Complex Edge

Hi All,
I made a bspline curve by approximating a TopoDS_Wire with Approx_Curve3d and then made the display.
I selected this edge with mouse. But when I want to make a Handle(Geom_Curve)with BRep_Tool, an unexpected error took place.
Thanks for any idea.
TopoDS_Edge F;
BRep_Tool aaa;
Standard_Real a,b;
TopLoc_Location L;
Handle(Geom_Curve) Curve1=aaa.Curve(F,L,a,b); //this line will make unexpected error.

Francois Lauzon's picture

Maybe the selected shape is not an edge (a compound for example), does F.IsNull() return true?
Good Luck,

akbari1358_31365's picture

Hi Francois,
Thank you for your answer.
I checked it and it returned false. But what is the wrong and what should I do?

Francois Lauzon's picture

It means the shape in your AIS_Shape is not an edge directly, it's something else (maybe a compound, a wire,...). You might want to check what type of shape it is (sometime, when an algorythm don't succeed in building something, it returns a incomplete result in a compound instead of what you might be expecting):
std::cout << myAISContext->SelectedShape().TShape()->DynamicType()->Name()<SelectedShape(),TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
// now it's an edge
TopoDS_Edge anEdge=TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
BRep_Tool aaa;
Standard_Real a,b;
TopLoc_Location L;
Handle(Geom_Curve) Curve1=aaa.Curve(F,L,a,b);

Just make sur you have only one edge in your shape, for some reason you might have more than one.

Good Luck,

Susan's picture

Thank you Francois,
But this curve will not be usefull for me. is there any way to make an approximation to have a geom_curve from topods_wire like digitizing wire to a lot of points and do an approximation?

Francois Lauzon's picture

Hi Susan,
how did you build the shape you pass to your AIS_Shape object? I've just look at the documentation of Approx_Curve3d and it should return a Geom_BSplineCurve, if you build an TopoDS_Edge and pass it to the AIS_Shape, you should get a TopoDS_Edge in return...