialCommon
- TransparencyMethod : Graphic3d_RenderingParams
- TransparentShadows : OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- ttabPoint : AppParCurves_MultiPoint
- ttabPoint2d : AppParCurves_MultiPoint
- TwoSidedBsdfModels : Graphic3d_RenderingParams, OpenGl_View::RaytracingParams
- typ : IntPatch_Line
- Type : RWGltf_GltfAccessor, RWGltf_GltfPrimArrayData
- type : OpenGl_BackgroundArray::OpenGl_GradientParameters, Vardesc
- typeres : IntAna_QuadQuadGeo