Tue, 03/04/2025 - 18:06
Hi gentlemen, I built OCC 7.9.0 from source (Windows 10 and VS-2022) and I had the following issues:
1) When USE_FREETYPE is checked in CMake, the build INSTALL from visual studio add the freetype.dll to the INSTALL\win64\VC14\bin and INSTALL\win64\VC14\bind directories but it does not add the freetype.lib to the INSTALL\win64\VC14\lib and INSTALL\win64\VC14\libd directories. After I added it by hand it was ok.
2) The INSTALL\custom_vc14_64.bat script does not set the Qt5 path correctly, this bring inspector.bat to fail to run. The problem comes from the value of QTDIR environnement variable:
In my case:
if not "%THIRDPARTY_DIR%/qt5.11.2-vc14-64/lib/cmake/Qt5" == "" (
set "QTDIR=%THIRDPARTY_DIR%/qt5.11.2-vc14-64/lib/cmake/Qt5"
Should be:
if not "%THIRDPARTY_DIR%/qt5.11.2-vc14-64/lib/cmake/Qt5" == "" (
set "QTDIR=%THIRDPARTY_DIR%/qt5.11.2-vc14-64"
This is not not very big problems but I loss time to find the reason and to make my install works.
Best regards.
Tue, 03/04/2025 - 18:26
Dear Jérôme,
Thank you for your research! Will be fixed in closest release!
Additionally, in case of problems or contribution, you are free GitHub, more details: https://github.com/Open-Cascade-SAS/OCCT/discussions/36
Best regards, Dmitrii.
Tue, 03/04/2025 - 18:46
Hi Dmitrii and thanks for your prompt answer. I still not switched to CMake so I only know a little about it. I think I would make more disaster than good things !
Best regards.
Tue, 03/04/2025 - 19:38
The contributing is not only pull requests, it is also bug reports or some ideas sharing. All of them are welcome :)
Best regards, Dmitrii.
Sat, 03/08/2025 - 16:12
PR with QT detection: Configuration - Enhance Qt5 directory detection for Windows
As for installation - OCCT do not install the .lib files, only dll or .so files. The installation logic is done for the delivery the binary with all dependencies on place for starting, not re-compiling.
In case if you need to have full 3rd-party ready to use, better to prepare and copy them manually.
Best regards, Dmitrii.