Active topics

Forum Topic Replies New Updated Image
Data Exchange and Application Framework OBJ Importing and Displaying 11 33 min 15 sec
Visualization and 3D Viewer V3d_SpotLight setDirection doesn't work 1 2 hours 38 min
Data Exchange and Application Framework the problem in the function machanism usage 0 2 min 6 sec
Data Exchange and Application Framework How to set an optimized memory manager in the VS 3 20 hours 9 min
Visualization and 3D Viewer Embed the widget can't fill the parent widget 0 1 day 18 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer AIS_Animation is acting weird. 1 3 days 3 hours
Installation and Building My application is not finding the OpenCascade DLLs , even though they are in the path 3 3 days 6 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms TopoDS_Shape::IsEqual 2 3 days 12 hours
Other announcements Open Cascade Added Value Components V7.9.0 Released 1 3 days 17 hours
Installation and Building How to build with the .res files not included in the objects 1 1 week 14 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer Low FPS and Pixelation Issues While Exporting Video Using Open CASCADE Image_VideoRecorder 6 1 week 22 hours
Installation and Building TKStep.lib not installed 1 1 week 1 day
Unsorted projects Step Viewer for HTML in Core with Opencascade.js 2 1 week 2 days
Other usage issues How can I extract Name of Label with python? 8 1 week 3 days
Other usage issues BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape vs BRepExtrema_ExtFP 0 1 week 3 days
Installation and Building Newbie -- What is the best IDE to use 2 1 week 3 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer Export AIS_Animation to video file 4 1 week 3 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms Time and memory consumption in Gmsh for OCCT operation 9 1 week 6 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms Invalid shapes when BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire is called (when using OCC in Gmsh) 1 1 week 6 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms After a bool operation between sphere face and box, seam edge makes error 0 2 weeks 19 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms HLR algorithm gives empty shapes for GLTF model. 15 2 weeks 19 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer Getting error wglMakeCurrent() has failed 15 2 weeks 1 day
Data Exchange and Application Framework STeP Importer stuck and hogging memory 15 2 weeks 1 day
Modeling Data and Algorithms HLR mode for OBJ file 0 2 weeks 1 day
Visualization and 3D Viewer Display Mode 2 7 2 weeks 3 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer how to delete a PrsDim_LengthDimension 2 2 weeks 4 days
Other announcements Important Announcement: OCCT 8.0 Release and Patch Migration Process 0 3 days 15 hours
Installation and Building OCC 7.9.0 Build from source issues on Windows 10, VS 2022 4 2 weeks 5 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms Robust wire offset 0 3 weeks 14 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer A question about clipplane 0 2 weeks 6 days
Data Exchange and Application Framework How do I write a step with GDT's ? 0 3 weeks 19 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms How to split a solid by some faces? 0 3 weeks 22 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer Trouble with Vertex selection in big shapes 1 3 weeks 2 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer wireframe view of AIS_Shape; set color 2 3 weeks 2 days
OCCT releases Open CASCADE Technology 7.9.0 Released 2 3 weeks 3 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer Looking for a solution to add 3D model viewer to CADBase platform website 0 3 weeks 5 days
Installation and Building VTK is giving the error "Vector subscript out of range" while setting Input connection in (happen only in debug) 4 3 weeks 6 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms Performance Issues with BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape 2 4 weeks 22 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms find out if 2 shapes intersect without BRepAlgoAPI_Common 4 4 weeks 1 day
Other usage issues Issues with STEPControl_Reader with Japanese Characters in them 6 4 weeks 1 day