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Forum Topic Replies New Updated Image
Visualization and 3D Viewer Removing a child shape does not remove it 1 16 hours 41 min
Visualization and 3D Viewer in PrsMgr_PresentationManager.hxx, can we change the calls from V3d_Viewer to NCollection_List<Handle(OpenGl_View)> 2 19 hours 48 min
Data Exchange and Application Framework Disable STEPCAFControl_Writer Statistics on Transfer 2 20 hours 12 min
pythonOCC Strange behavior when highlighting and selecting a surface in QtViewer 2 1 day 50 min
Data Exchange and Application Framework How to export gltf with right texture UV 2 1 day 1 hour
Data Exchange and Application Framework Cyrillic error when export to STEP 2 1 day 6 hours
Data Exchange and Application Framework OCCT 7.8.0 crashes on termination after reading a IGES file 15 1 day 23 hours
Other usage issues SelectRectangle cannot pick Bnd_Box with negative coordinates along the Z-axis 0 3 days 2 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer Displaying a Face in 2D 3 3 days 15 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms BRep_Tool::Triangulation always IsNull 1 3 days 20 hours
Other usage issues Open CASCADE as a Service? 4 4 days 2 hours
Data Exchange and Application Framework Writing edges in to step file 1 5 days 2 hours
Installation and Building ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL mismatch when building with draco library 4 5 days 19 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse error? 2 6 days 19 hours
Other usage issues Retaining relationships between TopoDS_Shape and TopoDS_Edge's 3 6 days 22 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset fail 3 1 week 19 min
Data Exchange and Application Framework Parasolid Import Component availability 2 1 week 16 hours
Data Exchange and Application Framework Remove label from OCAF results in shape not removed 1 1 week 18 hours
Data Exchange and Application Framework Export visual representation of a datum to STEP file 6 1 week 19 hours
Visualization and 3D Viewer How to add child to AIS_Shape and reposition according to parent. 0 1 week 1 day
Visualization and 3D Viewer BREP solid represent with triangular facets after discretizing can't save to stp as BREP model 2 1 week 2 days
Installation and Building OCCTProxy error System.BadImageFormatException 4 1 week 3 days
Other announcements C# Wrapper Update Coming Soon! 1 1 week 4 days
Installation and Building Updating from 7.7 to 7.8.1 with MSyS2 now Libraries missing 1 1 week 4 days
Other usage issues Open CASCADE turns 25! 1 1 week 4 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer Imposing pan/zoom extents to grid size 0 1 week 6 days
Data Exchange and Application Framework How to extract descriptive representation item of a shape entity 3 2 weeks 1 day
Modeling Data and Algorithms How to accelerate the triangular mesh speed of OCCT is mainly used for visualization. 10 2 weeks 1 day
Data Exchange and Application Framework STEPControl_Reader Access violation reading location 15 2 weeks 2 days
Data Exchange and Application Framework How to read UDA data by latest OCC7.8.0 10 2 weeks 3 days
Installation and Building Documentation and search 1 2 weeks 4 days
Modeling How to create the cylinder shell? 2 2 weeks 5 days
Data Exchange and Application Framework BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh doesn't triangulate conical face coming from a step file 0 2 weeks 5 days
Installation and Building Failure to build qt OCCTOverview 7 3 weeks 8 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectEdgesToWires not giving single wire for connected edges 0 3 weeks 17 hours
Data Exchange and Application Framework OBJ Importing and Displaying 6 3 weeks 22 hours
Modeling Data and Algorithms Surface-surface intersection 0 3 weeks 3 days
Data Exchange and Application Framework CSharp Import IGES Export OBJ 6 3 weeks 3 days
Visualization and 3D Viewer AIS_Manipulator issues 0 3 weeks 6 days
Modeling Data and Algorithms How to correctly read the shape resulting of BRepAlgoAPI_Common ? 0 4 weeks 1 day